
Post on 07-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Archetypes


Used by Carl Jung to describe universal and recurring characters, the word is based on the Greek archetypos,

meaning ‘first of its kind.’ archetypal characters share certain common features that possess elements of universality and

they are able to transcend cultural boundaries. The term ‘hero’ has long been used to identify the main character in a story.

The 8 archetypesIn their guide to screenwriting, Cowden, LaFever and Viders

2000) identify 8 archetypal heroes: The BAD BOY - dangerous to know, he walks on the wild

side The BEST FRIEND - sweet and safe, he never lets anyone

down The LOST SOUL - a tormented being, he lives in solitude The CHARMER - a smooth talker, he creates fantasies The PROFESSOR - coolly analytical, he knows every

answer The SWASHBUCKLER - Mr excitement, he is an

adventurer The WARRIOR - a noble champion, he acts with honour

Exampleso The BAD BOY- Batman, Batmano The BEST FRIEND- Peeta Mellark, The

Hunger Gameso The LOST SOUL- Edward Cullen, Twilighto The CHARMER- Peeta Mellark, The Hunger

Gameso The PROFESSOR- Professor X, X-Meno The SWASHBUCKLER- Jack Sparrow, POTCo The WARRIOR- Aang, Avatar: The Last
