Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer Researcher...

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Transcript of Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer Researcher...

Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer _ Researcher _ Podcaster - Arcane Radio_CjAuN5meOqY- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:38]

100:00:04,028 --> 00:00:10,370the oldest and strongest human emotion

200:00:07,399 --> 00:00:13,669is fear and the oldest and strongest

300:00:10,369 --> 00:00:17,059type of fear the trepidation of young

400:00:13,669 --> 00:00:21,559men when we were children our parents

500:00:17,059 --> 00:00:26,079told us that monsters didn't exist but

600:00:21,559 --> 00:00:26,079we were sure that something is lurking

700:00:26,670 --> 00:00:34,050beer seas even if our eyes are closed

800:00:31,009 --> 00:00:37,739welcome to the realm of your king

900:00:34,049 --> 00:00:40,738my name is lon stripper join me as I

1000:00:37,738 --> 00:00:44,929examine unexplained creatures strange

1100:00:40,738 --> 00:00:48,238manifestations of remarkable realities

1200:00:44,929 --> 00:00:51,539imagine this next hour as a voyage of

1300:00:48,238 --> 00:00:54,419discovered to strange lands seeking not

1400:00:51,539 --> 00:00:57,719for new territory but for new knowledge

Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer _ Researcher _ Podcaster - Arcane Radio_CjAuN5meOqY- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:38]

1500:00:54,420 --> 00:01:10,170of the supernatural come on board as we

1600:00:57,719 --> 00:01:11,429begin this adventure together hey looks

1700:01:10,170 --> 00:01:14,340good evening and welcome to another

1800:01:11,429 --> 00:01:16,679episode of arcane radio where we explore

1900:01:14,340 --> 00:01:18,030the unexplained here on the paranormal

2000:01:16,679 --> 00:01:20,820king radio network

2100:01:18,030 --> 00:01:22,978I'm your host lon Stricker coming to you

2200:01:20,819 --> 00:01:24,750with an a cannon shot of historic

2300:01:22,978 --> 00:01:27,719Gettysburg and decrypted mecca of

2400:01:24,750 --> 00:01:30,688Pennsylvania I thank you for joining me

2500:01:27,719 --> 00:01:34,530now I recently received a telephone call

2600:01:30,688 --> 00:01:36,779from a witness Val refer to as jr. who

2700:01:34,530 --> 00:01:42,478claims she observed a huge winged

2800:01:36,780 --> 00:01:45,990creature in Lehi Utah now this incident


Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer _ Researcher _ Podcaster - Arcane Radio_CjAuN5meOqY- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:38]

00:01:42,478 --> 00:01:48,709occurred in the summer of 2017 on a very

3000:01:45,989 --> 00:01:51,599hot clear day at approximately midday

3100:01:48,709 --> 00:01:53,938jay-ar states that she had stopped for a

3200:01:51,599 --> 00:01:56,938traffic light but she noticed several

3300:01:53,938 --> 00:02:00,599sandhill cranes flying across the sky in

3400:01:56,938 --> 00:02:03,809front of her now she says that she was

3500:02:00,599 --> 00:02:06,359about 150 to 200 feet away apparently

3600:02:03,810 --> 00:02:10,769this is a nesting area for sandhill

3700:02:06,359 --> 00:02:13,590creams as she watched she saw a large

3800:02:10,769 --> 00:02:17,370dark winged creature descending towards

3900:02:13,590 --> 00:02:20,579the cranes as it got closer she was

4000:02:17,370 --> 00:02:24,599astonished by the size it was definitely

4100:02:20,579 --> 00:02:27,870avian and form with feathered wings that

4200:02:24,599 --> 00:02:30,479she estimates span 20 foot or more now

4300:02:27,870 --> 00:02:34,379

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Junior has a biology degree and is well

4400:02:30,479 --> 00:02:37,229versed in the local even wildlife the

4500:02:34,379 --> 00:02:39,990monsters bird literally snatched one of

4600:02:37,229 --> 00:02:43,139the crank sandhill cranes

4700:02:39,990 --> 00:02:45,090is up and ascended on a farm oh it

4800:02:43,139 --> 00:02:48,089quickly headed off and away from the

4900:02:45,090 --> 00:02:50,129area that jr. said that she noticed a

5000:02:48,090 --> 00:02:53,009banner white color on the front edge of

5100:02:50,129 --> 00:02:55,500the wings she likened the shape to that

5200:02:53,009 --> 00:02:57,719of a golden eagle but the body was

5300:02:55,500 --> 00:03:00,659smaller to comparison see comparison to

5400:02:57,719 --> 00:03:03,689the huge wings she also said the massive

5500:03:00,659 --> 00:03:07,560bird was at least four times the size of

5600:03:03,689 --> 00:03:09,870the sandhill cranes Junior said that she

5700:03:07,560 --> 00:03:12,229noticed only one of the card the

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5800:03:09,870 --> 00:03:16,319intersection and doubts at the witness

5900:03:12,229 --> 00:03:18,509that they witnessed that the event she

6000:03:16,319 --> 00:03:21,659contacted her professor and asked for

6100:03:18,509 --> 00:03:23,669his opinion he was flummoxed until jr.

6200:03:21,659 --> 00:03:26,909that she must have mrs. bennet applied

6300:03:23,669 --> 00:03:29,309the bird she is positive what she saw

6400:03:26,909 --> 00:03:31,379Junior has made many attempts to

6500:03:29,310 --> 00:03:33,509identify the cryptid bird but has been

6600:03:31,379 --> 00:03:37,949frustrated she found me on Google and

6700:03:33,509 --> 00:03:40,259called the retell or observation so I

6800:03:37,949 --> 00:03:42,449don't know what she saw but you know we

6900:03:40,259 --> 00:03:48,840have been getting as many people notice

7000:03:42,449 --> 00:03:50,399a lot of Thunderbird stories so you know

7100:03:48,840 --> 00:03:52,560they're out there that we're getting the

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7200:03:50,400 --> 00:03:55,289calls so I don't know what she saw but

7300:03:52,560 --> 00:03:58,259it's very interesting so let's get

7400:03:55,289 --> 00:04:00,329started with tonight's show tonight my

7500:03:58,259 --> 00:04:01,409welcome writer researcher podcaster

7600:04:00,330 --> 00:04:04,260Christopher Bolzano

7700:04:01,409 --> 00:04:06,629- arcane radio now Christopher his

7800:04:04,259 --> 00:04:09,060current host of the podcast tripping on

7900:04:06,629 --> 00:04:12,689legends and has been documenting the

8000:04:09,060 --> 00:04:14,520unexplained since 1994 he is the author

8100:04:12,689 --> 00:04:16,170of several books about regional

8200:04:14,520 --> 00:04:19,739hauntings especially in the Bridgewater

8300:04:16,170 --> 00:04:22,350triangle of Massachusetts Christopher

8400:04:19,738 --> 00:04:24,779also has also captured stories of

8500:04:22,350 --> 00:04:27,170everyday people who have accidentally


Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer _ Researcher _ Podcaster - Arcane Radio_CjAuN5meOqY- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:38]

00:04:24,779 --> 00:04:29,489allowed spirits into their house

8700:04:27,170 --> 00:04:32,310he has been mentioned in more than a

8800:04:29,490 --> 00:04:35,910dozen other books often called in to

8900:04:32,310 --> 00:04:37,230offer insight into a specific case that

9000:04:35,910 --> 00:04:39,710Christopher has been involved with

9100:04:37,230 --> 00:04:42,840several media presentations including

9200:04:39,709 --> 00:04:46,560Paranormal State Ghost Adventures in the

9300:04:42,839 --> 00:04:49,199spooky Southwest radio show so Chris

9400:04:46,560 --> 00:04:50,860thanks for joining me thank you for

9500:04:49,199 --> 00:04:53,889having me on

9600:04:50,860 --> 00:04:56,350now I guess we start off with legend

9700:04:53,889 --> 00:04:59,849dripping what is it and you know

9800:04:56,350 --> 00:04:59,850compared to investigating

9900:05:00,240 --> 00:05:08,290legend tripping years ago decades ago

10000:05:04,360 --> 00:05:11,350

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had this connotation of fun had this

10100:05:08,290 --> 00:05:14,950connotation of community and

10200:05:11,350 --> 00:05:18,850togetherness and it meant going out to a

10300:05:14,949 --> 00:05:20,409place in the in the area that you were

10400:05:18,850 --> 00:05:22,120living in that had like a legend

10500:05:20,410 --> 00:05:25,540attached to it and trying to experience

10600:05:22,120 --> 00:05:27,579the legend excuse me and they would you

10700:05:25,540 --> 00:05:30,480know it would be groups of people that

10800:05:27,579 --> 00:05:33,639would go oftentimes it was an initiation

10900:05:30,480 --> 00:05:35,410to a certain group or a community to go

11000:05:33,639 --> 00:05:37,149out and do this you know think of in its

11100:05:35,410 --> 00:05:39,880smallest form think of the group of

11200:05:37,149 --> 00:05:41,319children in the neighborhood asking the

11300:05:39,879 --> 00:05:43,060new guy to go to the creepy old house

11400:05:41,319 --> 00:05:46,709and touch the door yeah something

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11500:05:43,060 --> 00:05:50,430something as simple as that and then as

11600:05:46,709 --> 00:05:53,439kind of investigating and investigators

11700:05:50,430 --> 00:05:55,300kind of took the the forefront of what

11800:05:53,439 --> 00:05:58,600was going on the paranormal it got a

11900:05:55,300 --> 00:06:01,750very negative connotation as if that non

12000:05:58,600 --> 00:06:04,360seriousness was a detriment to things

12100:06:01,750 --> 00:06:06,670and it became much more about going to

12200:06:04,360 --> 00:06:08,800location that might be haunted and

12300:06:06,670 --> 00:06:12,460gathering as much evidence as you could

12400:06:08,800 --> 00:06:14,050and I did that for years talking about

12500:06:12,459 --> 00:06:16,389my books I've actually written two books

12600:06:14,050 --> 00:06:19,720on how to investigate the paranormal and

12700:06:16,389 --> 00:06:23,949for years I did that and at some point I

12800:06:19,720 --> 00:06:26,170just got kind of not set up but I just

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12900:06:23,949 --> 00:06:28,360kind of it there was no place for me in

13000:06:26,170 --> 00:06:31,660that anymore you know I was I was losing

13100:06:28,360 --> 00:06:34,270sight of the stories that often are the

13200:06:31,660 --> 00:06:35,410backstory or that inspire the people to

13300:06:34,269 --> 00:06:37,599go out there and investigate in the

13400:06:35,410 --> 00:06:39,490first place and so I left for a while

13500:06:37,600 --> 00:06:42,280and I realized you know what I really

13600:06:39,490 --> 00:06:43,449enjoy doing was experiencing things you

13700:06:42,279 --> 00:06:45,250know I was becoming too weighed down

13800:06:43,449 --> 00:06:48,789with equipment I was becoming to weigh

13900:06:45,250 --> 00:06:50,860down focusing on getting the best kind

14000:06:48,790 --> 00:06:54,129of evidence or having some kind of proof

14100:06:50,860 --> 00:06:55,569of what I had what I had experienced or

14200:06:54,129 --> 00:06:59,079what someone else had experienced and I


Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer _ Researcher _ Podcaster - Arcane Radio_CjAuN5meOqY- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:38]

00:06:55,569 --> 00:07:02,170cited to just go back to a form of

14400:06:59,079 --> 00:07:04,349legend tripping so what we now is we

14500:07:02,170 --> 00:07:08,220focus on the experience as opposed

14600:07:04,350 --> 00:07:13,410the evidence we focus on the backstory

14700:07:08,220 --> 00:07:15,750as opposed to trying to prove the

14800:07:13,410 --> 00:07:17,580paranormal you know rather than being an

14900:07:15,750 --> 00:07:20,129investigator now I'm a folklorist

15000:07:17,579 --> 00:07:22,109essentially I go out and I meant what

15100:07:20,129 --> 00:07:23,819people have said about it and I try to

15200:07:22,110 --> 00:07:25,920connect it to the personality of that

15300:07:23,819 --> 00:07:28,379community why are people telling this

15400:07:25,920 --> 00:07:31,830specific story and what I found is you

15500:07:28,379 --> 00:07:34,500know probably a 50/50 split of there's

15600:07:31,829 --> 00:07:37,829some kind of paranormal unexplained

15700:07:34,500 --> 00:07:39,420

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activity going on and people don't have

15800:07:37,829 --> 00:07:41,039a filter for that right like they have a

15900:07:39,420 --> 00:07:42,810filter for your everyday experiences

16000:07:41,040 --> 00:07:44,250something happens you kind of put it

16100:07:42,810 --> 00:07:47,790through go okay I can relate it to this

16200:07:44,250 --> 00:07:50,790when the paranormal happens they can't

16300:07:47,790 --> 00:07:52,620and so essentially what they do is you

16400:07:50,790 --> 00:07:54,300create a backstory especially if there's

16500:07:52,620 --> 00:07:56,579something in the area that they can

16600:07:54,300 --> 00:08:01,230connect it to and that becomes why this

16700:07:56,579 --> 00:08:03,779ghost is there and what I felt like

16800:08:01,230 --> 00:08:05,910we're able to say there's definitely

16900:08:03,779 --> 00:08:08,009paranormal activity happening in the

17000:08:05,910 --> 00:08:09,450backstory may make sense may not make

17100:08:08,009 --> 00:08:12,029sense and then the other half it's like

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17200:08:09,449 --> 00:08:15,079nope this is just a community that for

17300:08:12,029 --> 00:08:19,739some reason created this story to

17400:08:15,079 --> 00:08:21,599explain something away well I guess you

17500:08:19,740 --> 00:08:27,629and I are kinda in the same boat then

17600:08:21,600 --> 00:08:30,030because you know just like you said the

17700:08:27,629 --> 00:08:33,599paranormal nowadays and you see a lot of

17800:08:30,029 --> 00:08:35,610this on TV as well and when you get

17900:08:33,599 --> 00:08:37,080involved with the groups and such like

18000:08:35,610 --> 00:08:40,229you said they're weighted down with all

18100:08:37,080 --> 00:08:44,730these gadgets and electronic equipment

18200:08:40,229 --> 00:08:49,520and so you know it just get I just think

18300:08:44,730 --> 00:08:51,899it gets oversaturated be honest with you

18400:08:49,519 --> 00:08:55,679seems like more people right they're

18500:08:51,899 --> 00:08:58,289trying to prove things and instead of

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18600:08:55,679 --> 00:09:00,839trying to tell a story or trying

18700:08:58,289 --> 00:09:03,120training that yeah go ahead and have

18800:09:00,840 --> 00:09:06,660their place Ron you're like it I

18900:09:03,120 --> 00:09:08,519understand I understand the seduction

19000:09:06,659 --> 00:09:10,139even for evidence

19100:09:08,519 --> 00:09:14,159you know I constantly have to tell my

19200:09:10,139 --> 00:09:15,870co-host we get back what we go we've got

19300:09:14,159 --> 00:09:17,639to take the tape because we don't record

19400:09:15,870 --> 00:09:17,909everything for the sake of recording it

19500:09:17,639 --> 00:09:20,309you know

19600:09:17,909 --> 00:09:21,899for for promotion but also for like we

19700:09:20,309 --> 00:09:23,939want to record our experiences doing

19800:09:21,899 --> 00:09:25,439these things and it's you know there's

19900:09:23,940 --> 00:09:27,600that temptation to go right to the tape


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00:09:25,440 --> 00:09:29,130and see if you caught a voice you know

20100:09:27,600 --> 00:09:30,300want to go through the pictures see if

20200:09:29,129 --> 00:09:32,730you captured something and it's like

20300:09:30,299 --> 00:09:34,109that's cool and that's a part of it and

20400:09:32,730 --> 00:09:37,440that like it's not like a little bit of

20500:09:34,110 --> 00:09:39,360media you know icing on the cake but you

20600:09:37,440 --> 00:09:41,520know it's really about the experience so

20700:09:39,360 --> 00:09:44,070I understand why people do that and I

20800:09:41,519 --> 00:09:46,079and but for me it was it was it was

20900:09:44,070 --> 00:09:47,910feeling empty was it was during the

21000:09:46,080 --> 00:09:50,850whole and no one was advancing the field

21100:09:47,909 --> 00:09:52,259that way I felt it just became what is

21200:09:50,850 --> 00:09:55,230the more sophisticated piece of

21300:09:52,259 --> 00:09:56,669equipment we can get so we can get more

21400:09:55,230 --> 00:10:00,240

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evidence of stuff that we can't explain

21500:09:56,669 --> 00:10:02,509you know yeah yeah I understand what

21600:10:00,240 --> 00:10:05,789you're talking about because it does get

21700:10:02,509 --> 00:10:09,750you're right it doesn't really advance

21800:10:05,789 --> 00:10:13,289the paranormal or you know really prove

21900:10:09,750 --> 00:10:16,559that much in my opinion I mean quite

22000:10:13,289 --> 00:10:21,599honest with you any type of evidence

22100:10:16,559 --> 00:10:24,719that someone was receive being an EVP or

22200:10:21,600 --> 00:10:30,779a photograph it's all it's all

22300:10:24,720 --> 00:10:34,440subjective basically so so many people

22400:10:30,779 --> 00:10:35,939like I said back to when I was getting

22500:10:34,440 --> 00:10:39,240into this like even as a kid you know

22600:10:35,940 --> 00:10:40,230even as a kid and and being interested

22700:10:39,240 --> 00:10:42,060in the paranormal

22800:10:40,230 --> 00:10:45,330you know those timelines books didn't

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22900:10:42,059 --> 00:10:48,149talk about evidence yeah you know beyond

23000:10:45,330 --> 00:10:50,550belief and in search of and things like

23100:10:48,149 --> 00:10:52,079that they were not they were not

23200:10:50,549 --> 00:10:55,229focusing so much they were focusing on

23300:10:52,080 --> 00:10:57,210the story like no one ever said I really

23400:10:55,230 --> 00:10:59,519want to experience you know a difference

23500:10:57,210 --> 00:11:02,700in each signature you know like what do

23600:10:59,519 --> 00:11:04,110you know but like you know you wanted

23700:11:02,700 --> 00:11:07,410that story you wanted that kind of creep

23800:11:04,110 --> 00:11:09,750factor and I think that you know to some

23900:11:07,409 --> 00:11:12,179degree there has been a switch in the

24000:11:09,750 --> 00:11:13,769paranormal and people are you know

24100:11:12,179 --> 00:11:16,469counting those experiences there's

24200:11:13,769 --> 00:11:19,799nothing more annoying to me than having

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24300:11:16,470 --> 00:11:21,570someone say that someplace there's not

24400:11:19,799 --> 00:11:24,750activity going on because they didn't

24500:11:21,570 --> 00:11:25,890get evidence and yet family or I've been

24600:11:24,750 --> 00:11:28,590going there for years have been

24700:11:25,889 --> 00:11:31,199experiencing I can't describe that you

24800:11:28,590 --> 00:11:31,649know you can maybe say well here's some

24900:11:31,200 --> 00:11:33,089natural

25000:11:31,649 --> 00:11:35,399things that might be or here's what the

25100:11:33,089 --> 00:11:38,430situation might be but to say that those

25200:11:35,399 --> 00:11:41,458experiences didn't happen I think it's

25300:11:38,429 --> 00:11:44,308kind of dangerous yeah I agree with you

25400:11:41,458 --> 00:11:46,498I mean so how did you get started in the

25500:11:44,308 --> 00:11:49,610paranormal I mean what was it an event

25600:11:46,499 --> 00:11:54,449or anything that sparked your interest


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00:11:49,610 --> 00:12:00,449um I I used to when I was in college at

25800:11:54,448 --> 00:12:02,008Emerson in Boston I was in my dorm was

25900:12:00,448 --> 00:12:04,588one of the most haunted buildings in

26000:12:02,009 --> 00:12:05,909Boston and there was a lot of activity

26100:12:04,589 --> 00:12:08,279going on but there was also a lot of

26200:12:05,909 --> 00:12:11,509stories about what was causing the

26300:12:08,278 --> 00:12:15,328activity and having grown up in a very

26400:12:11,509 --> 00:12:17,339horror rich as a culture and experience

26500:12:15,328 --> 00:12:19,349and it doing a lot of research on the

26600:12:17,339 --> 00:12:22,079paranormal you know through books and

26700:12:19,350 --> 00:12:24,720and and documentaries I started to

26800:12:22,078 --> 00:12:27,239notice that people were telling a story

26900:12:24,720 --> 00:12:28,230that I'd heard somewhere else you know

27000:12:27,240 --> 00:12:29,669like they would have a paranormal

27100:12:28,230 --> 00:12:32,789

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experience they would say we know who

27200:12:29,669 --> 00:12:35,308that is that's the old woman who has

27300:12:32,789 --> 00:12:36,899been living in this dorm rent control

27400:12:35,308 --> 00:12:41,159for the last forty years and no one

27500:12:36,899 --> 00:12:42,629could remove her and she died I no one

27600:12:41,159 --> 00:12:44,068ever saw her so when she died she was

27700:12:42,629 --> 00:12:46,139here for like three weeks and that smell

27800:12:44,068 --> 00:12:48,028when that smell happens that's her when

27900:12:46,139 --> 00:12:50,068she smelled a smoke and when that door

28000:12:48,028 --> 00:12:51,509opens a quote like women I heard that

28100:12:50,068 --> 00:12:54,748story that story took place over there

28200:12:51,509 --> 00:12:58,709over there so I started to document

28300:12:54,749 --> 00:13:01,290people's stories and then really as I

28400:12:58,708 --> 00:13:03,088was kind of growing into this at the

28500:13:01,289 --> 00:13:04,889same time that the internet was growing

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28600:13:03,089 --> 00:13:07,230into it so I became one of the first

28700:13:04,889 --> 00:13:08,759people in Massachusetts to actually have

28800:13:07,230 --> 00:13:11,308a website dedicated just to

28900:13:08,759 --> 00:13:13,318Massachusetts and so when people would

29000:13:11,308 --> 00:13:15,419search for those in their area that they

29100:13:13,318 --> 00:13:17,759were experiencing I would be the one

29200:13:15,419 --> 00:13:19,469coming up and so people would then say

29300:13:17,759 --> 00:13:20,970what do you know about this what can you

29400:13:19,470 --> 00:13:22,410tell me about this and then I felt I

29500:13:20,970 --> 00:13:24,620need to go out there and experience

29600:13:22,409 --> 00:13:28,009those things and then that led to

29700:13:24,620 --> 00:13:30,629becoming you know an uncomfortable

29800:13:28,009 --> 00:13:32,850expert in a certain like legend or

29900:13:30,629 --> 00:13:34,678certain hauntings I then felt like okay

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30000:13:32,850 --> 00:13:37,170well now I kind of put the investigator

30100:13:34,678 --> 00:13:39,269hat on to explaining them it's just kind

30200:13:37,169 --> 00:13:42,509of rolled from there you know three

30300:13:39,269 --> 00:13:44,548years like I said I was asked she said I

30400:13:42,509 --> 00:13:45,570was in Massachusetts based you know

30500:13:44,548 --> 00:13:47,699researcher and

30600:13:45,570 --> 00:13:51,350investigator so you know and then as

30700:13:47,700 --> 00:13:53,850that was going on I was one of the first

30800:13:51,350 --> 00:13:55,860the first of a new wave I should say of

30900:13:53,850 --> 00:13:57,060people who were documenting the

31000:13:55,860 --> 00:13:59,820Bridgewater triangle which has become

31100:13:57,059 --> 00:14:02,159very sexy and known now but it wasn't

31200:13:59,820 --> 00:14:04,490necessarily back then and so because I

31300:14:02,159 --> 00:14:07,110was writing about it and no one else was


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00:14:04,490 --> 00:14:09,210once again like I had to then go out and

31500:14:07,110 --> 00:14:10,740like know and learn as much as I could

31600:14:09,210 --> 00:14:12,120which meant people were then calling you

31700:14:10,740 --> 00:14:14,279to investigate their houses they were

31800:14:12,120 --> 00:14:16,139calling to investigate you know their

31900:14:14,279 --> 00:14:22,470places of business so I had to kind of

32000:14:16,139 --> 00:14:26,720have a trial by fire hmm so have you

32100:14:22,470 --> 00:14:30,300have had any personal pet oh my gosh

32200:14:26,720 --> 00:14:33,300yeah yeah yeah I've had that's that's

32300:14:30,299 --> 00:14:35,069the other reason why to me trying to

32400:14:33,299 --> 00:14:36,870prove the paranormal 'silly because it's

32500:14:35,070 --> 00:14:39,140like why know it exists because I've had

32600:14:36,870 --> 00:14:42,899multiple experiences mr. Ackroyd had

32700:14:39,139 --> 00:14:45,389when I was writing pics yourself ghost

32800:14:42,899 --> 00:14:47,129

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hunting which was kind of like my

32900:14:45,389 --> 00:14:51,929publishers version of like a dummy guide

33000:14:47,129 --> 00:14:54,899when I was researching that I asked all

33100:14:51,929 --> 00:14:57,989these paranormal investigators like what

33200:14:54,899 --> 00:15:01,470what do you well what's your reason for

33300:14:57,990 --> 00:15:06,149doing this and almost to a person they

33400:15:01,470 --> 00:15:07,620said to prove and to help right and then

33500:15:06,149 --> 00:15:10,110I asked another question down the

33600:15:07,620 --> 00:15:11,940questionnaire was what do you think will

33700:15:10,110 --> 00:15:14,430convince a non-believer of a paranormal

33800:15:11,940 --> 00:15:18,120experience and every single one of them

33900:15:14,429 --> 00:15:20,819on set a personal experience mm-hmm so

34000:15:18,120 --> 00:15:22,440you're in this to prove things but you

34100:15:20,820 --> 00:15:23,760just said to yourself you just told me

34200:15:22,440 --> 00:15:26,460that no one's gonna believe it must be

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34300:15:23,759 --> 00:15:29,189experiences themselves right and so that

34400:15:26,460 --> 00:15:30,810kind of like dichotomy that kind of kind

34500:15:29,190 --> 00:15:33,090of paradox I was like well you know what

34600:15:30,809 --> 00:15:35,729I don't need to prove it i I've had

34700:15:33,090 --> 00:15:38,340experiences so I would probably say that

34800:15:35,730 --> 00:15:40,680in the last three years of us doing the

34900:15:38,340 --> 00:15:43,139show I've had more paranormal

35000:15:40,679 --> 00:15:45,659experiences trying to be a legend

35100:15:43,139 --> 00:15:47,669tripper then I had twenty years trying

35200:15:45,659 --> 00:15:50,429to be an investigator and so we've had a

35300:15:47,669 --> 00:15:52,769lot of really interesting things happen

35400:15:50,429 --> 00:15:57,659to us out on the field can you name a

35500:15:52,769 --> 00:15:59,279few of them sure um well the most reason

35600:15:57,659 --> 00:16:00,719when we experienced

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35700:15:59,279 --> 00:16:03,689and one of the things we always talk

35800:16:00,720 --> 00:16:05,340about is it meant something at the time

35900:16:03,690 --> 00:16:07,080right so these are things that are

36000:16:05,340 --> 00:16:10,170unprovable these are just things that

36100:16:07,080 --> 00:16:12,750that we experience and we try to to you

36200:16:10,169 --> 00:16:14,129know videotaping but it's an experience

36300:16:12,750 --> 00:16:16,649right so we were at this place called

36400:16:14,129 --> 00:16:20,549Sydney Harbor which is near Tampa

36500:16:16,649 --> 00:16:23,189Florida st. Peter and the story the

36600:16:20,549 --> 00:16:26,129background story is there is a Native

36700:16:23,190 --> 00:16:30,150American chief who when there were

36800:16:26,129 --> 00:16:33,509storms and when there were when there

36900:16:30,149 --> 00:16:36,259was a tax on a community and he would be

37000:16:33,509 --> 00:16:39,120on top of the sacred mound and he would


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00:16:36,259 --> 00:16:40,860essentially raise a monster that would

37200:16:39,120 --> 00:16:44,190fight things back it could fight the

37300:16:40,860 --> 00:16:46,050store and back it could fight the it

37400:16:44,190 --> 00:16:47,850could fight the anyone who was attacking

37500:16:46,049 --> 00:16:51,349them back and so he would go up there he

37600:16:47,850 --> 00:16:51,350would shrink this during this coffee

37700:16:51,740 --> 00:17:00,090excuse me which I need right now yeah

37800:16:54,980 --> 00:17:02,430and he would um and so you could you

37900:17:00,090 --> 00:17:03,660could see him going up there and you

38000:17:02,429 --> 00:17:09,919always knew there was trouble if he was

38100:17:03,659 --> 00:17:12,959going up right same similar story

38200:17:09,920 --> 00:17:15,810fast-forward hundreds of years of one of

38300:17:12,959 --> 00:17:18,420the settlers who was there who was given

38400:17:15,809 --> 00:17:19,708the land grant at the same place first

38500:17:18,420 --> 00:17:21,180

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thing he did unfortunately was

38600:17:19,709 --> 00:17:27,089destroying most of the mounds that were

38700:17:21,180 --> 00:17:30,960there and then there was a great

38800:17:27,088 --> 00:17:33,119hurricane who on you gonna have to cover

38900:17:30,960 --> 00:17:39,960for me for like ten seconds

39000:17:33,119 --> 00:17:43,919go ahead I'm dumb Georgia okay drinking

39100:17:39,960 --> 00:17:45,620it down alright so in a very similar way

39200:17:43,920 --> 00:17:49,500he went up to the last of the mouth

39300:17:45,619 --> 00:17:52,199which was the big mound and he rode out

39400:17:49,500 --> 00:17:55,890the hurricane there everything else was

39500:17:52,200 --> 00:17:58,740destroyed but he survived on this this

39600:17:55,890 --> 00:18:02,370sacred mound and so they say that people

39700:17:58,740 --> 00:18:06,870have seen him and people have seen

39800:18:02,369 --> 00:18:11,129almost nightly this dark figure who they

39900:18:06,869 --> 00:18:12,689think is the tucker bogan chief growing

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40000:18:11,130 --> 00:18:16,470up this mound

40100:18:12,690 --> 00:18:17,880and kind of slamming at the top and so

40200:18:16,470 --> 00:18:19,620this was a really cool legend because

40300:18:17,880 --> 00:18:21,540you know it's a past legend Stan Native

40400:18:19,619 --> 00:18:25,979Americans and it's got modern or modern

40500:18:21,539 --> 00:18:28,769stuff the guy who had disrupted all the

40600:18:25,980 --> 00:18:30,990mounds when he was buried on the

40700:18:28,769 --> 00:18:33,869property here it's kind of ironic right

40800:18:30,990 --> 00:18:37,559his burial mound his grave was disturbed

40900:18:33,869 --> 00:18:39,000by a storm that blew his head the

41000:18:37,559 --> 00:18:40,169headstone when they couldn't find where

41100:18:39,000 --> 00:18:43,109the body had been laid because there was

41200:18:40,170 --> 00:18:45,269so and so just I have it and so we were

41300:18:43,109 --> 00:18:48,659we went up there to experience he was

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41400:18:45,269 --> 00:18:50,879there to see what people were having for

41500:18:48,660 --> 00:18:56,700their own experiences and what ended up

41600:18:50,880 --> 00:19:01,250happening is we saw this man walking

41700:18:56,700 --> 00:19:03,779down the path and it was a split second

41800:19:01,250 --> 00:19:06,809he was walking down the path he was

41900:19:03,779 --> 00:19:11,369shirtless to me and look like he was

42000:19:06,809 --> 00:19:14,490wearing jeans he had probably will be

42100:19:11,369 --> 00:19:17,849considered a stereotypical braid in his

42200:19:14,490 --> 00:19:22,130hair dark skin like a Native American

42300:19:17,849 --> 00:19:25,439and he just kind of looked at me and

42400:19:22,130 --> 00:19:28,380turned and as he turned kind of faded

42500:19:25,440 --> 00:19:29,940away right but he was definitely walking

42600:19:28,380 --> 00:19:32,280this path which was the weird part

42700:19:29,940 --> 00:19:36,330he was walking this path between where


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00:19:32,279 --> 00:19:38,220the settlers grave was to the mound

42900:19:36,329 --> 00:19:40,980itself so you know we walked back down

43000:19:38,220 --> 00:19:44,910the past and once again we saw him on

43100:19:40,980 --> 00:19:47,700the mound we then went to the top of the

43200:19:44,910 --> 00:19:49,340mound we were kind of fighting the dust

43300:19:47,700 --> 00:19:55,049you have to get out of there at dusk and

43400:19:49,339 --> 00:19:58,169I essentially saw a troop three four

43500:19:55,049 --> 00:20:02,069five different spirits kind of crossing

43600:19:58,170 --> 00:20:05,400the field between what we call berry

43700:20:02,069 --> 00:20:06,929trees as if like their entrances between

43800:20:05,400 --> 00:20:09,330our world and another world

43900:20:06,930 --> 00:20:11,100this field of where these berry trees

44000:20:09,329 --> 00:20:13,619had been coming up the mound and that

44100:20:11,099 --> 00:20:15,719disappearing as well now I experienced

44200:20:13,619 --> 00:20:18,959

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that I can't prove that but that was a

44300:20:15,720 --> 00:20:21,900very very solid experience for me mm-hmm

44400:20:18,960 --> 00:20:24,150yeah I mean that that's similar to what

44500:20:21,900 --> 00:20:26,160happens around here I mean since I've I

44600:20:24,150 --> 00:20:29,400live just a stone's throw from

44700:20:26,160 --> 00:20:30,540Gettysburg battlefield and you know all

44800:20:29,400 --> 00:20:32,700the stories that come out of the

44900:20:30,539 --> 00:20:35,309battlefield now there is occasionally

45000:20:32,700 --> 00:20:39,210some evidence photographic evidence as

45100:20:35,309 --> 00:20:43,759such but you know people tell some of

45200:20:39,210 --> 00:20:46,710the most amazing encounters there and

45300:20:43,759 --> 00:20:49,230you know I you know I think when you

45400:20:46,710 --> 00:20:52,829when you actually go out and do an

45500:20:49,230 --> 00:20:55,019investigation say you're using equipment

45600:20:52,829 --> 00:20:57,659but you're you're looking to prove

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45700:20:55,019 --> 00:21:00,990something I think you get a tunnel

45800:20:57,660 --> 00:21:05,550vision yeah as opposed to when you go to

45900:21:00,990 --> 00:21:09,799a location and leave your senses open I

46000:21:05,549 --> 00:21:14,639think you're much able much more able to

46100:21:09,799 --> 00:21:19,799experience and possibly see or feel or

46200:21:14,640 --> 00:21:23,070sense the energy as opposed to actual

46300:21:19,799 --> 00:21:26,220investigating you know it's it's one

46400:21:23,069 --> 00:21:28,559time like my my partner Natalie has been

46500:21:26,220 --> 00:21:32,009out with an investigative team with us

46600:21:28,559 --> 00:21:34,799mm-hmm this person was an expert in the

46700:21:32,009 --> 00:21:36,210cemetery we were at and you know I

46800:21:34,799 --> 00:21:37,470wanted to kind of connect with him he

46900:21:36,210 --> 00:21:39,420knew what was going on like here's some

47000:21:37,470 --> 00:21:40,680of the stories I wanted I wanted to kind

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47100:21:39,420 --> 00:21:43,350of show the difference between what the

47200:21:40,680 --> 00:21:49,019two of us do when he had a ghost box

47300:21:43,349 --> 00:21:52,159and we were at this we're at this grave

47400:21:49,019 --> 00:21:57,960this is a varying story so essentially

47500:21:52,160 --> 00:22:01,019this woman and her husband owned a mama

47600:21:57,960 --> 00:22:02,519Gras and Mack McGraw and they owned a

47700:22:01,019 --> 00:22:04,139was supposed to kind of be like a

47800:22:02,519 --> 00:22:08,009convenience store but it was a dry

47900:22:04,140 --> 00:22:12,870County and here in Florida and they sold

48000:22:08,009 --> 00:22:16,349this essentially moonshine out of it and

48100:22:12,869 --> 00:22:18,599the moonshine was Kathleen shine so one

48200:22:16,349 --> 00:22:21,079part moonshine a one part strawberry

48300:22:18,599 --> 00:22:23,490syrup like that you would put in like

48400:22:21,079 --> 00:22:27,119you know sundaes or something like that


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00:22:23,490 --> 00:22:31,589okay so and because she called it the

48600:22:27,119 --> 00:22:34,109bloody bucket actually we that we've now

48700:22:31,589 --> 00:22:36,119kind of trips to several different

48800:22:34,109 --> 00:22:39,298bloody bucket locations here in Florida

48900:22:36,119 --> 00:22:44,178and the story goes that

49000:22:39,298 --> 00:22:46,558she and her lover killed her husband and

49100:22:44,179 --> 00:22:47,788kind of framed someone else for the job

49200:22:46,558 --> 00:22:49,859and it's really kind of interesting

49300:22:47,788 --> 00:22:51,960because when you go to the cemetery this

49400:22:49,859 --> 00:22:54,298is Indian Springs in Punta Gorda Florida

49500:22:51,960 --> 00:22:58,350when you go to the cemetery

49600:22:54,298 --> 00:23:02,519you have Mack McGraw George McGraw and

49700:22:58,349 --> 00:23:04,769then next Tim I shouldn't sorry you have

49800:23:02,519 --> 00:23:06,778MA McGraw then you have georgian gras

49900:23:04,769 --> 00:23:11,190

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and then next to him you have the man

50000:23:06,778 --> 00:23:15,210who killed him so oh yeah in between the

50100:23:11,190 --> 00:23:16,590two people who who plotted his death but

50200:23:15,210 --> 00:23:17,249one of the things we did and this is

50300:23:16,589 --> 00:23:19,349kind of the difference between

50400:23:17,249 --> 00:23:23,759investigating a legend tripping right we

50500:23:19,349 --> 00:23:25,829went to the site of the murders and what

50600:23:23,759 --> 00:23:28,079usually happens is we try to come up

50700:23:25,829 --> 00:23:31,439with some angle to the story to try to

50800:23:28,079 --> 00:23:34,108spark activity right something to kind

50900:23:31,440 --> 00:23:35,340of that mixes with the legend and so

51000:23:34,108 --> 00:23:37,378what we did there was we brought

51100:23:35,339 --> 00:23:39,118strawberry alcohol I don't drink at all

51200:23:37,378 --> 00:23:40,678but Natalie had a little bit of it and

51300:23:39,118 --> 00:23:41,999we spilled a little bit on the ground

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51400:23:40,679 --> 00:23:45,239this is before we got to the cemetery

51500:23:41,999 --> 00:23:47,220and basically invited you know mama Gras

51600:23:45,239 --> 00:23:49,440or George or Dick Windham who is the

51700:23:47,220 --> 00:23:53,159person who ended up everyone things

51800:23:49,440 --> 00:23:56,639killed them to to contact us either that

51900:23:53,159 --> 00:24:00,720there or at the cemetery so we're at the

52000:23:56,638 --> 00:24:04,888cemetery and this gentleman who we went

52100:24:00,720 --> 00:24:07,169with brought a ghost box and all night

52200:24:04,888 --> 00:24:09,298we were getting pretty cool kind of

52300:24:07,169 --> 00:24:11,549things it's the kind of thing that when

52400:24:09,298 --> 00:24:13,168you go to a haunted location and you

52500:24:11,548 --> 00:24:14,970bring a ghost box it says all the good

52600:24:13,169 --> 00:24:17,309things that you wanted to say right and

52700:24:14,970 --> 00:24:22,288things that were up with the legends and

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52800:24:17,308 --> 00:24:26,329one of the things we asked was do you

52900:24:22,288 --> 00:24:29,158want Natalie to have another drink and

53000:24:26,329 --> 00:24:32,759the ghost box kept saying drink drink

53100:24:29,159 --> 00:24:35,220drink go get drink drink and so she was

53200:24:32,759 --> 00:24:36,450drinking it at the location and you know

53300:24:35,220 --> 00:24:38,308like you know just a little bit of it

53400:24:36,450 --> 00:24:40,200not don't get drunk legend tripping or

53500:24:38,308 --> 00:24:42,538investigating right but she was having

53600:24:40,200 --> 00:24:45,509like a little bit to it too so and that

53700:24:42,538 --> 00:24:49,079was all really amazing but as it was

53800:24:45,509 --> 00:24:50,730going on I was so focused on that when I

53900:24:49,079 --> 00:24:53,250finally kind of like took my eyes up

54000:24:50,730 --> 00:24:55,529from that and was then

54100:24:53,250 --> 00:24:58,048you know kind of patrolling the cemetery


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00:24:55,529 --> 00:25:02,029there was a lot of heel activity that

54300:24:58,048 --> 00:25:05,579was going on fifty yards from us and and

54400:25:02,029 --> 00:25:08,670it wasn't and I'm like like we gotta go

54500:25:05,579 --> 00:25:10,230over there there's stuff over no no

54600:25:08,670 --> 00:25:13,380we're doing the Ghost Box session Zenda

54700:25:10,230 --> 00:25:17,819de and it was it wasn't until those

54800:25:13,380 --> 00:25:19,530investigators left that both Malian are

54900:25:17,819 --> 00:25:21,899like our census does all of a sudden

55000:25:19,529 --> 00:25:23,759seem to like turn on because we had been

55100:25:21,900 --> 00:25:26,429turned off because we were so focused on

55200:25:23,759 --> 00:25:28,859that equipment and we ended up well we

55300:25:26,429 --> 00:25:31,130think they can contact with another one

55400:25:28,859 --> 00:25:33,389of that same guy dick who killed George

55500:25:31,130 --> 00:25:36,440potentially killed another gentleman who

55600:25:33,390 --> 00:25:39,210

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was a cop who was investigating him and

55700:25:36,440 --> 00:25:42,140we were able to make that contact and it

55800:25:39,210 --> 00:25:45,840was it was so ridiculously clear that

55900:25:42,140 --> 00:25:48,270everywhere around where his grave was

56000:25:45,839 --> 00:25:51,029felt protected and safe and you could

56100:25:48,269 --> 00:25:54,298literally draw a circle and step outside

56200:25:51,029 --> 00:25:56,819that circle I just got the most dreadful

56300:25:54,298 --> 00:26:01,139feeling and we were literally like nope

56400:25:56,819 --> 00:26:02,579red piece he comes over here dread over

56500:26:01,140 --> 00:26:05,730here like you could actually mark that

56600:26:02,579 --> 00:26:07,349the only parts that felt safe were right

56700:26:05,730 --> 00:26:11,220around this grave of this man who

56800:26:07,349 --> 00:26:12,959literally died to make people safe so

56900:26:11,220 --> 00:26:16,048that's kind of like the the cross

57000:26:12,960 --> 00:26:18,000between that you know that that evidence

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57100:26:16,048 --> 00:26:22,829and shutting off your senses as opposed

57200:26:18,000 --> 00:26:26,720to the come alive right I'm still

57300:26:22,829 --> 00:26:26,720surprised there dry counties in Florida

57400:26:28,190 --> 00:26:33,259the honest way yeah you live in the

57500:26:31,589 --> 00:26:36,659Tampa area

57600:26:33,259 --> 00:26:40,769no I live I live probably halfway

57700:26:36,660 --> 00:26:44,940between Tampa and Miami oh okay well you

57800:26:40,769 --> 00:26:47,759know the the southwest area of Florida

57900:26:44,940 --> 00:26:50,759you know I don't know what it is about

58000:26:47,759 --> 00:26:54,298there I I I have gotten some of the

58100:26:50,759 --> 00:27:01,009craziest sighting reports and incidents

58200:26:54,298 --> 00:27:05,250in Punta Gorda North Port Acadia

58300:27:01,009 --> 00:27:06,269Zephyrhills a whole area I guess we may

58400:27:05,250 --> 00:27:09,410be orderly

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58500:27:06,269 --> 00:27:14,160yourself yeah they have what's called

58600:27:09,410 --> 00:27:18,480the Tampa triangle here okay which is

58700:27:14,160 --> 00:27:20,400really kind of it's more inland than

58800:27:18,480 --> 00:27:21,990just Tampa like the the triangles kind

58900:27:20,400 --> 00:27:22,890of it just kind of a call it's a

59000:27:21,990 --> 00:27:25,170champion triangle but they don't give

59100:27:22,890 --> 00:27:27,179you three points all right but exactly

59200:27:25,170 --> 00:27:28,740what you're saying you know of the

59300:27:27,179 --> 00:27:36,120places and it's probably because it's

59400:27:28,740 --> 00:27:38,099the closest big city to us probably 40%

59500:27:36,119 --> 00:27:40,250of our legend trips have been in the

59600:27:38,099 --> 00:27:43,019towns that you just made is that right

59700:27:40,250 --> 00:27:48,210it's really interesting because you know

59800:27:43,019 --> 00:27:49,379I'm this this fall of that this kind of


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00:27:48,210 --> 00:27:51,360tour going on of all these different

60000:27:49,380 --> 00:27:52,740libraries and of course every library

60100:27:51,359 --> 00:27:54,389you want to go you go to you want to

60200:27:52,740 --> 00:27:55,769talk about this stuff they say make sure

60300:27:54,390 --> 00:27:58,830you have plenty of legends about this

60400:27:55,769 --> 00:28:01,769area and I'm like wow I only have like

60500:27:58,829 --> 00:28:04,470four really good legend trips we've done

60600:28:01,769 --> 00:28:07,619on the east coast of Florida but I've

60700:28:04,470 --> 00:28:09,329got like 23 that we've done on the west

60800:28:07,619 --> 00:28:10,919coast of Florida and that's not even

60900:28:09,329 --> 00:28:12,240reaching up to like games though the

61000:28:10,920 --> 00:28:15,509Panhandle all that kind of stuff just

61100:28:12,240 --> 00:28:17,339between where we are right now which is

61200:28:15,509 --> 00:28:21,539if you know the single Southwest Florida

61300:28:17,339 --> 00:28:22,949

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I'm in Port Charlotte okay Fort Myers so

61400:28:21,539 --> 00:28:26,369it's really between like Fort Myers

61500:28:22,950 --> 00:28:28,710Naples to a little bit above Tampa the

61600:28:26,369 --> 00:28:30,479majority of our stuff okay and there is

61700:28:28,710 --> 00:28:32,730there something weird going on and and

61800:28:30,480 --> 00:28:34,980the weird thing is is that for all the

61900:28:32,730 --> 00:28:37,829publicise hauntings and all the

62000:28:34,980 --> 00:28:40,529publicized legends of that area when you

62100:28:37,829 --> 00:28:43,409start going a little bit east when you

62200:28:40,529 --> 00:28:46,428start going into what the what's called

62300:28:43,410 --> 00:28:51,240the Ocala State Forest area oh god yeah

62400:28:46,429 --> 00:28:52,679that's when things get more local in

62500:28:51,240 --> 00:28:55,200other words people don't know about them

62600:28:52,679 --> 00:28:57,179but the locals know about them and

62700:28:55,200 --> 00:29:00,120that's what things get like even

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62800:28:57,179 --> 00:29:02,400creepier so recently you know uh

62900:29:00,119 --> 00:29:04,678publishers were like well what'd he want

63000:29:02,400 --> 00:29:06,390to do for a book and I'm like I either

63100:29:04,679 --> 00:29:08,730want to do Southwest Florida like you're

63200:29:06,390 --> 00:29:10,950talking about Tampa area or Ocala and

63300:29:08,730 --> 00:29:13,110Ocala because those are the two places

63400:29:10,950 --> 00:29:16,140where I have the most stories from and

63500:29:13,109 --> 00:29:19,949that those are the two areas I get most

63600:29:16,140 --> 00:29:22,410of my information from or my reports

63700:29:19,950 --> 00:29:25,049you know if you go into fans and

63800:29:22,410 --> 00:29:28,080monsters and put Florida down you know

63900:29:25,049 --> 00:29:31,129just search it it's amazing some of the

64000:29:28,079 --> 00:29:34,079stuff that comes out of those areas I

64100:29:31,130 --> 00:29:35,790what's that nice this would allow you

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64200:29:34,079 --> 00:29:38,909cities to live tonight no okay I'm

64300:29:35,789 --> 00:29:43,470working on a story about a stir oh yeah

64400:29:38,910 --> 00:29:45,200and and I'm listening to our old episode

64500:29:43,470 --> 00:29:48,329about a stir because of writing about

64600:29:45,200 --> 00:29:50,130kind of a lesser-known legend for that

64700:29:48,329 --> 00:29:51,539area but I want to give it the context

64800:29:50,130 --> 00:29:53,670of everything else and it's funny

64900:29:51,539 --> 00:29:58,829because I'm listening to our episode and

65000:29:53,670 --> 00:30:03,210we fight you on and here's what you

65100:29:58,829 --> 00:30:05,009saying about that area yeah it's uh you

65200:30:03,210 --> 00:30:07,890know I have received so much stuff from

65300:30:05,009 --> 00:30:11,220there and I'm talking either hauntings

65400:30:07,890 --> 00:30:14,370or cryptids mostly cryptid stuff but the

65500:30:11,220 --> 00:30:17,759North in Northport I don't know what it


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00:30:14,369 --> 00:30:23,029is about North Port but I have had some

65700:30:17,759 --> 00:30:27,720though most interesting non terrestrial

65800:30:23,029 --> 00:30:31,349sightings and occurrences in Northport

65900:30:27,720 --> 00:30:32,880than any place in Florida I I just don't

66000:30:31,349 --> 00:30:35,250understand what the hell's going on

66100:30:32,880 --> 00:30:37,650there that's really interesting because

66200:30:35,250 --> 00:30:38,099I don't have a single legend from North

66300:30:37,650 --> 00:30:41,550Forest

66400:30:38,099 --> 00:30:44,069oh my god yeah you're gonna have to go

66500:30:41,549 --> 00:30:46,769over there Punta Gorda and North Port I

66600:30:44,069 --> 00:30:51,119have gotten some of the crazy stuff from

66700:30:46,769 --> 00:30:53,430there I really crazy ex-girlfriend from

66800:30:51,119 --> 00:30:59,089Northport does that count that probably

66900:30:53,430 --> 00:31:02,250I I don't I don't know what it is but

67000:30:59,089 --> 00:31:06,449

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you know well just like you know I was

67100:31:02,250 --> 00:31:10,319investigating this the these winged

67200:31:06,450 --> 00:31:13,370humanoids in the Chicago region and at

67300:31:10,319 --> 00:31:16,439the same time I got three sightings of

67400:31:13,369 --> 00:31:19,019something very similar in turned round

67500:31:16,440 --> 00:31:24,870Zephyrhills now you know were several

67600:31:19,019 --> 00:31:29,670Hills is and you know I I really didn't

67700:31:24,869 --> 00:31:33,869expect that but you know it was so weird

67800:31:29,670 --> 00:31:37,350and so strange and a Hallie come

67900:31:33,869 --> 00:31:40,849what was going on in Chicago but like I

68000:31:37,349 --> 00:31:44,519said about Northport and Punta Gorda and

68100:31:40,849 --> 00:31:49,139you know I'm getting a lot I'm getting a

68200:31:44,519 --> 00:31:52,019lot of like alien stuff so I don't know

68300:31:49,140 --> 00:31:55,400what is about the area from my

68400:31:52,019 --> 00:31:58,139perspective here's what's going on

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68500:31:55,400 --> 00:32:02,280especially in the two places we just

68600:31:58,140 --> 00:32:05,220talked about okay you have first of all

68700:32:02,279 --> 00:32:07,649let's go let's go natural right and you

68800:32:05,220 --> 00:32:10,740have areas that are developed on the

68900:32:07,650 --> 00:32:13,259water and we think we know the water we

69000:32:10,740 --> 00:32:14,670think we know what comes out of it we

69100:32:13,259 --> 00:32:16,529think we know the chemical changes

69200:32:14,670 --> 00:32:19,860anyone who's been through red tide would

69300:32:16,529 --> 00:32:20,700say I would never imagine that something

69400:32:19,859 --> 00:32:22,079like that would happen or something

69500:32:20,700 --> 00:32:24,090who's bid someone who's been to Hog

69600:32:22,079 --> 00:32:26,428Island and I see which is circle and

69700:32:24,089 --> 00:32:27,869Haga island be like that is unnatural

69800:32:26,429 --> 00:32:29,640but it's completely natural

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69900:32:27,869 --> 00:32:32,369Thanks and a lot of these places are

70000:32:29,640 --> 00:32:35,790essentially swamps where people just

70100:32:32,369 --> 00:32:38,159threw enough dirt over the swamp to make

70200:32:35,789 --> 00:32:39,420it livable you know you have a very

70300:32:38,160 --> 00:32:40,080similar thing with places in the

70400:32:39,420 --> 00:32:42,870Northeast

70500:32:40,079 --> 00:32:45,659you know like Washington and of course

70600:32:42,869 --> 00:32:49,619Boston places have schools internal

70700:32:45,660 --> 00:32:50,700activity that could maybe be natural

70800:32:49,619 --> 00:32:55,769things that are being misinterpreted

70900:32:50,700 --> 00:32:59,580okay we also have great tragedy that's

71000:32:55,769 --> 00:33:01,529happened there's a lot you're talking

71100:32:59,579 --> 00:33:05,509about Punta Gorda the Punta Gorda has

71200:33:01,529 --> 00:33:08,819like 500 years of really bloody history


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00:33:05,509 --> 00:33:10,910that no one there talks about if you

71400:33:08,819 --> 00:33:13,529were to go to Florida it is the place

71500:33:10,910 --> 00:33:15,330that's the first place I include here I

71600:33:13,529 --> 00:33:22,470lived in and put to go to technically

71700:33:15,329 --> 00:33:23,369and it is it is old people it is you

71800:33:22,470 --> 00:33:26,190know AAA

71900:33:23,369 --> 00:33:29,369definitely not like a young town and in

72000:33:26,190 --> 00:33:32,850it and it it's it's not very diverse and

72100:33:29,369 --> 00:33:34,349so you think that it's one way but

72200:33:32,849 --> 00:33:36,029beneath that when we start looking at

72300:33:34,349 --> 00:33:39,599the history of it

72400:33:36,029 --> 00:33:42,119there's a lot of really sketchy things

72500:33:39,599 --> 00:33:46,289that have happened right so you have the

72600:33:42,119 --> 00:33:48,239entire Colusa and Timucua tribes that

72700:33:46,289 --> 00:33:50,039

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were essentially wiped out

72800:33:48,240 --> 00:33:52,589you have the seminoles who fought the

72900:33:50,039 --> 00:33:54,869Seminole Wars and in that general area

73000:33:52,589 --> 00:33:57,389or at least traveled to that area you

73100:33:54,869 --> 00:33:58,709have a lot of pirates and you know we

73200:33:57,390 --> 00:34:00,840think of this romantic version of

73300:33:58,710 --> 00:34:03,180pirates but there's a lot of war that

73400:34:00,839 --> 00:34:06,509has to do with and the Pirates wiped out

73500:34:03,180 --> 00:34:10,230the entire village and then you have

73600:34:06,509 --> 00:34:11,429this really odd jockeying for power and

73700:34:10,230 --> 00:34:14,809I touched on a little bit with the

73800:34:11,429 --> 00:34:17,820Indian Springs of these people who were

73900:34:14,809 --> 00:34:20,099moonshiners who were corrupt politicians

74000:34:17,820 --> 00:34:23,010it was kind of like the Old West before

74100:34:20,099 --> 00:34:26,579the Old West right and so this new

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74200:34:23,010 --> 00:34:28,050territory that people were killing each

74300:34:26,579 --> 00:34:29,489other there was a lot of political

74400:34:28,050 --> 00:34:32,519corruption there was all that kind of

74500:34:29,489 --> 00:34:35,459stuff but what you have as well is

74600:34:32,519 --> 00:34:38,039because of this kind of switching over

74700:34:35,460 --> 00:34:40,440of tribes right so there was more than

74800:34:38,039 --> 00:34:43,469one tribe here and then these tribes

74900:34:40,440 --> 00:34:45,900combined because of the because of both

75000:34:43,469 --> 00:34:49,769the French and the Spanish and then of

75100:34:45,900 --> 00:34:50,970course arrogance and then you have you

75200:34:49,769 --> 00:34:52,559know what they call here and it's going

75300:34:50,969 --> 00:34:55,019to sound offensive to anyone who's in

75400:34:52,559 --> 00:34:56,639Florida but it's a it's a it's a said

75500:34:55,019 --> 00:35:00,449with pride down here which is cracker

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75600:34:56,639 --> 00:35:02,069culture and all the cracker legends and

75700:35:00,449 --> 00:35:03,449so what you have are these stories that

75800:35:02,070 --> 00:35:05,820have been passed down for hundreds of

75900:35:03,449 --> 00:35:09,599years that were originally a collusive

76000:35:05,820 --> 00:35:13,470story that then became a Seminole story

76100:35:09,599 --> 00:35:15,299which then became a cracker story which

76200:35:13,469 --> 00:35:17,189then became a modern story and so you

76300:35:15,300 --> 00:35:19,380have a lot of things that are being

76400:35:17,190 --> 00:35:20,730passed down so when something natural

76500:35:19,380 --> 00:35:23,309happens or something supernatural

76600:35:20,730 --> 00:35:27,059happens people have this great history

76700:35:23,309 --> 00:35:28,529of misinterpretation but also things

76800:35:27,059 --> 00:35:30,809passed down by word of mouth for

76900:35:28,530 --> 00:35:33,810hundreds of years to kind of go back to


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00:35:30,809 --> 00:35:38,070to try to explain it hmm that's

77100:35:33,809 --> 00:35:39,599interesting you know I am I I have been

77200:35:38,070 --> 00:35:41,550really surprised but what some of stuff

77300:35:39,599 --> 00:35:42,710I've gotten from downer and talking

77400:35:41,550 --> 00:35:46,920about Ocala

77500:35:42,710 --> 00:35:47,400you know I don't know what the hell is

77600:35:46,920 --> 00:35:49,980going on

77700:35:47,400 --> 00:35:53,519Ocala but you know I'm quite sure you've

77800:35:49,980 --> 00:35:57,240been in Myakka and investigating the

77900:35:53,519 --> 00:36:00,269swamp ape and some of the other crazy

78000:35:57,239 --> 00:36:01,858stuff that goes on there so it's funny

78100:36:00,269 --> 00:36:05,159you should say that because

78200:36:01,858 --> 00:36:09,028and right before you say that my

78300:36:05,159 --> 00:36:12,478daughter came out here to basically say

78400:36:09,028 --> 00:36:14,579

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goodnight to me and she has had some of

78500:36:12,478 --> 00:36:18,179the craziest experiences in Myakka River

78600:36:14,579 --> 00:36:19,890State Forest very yeah probably because

78700:36:18,179 --> 00:36:21,808you know the other I was another

78800:36:19,889 --> 00:36:23,818interview and she was listening to me

78900:36:21,809 --> 00:36:27,479and she's like I've got talking like go

79000:36:23,818 --> 00:36:30,420bed you can't talk yeah because the

79100:36:27,478 --> 00:36:33,298Myakka River State Park or safe forest

79200:36:30,420 --> 00:36:36,119is supposedly where like the best

79300:36:33,298 --> 00:36:39,568picture of skunk ape has ever been taken

79400:36:36,119 --> 00:36:42,900yeah and this picture has kind of taken

79500:36:39,568 --> 00:36:44,759on legendary status and I'm not sure I

79600:36:42,900 --> 00:36:47,608was just working on this story too I'm

79700:36:44,759 --> 00:36:51,208not sure if it's because of that

79800:36:47,608 --> 00:36:53,369atmosphere but other ghostly legends

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79900:36:51,208 --> 00:36:55,409have also developed around the park none

80000:36:53,369 --> 00:36:58,380of which makes sense and which can be

80100:36:55,409 --> 00:37:00,748confirmed at all and we went there I

80200:36:58,380 --> 00:37:02,190also with tripping on legends I also do

80300:37:00,748 --> 00:37:07,068it's called tripping on ledges with kids

80400:37:02,190 --> 00:37:10,139which is where I take my kids out and

80500:37:07,068 --> 00:37:13,829they kind of legend trip with me and I

80600:37:10,139 --> 00:37:18,478use it as a way to teach history a way

80700:37:13,829 --> 00:37:20,160to teach botany a way to keep them kind

80800:37:18,478 --> 00:37:23,968of research and how to do things and so

80900:37:20,159 --> 00:37:26,248we went there to track down skunk ape

81000:37:23,969 --> 00:37:29,400and to track down these two specific

81100:37:26,248 --> 00:37:30,659ghostly legends that were there and we

81200:37:29,400 --> 00:37:33,028had a really great day in the park if

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81300:37:30,659 --> 00:37:34,409you've ever been there um there's no

81400:37:33,028 --> 00:37:36,478place in Florida I think you're gonna

81500:37:34,409 --> 00:37:39,598see more live alligators that in Myakka

81600:37:36,478 --> 00:37:41,189River State Park which is kind of

81700:37:39,599 --> 00:37:43,440intimidating because it's like oh my

81800:37:41,190 --> 00:37:45,420word there are literally dozens of

81900:37:43,440 --> 00:37:49,229alligators here right now

82000:37:45,420 --> 00:37:52,559and as we were going through we saw this

82100:37:49,228 --> 00:37:55,259cage and someone has told me well that's

82200:37:52,559 --> 00:37:56,519a cage they catch wildlife and did and

82300:37:55,259 --> 00:37:57,900they kind of went on to explain it

82400:37:56,518 --> 00:38:00,238someone this person was a skunk ape

82500:37:57,900 --> 00:38:02,369researcher in Florida and I was like

82600:38:00,239 --> 00:38:04,108okay I'm not really sure why they're


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00:38:02,369 --> 00:38:05,729capturing wildlife when there's so much

82800:38:04,108 --> 00:38:08,639wildlife running free but I guess

82900:38:05,728 --> 00:38:13,169there's a reason for it and so I had

83000:38:08,639 --> 00:38:15,059just taught the kids as well Natalie

83100:38:13,170 --> 00:38:19,700about

83200:38:15,059 --> 00:38:22,739being a tree knocker mm-hmm badly and my

83300:38:19,699 --> 00:38:24,719nine-year-old daughter at the time got

83400:38:22,739 --> 00:38:27,319out and they started to rap on the trees

83500:38:24,719 --> 00:38:32,909to see if they could get a response and

83600:38:27,320 --> 00:38:35,550so my daughter in particular every time

83700:38:32,909 --> 00:38:37,859she rapped not because of any reason

83800:38:35,550 --> 00:38:41,820other than it was natural to her wrapped

83900:38:37,860 --> 00:38:44,400three times Oh boom boom as they were

84000:38:41,820 --> 00:38:47,670going back to the car we got what

84100:38:44,400 --> 00:38:50,670

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sounded like someone with a metal bar

84200:38:47,670 --> 00:38:52,800hitting that cage three times bang bang

84300:38:50,670 --> 00:38:55,769like but that's that clinginess of metal

84400:38:52,800 --> 00:38:56,970on metal right okay and we thought wow

84500:38:55,769 --> 00:38:59,400that's really crazy maybe someone's

84600:38:56,969 --> 00:39:01,109messing with us whatever the next hour

84700:38:59,400 --> 00:39:04,200and a half we were in that part matter

84800:39:01,110 --> 00:39:06,180where we went almost as if it was

84900:39:04,199 --> 00:39:09,779echoing in the car we were getting those

85000:39:06,179 --> 00:39:12,750three metal rapids boom boom boom and we

85100:39:09,780 --> 00:39:16,890were now and it's not a huge part but we

85200:39:12,750 --> 00:39:18,719were miles away from where this cage was

85300:39:16,889 --> 00:39:22,409and it seemed as if whatever it was was

85400:39:18,719 --> 00:39:24,419following us or communicating like

85500:39:22,409 --> 00:39:26,849multiple maybe skunk Apes or whatever

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85600:39:24,420 --> 00:39:30,960communicating right to us throughout the

85700:39:26,849 --> 00:39:33,420park and so I was doing a presentation

85800:39:30,960 --> 00:39:34,829and I'm like I really want that audio I

85900:39:33,420 --> 00:39:36,599you know so I went through all the tapes

86000:39:34,829 --> 00:39:39,210to try to see if at any point we're able

86100:39:36,599 --> 00:39:44,190to capture those three rapping noises

86200:39:39,210 --> 00:39:48,510and there's only one of them and the

86300:39:44,190 --> 00:39:52,349tape my daughter says something and then

86400:39:48,510 --> 00:39:55,770if everything is completely warm about

86500:39:52,349 --> 00:39:59,849it right the audio just goes regular and

86600:39:55,769 --> 00:40:01,050then Natalie says oh did you get it did

86700:39:59,849 --> 00:40:03,119we get it on tape they just said I just

86800:40:01,050 --> 00:40:06,240heard it did you get it and so it's just

86900:40:03,119 --> 00:40:07,559really weird like we have this great

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87000:40:06,239 --> 00:40:10,289piece of evidence that it's not really

87100:40:07,559 --> 00:40:12,179evidence because it's ruined it's messed

87200:40:10,289 --> 00:40:16,230up somehow but the fact that it's messed

87300:40:12,179 --> 00:40:19,169up is also kind of evidence so that's

87400:40:16,230 --> 00:40:21,960that's also and this is one that I might

87500:40:19,170 --> 00:40:26,460be coming back to in a few weeks there's

87600:40:21,960 --> 00:40:27,539also a really good not not a lot of

87700:40:26,460 --> 00:40:29,318people know about it

87800:40:27,539 --> 00:40:33,940skunk ape

87900:40:29,318 --> 00:40:35,940a spot in one Beach Florida so I don't

88000:40:33,940 --> 00:40:40,088know if you've covered beach ones at all

88100:40:35,940 --> 00:40:42,450we're at again Ormond Beach like on the

88200:40:40,088 --> 00:40:42,449East Coast

88300:40:42,869 --> 00:40:52,509IIIi don't recall the name but who knows


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00:40:47,710 --> 00:40:55,298you know I get I get so much stuff I so

88500:40:52,509 --> 00:40:57,759ormond beach we went there to look into

88600:40:55,298 --> 00:41:00,009these two ghostly legends include

88700:40:57,759 --> 00:41:03,699different spots and one of the spots

88800:41:00,009 --> 00:41:06,998that went to was Lulu Lulu State Park

88900:41:03,699 --> 00:41:11,798which is home of the Fairchild oak which

89000:41:06,998 --> 00:41:13,538is dubbed the suicide tree and after we

89100:41:11,798 --> 00:41:15,239kind of did our legend trip of that we

89200:41:13,539 --> 00:41:17,859talked to the Ranger and the Ranger said

89300:41:15,239 --> 00:41:19,778well you know I've never heard about

89400:41:17,858 --> 00:41:23,139this because all the suicide tree that

89500:41:19,778 --> 00:41:24,130but you know those those those skunk ape

89600:41:23,139 --> 00:41:26,288people come here because they're

89700:41:24,130 --> 00:41:29,318supposedly a skunk ape here and he went

89800:41:26,289 --> 00:41:31,869

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on to tell me once again a story of tree

89900:41:29,318 --> 00:41:35,079wrapping the story of this guy wanting

90000:41:31,869 --> 00:41:38,170to come back to the back to the to the

90100:41:35,079 --> 00:41:40,059little park because he had heard and he

90200:41:38,170 --> 00:41:41,528want to go there at dusk because he

90300:41:40,059 --> 00:41:43,539believed he could get more evidence so

90400:41:41,528 --> 00:41:46,239that's some place that I'm looking to

90500:41:43,539 --> 00:41:48,009get back to just to follow up on those

90600:41:46,239 --> 00:41:50,170other ghostly legends that are there but

90700:41:48,009 --> 00:41:54,369also you know once again and hunt for

90800:41:50,170 --> 00:41:56,528the skunk ape well yeah you can probably

90900:41:54,369 --> 00:41:59,440do you could probably stay in Florida

91000:41:56,528 --> 00:42:01,900and just do stuff in Florida be quite

91100:41:59,440 --> 00:42:06,519honest with you I mean it's it's nuts

91200:42:01,900 --> 00:42:11,048down there first book is called dark

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91300:42:06,518 --> 00:42:12,488woods right what I did how old is that

91400:42:11,048 --> 00:42:16,298book would you do that went you write

91500:42:12,489 --> 00:42:19,389that book 11 years ago oh god I thought

91600:42:16,298 --> 00:42:21,849it was about on that but a dick yeah by

91700:42:19,389 --> 00:42:25,629just it's funny because around like I

91800:42:21,849 --> 00:42:30,609said 11 years ago I think last week it

91900:42:25,630 --> 00:42:33,009was the 30th I arrived Florida and I I

92000:42:30,608 --> 00:42:34,690wrote three books over three years and

92100:42:33,009 --> 00:42:39,338they all got published like the same

92200:42:34,690 --> 00:42:40,749month so dark wood dark woods is

92300:42:39,338 --> 00:42:41,949technically the second one I rope and

92400:42:40,748 --> 00:42:42,579it's the first one that came out and

92500:42:41,949 --> 00:42:44,019then ghostly

92600:42:42,579 --> 00:42:45,369adventures and then picks yourself goes

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92700:42:44,019 --> 00:42:47,320something all came out in the same

92800:42:45,369 --> 00:42:49,480months you know I wrote them like three

92900:42:47,320 --> 00:42:52,900years apart so that's the publishing

93000:42:49,480 --> 00:42:54,820world for you to put my focus when I

93100:42:52,900 --> 00:42:57,190wrote dark woods was the Freetown State

93200:42:54,820 --> 00:43:00,100Forest which is one of the eight X's of

93300:42:57,190 --> 00:43:04,269the Bridgewater triangle play icon do we

93400:43:00,099 --> 00:43:06,579start experiencing of a lot of the towns

93500:43:04,269 --> 00:43:10,420in around the ocala State Forest and

93600:43:06,579 --> 00:43:12,190Ocala itself I was reminded of the

93700:43:10,420 --> 00:43:15,639Freetown State Forest how there's this

93800:43:12,190 --> 00:43:18,940kind of darkness to it that draws these

93900:43:15,639 --> 00:43:21,539very weird things into it and so all the

94000:43:18,940 --> 00:43:25,179towns that are around there the land


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00:43:21,539 --> 00:43:29,980disaster these are all places that have

94200:43:25,179 --> 00:43:31,960this really rich paranormal history that

94300:43:29,980 --> 00:43:33,849the people who live there are in total

94400:43:31,960 --> 00:43:35,860harmony with and that's the really weird

94500:43:33,849 --> 00:43:38,049thing I went to the presentation and

94600:43:35,860 --> 00:43:39,519after and came out with like five

94700:43:38,050 --> 00:43:41,140legends and not only going to come up

94800:43:39,519 --> 00:43:43,750with five legend it was five legends

94900:43:41,139 --> 00:43:45,579that or five like hauntings like ghostly

95000:43:43,750 --> 00:43:47,980hauntings kind of thing that everyone in

95100:43:45,579 --> 00:43:49,569the town knew oh yeah yep yep my cousin

95200:43:47,980 --> 00:43:51,909experienced that one let me tell you

95300:43:49,570 --> 00:43:54,400where it is I'm sure it is on a map and

95400:43:51,909 --> 00:43:56,170I found that as we go through those

95500:43:54,400 --> 00:43:59,200

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towns and of course Cassadaga is on the

95600:43:56,170 --> 00:44:01,420tail end of that right as we go through

95700:43:59,199 --> 00:44:03,789those towns there's a lot of really

95800:44:01,420 --> 00:44:06,159weird stuff going on and a lot of it has

95900:44:03,789 --> 00:44:08,579kind of this dark twist to it so it's

96000:44:06,159 --> 00:44:12,069not necessarily these happy-go-lucky

96100:44:08,579 --> 00:44:14,469hauntings there kind of is a little bit

96200:44:12,070 --> 00:44:16,090of darkness to what's going on that's

96300:44:14,469 --> 00:44:17,829kind of attached to that forest and so

96400:44:16,090 --> 00:44:19,870originally I wanted to write one up

96500:44:17,829 --> 00:44:21,719about that area you know called like

96600:44:19,869 --> 00:44:26,409dark woods - or something

96700:44:21,719 --> 00:44:29,349mm-hmm you know I have had two witnesses

96800:44:26,409 --> 00:44:34,599where two people that have sent me two

96900:44:29,349 --> 00:44:37,809different occurrences they had their

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97000:44:34,599 --> 00:44:41,230properties back right up against the

97100:44:37,809 --> 00:44:45,489Akala forest and both of them told me a

97200:44:41,230 --> 00:44:47,320very similar story that they got you

97300:44:45,489 --> 00:44:49,799know they'd get off they'll go off the

97400:44:47,320 --> 00:44:53,170property and go into the forest and

97500:44:49,800 --> 00:44:55,450they'd walk maybe but maybe a couple

97600:44:53,170 --> 00:44:56,079minutes back there and it actually get

97700:44:55,449 --> 00:44:58,119lost

97800:44:56,079 --> 00:45:02,799like they have no idea where the hell

97900:44:58,119 --> 00:45:05,859they're at and the weird thing is is

98000:45:02,800 --> 00:45:07,450that some of the hauntings now I only

98100:45:05,860 --> 00:45:09,610really follow up if someone wants to

98200:45:07,449 --> 00:45:11,919tell me a haunting that they experienced

98300:45:09,610 --> 00:45:15,220I'll listen to that right and I document

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98400:45:11,920 --> 00:45:16,720that but my focus is of like a location

98500:45:15,219 --> 00:45:18,369that has some kind of backstory to it

98600:45:16,719 --> 00:45:20,679but everything hard want to tell me

98700:45:18,369 --> 00:45:23,500their story I listen and I've had

98800:45:20,679 --> 00:45:28,089several different people tell me of

98900:45:23,500 --> 00:45:29,230really odd ghostly encounters that once

99000:45:28,090 --> 00:45:31,150again just like you're saying their

99100:45:29,230 --> 00:45:34,780property is like right up against the

99200:45:31,150 --> 00:45:37,960forest and thing is that connects what

99300:45:34,780 --> 00:45:40,990you're saying is that almost we'll both

99400:45:37,960 --> 00:45:44,380of these different people the story of

99500:45:40,989 --> 00:45:46,899the ghosts they all seemed confused they

99600:45:44,380 --> 00:45:48,910all seemed lost somehow so it is it is

99700:45:46,900 --> 00:45:50,380almost as if the living are losing their


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00:45:48,909 --> 00:45:54,159place in the are Cal State Forest and

99900:45:50,380 --> 00:45:56,079the dead are also lost there yeah you

100000:45:54,159 --> 00:45:59,139know it's weird because I have received

100100:45:56,079 --> 00:46:02,500a lot of crazy stories of people that

100200:45:59,139 --> 00:46:06,699live right up against that forest there

100300:46:02,500 --> 00:46:09,630was one woman who kept sending me and a

100400:46:06,699 --> 00:46:12,849friend of mine kept sending photographs

100500:46:09,630 --> 00:46:15,789of orb activity in their back yards up

100600:46:12,849 --> 00:46:18,839against that forest and you couldn't it

100700:46:15,789 --> 00:46:24,119it literally looked like was snowing it

100800:46:18,840 --> 00:46:27,100was that thick with energy I don't know

100900:46:24,119 --> 00:46:30,009you know the only way I could explain it

101000:46:27,099 --> 00:46:34,119was it was either electromagnetic energy

101100:46:30,010 --> 00:46:35,980or there was a portal nearby somehow I'm

101200:46:34,119 --> 00:46:38,409

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so glad you said it that way because

101300:46:35,980 --> 00:46:41,469like I said I was going over that after

101400:46:38,409 --> 00:46:43,269episode and if anyone goes to trippin on

101500:46:41,469 --> 00:46:46,869legends the episode I can't remember the

101600:46:43,269 --> 00:46:50,170number but it's called kiss my ass sir

101700:46:46,869 --> 00:46:53,799and the first thing that we talk about

101800:46:50,170 --> 00:46:57,460is when we got there it seemed as if

101900:46:53,800 --> 00:47:01,150there was a portal or a vortex a beam

102000:46:57,460 --> 00:47:04,300that waves were not behaving the way

102100:47:01,150 --> 00:47:06,280that they were we were pictures and we

102200:47:04,300 --> 00:47:09,180were almost in complete darkness and it

102300:47:06,280 --> 00:47:12,810was 11 o'clock in the morning long

102400:47:09,179 --> 00:47:15,239we were talking to each other a few feet

102500:47:12,809 --> 00:47:18,090apart and we couldn't hear each other or

102600:47:15,239 --> 00:47:23,129there was an echo and it was almost as

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102700:47:18,090 --> 00:47:26,820if like I said way you sound waves wave

102800:47:23,130 --> 00:47:28,559rays of light were affected in some odd

102900:47:26,820 --> 00:47:30,300way and what it made me think of

103000:47:28,559 --> 00:47:32,789especially when you then talk about all

103100:47:30,300 --> 00:47:35,400the weird things that happen there it's

103200:47:32,789 --> 00:47:37,320made me think of that this place has got

103300:47:35,400 --> 00:47:39,000to be some kind of portal and vortex and

103400:47:37,320 --> 00:47:41,610you know if we get back to what I talked

103500:47:39,000 --> 00:47:43,800about a while ago with fairy trees as

103600:47:41,610 --> 00:47:47,730well there's a heavy presence of those

103700:47:43,800 --> 00:47:49,769there in that location too yeah yeah I

103800:47:47,730 --> 00:47:51,599mean it seems to me when these people

103900:47:49,769 --> 00:47:54,269tell me these things it's almost like

104000:47:51,599 --> 00:47:57,869they walk into a void even like in their

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104100:47:54,269 --> 00:48:00,179back just in their backyards you know

104200:47:57,869 --> 00:48:03,539they they'll go into an area you know

104300:48:00,179 --> 00:48:06,089people talk about portals and vortexes

104400:48:03,539 --> 00:48:08,000all the time but you know I don't know

104500:48:06,090 --> 00:48:11,550what's cause I believe it's

104600:48:08,000 --> 00:48:14,010electromagnetic phenomena of some type

104700:48:11,550 --> 00:48:16,320but it they say it's like my walking to

104800:48:14,010 --> 00:48:19,080avoid and then these people talk about

104900:48:16,320 --> 00:48:20,820well the walk into the forest and the

105000:48:19,079 --> 00:48:22,469one to be out there a couple minutes and

105100:48:20,820 --> 00:48:25,170they're totally lost like they'd only

105200:48:22,469 --> 00:48:28,289recognize where they're at you know it's

105300:48:25,170 --> 00:48:29,930like everything changes on them and then

105400:48:28,289 --> 00:48:36,050of course you have the rainbow people


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00:48:29,929 --> 00:48:38,250who are famous in the forest who are

105600:48:36,050 --> 00:48:40,080looking for some kind of spiritual

105700:48:38,250 --> 00:48:41,550connectedness is that being as nice as I

105800:48:40,079 --> 00:48:43,230possibly can about the rainbow people

105900:48:41,550 --> 00:48:45,900I'm not sure if you know about that no I

106000:48:43,230 --> 00:48:49,199don't know about that

106100:48:45,900 --> 00:48:52,050it's basically kind of like a cult I

106200:48:49,199 --> 00:48:55,619guess a the best way to it's a lot of

106300:48:52,050 --> 00:48:57,269people who are upper class or upper

106400:48:55,619 --> 00:48:58,739middle class who kind of leave

106500:48:57,269 --> 00:49:03,329everything behind and they go and live

106600:48:58,739 --> 00:49:04,500in the forest this forest okay and they

106700:49:03,329 --> 00:49:05,849do a lot of drugs and you do a lot

106800:49:04,500 --> 00:49:08,579chanting they do a lot of all this other

106900:49:05,849 --> 00:49:10,170

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stuff and it's become or had become I

107000:49:08,579 --> 00:49:14,400don't think it's as prevalent now but it

107100:49:10,170 --> 00:49:16,380had become a real problem with the towns

107200:49:14,400 --> 00:49:18,820that live that border those are the

107300:49:16,380 --> 00:49:21,740woods right hand

107400:49:18,820 --> 00:49:24,470whether it's drugs or whether it's what

107500:49:21,739 --> 00:49:28,189we're talking about these rainbow people

107600:49:24,469 --> 00:49:30,439when they connect with the people in

107700:49:28,190 --> 00:49:31,760these towns they're always described as

107800:49:30,440 --> 00:49:34,070being really confused

107900:49:31,760 --> 00:49:35,990and like like out of place and out of

108000:49:34,070 --> 00:49:38,210time and not knowing what's going on and

108100:49:35,989 --> 00:49:40,549things like that so I don't know if that

108200:49:38,210 --> 00:49:43,099adds to it or whether that a symptom of

108300:49:40,550 --> 00:49:46,789it but it kind of you know this whole

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108400:49:43,099 --> 00:49:49,460rainbow people culture that is developed

108500:49:46,789 --> 00:49:52,250around the forest is it is something

108600:49:49,460 --> 00:49:54,019that you know you want to look at it and

108700:49:52,250 --> 00:49:56,360then you don't you know like when I

108800:49:54,019 --> 00:49:58,099could dark woods I was essentially

108900:49:56,360 --> 00:50:00,200talking about cults that were still

109000:49:58,099 --> 00:50:02,779active in different parts of New England

109100:50:00,199 --> 00:50:04,609I was talking about burgers and I think

109200:50:02,780 --> 00:50:11,030we talked about that the last time we

109300:50:04,610 --> 00:50:13,370got together all the activity yeah yeah

109400:50:11,030 --> 00:50:16,070you know it's so it's like you know it's

109500:50:13,369 --> 00:50:17,809it's safe if you're talking about a

109600:50:16,070 --> 00:50:20,690Bigfoot because then you don't expect a

109700:50:17,809 --> 00:50:22,219Bigfoot print in your house right uh and

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109800:50:20,690 --> 00:50:23,929if it happened it kind of adds to the

109900:50:22,219 --> 00:50:25,399story a little bit same thing with a

110000:50:23,929 --> 00:50:26,869ghost like I've had those kinds of

110100:50:25,400 --> 00:50:28,519paranormal experiences too and I've been

110200:50:26,869 --> 00:50:31,429working on something and in that person

110300:50:28,519 --> 00:50:34,039or something connected to that person

110400:50:31,429 --> 00:50:35,599has come into my house but when you're

110500:50:34,039 --> 00:50:37,489talking about like real people that

110600:50:35,599 --> 00:50:39,110could do harm to me and my kids that's

110700:50:37,489 --> 00:50:40,969when it gets a little sketchy so I've

110800:50:39,110 --> 00:50:43,730always kind of like mentioned the

110900:50:40,969 --> 00:50:45,019rainbow the rainbow people but not got

111000:50:43,730 --> 00:50:47,990too much into it because you really

111100:50:45,019 --> 00:50:50,539don't know what's going on with them you


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00:50:47,989 --> 00:50:52,699know I believe that there are places and

111300:50:50,539 --> 00:50:58,579I think a cow is one of them

111400:50:52,699 --> 00:51:02,839where you know the area actually gets

111500:50:58,579 --> 00:51:06,319imprinted by whoever happens to go there

111600:51:02,840 --> 00:51:08,900in other words you know it just kind of

111700:51:06,320 --> 00:51:12,740compounds on top of each other you know

111800:51:08,900 --> 00:51:15,170each incident and I think I think Ocala

111900:51:12,739 --> 00:51:21,889is one of those places were these

112000:51:15,170 --> 00:51:23,619imprints stay in town I don't have to

112100:51:21,889 --> 00:51:26,480all of their weather concerns

112200:51:23,619 --> 00:51:28,460yeah I'm sorry that the imprint stay is

112300:51:26,480 --> 00:51:30,949that they draw other stuff into it right

112400:51:28,460 --> 00:51:32,480yeah you know it's a constant cycling of

112500:51:30,949 --> 00:51:35,210this stuff it's the same thing

112600:51:32,480 --> 00:51:38,300

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ten state forests the Bennington

112700:51:35,210 --> 00:51:41,858Triangle in Vermont a total skinwalker

112800:51:38,300 --> 00:51:44,420ranch there these locations that seem to

112900:51:41,858 --> 00:51:49,549invite this stuff or draw the stuff in

113000:51:44,420 --> 00:51:51,740and then kind of emanate that definite

113100:51:49,550 --> 00:51:54,200out towards people it's you know and

113200:51:51,739 --> 00:51:55,489when you experience it when you're when

113300:51:54,199 --> 00:51:57,739you're on the Ocala State for us when

113400:51:55,489 --> 00:51:59,809you're in that area it's very different

113500:51:57,739 --> 00:52:01,789than when you're following up on a

113600:51:59,809 --> 00:52:03,858ghostly legend in Punta Gorda it might

113700:52:01,789 --> 00:52:05,509be a little creepy it's also a little

113800:52:03,858 --> 00:52:06,949exciting you're looking at history and

113900:52:05,510 --> 00:52:08,690then you go there and you're kind of

114000:52:06,949 --> 00:52:10,879like doing all of those things but in

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114100:52:08,690 --> 00:52:19,250the background there's almost like this

114200:52:10,880 --> 00:52:22,250way that you weird you're on now you're

114300:52:19,250 --> 00:52:26,300a high school teacher aren't you yes I

114400:52:22,250 --> 00:52:28,670am now how do your students react I mean

114500:52:26,300 --> 00:52:34,490do you tell them about this what would

114600:52:28,670 --> 00:52:36,829you do I do this was actually I three

114700:52:34,489 --> 00:52:38,358years I was a middle school teacher and

114800:52:36,829 --> 00:52:40,700I just went back to high school after

114900:52:38,358 --> 00:52:43,549probably ten years of teaching middle

115000:52:40,699 --> 00:52:46,250school and when I was teaching middle

115100:52:43,550 --> 00:52:48,380school especially it's kind of what got

115200:52:46,250 --> 00:52:52,010me back into things because they were

115300:52:48,380 --> 00:52:54,890telling me so much ghostly folklore that

115400:52:52,010 --> 00:52:56,480they thought they had invented and I'm

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115500:52:54,889 --> 00:52:59,420saying things like blend intent and

115600:52:56,480 --> 00:53:02,780Momoh and like all of these kind of and

115700:52:59,420 --> 00:53:05,269Jeff the killer and the very variations

115800:53:02,780 --> 00:53:06,980of Bloody Mary and things like that that

115900:53:05,269 --> 00:53:08,838I'm like you know what okay I think

116000:53:06,980 --> 00:53:12,380there's a book here called middle school

116100:53:08,838 --> 00:53:17,349mythology you know they can't they dig

116200:53:12,380 --> 00:53:20,869it when when they're mad at me they

116300:53:17,349 --> 00:53:22,338which is often they they tell their

116400:53:20,869 --> 00:53:25,960parents that I'm talking about go stuff

116500:53:22,338 --> 00:53:25,960and undergo their parents get mad at me

116600:53:26,199 --> 00:53:33,108you know it to me it's like you know if

116700:53:30,619 --> 00:53:34,849I could teach if I could teach every

116800:53:33,108 --> 00:53:37,608lesson and start it with a paranormal


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00:53:34,849 --> 00:53:40,309twist and kids would learn so much more

117000:53:37,608 --> 00:53:42,440than if I just do it straight they're

117100:53:40,309 --> 00:53:44,480drawn into it they love it they

117200:53:42,440 --> 00:53:46,220sometimes will finish their work early

117300:53:44,480 --> 00:53:48,019so that I will tell them a ghost story

117400:53:46,219 --> 00:53:49,489we start with I'm not saying ghosts are

117500:53:48,019 --> 00:53:50,960real but let me tell you something that

117600:53:49,489 --> 00:53:51,348happened you know let me tell you a

117700:53:50,960 --> 00:53:55,340story

117800:53:51,349 --> 00:53:57,769and so I think that we have a youth

117900:53:55,340 --> 00:54:00,500culture that is very much like keyed

118000:53:57,769 --> 00:54:02,150into the paranormal world and I don't

118100:54:00,500 --> 00:54:03,619know if that's changed because I was

118200:54:02,150 --> 00:54:06,349like that and I know my friends were

118300:54:03,619 --> 00:54:09,079

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like that and it's one of those things

118400:54:06,349 --> 00:54:10,760where they're the next generation and

118500:54:09,079 --> 00:54:14,029and what they're doing is essentially

118600:54:10,760 --> 00:54:15,830taking technology and the things that

118700:54:14,030 --> 00:54:18,590they experience in life like iPhones

118800:54:15,829 --> 00:54:22,069iPads and the platforms they're on like

118900:54:18,590 --> 00:54:24,079Instagram and snapchat and those are

119000:54:22,070 --> 00:54:25,910becoming the vehicles for the legends

119100:54:24,079 --> 00:54:28,219that they're telling you know and then

119200:54:25,909 --> 00:54:30,889the claim is because of that as well

119300:54:28,219 --> 00:54:33,679they have no filter whatsoever and so

119400:54:30,889 --> 00:54:37,069they think like paranormal activity is

119500:54:33,679 --> 00:54:40,399of documentary you know like do you

119600:54:37,070 --> 00:54:41,930think that these real and I have to be

119700:54:40,400 --> 00:54:44,180like you know like that's what's up

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119800:54:41,929 --> 00:54:46,368can't happen but that's not a real movie

119900:54:44,179 --> 00:54:48,980it's a movie buddy you know like don't

120000:54:46,369 --> 00:54:50,750know they're not too bright I guess but

120100:54:48,980 --> 00:54:52,150you know but but they don't know the

120200:54:50,750 --> 00:54:54,349difference between which is why

120300:54:52,150 --> 00:54:56,300something like Slenderman and just the

120400:54:54,349 --> 00:54:58,910killer can get such good traction and

120500:54:56,300 --> 00:55:01,880their community is something that is not

120600:54:58,909 --> 00:55:05,358just folklore but real is that it's

120700:55:01,880 --> 00:55:08,720presented to them as found-footage and

120800:55:05,358 --> 00:55:10,069so they there's a part of them the same

120900:55:08,719 --> 00:55:12,049way there was a part of people who

121000:55:10,070 --> 00:55:14,809believed 20 years ago that Blair Witch

121100:55:12,050 --> 00:55:16,849Project was real right there's part of

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121200:55:14,809 --> 00:55:18,500them that really thinks that this stuff

121300:55:16,849 --> 00:55:21,650that they're seeing is real and

121400:55:18,500 --> 00:55:22,909therefore the legend becomes real how do

121500:55:21,650 --> 00:55:26,088you our kids

121600:55:22,909 --> 00:55:28,779and teacher around kids all the time how

121700:55:26,088 --> 00:55:31,989do they react to means just like

121800:55:28,780 --> 00:55:34,609Slenderman and those types of things

121900:55:31,989 --> 00:55:37,608like they think it's real like they

122000:55:34,608 --> 00:55:41,358think that they think that's what Anna's

122100:55:37,608 --> 00:55:44,358a real person they think that Thunder

122200:55:41,358 --> 00:55:47,569man can get you my kids aren't

122300:55:44,358 --> 00:55:50,869over-the-top like the two girls in

122400:55:47,570 --> 00:55:53,450Wisconsin who that might have to appease

122500:55:50,869 --> 00:55:56,150him but those things are very real for


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00:55:53,449 --> 00:56:00,099them like they it's funny because to

122700:55:56,150 --> 00:56:02,440them like like a the witching hour

122800:56:00,099 --> 00:56:04,719like three o'clock is like a sacred time

122900:56:02,440 --> 00:56:06,340right so growing up there was all this

123000:56:04,719 --> 00:56:08,139kernel activity and or there's all this

123100:56:06,340 --> 00:56:09,760ghosts and legends and all this kind of

123200:56:08,139 --> 00:56:12,609good stuff and it could happen whatever

123300:56:09,760 --> 00:56:13,870right and for them it's like no like you

123400:56:12,610 --> 00:56:15,130have to take the three o'clock challenge

123500:56:13,869 --> 00:56:16,359if you want to experience this ghost you

123600:56:15,130 --> 00:56:19,210go to three because that's when the

123700:56:16,360 --> 00:56:20,620devil has is saying no and I happen

123800:56:19,210 --> 00:56:23,860there and that's so that was really

123900:56:20,619 --> 00:56:25,929pushed by television for them and so for

124000:56:23,860 --> 00:56:28,510

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them these things are real these stories

124100:56:25,929 --> 00:56:30,699are real you know it's funny I was able

124200:56:28,510 --> 00:56:34,000to document because of all this three

124300:56:30,699 --> 00:56:36,369o'clock stuff that Bloody Mary has moved

124400:56:34,000 --> 00:56:38,860from midnight to them Bloody Mary from

124500:56:36,369 --> 00:56:41,829midnight to 3:00 a.m. instead of doing

124600:56:38,860 --> 00:56:43,000the Mary challenge at midnight blowing

124700:56:41,829 --> 00:56:47,529out the candle or whatever your version

124800:56:43,000 --> 00:56:50,849of it is these kids wake up at 2:45 set

124900:56:47,530 --> 00:56:50,850everything up and then do it at 3:00

125000:56:51,690 --> 00:56:57,909interesting yeah I mean you know when

125100:56:55,750 --> 00:57:02,530you talk about stuff like that I mean

125200:56:57,909 --> 00:57:04,420see this is something that I have that I

125300:57:02,530 --> 00:57:07,180have trouble having people understand

125400:57:04,420 --> 00:57:10,920just like with the Slender Man phenomena

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125500:57:07,179 --> 00:57:13,539which I believe is people are actually

125600:57:10,920 --> 00:57:16,630manifesting similar type of creatures

125700:57:13,539 --> 00:57:18,639ball forms and such just like

125800:57:16,630 --> 00:57:21,579poltergeist you know it's it's a false

125900:57:18,639 --> 00:57:23,799form that kind of gets beyond what it

126000:57:21,579 --> 00:57:26,500really should and it's it's human

126100:57:23,800 --> 00:57:29,980manifested but you know a lot of people

126200:57:26,500 --> 00:57:32,590don't understand that and I think people

126300:57:29,980 --> 00:57:37,780are gonna have to open their minds up

126400:57:32,590 --> 00:57:39,940and realize that the human mind is it

126500:57:37,780 --> 00:57:43,630can it can be very tricky and very

126600:57:39,940 --> 00:57:45,970dangerous at some points but you know

126700:57:43,630 --> 00:57:49,950that's why it isn't you know the Slender

126800:57:45,969 --> 00:57:54,329Man mean thing I'm fascinated by that

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126900:57:49,949 --> 00:57:58,989but I think that I think that

127000:57:54,329 --> 00:58:01,920thought-form manifestation is something

127100:57:58,989 --> 00:58:04,569that paranormal investigations

127200:58:01,920 --> 00:58:06,700investigators and researchers are gonna

127300:58:04,570 --> 00:58:10,030have to take in consideration much more

127400:58:06,699 --> 00:58:11,919than they really used to and I think

127500:58:10,030 --> 00:58:13,460they are I think that I think that the

127600:58:11,920 --> 00:58:15,860idea of thought form

127700:58:13,460 --> 00:58:18,590has taken hold and I think that people

127800:58:15,860 --> 00:58:21,050are even who once again this is the

127900:58:18,590 --> 00:58:23,900funny part about evidence right people

128000:58:21,050 --> 00:58:26,450are now looking at EVPs that they get

128100:58:23,900 --> 00:58:29,030for example and saying are we

128200:58:26,449 --> 00:58:30,859manifesting these voices ourselves right


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00:58:29,030 --> 00:58:33,260and they're answering questions we want

128400:58:30,860 --> 00:58:36,380and I'm like by the way if we can do

128500:58:33,260 --> 00:58:39,440that that's pretty creepy too yeah

128600:58:36,380 --> 00:58:40,519that's kind of right like so people will

128700:58:39,440 --> 00:58:41,690say that and then don't say so the

128800:58:40,519 --> 00:58:43,610evidence you can't even trust that

128900:58:41,690 --> 00:58:44,720evidence because you could have created

129000:58:43,610 --> 00:58:47,780it yourself and I'm like we'll create

129100:58:44,719 --> 00:58:49,549that's like people who say you know well

129200:58:47,780 --> 00:58:51,260the Ouija board moved because you were

129300:58:49,550 --> 00:58:53,180moving it with your mind I'm like oh so

129400:58:51,260 --> 00:58:55,430now telekinesis is not part of the

129500:58:53,179 --> 00:58:57,319paranormal like I said look at that you

129600:58:55,429 --> 00:58:59,629know I want to say tell key exists what

129700:58:57,320 --> 00:59:01,100

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a ghost can like that's kind of crazy

129800:58:59,630 --> 00:59:02,990so yeah I think it's an interesting

129900:59:01,099 --> 00:59:05,719twist to the field that once again like

130000:59:02,989 --> 00:59:07,819as we understand it our stories about it

130100:59:05,719 --> 00:59:10,519evolved what we can do with our mind we

130200:59:07,820 --> 00:59:13,460could potentially well we could

130300:59:10,519 --> 00:59:18,019potentially cause very interesting so

130400:59:13,460 --> 00:59:19,429what are you telling working on I can't

130500:59:18,019 --> 00:59:22,219have a few different projects one of the

130600:59:19,429 --> 00:59:23,659projects I'm working on hoping to to

130700:59:22,219 --> 00:59:26,959hear actually this week about whether

130800:59:23,659 --> 00:59:30,859it's whether I'm being signed on is this

130900:59:26,960 --> 00:59:34,550idea of haunted love and it's a book

131000:59:30,860 --> 00:59:36,200about essentially in Florida because

131100:59:34,550 --> 00:59:39,680they you know they want the geographical

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131200:59:36,199 --> 00:59:42,699part of it this idea that there are so

131300:59:39,679 --> 00:59:47,000many hot things that we are told of that

131400:59:42,699 --> 00:59:50,449have love at the heart of them right

131500:59:47,000 --> 00:59:52,219like the backstory is there was a mother

131600:59:50,449 --> 00:59:53,929who lost her children and she returns

131700:59:52,219 --> 00:59:57,469and she's still searching for her kids

131800:59:53,929 --> 00:59:58,940in this location or that there were two

131900:59:57,469 --> 01:00:00,289lovers they loved each other but they

132000:59:58,940 --> 01:00:02,179couldn't be together so they committed

132101:00:00,289 --> 01:00:05,900suicide and now their ghosts are seen on

132201:00:02,179 --> 01:00:08,719this cliff every night you know or these

132301:00:05,900 --> 01:00:11,000people were you know this person comes

132401:00:08,719 --> 01:00:13,279back to the job that he loved every

132501:00:11,000 --> 01:00:15,980single day every day he went he died and

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132601:00:13,280 --> 01:00:17,420he still is coming back to do it or like

132701:00:15,980 --> 01:00:18,889I was saying with the man from Safety

132801:00:17,420 --> 01:00:20,900Harbor the Native American from safety

132901:00:18,889 --> 01:00:24,799harbor he goes back to constantly

133001:00:20,900 --> 01:00:26,869protect this inlet and so it's a book

133101:00:24,800 --> 01:00:29,180that really focuses on all the

133201:00:26,869 --> 01:00:32,389different contains that are all wrong

133301:00:29,179 --> 01:00:34,569Florida that have to do with luck

133401:00:32,389 --> 01:00:41,449that have this kind of similar theme of

133501:00:34,570 --> 01:00:45,500love is what is strong enough to make us

133601:00:41,449 --> 01:00:48,049live beyond our death or having such a

133701:00:45,500 --> 01:00:50,539part of what we need that when we create

133801:00:48,050 --> 01:00:52,610a story to try to explain the paranormal

133901:00:50,539 --> 01:00:54,699we all we fall back on love because it's


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01:00:52,610 --> 01:00:59,000the most common even our mind

134101:00:54,699 --> 01:01:03,019interesting you have to come back and

134201:00:59,000 --> 01:01:05,570wouldn't talk about that that does sound

134301:01:03,019 --> 01:01:07,519like an interesting subject for the show

134401:01:05,570 --> 01:01:13,309because I guess you you could go really

134501:01:07,519 --> 01:01:18,679deep into that well I'm currently forty

134601:01:13,309 --> 01:01:20,449thousand feet there you go so Chris

134701:01:18,679 --> 01:01:23,329thanks again for being on the show we'll

134801:01:20,449 --> 01:01:24,919try to get you back a later time thank

134901:01:23,329 --> 01:01:28,579you very much for having me on it's been

135001:01:24,920 --> 01:01:32,030amazing ok you take it what's that I

135101:01:28,579 --> 01:01:34,880miss talking to you oh well well we'll

135201:01:32,030 --> 01:01:37,850have to remedy that right let's not make

135301:01:34,880 --> 01:01:42,230it a decade again absolutely you take

135401:01:37,849 --> 01:01:44,659

Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer _ Researcher _ Podcaster - Arcane Radio_CjAuN5meOqY- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:38]

care buddy mm-hmm now if you have to

135501:01:42,230 --> 01:01:46,519explain to counter sighting feel free to

135601:01:44,659 --> 01:01:49,659contact me through the fans of Moss's

135701:01:46,519 --> 01:01:52,880blog site my new book alien disclosure

135801:01:49,659 --> 01:01:55,460experiences expose reality is available

135901:01:52,880 --> 01:01:57,950on just search my name launch

136001:01:55,460 --> 01:02:00,470strickler and all the tiles will appear

136101:01:57,949 --> 01:02:02,869I want again thank Christopher Bassanio

136201:02:00,469 --> 01:02:04,129for joining me this evening and I want

136301:02:02,869 --> 01:02:06,289to thank you for listening to the show

136401:02:04,130 --> 01:02:09,130good night and have a safe and enjoyable

136501:02:06,289 --> 01:02:09,130weekend

136601:02:16,309 --> 01:02:19,549[Music]

136701:02:29,400 --> 01:02:32,499[Applause]

136801:02:32,809 --> 01:02:35,989[Music]

Arcane Radio - Christopher Balzano - Writer _ Researcher _ Podcaster - Arcane Radio_CjAuN5meOqY- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:25:38]

136901:02:54,480 --> 01:03:35,579[Music]