Arcane Larp Rulebook 1.0

Post on 28-Sep-2015

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The core game rulebook for the larp Arcane, located in Madison Connecticut. This rulebook is current as of April 2015.

Transcript of Arcane Larp Rulebook 1.0

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    Welcome to Arcane - an immersion focused live fantasy game. The core rules of Arcane have been designed to be fairly easy to learn and immersive. The rules are "light" so as not to be a large barrier to entry, and so that they don't distract from your experience of the game's universe. Additional depth and nuance will be revealed over time. The rules will change as the game goes on, often due to the sandbox nature of our plot. A principal tenet of our rules is silent combat with as few calls as possible. Many skills or game effects involve a specific prop or sensory experience. Players should find it easy to begin playing and seamlessly integrate into the entire experience. Character creation is as simple as possible and character progression will occur very naturally throughout gameplay. A dedicated character will be able to master fantastic arts such as magic and alchemy. We are striving to create a highly immersive fantasy atmosphere. Arcane players are encouraged and expected to stay in-character as much as possible. Minimize out-of-game distractions, and react to the things you experience. This helps everybody enjoy our mutually created space as if it is a real world, with real things happening in it. Players are expected to support the atmosphere by adhering to our guidelines regarding appropriate costuming, realistic armor, and proper weapon selection. We are providing a highly detailed, carefully crafted, theatrical game world and we expect our players to embrace the ideal of immersion quality in every aspect of their appearance and gameplay. Player Safety Player safety is of utmost importance at every Arcane event and we strive to provide the safest environment possible. To that end, there is one rule that is paramount to all others, the Emergency Rule. Anyone may yell Emergency! at any time to stop gameplay due to a safety reason. After the safety issue has been resolved, play may begin again with the "Resume" command. Resumption of play should be determined by the parties involved in the emergency and should be handled as soon as it is safely possible. A brief three second count down may be utilized to ensure that everyone is ready to resume play. During a safety emergency, all players should drop to one knee and avoid looking around or talking, unless they are directly involved with the emergency. Any abuse of this rule to manipulate in-game situations will be grounds for disciplinary action. The minimum age for participation at an Arcane event is eighteen. First time players will be asked to provide a valid, legal form of photo identification. All players are required to sign a legal release form before participation in their first Arcane event. Alcohol and illegal drug use are strictly prohibited at all Arcane events. Possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs will result in your immediate removal from the game site. Only Arcane approved, safety-checked game props are permitted in combat. This includes weapons, shields, armor and any other items intended for combat purposes. Physical contact during combat is restricted to approved weapon props only. Arcane reserves the right to refuse any equipment at any time if it is deemed unsafe. Thrusting attacks are prohibited due to existing safety concerns with the types of weapons which are required for combat. Coreless weapons represent the primary exception to this rule as many daggers and small weapons are made without core material. Arcane staff will continue to evaluate thrusting weapons as advances are made to enhance their safety. Exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis but consent must be expressly granted by an approved staff member.

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    The Watchers The Watchers are neutral characters in the game world who wear gray robes. They serve as the game masters in Arcane. They are the liaisons between Arcane staff and the player community, interpreting rules and providing clarity on any issues that arise during gameplay. Primary Watchers will be easily identifiable in the game world as they will be wearing distinctive gray robes. Secondary Watchers will be integrated with our NPCs and will also be wearing a distinctive identifying costuming item. If you need to approach a Watcher regarding an out-of-game question, expect that they will move the conversation someplace out of the immediate gaming area. Decisions made by a Watcher are obligatory and must be followed. Aside from specific out of game issues, Watchers are fully in-character and can be interacted with the same as other NPCs. The Rules These rules are a guide for the safety and enjoyment of all Arcane players. It is understood that this ruleset will never properly encompass every situation that arises throughout the course of gameplay. It is important therefore, that every player follows the spirit of the rules in terms of fair play and honesty. Intentionally exploiting loopholes in the rules or otherwise abusing a rule in a way in which it was not intended shall be grounds for disciplinary action. 1. Character Creation The first step to creating a character should be to consider what role you would like to play and whether or not you will you be able to play it convincingly. One advantage to the Arcane system is that your character can do whatever relevant and applicable things that you can do in real life. There is no burden to buy mundane skills like reading or writing. In fact, there is no burden to buy skills at all. Characters may wield any basic weapon that they choose and may wear any basic armor that they choose. Characters will not be able to begin the game using ranged weapons. A magical Lodestone deep beneath the earth prevents ranged weapons from working until a character has been trained in their use. Also, in certain instances, specific character development paths may impose limitations and restrictions on weapon choices, armor choices, and other progression options. Those restrictions will be made clear to players through the course of gameplay. There are no game defined starting character class designations. You are effectively whatever you have decided to be and can pursue whatever career path you choose. There are also no fantasy character race options available for new players, all characters begin as humans. The race restriction is tied to the lore of the game and options can become available to create races and change races throughout gameplay. All players will be required to submit a character history to our Plot Staff for advanced approval. Histories should provide a detailed backstory of a characters life leading up to present day, with a focus on specific events that a player will be using to mold the direction of their development and roleplay. These histories will be used by Arcane staff to help weave players into the ongoing storyline. No player will be allowed to participate in an Arcane event without an approved character history. All players will be required to follow minimum costuming guidelines to enhance the overall atmosphere and quality of the game. All combat equipment and specifically required costuming components, like treasure pouches and death candles, must be explicitly approved. These requirements allow us to ensure that everyone playing the game experiences the highest level of immersion and enjoyment as possible.

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    2. Armor, Life, and Death Summary:

    Armor points protect your whole body. When those are gone, your limbs and torso are vulnerable. When a limb is struck by a weapon, it is maimed and cannot be used. A torso hit causes you to collapse to the ground and begin bleeding. Any injury left for more than 10 minutes leaves you in a state of shock. Bandaging within 10

    minutes prevent shock. After a wound is bandaged and treated with surgery, it will recover over time. Shock makes recovery take twice as long.

    2.1 Armor - In Arcane, armor is an important part of survival in combat. Armor is treated as a pool of points which protect the entire body--location specific armor is not necessary. A weapon attack that would normally injure a character will instead remove a point of armor from the pool, if any are left. If none are left, the weapon will injure the limb or torso it struck. Armor thats been damaged can be repaired by the town blacksmith or other characters trained in repairing armor. The smith will role play repairing the suit of armor, tap the target character twice on the shoulder, and make an in-game statement to let them know the armor repair is finished. The value of a characters armor, gauged in armor points (AP), is determined by its quality. Armor is evaluated on a case by case basis and armor points will be assigned by a qualified Arcane staff member at event check-in. The quality of the armor is a composite value based on the materials used, the coverage and protection provided, and the overall aesthetic of the armor and costuming as a whole. The following value ranges are a general guideline for armor that protects at least the chest and torso.

    Light Armor 1 - 3AP Medium Armor 4 - 6AP Heavy Armor 7 - 9AP 2.2 Health - Arcane does not employ a system of health points to represent a characters vitality. Any weapon blow that strikes an un-armored character will injure them. An injury to the torso will knock them prone and inflict a debilitating wound which begins bleeding. An unarmored limb struck by a weapon is maimed. We encourage players to role play their injuries as realistically as possible to help create a proper atmosphere of danger. Fake blood, bruise makeup, or other injury-related prosthetics may be applied at the players discretion. 2.2.1 Maimed Limbs - When an unarmored limb is struck by a weapon, it is maimed. A character with a maimed arm cannot effectively wield any weapons, shields, or other objects with it, but does not have to drop the item. If a weapon or shield held in a maimed arm is struck with a weapon, the attack counts as a successful strike to the torso. A character with a maimed leg may not put their full weight on the leg and cannot walk. They will need assistance to move about, putting their arm around another character and limping appropriately. They can only stand upright if they are using a walking stick, crutch, or leaning against something. To recover, a maimed limb must be bandaged, then receive surgery, then some time must elapse before it is usable again. If a maimed limb is not bandaged within approximately 10 minutes, the character will go into shock.

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    Once a maimed limb has been bandaged, partial usage of it is restored. See the bandaging section for more details. 2.2.2 Bleeding - Characters who are bleeding from a wound to the torso must fall to the ground and wait to be stabilized via bandaging before they can move or be moved. This is not a state of unconsciousness and characters are aware of everything they can sense. They cannot shout, but can speak, with some effort, at a low volume. Players should stay alert during this time as combat may still be occurring around them and they are in a vulnerable position. A bleeding character may crawl a short distance - roughly 20 feet from the spot where they fell - in order to avoid being stepped on or to move out of wet terrain. Characters who are bleeding are vulnerable to being fatally struck or being searched for treasure. If a bleeding character is not bandaged within approximately ten minutes, their wounds will mend enough for them to struggle back to their feet and seek additional healing. A mandatory component of that role-play is to hold the wound closed with one hand, keeping direct pressure on it, which creates a visual indicator of the condition. They are now considered in shock. Attempts to carry a bleeding character before they are bandaged will cause them to go into shock immediately. To carry them, role play that you are lifting them up, and help them walk. The character being carried can only walk slowly, needs support to walk, and must keep a hand on their wound. A character can only be carried voluntarily. If you are not comfortable being carried by another character, simply tap them twice on the hand, and they must put you down immediately. 2.2.3 Shock - Shock sets in after a wound goes untreated for more than 10 minutes or if a bandaged wound is struck. A character who is in shock is very weak and easily confused. Characters who are in shock must walk at a slow pace, and may not use any game skills or participate in combat until the original condition is healed properly. When a surgeon dresses the wound and informs the character of their recovery time, a character in shock doubles that time. When they recover from the wound, the shock ends as well. Characters who are in shock do not regain limited use of limbs from being bandaged - they may only receive surgery. 2.2.4 Bandaging - Bandaging requires the physical application of bandages by a trained character. This treatment involves appropriate medical role play. The healer will apply the bandage, and then tap the bandaged character twice on the shoulder while verbally informing them that the action is complete. A character may not bandage themselves without special training. If a bandage is applied to a maimed limb, limited use of that limb is restored. An arm with limited use may wield a weapon or shield in combat, however, skills may not be activated or used. A character can walk slowly or hobble on an injured but bandaged leg, but cannot run or move at a fast pace. If a character is struck on a bandaged limb, they immediately go into shock. Surgery and some recovery time is needed to recover full use of bandaged limbs. If a character goes into shock due to being struck on a bandaged limb or a maimed limb not being bandaged within approximately ten minutes, that limbs post-surgery recovery time is doubled. After a bleeding character (one that has suffered a torso wound) is bandaged, they may move again but the condition should be roleplayed appropriately as they still have very serious wounds. A bandaged character may not fight or use any skills until this condition is removed. Surgery may not be performed on an injury until it has been bandaged.

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    2.2.5 Surgery and Recovery - Surgery is needed for a wound to recover in full. An injury must be bandaged before surgery can take place, even if the character was in shock. Most surgeons need to work in a controlled, well lit, indoor space. Advanced surgeons may be able to treat their patients outdoors in the field. After surgery is completed, the treated wound will begin to recover. The surgeons skill level will determine the amount of time needed to recover. The surgeon will inform the injured character how much time recovery will take, doubling that time accordingly for shock. A character who is recovering from a wound should not engage in combat or undertake strenuous activities such as running, lifting heavy objects, or carrying another character. Strenuous activities will cause the wound to re-open after a brief period. The wound is still considered bandaged, but it will need surgery again and its recovery time is reset. 2.3 Dying - In Arcane, when a character dies, they activate their death candle and proceed to walk silently to the tavern. Players may not interact with the dead and the dead may not interact with the living. There will be a bell on the corner of the tavern bar which will summon the Arbiter. The Arbiter will proceed to guide the character through the resurrection and arbitration process as necessary. Arbitration will be called any time a player kills another player. Arbitration will also be called any time a player kills a major game NPC. If the arbitration process is invoked by the Arbiter, he will summon the killer to present their perspective of the event to the Arbiter. The two sides will present their stories and the Arbiter will judge the death and ensure that it was balanced and proper. Failure to comply with the arbitration is a violation of the rules of Arcane and will result in disciplinary action. Further details regarding the Arbiter and the arbitration process will need to be learned by the players. A character may resurrect three times before they are permanently dead. More information about death and resurrection will need to be learned during play. 3. Combat - Arcane strives to create a streamlined combat system that does not rely on many out-of-game calls. To that end, all standard weapon blows deliver one point of damage and no verbal needs to be called when performing normal combat strikes. During combat, when a successful strike is delivered, the attacking player should pause for a second to allow the target time to react to the hit. Successive strikes delivered before the opponent has acknowledged the hit do not deal additional damage. Weapon strikes need to be delivered with an appropriate appearance of force. They shouldn't be hard strikes, or in any way jeopardize the safety of the combatants or the equipment being used. However, for the sake of immersion, they should not be attempted as fast-paced light touches either. Players should strive to create the atmosphere of real combat, role-playing hits that they receive and endeavoring to make their weapon blows as realistic as possible. Players should avoid striking the neck, head, and groin of their target. These strikes are considered unsafe and do not need to be acknowledged as hits. To block with a two handed weapon (any weapon over 42 inches long), you must keep both hands on it. If you block using only one hand, you must immediately drop the weapon. You may pick it up again as soon as it lands and comes to a rest. Combat abilities your character knows may be used at any time. Activated abilities triggered by a weapon strike must be called verbally after the strike lands. Activated shield abilities must be called verbally after blocking a strike with your shield. In the course of combat it may be desirable to deliver a fatal blow to a fallen enemy. Fatal blows may be performed, on targets who are incapacitated by role-playing a deliberate weapon action which would realistically result in the instant death of the target. The role-played action should last no less than three seconds and should be apparent to anyone observing the action, but does not require a specific verbal call. A fatal blow may be interrupted by delivering damage to the target performing the action or otherwise impeding the target from finishing the action.

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    4. Game Effects and Durations - A game effect is a set of rules for how to respond to something within the game world. For example, if you are struck with a weapon and the attacker calls "stun", then you are dazed for a moment as per the stun effect listed in the Game Effects section. There are a number of game effects that a player may encounter through the course of an Arcane event. In most cases, these effects will be delivered via weapon strike or special ranged attack. The current list of status effects can be found in the Game Effects section. As the game unfolds, characters will encounter previously unknown status effects which will be explained through theatrical events and direct Watcher interaction. Newly discovered status effects will be updated on the website as they are chronicled. 4.1 Delivery Methods - Many game effects are signified by a verbal call such as "stun" or "disarm". Some game effects have no associated verbal, and are signified by a specific prop. Effects are commonly delivered by weapon. They must be called during a weapon swing, and the effect does not work if the attack is blocked by a weapon or shield. Sometimes effects are delivered by shield. If you strike someone's shield, and they call out a game effect, then you must respond to it. Some game effects can be delivered using a technique called Arcanum, which channels magic through the casters voice. (described below) A game effect may be called while launching a ranged attack such as a thrown object or projectile. The specific thrown object may vary, and might include things like squishy glowing orbs and throwing daggers. Multiple effects may be delivered simultaneously with multiple verbals being strung together. For instance, the verbal Stunning Disarm, would indicate that both the Stun and Disarm effects were delivered by the attack. 4.2 Duration - A brief duration is considered to be approximately ten seconds. The intention is for players to fill a short amount of time with appropriate roleplay without being focused on counting. If you are unsure if sufficient time has elapsed, err on the side of caution. If a game effect is paired with a duration, then the effect lasts until it is fulfilled. If no duration is specified, the effect will last for a brief duration (10 seconds). Some durations may be conditions. For example, the victim of Paralyze until I leave the room will not be able to move until the caster leaves through the door. The condition paralyze while I gesture means that you are paralyzed until the caster stops pointing at you. Use your best discretion to pick the moment specified by durations such as until sunset or until sunrise. 4.2.1 Arcanum Spells - Some spells can be cast by pointing at the target and saying Arcanum, followed by a game effect and duration. If no duration is specified, the spell will last for a brief period (about 10 seconds). The caster is encouraged to use a loud, forceful voice so as to make the spellcasting clear. If the target does not hear the effect, the spell has not taken hold, and the caster may repeat it. For example, if a mage points a crystal at you and says Arcanum, pin! your foot is stuck to the ground as per the pin effect, for about 10 seconds. If the caster instead said, Arcanum, pin while I gesture, your foot would be stuck as long as the caster is pointing at you.

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    4.3 "It is Known..." - Arcane has two special ways to signal game effects while in-character, the out-of-game code phrase "It is known", and the magical word Veritas. These words are only used by NPCs or people who have been authorized to use them. One way to signal a game effect to another player is to begin with the phrase "It is known..." This code word indicates that what you are about to say is a true description of a game effect. For example, if you hear someone say It is known... that sword is hot to the touch! If you pick it up without wearing a glove, you'll drop it immediately, then even if you don't trust their character, you know for sure how you should respond if you pick up the sword. Veritas (the Latin word for truth) is a multi-purpose magic word. Whatever is said following the word Veritas is considered true within the context of the game. It is often used to communicate game effects. If Veritas is followed by a command, you are magically compelled to follow it. Whenever you hear the word Veritas, you are aware that a magical effect has taken place. More details are in the Game Effects section. As Veritas and the phrase It is known inform players how they should respond to the game, you are not allowed to use them unless permitted to do by a skill or NPC. It is known may be used to state the details of an effect in play, but cannot be used to ask questions or determine if someone is telling the truth outside of describing a game effect. Veritas: Freeze -- When Veritas is used to issue a freeze command, you must stand in place. No combat can take place until the freeze is lifted. You may look around and converse at a normal speaking volume, but cannot take any actions or move from the spot you were in when Veritas: Freeze was called. The effect lasts until you hear Veritas: The Freeze Ends 4.4 Treasure and Searching - After combat, you may wish to search your opponent for treasure. A search may only be performed on an incapacitated target that is unable to resist it. All participants in a game event are required to wear at least one pouch which needs to be visible and readily accessible. The pouch or pouches will contain all game items which are not soulbound to the character. Searching a target for treasure requires a brief scrying ritual which uses of a small eyeball prop. The player conducting the search must move the prop over the target, making sure that the eye is visible to the target being searched. Once the roleplay is complete, the target will turn over all appropriate non-soulbound treasure. Players will learn more about this mechanic and receive their prop during check-in at their first event. Weapons, shields, armor and other costuming pieces, owned by the player, are retained by their character beyond death and are not considered lootable items. All non-soulbound items in a characters possession must be left on the ground when a character dies and proceeds to arbitration. Here are some examples of in-game treasure that is available. 4.5 Weapon, Shield and Armor Guidelines - Combat safety is of paramount importance at Arcane events, therefore, all weapons, armor, and shields used in combat must be approved by a trained Arcane staff member. We reserve the right to refuse any equipment from entering the game due to a failure to meet our safety and immersion standards. Boffer style weapons are strictly prohibited. We encourage our players to purchase Arcane approved weapons, shields, armor, and costuming from vendors and product lines which we have vetted. However, we also recognize that there are many players in our community who are capable of crafting their own items and we encourage you to use your creative talents to make your character unique.

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    4.6 Ranged Weapons - Ranged weapons have a special restriction on them. There is a magical effect present in the Glean Zara which inhibits ranged weapons such as arrows or throwing knives. Deep below the earth, a lodestone pulls ammunition quickly to the ground, causing it to be ineffective. Some people in the Glean have figured out how to magically attune to the lodestone so that their ammunition is not affected. An archery trainer may attune you to the lodestone and grant use of bows and arrows. This process involves practicing under the supervision of the trainer until they can certify that you are proficient and can use the equipment safely. Thrown weapons are attuned by specific skills which must be discovered in-game. 4.6.1 Archery ! The maximum pull for a bow at Arcane is 25 lbs. All arrows must be thoroughly padded. ! You may only fire an arrow at a target you can see clearly. ! The lodestone gets more powerful at night -- after dark, bows may not be used whatsoever without a

    special skill which makes the shaft of the arrows glow. ! While firing, both feet must be planted. ! You may not fire a shot if any enemies are within 10 feet of you. To prevent being rushed, get

    someone to defend you. ! Only pull back the minimum amount needed to hit your target. Do not fully draw the bow against

    somebody merely 15 feet away! ! Head shots do not count ! Attempt to aim below the waist ! If an arrow is shot at you, you may not attempt to grab it in flight or block it with a weapon. Doing so

    results in your limb being automatically injured. ! If you are shot while wearing heavy armor, the arrow sticks into the armor and deals 2 points of

    damage to it. Any damage not absorbed by armor will injure you. ! If you are shot while wearing light or medium armor, the arrow pierces it (dealing 1 point of damage to

    it) and injures the limb or torso underneath. ! Game effects which grant armor do not change your armors category. An arrow will pierce through a

    3-point suit of armor and injure you even if you have 10 points of armor buffs! ! Please pick up arrows as soon as possible. Fallen arrows may be handed to a watcher. Please be a

    good sport and return arrows to their owners. 4.7 Thrusting Weapons - The current rules do not allow the use of thrusting attacks, which in turn makes spears and other thrusting weapons prohibited at this time. Exceptions can be made to this rule on a case by case basis as we explore the safety of weapons designed for this style of combat. 4.8 Weapon Size Guidelines - The below values represent the maximum total (striking surface and handle) permitted length of Arcane weapons. ! One-handed weapons cannot exceed 42 inches. ! Polearms cannot exceed 75 inches. ! Staffs cannot exceed 75 inches. ! All other two-handed weapons cannot exceed 60 inches.

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    4.9 Shield Guidelines - When selecting shields, players should avoid designs with sharp edges or other features that could prove dangerous. Player made shields will need to be approved on a case by case basis and players who wish to use hand-crafted shields will need to ensure that they are of an appropriate material quality and design aesthetic, consistent with existing Arcane standards for weapons and armor. Players are strongly encouraged to contact us ahead of time for guidance and pre-approval. " A shield must be in your hand or strapped to your arm to be effective. " Shields may have no primary dimension (length) that exceeds 36 inches and no secondary dimension

    (width) that exceeds 24 inches. " Standard round shields may not exceed 28 inches in diameter. " Bucklers may not exceed 15 inches in diameter. Bucklers may be strapped to a characters forearm

    and used defensively but a character may not activate any shield skills without having one hand physically attached to and in control of their shield.

    " Only one shield may be worn and used for blocking. 5. Skill Acquisition and Progression - Skills in Arcane are acquired in a very organic and immersive manner. Any skills outside of basic weapon, shield, and armor use must be learned during gameplay. Many mechanisms for learning new skills will present themselves. Some of the obvious methods will involve attending training sessions, seeking individual instruction, researching tomes or manuscripts, and otherwise being an observant and curious player. Similar to learning skills, advancing and developing known skills is achieved through various mechanisms. For instance, one skill progression mechanic involves applying combinations of runes to magically imbue weapons with runic powers. To do this, players need to understand the knowledge required to harvest runes from fallen adversaries. Harvested runes can then be taken to the proper NPC to be forged into their weapon, in turn granting activated abilities. Various other methods ranging from methodical experimentation, challenging puzzle solving, elaborate roleplaying and complex quest lines will also be used to create a rewarding system for character advancement. 5.1 Known Game Skills With Prop Requirements - Some game skills require the use of props which need to be supplied by the player. This is the current list of known game skills which require the player to supply a prop in order to successfully learn and use. More details on these skills will need to be learned in-game. 5.1.1 Rune Harvesting - This skill allows a character to harvest runes from the bodies of fallen adversaries. The runes can be used to augment weapons with special abilities.

    Prop Requirement - Bone Elder Futhark rune set. (Click here) 5.1.2 Creature Harvesting - This skill allows a character to harvest anatomical components from the bodies of fallen adversaries. These components can be used in conjunction with several other game skills.

    Prop Requirement - Coreless LARP safe knife. (Click Here) 5.1.3 Armor Repair - This skill allows a player to repair armor and restore full or partial lost armor points. In addition to the player supplied prop requirement, metal ingots and leather scraps need to be used in the process. These will drop as loot throughout the game.

    Prop Requirement - An armor repair kit. (Click Here)

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    5.1.4 First Aid - This skill allows a player to bandage wounds. See section 4.2 of the Arcane Rules for details on when bandaging needs to be used.

    Prop Requirement - A first aid kit. (Click here) 5.1.5 Surgery - This skill allows the player to surgically heal wounds which have been treated with first aid. Players who wish to learn the surgery skill need to have the first aid skill as a prerequisite. See section 4.2 of the Arcane Rules for details on when surgical healing needs to be used.

    Prop Requirement - A surgeons kit and a "period appropriate" pocket watch. 6. Miscellaneous Stealing of any kind is strictly prohibited. Taking lootable items that are not soulbound from another player is only allowed when they are incapacitated via in-games means. An item bearing a Green Seal of Independence (see game effects) may be taken freely. Game items may not be moved in and out of game. Any game items a character wishes to have access to during an Arcane event must be in-game from the start of the event. Arcane does not condone or encourage in-game communication by players through any out-of-game mechanisms. We do not offer an in-game message board and we discourage email communication between characters. Likewise, there is no between event plot occurring. Everything that shapes the future of the Glean Zara will happen during official Arcane events. 7. Footnotes We acknowledge that situations will arise during the course of an Arcane event where a player will not know how to react or respond appropriately. In the event that you find yourself faced with any type of dilemma related to the rules of the game, the conduct of another player or non-player character, or any other situation that you do not wholly understand - we humbly ask that you trust your instincts and use your best judgment, while keeping your actions as appropriate to the game as possible. As soon as you are out of the situation, you should seek out a Watcher and ask for clarification.

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    Game Effects This is the current list of game keywords and effects that exist in Arcane. This list consists of the out of game knowledge which players need to know. All supplemental information related to these abilities, as well as additional abilities which do not have verbal components or player directed effects, can be found in The Book of Creatures. Players are highly encouraged to seek out The Book of Creatures at the beginning of their first Arcane event to learn what the residents of the Glean Zara know about its denizens. Verbal Effects Arcanum - Arcanum is a delivery method for other effects. Some spells can be cast by pointing at the target and saying Arcanum, followed by a game effect and duration. If no duration is specified, the spell will last for a brief period (about 10 seconds). The caster is encouraged to use a loud, forceful voice so as to make the spellcasting clear. If the target does not hear the effect, the spell has not taken hold, and the caster may repeat it. For example, if a mage points a crystal at you and says Arcanum, pin! your foot is stuck to the ground as per the pin effect, for about 10 seconds. If the caster instead said, Arcanum, pin while I gesture, your foot would be stuck as long as the caster is pointing at you. Corrode - Destroys all of the targets armor.

    Verbal Call - Corrode/Corroding Disarm - Disarms the targeted weapon. The disarmed weapon must be dropped and come to rest before it can be picked up. The strike must be successfully delivered to the targeted weapon to be effective. Shields and bucklers may not be disarmed.

    Verbal Call - Disarm/Disarming Disease - Many virulent diseases not seen on Terith can be found in the Glean Zara.

    If you are affected by a disease, you must role play an illness which gets worse over time. Common symptoms include headache and nausea. While sick, you may not run or use game skills such as rune harvesting or magic spells. Weapons may still be used as their use does not require a skill. If you attempt to drag another character, they become diseased as well. Sometimes diseases are paired with a symptom. For example, if you are struck by a "shivering disease" or a rubber rat you handle has the word "shiver" written on it, then emphasize that symptom in your role play of illness. If you are affected by multiple disease effects, each one must be treated separately. Prop - A rubber rat prop indicates a "dead rat". Dead rats always carry diseases and infect whomever handles them. If the rat is touching an object, then that object is diseased, and the next person to interact with it shall be infected. For example, if you put down your sword and a Ratkin drops a rubber rat on it, the next person to handle that sword will be infected. Rubber rats may be handled safely if you have a certain skill or prop, which must be discovered in-game. A diseased object is disinfected when it is washed with water. All diseases last until cured by a trained healer. When diagnosed by a healer, they may provide more information about the diseases effects. If you have a specific symptom, be sure to indicate it during diagnosis.

    Verbal Call - Disease/Diseasing

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    Knockdown - Knocks the target prone to the ground for a brief duration. Verbal Call - Knockdown

    Dislocate - Temporarily injures the targeted limb. The limb is not usable as if it is injured, but recovers after a brief period spent popping that limb back into place. (about 10 seconds). A dislocating strike to the torso has no effect.

    Verbal Call - Dislocate/Dislocating Overpower - This strike indicates that the attack bypasses attempts to block it with a shield or weapon. A hit against the shield or weapon counts as a hit against the arm. Overpowering strikes do not bypassed armor.

    Verbal Call - Overpower/Overpowering Paralyze - The target becomes frozen rigid like a statue, unable to move or speak.

    Verbal Call - Paralyze/Paralyzing Pierce - Strike which bypasses armor and deals one direct hit, injuring the limb or torso struck.

    Verbal Call - Pierce Pin - One of the target's feet is stuck to the ground. They can pivot on it, but cannot move it from that spot.

    Verbal Call - Pin/Pinning Protection - Some game effects will grant a number of points of Protection. Protection works exactly like armor, except points of protection are lost first. Protection gained from different sources does not stack--if you receive protection from different effects, only the higher one applies. Points of protection do not affect your armor category. Points of protection may not be restored or repaired unless a specific skill or spell grants that ability.

    Verbal Call - "Grant X Protection" Purge - When somebody uses this call, it signals that they have just recovered from an existing game effect. For example, someone who has been pinned and has the ability to rip free from it will say "purge" as they remove their foot from the ground. Rage - This call indicates that all subsequent weapon strikes deal double damage. Rage does not need to be called on each strike, but it must be called when engaging a new target.

    Verbal Call - Rage/Raging Shatter - The weapon or shield struck by this call is damaged and cannot be used until it is repaired. Characters skilled in smithing will have more information about how to repair shattered equipment.

    Verbal Call - Shatter/Shattering

    Slow - The target cannot run, but can otherwise move and fight at a normal pace. Verbal Call - Slow/Slowing

    Stun - The target is dizzy and incapacitated for a brief duration. They are effectively defenseless. If the target is struck by a weapon, they will immediately snap out of it.

    Verbal Call - Stun/Stunning Sunder - Delivers four points of armor damage.

    Verbal Call - Sunder/Sundering

    Suppress - This call will be paired with another type of skill or effect. The target may not use any skills or abilities which rely on that suppressed effect. Suppress Plague, for example, prevents the caster from using any plague based effects, skills, or magic. Suppress Weapon prevents weapons from being used.

    Verbal Call - Suppress X / X Suppressing

  • 13

    Veritas - Veritas (the Latin word for truth) is a multi-purpose magic word. Whatever is said following the word Veritas is considered true within the context of the game. Whenever you hear the word Veritas, you are aware that a magical effect has taken place. It is often used to communicate game effects. If Veritas is followed by a command, you are magically compelled to do nothing but follow that command to the best of your ability. Commands issued using Veritas end as soon as the command is followed to completion. If the command has no clear completion condition or duration, they last until the caster verbally ends the effect or is incapacitated. You must do your best to follow the spirit of the command. For example, if somebody whispers in your ear, Vertias follow me, you are compelled to follow them until they say otherwise. You should follow at their pace, and may not shout or attack them until you are released from the compulsion or the caster is incapacitated. Sometimes magical enchantments or curses are delivered via Veritas, such as Veritas: you are granted 1 point of armor, or Veritas: you are protected from arrows. This will often be paired with a prop or other visual indicator that a buffing spell is active. If someone says Veritas, you will die at the next sunrise, then they have just cast a spell which will kill you tomorrow morning unless you can figure out how to counter that effect. Veritas: Freeze -- When Veritas is used to issue a freeze command, you must stand in place. No combat can take place until the freeze is lifted. You may look around and converse at a normal speaking volume, but cannot take any actions or move from the spot you were in when Veritas: Freeze was called. The effect lasts until you hear Veritas: The Freeze Ends. This effect will generally only be used by Watchers.

    Prop-Based Effects A Red Seal of Grounding is a red sticker with an octagonal symbol on it. This symbol indicates that the marked object is grounded, and cannot be interacted with, or moved from that spot, unless you have specifically been granted the ability to do so. Example 1: if you see a red sticker on a lock, then your attempts to pick it will not succeed. Certain

    characters may be able to teach you how to interact with that specific object. Example 2: if you see a stone tablet in the woods marked with a red dot, that tablet is too heavy for

    you to pick up. You can observe it, take notes on it, etc, but cannot pick it up or carry it. Example 3: a vendor may keep their wares in a sealed box marked in this way. This seal keeps

    thieves from picking through wares when they are not around. If you have items that need to be sealed away for out-of-game purposes, contact a watcher. They can empower you to place a rune of grounding on a container, and grant you access to it. A Green Seal of Independence is a green sticker with a triangular symbol on it. This symbol indicates that the marked object is unbindable. This item cannot be magically soul-bound to somebody. It is fair play for theft, and can be taken by anybody. If you are searched, you must hand over this item. Items marked in this way may not be kept amongst personal out-of-game belongings or places where its theft may be confused with a real (out of game) theft. For example, if you steal a teacup marked with a green seal, dont hide it in your laundry bag. Otherwise, if someone else wants to steal it, theyll appear to be rifling through your out-of-game belongings. Red Glowing Circle - A circle composed of red electric tea lights magically protected. You may not physically cross its borders or use ranged attacks through it unless specifically granted the ability. Glowing Sword - a strike from a glowing sword deals 2 points of damage. These magic swords often allow you to injure somebody wearing magical armor. Glowing Shield - A shield with a glowing light circling its perimeter is immune to being shattered. Striking a shield while it glows may trigger a shield call. Soul Spike - The Soul Spike is a magical dagger which drains the soul of those struck. If struck by one, your character is permanently dead and cannot be resurrected.