ar· arine

Post on 01-May-2022

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Chrome Dinette Sets

• • •


Black Wrought Iron Heat Resistant Tops

Chip Resistant Tops

30 - 36 Inch Widths, D.rop Leaves


TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS IT NEED NOT BE! -Cori•ult ua for prompt and depend·

Nazarene Church Easter Sunday services proved I

a success by the local congrega­tion with 204 in Sunday School and 225 in the morning worship service. A free will offering· for foreign missions netted $115.

Open Friday Evening Until 9 :00

VITALE & SONS able service In checking your heat- M'Oilday night several attended lng system to cut down fuel blllB. a Home Mission ·tour in Jackson See us today. with Rev. C, K.. Wachtell, Sup't

. Two Stores To

Serve You Home Furnishings Robert Orr, ~ager

Eaton Rapids And


HEATING Free Delivery Phone 4-5721 "Enjoy Better Living With Better Furniture For Less"

"24 HOUR SERVICE" PH. 4-2501

120 S. Rl\/ER

....•••••.•......... ,

April 25th to May Jst Horner Pram Robes $4.95. Pastels and Bright Plaids - 36 x 50. Just the Thing For Carriage or Bed­

Made of Fine J</nffy W:ool

Jii.ckie Horner All Wool Blanket $5.95 ·a& x 45. Satin Bound. So Soft and Kind To Baby's Tender Skin - Colors

White, Mint, Maize, Pink and Blue

Baby Sweaters .$1.98- $2.98 Wool and Nylon - Beautifully Fashioned and Trimriled

'\~~~y·. •BoxedSets

Lacy and Delicate - Many Shades

$2.98- .$3.95

$2.98- $5~95

$1.98~$3.98 Fine Lawn - Hand Embroidered, Some with Matching. or

Contraeting SliP'l

-~JC~nO!lt: · .. . ... . .. ;.1.7$"-$,.19 ··· ... ·. ' . ··auUl Cii! v' ·~ 'Qlialltj\;ii Pliiin ·l'lllltclll &Ji\! :· .·· ~liiimw.m ·.· · ·.· · · . · ··

\ L ".':$1.4$

~:;~~;~~i~.:;;q;K4:~~.~:~:.-~::,:~. ;,:;;~1i4;.;o~,_~~·

of Tennessee district es speaker. He instructed the congregation in reaching for Christ 'the ui:i­churched of our own commtm.1-ties by being personally concern­and interested.

Saturday afternoon the Sunday School District banquet will be held in Lansing, The six repre­sentatives from the local church who will attend are: pastor wife, Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Noff­si~; S.S. Sup't. and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brininstool; Jun­ior supervisor, Mrs. Josephine Higbie; Mrs. Leah Be1le Parks as the delegate.

A group of ten workers have faithfully been canvassing and advertising the Revival services which began Wednesday night with Evang.elist Rev, John Mc;:ie.s.

CHURCH of the NAZARENE · H15 Water St.

Pastor, c.·A. Noffsinger, 110 North River Street ..

Sunday-10:00 a·. m. Sunday School_ 11 :00 a. m. - Preaching

6:45 p. m. - N. Y. P. S. 7:45 p. m. - Evangelistic Ser­

vice. Wednesday -

7:45 p. m. - Prayer Meeting ·



WI llA'VI 'HIM CllOSIN •T ' AU. & N.OwlLL AIA~~·-tot •••


NOW.OPEN We Welcome Former and New Patrons,

Clubs and Organizations .



Value c'ul by-the-ruler from top grades of -lod Heavy C.lveo






ar· arine orn CREAM STYLE OR


LIBBY a·arden Sweet Peas 2:! 35;



LIBBY Catchup 2 ,~~33¢ LIBBY Fruit Cocktal.

·-' r .~

.. ~ .. lf;jj&ij~

4 303 .... s1


Shower In Honor Of Bride-Elect



Sponsored by .r­

Thunday - Friday ~,Sa•day ·

April 29 ---~ --- MP.Y' l . . . . . Qpeii '1::00:p. m: Thurs. &nQ Fri.'

.... cc,;.(:,,: ()"'1.&· 1" ~,,. ' ' • ~t , ;;_I ·~ •,:.

F.aton Rapidll Joornal,

Open Home For !5th Anniverllary

A thought for .today: "Nothing changes the direr.lion ot a man's thinking quicker than spading up a few.' worms while digging in the pmen". -----Women'1Fellowship Holda Tea'-


•• C..Smkt Ill .......... ~· NOTICE

To Dog Owners

·.... ··:~P@rtc>1&rid.ttioriof • ,,. .: ,, ··~ . . -ty

·. ;'l'h··· e N .. ation. ·• al Bank ofEa•onR ..{e n.oii..:~J- 1 ' --- SUDdoT:. · c.:. ~..: ~ot)i."it:'"''':.

. . .Ii ap- died •I tfu, home of IWi llOll -·'Dia:....'"·· : . Ii m , __ --·- llln. S)'lvl& Schuler~~ thi! Donald Selu Ollote and Loon f B--'---- hore on April 20; Mrs. Elizabeth EA.TOK llAPlllS .JOUUAL oulh]y, -•• -.;- J1moret Rll<er "'""' ~., -•-•-•~to f the J . In the State of Wchigan at the Close o WliureDD Harris. 82 ot Jackson died last Batablllhed 188G to cause some cOncetn am<m;i. w- me Uy Jut w.,ek. Hayes ~"· r o enme

April {5 1954 ArDong the survivors are a Gayle D. Gifford. Pu.bHsher maker~ ~teythea:,e:oy~ .,._¥.:t.:.~ ~~z. ~CW~ Cheesnond estate. ' daughter, Mrs. Grover Letts, of n;i.ove W" • • AU011........,..., • J!a¥

Publlahed in ReaponBe to Call MMe by Comptroller of the Eaton Rapldo and a son, Leon oionstotaxatl~ppropnation;'•Jld ~~ldlMr~~ sUU: 1"'·-n:v-ientlv Currency Under Section 5211 U. S. Revised Statutes Harris ot Cblna; Mro. Henrietta ~;"C:,:•the =· ture met ~·-,-- ~ ,JLliiM----;r.

, ~ Nadell, 72, passed away Apnl 21 __ ~.. W!tb and~~ Jesse"'Fox were y ASSJ!IJ.O .aL UU..LJ Ill \WO J'Cllr" -· • Al.IOI. kend

..,;..------ • Marcus Bood Mrs Howard Chap- the advent ot the sales tax, it be- ln Kalka!lka over the wee · ours L Cub., balances with other banks, i_ncludiJ:!i pell of Holt ~·another daughter. The Journal PublishiDC Compan:t iN1'1UQ.'ftNO "f'NI NIW.S came necessary to meet annuallJ' Mr. and Kn. ~~ ~

reserve balance and cash items m Seward Ball of Brookfield mll1 llt E. Hamlin Street. in order to appropr;late sales tax of ,Akron, adDiallo. Y~ 1helr f II 'ti 754 187 85 sight t his right eye Entered as $econd..cla.- inatter at returns The "dft' fear'' aeuiona father, Chu. e oapu ~

proce88 O co ec on -------;------ ' · lose the 0 the Post Offtce at !'.a.ton Rapids, Rele.ed b;y - grew ifut,er and longer, eneom- aunt, Mrs. Cora Colettock, one c--2. United States Government Obligations, 1 510 729 78 ~= ~ ~unJ!:t~wsb~: Michigan. under the Act of .)larch Michlon Presa Alloclation pusinl more and more subjects, day the put week. d

direct and guaranteed ----------- • ' · ro w 1 · b k · to his 3 lB'Tit. · , -- until there ts now little dllference :Mr. and Jin. Harold Rlker an 8. Obllgatd.oJl!I. of States and Po~tical Sutr ~:.powder b owing a~ m •. Subscrjption Prlc;e th::~~:;,m~~c~lle~:e~'ho~ betwee:;i them and the "reaular ~ ,,ere in Jack9on Sahll"-

diVlBJOll8 ---------------------- J.27,954.GS Little Jane Hansen, tiny daugh- Six Months -- - ~-·- e.M and doughnut" argument for any· session· ~~lie and don visited 5. Corporate stocks (including $8,000.00 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin <fne Year <In State} -- - .5000 one who undertakes to criUclze the his brother in Y'D5ilanU Sunday.

Stock of Federal Reserve Bank) ___ 3,000.00 Hansen, mft.aculously escaped OneYe==W-1954 · recent session of the Legisla~e. BElfTLE-Y Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Burnett. of 6". Loans and diScounte ____________ :., __ ..:___ serious inj1;ll"Y when sh~ fell tr~ Th ' • Natural battlellnes f&.µ betweeI! -- Jacbon viflited: their sl9tel'·in-

(including i339.73 overdrafts) 884,496.65 their !"ovmg far. s:e. WBB ': 40 Yean-Aao Republicana, who donunate both Mrs. Guy Duler callod on Mrs. law, Mn. Nina !ley1lcldo, Sun· ank · ed ~s 867 56 furniture injurea except or 8 ruisq. on e • chambers and Democrat:e, who Lew Rathbun Jut week. day.

7. B . premises O'Wll 'f' • • ' . lO 769 04 forehead. (From the files of 1914) control the executive arm of the Mr and Mrs . .A:lfred Leightner Mn. ~t Riker and Mrs. ..., , and fn..--tures $4,901.48 . , · Henry Steffy, one of ~ few -- government. and Mrs. Claude Bowen were call- Sylvia SCbtiler made a businesa 11. other 888etS -------------------- 4,683.61 ~aining GAR _veterans .u~lu:e Mrs B. E. Shaw, 70, weJl .. JmoWn The GOP says "We did a "8Dd ers at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence trip to Battle Creek Monday. .

--'--- city, observed his 88th bir Y pioneer- resident of this cUy, dled job'" Their -opPonenta say, "Look Long's last Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Dale.Fox were m

12. Total Assets ---------- 3 295 771.61 April 19 .. Only one day last wmt~ April 18. Her husband and twO at fue important things you lett MJ". West ol. Charlotte, an Ul· the North !melt fishing 5a~ • ' did he fail to get down town for a daughters survive, Mn. Jl. M. undone'" ·- surance agent, called on Clarence and Sunday.

LIABILITIES least a short time. Rulioon and Miss M1ldred Sl!aw · . LQDg llM\>' discovored that Mr. Mrs. Cora Colestock and· her Having a late, cold April and the George Tucker has moved tro~ References to the record will be Lcmg:s aunt by marriage was also brother, Chu. Dralle~ a~ded

13. Demand deposit.s of individuals, partner., 1610792 29 farmers are behind with all farm the Hattie Bartlett farm this week heard ott;en between now and the an aunt of Mr. West and thez the Aoril Birthday p.~-1~ ships, and corporations --------;>-- 1 , • work. t the J T Hall farm ·on Plains fall election. enjoyed a nice visit about theU" Sundaj. They were eDl.a'WU&RU by

· di 'd ala rtn rships Frank Miller is now employed 0 • • • • • relatives Mr. and: Mrs. Rufus Spencer at the 14. Time deposits of in VI U ' pa e ' 987 657.86 by R. G. Ferguson as a Hudson· ro~. L. Bo" will commence dis- Republlc•n• are proudest of the The riale Getters and Albert VF.W. Gu.est HOUie.

and corporations -------------.-- ' Essex salesman. pe,.,;; ...... ice1C:ream end soft drinks "labor legislation" they produced.. Kempers went smelt fishing over CHURCH OF GOD 15. Deposits of United States Government C1n- Paul Doak who has been work- . ,.., The new unemployment compen- the weekend. Half Gall

eluding postal savings) ---------- 1,614.11 ing in a Mus°kegon store has been in the April bui~ tomorrow~ sation law gives biiher weekly The Lester Devenney famil)- of 238 Brook"- Stttet on 16• DOYV"lsits of states and political subdi. "visions. 360,209.71 transferred by the firm t~ Chicago. th~ we:~;ad~ Jy payments and for a longer period. ToledO visited their parents, the Rev00. Floyd 5Bowrnan.da iJi:itar

-•- Ii d her' .,. Mr.:; Doak and baby dau&hter are '!I an e narrow Rates are raised trom f27 to $30 John DevenDeY5 last weekend. 10: a.m. un '1 1R.._ Other deoosita (certi ed an cas I s 59130 .d.'7 ..,.,;;'""a hP.r sister Mrs. Don es~Ped beh_lg ~~ of a stree,.! per week for a single man; from Mr and Mrs.. 'Jaek· Webb and 11:00 a. m. -_ Moi;nln~ W~p ~ - • -- ___ .. --- checks. etc.) ------------------ .... . .. H~tto;i', here. ' taltw&;r ii(:<)lder~ • ..n las. $35 to $42 for a man with tour cbil- daughter spent the weekend with 7:so p. m.- l!O\rerung oerv""'- I WILLIAM::; DAIK 1' 19. Total Deposits ------------- 3,012,404.47 6 12 The Ben J Fowler farm, 3"% Sunde~, havin,g only left the car a <hen. This Ls paid over a 26 week his parents, Mr. add Mn. Orville Thursday - . watar ltRet- Phone 4·3941 -. Other liabilities --------------------- 1916 1. ·1 th f the otv in Hamlin short time before it overturned, rather than a 20 week period. Webb and Mrs (Jack) Webb re- 7:30 p. m. - Prayer Meetint 1806 ~ m1 es sou 0

J R. M Rulison bas sold bis garage 1 tlOn · ' • da • · "t ----- township, hat been ~Id to August to J h · 8 hwled of Clinton who is Workman s compenaa Pa Y· mamed tor a few ys VlSt .

n• Total Liabilitiea o 032 065 59 Grindling -of Williamston, who will 0 . n c . 1 ments were increased $4 per week. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Rathbun ......_ -.-------. "'' ' " take immediate possession. Jay noCWlaln possW~n~n of the b~ nas "This is a step in the right direc- were in Mason last week on busi- :f'

CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Conklin has been living there. . . ren~e 1 iams was a un ay tion," say Democrats, "but it is no ness; this week they called on F ' y Gr I N ed 26. Capital stock: , c. D. Knapp of Lansing made the ~it~ Cwt~ the Bunker family of wh.ere the benefit level urged by their daughter, Mn. Mary Chis-- or our ave e s

(c) Common, ______ total par $50,000.00 50,000.00 deal w en er. the Republican President of the holm and girls.

26• Surplu. --------------------------- 50,000.00 M~. and Mrs. Charles Ivins, who Mr. and~s.hAlbert ~~n~~ .. 0J Unlted States." Mr. and Mrs. Hury Zentmyer 168 706 02 have been visiting at ?4anton, Charl.eswun•n ave a ~Ulre-.k"'<&UU • '" • called ml Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth

rr. Undivided profits -------------------- ' . Cadillac, Interlocben and other ba;ya~~n:H=~l=~d f':t visited Balanc_lng the budget is another Zen.tmyer and relatives from 2 northern pomts have returned r , Y GOP claim to glory. This was no Indiana Sunday.

263,706.0 home ' at Eme,st Naylor & Sunday. . small feat when it is remembered Mrs. Neola Carr and daughteni Victor Alt recently accepted. a Raymond Bateman and Miss that the solons were faced with the and Mn. Glen Bureess called on

'~ •. Liabilities and Capital Accounts---- 3,295,771.61 fme posltion with a Lansing auto· ~r1k<?lney spent Sund.&7 at Wm. need for an additional $6 million Mrs. Maud Rossman Monday. av " ----- mobile manufacturing company. ar 8• . when the civil service comrnisl!ion Mr. and Mn. Hayter and

19. Total Capital Accounts ------

MEMORANDA Leslie Silvernale H. S. principal Grace LAS wi~ meet Wlth Mr. unexpect~ly increased ! girls villted his parents at. Hough-sh bo afte deduc ' 1 ed and Mrs. P. A. Winslow for dinner t . the ton lake over the weekend. Loans as own a ve are r - here last year, bas s gn a con- next week. FiBll;res show tba durm.g Mr. and Jdrs. Claude Bowen,

tion of reserves of -------------- 9,824.62 tract to teach again in Cleveland Elton Spears visited friends in next fiscal year the state will ex- their Sopl BID and his friend, Miss Total Amount of Loans, Certificates of next year. . the Brickyard district Sunday. pend $336 million and receive $369' v. Kin were F.aster dinner

Phone2375 -For­

Concrete Gravel Road Gravel

Washed Mortar Sand d Ob,._1• p rtions Gov. Fred Green appomted Roy A ~- social for the or mllllon in revenue, thus a].l()wJn&: g,f .,_ and .,_ W·~·

· InThtee~~ an(liated ~~~~}: 0!hicli ~ , - Smith, former local boy and grade Spice~e school will ~d al a $3 ~Ilion "profit" that can be ~ 0 mr. -....... .....,...... _!_.'.

\' :,; ... '""'"'" • of teacher here, as co~ ste;nographer the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert used to reduce the deij.cit. Mr. and Mrs. DW:i[et Devenney Fill Top uin

82. (a)

88. (7)

fully backed or insured by agencies in Ingham cowity CU'CUlt court. Wise on May 1. • • • 01 Toledo vi.sited eir ~ts, 1 t the United Government (other Cyril Scott, youthful viollnist, Clark Belnap will award a A fine farm progr•m w~ pro· Mr. and Mrs. John enney; Mr. J. ',; than "United States Government obli- was a member of the_All-8late ~ genuine cowhide trureling bag to vided thi.s year. The Leeislature and Mrs. Lou J of Albion

aabions direct and guaranteed") 5,688.62 ~ool ~ctu;stra which played m the high school baseball player who made one grant of $294,000 to called on the Devenneys Sunday. . 0 ' ff!ll auditonum, Ann Arbor, last makes the most home runs this Michigan State College - $150,- Earl Colburn is doing s?me

li 1 • 1 K p Williams, Vice President and Cashier of the abov~ wgbt. _w. J. Skeat H. s~ mu,sic season. . ooo for the ag experiment .station ditching for Clarence Long.

I' nanied. b&nk, do aolemnly swear that the above statement 18 ~uperv1sor here, was one o! the An Epworth League was organ· and $144,000 for agricultural ex- . Mr. and Mn. Orville Webb calJ. . . true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1~e~ f~-~ h~e = I.zed at the Robbins church last tension service. ed. on .the Murl Alts in Charlotte

William V. ~-Id ~ & Cashier . e uy " rs 0 Sunday. . Aru>ther $255,00 was approprtat- Sunday.

fill Sand and,Fill Dirt


Sa=~ ~ f A ll and Allyn ere putting up 80 rods of line a 11im.illar amount from the federal had all their children, ~· •.·'\· ••.. '. K. P. s, ice ~J.~ eui. • neigbborhoi;td had a dancing party Chas. Kikendall and. Howard ed to MSC 8Dd. will be matched by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemper Horace Whittum

state of Michigan, County of 0 ~ us fence this week. • government under the Hope-Flin· dren and great &rand.children

:\:.. . Z.lunt • Miss lJlah Post of Lansing were Work is progressing ra.pldlJ' on ntgan bill· a total of $510,000 ho~m~e:_!or~}-~~=--=====~""'""'""""""""""""""""""""""""~""~""""'""'""""~ ··· ;__'-:Ji ;~5\l~~n'p~E- Co:crect - Attest: ~C:n~ ~~~~or Of -~rge Force's new barn in Brook- In addition to this money, ~hich :: • ·1·.·.···ll... •w• d h b .....+l#o• that I Murray P. Stroud Brookfield entertained a 1 ....... e field. wW be spent on research for eg- h

··195.f., an I ere Y c""~ ....... _,. Howard L. Bentley crowd 1831 week at 8 dancln ...... 7'".J!.. Claude Herrick and family of ricultural processing and market- H k t ·am not an officer or director of e.....,.~_,. Waukegon, Wisconsin, ere visiting tng $20000 was allocated *e de· o· u now w a th.l.s bank. MILLIE M. GREENE M. Hansen St. Matibiu Eplsc:opal Church his ~ents, Mr. and Mn. 0. D. pari.m~t of agriculture to prolll.ote ow ean y

Ii Notary Publlc Dlreotors Rev. Arlhlll'" H. Underwood Herrick. sales of farm products. ,: ...-. c·--•-~on -1r .. "u1y 14, V F W Chatiel • • .-,~-, ii'ie UlllU..lloa' _.,. " D:l5 a.·m." _· Suaday School· KNIGHT DISTRICT Old people •r• guaranteed a h e I h·11 '.~ 'iE • 9:15 a. m. - Chureh Service mon.thly income of $70 by a law t · t ~ -'.'. . • . Communion first and third. Sun- The April Birthday Club had paped thls year. The state agreed your nex ospt a I ' j'1f The'Eaton ftapid1 Journal ia read by apprOXI· days. dinner Sunday at the VFW Guest to increase to th;s amount a portion .. . . · l-": ·· J 7 !:!()() 1 · k Lodge, then adjourned to the Ru.fuslof payment under the old age as· ·:i1;~ . mate y . ... peop e every wee Watch Out Fo• Cblldren Speneer home nellby lor desserl, s!stance pro..,un, should the fed·

' • ---' t • •' • • • 1 • 1 • 1 e I I 1 I I 1 I 1 coffee and gitt exchange. Tboee eral government reduce the pres- ? ;·~·iJ,ellll I I ltttl 0 0 '. 0 414 0 et t I tt tlllltlt tttttlttt•ttttt having birthdays were: Nett.le ent payment plan. wi·11 cost you e

Spen.eer, Cora Colestock, Grace • • • Brariey, Nellie Post and Sam Other accompll1hmenta ...Df the Kieffer, , session a program to·aid coun~

Mrs. Ch'5ter Smith and Martha ties bllild homes for the senile; a visited baby Susan Smith at Ford law -which forces pi.Uents suffering Ho.spite! Detroit, Monday. Mn. trom tubercul06i.s to stay up.der a Paul Smith and mothe.r, Mrs. R. D. doctor's care; the Submitting or the Southwell were down on Wednes- Korean veteran bonus and the day and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith Conlin .tax plans to the public for on saturday. Susan is making referendum at the next election. satisfactory recovery.. ; • • •

Ten ladies from here were enter- ~•our m•ln ..-ponalbllltleai in this tained Thursday by ·Anna F.dick session," said Rep. William s. "and Laura Moore with their Bromfield, 11were to keep govern­mother, Kate Hillard honor g1,1est, ment on an even keel during rather Lunch was served at one o'clock uncertain economic weather. Des·

and travel gl.tts presented to Mrs. plte many would-be boat rockers Hillard, who plans to visit her the Republican majority came oui brother and sisters lit Kesh, Ire-- ~f the session with a solid, well land, She has been in America laid program broadening state ser­

forty-ftve years and this will be vtcet to the public, improvements her first return visit. Everyone ts in h@alth and ll!ducatlon nroaram11. pleased that she contemplates the and without new taxes."· - · trip, which i! to be b;y plane. • • • -

Mr. and MT&. Don Mudlca of •'F•llure~' of the 1e•lon will South Bend were over night guestJ get some attention from Demoerats. ~~ o1 ~- and Mrs. Chester SoW'Ces close to.Gov. WUJiams re­

Gerald LaSsen. ba8 moved bis port that the cbfef exe,:utive may tamiiy :1rom th& Patow farm to be:Ve more than a little to say 150 mnes north of here. ~ut th~ fact that no:FEPC lff-

Bi>b Guyer of ~latte.bas p~ ~~to-;.: ~J: chased the Pet milk Mute coverlril -n--1~--1· ~•-• thb territory-trOii\"Clitt Jones, ~ c.L~ ~w.~.

Mr. encl Mn. ~ Hannon '.1'he llO!>!uool .l!tP!!!l°'1 lhn say, · ·.. · ·· ~"comtt lolluetloua~~ -allecdal auto - at Owoao •~!Ou<bod by th ~~

' s~daY-~'.-·, :vemor ij ~-m· aH· 0What '' m~ the Le-ture b>teDds to do with -

:. ·_- -~.,. .. ' '···-·-·-·-· ·. · • the ann~ UicreUe. Of ,I0,000 ltu-c,~;,l{.L'.club iirill meet MIQ' dentatbelif8te.~i!JiceraCU!tloll

!Seid llniCbrio -· - - " . He le " 'iWlililknr·Ond Mia. ~-~ iilioD!d·t<}be ') ,,, . and Ba~ ' . ' .tat.

'~we•~.. ":l't

You oan•t lmOWI You_., prt<UO' wb1thar 110 a da¥ ••• 115 a dar • • • or !!!l liml.hd .....,.t par dar w11l tako oaiiOTtbo hoopital bill that 1our ru.t-ly bu a ! !! ! ohanot ot tacinC thia yearl

Unpndictabl• as hospital bill• are there 1• one reliable and euy n.y

1 to prot1ct1our tu.ily ad1quat11J' against "oatutrophic11 txpenl!!le that can exceed even 1!50 a day I

Get the protection ~h~t ~rv•~•• not a check tor 110 or fU5 a day. bUt the bed ·uu:1 board. th• drug111 and • ••dioin••· th• oparatin& rooa, e.a.d tb• IUD.J' oth•r hoap1tal-~JOU n1edt . .

~t 81u9 !2!:2!! proteotiont

Hot ror protit. Blue CroS1 1111 ' sponsored by the hompitAl• ULd doctors tbeaa•l•es. It is the aoat euoo•el!!ltu~ id.e& ever devised· tor •eeting the problea or paying hospital bil:J.•.,·-- .

- .... Cntl ,..._ ,... Blu• Cma Comprel>emMJ GIOllP l'lan ........ you ol • wide .... ol holpltal ••"""" , . , such as bed Olli! baud. ezpemive extras. like operatlol room, drugs and medicines, oxygen and JO forth. And el/flt'/ enrolled member In your family Is P'"' tected the iame way at over 200 :Blue Cross participating hospitals in Michigan alone!

How 11 .. Shield ,........ you. Unlike paying hospital bills, you can find out in advance what yoUr doclor'1 chargei will be. The thinii you can't &nd out ll when you11 need a doctOr's services, and here ls where Blus Shield protecls you.

Blue -Shield 0~ two buic pP-one, a straight sUJgll:ol plan, the other, a medi· cal..,,,gical plan. Under either plan, Blue Shield pays genera~, 1pecillc amounts diriictly tO y<im ductor for thowands of l1,U'glcal pn>Oedures, including maternity ·cire. And .In non-sur1ical' case5, under the medical-!Ullllical plan, Bl!ie Shield also pays liberal amounts for your doctor's vi.cilts to

tm' /: ~ltal. ~ the doctor'• full

1fo wo~er over 3.000,000 11oh1pa ih. .• ,~··· .. ~. cmiY.rpenpks l¥ll' d~yl pmople· b&ve 81.ue ~ro11. Qbanoea &rt• . XOu. can h81p}k~ cottr.tow. .. , .• i ~ by usmg

. rouMiiTaliior i• protacto~ ~h• 81•• Blue Craa.' 111ue· Sb1ekl ""1Y when n-· CroH WQ• Talk it ""r with hi~ .. •. '-· Plooie,do iiot uk yoor c1octqr to put u4'.8H ·u. h• .c101im't. aero• ·that .t11'l• •1n \he~"""""' fo0itiagnos!lc·11e.m-• 1oo !! r1a0r' pro'too\'~on'g_ !!l pri~• •• , :i.ti cOiild.,...~ -.Ur'be jBnormed ;n · . ;~·:<I, . · .. - " ., ·.~ ~ 1111 .. ililBce,'': .. •."; ''''" . "."'··· .

"""'•tti . .-f'lllU,e~ .......... kt. MIC .youn11nplo)'.0r or union --live ~ '' ' '· . .;, low.coot Group Bmoll •· · ..... '' ...nt.7·.i.Tii -~ IDflli •1'tb .,:~ .,,;. "'*" . .. -"""' • ' '•, Oci< your } . '' ' !!..~l'"""'a'Y~ t cit your

:,'.,:::r:t~~ . .. ;~".'.~;~;}~~; ... '; .. ~.· ... : .. /::·~~~::;ill:::;-

' -



Prim ioid. '"" '•• See Our ll MUlllln Dollar Gem Display At M & M Exposition


.... Prln $49.7S

... $3980 OllT -

• LHUIDI. Sllacllm11lt1 17 llnl1

Al 1954 MoJoltJ HOT"HNJ HB.e IA.DI

'"'• y- Cltoko •••

"'"" '"'" 203 ·Scwiog

Make Yout Lay-Away Now For Swim and Play Season .Ahead

Gua,temala Print Ensemble

Aright Troplcat colorlng1 animate lhlt captivating iwim suif. arid ccmponlon btqch -• of Gvat•W1Cia Print Collon • , , The 1ult 11 shirred In frOnt. tt haa an 9101tlc shirred back that:enhancea the. bHuty ~ your be1t lln11 •. The *' i1 revuslbt. , •• Chang•'as. you will ••• Snowy Terry Cloth on one 1ldt, the _briuht Rffnt on the olh1i . • . The coat ot 1u1t moy be purchased HparG)efy to

'. match or mJx with yaur other nparalet •. Gay appeal IP. R'ad. Blut .. Gold. 51, .. 32-31 - . ' ' ' Complete E-ble ----------------~----,- $17,JHl . Coat Only------ $8.95 ' Sult ---"-~'$8,95

We Welcome Former and New Patroaii, Clubs and Organif.ations


How A•P Helps Y• Lov1er Yow Food Bil~

fl.~------- - -------------. ............ ..--. I _ __. ......... rooct. fot wbkh -=-. .:i':ru1ts --~ _ .....

.~ .. _ ... _ ... - - ::'".JI --- . ----ol _.,....Qe ..-,..

-------------------------FANCY, A-GRADE, CUT-UP, READY TO FRY

Frying Chicken LB.

Veal Lee RHd Veal Chops Tullleys


1010 1......a.. AVG.


Ill Good Sliced Bacon

.... 49c ...

... 59c

• Veal Road Stew111 Ftwl 11111111 .... SUPER Rl&HT, SW.LL, Ll:AN

Sllloketl Pic1ics


Apples ,... ... °"' lspr11•

11 • 55c EMS.

... 1k

Colby Cheese llAILD, A REAL VALUE

La 39c



EA. 49c -••• o-rlit AMMIC'N< CHEESE POOO 2 w'!F 73c AHi• Stru ... 1 Pie Ort• OIMell PHN.ADB.PH __ .. __ ,.::-_s_. 1_Sc __ D_a_•_ish_F_il_letl_Rilg


Iona teas_·~- .... _/ TOllllll Jtice IONA

Rife Olit• Pork '1 .....


T ....... Jlice Su1rtll'HI ....... llgF .. a... .,.. ....











10c iie•nex 3_ ~~ 9c "<:~ 11c Dill Pickles DANDY ~~. 11c ·v..~ 11c Fre1ch Style Beau LOAD MOIT ·~ 1ts '~ 11c .Uma leap ltEIEO. wn .. MOllN .... ~ 111

~~ ~= t'~~=r ~!: ·:rr~··· ·~ :",: ·~ 18c A11 Page Jelly - Oil,,.,.._• ·~ I~ 11c Oil'Cll Pu1lls A FA~~ - 1~{1 ,

1~ 11c Peach-Apricot Ban -~ . 1#: · 2 = 49c Dela Piuaffl• caUSHID, SUC8), - 2 ~;; Illa' ...... ...... .... l2.0Z.T~ • WHle Cllick• USE~&. f/4 :., .... FIAY &ITOS _____ ._. ________ _

Nriera Toilet Tissue Fr ... IHte Peas ... , . .



S ROLLS Z5c Z ~~ Slc

19c 12.QZ. CAN

' Sw11St)n'1 Pies .. ~- -,

FRESH. FROZEN, . . ., • . CHICKEN, BEEF OR .~RKE't' ' · ·.'."'-~c,,,)1,1

___ ................. ~~.,"". ~:i_:J~f. _-':; .•.· ·''-~

Friday, Saturday, April 30, May 1 MATINEE SATURDAY AT2:30








Sun. Mon. Tuee., May 2, 3, 4 FEATURE AT 3:00, 5:24, 7:43, 10:0_7

..,.. '71·'"""''~'*"""

·· ~ JAMES STEWART ·\ JUNE ALLYSON Ii MILLER. STOllY" ~~ .. CU11JS nm:. Uont: RllllS • mrr llOIUll

and tf.tM Mwicof '""m GI*' SIDrsl FllllCIS WIFDD • LD~ll AlllllOli ' am UIPA • fl! IDllllllllS . . .. . I



Phone 3621


JiulaJ.qtaa, 0.. c., Jmilld'f-l Eal O. · SlareTe, Natktml Dlrector of the U.S. SadnpBond.Di•E.lon, Trea•urr Department, ha• e•­preHed bls ap_lm!Clallon to the Ameriean. ~ ~ _their reoord. •upport of _the SariDp Bonda pro-o gram In 1'51. In.~ llht&­ment. t'lr. Shre•e tofl!lla•l that more ..... E and H S..rinpBonib would be dd In 19" thaa ln the


"'HHE TODAY t . _ " , l . FOi , .... ..,. 2....,

. S.da.t ct.e.. ... d . · locialtrf dot. and

locol m. .ea.

---...... u ...... further thillt ilI1 lndlatlom painted

loaded with loobl Pacllecl with power! S.. aMI drive the new 1954 "Rocbl" Oldunoblle-1•• valu. ltuy of tli• year/

to a record Q of NTfnp boud. to people who planned to bur their hullridual 195& annual mulmum of t20,000 E Bonda tll' H Bondli d-Jon....,. and FobnUory. Bo added that hlli CDDflchnce in 19$1 Sarinp Bond. ..i. reachhiw new hl11h11 "-~on the p;»pularl_ty of the Payroll Sa•lap Pbu:l with m.mny mllfiona of employicu aerou the CODDll'J'", and the entbiulutic anppo"C"t 1l•en to the Bond-A.· Month Plan by blinks. )[r. Shr:eve, formerly_pnafde;at of tho Chambtt or Comni- ot tile United StatM, and •ales rlee--prMldent of the General Eleotrle Compan,., abo repcnUNI that owners or 7~ per cent ot about $1G bllllon In E Bond. that btlYe BO far matured are """' blnlng tbeH bomlm to t:Ue .ct.-..o. .. tap of lbe automatic ten, .. 7ear es­temloa prlrilepo

-SEE voua OLDSMOi11Ll'il1iua 100Ar1-

McNamara -Auto Sales l26 N. Main St.

For The Best In A-1 Used Car ·.Values

See Your Ford Dealer First

1953-FORD ' ' ' Cuto. Clall Coupe

Tu Tone.GlaOl"~r Bluti:end-8andaton• Whlta, t_ · Overdrlva •. R~o,_H,1ate·f. One 0Wn1r.'. ·

_Low.Mu ..... ______________ ,,

··.1j5;t-F9RJ),Rancb W~,, Y·•J.,~-•rii•n•, -·Radio, -lk.t.r, · ..... ,ioi:ftl ~ Qnen •. ·Oft• ~A•r.- 1dMO~A"Otl,ll,l..,-;_~ll~·,

·~-----:~ Drl"' It.. --::c ·· .-.. r--:.,,,1,_-.

' 'c: ' ,' 1951-FORD'CU.tom Tudor V-1, ,l~~ln_.; _·:·.~~·,d-.(i·~:M_atlO · :rranaml•lon.

··§, iWdio~.~-eiteP: -iea·P"oam GrHn 1: .• '- i .- '" ,,,_,,.. ____ ............... ~----



-. ... ...

.. '• . . .. ,

;-~>:-~;{.·fst~~ '.'"-~,· _;TiO,,j;' l~Worftd oo

llolher'I Day gjfts. Mariori• "'911ib' ~!..tea for tteat' "le t&JtiOil'aboUt the 61r1 Scout booth at ,111,e M & M hpoSition. We are ~ ta ,11ave our mothen 'Tlake =- to sell for the Hospital

· Scrit>e:-Marion Woodworth


A Better Value

People can't help noticing the

erl•p neat appearance of sult1 In

wool blended with mohair -

UITLI! DIOWN ,_ ........ -· lereoUdllorJ' ... bellls ...O.....i al th Ualvenlil' of llllmlllll Uireqll ue of !Ills anlqae recording micrometer, the onlJ one In tile utlon. Swedllll-made~ It enables researellen Db Stepha H. Spur, prof~ of idlvkultare, to Ind all the .,e ring• In a tree eroa section er boring, even the hard·to-8nd one1 that can be overlooked In OrdlDUJ measurlnl methods. Jt •llo autonuitlcally meamet and l'fforda the dlltaneet betwee,,_ the rlng1, provldlng bJ&bb' aecante tnfennalion aboal growth rate. Renee, lnvestlpton can note rel!'I lo which drought, storm1,. fires or ether facton lnftuenced powth-u the pinJ &tuck in the wood. lndlea&e­and can map out what probably happened tn Michigan foresta hundreds of yean ago. The huilntment also can be u!led to measure lnseell and is helpful la 1urveyln~1t1 because with It l'an be determined the i>izr. of tree C"town1 aP~ aerial photoi:ira.ohs.


You asn't realat buying this cool Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc~ Freer vis- j Carted~ ~~~fe~no-f ~~rE~~: wrinkle-resisting sport cost In the ited the Ora Olney family of South' Bergstresser; Sunday· Mrs. Cora

Eaton recently. I Gage and Mrs Erma Puff and son new .dark ahadet that blend per• Mrs. Mary Rolfe Kellar, w~o has I Louis of Baitle . Creek called; fectly with alackL spen:t the :-".inter with rel~t1ves in Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs.

,Florida, visited her cousins, ~· L. A. Gage SJ)ent the evening; 'and Mrs. Carl Girnell and Ml1J:!! Tuesday Mr and Mrs Arlie Berg-

8top In and see thciu new. Bport Lula Girnell part of Last week, stresser of ·Albion .;,ere supper Co•Q _ Four colors In l'ClgUlare or then went to her son's he>me in guests and_ their son Bruce o1

AllJla Sunday. _ Marsh.all called in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Verbarg and The fire department made a run

daughter Care>l and Mrs .. Ina Field to the Charlesworth schhol Wed.-extra loftgG.

of Jackson were Monday evening nesday noon. The chimney of callers at ~e B. H. Field home. I the fue~ oil sto_ve had become

Al I M I w The Sw1tt brotheJ11, Cleo and filled with soot and gptten alarm-

t S en S ear Clifton, have bou,ht the Tuttle ingly overheated, No damage was tann ot 210 acres on· the Plains done.

"A GQod Place To Trade" road. Mrs. A vis Edgerton returned Cleo Swift has begun putting in Saturday from six months in Cal­

water and electricity in his build- ifomia where she visited Mr. and ings.. Mrs. Van Knowlton and family.

The tire that earned its name ·LIFE-SAVER. A patented sealanc

under the tread seals. punctures instantly. Patented liner protects against bruise blowouts. Thousands t)f grip·b!;xb i!l the tr~ad grt·you started faster, scopped quicker.

MORE protection - yet , it ~ . costs less tban a regular tire ,,.,, 61owout protecting t~6.





;:;98! • si-11w • A-1.J ,.,,,,.,,,.

' • l'rotKtl •p/toJJfory

uiutm QUANiin

See Us-· For

Used Tires All Popular Size1

, and Branda Many Trouble Fi-ee Miles

Left In These Tins ,

... 1 Ing 1:'· few tdays Mr. and l4J's.. ~h G~- ~ve' Sund'a)' for JeuµjJ, ~-. Lansing, visited 1heir ~; caroie, at l!l4I, where they will ·vi!dt !hear

Miss Eclith Perkins and Mrs. Butterworth hosp1• Grand Rap- son-ID-law and dauah1er, ~· and Harry Hawkins will be hostesses ids, Sunday, where t1he was re- Mn. Chas. Hof& and family !or

E-ASTER .wo~ be ·bere ~mul' to the Mayflower group of the covering from~· two week:!. row. Maggte Zehrman ro:$ecl Congregational ·women's Fellow- New Plitzer julper shrubs have Mr. e.nd Mn. _H~ llorkln.

and looked about ber bleak. b.ut ahip on W~ p.m., May I: been planted th.i9 week ·m ~t nee Janet ~ett, _of~ Beach, immaculate, kitchen' and 1lghed.' at Fellowship hall of the Poot e>Hice, ex;tendmg Fla., are ~tin; their relatlris. Everr room In the hou9e w&.s ·u - Elmer Lundberg, in writing to across the wbe>le length of ·the Mr. Horton eXPeCts to be ·tram-bare. and as clean. u only •hit have his Journal changed back to building. ferred to the West coast soo~ could have one new brlgb& ~, Dimondale from Bradeuton, Flor- Mts. Maude Leonard received The first few da{(,;f1= week to lift her .aplrill. ida, where be and Mrs. Lundberg word Friday of the death of her have been true to •· 's var-

She bad new dreHes for .tbt 19\U' spent the winter, stated that he sister-in-law, Mrs. A. M. Laird iable apring tem~on:.. has received the Journal for the of Elmira,. New York. ~ Laird day afternoon was a. warm and

girls bought at the West rn_,rke• past fifty years, wherever be has was t.Qe mother ot Max Laird, surmy· 80 degrees, Tuesday mom­Street rummage place. Tbe ~ been. former City engineer here in 1924 ing was still warm; but dropped younger boys were well·ll:UPPlled The Young People's class of the to 1929. to 50 degrees by mid-afternoon with clothes. too Griffith church, acoompanied by Max Stevens and -Donald (Deke) with slight rain· Wednesday Mrs. M a c k e Y · ~ tileir teacher, Mrs. Martha Betz. Miller were trout fis)Jing Satur- morning· was coid and cloudy whom sixteen· 3· INllt · and Miss Al~tha Clarke-; attend- day and Sunday aJ'lil got their with ~e tefnl>eralure. 45, and·. year· old Rhoda rfltiu ed ·a Methochst Youth conference limit. Thursday a.m. 'W8S still clcudy

;:rd ;:~:u!!~~d that swell neW :!~~:i?£r~~:e~i:~!~~ t~:t+~~~~' !?~ ~and~~a~sgli~gh~t~ly~w~a~rm~er~5~2~,~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~ ~:'1~:' ranch type house, kept Maggie Methodist work in the Rangoon town Monday. , ·!:;;;;_;..;~, stocked In hand-me-dawns . tor district, Burma, will speak at the Laura's Stiop has a new green watch For Our "!,-:f~'i?:::

~~:~~~~~~::aa~:,;lB~!Y::~ ~:~ih~~:r~~~l~~~r~~~ a~nmg, ms~lled Mon- OPEN H' ous.. s_~_:_~.-_-.:.,'." .•. •.-.. _~.·_: ... :~.·.:~~--.,·,·.' ,1ew for the house certainly would ish. The public is cordially in- _Born April 16 at f?tlmson boo- _ ~ Puih her iplrits upward vited. p1tal, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence

However, sbe and Frank. be­cause of his slim earning1, bad no money_ to •pend on splrlt lltt.inl thing1. It was all they coulQ. ... dD to pay rent on this stark old house

fvlr. and Mrs. Fay Baisel of near Brown (Alberta Slate) a daugh- -.~_'_,:~ Mulliken visited their grand- ter, Barbara Lou. Announcement daughter and husband Mr. aOO The Fireside group of the Con­Mrs. Robert Swan, Tuesday af-1gregational church will meet ternoon. with Mrs. Mex Davidson Monday

Mr .an<l Mrs. Robert Sheldon evening, May 3. and family spent the weekend at Sunday dinner guests of Mr. their cottage at Scott Lake An- I and Mrs. Jesse B. Foote were their trim county. ' I parents:, the F.d and G. D.

Open your copy e>f the Michigan j ~iffor~s, and Mr. and Mrs: Maur* Fu.rmer that comes the first week ice Twichell of Ea.Wn Rapids. and of May to the women's page and 1 Kenneth Grodavent of Kalama­you may see some familiar faces. I zoo. There will be a special feature The Leslie Local - Republican story on the Eaton Rapids Rural has reached another rung on the · home demons-tration group in ob- ladder of Old Father Time---its servance of National Home Dem- 85th anniversary. Publisher Don-onstrati.on Week. ald J. FollS't is planning a gala


DuMontT. V.Salesand~ , (We Serviee Any Make)

Servel Electric Room Air Conditioner•· (Window Type)

G. E. Packaged Air Conditionera (Residential, Commercial and Industrial Types)

S. & E. APPLIANCE SHOP'; F N_lrs. Bert VanArk has been three day open house to mark the I

carmg for her daughter's, (Mrs. occasion. The printing office will Judy Babbitt's) baby daughter I be open to all on May 6, 7 and recently. B from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. with re-. I freshments, topped off with a big EGGS DELIVERED- 2 ~zen decorated cake inscribed '"1B69 to\ Phone 4-5181 fa1m fresh BOc. Phone 6735, call 1954----85 Years of Community•

Ye1, all of lhe children could co kt Sanday School tomorrow and no& feel ashamed, thoua-ht.

at the edge of the city. Feeding and clothing ten children prevent­ed buying, not only lu::turies, but even n~~ssiUes st times.

Twenty-two-year-old Zed bad ofkn said, ••Living out here helped me tu get alung in the Army bet· ter." which always ca•1s!'d Mag­?ie's henrl to mJ Witb thankS.ll!iV·

m:;. She was proud of Zed, and . his gnod job with U1e RobinSll;< Ell!clr!cal Company.

SuddL•nly the door banged unU

in he' bur5t. ''Hi. Mom! Here's sonH_•lh! :g ~,n

you:· and he dropped a sn·-a11 <·0:1' be·ribbt1ned package inlo her i;11J "For your stove ·

·•M)' steve!" :'1-laggie lt;oJ1e<! :1: he1 old b:ith:red, bl11ck"1wd. a·1d high-legged etove st:111cl1r~g <i.· 1:

ashamed in Its d,1rk corner. Shi: opell("d the pr .. ~ent Ml I

gasped, "Thii.nks But thc~c too pretty for an old slll":e."

She never could utter the bi'V· names without shudderin;;. B(.,.,:,re any babies had come lo their fa:~ll

ly, she and Frank deeidPd 11\;11 ~w should nanie the boys und sh<: l!l\."

girls. All were to be Bible narnc~ He had chosen names bcginnin'! wltb "Z" -to match the "z·· 111

Zehrman, perhaps, but how funl lsh Znbud. Zerah. Ztb('1>11. .Zacharias, Zadok and Zedek1:il1. She had chosen Mary. Martha. Rhoda, and Lydia.

Just thell she heard the rumL>lc of a truck outside. '!'here stonct the bright blue truck of Robin· son's Electrical Cnrnpany and in it a shining white stove that looked exacii, like Ule grand ones shown in the ma1ailne1 Mrn. Mackey pve her. ·

"They've made a m11take' ·· she cried. "Macker'• Uve the next houe south.'" '

••No mistake at all" Zed's face w., red from ex.cJtement. ''This .11 rD7 Easter gift to you. Bought with mol\Q" I earned in Korea. I vowed> when I was a little kid. 1ome d1.7 I would do 1omethlng nice tor ,-au beCauae you always played fair."

Magle could 1ca~ keep trom Ulrowing ber arma around him md huggina' him close, but, know· . Ing Zed. that 1jou]d never do. In· 1tead. Iba pve blm a hearty pat on the back and crled, ''Thank rou. tn7 bo7." and then, besl· tantlJ', ''Couldn't JOU put ft fn front of the wlndow? I'd like to see birds and clouds and .rain wbeD 1 cook . ID that dark corner I 1ee ODl7 a ·blank wall. Somettme1 I can. hard· 11 He. the food I'm cooking." · ~ 1•ml7 11hiuared her hand

ulde aDd •aid. ''&irel Surel"

evenings. Lo 16-19? Service."

ffttelt e et•e 1•11 e tttttttttt•. t •ttttttetttttettttttettttl I ••• eettt1e1eeeeee1 ett•e11e~ eetettl-11 It I I •:r.

The Big Drive Is On We Need Your Help!

BE PREPARED Be prepared to make your pledge \Yhen your soli"citor calls. !\lake it a generous one_ Remember! Eaton Rapids is deserving of the best. Yonr support \Yill 1nake the best possible.

Acute ippendicltls cannot wait. The .patient 1., nel!d of an emergency operation will find lmmedlately available a large, well-equipped surgical suite with a recovery room whl!re reactions after operations wlll be careful!)". checked,


It's. The· Pledge, We Those who live and work in this ar~ realize

how ·urgently hospital facil_ities are needed; they will want to do aa much as JlOSSible to build a new CommGnit~ Hospital.

Few of us can do our full share convenient-­ly by giving or ma.king a single paynient. We can all make more adequate pledges by giving on the three year plan .

See how a small amount sot aside each day or week will make a. substantial contribution to Eaton Rapid\J Community Hospital.

It I• the right of every baby to be born In a comfortable environment. It ehall be our purpose to provide the flnest maternity department poaa!ble, Including a acilf-contalned unit to Insure added 1afety and.comfort.

Want ... This little This much Total for

each day each year 3 years 55c ,200.00 $600.00 46c 166,00 500,00· 27c 100.00 800.00 14c 50.00 150.00 '

'lOc 38.00 100.00 5c 17 .00 51.00·

NOTE: Machinery will be set up for mak·. ing payments "'" low as $1.00 per week, or they may be made monthly, quarterly, or annually.

. ""·~.

Auto. --Sales~ , Phone 552.1

.-. : ·QUlcldJ Shtl swept ·Ud 1crubbed ,. the spice by the window, and then

· · . ~:lb her· l"Odd!).a Cbab', wafting " IDd; turtlvel7 wti>!Da' her ,eyee. A ,-,~& lift 1n the Q)d house tor

-~· ~: z~· a. eoald ehe ever thank ,,, 'Zldf ' ' ' -


·- ·: ~BdD?e l!le Could think Ot a way. witb the ltove. ·

•Ci(- tame. Odni · ·-····· 1he.

mo?..'• r_ .' (',:<·'.· ";. "."i,·\:_'~·MJme·:=\ ... -·' • "Th!Hs cbaptOr two !or. Mldil· ·!lllnf· • •' · .. · . .. ·: . ·. . .. toa, ~·· . . . . • . ·: .

pn in our two-yell'~ Rofwge In th• fifth •m•ndm•nt lbOWI up;_i. - \~:llli:-• 2•, ftived eramJneHciQ, am::we;r. · ·bY'~-zaton-·~ · ·•.,· h ; seYeral years a11>, we alert- can be- taken "- an:y wttneu ·who tour of the dt7, ·JIRMD.ted--w'ltb -a bound over to ctn:uit eOurt. Id.their .... --1.- --=-- . · · Qte1 ot. tJla,nrevtoQ! mMt· • - _,,_.

_ .., • u~ . . • ~.LU. s 9~-. , · . "" , TICIOP &-KeetJD&: ~ to or-. munist ~activities had infiltratl'd :°rovide evidence that can be used ''temporary" city ls proud of, and from a building cllarg'e3, before ~~ ·J Rother and Wolver · followiDC J ere rea . · S

uruon organizations and education. him in court. Kit Clardy he'll be given time to make a boos-- Justice L. F. ~win at Eaton in 1 • have med and audited llDd on malloli of Cmd1" ban wen INIWd ~ Part of the job this time," be said,. said that no wttnem is ever asked ter talk about t;he virtues of hl5 Rapids. Bath are being held in the faw ~ =tn~Yrl ~ cormnilldoner Ben)llnil1 Weft al-~ and Beinee ~ to "ls to determine 1f situations ex- the $64 qul!stion: .. Are you now, or regular commumty. Ea.tan county 1ail in lieu al. fur· ~e"Brigp ompaDJ and ib truck lowed U "udited: .lld ~::re..:: posed previously bad been correct- have you ever been a member of • • • nlshing $1000 "8il bonds. ordeftd driver Ralii. Lu.aaJneyer u1dnt: LIGHT&: WATER l'OND • Rocky ~-n...- __ ......;:.,

ed smce., We are sure we blunted the Communist party?" without ev- Th• m•yor exi:h•np broulht by Justice Bald.Win. over $500 damages, the colt: of Ro- R. G. HtmJ;n.aer ~) M.21 ~ Kor.PD Communist effectiveneM, but we idence that the answer should be home to thousands of peop~ better The pair are aDe&M. to have en- pairiD8'. the tint plabstlfh CU' "l'bl! Nicholaa l'JleCtric ~ 23.50

Released by _ want t'l. see how much," he said. affirmative. Out 0 , some 400 wit- perbapl than anythin& else, the tered the Andrew BelAlel' home in suit 111 an outa:rowth of. a .hamc Graybu mect::ric ()Ole. · <Jilcht Press Assoclation • • • nesses examined. .. 1~ bave refused fact that the ftnt Mleblpn Week Walton township SatuJ'd'ay nl&ht. accident March ;a, Ul!53, on bith- SUpplieli) 288.18 • - pn __ Proceedings wlll be televlNd. to answer this-question on grounds in~ Is f ~t:U, ~ where they took fO lhs. Of meat "llN7 K-78 two milm nortbealt of Dye' ~a:~ Fl.REWORKS COULD RESULT Rep. Clardy stated that anbey telwit- of self incrlm!'18~D; ~:en~ D~partment, th~ from the =:~su:ae; CbuloUe. Bother aUanpted to -) 30.80

• f the H Un ness who did not want to e- 'din fOr in malr. were app pag a five-ton eemmt-m!Dr truck I"'-- Power Co. •KOM hearings. o. . ouse - vised need only say so--"the com- ~ C•lled off 1ever•I time• for one ~gest gw g ce - mo~ at Albion .W cii7 police driven bJ' Jn'M'~, and wu ~- l42.2S Ameriean Activities Committee ml.ttee considers the choice an in- reason or anoth~, Rep Clard?' is mg Miebipn Week a IUCCelS, con- officers, who bad been given de9- about evea witf1 Ute cents or the .Ju~ C«P wbich will hold sessions in three di'Vidual right" He also reminded sure that this tune the bearings sf.dent ~ ~~ P~ cnptions of the men and their car truck.. when he aJJeta the truck (F:IR J!:Kt. Rec.) · -Jliddpn cities beginning May 3. that an witnesaes will be notified will take place as scheduled. Orig- one 0 e come by F.aton county sheriff's otficera. without warn.m. mMmJ)- turned Bmdd &. Killer (Bootll •

Kit Ciard Representative trorn that they have a right to bring le- inally set 1or Oct. 26 last year, they of the promotion. The officers found the men.t in the left In front of. him, cauainl a colli- .Bad.pal . _ 4/Jll . . . y,. . 1ga1 counsel with them if they were cancelled became it waa eon- 4-w. N trunk or the car. sion. . sobmoo rrm IDlhiatries (JIB Mfebipn'.s Sixth Congresstonallchoose. sidered they milht jeopardize e 'n ew9 Rina 6 Coftn) M.50 D!Stric:t, (Ingham, Genesee and I • • • ~uni9t co~ trial then Jwry Sommer James Butler, 80, of Charlotte, Divorce Decreea Nml•Alllm .. Jlotcirl "" WuMenaw Counties) will preside Arguing th•t lnvetllgatlon com· in progress in Detroit. County 4-H Club Agent pleaded gullty to a drunk and dis- . . (Car Rep.) JGT.31 at tlie hearings. Also present as mittees do not usually get a fair The bearings ~ then schedu- -- . - orderly charge Monday, before -- · · Adjourned members of the :sub-c.mimittee will break from the nation's newspa- led for Feb. 9 but had to be post- I'd like to extend a special re- Judge Angu& MacLeod In munlci- Vlviah Crandell was anmted a. H. O. Miller. Ma1or ·be ,Congressman Gordon Scherer per tolumnisbl:, the conl';I'essman poned. ~use Rep. Clardy suff~- minder .to look at your 4-H Lead- pal court. He was sentenced to a divorce from Romer Crandell and ·p, L. sate. City Clerk (&-Orio) and Morgan Moulder (D· said he was anxious to have as ~ a phyS1cal col.lapse.. cause of his ers Calendar for dates coming up: 30-day term in the 'EAton county is restored her previous name of 'Missouri) as well as staff attorneys. many people as possible watch the difficulty was first thought to be Open House for 4-H exhibits on jail, 20 days of which will be 5US- Brough. In the property &ettte-­stmilar hearings: on Un-American proceedings. "Oµr operation ~ a a heart atta~ However, the Con- Friday, April 30 at the f-H ~uild- pended upon payment of f29.9G ment llhe ls: to receive $12,000, 11Ctivities will be helrl in other parts good examp.te of how lnvest1ga- ~an said that complete exa- ing; May 10-14 - . Club Agents' fine and costs. Butler wu .arrest~ attorney fees of' '300. --of the country by other sub-com- tlon committees function," he JIUnation showed ~e had suffei:e<l Conference at St. Macy's Lake. Sunday by Charlotte pobce offi- __ Troop\';3-.llarcll.clidllarmoo_~ ;ml;:-=~·;:;:;:;:::;;:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::':;ta;:t;:ed::i:;. ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;:;:~la severe case of Vll'US pneurno~. Have you sent ~ your. "2 cent.s cers. - A decree also wu eranted in a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ep. ~lardy, '!hose flowing worth yet? Now is the time to let -- supp~ divorce ce:se... on die lr1Df -ae-

white hair malces him look debon- yol.U' wants or ideas known• May Ray Craun, 54, of DeWitt, plead- · Slocum. served refrethmentL Took air, c1aims to feel fit as a fiddle 19 - County 'Share the Fun Festt- ed guilty to a dru_nk driving charge Divorce Cue. now and ready to~ his stren- val" Talent Show, 8:00 p. m., ~t at his arreigrunent M~day, before uous taskS as a presiding otticer the GreenWood School in Grand Justice L. F. Baldwin at Eaton T --at the sub-committee bearings. Ledge· Mey 23 - 4-H Sunday- Rapids. He paid $55 fine and costs. Chrisline 'Wendt of Dimondale

• • • . Have You made plans to attend the Crnun wa! orrMed on M-43 in bu started a divorce action aplnst TWICHELL'S 1 DAY­PHOTO SERVICE

STRANGE MAYORS will. 1?e countywide service SWlday even- Onedia township Saturday night James Wendt of Chicago, alleging controlling more than 400 Mich1- ing? This will be at the Fair- by Eaton county sheriffs officers. cruelty a:ild drinking to excea. gen cities and villages Wednesday, grounds. -- TheY were marr:i€d March 1, 1952, May 5. . • ,. • Russell _o.,- Link, 40, of Rc;>ute 2, in Chicago, and parted about seven

The number one citizen o:t these Special Notice Vermontville, was found gwlty on weeks later. There is no child.

STORE of QUALITY and SERVICE Open Every Saturday Night Until 8:30

mwi.icipalities agreed to swap The 4-H Mllk Marketing Tour a drunk and disorderlY charge Fri- Plaintiff asks that she be restored places each other as. a tea~ sponsored by _the Mlehigan Milk. day at his trial bet?i:e Judge Angus her maiden name of Marsh. ' ture Qf M1chlgan Week, which lasts Producers will be held in Detroit MacLeod in mwuc1pal court. He --· .

~abine Kriapy Cracker• _ - - - - lb. - _24c: It's New

Sensational from May 2 ~. 8. The "Exchange .on May 21-22. Any 4-H member was given 10 days to pay $24.90 Lois McCullogh of :fl. 3, Char­of Mayors ~Y: soon proved t.o be 15 or older can be considered-if fine and costs or serve a l_O-day Iotte, hes filed a petition in cir­the best publicity angle to the week you ftt this category and are Inter- term in the Eaton county jail and cuit court to initiate support pro-

Kool Aid _________ -~- ______ 6 For 25c

long promotion. ested in going, please let me know put on prqbation for 6 months. ceedings :tor her three children un-' • • immediately by calling the oftlce Link was arrested April 15 on M- der the uniform reciprocal enforce-

It's Cheez Whiz ___ large 55c _ o: - 1mall 29c

Our Super Plastic Albums

Bound Who would change with whom (Charlotte 70), 78 in Carmel township by state po· ment o:r support act She was di-was determin:'1 ,hY a "legal" Jot- • • • lice officers and had waived a. jury vorced :from Edwa;u McCullogh. Drize Towel•-------------- 2 For 43c tery held at MichiganState college. New• From the Ch1b1 . trial. ·f Riv 'de cal. in Macomb Nearly 300 people ' 'lo have been The last meetine of the Eaton -- ~unty ~"'1u1@ anci' states that be working on Michigan Week were county Hot Sparks 4-H Tractor Keith .... Lloyd - Harwood, 19, of is $l 2~ in" arrears in support present to watch G<:iv. G. Mennen Maintenance club met at 'Wertz Route 5, Charlotte, pleaded guilty eY f the children.

Symon'• Hot Chocolate - - 10 aervinr• 34c (Jut Add Water)

Double Size Prints, At Additional COst

Williams, LL Gov. Clarence A. Reid Implement store, April a. to a simple larceny charge Monday mono·'------and Speaker of the House Wade The president appointed a com- before Justice L. F. Baldwin at Van Valltenberg draw names. mittee to plan an emibit on Eaton Rapids. He was sentenced to Fl.-.t Church of Christ Scientist

Cryatal Clear Window Cleaner _ - - - - 17c

No The results made good news. Achievement Day. We then bad a 15-day tenn in the Eatoil county Corner O•k •nd Barn• It. Muon

In some instances, very small lo- suggestions for the disPlay and aJS<l jail and put on probation for 2 !'int Churcldsh ~~hJ~ Scientist.' th calities mUBt exchange with very for our demonstration ·team. The years. Harwood was arrested Sat- Mason. ho -.._y"'es 8 e: large ones. Detroit and Britton. a winning demonstration team are urdoy by ~ton county sheriff's church,. corner of Oak and Barnes village -of 500, provided an ex- gdhig tb present Ulelr d~nstra- officers for the larceny of several Streets, every Sunb dayd-~~!1:0·

We aell 'home drfl8aed cbickena Fresh Fruits Veg~tables - Meats

HEATON'S MILBOURN'$ Drug Store Drug Store

cellent example. ' tion on ipition on SaturdQ' after- sap buckets from a Vermontville Sun~ay. school .l!i.i eld to .... tb e • ' • . noon, May 1, at the Achiev~e:nt township farmer. services- for p,u.,..... up e ase

Longest dletanee to be traveled Day prgram ,. -- of 20_ Wednesday evenlnl meetins ICE CREAM Pinta-! Gallom

Nearl7 All FlaT<>n aad Specialtieo Eaton Rapids, Michigan

exists for the mayors ()f Morenci, We then ·had a movie 00 petro- Roy Willoughby, 35, of Charlotte, at ~:Oil , lnclwles testlmonies ~f near the south border of the state, leum which was sponsored· by the pleaded guilty to an indefent con- Cbrtstl~ Science heallna. A pu • . and Ironwood. These men must Standard Oil Co. we would like duct charge TUesclay be:fore Judge Uc: reading room II open at thl!! journey about 650 miles each way, to thank Duane Werlz, our leader Angus MacLeod in municipal. court. church every Wednesday and Sat­Sbould they elect to travel around and Art Graham Standard Oil Co. He paid $29.30 fine end costs. Will- urday !roPJ. 2 to 4-. S~y, May 2,

FARM MADE Phone 21611

;~~~;ii;;~~~~~iiiiiiii~~~a:a:a:~~~~~tbiie·w~est;.~ed~g~e;.;ofiiLa;i;keii:Mi~· c~hi;iganii, representative, f~ helping Wi th1I oughby was arrested in a Lansing Ute .Lesson-Sermon ,?'1titl~ ''Eve-r-year· tavern March 15 by Eaton cowity lasting Punishment will be reed · Bill Gehman, Reporter sheriff's officers. in all Science churches.

122 Soath Main St.

CURTICE BUICK Inc. Wish<!' to thank t!Je people who have patronized us since the opening of our Used Car Lot at 2G2 Lansing street, Charlotte. We ·are•happy to say that we bad the largest Used Car sales the first week at our new Iod.tion· that (Jartice Buie!< bas ever enjoyed. To \hose who haven't vlslted WI, P!<BSe

: .Gme in and look around and )et us prove that you get a Belter Used Car ·(iOm yaur Buick Dealers' Used Car lot. · .

.·.· -78-.ick Buys Of The Week • FORD V'.SVictoria

Rlidlo, He•ter, .-Ford-O·M•tlo, Many'. ·Trou_ble · Free M lln

Left In Thl1 ~n1

· .• CHEVROLET :' BliAire ' , :1two. Tonti, Whfte Wall Tl,..,

r, Powtrallde,. Foam Rubber 1s.e1r~Ukll New. ,~.Real $avlng•

.1952 ·PONTIAC 8 Calallna

Two Tone, White &Ide· W•llS. l•ck Up Llghtl, Dlrectloftal Llahtt,: Radio, Heater, Hydr•maUc, Comp..,, Fog Llpt. We'd . Like You To 8n •nd Judge For YourMlf

1949. CHEVROLET D"elm:'

. ~-:Door. Mew P!l~nt. , A B~uty

1949-BUlCKSuper . · ·4·Doo" ft•dJo, Huter; '~tfta.~Ow, '!'letai'llc · P•l,nt. · Llv~ng. ~-~m··Ciim~~ ·

10 Reasons wl\Y-

BUICK Is the JDg ~ccess

_than_....., __ .. to .. found In lulck fGr ........... - ·'" ,... ................ ..-.... ... ...,._ ......... ... -----·

I ......... ,., ... , ..... _ .. Y--witbeompletelynewhodieo

-ofye.,....awaydeoigo in ovel')'mOdeL = -•oleilt Vl1llolll1F AtlY•--witb backnrept ~lo wind· 1hield1thetglvo193 ~orevi1ib0ity.



...... v •• .: .... ···--in Buick interior oom1or1..:1rom wide, ocreened oir intake ot hood-high level.· • ·

......,..vallen9••-in Balck hiotory-'-lrom advanced vertical• valve V8 ei!Pi•• with up to 8.5 to bomJ)l'.CHioa. and 200 hp-pl....,ew Power-Hood fuel ellio!ODO}'.


.._..._.,._ .... _from 111-ooil ·,prinp,,, torqu .. tube drive, • lon&er wbeelba1e1, new 1ho~k ablorbe,. ....... H• .... ever found in a Buick-from a new front-end geGm· etry that 1tabilizea 0 C9rnerin&/' in1ure1 more po1itive control, quicker respon11c.

lllt' ...... 111•1 .. , ..... ever to • ar- o 8uick-plu1new1wi"'·aw•Y

front doon for Hlier entrance and exit~

8 ..... ,_ ..... , ........... .. •••IH-wlth tho Jow-priofd SPBCIAL, the 1enutionolly powered CBNTUllY, tho oupremoly opa• oiouo SVPBll, and the cuotom-built ROADMASTBR.

t -







<·· ·•

Wanted W ANTZD BIJl.U>OZING - Stooe piles, fence rows, old orchards re­moved, twements dUL 1P11din& ~ ·etc. See my BIG NEW DOZER work. E.. L. Rimer. ·


HEMINGER w AI TRESS WANTED - Fur nllbt .shltt. Whlitemore Restaurant .

e-Uc. Real Eatate DO ltOOTS - Clog your sewer!' I City and Plirm P~opertles 'fr':~~?,'~ ~j "Exeban ... a S.!'"'18lty" Niller." JO lb. can. tl.95. (A c:an

1219 S. Maln - Phone M831 Btfc

tocla)' .,.,. -· you $75 later). -:==========:-::: Sold by 6hlmmins Drug Store.


LIGHT HAlJLING - Albes; tin an.a, rubbish, etc. Prompt attention,

reuon•ble c:har1e1. A. W. Willett. Phone 4-3312. llitfc


Buy Direct - and save money! No sa!Hman On the road. All granites gueranteed to be the very best. F.ATON RAPlDS - Phone ?121


Eaton-Eaton Rapids ARTll'ICIAL. BREEDERS ASSOCIA'N Jersey' HolltelD and Guernsey semen. For service or io:torrnation call Paul Barnes, Phone Eaton Rap- '-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..,;;;;o""'""'""'~I ldl No. 2978. 42tfc =

· NICHOLAS •••cTR•c I Rubber Stamp• -Electrical Whing and . Repair- Made to Order Appliances, stoves, l'lxtm'el Re- Pad., lnkl and M•rklng paired. Emergency repaln. Pbone · Devlen 41071. After Five 6931. 15! South HOLMES STAMP 81.RVICE Main Street. Eaton Rapids. SOt:t, 204 E. SOUth St. Phone 3891

Michael Montie

INSURANCE 121 s. Main

W•yne Holmes

lilOMrr Mil ANT aoao PU-SI

• Y~ en ·lt9rreW =·,;s.: .... ..,. • Y•• 1111J i;HMHJ ---........ . •"Yffcurel...-.. ......... 1 .... ,

/ ........ ,.,.. -· . , .. -~ •.. .......,, . ..... . .. ·"~--·

For Prompt Servin Call

Harold Archie Fox Phone 45122 Eaton Rapids, Michigan

Call Heminger's for the

Buys Town Best • m Also Farm and Buaineu Properties

"Exchanges _A Specialty"

Stopped in to see Ernie Davis, Carmel township, the other day. He has a field of winter oats that came through the winter in good shape, and look very good this spri.llg.

We've Got...Jt When You Want It

Road Gravel ·Concrete Gravel-Washed Sand

Black :pirt - Moving

WOODS BROTHERS ~<l5 South Main Street Ph~ne «501

310 State

St. F & s Phones

44851 '.& 42832

Plumbing & Heating Fixtures & Supplies


Steam and Hot Boilers

Furnaces Water

Water Pumps

Sheet Eavetrough~ng ~

Metal Work



E,timatel ·· Buildint Information ·

AH About .

F. H. A. A .. iatan~·

I Oli'riflt '1 -

. DOliiill; ~·· ·. 10.:.12· •m· l'lhil: •• • cJi3ol or. .• more:· · · •, . 11 tbe ~ ,. chapter two for Michl- do .some~ ~tq. red~ ., . · ' bl Kai· gan in our fwo-7ear investigation Refuae In tu fifth •rnertdment iJiOVIS Ult- JHa will • Lee .w:..=N .'!51J.:: COUiitj here; several yean. ago, we alert- can be taken by any wttneas Who tour ot the city, a bOund over to clrcUlt court at their amo. f'I by ed. the American people ho~ Com- considerS answerlDI questions will miniature display of produc:W his arralgnmentl Monday on latteDY sheriff's of ~· tDg re&d and &ip~etl. munist activities had infiltrated provide evidence that can be used ''tempora~", city is proud ot, and from a bu.i1ding charges, before Howard J ~ and Wolver.. The fOJlowing bllll- w~ ttad der Mrved by J union org~tions 8:™1 ~llC,llti'!n· against him in court. Kit Clardy he'll be gi.ven 1lme 1o ~a~ Justice L. F. at :Eaton ine itisuranCe company have filed and audited and on m~~ of Candy ban ~ .·PiC:d Part ot the Job thl:5 ti~, . he Slltd, said that no witness is ever asked ter talk about ~e virtues of bis Rapidll. Both are being held in the 8 law action in circui~ q:aimt commilskmer Benjamkl were Ill- Lokken and ~ to "is to dete.nnine if !IJ.tuations ex- the $64 qul!stion: "Are ,.au now, or regular co~~Y·. . Ea~ eonrity jail in lieu of fur-: Gale"Brlggs company and its truck looNed 11 audited: wild flowers.~~ posed previously bad been correi~- have you ever been a member of nlsh1ng $1000 &ai1 bonds, ordered driver Ralph u11:1n,: LIGHT & WATER ruND Rocky ~llUtba.

· e. ,sure we blwited wrl$t . " ~ithout ev- The rn•)'Or 11xch•n11e- broµCht by Justice Baldwin. over J5oo damages, the ~ of R- R.. G. ~ (~) M.20 . ' · · Comnnm1st ve , idence e · · · .50

' b want t'l see bow much,'' he said. affirmative Out or some 400 wit- perhapg than ~ else. tbe te:red the Andrew Hebler home in suit iii an outgrowth of a tramc J41c Rel~s ~lation • • • nesses exMuned,,1~ have refused fact _that ~e flrlt Mlcblean Week Walton ~hlp Saturday night, accident March 23, 1"3, on bieh- Supplies) 288.18 _

• blian __ Procaedlnfll wlll be televlaed. to answer thlrquestion OD grounds in history 15 about io take pla~ where they took to lbs. of meat 'W6y M-18 two miles nortbeut of. ~OTHER FUNDS ' Fl,REWO~K8 COULD fJESUL T = ;~e:~d ~~!:\oa: ;:::= ot sell incrlm!"8~.; ==en~1D~m ~~ = 1!~=!i~~u:: =~:~~_,..,,.~mi:: I>)'~ Sales (Cork .ao.eo f:'ROM heanngs of the Ho~ Un- vised need only say so--"the com- - Called off .everal tlmu for one strongest guidinll: force in mak- rooming at Albion by. city police driven by Lusam;~ and was ~ Power Co. l42.2S .American Activities Committee mittee considers the choice an in- reason or another, Rep Clarcl¥ is ing Michigan Week 8 mecea. eon- officers, who bad been given des- abOut even with the ~ter Of the ~ ':) liel ,.._ wb1ch will hold sessions in three d1vidual righL" He also reminded sure that this time the beannp aiders the Mayor-swapping plan crlptions of the men and their car truck when be eUeaes the truck ~ _.....,.

cities beginrung May 3. that all witnesses will be notified will take place as sclleduled. Orig- one of the best ideas to come out by Eaton county sheriff's Officers. without warninl IUddmb' turned (Fire Kee.) &: MJcbigan tativ trom that they have a right to bring le- lnally set for Oct. 261~ year, they of the promotion. The officers found tbe meat in the left In front of him, causlni: a Colli- ~..!}Miller ~ 40.17

KHClardy,.Represen e. lgal counsel with them if tbeywerecancelledbecaUJeitwascon- A'il'T N trunkoftbeear. sion. J'~Jron.Jnduatrla(MH Michigan'!! Sixth Congressionallchoose.· sldered they mi"1t jeo~ a -rn ttWa Rings&: Coven)" M.50 DJStrlc_t. (Ingham, Genesee andl • • • .consplra~ trial then Jetty Sommer James B.utler, 60, of Cbarlot\e, Divorce Decreet Neil-Allan .. Kotcin .... Washtenaw Counties) will preside Arguing that Investigation com- m progrem in Detroit. County 4-H Club Aaent pleaded guilty to a drunk and dis- (Car Rep.) at tbe hearings. Also present as mittees do not usually get a fair The bearings were then schedu- -- . " orderly ch~ Monday, before Adjourned fnembers ot the sub-committee will break the nation's newspa· led for Feb. 9 but bad to be post- I'd like to extend a spee1al re- Judge Angus Macleod in munlcl· Viviah Crandell was ·granted a H. o. Miller Mayor be eongressman Gordon Scherer per colwnnists, the congressman poned ~ause Rep. Clardy suff~._ minder .to look at your 4-H Lead- pal e;ourt. He was sentenced to a divorce from Homer Crandell and P.' L. Sage, City Clerk (R-Orio) and Morgan Moulder (D- said he was anxious to have as ed ~ phy81cal co~pse. Cause of his ers Calendar for dates coming up: 30-day term in the F;lton county is restored her pJ"eVious name of 'MUiisouri) as well as start attorneys. many people as possible watch the difficulty was first thought to be Open House for 4-H exhlbib on jail, 20 days ot which vllll be sus- Brough. Jn the property settl~ Similar hearings on Un-American proceedio.;s. "Our. operation is a a heart atta<:k- However, the Con- Friday, April 30 at the 4-H Build- pended upon payment of $29.90 ment tbe fs to ~ve $12,000, also activities will be held in other parts good example of how ~nvestiga- ~an said that complete exa- ing; May 10-14 - . Club Agents' fine and costs. BuUer wu .arrest~ attorney fees ot' '300. --of the country by other sub-com- tion committees function,"· he nunation showed ~e bad sut!ei:e<f Conference at St. M.ary's Lake.- Sunday by Charlotte police 0U1- __ Troop 3-~Hannon_me mittees stated. , a severe case ot virus pneumo~a- Have you sent me your "2 cents cers. - A decree also was granted in a Mart~ f.81'arave . Kiile ~

· ~· · ~lardy, '!hose flowing worth yet? Now is the time to let -- supp~ divorce case. on Cbe 0~ bldle: JIU'll.

I white ~ir makes ~ look d~n- your wants or ideas known; May Ray. Ctaun, 54, ot Dt::~tt. p1ead- · Slocum served refrelhmentl. Took air, clrums to feel fit as ~ fiddle 19 - County 'Share the Fun Festi- ed guilty to a qrtink dnvmg charge · Di ,..____ . 1 nAV now and ready to assum~ his stren- val" Talent Show, 9:00 p. m., at at his arraignment Mo_nday, before . vorce ~

£ L# .. a· - ~~~e~u~-~r=1~:.cer ~~;~~ ~h:.°J ~~ c~stine 1wendt ot Dimondale Tw· - ICHELL'S

VICE STRANGE• M~Y~RS will. ~ !~~~d~~:~::!;ei!::· g:~.:~ ~~~ax;t~t:d:-4:.:i ~n!8~n~tdi~c:i:::: == -· · - . · PHOTO SER oontrolling more than 4-00 Mooh>- ing? This will be at the Fair- by Eaton county oherifl'• 0Ulcen1. oruelty and drinlcing to excess. STORE of. QUALITY an.d .S·E· RVICE

gan cities and villages Wednesday, grounds. -- They were marri6d. March 1, 1952, May s. . . ,. • • Russell G .. Link, 40, of R?ute 2, ig_ Chicago, end parted about seven 0 E "-turd N' ht U til 8•30 T~e. n~'!Jer one citizen ot these Specl;il Notice Vermontvllle, .was found gwlty ~n weeks later. There is no child. pen very .;,a ay Jg D •

It's New It's Sensational

Our Super Plastic Albums


Double Size Prints At Additional Cost No

HEATON'S MILBOURN'$ Drug Store Drug Store

Eat.on Rapids, Michigan

mun1c1palitles agreed to swap The 4-H Milk Marketing Tour a drunk and dlSOrderly charg~ Fri- Plaintiff asks that she be restored places with each other as. a tea~ sponsored by .the Michigan :f4ilk day at hls tria1 before Judge Angus her maiden name of. Marsh. \ ture of Michigan Week, which last.s Producers will be held in Detroit MacLeod in municipal court. lle --from May 2 to 8. The "Exchange -0n May 21-22. Any 4-H member was given 10 days to pay $24.90 Lois McCullogh of R. 3 Char­o( Mayors D~)'." soon proved to be Hi or older can be considered~if fine ~nd costs or serve a l_O..c:Iay lotle, has filed a petition 'in cir­the best pub!fc1ty angle to the week you fit this category and are Inter- term m the Ea~on county jul and cuit court to initiate support pro-long promotion. ested Jn going, please let me know put on pLQbaUan for. 6 months. ceedlngs tor her three children un-

• • • . immediately by calling the office Link was arrested April 15 on M- der the uniform reciprocal enforce-Wno would change with whom (Charlotte 70). 78 in Garmel township by state po- ent of support act She was di-

was determin~ _by a "legal" lot· • • • lice officers and had waived a jury ~orced trum Edwa;d McCullosb tery held at Michigan State college. News From the Chiba . trial. cit Riverside, cal., in Macomb Nearl.Y 300 ~le who have been The last meeting of the Eaton . county in 1949 and states that he working on Michigan Week were cowity HCJt Sparks 4-H Trador Keith .Lloyd - Harwood, 19, of is $l 216 m· arrears ln support present to watch Gov. G. Mennen Mai11tenance club met at Wertz Route 5, Charlotte, pleaded guilty mo eY :fqr the children WilliamS, Lt. Gov. Cl.Brence A. Reid Implement store, April 8. to a simple larceny charge Monday n · and Speaker of the House Wsde The president appointed a com- before Justice L. F. Baldwin at Van Valkenberg draw names. mittee to plan an exhibit on Eaton Rapids. He waS sentenced to First Church of Christ. 8clentlat

The results made good news. Achievement Day. We tben had a 15-day term in the Eatop county Cornsr O•k •nd B•rn• 8t. Ma10n In some instances, very small Jo- suggestions for the display and also jail and put on probaUon for 2 Fim Chhurcdh 0~.:_~i!t. Scltentlst,th calities must exchange with very for our demonstration ·team.· The years. Harwood was arrested Sat- Mason, ol s ~v•ees a e large ones. Detroit and Britton, a willfling demonstretion team are urday by Eaton county sheriff's church. corner of Oak and Barnes village of 500, provid;ed. an ex- going t~ present their denlOnstra- officers for the larceny of several Street!, every Sunday a~ 11:00. cellent example. - tion on ignition on Sa.turdaY after~ sap buckets from a Vermontville SUJ]day schf ool ~1,!1dd ~4:' the

• • • noon, May 1. at the Achiriement township farmer. services or 11:ul'L"'" up o e age Longest dlat•nce to be tr•voled Day prgram. ·- -- of 20. WedneSday ev~ moetin&

S1,111ahine Kriapy Cracker• _ - - - - lb. - _24c Kool Aid __________ •• ___ - - - 6 For 25c

Cheez Whiz ___ large 55c - -::. - amall 29c .. F 43c Drize Towel1 -------------- 2 or

Symon' a Hot Chocolate - _ 10 aervinga 34c . ( AH Waler)

C~yatal Clear Window Cleaner- __ - - _ 17 c

We sell home dre11ed chicken• Fresh Fruits Vegetables - M~ats

ICE CREAM Pinta - l Gallona

Nearly All Fla...,.. and Specialties

exists for the mayors o1 Morenci, We tben had a r.lovie on petro~ Roy Wlllougbby, 35, of Charlotte, at ~~ includes testimonies of near the south border of the state, leum which was sponsored· by the pleaded guilty to an indelent con- Christtal'!' Science heallnii., A pub· . and Ironwood. These men must Standard Oil Co. We would like duct charge Tuesday before Judge lie reading room is open at the journey about 650 miles each way. to thank Duane Wertz, our 1eader Angus MacLeod in municipal court. church every Wednesday and Sat­Should they elect to travel around and Art Graham standard on co. He paid $29.30 fine and costs. Will- urday from 2 to 4. Sunday. ~y 2,

. ~~~iiii~~~;;;~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;~~~th~e;.;w~est~iedii"i"ioif+La~k~e~Mi~· c~h~igan~i' \representative, f~r helping us this oughby was arrested in a Lansing the .Lesson-Sermon .~UUmed~-~_; ,·~ ear· tavern March 15 by Eaton county lastmg Puilishment w ui=: ._...

. ·a "... .· 1 · Bill Gehman, Reporter s,herift's officers. in all Christian Science churches.

FARM MADE . 122 Sonth Main St • Phone ~11

CURTICE BUICK ·Inc. Wishes to thank the people who have patronized us since the opening of our u...i Car Lot at 202 Lansing street, Charlotte. We are•happy w say that we had the largest Used Car ..W.. the lirst week at our new location that . Oartiff Baldi has ever enjoyed. To those who haven't visited WI, please .-".e in and look around and Jet us prove that yon get a Better Used Car· fr0m your Bulek Dealers' Used Car lot.

.B~ck Buy.s Of The Week . • FORD V .S Victoria

··Tofte, Radio, HHter, ..f'ord-O·Matla, MJles. M•ny Trouble Free Miiot

Left In Thll One

·953 . CHEVROLET • . . ilifAbe Jop, "twv Te=, WhM:i!!i Wall Tim, · ·H1atsir, Powerglld1, . Foam Rubber ~~Thl•O•r·Llko New. A_Re•I Javlng1

.1952 ·PONTIAC 8 . Catalina

Tw9 Tone, White Side W•llil, l•ck Up Llghta. Dl..ectloft•I Llghtl.. Radio, Heater, HydrainatJc, Comp..., Fog Llliht. W'!l'd

Like You To Sn and Judge For Yourself

1950 BUICKS (Three) To Cho09e From.

EqUlppld All 'Ful~y

1949-CHEVROLET Delox'

4_-Door. New P•l!it. · A Beauty

1949. BUICK Super 4·Doon. Aad_to, Heatl.P,- af-n•flOw, 'Met11llk

P1lftt; · Ll"'~na '~_oOrn•-~m~ort ·

1948 BUICKS~ial 4·Door, Radio, Heatei",_ Ari-lllo-=-.~-i~k . .. ~...,,


IO Reasons wltr-BUf CK_

Is the mg Success ___ ..... __ -to he found In lulck for '54-ilut we •Ive

,... ~ ""'. ,_., tha NCllOMfor ... ___ ........ _.... _.....,._

I ........ ltylla• .... _ .. Y--withcompletelynowbodiel


2 ...... ,, v1.11.1111., ••··--with backawapt JlllllOi:-DliO wind· shields that jivo 193 more villlbility.

3 -· ¥ .......... All•--in Buick interior oomfort-lrom wide, screened air intake at bood·higb lewL . .

~YSlllnaf1 ..... inBuick hi1tory-from advanced vertical· valve V8 eqiae1 with up to 8.5 to l "6mpreitsjo11 and 200 hp-p1-'11ew Power-Head fuel e8iclenoy.


,...._...., .... .,.from olkoil ·1prinam., torque-tube drive, • lon&er wheelb11e1, new shook tblorbe'f· ....... Hm•o ever found in a Buick-from a new front-end geom­etry that 1t1bilize1 "cornerin&,'' in1urc1 more po1itive control, quicker retpon11e.

"1' Melt .. a•••• ........ ever to • grace a l1uick-pln1now 1wiDC·•W•Y

front doori for •Mier entnnce and exit.

8 Mell Co•plete CW•• et Prl .. R"••H-wilh the low•prictd SPBCIAL, the 1enHtionally powered CBNTURY, the supremely 1pa• clou1 SUPER, UHi tho oustonHluilt Ro.u>MASTBR.

• "


'\ 1·· ., . . '

Wanted WANTED BULLDOZING - Stone piles, fence TOws. old on:b.arda re-­nioved, buements dug, grading, flllini. ·etc!. See my BIG NEW DOZER work. E. L. Rimer. ·


MICHIGAN NBEDS 100 ira!!ied printers. We can train 35 ln our modern pr1ntinc de p.a rt m e n t TUltkm lowered to $91 for 12-week coune. Ferris Institute, Big Bapldo, llDch. !Dtfc


FOR CHRISCRAFT Borit Kita and M.-etll'Y Qulboti?d Moton, See S"chwted's Garage, Phone 7711.





N'tlan•I F•rm Loan Am'n. 415 Cochran Charlotte, Michlpn

Phone 1880

DO YOU NEED ROAD GRAVEL? Albert C. MDhr, &to')' • Tre~c

Call Wood• Brotfi"u·a. lltfl~================\I WAITRESS WANTED- l'or nlahl shift. Whittemore Restaurant.


DO J\OO'rS - Cloe your sew"'' Tree ..... killed euilY and -· Use Parl<>Dll Speclal ''Sewor Root Killer." 10 lb. con. fUS. <A·ean toda1 may save you $75 liter). Sold by Shlmminl Drug Store.


HEMINGER Real Estate

City •nd Parm Prcpertles "Exchange11 a ·specialty"

219 S. Main - Pho~ 44.831 Btfc



STUD. SERVICE· S Malor Dairy llrMdt

for Prompt Setvlce Call

Harold Archie Fox Phone 45122 Eatoo Rapids, Michigan

We've Got_Jt \Vhen You Want It

Road Gravel ·Concrete Gravel-Washed Sand·

Black .pirt - Moving

WOODS BROTHERS R06 South Main Street Plume '4601

310 State

St. F s Phones

44851 '.& 428.12

Plumbing & Heating Fixtures & Supplies

Steam and Hot Water Boilers

Heatel"S:' Furn.aces Pumps


Water Eavetrough~ng

Metal Work



Plana ~tim·~ .

· BuildiDs Information Aalo·.A""8l .

·. F H A· Jbailtanc:e .. ti • • '' • • .•.