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‘Enlivened by the Spirit’

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22nd July, 2013 Vol.20.No.17

Welcome back to all students for Term 3

The students have made a terrific start back to term 3, after gaining some great feedback at the Parent Teacher interviews in the

last two days of Term 2 and they have now hit the ground running. I congratulate all students and their families for the fine

return to school and the already great engagement toward their studies. I am always so impressed and indeed proud of our

students in the way in which they welcome each other back at the start of a new term and the warm welcome they so genuinely

give to the teachers and staff. Thank you to all students, as I always state you are best advertisement for our College and you

continue to be so.

World Youth Day 2013

Mrs Nolan and I had the great privilege of being at Sydney’s Mascot International Airport last Monday morning at around

6.00am to bid our five WYD13 pilgrims, along with Mr Strudwick and Mr Corcoran, a fond farewell as they jetted out for South

America to commence their pilgrimage before World Youth Day 13 in Rio de Janeiro. The airport was overrun by hundreds of

pilgrims, their families and friends from many schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney and beyond, with the excitement in the

faces of these young people so very evident to see. After around 22 hours of flying and catching 4 different planes our pilgrims,

part of Bus No. 8 and led by Mr Corcoran, finally arrived in Lima, the capital of Peru, a city of about 9 million people.

Our Pilgrims and leaders before leaving Sydney Airport

The first two days saw our group undertake mission work in the shanty towns of Lima to help some of the poorest people of this

City. The work mostly took place in small run down towns built dangerously close to hill sides and involved the building of

stairs to allow communities access to their homes in a safe way along with the sanding back of old paint on the walls of a

community centre to allow for a re-paint and helping to re-roof this centre. The mission work has allowed our pilgrims the

opportunity to sing, play and laugh with the many under-privileged children in these poor areas, along with helping to educate

them on good dental care. The feedback from our students has been overwhelming with many appreciating just how lucky we

are back home in Sydney, a sobering experience for them all.

After this wonderful mission work our pilgrims have been lucky enough to spend a short few days sightseeing around Lima, the

home of Saint Rose of Lima and Saint Martin de Porres. In the next few days they set off for Cuzco, the gateway to Machu

Picchu, the amazing and famous Inca site.

We continue as an Aquinas Community to pray for our pilgrims and their leaders over the next few weeks leading to the WYD13

mass next Sunday in Rio de Janeiro.

If you wish to follow the footsteps of our pilgrims and indeed all representatives from schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney you

can do so by logging into the CEO WYD13 Blog at the following

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 2

Music Night

What a wonderful night last Thursday evening was when we witnessed some nineteen performances across our Year 9-12

elective music classes. The quality of these acts/students was there for the hundred plus audience who attended and I know

that along with myself they were suitably entertained. My thanks to the music department led by Mrs Bosi and Mr Smith and

also supported back stage by Ms Petrie.

Trial HSC Examinations-Weeks 3-5

Whilst we enjoyed a two week holiday break recently, our Year 12 students have been busy preparing for the Trial HSC

examinations which commence on Monday 29th July and continue through to Monday 12th August. I commend our students on

their efforts and application to these most important assessments, the closest thing to the real HSC and at the same time I thank

their teachers for their ongoing efforts and guidance including the many extra hours of tutorials/classes over the holiday break,

before and after school. We keep Year 12 in our thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks and know they will be ably

supported by the Holy Spirit.

Year 10 into 11 - 2014 Transition interviews and Dinner Dance

On Monday 22nd July and Tuesday 23rd July our continuing Year 10 students along with their parents/carers will commence

the process of transition into Stage 6-Year 11 when they take part in interviews with senior teachers at the College. These

interviews are an opportunity to dialogue with the students the importance of Stage 6 education, their hopes and dreams for

completing the HSC along with their continued commitment to Aquinas Catholic College. I know that the teachers and myself

involved in the process look forward to these rich and rewarding meetings, the first stages in a process that involves an

information evening in week 6 (Thursday 22 August), followed by meetings with Mrs Mirabello the Learning & Curriculum

Coordinator before commencing initial then final subject selection processes. We also keep Year 10 and their families in our

prayers over the course of this busy term in their lives and I also trust that they have a wonderful social experience with their

peers and teachers this coming Thursday during the Social dinner/dance night at Club Central Hurstville.

Staff Development/Pupil free days upcoming

Just a reminder, as advertised last term, that we have two Staff Development/Pupil free days coming up in Week 3-Monday

29th July focusing on the last modules of the new National Curriculum, leading to staff programming units of work for 2014

implementation; and in Week 6- Wednesday 21st August which is a Staff Spirituality/faith formation day, facilitated by

Father Richard Leonard

Some of the mission work in Lima

St Thomas Aquinas-Pray for us Robert Nastasi Acting Principal

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 3

From the Acting Assistant Principal Key Dates

Week 2B Term 3

Monday 22nd July Year 10 into 11-2014 transition interview day SSCCC Athletics Carnival

Tuesday 23rd July Year 10 into 11-2014 transition interview day Year 11 Mass (8.20am)

Wednesday 24th July

Thursday 25th July College Assembly Period 4 – Envirowalk Launch (13th August) Year 10 Social/Dinner Dance

Friday 26th July No attendance for Year 10

Monday 29th July TRIAL HSC BEGINS….Good luck to all our Year 12’s Staff Development Day – No classes this day

In the weeks leading up to the Trial HSC, and taking time to evaluate the feedback from teachers at the recent 7-10 parent teacher evening, I thought this would be a great time to revisit some strategies for student wellbeing.


Whilst some of our students are performing well and coping with the demands of secondary school, there are some who are not. We also acknowledge that many parents are finding it difficult in knowing how best to support their children in what is a very challenging 6 years of their lives. There are some basic strategies that could be implemented in order to get the best results both academically and from an overall well-being perspective. The following are some basic strategies for all students to adopt to assist their well-being and academic success: Good nutrition is vital, particularly having a good breakfast. Studies have shown that students that eat breakfast

prior to learning performed better than those that don’t. A healthy breakfast, snacks such as fruit, yoghurt and sandwiches should be a part of the daily diet and will help cognitive functioning.

Adequate sleep is essential for students. A minimum of 8 – 9 hours uninterrupted sleep is the recommended

requirement for teenagers. Senior students should be in bed by 10:30pm on average and Juniors by 9pm. Reducing caffeine intake at least 2 hours before bed and exercising will assist. Also, ensuring early exposure to light in the mornings (an issue in Winter) helps to regulate sleeping patterns.

Ensure that computer use ceases at least 1 hour before going to bed. Most importantly, parents should ensure

mobile phones are not left in the bedroom at night as these are often the cause of distraction during sleeping periods.

Studies have shown that moderate exercise such as a jog had reduced stress, decreased depression and anxiety

in participants. It is recommended that students complete 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day. Attendance at school has also proven to be a factor in the achievements of students. Quite simply, students who

are at school, perform better than those who are regularly absent. Obviously there are circumstances and illness that can’t be helped, however, it is crucial that students do not take days off for no apparent reason. Medical appointments should be made out of normal school hours whenever possible.

We highly recommend these strategies and feel confident that they will make a difference to you and your child’s academic progress and overall well-being. UPDATING CONTACT DETAILS: A reminder to parents to contact the College if any of your contact details have recently changed. It has been unfortunate that on some occasions we have had delays in contacting a parent/carer due to changes in mobile and/or work contact phone numbers. STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY – Student Free Day–Monday 29th July. Normal classes will not be held on this day. Anthony Hulme Acting Assistant Principal

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 4

Religious Education at Aquinas Last Monday our WYD pilgrims officially began their journey and, by all accounts, have had a humbling start to their pilgrimage. This week they will be participating in the WYD week of events in Rio, including the Opening Mass, Australian gathering, catechesis and youth festivals, welcoming ceremony for Pope Francis, Stations of the Cross, the WYD walk to the vigil and sleep out, before celebrating World Youth Day itself on Sunday July 28th with the closing mass with Pope Francis. For those of us at home, the major events of the WYD week can be viewed live from Next Sunday, on WYD, Catholic Youth Services Sydney has organised an event named ‘The Rio Experience’. The day begins at 8am with a pilgrimage from the tomb of St Mary of the Cross at Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney, to St Benedict’s, Broadway. A live telecast of the prayer vigil with Pope Francis, direct from Rio, will air at 10am, followed by talks, testimonies and music from Dr Robert Tilley and Gary Pinto. Sydney pilgrims will also be able to join in the WYD spirit with a Brazilian feast, as well as adoration, benediction and mass. For more information, and to register for this free event, contact Catholic Youth Services on (02) 9764 4357 or Please continue to keep the pilgrims in your prayers. Mrs Catherine Nolan Religious Education Coordinator

‘Proclaiming Christ is not only a matter of words, but something which involves one’s whole life and translates into signs of love… our love must become more and more like Christ’s own love. We should always be prepared, like the Good Samaritan, to be attentive to those we meet, to listen, to be understanding and to help.’ Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for the 28th World Youth Day 2013.

8 RE Test Practice

8 2010 Q32

What word is used by Christians to describe the responsibility of people to care for all God’s creation? A. recycling B. ownership C. stewardship D. sustainability

Previous Questions

Answer: C Reflection on the Gospel

In Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 10:38-42), Martha welcomed Jesus into her house. While Martha took up the duties in the house, her sister Mary sat down and listened to Jesus speaking. When Martha spoke out about Mary not helping her serve, Jesus said to her ‘you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.’ This Gospel is all about hospitality. While Martha is providing hospi-tality for her guest, it is Mary’s actions that are affirmed. Like the parable of the Good Samaritan, the Gospel writer reminds us that being preoccupied with one’s duty is not what God desires. It is Mary that shows true welcome to their guest. Like Martha, we too can become so worried about the finer details when we welcome people into our homes that we forget to relax and enjoy their com-pany; we can overlook that God is present when we welcome a guest into our lives.

Adapted from a reflection by Greg Sunter

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 5


We have a number of items in Lost Property.

If you are missing any items please come to the office to

check Lost Property

1. Simplify five more than double x

2. Evaluate 4x if x = -5

3. Evaluate 2m + 3 if m = ½

4. Solve 9/b = 4.5

5. Evaluate x if 1/x > 2

Mrs Catherine Fensom Maths Teacher


This column is included each week to encourage junior students in particular, to answer basic skills questions without the use of a calculator.

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 6

Miss Curis Debating Coordinator


Round 1 St Patrick’s College Sutherland

Round 2 Aquinas V OLMC Burraneer

Round 3 De La Salle Revesby

Round 4 Aquinas V Marist College, Kogarah

Wednesday 24 July

Wednesday 31 July

Wednesday 7 August

Wednesday 14 August

Round 5 Wednesday 21 August Bethany Catholic College, Kogarah

Semi Final Wednesday 28 August Penshurst Venue

Final Wednesday 4 September Penshurst Venue

Free Graduated Licensing Scheme Workshops for Learner Driver Parents in the Sutherland Shire

Young drivers are three times more likely to be involved in casualty crashes. That's why the Roads and Maritime Services has introduced a new licensing scheme, with more supervised driving practice for learner drivers. To help parents in supervising learner drivers, the Roads and Maritime Services has set up a FREE 2 hour workshop for parents that offers practical advice on how to help learner drivers become safer drivers. A FREE parents' workshop will be conducted by David Riches and hosted by Sutherland Shire Council on Wednesday August 14 at Sutherland Shire Council Offices in Eton Street from 7.00pm – 9.00pm. Early bookings are essential, by phoning Council on 9710 0341 now to reserve your place, or email

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 7

Year 7 Taronga Zoo excursion! On the 18th June Year 7 went on an excursion to Taronga Zoo. We were all very excited to see all the variations and adaptations of animals. When we arrived at the zoo we started our fun journey. We observed spider monkeys and walked through a giant bird cage before making our way to all the other animal exhibits. Soon after we made our way to the seal show where the seals did extraordinary things and we learnt that they are covered in fur and have many layers of fur to keep warm. One of the seals did a backflip out of the water while another made a very loud interes-+ ting noise. We were all AMAZED at the seals performance. Some classes watched the bird show instead of the seal one and were equally impressed by the show, where a bird took a coin from a member of the crowd and flew it back. Wow! After that all the groups went with a zoo keeper in the education centre to have a close encounter with some Australian animals. We learnt about classification which is necessary in grouping animals and understanding them better. We got to see and touch a tawny frogmouth, shingleback lizard, a white-lipped tree-frog and a ring-tail possum. We all had a great day and wish we could go back to Taronga Zoo soon.

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 8

‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 9


TIME: MONDAY-THURSDAY 10:00-1:30, FRIDAY 10:00-12:30


There will be a



8:00am-8:30am Outside College Office

Blazers $10

Sports Jacket & Pants $10

All other items $5


If you have any donations, please hand them in to the office

Thank you



8:00am - 9:00am

Please note the Uniform Shop only sells Sports Uniforms and School bags

The Uniform Shop does not accept Eftpos or

Credit cards

College caps and sports socks can be purchased from the College Office



1. 2x + 5 or 5 +2x

2. -20

3. 4

4. b = 2

5. ½ > x or reciprocals change direction of inequality x < ½

Maths Department


Our Envirowalk is on 13 August. To make it a success we rely heavily on the support of many parents and grandparents to be there on the day to barbecue, serve food and drinks, and make it a fun day for the students. We also need men for some heavier duties, and to pick up and give out drinks. We also need donations of sauce, (bbq and tomato) and foil. Thank you Parent Group