Aquatic environment food chain By: McKenna, Parker, and Juan Lets learn about my food chain peps.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Aquatic environment food chain By: McKenna, Parker, and Juan Lets learn about my food chain peps.

Aquatic environment food chain

By: McKenna, Parker, and Juan

Lets learn about my food chain peps

A food chain is what every animal does…like a shark eats a medium fish who eats a small fish who eats a very small fish who eats a very very small fish…. Then all over again

Food chains …..

• Producer (Autotroph) – an organism that makes its own food and stores energy • Example: plants • Consumer (Heterotroph) – an organism that obtain s food and energy by eating other organisms • Types • Types of Consumers: 1. Herbivores – organisms that eat only plants • Example: cattle 2. Carnivores – organisms that eat only animals

So do you think you learned enough ….no okay

After the food chain is over it starts up again…

I’m so embarrassed I thought its over

Me tooSorry guys its not

Since the food chain never ends it’s so sad for the animals that die

But that’s nature

Most shark have 15 rows of teeth while baby shark’s have 5 and great whites have 50.animals all have different ways to per