APS Experiences With GridFTP

Post on 20-Feb-2022

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Transcript of APS Experiences With GridFTP

APS Experiences With GridFTP

Advanced Photon Source www.aps.anl.gov




Science & Research Highlights:


Some Typical Experiments…


Some Typical Experiments…

X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy

Tomography at the APS

Anatomy of a Data Factory…

Tomography at the APS

No rest for the weary…

Tomography at the APS

The same…but different…

Data Management at the APS

Perhaps what you’re used to…

Tomography at the APS

GridFTP saves the day???

Tomography at the APS

Data management subtleties…

Tomography at the APS

Life in the fast lane…

GridFTP at the APS

Report Card

GridFTP at the APS

Raising the bar!

GridFTP at the APS

rsync—a one direction replica management service…

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