APRIL... · Web viewc)In the following sentences, the underlined indicates the word that is...

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Transcript of APRIL... · Web viewc)In the following sentences, the underlined indicates the word that is...






You are the chairman wildlife club write a reminder to your secretary to remind him on planned

visit mount Kenya.




2. Fill each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.(10


The decision (1) ………………………………………………..………… information

ministers (2) ………………………………………….single out the Media (3)

…………………………………… what is clearly an intrusive audit of (4)

…………………………..………………….performance prior to, (5)

…………………………………..., and after the highly problematic December 2007 election

should not come as a surprise. (6) …………………………………………………. has come as a

surprise. (7) …………………………………………………the somewhat muted response from

the media fraternity. From a lot that is usually vocal in the (8)

……………………………………………………….of its rights (9) ………………………both

real and imaginary foes, the Science is (10) ……………………………. frightening than

government’s seemingly single minded determination to gag the media.



Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.

Blackwood between carefully bowed legs

The eyes red over bellows and smoke

The sharpening of axes, adzes, carvers

The chopping, the whittling and such

carving such, scooping and scooping

then the sandpapering and smoothing

Blackwood between carefully bowed legs

Such energy release and the price

bargained away, would you imagine

now a broken symbol thrown careless


in the hook of a curio-shop: a lioness

broken legs, broken neck, broken udder?


1. Identify any two features that enhance the rhythm of the poem (2 marks)

2. For each of the words below write another word that is pronounced in the same way (3


(i) Wood:

(ii) Red:

(iii) Thrown.

3. Mention four things that would enable you to know that the audience is listening to you

when reciting this poem. (4


4. a) If you were to recite the last two lines of the poem, what three non-verbal techniques

would you employ to make it interesting?

(3 marks)

b) State whether you would use a rising or a falling intonation in the following sentences(4


(i) When were you born?

(ii) Did you complete your work?

(iii) What a beautiful car you have bought!


(iv) James, come here.

c) In the following sentences, the underlined indicates the word that is stressed. Briefly

explain the meaning carried by each sentence

(4 marks)

(i) Well-wishers visited the orphans yesterday.

(ii) Well-wishers visited the orphans yesterday.

(iii) Well-wishers visited the orphans yesterday.

(iv) Well-wishers visited the orphans yesterday.

d) What is the difference between bowing and curtsying (4 marks)

f) During a presentation you were interrupted severally by some members of the audience.

Give 4 reasons why the audience would do so? (4 marks)

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow

Developers’ bulldozers have been leveling thousands of acres of rain forest every day in recent years to make way for human habitation. As a result, one plant or animal species a day is added to the list of those that have become extinct on this planet. This destruction must stop. Rain forests must be protected because they offer the human race many irreplaceable resources.

Rain forests are a special category of forests found only in the tropical regions of the world, usually close to the equator. True to their name, rain averages 80 inches a year in these forests. This rain, coupled with the warm tropical temperatures, crates dense lush vegetation. Little light gets through to the ground, but on the canopy and immediately below on the trees, plant and insect life abounds and is rich with benefits for humanity.


One major use of rain forests is biomedical. The plants and animals found there are a source of many rare compounds used by pharmaceutical companies. It is the products of such companies that suffers of Parkinson’s disease and certain mental conditions have to thank. And the discoveries have just begun. Scientists say that rain forests contain over a thousand plants that have great anticancer potential. To destroy life forms in these forests is to deprive the human race of further medical advance.

Another reason for saving rain forests is the crucial role they play in maintaining the global natural balance. Living organisms exist with each other, meaning that when one is eliminated, another can over-multiply to the detriment of the environment for example, when developers clear forested areas to make way for “civilization”, birds lose their nesting sites and no longer eat the insects there. These insects flourish and attack farm crops. The subsequent destruction of agriculture causes a serious food shortage and as we know, a hungry nation cannot develop.

Most important, rain forests must be protected because their trees regulate the planet oxygen supply. They help to balance atmospheric conditions by manufacturing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide creates what is called the “greenhouse” effect, process that is responsible for global warming which in turn could lead to the sub-merging …………….. coastal regions and islands. Can you imagine waking up one morning to the announcement that Mombasa, Lamu and Rusinga Islands are no more?

Also, rain forests regulate the climate. If they are destroyed, the greenhouse effect could change rainfall patterns so that areas formally used for agriculture become deserts. We may not be there yet, but are not really already contending with uncharacteristic long dry spells that bring about future.

In future, the pressure on rain forests will become worse, not better, given that the human population keeps growing. The pessimist believes nothing can be done. The optimist, on the other hand, strongly believes that people can work together to slow even reverse, the pace on destruction. Stand up to be counted.

Adapted from Handbook for writers by Lynn Quitman TroykaPublished by Prentice Hall Inc. (1987).

QUESTIONS1. Referring to the first paragraph, say why the destruction of the rain forests must be stopped. (2mks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………






2. Why are the forests described in the passage called rain forests?







3. Rewrite the following sentence beginning “So close………”(1mk)

The huge evergreen trees are so close together that their branches overlap and form an enormous towering canopy.………………………………………………………………………………………………………



4. How will medical advance be affected by the destruction of rain forests?







5. Explain why the author has put the word “civilization” between quotation marks.







6. In not more than 40 words, summarize the effects of the greenhouse effect. (4mks)


Rough copy








Fair copy








(g )What kind of pressure do you think the author is talking about in the last paragraph?







(h) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage.


(i) deprive



(ii) detriment




(iii) contending with



(iv) stand up to counted




Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow

The fox and the Crow

A fox once saw a crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree.

“That’s for me, as I am a fox,” said Mr. Fox, and he walked up to the foot of the tree.

“Good day, Ms. Crow,” he cried. “How well you are looking today: how glossy your feathers

how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as our figure

does. Let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds.”

The crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the

piece of cheese fell on the ground, only to be snapped up by Mr. Fox. “That will,” said he.

“That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the

future-“Do not trust flatterers!”

(Adapted from Prentice Hall Literature,Ed. Roger Babusci et al. Englewood Cliffs,

New Jersey, 1991).

(a ) How would you classify this narrative? Explain your answer.


(b) Identify and illustrate any two character traits of the Crow.



(c ) What does the fox mean by “That’s for me, as I am a fox”?


(d) Identify and illustrate any three stylistic features in this story.


(e ) Explain what this story reveals about human relationships.


(f) Explain the meaning of the word ‘caw’ as used in the story.



Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow

I speak for the Bush

When my friend sees me


He swells and pants like a frog

Because I talk the wisdom of the bush!

Do not understand civilized ways

For we tell our women

To keep the them of their dresses

Below the knee

We from the bush, my friend insists,

Do not know how to ‘enjoy’

When we come to the civilized city

Like nuns, we stay away from nightclubs

Where women belong to no men

And men belong to no women

And these civilized people

Quarrel and fight like hungry lions!

But, my friend, why do men

With crippled legs, lifeless eyes,

Wooden legs, empty stomachs

Wander about the streets

Of this civilized world?

Teach me, my friend, the trick

So that my eyes may not

See those whose houses have no walls

But emptiness all around

Show me the wax you use

To seal your ears

To stop hearing the cry of the hungry;

Teach me the new wisdom


Which tells men

To talk about money and not love

When they meet women.

Tell your God to convert

Me to the faith of the indifferent

The faith of those

Who will never listen until

They are shaken with blows

I speak for the bush!

You speak for the civilized-

Will you hear me?

Everett Standa


(a) Comment on the character of the ‘I’ of the poem.


(b) Give four characteristics of the ‘civilized’ according to the persona.


(c )What is the attitude of the ‘civilized’ towards those from the bush.





(d) Comment on any two thematic concerns tackled in the poem.


(e) Comment on the use of imagery in the poem.


(f) Explain the meaning of the following lines

(i) I speak for the bush

(ii) … the faith of the indifferent


(g) In your opinion, is the persona justified in his criticism against the ‘civilized’? Explain, referring to the poem.


SECTION D.GRAMMAR(a) Complete each of the following sentences using a phrasal verb formed from the word given in brackets.


(i) The two boys ……………………(go) each other like wild cats as they fought.

(ii) After the quarrel, Sally encouraged the girls to ……………………(make).

(b) Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning.

(5mks)(i) “You are going to stay with us tonight,” Mary said to Simon. (Rewrite in reported speech)




(ii) If you work hard, you will pass your examination (rewrite using ‘unless’).


(iii) The head teacher spoke for over one hour. She did not address important issues. (Combine into one sentence using the word ‘however’).

(iv) The teacher was not surprised that Mwende wrote the winning poem. (Begin: That




(v) Sylvester is very tall (Rewrite, beginning: How…………………………………………….


(c ) Insert the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.

(5mks)(i) His speech was good though slightly marred by his poor ………………… of some words (pronounce)(ii) It was ………………………. a superb performance (doubt)(iii) All the students were ………………. Sorry (true)(iv) Kange ………………… his father’s advice before taking up the job. (seek).(v) My grandfather has many ………………..(descend)(d) Complete each of the following sentences by inserting the correct preposition.

(3mks)(i) When the twins stand ……………………… each other, you cannot tell who is who.(ii) He arrived at the venue accompanied ………………….. his son.(iii) There is a plan to build a bridge ……………….. the river.


Soma chozi la heri kwa kina na upana, halafu andika mtiririko wa kila sura (usinakiri miongozo).



MATHEMATICS1. The table below shows the masses (measured to the nearest Ksh.) of 200 people.

Mass(kg) 40-49 50-59 6069 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-109No of people

9 27 70 50 26 2x X

(a) Find the value of X(b) What is the model class. `( c) Use the data provided to find the mean of the people.(d) What is the median?

2. The diagram below shows a frustrum made by cutting off a small cone on a plane parallel to the base of the original cone. The frustrum represents a bucket with the open end diameter of 32cm and the bottom diameter of 16cm.The bucket is 6cm deep as shown

Calculate to one decimal place the capacity of the bucket in litres (use 11 = 3.142)

3. Triangle OAB is such that OA =a , OB =b. c lies on OB such that AD : DB =1: and E lies on OA produced such that OA : AE =3:1Express in terms a and b.(i ) OC (ii ) OD (iii) OE (iv) CD (v) DE

5 A group of people planned to contribute equally towards a water project which need Shs 2,000,000 to complete. However, 40 members of the group withdrew from the project. As a result, each of the remaining members were to contribute sh.2500 more.(a) Find the original number of members in the group.(b) 45% of the value of the project was funded by CDF. Calculate amount contributed by the remaining members of the group( c ) Members contribution were in terms of labour provided and money contributed. If the ratio of the value of labour to the money contributed was 6:19, calculate the total amount contributed by the members.

6. Use the method of completing the square to solve equation 4x 2 -9x + 5 =0


7. Solve fr x in the equation

(a) 32x + 2- 32x +1 – 36 =0

(b) 62x +1 =3 2x +1

(c ) 2 ( 3x -1) × 8 (x-1) =2568. (a) Complete the table below for the equation Y =x3 – 2x2 – 4x +7

x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 x³ - 2x² -4x 7 y

(b)Using the scale 1cm to represent 1unit on the x axis and 1 unit to represent 5 units on the y axis, draw the graph of

y = x³- 2x² -4x +7

(c ) Use your graph to estimate the roots of the equation

x²- 2x² -4x +7 =0

(d)By drawing appropriate straight lines, use your graph to solve the equations

(i) x³ -2x ² -4x +2 =0(ii) x³-2x²-3x +3 =0

9. (a) Using a ruler and compass only construct triangle PQR in which PQ =6cm, angle PQR =120º angle QPR =30º

(b) From R drop a perpendicular to PQ produced and hence calculate the area of triangle PQR.

(c ) Construct a circle that passes through P,Q,& R.

(d)Measure the radius of this circle.

10.Solve the following simultaneous equations


x² -xy =2 x+y =3

11. On squared paper plot the points A (2,6), B (2,12), and C (8,12) the vertex of triangle ABC. On the same grid draw the line y=x.(b)Write down the coordinates of (i) A¹,B¹,C¹ the image of A,B,& C under a reflection in the x- axis

12. Given that Cos (90 –B) = 3 , determine without using trigonometric tables the value of Cos B 2

13 Using a calculator work out the following

(c) 5 34³- 257

(a) (b) 536 ¼ 97 ×1243 693×31 437x 620



(e)Tan -1 60º(f) Reciprocal of 0.1896

( g) 1 + __3_

82.49 (0.089)³

14. The number 2.5 has been rounded off to one decimal place. Calculate

(a) the range within which the exact value lies(b) the absolute error(c) The relative error

15.The dimensions of a box of matches are stated as 5.2cm ×3.8cm ×1.5cm.Within which limits does its (a) Volume, and(b) Surface area lie?

16. Find the value of Sin, Cos &Tan and fill the table belowx 0 30º 60º 90º 120º 180º 210º 270º 300° 330º 360º


Tan xCos xSin x

(b)Draw a simple graph of y= Sin x from 0º < ×< 360º at an interval of 30º

(c)Draw a simple graph of y = Cos x from 0º < x <360º in the same grid.

(d) Draw a graph of y = tan x from 0º< x < 360º on a different graph.

17. Solve for m in the equation: (3 mks) 34(m+1)+34 m=246

18. Use logarithm to evaluate: (4


3√ ( 0.08294 )2× (39 . 24 )3


19. Evaluate: (3



of 3 12+1 1

2 (2 12−2

3 )34

of 2 12÷1


19. Use the tables of reciprocals and square roots to evaluate. (3


0 .10 .0351

+√0 .498

20. Thirty two men working at the rate of 9 hours a day can complete a piece of work in 7 days. How many more men working at the rate of 8 hours a day would complete the


same work in 6 days? (3 mks)

21. Simplify: (4 mks)

3 a2−4848−24 a+3 a2

22. John deposits Shs. 24,000 in a fixed account. After 4 years the money accumulated to Kshs. 45,000. If the bank paid compound interest of r% p.a compounded semi annually find r.

(3 mks)

23. Given that x is an acute angle and cos x =

2√55 find without mathematical tables or

calculator tan (90-θ). (2 mks)

24. 4x2 + 3x -20 + k is a perfect square find value of k. (3 mks)


1. State the importance of the following parts of a microscope


i) Clip-


ii) Coarse adjustment knob-


2. List down three skills acquired during the study of biology in schools.


3. Name the cell organelles responsible for : (2mks)

i) Protein synthesis- .....................................................................................................ii) Destroying worn – out organelles and cells- ............................................................


4 State two importance of roughages in the process of digestions of food.


5. Identify the cells that produce the following


i) Mucus……………………………………………………………………………..

ii) Pepsin and renin…………………………………………………………………

iii) Hydrochloric acid…………………………………………………………………

6a) Name the site of gaseous exchange in mammals. (1mk)

b) State three characteristics of the site named in (a) above. (3mks)

7 i) The diagram below represents a simplified Nitrogen cycle

i) Name

the organisms that cause the following process








ii) Name the process re presented by I above



8. Differentiate between food web and food chain.


9. Two equal strips A and B were from a potato whose cell was 30% of sugar. The strip A was placed in a solution of 10% sugar concentration while strip B was placed in 50% sugar Concentration

a) What change was expected in strips A and B? (2mks) A ................................................................................................................................................................

B................................................................................................................................................................. (b) Account for the change in strip A. (2mks)

10. What are the building units of the following chemical compounds.i) lipids -…………………………………………………………………… (1mk)

ii) proteins- ………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)

11. Explain why animals who live where water is abundant has short loop of henle than those in

arid and semi arid areas.


12. State three reasons why blood reaching glomerulus is under high pressure.


13. The equation below represents a certain process that occurs in plants

C6H12O6 + substance X process V Lactose + product K

Name the substance X……………………………………………


Product K………………………………………………...


Process V………………………………………………..


14. The diagram below represents a set up that students used in investigation of a certain process.



Substrate concentration

Rate of reaction


a).Which process was being investigated


b) State the role of soda lime


c) What was the expected result after 10minutes.


15. Name the hormone responsible for: (2mks)

i) osmoregulation - .....................................................................................................................

ii) reabsorption of mineral salts- ....................................................................................……………………

16. Name two components that are not filtered into the Bowman’s capsule.


18. The xylem tissue need to be strengthened so as to perform its function effectively name the material that does this. (1mk) 19. Give the type of circulatory system in the member of class Insecta




ii) Name the blood vessel that transport blood from

a) Small intestine to the liver


b) Lung to the heart


20. The graph below shows the effect of substrate concentration on the rate an enzyme catalyzed



(a) Account for the shape of the graph between region B and C. (2mks)

(b) How can the rate of reaction be increased after point B?


21. a) Name the system of giving two names to an organism.


b) State three salient features found in Kingdom Monera.


22. State one roleof each of the following requirement in germination








23. Differentiate between primary growth and secondary growth


division…………………………………………………….. (1mk b) Give one reason for your answer in (a) above ……………………………………………………….................................................................. (1mk)c) Name the structure K………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)

26. Outline the adaptation of the cuticle as one of the internal part of the leaf to its function.


27. Name the substance that accumulates in muscles when respiration occurs with insufficient



28. Differentiate between transpiration and guttation as used in plant excretion.


29. Name two proceses that bring about the translocation of manufacture of food.


30. Explain why a freshly stump of a tree will continue releasing water for sometimes after the tree

has been cut.


31. State three factors that affect the rate of diffusion


32i) If food used by human lacked vitamin D, State the deficiency disease which would result

and give two symptoms.


ii) State how you would determine the presence of vitamin C in a food material in your school.


CHAPTER 3 GASEOUS EXCHANGE PAST KCSE QUESTIONS ON THE TOPIC 1. Discuss how gaseous exchange occurs in a) Terrestrial Insects (9mks) b) Bony fish (11mks) 2. a) Explain how mammalian lungs are adapted for gaseous exchange. (8mks) b) Describe how carbon dioxide is produced by i) Respiring muscle cells reaches the alveolar cavities in mammalian lungs. ii) Respiring mesophyll cells of flowering plants reaches the atmosphere. (12

mks) 3. a) Describe the path taken by carbon dioxide released from the tissues of an insect to the atmosphere. b) Name two structures used for gaseous exchange in plants. (2mks) 4. Why are gills in fish highly vascularized? (1mk) 5. Describe the a) Process of inhalation in mammals. (10 mks) b) Mechanism of opening and closing of stomata (10 mks) 6. Name three sites where gaseous exchange takes place in terrestrial plants. (3mks) 7. How is aerenchyma tissue adapted to its function? (2mks) 9. State two ways in which floating leaves of aquatic plants are adapted to


gaseous exchange. (2mks) 10. a) Name two structures for gaseous exchange in aquatic plants. (2mks) b) What is the effect of contraction of the diaphragm muscles during breathing in

mammals? (3mks) b) How is the alveolus suited to its functions? (3mks) c) Name the process by which inhaled air moves from the structure alveolus into blood capillaries. (1mk) d) Give the scientific name of the organism that causes tuberculosis in humans. (1mk) 12 State three factors that make alveolus adapted to its function. (3mks) 13. Explain how the alveoli are ventilated. 14. Explain why water logging of the soil may lead to death in plants. (2mks) 15. Write three advantages of breathing through nose than through mouth. 16. State and explain ways the leaves are adapted for gaseous exchange (4mks) 17. Name three gaseous constituents involved in gaseous exchange in plants. (3mks) 18. Name three sites of gaseous exchange in frogs. (3mks) 19. Name the main site of gaseous exchange in a) Mammals b) Fish c) Leaves d) Amoeba (4mks) 20. Name the physiological process by which gas exchange takes place at the respiratory surface

in animals and plants

1. In an investigation the pancreatic duct of a mammal was blocked. It was found that the blood sugar regulation remained normal while food digestion was impaired. Explain these observations. ( 2 marks) 2. (a) Explain why the body temperature of a healthy human being must rise up to 390c on a humid day. (2 marks) (b) In an experiment a piece of brain was removed from rat. It was found that the rat had large fluctuations of body temperatures suggest the part of the brain that had been removed. ( 1 mark 3. (a) Explain why sweat accumulates on a person’s skin in a hot humid Environment. (2 marks) (b) Name the specific part of the brain that triggers sweating. ( 1 marks) 4. Explain why some desert animals excrete uric acid rather than ammonia. (2 marks) 5. State the role of the following hormones in the body (a) Insulin (3 marks) (b) Antidiuretic Hormone (3 marks) 6. What osmoregulatory changes would take place in a marine amoeba if it was transferred to a fresh water environment? 7. Name two components of blood that are not present in glomerular filtrate. ( 2 marks) 8. How would one find out from a sample of urine whether a person is suffering from diabetes mellitus? (2 marks) 9. When is glycogen, which is stored in the liver, converted into glucose and released into the blood? ( 2 marks) 10. A person was found to pass out large volumes of dilute urine frequently. Name the Diseases the person was suffering from (1 marks)


(b) Hormone that was deficient (1 mark) 11. State the importance of osmoregulation in organisms ( 2 marks) 12. What happens to excess fatty acids and glycerol in the body? (2 marks) 13. Give reasons for each of the following (a) Constant body temperature is maintained in mammals ( 1 mark) (b) Low blood sugar level is harmful to the body ( 2 marks) 15. (a) Name the fluid that is produced by sebaceous glands (1 mark) (b) What is the role of sweat on the human skin? ( 2 marks) 16. State the role of insulin in the human body? ( 1 mark) 17. Describe how the human kidney functions. ( 20 marks) 18. (a) What is the meaning of the following terms: (i) Homeostasis ( 1 mark) (ii) Osmoregulation ( 1 mark) 19. (a) Explain what happens to excess amino acids in the liver of humans.( 3 marks) (b) Which portions of the human nephrons are only found in the cortex? ( 3 marks) (c) (i) What would happen if a person produced less antidiuretic hormone? (ii) What term is given to the condition described in (c) (i) above? 20. Define the following terms (a) Excretion (b) Secretion (c) Egestion ( 3 marks) 21. Name the components of blood that do not enter the renal tubule in mammals (b) Name the process responsible for the formation of glomerular filtrate. (c) What process is responsible for the absence of glucose and amino acids in urine? (d) Explain why there are no plasma proteins in the glomerular filtrate (e) Besides plasma proteins what other major component of blood is absent in the glomerular

filtrate. (f) Why is the concentration of urea in urine much higher than its concentration in the glomerular filtrate? 23. When the environmental temperature is very high, some animals urinate on their legs or lick the sides of their body. How does this help in temperature regulation? 24. Fish are able to use more of their food intake for growth than mammals. Suggest an explanation for this. 25. Explain the term negative feedback 1. State two ways in which some fungi are harmful to man ( 2 marks) 3. An organism with an exoskeleton, segmented body, two pairs of legs per segment, a pair of eyes and a pair of eyes and a pair of short antennae belongs to the phylum ( 1 mark) 4. When are two organisms considered to belong to the same species? ( 2 marks)5. (a) List two characteristics that mammals share with birds ( 2 marks) (b) State two major characteristics that are unique to mammals ( 2 marks) 6. What two characteristics distinguish animals in phylum chordata? ( 2 marks) . What three characteristics are used to divide the arthropods into classes? ( 3 marks) . (a) Write two differences between algae and fungi ( 2 marks) (b) Give the economic importance of algae ( 1 mark)



1. Give a reason why hydrogen is no longer used for filling observation balloons and air strips.Which gas has replaced hydrogen and why?

2. Using equation ONLY show how you would prepare a solid sample of Lead (II) carbonate starting with Lead (II) oxide.

3. A certain mass of a gas occupies a volume of 290 cm3 at 920C and 900 MmHg pressure. At what temperature in 0C will the volume be 190cm0 at 1200 mmHg pressure?

4. Determine the molarity of a solution containing 15 cm3 of 1.5 M KOH solution diluted to 500cm3 of solution

5. State and explain the change in mass when anhydrous calcium (II) chloride is exposed to the air

6. In some heating experiment, metal M reacted with Oxide of N but not that of O. Metal P reacted with an oxide of O. Arrange the four metals starting with the most reactive.

7. A certain compound of Iron and sulphur gave the following results. The compound when roasted in excess air gave 3.0 gms of Iron (III)Oxide and 4.8 gms of sulphur (IV)Oxide. Calculate its simplest formulae. (Fe = 56, S = 32, O = 16)

8. Calculate the amount of calcium carbonate that would remain if 15.0 gms of calcium Carbonate were reacted with 0.2 moles of Hydrochloric acid. The equation for the reaction is:

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

(C= 12.0, O = 16.0, Ca = 40.0)

9. An organic compound has the empirical formula, C3HO and a relative formula mass of 116. (H=1.0, C=12.0, O=16.0)

a) Determine its empirical formulab) Calculate the percentage composition of carbon by mass in the compound.

10. Using dots () and crosses (x) to represent outermost electrons, draw diagram to show bonding in CO2, Al2O3, NH4Cl and H3O+

11. In preparation of carbon (IV) oxide in the laboratory dilute hydrochloric acid is added to marble chips. The gas is then passed through water and collected by downward deliveryi) What observations are made when the acid is added to the marble chips.

ii) Why is hydrochloric acid preferred to dilute sulphuric (VI) acid in the above reaction?

iii) Why was the gas passed through water before collection?

iv) Write an ionic equation for the reaction which occurs.

v) Explain why calcium hydroxide is used to detect presence of carbon (IV) oxide while

sodium hydroxide is not used.


12. 4.0g of magnesium carbonate have some impurity of magnesium sulphate were dissolved in 250cm3 of 1.0m HCL. 25cm3 of the resulting solution was found to require 28.8cm3 of 0.6M sodium hydroxide for complete neutralization Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in 28.8cm3

Calculate the number of moles of HCL in 250cm3 of ion solution.Determine the percentage purity of the magnesium carbonate

13. The table below shows PH values of solutions A, B, C and D.

Solution A B C DPH 1 7 10 13

i) Which of the solutions will react with neither acids nor bases?ii) Which solutions will react with a sample of Zinc oxide? Explain.

14. When 27.8g of hydrated aluminium oxide, Al2O3.xH2O, was heated to a constant mass, 20.6g of aluminium oxide was obtained. Determine the value of x (H=1, O=16, A=27)

15. Three elements reacted as shown in the table below.

Element Reaction with Oxygen Reaction with waterJ Formed acidic oxide No reactionK Formed basic oxide Formed soluble hydroxide

and gave off hydrogenL Formed acidi oxide Dissolved to form acidic


Which elements are likely to be

a) Metals b) Non-metals c) Insoluble in water

16. Oxygen can be prepared by decomposing dilute hydrogen peroxide using manganese (IV) oxide as a catalyst. The gas is collected over water in a glass trough.i) Draw the arrangement of apparatus showing how oxygen is prepared and

collectedii) Explain why it is possible to collect oxygen over water.iii) ii) Explain why it is possible to collect oxygen over water.b) What happens when a burning magnesium ribbon is introduced in

(i) a jar full of oxygen.(ii) a jar full of carbon (IV) oxide.

17. Sample solutions of salts were labeled as I, II, III and IV. The actual solutions, not in that order are lead nitrate, zinc sulphatte, potassium chloride and calcium choride.


a) When aqueous sodium carbonate was added to each sample separately, a white precipitate was formed in I, III, and IV only. Identify solution II.

b) When excess sodium hydroxide was added to each sample separately a white precipitate was formed in III only. Identify solution III.c) When dilute sulphuric acd was added separately to each sample, a white precipitate was

formed in solution I and II only. Identify solution I.

18. 6g of iron reacted with hydrogen chloride gas to form iron (II) chloride at S.T.P. Calculate the volume of the hydrogen chloride gas used. (Fe=56, molar gas volume at S.T.P=22.4dm3)

19. The equation below shows redox reaction between copper (II) oxide and zinc metal.

CuO(s) + Zn(s) ZnO(s) + Cu(s)

State with a reason, which is:

a) The oxidizing agentb) The reducing agent

20. Differentiate between nitrogen (II) oxide and nitrogen (IV) oxide. Nitrogen (I) Oxide Nitrogen (IV) oxidei)...........................................................................................................................................................................ii)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iii)...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

21. Study the grid below and use it to answer the questions that follow. (The letters do not represent the actual symbols of the elements).





a) Write the electron arrangement of element J.

b) Explain the difference in the :

i) Atomic radii of B and E.

ii) Reactivity of elements F and G.

c) i) Write the formula of the compound that would be formed between C and F


ii) Name the type of bonding in the compound formed in c (i) above. Explain your answer.

d) Which element is the most reactive metal?

e) Give the name of the family to which elements A and B belong.

f) Write down the ion formed by element D.

g) Suggest the PH of the aqueous solution of the oxide of E.

22. In an experiment to study the reaction between ammonia and air, a form three student set up the apparatus as shown below.

a) The platinum wire continues to glow without further heating. Explain.

b) Write down the equation for the reaction taking place.

c) Identify the brown fumes observed at the mouth of the conical flask.

23. During the industrial manufacture of sulphuric acid, sulphur (IV) oxide is converted into sulphur (VI) oxide at one stage. State two factors which will quicken this process

24. This question concerns the alkaline earth metals (group 2) of the periodic table.Element Atomic radius (nm) Ionic radius (nm)Beryllium 0.112 0.030Magnesium 0.160 0.065Calcium 0.197 0.094Strontium 0.215 0.110Barium 0.221 0.134

Account for the followinga) Ionic radius is smaller than atomic radius for each element.b) Atomic radius increases from Beryllium to Bariumc) The radius of K+ ion is greater than that of Ca2+ ion although both ions have the same electronic configuration.


Hot platinum wire

Concentrated ammonia solution

Brown fumes

25. The mass of 1dm3 of a gas at s.t.p. is 1.52g. What is the relative molecular mass of the gas?(1 mole of any gas occupies 22.4dm3 at s.t.p)

26. In the manufacture of sodium carbonate by solvay process, ammoniated brine trickles down the carbonator while carbon (iv) oxide rises up the same tower.a) What is ammoniated brine?b) What is the main source of carbon (iv) oxide in the above process?c) Write two equations for the reactions in the carbonator

27. Hydrogen sulphide was bubbled into solutions of metallic nitrates as represented in the flow chart below.

a) Identify two solutionsI. Blue solutionII. Green solution

b) Write the ionic equation for the formation of the black solid Y.

28. Define the following terms giving an example in each case.(i) Dative covalent bond (ii) Ionic bond

29. Combustion of 1.71g of an organic compound produces 2.64g of carbon (iv) oxide and 0.99g of water. Find the empirical formular of the compound

30. a) State Graham’s law of diffusion.(1 mk)

b) 100cm3 of sulphur (iv) oxide gas takes 20 seconds to diffuse through a porous plate. What volume of oxygen gas would diffuse through the same plate in 30 seconds, under similar conditions. (S = 32, O = 16)


1. Figure 2 shows wave fronts approaching a concave surface

Complete the diagram to show the wave fronts after striking the surface (2marks)

2. Distinguish between electromagnetic and mechanical waves. (1mark)


Blue Solution Brown Solution

Black solid Y Green solution Y




3. A wire carrying current is placed in the direction shown is placed in a magnetic field.

Indicate on the diagram the direction of the force. (1mark)

4. An electric bulb is rated 75W, 240V, determine the resistance of the bulb. (3marks)



5. A man standing 600m from a cliff claps his hands and hears an echo 3 seconds later. Determine the speed of the sound in air. (3marks)



6. Figure below, shows an electrical circuit including three switches, Sj, S2, S3, and three identical lamps L,, L2, L3. A constant potential difference is applied across X and Y.

(i) Other than Lj, state the lamp that will light when S: and S2 are closed. (1 mk)

(ii) How does the brightness of Ll in (i) above compare with its brightness when all the switches are closed? (1mk)


(iii) Explain the observation in part (ii) above. (1mk)


7. A charged rod A is used to charge another rod B by contact. When rod B is brought close

to a charged acetate rod, repulsion occurs. State the type of charge on rod A. (1 Mk)


8. A nail is electrically magnetised, it attracts an increasing number of pins as the magnetising current increase. After some time it can no longer attract any more pins. State and explain




this observation domain theory. (3 Marks)

9. a) State the necessary and sufficient conditions for total internal reflection to occur.


b) Figure below shows light passing through a transparent block.

Determine the refractive index of the block. (3


c) A ray of light travelling from water to glass makes an angle of incident of 300. Find the

angle of refraction in the glass. Refractive index of water =4/3. Refractive index of

glass =3/2 (3marks)

10. a)State Ohms law




(c ) The figure below shows a resistance network in a circuit.



Calculate:i) The effective resistance

in the circuit. .(3mks)




ii) The current through the 6Ω resistor . (3mks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………



(b) Figure below shows a cell in series with a 3Ω resistor and a switch. A high resistance voltmeter is connected across the cell.

The voltmeter reads 1.5V with the switch open and 1.2V with the switch closed.(i) State the electromotive force of the cell. (1mk)


(ii) Determine the current through the 3 Ω resistor when the switch is closed. (2mks)




(iii) Determine the internal resistance of the cell. (2mks)





4 Ω

4 Ω


11. a) State two factors that affect the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.





b )A capacitor of capacitance 6mF capacitor is charged using a 6v d.c source. It is then connected across a 12mF capacitor. Find :-i) Final voltage





ii) Charge stored in each capacitor





d) Figure below, shows a circuit that may be used to charge a capacitor.

I) state the observation on the milliameter when the circuit is switched on (1mk)


(II) explain the observation in (i) above. (2mks)




(d) The circuit in figure above is left on for some time. State the value of p.d. across:

(I) the resistor R; (1mk)


(II) the capacitor C; (1mk)


(c) sketch the graph of potential difference (V) across R against time. (1mk)

(d) Figure 9 shows three capacitors connected to a 10V battery.

Calculate:(i) the combined capacitance of the three capacitors; (3marks)





(ii) the charge on the 5.0 µF capacitor. (3 marks)……………………………………………………………………………………………………



12. (a) In an experiment to observe interference of light waves a double slit placed close to thesource as shown in figure 12 below


(i) What is monochromatic source. 1 mk)………………………………………………………………………………………………………



(ii) State the function of the double screen. (1 mk)………………………………………………………………………………………………………



(iii) Briefly describe what is observed on the screen (2 mks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………




b) Briefly explain what is observed on the screen when:-(i) The separation S1S2 is reduced. (1 mk)




(ii) White light source is used in place of monochromatic source. (1 mk)13. The figure below shows parts of a vernier calliper when the jaws are closed without an

object between the jaws.

(a) Calculate the zero error of the vernier callipers. (1 Mark)



Monochromatic source


S1Fig. 12




(b) A student used the vernier callipers shown in above to measure the diameter of a test tube whose actual diameter was 2.13cm. Determine the reading of the vernier callipers. (2 Marks)

14. A block measuring 20cm by 10cm by 4 cm rests on a flat surface. The block has a weight of 6.0N. Determine the minimum pressure it exerts on the surface.

(3Marks)15. (a) State the kinetic theory of matter. (1


16. (b) Why is smoke preferred for use in the smoke cell experiment? (1 Mark)

17. In the figure 2 below shows a uniform bar of length 1.0M pivoted near one end. The bar is kept in equilibrium by a spring balance shown.

Figure 2

Given that the weight of the metre bar is 1.4N, determine the reading of the spring balance

18. Figure shows a spring on which a mass of 200g is suspended at its lower end.





If the pointer was at 10.2cm mark on the scale, without the mass, determine the spring constant for the spring in its SI unit (3 Marks)

19. The figure below shows a pith ball in a container.

State and explain what would happen if air is blown over the mouth of the container (2 Marks)

20. Distinguish between electromagnetic and mechanical waves. (1mark)




c) A 10µF capacitor is charged to a potential of 100V and isolated. It’s then connected in parallel to 5µF capacitor, find:

i) Resultant potential difference across the capacitors. (3marks)…………………………………………………………………………………………………


ii) The energy stored in the capacitors. (3marks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………








d) State the charge distribution on a hollow conductor shown below.

i) Inside the conductor. (1mark)………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii) Outside the conductor. (2marks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………



21. a) Study the circuit diagram shown below.

Determine:i. The effective resistance (2

marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii. Total current. (2 marks)

iii. The reading of the voltmeter V. (2 marks)



iv. Voltage across 3Ω resistor. (1 mark)


v. The reading of the ammeter A. (2 marks)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….c. A battery of Emf E drives a current of 0.25A when connected to a 5.5W resistor. When the 5.5W resistor is replaced with 2.5W resistor the current flowing becomes 0.5A. Find the emf, E and the internal resistance, r, of the battery. (4marks)





22. a) State Snell’s law (1mark)




b) A ray of light travelling from water to glass makes an angle of incident of 300. Find the angle of refraction in the glass. Refractive index of water =4/3. Refractive index of glass =3/2 (3marks)




c) State the necessary and sufficient conditions for total internal reflection to occur. (2marks)





23. a) A car of mass 800kg collides heads with a truck of mass 5000kg travelling at 40m/s. The car is thrown on to bonnet of the truck which continuous to move after impact at 10m/s in the original direction. How fast was the car moving (3 Marks)







(b) A stone of mass 4kg is thrown upwards with a kinetic energy of 240J. Neglecting air resistance, calculate the height to which it will rise. (Take g = 10N/kg) (3 Marks)



c) A machine of velocity ratio 50, overcomes a load of 4.5x 103N when an effort of 180N is applied. Determine (i) The mechanical advantage of the machine (2mks)

(ii) Efficiency of the machine (3mks)

(iii) The percentage of the work that goes to waste (1mk)

19. An object of 2kg at rest is dropped from a height of 5m. Determine(i) Potential energy lost (2 marks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………



(ii). Kinetic energy gained (1marks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………




(iii) The velocity as it hits the ground (2marks)………………………………………………………………………………………………………



CHINGA BOYS HIGH SCHOOLAPRIL HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2019HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT FORM 3 Read and make notes on the topic;Lives and contribution of Kenyan leaders.



1. (a) Describe the physical conditions that favour tea growing in the Kenya highlands.(b) Describe the human factors that influence tea growing in Kenya. (c ) Name the counties where tea is grown in each of the following regions.

(i) Eastern highlands(ii) Western Highlands

(d) The map of Kenya below shows the tea growing areas in the country. Name the areas marked W, X, Y and Z.

2. Describe the stages involved in the cultivation of tea under the following sub-headings.(a) Land preparation.(b) Planting(c ) Harvesting(d) Processing(e) Tea marketing3. (a) Explain four problems experienced in small scale tea farming in Kenya.(b) Explain four ways in which the Kenya Tea Development Agency (K.T.D.A) assists small scale tea farmers in Kenya.4. (a) Name the sugar growing areas in Kenya. (b) Name four sugar processing factories in Kenya.


(c ) State four physical conditions that favour large scale sugar cane farming in Kenya. 5. Describe the cultivation of sugar cane in the lake Basin of Kenya under the following headings.(a) Land preparation to harvesting (b) Processing and marketing 6. (a) Name two by-products of sugar processing(b) State the uses of molasses6. Explain four benefits of sugarcane farming to Kenya’s economy. 7. (a) Explain five problems facing sugar cane farming in Kenya.(b) Who is an out grower farmer? (c) Explain three ways in which out grower sugar cane farmers are assisted by the large sugar companies.(d) Explain the ways in which the Government of Kenya is promoting the sugar industry.8. (a) Name three counties in Kenya where Maize is grown in large scale farming.(b) Give four uses of maize.(c ) Give three physical conditions that favour maize cultivation in Trans Nzoia county in Kenya.(d) Give three human factors that favour growth of maize.9. Describe the cultivation of maize from land preparation to marketing.Land preparationPlantingHarvestingProcessingMarketing10. (a) Give four problems facing maize farmers in Kenya.(b) Outline four ways in which the government assists maize farmers.11.(a) Name three cocoa growing regions in Ghana.(b) Draw and outline map of Ghana. On the map shade the main cocoa growing regions and the main railway lines.

(c ) State four physical conditions that are necessary for the growing of cocoa in Ghana.


(d) Outline the stages involved in the cultivation of cocoa from land preparation to the time it is ready for export.Land preparationPlantingHarvestingProcessing(e) List four uses of Cocoa.(f) Describe the problems experienced in cocoa farming in Ghana.Economic problemsOther problems facing cocoa farming12.(a) Name three regions in Nigeria where oil palm is grown.(b) Draw an outline map of Nigeria. On it mark and name;(i) The town of Lagos, Port Harcourt, Calabar, Ibadan, Sepele, Onitsha, Enugu and Abuja.(ii) The oil palm growing regions.

(iii) River Niger and River Benue

(c ) State four physical conditions that are necessary for growing of oil palm.(d) Describe the cultivation of oil palm in Nigeria from land preparation to the time the oil is ready for use. Land preparationPlantingHarvestingProcessingMarketing of palm oil(e) A part from making oil, give four other uses of oil palm trees.(f) Give three uses of palm oil in Nigeria.(g) Give four problems experienced in marketing palm oil in Nigeria.(h) Other problems facing oil palm farming.(i) Name three crops grown in Kenya that are processed to produce vegetable oil.13. (a) Name three regions in Kenya where coffee is grown(b) Name three coffee varieties grown in Kenya.


(c ) State three physical conditions that favour growing of coffee in the central highlands of Kenya.14. Describe the stages involved in coffee production from(a) Planting to harvesting(b) Processing to marketing15. Explain four problems facing coffee faming in Kenya.16. (a) The graph below shows percentage value of some agricultural export commodities from Kenya between 1999 and 2003. Describe the trends of the value of coffee exports from Kenya between 1999 and 2003.

(b) Explain ways through which Kenya government assists small scale coffee farmers.17. (a) Name three areas in Brazil where coffee is grown.(b) Give the factors that favour coffee growing in Brazil.(c ) Explain four problems facing coffee farming in Brazil.(d) Explain four ways in which the Brazilian government responds to problems facing the coffee industry in Brazil.(e) Give the role of coffee to the economies of Kenya and Brazil.(f) Compare coffee farming in Kenya and Brazil.18. (a) Name four wheat varieties grown in Kenya.(b) Name two counties in Kenya where wheat is grown on commercial scale. (c ) Explain four physical conditions that favour wheat growing in Kenya.(d) Explain four human conditions necessary for commercial wheat production in Kenya.19. (a) Describe the commercial cultivation of wheat from land preparation to marketing.Land preparationPlantingHarvesting


Processing and marketing(b) Explain four problems facing wheat farming in Kenya.(c ) Give three uses of wheat.20. Your Geography class intends to carry out a field study on wheat harvesting in a farm.(a) Outline two problems that face wheat harvesting you are likely to find out. (b) State two reasons for preparing a working schedule.(c ) State two limitations of using interviewing method to collect data.21. (a) Name three wheat producing provinces of Canada.

(b) Give the physical conditions that favour large scale wheat farming in the Prairie provinces of Canada.(c ) Give three human factors that encourage wheat farming in Canada.(d) Explain the problems that affect wheat farming in Canada.(i) Climatic problems(ii) Other problems22. (a) Explain five factors which enable Canada to produce more wheat than Kenya.(b) Outline the importance of wheat farming to the economies of Kenya and Canada.(c ) Compare wheat farming in Kenya and Canada under the following sub-headings

(i) Storage(ii) Transport(iii) Marketing(iv) Research(v) Government policy(vi) Mechanization(vii) Level of production

33. (a) Differentiate between horticulture and market gardening.(b) What is horticulture?(c ) State four characteristics of horticulture farming in Kenya.


CHINGA BOYS HIGH SCHOOLAPRIL HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2019CRE FORM THREEAnswer all the questions1. (a) Outline Jeremiah’s prophecy about the Messiah. (6 marks)

(b) Explain Simeon’s prophetic messages about Jesus during His dedication. Luke 2:21-40.(6


(c) State eight ways in which parents develop their children’s spiritual life. (8 marks)

2. (a) Describe the raising of Jairus’ daughter. (7 marks)

(b) Narrate the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke’s Gospel. (7 marks)

(c) State six factors which hinder Christians from practicing Jesus’ command to love one’sneighbour. (6 marks)

3. (a) Describe the seven causes of conflict between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders in his Jerusalem ministry. (7 marks)

(b) State seven events which took place from the time of Jesus crucifixion up to his death.(7


(c) Give reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection. (6 marks)

4. (a) Outline seven teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit. (7 marks)

(b) Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the image of the “church”. (6 marks)

(c) State seven ways in which Christians use the gift of wisdom in their daily lives.(7 marks)

5. (a) Explain eight uses of leisure. (8 marks)(b) Outline six Christian teachings on fornication. (6 marks)(c) Mention six ways in which Christians can help people living with HIV/AIDS. (6 marks)

6. (a) State seven duties of citizens to the nation. (7 marks)(b) Explain the Christian view on Euthanasia. (8 marks)(c) Identify five traditional African practices that promote law, order and justice. (5 marks)


7. (a) Outline the message of prophet Isaiah about the messiah. (8 marks)

(b) State SEVEN activities that took place when Jesus was born (LK 2: 6- 20). (7


(c) Give FIVE reasons why Christians should trust in God in their daily lives. (5


8. (a) Narrate the healing of the man with a withered hand (LK 6: 6-11). (7


(b) Identify SEVEN problems encountered by Jesus during the performance of his miracles (7 marks)

(c) Give SIX reasons why some Christians question the use of miracles today. (6


9. (a) Describe the efforts made by the Jewish religious leaders to have Jesus arrested and put to

death. (7


(b) Outline SEVEN reasons why Judas betrayed Jesus.

(7 marks)

(c) State SIX reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians today.

(6 marks)

10. (a) Identify the fruits of the Holy spirit as taught by St. Paul in Galatians 5: 22- 23.

(5 marks)

(b) Explain what the teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15: 1-10

reveal about the

unity of believers. (8


(c) Give SEVEN ways in which Christians prevent divisions in the church today.

(7 marks)


11. (a) Give SEVEN reasons why it is important to have a stable family. (7


(b) State SEVEN reasons why Christians should condemn rape in the society today.

(7 marks)

(c) Outline SIX reasons why Christians should encourage the youth to abstain from pre-

marital sex.



12. (a) State SIX functions of prisons as centers of rehabilitation.

(6 marks)

(b) Identify SIX challenges facing prisoners in Kenya today.

(6 marks)

(c) In what ways can the church assist ex-prisoners?

(8 marks)

13. (a) Describe the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist in Luke 1:5-25 (7 mks)

(b) State FOUR differences between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ.

(8mks)(c) Give SIX ways in which a christian couple should respond to childlessness (5mks)

14. (a) Identify FIVE reasons why Jesus was baptized (5mks)(b) Narrate the healing of the Gerasene Demoniac in Luke 8:26-39 (8mks)(c) Give SEVEN lessons Christians learn from the transfiguration of Jesus (7mks)

15. (a) Outline SIX teachings about a committed follower of Jesus Christ from the story of the good

Samaritan (6mks)


(b) Describe the parable of the shrewd Manager in Luke 16:1-13


(c) What is the relevance of Jesus teaching on eschatology to Christians today


16. (a) Describe Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-40 (6mks)

(b) Explain FOUR New Testament teachings on the body of Christ to demonstrate the unity of believers

(8mks)(c) In what ways are gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested in the church today (6mks)

17. (a) Explain the importance of Leisure to an individual (6mks)

(b) Outline the Christian criteria for evaluating the use of leisure (8mks)(c) Identify SIX ways the government is trying to curb drug abuse in Kenya. (6mks)

18. (a) Identify SEVEN ways in which Christians contributes towards the maintenances of law and

order in society (7mks)

b) State SEVEN factors that lead people to commit crimes in Kenya (7mks)c )Give ways in which Christians in Kenya help those who have been released from prison.

( 6mks)




Answer all questions in the spaces provided


1. List four routes through which pathogens can enter the body of a newly – born calf.









2. List four duties of a worker bee in a colony.








3. Identify the following breeds of livestock


(i) A pig breed with dashed face, erect ears and white in colour




(ii) A beef breed cream white in colour usually very heavy its males weighing upto




(iii) A white breed of goat usually with long hair.



(iv) A wool sheep with long curl wool usually cover its face



4. Outline four signs of heat in sows.









5. Name two tools used to trim hooves.








6. List three precautions taken when seasoning timber by air for construction. (1½








7. Give two reasons for raddling in sheep management.

(1½ mks)








8. Name three methods that are used in selecting of breeding stock in livestock production.

(1½ mks)







9. Outline four factors that influence the stocking rate in a fish pond.








10. Outline four factors that influence the stocking rate in a fish pond.









11. State four factors that would contribute to the depreciation of a farm equipment.








13. State two desirable qualities of a livestock ration.







14. Name four livestock diseases caused by Mruses.









15. (a) Differentiate between a roughage and a concentrate feed in animal nutrition.





(b) State two analities of a creep feed that makes it suitable for piglets. (1mk)






16. Outline four daily maintenance services carried out on a tractor.








17. State two preventive measures for bloat.






18. State four livestock management practices carried out in a crush.








SECTION B (20 mks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

19. The diagram below illustrates a livestock deficiency disease. Study the diagram and

answer the questions that follow:-

(a) Identify the disease

( ½ mk)




(b) Identify the deficient nutrient. ( ½






(c) Apart from the head refraction, state two other symptoms of the deficiency disease

in (a) above.








(d) State one role of the nutrient named in (b) above.





20. Study the diagram below that shows the power transmission system in a tractor engine.

(i) Label the parts 1 – 4 .









…………(ii) What technical term is used to refer to attaching an implement to a tractor.





(iii) Name two types of linkage on a tractor.







21. The following illustrations show the behavior of chicks at different temperatures in a



(a) Explain the temperature conditions in each of the four diagrams A, B, C and D.









(b) State any four requirements of a good brooder.










22. Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.


(a) Identify the parts D, E, F and G





(b) State two uses of the part F.








23. L, M, N and O are diagrams of farm tools. Study them and answer the questions that



(i) Identify the farm tools L, M, N and O






(ii) State the use of each of the tools L, M, N and O.







SECTION C (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided after each question.

24. (a) Explain the importance of keeping livestock healthy.


(b) Give five effects of internal parasites in livestock.


(c) Describe the functions of the various types of pens in a piggery unit.


25. (a) Explain the procedure of harvesting honey.


(b) Explain the factors considered when culling breeding boar. (5mks)

(c) Describe poultry management under the following subheadings.

(i) Causes of stress


(ii) Control measures for cannibalism.


26. (a) Describe the procedure of constructing a barbed wire fence.


(b) Describe the management of piglets from birth to weaning.

(10mks)Name: ___________________________________________________ Class: _______ Adm No: _____


FORM THREE1. (a) Define the term database? 1mk

(b) Give any four examples of database management software (DBMS) available in the market today. 2mks2. Below are two tables structures of files in a database

Employee Field Data type

Employee name TextEmployee Number Auto numberDOB Date/ TimeAddress Text

Employees table Department table


Employee Field Data type

Employee No Auto NumberDate Employed Date/TimeDepartment Name TextSalary Currency

(i) Which of the two tables is likely to be the parent table 1mk

(ii) It is advisable to ‘Enforce Referential Integrity’ when creating a relationship, what do you understand

by the term referential integrity? 1mk

(iii) The field ‘Employee No’ In the employee table is likely to be the primary key. What is a primary Key


(iv) Which fields in both tables is most appropriate for creating a relationship? 1mk

(v) What would make the relationship between the tables fail to work? 2mks

(vi) In databases, the field properties specify finer details related to the fields and the table entries expected. State four field properties.

2mks(vii) State any two functions of a database 2mks

(viii) Explain the following terms as used in database 2mksi. Entity

ii. Record (ix) Mention four database models that you have learnt 2mks (x) Define the following database object 4mks

a. Table b. Queryc. Macrod. Input screen

(xi) Explain any two functions of a primary key 2mks3. a) Define the term mail-merge 2mks

b) Name two files commonly used in mail merge. 2mksc) Name and explain the two types of dropcaps 2mksd) Give a reason for each of the following:-

i. Changing a password regularly; 1mkii. Typing and re-typing a new password when changing it. 1mk

e) List three paragraph formatting features of word processor 3mksf) Describe two uses of a title bar in a document. 2mksg) Differentiate between copy and cut 2mksh) Differentiate between Sentence case and Title case 2mksi) Define the term cropping. 1mkj) Explain any two problems one may encounter while printing a document. 2mks

4. Define the following terms:- 3mksa. Rangeb. Valuec. Function

5. (a) Give any two advantages of electronic spread sheet over manual work 2mks

(b) Define cell referencing? 1mk

6. A computer accessories vendor needs to order supplies. A spreadsheet is used to calculate the order part of which is shown below.

A B C D1 Item Price per unit Number ordered Cost (Kshs)2 56K Modem 8,565.00 603 128 MB RAM 4,950.00 404 Pentium IV Processor 13,525.00 555 Total

a. Write the formula that can be used in:- 2mks


i. D2ii. D5

b. If a value added tax (VAT) of 16% was charged on each item and the number ordered was decreased by 10%, write a new formula that can be used in D2. 3mks

i. 2mks.7. Differentiate between Data and Information. 1mk8. State two characteristics of a minicomputer. 1mk9. (a) What is a computer bus? 1mrk

(b) Name and describe 3 types of computer bus. 3mks 10. Define the following terms: - 3mks

a. Firmware b. Operating systemc. Booting

11. The advertising department has recently purchased an image-editing software package for one of its workstation computers. This computer is accessible to all employees.

a) Identify THREE hardware specification requirements other than RAM which may need to be taken into account before installing the package. 3mks

b) The software package states a minimum hardware requirement of 1GB of RAM. The workstation has 2GB of RAM installed. Explain the benefits of the additional RAM when using this program.

1mk12. Describe the following word processing concepts: - 5mks

i. Creation of a documentii. Saving a document

iii. Editing a document iv. Printing a document v. Retrieving a document

13. Differentiate between a device and device driver. 1mk

14. Describe how operating system is used in carrying out the following tasks in a computer:- 4mksa. Maintaining securityb. Multi-tasking c. Error handling d. Processor scheduling

15. List down four formatting activities that can be carried out on a word document. 2mks16. What is the BIOS? (1 point for the definition, 2 points for a description of what it does) 3mks(a) Name and explain the roles of any 2 basic components of a computer system other than storage devices.

2mks (b) Name three magnetic secondary storage devices. 11/2mks (c) What is system software? 1/2mk

17 . (i) The table below shows staff entry in a database. TABLE STAFFName Address Suburb State Salary Postcode Steve Cameron 1 Jordan Place Zetland QLD $85,000 4235Mary Tai 3a Flynn Road Eden NSW $90,000 2490Ashley Lee 1 Jones Street Lavington ACT $75,000 2555Greg Rania 34 Jules Street Muthaiga WA $77,000 6043

(a) How many staff members either live in NSW OR earn greater than $80,000? 1mk(b) The table is to be sorted by the address field in descending order. Which staff member would appear second

from the bottom? 1mk(c) The table needs to be sorted in ascending order according to the staff member’s last name. Describe

modifications to the table to achieve this. 2mks (iii) Differentiate between entity integrity and validity integrity. 2mks(iv) Explain ONE advantage of entering data into the form rather than directly into the table. 1mk


(v) A diagnostic tool was run on two workstations. The results for each workstation are shown.

(a) Identify from the tables which workstation requires defragmentation. 1mk(b) Outline the processes carried out to defragment a hard disk. 2mks(c) Describe a benefit of defragmenting a hard disk. 2mks(d) Inappropriate usage of computers by staff, including installation of illegal software was identified in a

company audit trail.I. Identify ONE other type of information that can be obtained from an audit trail. 1mk

II. What law does the installation of illegal software breach? 1mk(vi) Give two similarities between optical mark readers and optical character readers 1mk18 . (a) Distinguish between traditional analysis sheet and electronic sheet. 5mrks

(b) With the aid of examples, explain the following spreadsheet cell referencing. 5mrks(i) Single cell reference (ii) Range reference (iii) Mixed cell reference (iv) Absolute cell referencing (v) Relative cell referencing

(c) Differentiate between a range name and a range address. 1mrk

19. (a) Perform the following binary arithmetic and give your answers in decimalnotation:(i) 1010.101 + 11.011 ( 3 mks)(ii) 1010.011 – 11.011 ( 3 mks)(b) Covert the following numbers into their binary equivalents(i) 0.562510 ( 3 mks)

20. (i) What is an internet Protocol (IP) address? ( 1 mk)(ii) Why is an IP address necessary? ( 1 mk)(b) What is the purpose of the following internet domains? ( 1 mk)(i) .org(ii) .gov


1. Explain five methods that the government may use to increase the supply of goods in the market.

2. Explain five methods of price determination other than price mechanism in a market.3. With an aid of a diagram illustrate a change in equilibrium points following a decrease in

demand state three factors that may cause that change.4. Highlight four possible effects of a positive change in consumers preference for a good.5. Give four reasons why the demand curve for a good usually slopes outwards from the left

to the right.


WORK STATION 1Disk capacity 80GBUsed capacity 80%Free space 20%Fragmentation 1%

WORK STATION 1Disk capacity 60GBUsed capacity 30%Free space 70%Fragmentation 28%

6. Highlight six circumstances under which a firm could be located near the market for its products.

7. State four ways in which a firm benefits the community in which it is located.8. State four ways in which land influences the location of firms.9. Highlight four circumstances under which a firm would be located near market for its

product.10. Identify four problems that tend to limit the growth of small-scale retail business in rural

Kenya.11. Highlight four measures that a government may take to attract firms an area.12. Explain five strategies that a small scale firm could adopt to expand so as to enjoy

economies of scale.13. State four essential features of any market.14. Highlight five circumstances that may lead to formation of monopolies.15. Outline four ways in which a monopoly market differs from perfect competition market.16. Highlight two ways in which warehousing may assist in stabilization of prices of

commodities. 17. Explain five circumstances under which a government may find it necessary to reduce its

involvement in business.18. Outline five features that distinguish a private limited company from a public company.19. Outline four reasons why most developing countries rely on extractive level of

production.20. State four reasons why a business unit would continue to advertise its product which is

already a household name.21. Highlight four circumstances under which a producer would choose to distribute his

goods through wholesalers.22. Outline four roles of the bourse as a market for securities.23. Highlight four measures that the government would take to provide investors with an

enabling business environment.24. State four features of a departmental store.25. Explain five ways in which the entrepreneur contributes to the production of goods.


OPENER TERM 2 EXAMS 2019 TIMETABLEDAY FORM 8.30-10.30 AM 11.00-1.00PM 2.00-4.00PM NIGHT











