April 6, 2009 Enlighten | Website Design Prepared for: Fara Warner and Class.

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Transcript of April 6, 2009 Enlighten | Website Design Prepared for: Fara Warner and Class.

April 6, 2009

Enlighten | Website Design

Prepared for: Fara Warner and Class

Enlighten | A History of Innovation

Website Design and Development. Building enterprise-level brand sites and ecommerce sites for a diversity of top global brands.

CMS and Portal Implementation. Managing every facet of the CMS and Portal selection, migration and implementation process.

Rich Internet Applications. Pairing compelling interactivity and rich media with powerful data integration and delivery.

Web Analytics and Reporting. Employing powerful data collection and analysis to track ROI through our proprietary processes, providing a rich foundation and guidance for objectives-driven marketing investment decisions.

Managed Hosting Operations. Providing a top-notch hosting environment and managing every facet of our clients’ site performance, security, up-time and maintenance.

Internet Strategy and Planning. Helping businesses identify strategies that leverage the Internet, on-the-go technologies and social media for competitive advantage.

Online Advertising and Branding. Creating integrated online ad campaigns using rich media and emerging platforms.

Media Planning and Buying. Strategically planning online media placements that optimize reach, visibility and conversions.

Paid Search and SEO. Implementing search engine optimization and marketing campaigns for customer acquisition and branding programs.

Email Marketing / Digital CRM. Devising and managing online customer acquisition and relationship marketing programs.

Social Media and Marketing. Crafting strategies and Web 2.0 tools that connect brands and consumers.

Enlighten | Core Services

Enlighten | Sample Clients

Thinking About Web Design


The Internet is BIG! More than 1.5 billion people worldwide use the Internet. By some estimates, there are almost 200 million live websites and

nearly a trillion live web pages.

The Internet is BAD! Rampant identify theft, cyber crime, piracy, Fox News, and

countless hours of productivity wasted on espn.com, Facebook, and YouTube.

The Internet is UGLY! www.webpagesthatsuck.com/

Bad Design is Pervasive…

Sadly, bad web design isn’t confined to your second cousin Billy working out of his attic with an eMachine, a pirated wireless connection, and a boot leg copy of DreamWeaver.

Many established, Fortune 500 corporations still fail to grasp the importance of good web design. www.berkshirehathaway.com (#13) www.cendant.com (#114) www.csx.com (#266)

… But the Impact is Hard to Ignore

Fortunately, more and more companies are waking up to the fact that there is a powerful correlation between web design and: Brand perception Customer satisfaction Product consideration Sales – both online and off


Website Design and Effectiveness


good web

design and


can create

an epic


Creative Programmer



Business vs. Customer Objectives

Business Structure

Business Processes

Online Opportunities

Growth Drivers

Customer Types

Customer Processes

Customer Needs

Customer Transitions

Business Objectives Customer Objectives

Online Interaction Models are Complex


Does this site look like it belongs in MOMA?


Will this site make Jakob Neilson weep with joy?


Does this site take tech geekdom to a sublime level?


Is the interactivity mind-numbingly cool?

Brand and Integration Play an Important Role

No website is an island unto itself.

Online communications are always created within a broader context – other websites, print ads, television ads, brochures, retail outlet design aesthetics etc.

In the online world, user experience is the definitive brand statement.

Persona Design is an Emerging Practice

Persona Development

Identify highest priority customer and prospect segments based on business value

Conduct primary and secondary and research to understand the segments needs, behaviors

Augment this analysis with website analytics

Create persona profiles based on this research

Map cross-channel user scenarios for each of the personas

Testing and Measurement is Critical

There are five primary methods for gauging a web site’s design effectiveness.1. Pre- and post-launch usability testing

2. Satisfaction surveys (Foresee)

3. Brand perception surveys (Dynamic Logic)

4. Ongoing web site measurement / analytics (WebTrends, Google)

5. Optimization testing (Offermatica, Optimost)

According to a study by WebTrends, less than 20% of marketers have anything even close to resembling a comprehensive set of effectiveness measures.

Industry Context Impacts Design Choices

Effective design implementations vary widely across industry, brand, and project objective.

E-commerce – www.amazon.com and www.ebay.com Retail – www.kmart.com Media – www.nytimes.com and www.cnn.com Auto – www.miniusa.com and www.hummer.com Brand – www.nike.com and www.apple.com Web 2.0 – www.facebook.com and www.youtube.com Viral – www.shaveeverywhere.com Activation – www.ted.org

Practices to Embrace

Practices to Embrace | A Short List

Develop “design personas” to get a better understanding of your site users and their objectives.

Create navigation systems that are clearly labeled and easy to understand. Epicurious, Apple

Augment traditional design and layout principles with a judicious use of interactivity.


Practices to Embrace | A Short List

Plan to continually tweak and optimize the experience. Comerica

Tell a story but don’t get in the way. Woot

Balance beauty with technical performance. Automotive sites

Develop interactivity with a clear purpose and sense of value. News sites getting better at this.

Practices to Avoid

Practices to Avoid | A Short List

Animation infatuation

Avoid looking like a Vegas casino

All beauty no substance


Getting too clever with basic functions like navigation

Ad agencies

Practices to Avoid | A Short List

Extensive load times even if the payoff is good If it’s not Google Earth, don’t make people wait for it

Make sure user effort and payoff are in balance

We still like a delightful surprise but the web is still overwhelmingly

about utility

Trends to Watch

Trends to Watch

Welcome to “The Cloud”

Destination vs. syndication and the rise of content portability

Talking vs. Listening vs. Participating My content, your content, our content

I’ve come unbundled and I can’t get up The model of aggregation and “bundling” has come undone


Who’s going to pay for our addiction to “free”

Trends to Watch

Say anything…as long as it is 140-characters or less Tension between information and knowledge

Brand utility challenges notion of advertising noise Nike+ is a model more marketers want to explore

Too small to fail The efficiency of scale is being challenged by the power and

relevance of niche

Consumer control represents a seismic shift Product choice, limitless communication, and post-marketing


Tips for Entering the Job Market

Tips for Entering Job Market

Continue to invest in your communication skills… they are priceless.

Information is a commodity and knowledge is expected…take time to cultivate “emotional intelligence.”

Be curious.

Take time to anticipate.

“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” (-Steve Jobs)

Tom Beck



