April 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine

Post on 15-Nov-2015

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Transcript of April 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine

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    with allot of helpful information.

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    Shadow and Breeze

  • We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats given by Susun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of

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  • A poem by Alan Moyse Posted by Moonlight Fairy

    The Fairy found this wondrous poem by Alan Moyse:

    I watch the moonlight in my mind, It s pale lambent haze spreading silver

    Over my muddled, erratic thoughts. Images come and go,

    pale and wispy In the soft moon-glow.

    The pictures out of focus, luminous-edged Old photographs which have faded And misted, like early morning fog.

    I sense a meaning - an image sharpening itself And I try to grasp its sense.

    It is important that I hold this one frame

    But it is elusive, fragile, ethereal, And like incense smoke, disappears

    Leaving behind a haunting essence of its true self.

    Why is thought like the moon? Mainly hidden, whitely shining,

    her essence desired, but rarely fully seen. Perhaps because she is in reality utter desolation,

    And like the moon, beautiful but remote.

  • SUNSHINE Posted by Patty

    The Sun Is Always Shining Remember the Sun There are times when gloom or darkness causes us to momentarily lose sight of the light. Although it is at these times when the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm, glowing rays brighten even our thoughts, and it's good to remember that despite appearances the sun is shining right now. We may not be able to see it at this very moment, but if clouds block our view, they are only filtering the sun's light temporarily. If darkness has fallen, we know that the sun is still shining at this very moment somewhere not too far away, and it's only a matter of time before it will shine on us again. When we remember that the sun is still shining, we know that things are still in motion in the universe. Even if life feels like it is at a standstill, sometimes all we need to do is have faith and wait for the time when everything is in its perfect place. Or we can we can choose to follow the cues of the sun and continue doing our work and shining our light, even when we can't yet see results. In doing so we exercise our patience, making sure we are prepared when opportunity knocks and all other elements are in their right and perfect places. The sun also reminds us that our own shining truth is never extinguished. Our light shines within us at all times, no matter what else occurs around us. Though the sun gives us daily proof of its existence, sometimes our belief in our own light requires more time. If we think back, however, we can find moments when it showed itself and trust that we will see it again. Like the sun, our light is the energy that connects us to the movements of the universe and the cycles of life and is present at all times, whether we feel its glow or not.

  • Little Girl Alone Posted by Durl

    I wondered upon a little girl crying one day Her tears were like raindrops streaming down her face. I wanted to say something to her. But the look on her face told me different. It was more than just pain on her face...... there was hurt there too. I wanted to put my arms around her and just hold her. I wanted to take her pain and hurt into my own heart. For it hurt me so to see her crying like this. And I wondered...can I even begin to bare her pain? Whatever was wrong I knew it was just too much for her to bare alone. But there she was.....alone and crying. Finally I said something to her. But she never looked up. It was almost like she was afraid to look me in the eyes. But then my eyes begin to see bruises and marks on this little girl. The vile taste in my throat sickened me as I saw dried blood on her dress.. To seek and destroy was my first instinct. To hold and to protect were of equal response. My mind was a mass of confusion....What should I do? So many thoughts about this little girl went racing through my mind. But what one thought would even begin to erase the hurt she was feeling now? Could it be the thought that there is so much evil in the world. And that sometimes the innocent are caught up in it and whatever happened was not her fault. My mind questions.....where were her Angels...... her protectors? Then I got to thinking...well.....her Angels are there with her now to strengthen her. To see she gets through this better than before. Everything happens for a reason......and though at the time we may not understand the why of it. We do become stronger in different areas of our lives because of it. And that is why we have Angels. They give us the strength we need and see to it that our lives become better because of the pain we have to bear.......Alone.


  • Faery Tambourine , Faery Garden Posted by Debs

    Faery Tambourine The gentle music and sweet fragrance of this tambourine is said to be irresistible to even the shyest faeries. Use it with a kind heart to lure them from their hiding places. Materials * 2 feet (61 cm) of grapevine; honeysuckle, or other woody vine * floral wire * liter-sized soda bottle * 4 yards (3.7 m) of 1/4 inch-wide (3mm) ribbon in one or more colors * measuring tape * scissors * 4 jingle bells * various fresh herbs and flowers Instructions 1. You can buy small grapevine wreaths at craft stores. but most faeries can tell homemade from store-bought, and they tend to be more receptive to things you make yourself. Simply wind grapevine, honeysuckle, or a similar woody vine around the soda bottle. Avoid any vines that look hairy: it could be poison ivy! Wind the vine around the bottle several times, occasionally threading it through the inner part of the wreath and back out again. Secure the circles of vine to each other by tying small lengths of floral wire in four or five places around the wreath.

  • 2. Measure and cut four 24-inch (61 cm) lengths of ribbon. 3. Double a length of cut ribbon. Thread the folded end through the top loop of a jingle bell and pull through enough ribbon to loop around the wreath. Add the rest of the bells in this same way. 4. Thread the ends of the ribbon through the loop and tighten, pulling the bell close to the wreath. Tie a simple knot in the ribbon to secure the bell. 5. Measure and cut a 36-inch (92 cm) length of ribbon. Tie one end with a small knot to the wreath. Wind the ribbon all around the wreath form. 6. Decorate the wreath with fresh or dried herbs, leaves, berry sprigs, or dried or fresh flowers. ----------- Faery Garden atever you do to bring life to your garden will bring faeries as well. First of all, plant plants that attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. This will also attract the fae. So put up hummingbird feeders, bird feeders, bird baths, bird houses, even bat houses. Small fountains, ponds, faery statues, or waterfalls are all good. Here's a short list of plants that attract faeries to your garden:

  • Common yarrow, Achillea millefolium New York aster, Aster novi-belgii Shasta daisy, Chrysanthemum maximum Western giant hyssop or horsemint, Agastache occidentalis French lavender, Lavendula dentata Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis Thyme, Thymus Fountain butterfly bush, Buddleia alternifolia Orange-eye butterfly bush, summer lilac, Buddleia davidii Shrubby cinquefoil, Potentilla fruitiosa Common garden petunia, Petunia hybrida Verbenas, vervains, Verbena Pincushion flowers, Scabiosa caucasica Cosmos, Cosmos bipinnatus Common zinnia, Zinnia elegans They also love the following plants and trees: foxglove, primrose, ragwort, cowslips, pansies, bluebells, clover (3-leaf, not 4-leaf), St. John's wort, hazel, rowan, blackthorn, oak, willow, elder, birch, alder, apple, ash, and especially toadstools.

  • Cleansing your home Posted by Hedgewitch

    When first coming to the craft, many are taught or learn through books about rituals for creating sacred space. It is not hard to find a lot of information through the internet on how to consecrate and create circles and areas for various magical workings. However; I have not seen very much information on how to create a magical home. I have found a paragraph here and there scattered throughout various books and on the Internet. On this our Wiccan path, our homes are brought from the mundane world into the sacred as often they are our place of sanctuary to do our works of magic. With this in mind I put pen to paper as I tell you about ways to create an environment where one you can incorporate magic into your life. I have walked this path for most of my life and have learned a few tricks and hints along the way. It is some of these hints I plan to share with you. In creating a Magical home you must start at the beginning, with a mop, bucket, a broom and a vacuum. You may think cleaning your house is not a magical task, but I assure you it is. I am often heard saying, It is all in the intent. I feel this way about cleaning too. Your home, sacred space, ritual place, always has a better feeling when it is clean. The act of cleaning changes the vibrational levels in your home. As do so many other things, from changing where furniture is places to the colors of your walls and what you hang on them.

    Music is also a good tool to change the vibrations of a room and to help get you a little more motivated. Pick something you like which has an up beat to it, rather then a ballad which your mind will want to move slowly to. Make sure to warm water and set a bag of tea to steep, a tea which will energize you or fill a tall glass with ice water. Magical cleaning is hard work and I am always thirsty. Lets start with the vacuum, some people feel you need to start with a clean bag each time. I am not one of those people, since intent is what is most important, and land fills do not need any more waists, I cannot see wasting a partly filled back. I have been known to add a bit of incense into the bag before I start vacuuming, incense which fits my mood.

  • Now lets talk about the broom, I do have a kitchen broom and I also have a broom sitting outside of my front door. There is also a small broom I keep in my trunk of quickie ritual supplies for sweeping negative energies away. It is with his small broom I sprinkle scented oil on and sweep through my home if I feel there is something hanging in the air and I want it gone now and quickly. As I use this oil scented broom, I chant a short rhyme over and over focusing my mind to get rid of the unwanted in my home. Once the floors, chairs, sofa, and corners of the floor and ceiling are all vacuumed, it is time to take out your mop. I like to use green house hold cleaners for the many possible ways of cleaning, and some of them come pre-scented. Personally I prefer something with a slight lemon scent, but what ever scent you like, will work just as well. To this bucket of water I add about a tables spoon of sea salt. Salt left on wooden floors or on carpets can damage them; and so, I use this way to salt my home rather than take a chance of ruining my possessions. I always start at the top and work down; hitting everything I can reach from the tops of the door frames to the window sills. I have a chair rail through much of my house and so I make sure to clean that as well. Once you have finished with the rag it is time for the floors. Use the same bucket of hot water with the dab of salt in it to wash your floors. Once this is done take a moment sit in your favorite room, take a sip of your drink and then close your eyes. Once you are breathing slow and deep, send out your mental feelers to see how well the energy is flowing in your home. If there seems to still be places which are in need, open your eyes and attend to these areas. I dont know about you but I tend to have spots in my home where Stuff just gathers. You know like a draw where everything has just been tossed into, or a pile of old news papers. Perhaps you have clothing you had every intention of taking to be recycled and yet there it still sits. Take the time to sort through that draw, organizing, tossing out and reclaiming it, take care of the old news papers, and put the clothing to be recycled into your car to take when you are finished with cleaning. Dont feel bad if you suddenly remember you missed something, maybe it is the ceiling fan over head, or the top of the frig. You will never get everything, but doing a magical cleaning once a month will drastically reduce the negative energy in your home and mind. I like to clean my house just after the New Moon for new beginnings.

  • Now sit again, take another sip, if the energy in your house flows smoothly, you are ready to continue. Put away your cleaning supplies and gather together a red votive candle, white candle, a bowl of clean water, and a bit of sea salt. If you wish you may start with this small ritual, before cleaning or you can end with something like it. If weather permits and you have not yet done so, open all the windows letting the fresh air into your home. Take a moment to inhale the breezes as they dance though your home. Enjoy all the clean scents from green and growing to moist soil after a cleansing rain fall. There are many ways to do a magical cleaning of your house, and this little ritual is just one of many ways. Be creative and pick one which fits you, as it is your intent not mine which will change the vibrations of your home. It is a good thing to use the same ritual every time, re-enforcing in your mind what you are doing. The house seems clean and now you are ready to do your magical cleansing ritual. There are several possibilities, choose one which appeals to you and repeat it regularly to ensure your household is good to go. In your favorite room assemble the dish of salt, incense and burner, 1 white candle, one red votive candle and a cloth to use as an alter cloth. On the alter cloth, place the dish of salt in the North, the incense and burner in the East, the dish of water in the West and lastly the white candle in the middle. The white candle is the center candle from which everything will be lit. Light the center white candle. From this light your incense and red votive candle. Now close your eyes and try to tune into the energies of your home. You can hear the sound of your clock ticking, perhaps a childs fussing or giggling, thoughts rush into your mind, dont worry, take note of them and let them go. Breathe.

    When you are ready lift the center candle and three times round move it over the tools you have gathered and say something like this; Tools of each element, I charge you (First turn with the candle) To sweep clean my home, heart and mind too. (Second turn of the candle) This is my will, So Mote It Be! (Third turn of the candle)

  • With the dish of salt in hand, walk towards the east, moving counter clockwise through your house. If you feel there is a spot which needs a dab of salt toss a pinch there. Each time you offer the dab of salt say something like this; This house has been cleansed by the power of the earth, Within each room there shall now be mirth. Once you return to the table replace the dish of salt and lift the incense burner. Walk again towards the east, going counter clock wise. Follow the same route you used when you walked with the dish of salt, envisioning the incense smoke melting away the negative energies in your home. As the smoke wafts through the rooms, say something like this; This house has been cleansed by the power of Air, Within each room comes all that is fair. When you are again at the table where your tools lie, set down the incense burner and take up the red votive candle. Follow the same route as you did the two times before. Envision the fire burning away the negativity, while saying; This house has been cleansed by the power of Fire, Within each room as is my desire. When you are again at the table where your tools lie, set the red votive candle down and take up the bowl of fresh water. Follow the same route as you did the two times before. Envisioning the water washing away the last of the negativity as you sprinkle some of the water in spots you feel still need help, while saying; This house has been cleansed by the power of Water, With in each room I welcome the Crone, Mother and her Daughter. When you are again at the table where your tools lie, set down the bowl of water down and close your eyes. Reach out again with your mind, if the vibrations of your home are not satisfactory to you, repeat the ritual. When you are finished, remember to close any open windows, and if possible let the candle burn and incense its self out.

  • Blessings of Happiness Posted by Cadence

    Happiness is a fickle thing, So fleeting yet so joyful. Happiness is listening

    And slowing down to smile.

    Happiness is a tickling breeze That teases and runs wild, Happiness is a little sneeze

    Of the tot you love so dearly.

    Happiness is a lovely hug And holding love so nearly. Happiness is snug as a bug

    And a bedtime story to read.

    Happiness is easy to grow, Planted like a little seed.

    When it's tall and ready to sow Then many blessings will you reap.

  • LIVING LIKE WATER Posted by Patty

    A Great Teacher Living Like Water The journey of water as it flows upon the earth can be a mirror of our own paths through life. Water begins its residence on earth as it falls from the sky or melts from ice and streams down a mountain into a tributary or stream. In the same way, we come into the world and begin our lives on earth. Like a river that flows within the confines of its banks, we are born with certain defining characteristics that govern our identity. We are born in a specific time and place, within a specific family, and with certain gifts and challenges. Within these parameters, we move through life, encountering many twists, turns, and obstacles along the way just as a river flows. Water is a great teacher that shows us how to move through the world with grace, ease, determination, and humility. When a river breaks at a waterfall, it gains energy and moves on, as we encounter our own waterfalls, we may fall hard but we always keep moving on. Water can inspire us to not become rigid with fear or cling to what's familiar. Water is brave and does not waste time clinging to its past, but flows onward without looking back. At the same time, when there is a hole to be filled, water does not run away from it in fear of the dark; instead, water humbly and bravely fills the empty space. In the same way, we can face the dark moments of our life rather than run away from them. Eventually, a river will empty into the sea. Water does not hold back from joining with a larger body, nor does it fear a loss of identity or control. It gracefully and humbly tumbles into the vastness by contributing its energy and merging without resistance. Each time we move beyond our individual egos to become part of something bigger, we can try our best to follow the lead of the river.

  • Nine Herbs to Grow on Your Windowsill Posted by Debs

    Did you know sage can combat carpal tunnel syndrome and oregano is a powerful antioxidant? Many common herbs do more than add flavor to your meals: they go into overtime to work on asthma, arthritis, and insomnia. Here's a quick list of nine herbs that are easy to grow, followed by advice on how to get started. Holly Shimizu, a renowned horticulturist and garden designer, and AllHerb.com' s advisor on gardening, gives a green "thumbs up" to these. 1. Mint Aromatic spearmint and peppermint do more than add a little zest to your cup of tea: they are also a traditional treatment for gallstones. The oils of these effective antioxidants ease muscle tightness, and chewing on mint sprigs can relieve an upset stomach. 2. Rosemary Distinguished by its narrow, spiky leaves and piney scent, rosemary varies in color from shiny dark green to pale gray-green all over. Known as the herb of remembrance, rosemary contains several antioxidants that help prevent aging in cells and may work against Alzheimer's disease. 3. Lemon balm Also known as melissa, lemon balm relieves chronic fatigue syndrome and can be helpful in treating migraines. A tea made with lemon balm can also work as a sedative and a stomach soother. Its bright green heart-shaped leaves give off a lovely lemony scent.

  • 4. Thyme Thyme's pungent scent comes from the oil in the small oval leaves. Apply a compress of thyme leaves to the aching muscles in your neck, shoulders, and back if you're prone to tension headaches. A cup of thyme tea taken up to four times a day may be effective against bronchitis and whooping cough. 5. Sage Available in numerous varieties, sage is a strongly aromatic, bushy plant with spiky purple flowers. Loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds, sage is effective against carpal tunnel syndrome. Steep two teaspoons of dried sage in a cup of boiling water and gargle with it (after it has cooled) to treat mouth and throat inflammations. 6. Oregano The robust taste of oregano comes from its soft, oval leaves that grow in pairs along the stem. Its power punch of antioxidants can help maintain the immune function of those who are HIV-positive. Good for arthritis, asthma, and emphysema, oregano also contains seven compounds that lower blood pressure.

    7. Parsley A rich source of the bone-strengthener flourine, parsley works to prevent osteoporosis. Apply crushed parsley leaves to reduce the black and blue colors of a bruise. Parsley comes in two varieties: curly parsley and the taller, flat-leaf Italian parsley. Eat a sprig for a quick breath freshener and to aid indigestion. 8. Lavender Fragrant flowers characterize the spiky leaves and colorful blooms of lavender. Aromatherapists routinely use oil of lavender for pain; mix a few drops of lavender oil with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and massage the painful area. Sprinkle a few drops on your bed sheets to help you sleep, or relax in a warm bath scented with lavender oil.

  • 9. Catnip The downy, gray-green leaves of catnip are a favorite of cats, so keep this herb off your windowsill if you don't want your cats playing in your plants. A member of the mint family, catnip has a mild tranquilizing effect on most people. Try a cup of catnip tea about 45 minutes before bedtime to induce sleep. Note: All these herbs can grow from one to three feet tall, so keep them trimmed. Herbs are safe moderate doses, but like any medicine, some can be harmful when taken in frequent, large doses. Herbal oils are intended for external use only. Keep such oils away from small children who might be tempted to taste them. (Original source not known to me)

  • SUMMONING THE ELEMENTS: Posted by Whispr

    The four Elements are called to bear witness to the rite taking place and to guard the circle. Their calling can be as simple or complex as one wishes. Again words are unimportant, you have to speak to the elements with love, warmth and respect in your heart. NORTH ~ Element of Earth and Winter ~ stones, rocks, trees, gnomes, dryads, all creatures that live beneath the earth. EAST ~ Element of Air and Spring ~ the sky, the winds, all flying creatures. SOUTH ~ Element of Fire and Summer ~ flames, volcanoes, mighty dragons and all fire breathing creatures. WEST ~ Element of Water and Autumn ~ seas, lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls, all creatures of the waters. THE GODDESS AND THE GODs: Any ritual or magickal working wouldn't be effective at all with out the love, guidance, support, protection of the Lord and Lady. They have many names but they are always the Goddess and the God. Call them from you heart, love them and honour them. Be honest, be respectful never insult them because they love and care for you. Always remember to thank them. CANDLE COLOUR MEANINGS: White ~ for any new venture or relationship Red ~ for fertility, sexual matters and survival issues Orange ~ for independence and confidence Yellow ~ for career, any creative adventure and for money Green ~ for love, relationships and health Blue ~ for travel, success in exams and study Violet or Indigo ~ for inner happiness and psychic awareness Pink ~ for reconciliation Brown ~ for home and home moves, or any practical matter Black ~ for protection

  • EXPRESS YOUR MIND OF COMPASSION Posted by Michael Forbus

    When we come into contact with the other person, our thoughts and actions should express our mind of compassion, even if that person says and does things that are not easy to accept. We practice in this way until we see clearly that our love is not contingent upon the other person being lovable. ~Thich Nhat Hanh ---------------------------------------- Being Grounded My sense is that there is a very real problem among Western Buddhist practitioners. We are attempting to practice meditation and to follow a spiritual path in a disembodied state, and our practice is therefore doomed to failure. The full benefits and fruition of meditation cannot be experienced or enjoyed when we are not grounded in our bodies. The phrase from the early text, when understood fully, implies not only that we are able to touch enlightenment with our bodies, but that we must do so--that in fact there is no other way to touch enlightenment except in and through our bodies. -Reggie Ray, "Touching Enlightenment" ---------------------------------------- Meeting This Moment If you want to learn how to meet death, learn how to meet life and this moment with open arms.

  • 7 Spiritual Lessons I Learned Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

    1. Accept Other Dimensions. This is not the only reality. This world and death are not the only options. Other worlds, other places exist. There are other dimensions. And we know that. Listen to that knowing. 2. Heal Psychologically as well as Spiritually. We have the responsibility to heal ourselves in order to evolve. That healing, however, is not only spiritual. Too often we forget to address our emotional problems before concentrating on a higher level. Both are important. Ignoring relationship issues, drug and alcohol problems, or anger concerns will not allow us to progress on a spiritual plane. 3. Choose a Spiritual Practice and make a Commitment. We can choose any spiritual practice that is appropriate to us, not one forced on us by convention or others insisting their way is the right one. Whether it is meditation, spiritual study, spiritual movement, or some other practice, there is a one that will assist in your growth once you identify and observe it. 4. Find Tools to Connect to the Universal Database. We can learn to use The Akashic Records, Astrology, the pendulum, kinesiology, or other methods to help our spiritual quest. While some, such as astrology, require years of study, others are easy to learn and accessible ways to find answers in the search for our truth. These tools are available to everyone and are no longer the domain of only a select few. Books and materials are available to assist anyone.

  • 5. Be Your Own Teacher. There is much debate about finding a spiritual teacher. In many instances and for many people, this is an important and necessary step. Do not fall into the belief, however, that this is a requirement. Many people find a different route through books and study that become the teacher. We each have the power within to evolve. Use your own ability to determine the correct route. Do not be overly influenced by others. 6. Balance the Masculine and Feminine within. Too often we neglect the two sides within us. We become dominated by our left, rational brain that reinforces our masculine side, or we allow our right, nonlinear brain to override and allow the feminine to rule. Neither works, whether we are male or female. We need to honor and identify with both our masculine and feminine qualities. 7. Trust Your Messages. Develop a confidence in the messages you receive. Often these are inspirations during the day, perhaps a gentle nudging toward a particular path or a strong sense that we need to devote time to some activity, person or study. We all know that voice or urging within that demands attention. Listen to it. Trust the information when it feels right. Trust your chosen path. by Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph.D.

  • LOVE Posted by BZ

    The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person,

    but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done.

    If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

    Kind words are short and easy to speak,

    but their echoes are truly endless

    Mother Theresa

  • Dandilion Tea Posted by MoonFox

    Dandelion tea has a long history of human usage. Chinese medicinal practitioners used dandelion to treat digestive disorders, appendicitis, and breast problems (such as inflammation or lack of milk flow). The early American colonial settlers loved the common weed and taught the Native American Indians how to use it. The Indian tribes created their own ways to use dandelion: The Iroquois Indians ate boiled dandelion leaves along with fatty meats to avoid indigestion. When the Ojibwas had heartburn, they drank dandelion root tea. The Kiowa women mixed dandelion blossoms with pennyroyal as a cure for cramps and PMS. The Mohegans drank dandelion leaf tea daily as a tonic to keep their energy levels high and to stay free of stomach aches and constipation. Other Indian tribes collected the young leaves in the spring and ate them with other leafy vegetables. And even now, it is not considered old-fashioned to use dandelion root, leaves or extract for common ailments. Drink Too Much Coffee? If you are trying to give up coffee, dandelion root can be an excellent substitute in the morning. It can give you a grounded type of energy without the side effects of caffeine. Put one teaspoon of dandelion root in a cup of boiling water and add a touch of agave nectar to make your own beverage just as quickly as you make a cup of coffee. Dandelion coffee is usually made from dandelion roots that are slightly roasted and ground ready to use. The powder is said to be almost indistinguishable from real coffee, and is claimed to be better than lower quality coffee, which has often been adulterated. Replace Coffee and Lose Weight

  • Beat Water Retention Dandelion leaf is a natural diuretic that increases urine production by promoting the excretion of salts and water from the kidney. It may be used for a wide range of conditions requiring mild diuretic treatment, such as poor digestion, liver disorders, and high blood pressure. One advantage of dandelion is that dandelion is a source of potassium, a nutrient often lost through the use of other natural and synthetic diuretics. Herbal Detox Dandelion tea can be used as an herbal detox to help cleanse your liver and kidneys. It can be taken on its own, or in combination with other herbs. According to Margaret Grieve, author of the excellent herbal encyclopedia A Modern Herbal, dandelion is "diuretic, tonic and slightly aperient. It is a general stimulant to the system, but especially to the urinary organs, and is chiefly used in kidney and liver disorders". This page will summarize what she said about dandelion herbal remedy recipes. - Homemade Herbal Remedies Which One to Buy? There are at least three different types of dandelion tea - those made from dandelion roots, those made from dandelion leaves, and those made from dandelion flowers. Dandelion flower is used mainly to make dandelion wine. Traditionally, it is known to be "an excellent tonic, extremely good for the blood". You can make dandelion flower tea by infusing the blossoms in hot water. You can make dandelion tea by infusing 1 to 2 teaspoonful of dried dandelion leaves in hot water. Drink up to 3 times daily. The cut leaf form of the herb can be brewed inside a stainless steel tea ball or inside a wicker tea cup basket. Compared to dandelion flowers and leaves, dandelion root is the part of the plant used most often for medicinal purposes, and which provides the most health benefits. Dandelion root tea is available in teabags, dried powder form, or in capsules. The best tea, of course, is found fresh from your own garden - since the dandelion "weed" is literally everywhere. As with other herbs and foods, organic or wildcrafted is always your best choice.

  • Things to Think About Posted by Amy Aree

    Think that it's fun, that you're guided, and that all is well.

    Think that there's time, that life is easy, and that the best is yet to come.

    Think that the reasons that elude you will one day catch up,

    that the lessons that have stumped you will one day bring joy,

    and that the sorrows that have crippled you will soon give you wings.

    Think that you're important, that you cannot fail, and that happiness always returns.

    And think that you're beautiful.

    Mike Dooley

  • Poem "Child And Toy" Posted by StargazerMike

    Child And Toy The toy that is broken

    tells of the pain of the child The toy that is wrecked tells of the child's anger

    The toy that is clean shows the child's care

    The toy that is lost shows the child's carelessness

    A toy that is found is the child's awareness

    A toy that is fixed is the child learning

    Toys which are shared is the child getting along

    Toys the child gives as gifts is a gesture of love

    A child forced to give up a toy loses more then just the toy


    Remember our Mother Earth

    April 22 2015 Be Safe The Enchanted Team


    The site yearly fees are $600, this is at the moment paid for by the kind donations of all our members - please help out if you



    Many Thanks

    Breeze and Shadow

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    the message about the site..

    Where your friends can come to a friendly environment from all

    the drama on the net that distracts so many from concentrating

    on information that can help them improve their daily Life..