APRIL 14, 2019 St. LouisApr 14, 2019  · April 14 RCIA— Stations of the Cross, St. Louis Parish...

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Transcript of APRIL 14, 2019 St. LouisApr 14, 2019  · April 14 RCIA— Stations of the Cross, St. Louis Parish...

w w w . s t l o u i s - b a t e s v i l l e . o r g

C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

1 3 S T . L O U I S P L A C E • B A T E S V I L L E , I N 4 7 0 0 6

APRIL 14, 2019

St. Louis

N e w s & N o t e s With Deepest Sympathy Please remember in your prayers the

families of Francis Schwab, age 91, who

passed away Wednesday, April 3rd; and

Ralph Wenning, age 88, who passed

away Monday, April 8th. May they rest in


Parish Office Hours The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed

Friday, April 19th.

Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be

held on Sunday, May 5th, from 9:00am

to 12:15pm in the Deanery Resource

Center at St. Louis. There is a $40.00

fee for books and materials. For

reservations call or text Aly at 812-212-

4951 or Mike at 812-212-2719.

Baptism Preparation Class The Baptism preparation class is for

parents who are having their first child

Baptized. The next class will be offered

on Tuesday, May 21st at 7:00pm in the

Deanery Resource Center at St. Louis.

Please call the parish office to register


Adoration Chapel - Open Hours The open hours for the Adoration Chapel

are: Sunday – 9:00am, 12:00pm,

1:00pm, 3:00pm; Wednesday—

11:00am, 6:00pm; Friday – 1:00pm. If

you are able to fill an open hour, call

Christy 812-239-9164.


Mass Schedule Changes There will be NO 6:00pm MASS on Tuesday, April 16th. All are welcome to attend

the Chrism Mass at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Indianapolis at 2:00pm.

There will be Mass this Monday at 9:00am. Stations of the Cross, Good Friday at

7:00pm. There will also be Spanish Mass this Sunday at 5:00pm.

Votive Candles All votive candles in the grotto will be extinguished on Holy Thursday and relit after

the Easter Vigil.

Good Friday Collection for Holy Places On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual Good Friday collection for the

Holy Land. Your contribution helps to support the struggling Christian community

and to protect Christianity’s holiest places. Please be generous in your support.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion listed for the Easter Sunday

Masses are the same as those scheduled for the third Sunday. If you are not

attending that Mass, please cross off your name from the book in the back of


Divine Mercy Novena The Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday. Pamphlets with the prayers for

the novena and the chaplet are located outside of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

and in the racks in the back of church.

Divine Mercy Sunday St. Louis, St. Anthony, and St. Nicholas parishes will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday

with a prayer service at St. Nicholas Church, Sunman, on Sunday, April 28th at

2:30pm. All are welcome.

St. Louis Church will be open for veneration of the Divine Mercy image on

Sunday, April 28th from 12:00pm - 7:00pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

will be moved to the church during these hours and the Divine Mercy chaplet will

be prayed at 3:00pm. We invite you to stop in for a visit on this Feast of Mercy.

Need Prayer? Prayer needs are addressed in two ways at St. Louis. In the vestibule of church is

a Prayer Request Notebook where anyone, at any time, can write prayer concerns.

The Members of the Prayer and Praise Ministry commit to praying daily for these

intentions. For more urgent prayer needs (illness, surgery, etc.) there is a Prayer

Chain that will get dozens of people praying immediately. To begin the Prayer

Chain, please call Janice Werner, 932-9200 or Erma Hartman, 934-3678.

Ministry of Prayer and Praise Intentions for April That our Pope, our bishops, and all priests and deacons will be faithful and

courageous in taking up Christ’s command to tend His sheep.

That those entering the Church at Easter will find the meaning and happiness

for which their hearts long.

That the lives of the children preparing to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the

first time on May 5th, may be centered on Jesus as the very heart of love.

That the graces of this Easter season will bring forth a new flowering of

vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.

That we may receive the grace to be faithful in living our Catholic faith,

especially our fidelity to Sunday Mass and the sacraments.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Holy Thursday



Good Friday



Easter Vigil


Easter Sunday


8:00am, 9:30am &


Mass Intentions Saturday, April 13

5:00 pm Martin, Frieda, Ed & Melvin


Sunday, April 14

8:00 am Rosie Prickel

9:30 am George & Julia Daugherty

11:00 am For the Parish Community


Monday, April 15

9:00 am Special Intention

Tuesday, April 16

6:00 pm NO MASS

Wednesday, April 17

8:10 am Charles Bentfield

Thursday, April 18, Holy Thursday

6:30 pm Viola Fullenkamp

Friday, April 19, Good Friday


Saturday, April 20, Holy Saturday

8:30 pm Jerry Roell

Sunday, April 21, Easter Sunday of the

Resurrection of the Lord

8:00 am Jerry Heppner

9:30 am Joseph Stirn

11:00 am For the Parish Community


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, April 20

8:30 pm RCIA

Sunday, April 21

8:00 am Natasha Kellerman, Monica

Gerstbauer, Ellie Amberger,

Jim Kuisel, Connie Meyer,

Rheadawn Young, Keith


9:30 am Don & Marilyn Freyer, Bertie

Schmidt, Tom Sullivan,

Brooke Maple, Michael

Brelage, Erin Batta

11:00 am James & Sandy Dickey,

Nelson French, Phil & Pam

Ryan, Teri Glaser, Mark


Altar Servers Tuesday, April 16

6:00 pm NO MASS

Wednesday, April 17


Thursday, April 18

6:30 pm Olivia, Megan & Isabel

Raab, Luke & Adam Meer

Friday, April 19

3:00 pm Grace, Spencer & Christian


Saturday, April 20

8:30 pm Megan Batta, Sadie

Wachsmann, John, Paul &

Olivia Meer

Sunday, April 21

8:00 am Henry Koehne, Cole Rudolf,

George, Hank & Meg Ritter

9:30 am Dylan Fledderman,

Santiago Schutte, Emily

Schebler, Michael & Teresa


11:00 am Margaret Wilson, Madison

& Jackson Wanstrath, Mary

& Ashley Hunter

Lectors Saturday, April 20

8:30 pm RCIA

Sunday, April 21

8:00 am Jim Kuisel

9:30 am Charlie Raab

11:00 am Susan Glaser

Greeters Saturday, April 20

8:30 pm RCIA

Sunday, April 21

8:00 am Mike Gerstbauer Family

9:30 am Ed & Clara Goble, Bertie


11:00 am Linda Kolb

Ushers Saturday, April 20

8:30 pm Gary Kuntz, Jerry Eckstein,

Bob Prickel, Scot Harmeyer

Sunday, April 21

8:00 am Todd Tekulve, Bruce Miller,

Larry Enzinger, Bob


9:30 am Matt Weberding, Neal &

Deb Wessling, 1 Volunteer

11:00 am Bob Mattucci, Ted Telles,

Jake Wilson, Tom Brunsman

Readings for the Week Sunday: Lk 19:28-40 (37)/Is 50:4-

7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-

20, 23-24 [2a]/Phil 2:6-

11/Lk 22:14--23:56 or


Monday: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3,

13-14 [1a]/Jn 12:1-11

Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a,

5ab-6ab, 15 and 17 [cf.

15ab]/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38

Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Ps 69:8-10, 21

-22, 31 and 33-34 [14c]/

Mt 26:14-25

Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a,

6a, 8b-9/Ps 89:21-22, 25

and 27 [2]/Rv 1:5-8/Lk


Evening Mass of the Lord's

Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/

Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc,

17-18 [cf. 1 Cor 10:16]/1

Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15

Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Ps 31:2,

6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25

[Lk 23:46]/Heb 4:14-16;

5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42

Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1,

26-31a/Ps 104:1-2, 5-6,

10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35 [30]

or Ps 33:4-5, 6-7, 12-13,

20-22 [5b]/Gn 22:1-18 or

22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/

Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11 [1]/

Ex 14:15--15:1/Ex 15:1-2,

3-4, 5-6, 17-18 [1b]/Is

54:5-14/Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6,

11-12, 13 [2a]/Is 55:1-

11/Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 [3]/

Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ps

19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/

Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Ps

42:3, 5; 43:3, 4 [42:2] or

Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [3] or

Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-

19 [12a]/Rom 6:3-11/Ps

118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/Lk


Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps

118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23

[24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor

5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk

24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35 ©LPi

P a r i s h C a l e n d a r 3

Stations of the Cross Friday, April 19th, 7:00pm

Saturday Morning Prayer Service

April 20th at 8:05am

Meet in the Adoration Chapel

This week we pray for all those facing

addiction, that all suffering be united

to the cross of Christ.

April 14

RCIA— Stations of the Cross, St.

Louis Parish Office, 9:00am.

Breakfast—New Alsace Conserv.

Club, 7:30am—12:00pm at the New

Alsace American Legion

April 19

Divine Mercy Novena Begins

Fish Fry—Millhousen Knights of St.

John, 5:00pm—7:30pm. Adult $10,

Child $5. Carryout available.

April 28

Divine Mercy Prayer Service—St.

Nicholas Church, 2:30pm.

Adoration of Blessed Sacrament

and Veneration of Divine Mercy

Image—St. Louis Church, 12:00pm—

7:00pm. Chaplet at 3:00pm.

St. Louis Cash Raffle Congratulations to the following winners:

Apr. 2 - $50 - Mark Weber

Apr. 4 - $100 - Scott Carie

Project Rachel Suffering is the untold story of abortion.

Grief after abortion is normal — it is the

grief of a mother who has lost a child in

a traumatic way; it is the grief of lost

fatherhood. We are here to help you

experience the hope and healing of

Christ through Project Rachel. Call 317-

452-0054 or email

projectrachel@archindy.org to begin your

healing journey.

Come and Be Comforted -SEASONS OF HOPE If you’re in need of consolation after losing a loved one, this Christ-Centered faith

sharing group is for you. We will meet for six Mondays beginning on April 22nd

and continuing on April 29th, May 6th, 13th, 20th and June 3rd, with arrival from

6:30pm-6:45pm and the program from 6:45pm to 8:30pm at St. Mary’s

Greensburg, Church Meeting Room. If you are interested in attending, please call

the Parish Office at 812-663-8427 and leave your name and phone number. A

member of the Bereavement Ministry Team will call you back. In order to have

enough materials on hand for the program, please let us know if you’d like to

attend by April 15th. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you.

Pre-Cana Conference Schedule The following Pre-Cana Sessions will be offered for those preparing for Marriage:

April 26-27 - St. Agnes, Nashville

May 31-June 1 - St. Michael’s, Indianapolis

The first day is 6:30pm—9:30pm and the second day is 9:00am—4:00pm.

To register visit: www.archindy.org/marriageandfamily/marriage-precana.html

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Do you want to make your marriage stronger? Do you want to spend an

uninterrupted weekend with your spouse? Why not make a Worldwide Marriage

Encounter Weekend and learn more about your wonderful vocation? Future

Marriage Encounter Weekends will be at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House,

Indianapolis, April 26-28 and November 1-3; and at Mount Saint Francis Centre

for Spirituality, New Albany, August 16-18. Visit www.wwme.org for more


Worldwide Marriage Encounter runs an annual project with the aim of letting the

world know that marriage can last a lifetime. The Longest Married Couple

Project is held in each State, as well as at National level. Nominations are invited

for 2019. All that is required is the name of the couple, their wedding date and

where they currently reside, plus a contact phone or e-mail address of the

individual nominating the couple. These details can be e-mailed

to bkberland@gmail.com, or there is a special phone number 405-850-

4274. Nominations must be received by May 14, and awards to the National and

State winners will be presented in June 2019. If you would like any further

information, please do not hesitate to contact: Ken and Ann Butt,

email: kenannme@comcast.net or 317-863-5680.

St. Nicholas Annual 5K Run/Walk Turtle Trot This 5K run/walk will take place on Saturday, April 27, beginning at 9:00am at St.

Nicholas School’s front parking lot. All ages welcome! For more event information,

registration forms, and/or sponsorship forms: http://school.stnicholas-sunman.org or http://stnicholas-sunman.org

Help Needed for Haiti Mission Trip Thanks to everyone for their help. Over $30,000 has been donated from Saint

Louis parishioners, family and friends to help the poor at Saint Francis Xavier in

Gandou. We consider all our parishioners, family and friends a part of the HAITI

MINISTRY TEAM! We could not do it without all of you. May God bless you always.

We need your help again. We are in need of people to go on our next mission trip

June 19-27. We are seeking doctors, optometrists, dentists, pharmacists, nurses,

a chiropractor, mechanical and electrical support, and people with no experience

who just have a desire to help. If you are interested or know someone who may

like to go even if they do not belong to our parish, please contact Susan and Paul

Roell at 812-933-0704 or email at d4bears@etczone.com.

6 N e w s & N o t e s W h a t ’ s

H a p p e n i n g



Holy Thursday Volunteers Needed Participants are needed for the

foot washing at the

Holy Thursday Mass on

April 18th at 6:30pm.

Both men and women,

2nd grade and older,

are invited to volunteer.

Please call the parish office if you

would like to participate.


Easter is quickly approaching and the Adoration Chapel will be closed for the Easter Triduum. This

means the Chapel closes at 6:30pm for Holy Thursday Mass but adoration will continue from

7:30pm until midnight in the Parish Activity Center. The scheduled adorers for 7:00pm thru

11:00pm should plan to be in the Activity Center for their hour. The Chapel will reopen at noon on

Easter Sunday.

Spring Cleaning of the Adoration Chapel will take place on Good Friday at 9:00am. Many hands

make light work! Please call Christy if you would like to help or have any questions -


Holy Thursday, April 18 No morning Masses; No Bingo

Mass of the Lord’s Supper:


Good Friday, April 19 Day of Fast (18—59yrs.) and

Abstinence (no meat, over age 14)

No morning Mass

The Parish Office will be closed

Service: 3:00pm: Solemn Liturgical Service with the

Passion of the Lord

Collection will be taken up for the

Holy Land

Holy Saturday, April 20

Easter Vigil: 8:30pm

The elect will join our Catholic

Faith Family as they receive the

Sacraments of Baptism, Holy

Eucharist and Confirmation at

this Easter Vigil Mass. Please

consider attending and help

welcome these new members

into our faith community.

This Mass is always beautifully celebrated with

songs, bible readings and prayers. It is also a

wonderful way to help us renew our own faith and

open our hearts and minds to God.

A brief reception will follow the liturgy in the school


Easter Sunday

April 21 MASSES:

8:00am, 9:30am,


Watch Special Holy Week and

Easter Programming on EWTN Join EWTN in remembering Christ’s love

for us through His Passion, Death, and

Resurrection. During Holy Week and

Easter, EWTN brings you special

programming and live Easter Masses

from Rome and the Basilica of the

National Shrine in Washington, DC. For

more information, please visit
