Apr 20 26 Our Maker Knows Us Very Well

Post on 11-May-2015

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Our little Church is using a Chronological Bible Reading Schedule by Skip Andrews. It can be found here: http://www.churchofchristduluthga.org/ Each Sunday a lesson is given from some of that week's reading. This lesson covers Apr 20-26.

Transcript of Apr 20 26 Our Maker Knows Us Very Well

Our Maker Knows Us Very Well Our Maker Knows Us Very Well

Perhaps no other portion of Scripture describes with

such precision and beauty God’s intimate knowledge of an individual as does Psalm


Our Maker Knows Us Very WellOur Maker Knows Us Very Well

The psalm reminds us that although god rules over nations and peoples, he

also deals with us as persons whom He has known from the womb.

From The Heights To The From The Heights To The Depths Depths

The poetry of Psalm 139 celebrates the fact that God is present wherever David goes, or even imagines going. First he looks up at the sky, then down toward the ground.

From The Heights To The From The Heights To The Depths Depths

Then he looks east toward "the wings of the morning," and west toward the Mediterranean Sea.

Wherever David thinks of going, he has the certainty that

God will be with him in that place.

From The Heights To The From The Heights To The Depths Depths

Are you comforted, as David was, by the presence of God? As you

look around you, do you consciously think about the Lord being there, right where you are? Why not thank Him for His ever-

watchful care and concern?

From The Heights To The From The Heights To The Depths Depths

Adoration of the Omniscient and Omnipresent One.

(Omniscient, Having universal knowledge or knowledge of all things; infinitely knowing; all-seeing; as the omniscient God.)

(Omnipresent, Present in all places at the same time.) (Websters)

PsalmPsalm 139 139

Psalms 139:1 NET O LORD, you examine me and know. 2

You know when I sit down and when I get up; even

from far away you understand my motives.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

3 You carefully observe me when I travel or when I lie down to

rest; you are aware of everything I do.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

4 Certainly my tongue does not frame a wordwithout you, O LORD,

being thoroughly aware of it.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

5 You squeeze me in from behind and in

front; you place your hand on me.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

6 Your knowledge is beyond my

comprehension;it is so far beyond me, I am unable to fathom it.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

7 Where can I go to escape your spirit?Where can I flee to

escape your presence?

PsalmPsalm 139 139

8 If I were to ascend to heaven, you would be there. If I were to sprawl out in Sheol, there you would be.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

9 If I were to fly away on the wings of the dawn, and settle down on the other side of the sea,

PsalmPsalm 139 139

10 even there your hand would guide me,

your right hand would grab hold of me.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

11 If I were to say, "Certainly the darkness

will cover me, and the light will turn to night all around me,"

PsalmPsalm 139 139

12 even the darkness is not too dark for you to see,

and the night is as bright as day; darkness and

light are the same to you.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

13 Certainly you made my mind and heart;

you wove me together in my mother's womb.

The Creator’s CraftsmanshipThe Creator’s Craftsmanship

Psalm 139 speaks of god’s intimate knowledge of each

individual. He has that knowledge because He has created each person from

the womb.

The Creator’s CraftsmanshipThe Creator’s Craftsmanship

The Hebrew word translated “formed” (or “created” in some translations) is not bara, which conveys the idea of creation

from nothing (compare Gen 1:1), but qanah, which has to do with


The Creator’s CraftsmanshipThe Creator’s Craftsmanship

God knows us intimately because He owns us. He is

like the inventor who carefully designs and builds a device and then becomes

the owner of its patent.

The Creator’s CraftsmanshipThe Creator’s Craftsmanship

Paired with qana is a word translated “covered” (or “knit

together”). This language communicates the idea of a

person’s body and soul being intricately molded and crocheted together in the mother’s womb. It

is a process that involves time, skill, and craftsmanship.

The Creator’s CraftsmanshipThe Creator’s Craftsmanship

People are not thrown together haphazardly; even less do they come together through random

processes. Rather, god intentionally and masterfully

creates human life in the womb. He works everything together into

a whole, according to His will.

The Creator’s CraftsmanshipThe Creator’s Craftsmanship

The same God whose mind and power fashioned the stars, the seas, the

animals, and all other human beings has carefully, intentionally, and

individually crafted you. That means you are unique. No one else has

been given exactly the same makeup as God has given you. (Word In Life SB)

PsalmPsalm 139 139

14 I will give you thanks because your deeds are awesome and amazing.

You knew me thoroughly;

PsalmPsalm 139 139

15 my bones were not hidden from you,

when I was made in secret and sewed

together in the depths of the earth.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

16 Your eyes saw me when I was inside the womb.

All the days ordained for me were recorded in

your scroll before one of them came into existence.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

17 How difficult it is for me to fathom your

thoughts about me, O God! How vast is their

sum total!

PsalmPsalm 139 139

18 If I tried to count them,they would outnumber

the grains of sand. Even if I finished counting

them, I would still have to contend with you.

PsalmPsalm 139 139

19 If only you would kill the wicked, O God!

Get away from me, you violent men!

PsalmPsalm 139 139

20 They rebel against you and act deceitfully;

your enemies lie. 21 O LORD, do I not hate those who hate you, and despise those who oppose you?

PsalmPsalm 139 139

22 I absolutely hate them, they have become my

enemies! 23 Examine me, and probe my thoughts! Test me, and know my


PsalmPsalm 139 139

24 See if there is any idolatrous tendency in

me, and lead me in the reliable ancient path!

PsalmPsalm 139 139 Consists Of Three PartsConsists Of Three Parts

The psalm consists of three parts:I. A celebration of the Omniscience

and Omnipresence of God, as a ground of confidence and hope.

(a) The fact that he knows all that there is in the heart.

(b) The fact that he is everywhere present.

PsalmPsalm 139 139 Consists Of Three PartsConsists Of Three Parts

(c) The fact that all in our past life has been known to God; that he has created us, and that his eye has been upon us from the beginning of our existence.

(d) The fact that his thoughts toward us are precious, and numberless as the sand.

PsalmPsalm 139 139 Consists Of Three PartsConsists Of Three Parts

II. The feelings of the psalmist in relation to the acts of the wicked as a proof that he loved God. These reflections seem to have sprung from his contemplation of the divine character and perfections, as leading him to hate all that was opposed to a Being so pure, so benevolent, so holy.

PsalmPsalm 139 139 Consists Of Three PartsConsists Of Three Parts

On looking into his own heart, in view of what God was, he was conscious that he had no sympathy with the enemies of God as such; that such was his love for the character of God, and such his confidence in him, that he could have nothing in common with them in their feelings toward God, but wished to be dissociated from them forever.

PsalmPsalm 139 139 Consists Of Three PartsConsists Of Three Parts

III. The expression of a desire that, as God saw all the recesses of the human soul, he would search his heart, and would detect any evil he might see there, and deliver him from the evil, and lead him in the way which conducted to life eternal.

PsalmPsalm 139 139 Consists Of Three PartsConsists Of Three Parts

Anyone may feel, and must feel, that after all which he knows of himself - after all the effort which he makes to ascertain what is within his heart - there are depths there which his eye cannot penetrate, and that there may be sins of thought and feeling there which he has not detected;

PsalmPsalm 139 139 Consists Of Three PartsConsists Of Three Parts

but it is only from the consciousness of sincerity, and a true desire to honor God, that one can pray that God would search him, and that he would detect and bring out every form of sin which he may see concealed and lurking in the soul. He who can sincerely offer this prayer is a pious man. (Barnes)

Integrity in Daily Living Integrity in Daily Living

Many people would like to enjoy a close, personal relationship with God. But such intimacy begins with a lifestyle of integrity. David lists several criteria for assessing

one's character. (Word In LifeTM Study bible)

Psalm 15Psalm 15

Psalms 15:1 NET

LORD, who may be a guest in your home? Who may live on your

holy hill?

Psalm 15Psalm 15

2 Whoever lives a blameless life,

does what is right,and speaks honestly.

Psalm 15Psalm 15

3 He does not slander, or do harm to others,

or insult his neighbor. 4 He despises a reprobate, but honors the LORD's

loyal followers.

Psalm 15Psalm 15

He makes firm commitments and does

not renege on his promise. 5 He does not charge interest when he

lends his money.

Psalm 15Psalm 15

He does not take bribes to testify against the

innocent. The one who lives like

this will never be upended.

Who Is Good Enough For God?Who Is Good Enough For God?

Psalm 15 presents a summary of what God

expects of His people. The question under discussion is; Who is good enough to

meet with God?

Who Is Good Enough For God?Who Is Good Enough For God?

The answer is interesting in that rather than giving a list of do's and don'ts,

this psalm describes godliness in terms of


Who Is Good Enough For God?Who Is Good Enough For God?

The qualities extend to personal issues of

integrity and honesty, our relationships with others, and the way we handle

our money.

Who Is Good Enough For God?Who Is Good Enough For God?

This passage shows that we should approach worship not only in terms of our inward, personal needs, but also in light of our

outward, public responsibilities. It also shows that religion is a matter

of character as well as conduct. (Word In LifeTM Study bible)

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

Psalm 15 lists ten marks of integrity. How does your life compare?

(1) Walks uprightly.What is your basic ethical commitment? Are you out to honor the Lord or to serve yourself?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(2) Works righteousness. What is the end result of your work? Are you promoting good in the world—or evil?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(3) Speaks the truth.Are you in the habit of telling "little white lies" when it is necessary or convenient?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(4) Does not backbite.

Do you tear down others behind their back?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(5) Does no evil to a neighborDo you believe in "doing unto others before they do unto you"?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(6) Does not take up a reproach against a friend.How loyal are you? When everyone is down on a colleague, do you jump on the bandwagon, or do you offer support and seek fair play?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(7) Honors those who fear the Lord, not the ungodly.What is the character of your best friends? What is their attitude toward God and the things of the Lord?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(8) Keeps his word, even when it is costlyAre you trustworthy and reliable? Is your word your bond, or is there always a question as to whether you will follow through?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(9) Does not practice usuryDo you make it harder or easier for poor people to gain the resources necessary to support themselves?

An Integrity InventoryAn Integrity Inventory

(10) Does not take bribes.What would it take to get you to compromise your integrity?

(Word In LifeTM Study bible)

God Above All Gods God Above All Gods

1 Chronicles 16:23 NET Sing to the LORD, all the earth!

Announce every day how he delivers! 24 Tell the nations

about his splendor,tell all the nations about his

miraculous deeds!

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

25 For the LORD is great and certainly worthy of

praise, he is more awesome than all gods.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

26 For all the gods of the nations are worthless, but the LORD made the


God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

27 Majestic splendor emanates from him, he is the source of strength and joy.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

28 Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the nations,ascribe to the LORD

splendor and strength!

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

29 Ascribe to the LORD the splendor he deserves!

Bring an offering and enter his presence!

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Worship the LORD in holy attire! 30 Tremble

before him, all the earth!The world is established,

it cannot be moved.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Some people today object to Christianity's claim that its God

is the one true God. But the Bible states emphatically that

the Lord is above all other gods, which are idols.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

He alone deserves worship, for He is the Creator and Sustainer

of life. Most of the cultures in the ancient world worshiped

many gods, almost all of which were associated with nature.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

For example, the gods of the Canaanites were part of what was essentially a fertility cult designed to increase their harvests and the

birth rate of their women. The Hebrews were virtually unique in their belief in one supreme God.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Today, things are not much different. Around the world, people worship and serve a variety of gods, as well as a variety of often conflicting

ideas about God.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Meanwhile, the belief that there is one supreme God seems to

be less and less popular, especially in an age that holds tolerance and pluralism to be among the highest of values.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Yet God has not changed. He still invites—indeed,

commands—all the families of the world to give Him the glory due

His name.

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Doing so need not be a statement of

intolerance, simply a response to what is


God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Does it really matter what you believe? Aren't all religions

basically the same? (Word In LifeTM Study bible)

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

Acts 4:11 NET This Jesus is the stone that was

rejected by you, the builders, that has

become the cornerstone. (Psalms 118:22)

God Above All GodsGod Above All Gods

12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is

no other name under heaven given among

people by which we must be saved."

Assessing Our Character Assessing Our Character

There is STILL ONE GOD, consisting of The Father, Son, & Spirit!

The Psalmist wrote songs about The One God.

Assessing Our CharacterAssessing Our Character

We have read from these songs today. God our

Creator knows us better than we know ourselves

as we read in Psalms 139.

Assessing Our CharacterAssessing Our Character

With that in mind we read God’s expectations in Psalms 15. He already knows if we meet them

or if we don’t.

Assessing Our Character Assessing Our Character

He created us to have freedom in our decisions. He knows what area of our character we have

decided needs our attention.

Assessing Our CharacterAssessing Our Character

You know He knows. Are we willing to put in the

work necessary to correct areas where our character

is found lacking?