Approaching unknown unknowns: CMF for the masses

Post on 08-May-2015

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A brief informal presentation about CMF design at the Rome PHP User Group.

Transcript of Approaching unknown unknowns: CMF for the masses

Approaching unknown unknowns- CMF for the masses -

The problem™

The problem™Too much work

The problem™Too much work

The solution™

The problem™Too much work

The solution™Work less

 Be  lazy

Don't reinvent the wheel

Technologic stack:php


symfony 1.4

Why not Symfony2?

Why not Symfony2?

Sf2 is not ready for production.

We are

N customers express theirselves in one


The Web

So you need a tool to express N domains into the web.

That is called CMF.

How do the CMF and the customer

domain (DSL) talk?

How does the CMF is bound with the DSL?

There is a hierarchycal Tree.Containing N Pages.Pages use nested sets.

Every page containing N Boxes.Each box containing its Content.

How does the CMF is bound with the DSL?

Dependency inversion:the CMF doesn't know anything about the DSL

How does the CMF is bound with the DSL?

Each box has a content:the content is an instance of ConcreteBox

The system is pluggable.

Permissions are an example:

Abstraction over abstraction over abstraction over abstraction over


So our well-dressed CMF will finally look like...

Solution:a spaghetti coder +

memcached V2.0 +



RedisA fast in-memory key-value storage engine written in ANSI-C.Supports clustering, stores data like PHP arrays, writes to disk.

Instead of memcached 2.0 we can call it memcache 100.0


We have NoSQL, we're on the edge!

MySQL talks to Redis

Cross-DBMS transactions

Redis is gently asked by the front-end

So this...

...becomes this...


We use NoSQL, and we have a reason!

A few other points:

Intensive loggingIf a transaction fails, we

need to know if it has failed due to MySQL or Redis.

And then why.

REST vs SEOGET /products/1

orGET /products/ferrari-f3000

REST vs SEOGET /products/1

orGET /products/ferrari-f3000

MIX'EM! GET /products/ferrari-f3000-1

Still REST, still SEO!


Last but not least!
