Approach To Deal with Stress

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Approach To Deal with Stress


1. Stress is our response to a real or perceived threat

that disturbs our physical, emotional, or mental


2. Psychologist Connie Lillas categorizes our stress

responses through a driving analogy. FOOT ON GAS An

angry, agitated, or “fight” stress response. FOOT ON

THE BRAKE A withdrawn, depressed, or “flight” stress

response. FOOT ON BOTH A tense or “freeze” stress


3. Stress can be healthy, but once it becomes chronic, it

can lead to serious health problems. Mental Health

depression, anxiety, personality disorders Obesity and

eating disorders Gastrointestinal GERD, gastritis,

irritable colon Skin and hair acne, eczema, hair loss

Cardiovascular heart disease, high blood pressure,

stroke Reproductive menstrual problems in women,

premature ejaculation in men, loss of sexual desire

Source: WebMD

4. Here are some stressful figures on the effects of

stress: 42% of employees have changed jobs because of

stress 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects

from stress. 75% - 90% of all doctor's office visits are for

stress- related ailments and complaints Source: Forbes |


5. Unfortunately stress is part of life, so let’s learn how

to gracefully deal with it. Inexpensively. “It’s not stress

that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

6. Meditate. Live in the present moment. Johns Hopkins

University researchers reviewed nearly 19,000

meditation studies and uncovered that mindfulness

meditation can help reduce psychological stress. Source:

JAMA Network



 Go for a walk in the woods with friends. Researchers evaluated nearly

2,000 participants from the Walking for Health program. Results showed

that nature- based group walks were associated with lower perceived

stress. Source: Health System University of Michigan



 Be optimistic. See the glass as half-full. Carnegie Mellon University

researchers discovered that positive people have more stable stress

hormones. Source: PyschCentral



 Exercise. Stay in good shape. Based on the results of a mice experiment,

Princeton University researchers deduced that sedentary people are

more susceptible to undesirable aspects of stress than active people.


0. Find your green thumb and start a garden.

Researchers in Netherlands surprisingly found out

that gardening decreases more stress hormones

than reading. Source: Mind the Science Gap


1. In every life we have some trouble But when you

worry you make it double Don't worry, be happy

Don't worry, be happy now