APPLICATION SOFTWARE. Application Programs _________________________ Unlike system software that...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of APPLICATION SOFTWARE. Application Programs _________________________ Unlike system software that...



Application ProgramsApplication Programs__________________________________________________

Unlike system software that manages the resources of the computer, an application software is designed to help people perform a certain type of work.

Give an example of an application software.

Examples of Application SoftwareExamples of Application Software

General Purpose software questionsGeneral Purpose software questions______________________________________________________________

• What is the purpose of a general purpose software?

• Give an example of a General purpose software

• State the job where a general purpose software would be used

General purpose SoftwareGeneral purpose Software____________________________________________________

General purpose software would be

anything that aids in allowing you to accomplish simple computer related tasks.

For example: word processing software, spreadsheet software.

General purpose software packages are used by a large number of people in a variety of jobs and personal situations

Example of General purpose softwareExample of General purpose software______________________________________________________________________

VLC - Media Player

Examples of General PurposeExamples of General Purpose__________________________________________________

• Word processing

• Spreadsheet

• Database management

• Graphic presentation

• Communication

General Purpose software for Inventory System


Custom-written softwareCustom-written software __________________________________________________

• This is software that has been designed or created by a programmer to meet the unique need of a user or organization.

Custom written software Custom written software questionsquestions

__________________________________________________• What is the purpose of a custom written


• Give an example of a custom written software

• State the job where a custom written software would be used

• State some advantages of a custom written software

Advantages of Custom Written SoftwareAdvantages of Custom Written Software______________________________________________________________________

• The software meets the need of the user specifically

• The software can grow with the company• Business owners can relieve the stress

placed on over burdened employees and save money from hiring additional staff.

State some disadvantages of custom written software

Disadvantages of Custom Written Disadvantages of Custom Written SoftwareSoftware______________________________________________________________________• Expectations can change midstream when

developing custom written software, making a realistic budget difficult to project. As a result, businesses often run out of money before the project is completed.

• An experienced software team is needed. Acquiring the right team can be costly. If the people who are trained to use the program resign then it will be some time before new persons are trained, slowing down the business functions

Example of Custom Software_________________________

(I-SITEAuto) Package that manages auto dealer company online

Example of Customized Software___________________________

Plastic surgery software that shows how the patients features will look after surgery.

Specialized Software packagesSpecialized Software packages__________________________________________________

• What are specialized software packages?

• Give an example of specialized software packages

• State where a specialized software package would be used.

• Specialized software falls into two categories, what are they?

Specialised Software PackagesSpecialised Software Packages________________________________________________________

Specialised software packages are written for a specific discipline.

An example of such packages is expert systems. An expert system is a type of computer application program that makes decisions or solves problems in particular fields, such as banking or architecture, by using knowledge and analytical rules defined by experts in the field.

For example, a doctor could employ an expert system that asks a patient a series of questions and then make a diagnosis.

TWO categories of specialised software TWO categories of specialised software

________________________________________________________• Business Application Programs – these are

programs that perform the information processing tasks of important business functions or industry requirements.

• Scientific Application Programs – these are programs that perform information processing tasks for the natural, physical, social and behavioural sciences.

Example of Specialized Software____________________________

Weather mapping system

Customization of General Customization of General Purpose Software PackagesPurpose Software Packages________________________________________________________

Imagine buying an outfit in a department store that you like but it is not exactly your size. What do you do?

If you find general-purpose software in a software house that you like, but it needs some adjustment to meet your specific need, you can get a programmer to modify the program to meet your specific need.

Customization of General Customization of General Purpose Cont’dPurpose Cont’d________________________________________________________A customised general-purpose software

package is a generalised software package that has been tailored to meet a user or firm’s specific need.

What are some of the areas on a software that can be customized?

Areas of the software that can be Areas of the software that can be customized include:customized include:________________________________________________________

• Screen colour

• Page size and arrangement on the desktop

• Navigation to available menus