Application of Skills: Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorial of Skills: Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorial...

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Transcript of Application of Skills: Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorial of Skills: Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorial...


Application of Skills: Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorial

Throughout this tutorial, you will progress through a series of steps to create a classroom newsletter to share with parents. You will continue to add to this document in each of the steps. You should keep a digital and printed copy of the completed newsletter for your own records, then submit the digital document for review in STAR-Online.

The use of bullets indicate the exact actions you need to perform to complete the module.

Red bolded words indicate specific parts of the program you will use to complete the step.

Green italicized words indicate exact text or numbers you will type in the document.

Green Underlined, italicized words are prompts for you to type individual information in the document.

Step 1

Open Word.

● To open Word, click on the Start menu in the lower left hand corner of screen. Select All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Word 2007 or if there is a Word shortcut on the desktop, double-click on the Microsoft® Word shortcut icon.

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Open new document.

● When Word is opened, a new blank document is displayed in Print Layout, ready for immediate use.

Click HERE to view the larger image.

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● You can also click the Office Button and select New from the list of commonly used options.

Display document at 100%.

● Click the View tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window ● Click on the 100% button in the Zoom group of the tab

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Set 1" margins on all sides of the document.

● Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon● Click the Margins button, then select Normal from the list of pre-set layouts

Normal margins will automatically adjust your document for 1 inch margins on all sides.

Change line spacing.

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● Click the Home tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window ● Click the Line Spacing button in the Paragraph group ● Click on 1.5 from the list of spacing options

This will automatically change the document line spacing to 1 and 1/2 lines.

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Step 2

Add title.

● Click on blank document so that cursor is flashing on the first line of the document● Type Welcome to Your First Name and Last Name’s 3rd Grade Class● Press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type Back to School Newsletter● Press the Enter key on the keyboard

Justify text to center.

● Select entire title (the first two lines of document). ❍ To select, click your cursor in front of the first letter in the first sentence.❍ Hold and drag cursor across entire text of first line, then down to the second

line (from top left to bottom right) so both lines are highlighted in black.● Click the Center justification button in the Paragraph group in the Home tab

Save document.

● Click the Office Button

in the top left corner of the window

● Select Save As, and then Word Document

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● In the File name: field located at the bottom of the Save in window, type your ecom user name newsletter.docx

Maintain the .docx extension if it is visible.

● In the Save in: field located at the top of the window, locate My Documents, your USB Drive, or another Disk

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● Click the Save button

Now that you have set the path to save your document to a certain location with a specific file name, you will use the Save option to update your document as needed. You can use the Save As command again if you want to save a copy of the current document with a different name or in a different folder or on a different disk. The newly saved document becomes the active document.

Exit Word.

● Click the Office Button

in the top left corner of the window.

● Click the Exit Word button in the lower right corner of the Office Button window.

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Step 3

Open Word.

● To open Word, click on the Start menu in the lower left hand corner of screen. Select All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Word 2007 OR if there is a Word shortcut on the desktop, double-click on the Microsoft® Word shortcut icon.

Open a saved document.

● Click the Office Button

in the top left corner of the window, click Open

● Select the file named your ecom user name newsletter.docx file from the Open window OR

● Click on the file named your ecom user name newsletter.

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docx that may be listed under Recent Documents on the right side of the window

Format title.

● Highlight the entire title (the first two lines at the top of document)

● Click the diagonal arrow in the lower right corner of the Font group in the Home tab in the Ribbon to open the Font dialog box

● In the Font dialog box, click the Font tab

● In the Font: window, select Arial

● In the Font style: window, select Bold

● In the Size: window, click the down arrow and select

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16● In the Font

color: window, click on the down arrow next to Automatic to bring up the color choices

● Click the Red square

● In the Effects area, click the box in front of Outline

● Click the OK button

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Step 4

Underline text only.

● Select only the second sentence of title: Back to School Newsletter● Click the diagonal arrow in the lower right corner of the Font group in the Home tab in the Ribbon to open the

Font dialog box

● Click Font tab at the top of the Font dialog box

● In the Underline style: area, click on the down arrow next to (none) to bring up the underline choices

● Click on Words only● Click the OK button

The text should now look like this:

Create new style based on selected text.

● Select the Back to School title again if needed.

● In the Styles group in the Home tab, click the bottom down arrow button to view all available styles

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● Click the Save Selection as a New Quick Style... button

● In the Name: field of the Create New Style from Formattin window, type Outline Title

● Click the OK button

Add extra lines.

● Click cursor after last letter of second line (after r in Back to School Newsletter)● Press the Enter key twice on keyboard.

Justify text along left margin.

● Click the Align Left button in the Paragraph group in the Home tab

Review skills: Formatting font.

In the Font dialog box:

● Change all text formatting from Bold to Regular● Change all text font size to 12● Change Underline style back to none● Change Font color to black (or automatic)● Uncheck Outline effects

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Step 5

Add text.

● Type the following sentences: I would like to introduce myself as your child’s teacher for this school year. My name is your first and last name.

● Press the Enter key twice on the keyboard● Type the following sentences:

We have some very exciting plans for this fall. In October, every student will get to visit a dairy farm and a pumpkin farm as part of our Farm Unit.

● Press the Enter key twice on the keyboard● Type the following sentences:

I am excited to meet and to know everyone in this class. I have been teaching 3rd grade for 4 years and enjoy working with this age group very much.

This paragraph will be moved to become the lead paragraph in a future step.

● Press the Enter key twice on the keyboard● Type the following sentence:

Every student will also learn about careers and develop a brochure for the community explaining what common jobs are available in our area.

● Press the Enter key twice on the keyboard● Type the following sentences:

Every student will also present the Thanksgiving play this year. I hope all parents and caregivers will be able to attend the play.

● Press the Enter key once on the keyboard

Cut contents of document and paste in new location.

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● Select the two sentences in the third paragraph (I am excited to…with this age group very much.) and the blank line below the last sentence.

Both sentences and the blank line should be highlighted in black.

● Click the Cut button in the Home tab

● Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph by clicking in front of the W in We have some very exciting plans…

● Click the Paste button in the Home tab

The second paragraph should now start with I am excited to meet…

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Undo action.

● Click the Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar

The paragraph that was just pasted is removed from the document.

Redo action.

● Click the Redo button now available in the Quick Access Toolbar

The paragraph is placed back into the document.

Review Skills: Line Spacing

● If the text in the five paragraphs remained single spaced, highlight the text in the five paragraphs.

● Change line spacing to 1.5

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Step 6

Insert symbol.

● Click the cursor after the period after the word play in the last line of text.●

In the Insert tab in the Ribbon, click the Symbol button, then click the More Symbols button at the bottom of the menu

● Click the Symbols tab in the Symbol window, if needed ● In the Font: window, select Wingdings

Click down arrow and scroll down to select Wingdings if it is not present in this window.

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● Click the happy face symbol

You may have to scroll up to the top of the choices to view the happy face.

● Click the Insert button● Click the Close button

Indent paragraphs.

● Select last three paragraphs in document. ❍ Hold and drag cursor across entire text of first line of the second paragraph (We have some very exciting plans…),

then down to the last line of the last paragraph so the three paragraphs are highlighted in black.● On the ruler located at the top of the document, click and drag the First Line Indent tool to the 1 on the ruler (1 inch


● Click on a blank area of the document to deselect the paragraphs.

Undo action.

● Click the Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar

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Step 7

Highlight text.

● Select only the last sentence of the last paragraph: I hope all parents and caregivers will be able to attend the play.

Do not select the happy face symbol. If you select any extra space, it may affect the columns you create in the next activity.

● In the Home tab, click on the down arrow to the right of the Highlight button

● Click the Yellow box

Find and replace all occurrences of text at once.

● Click the Replace button in the Home tab to open the Find and Replace window.

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● In the Find what: window, type Every student

● In the Replace with: window, type We

● Click the Replace All button

● The Office Assistant (if available) will indicate, “Word has completed its search of the document and has made 3 replacements”.

● Click the OK button● Click the Close button in the Find and Replace window

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Step 8

Add Page Border.

● Click the Page Borders button located in the Page Layout tab

● In the Borders and Shading window, click the Page Border tab at the top of the window

❍ In the Setting: area, click Shadow❍ Click the down arrow for the Width: field and select 1 pt

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● Click the OK button

Save document.

● Click the Save button located in the Quick Access Toolbar

The Save As command also displays a box to select where you want the document to be saved. Use Save As in the Office Button menu when you want to save a copy of the current document with a different name or in a different folder or on a different disk. The newly saved document becomes the active document.

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Exit Word.

● Click the Office Button

in the top left corner of the window.

● Click the Exit Word button in the lower right corner of the Office Button window.

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Step 9

Open Word.

● To open Word, click on the Start menu in the lower left hand corner of screen. Select All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Word 2007 OR if there is a Word shortcut on the desktop, double-click on the Microsoft® Word shortcut icon.

Open document from Task Pane.

● Click the Office Button

in the top left corner of the window, click Open

● Select the file named your ecom user name newsletter.docx file from the Open window OR

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● Click on the file named your ecom user name newsletter.docx that may be listed under Recent Documents on the right side of the window

Insert Clip Art.

● Click cursor in front of the first letter of the first sentence (in front of I in I would like to introduce myself...).

● Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window, then click the Clip Art button

The Clip Art Task Pane will open on the right side of document.

● In the Search for: field of the Clip Art Task Pane, type classroom

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● Maintain All collections in the Search in: window● Click the Go button● Double click on one of the choices that depicts a classroom with students. You may

have to scroll down to find an appropriate clip art that is available without CD

If you do not receive any results for classroom, do a search for teacher or students.

● The clip art will appear in the document next to the first letter of the sentence and

the remaining sentences will be moved down in the document

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Step 10

Add text wrap.

● Click on the clip art so that a box with white circles in the corners and squares in the middle creates a border around the clip art.

● Click the Format tab now available under Picture Tools

● Click the Text Wrapping button, then click Square from the list of options

Resize and move clip art.

● Click on the clip art if it is not selected. Clear boxes or circles in the middle of each side and at each corner will appear.

● Place your cursor over the top or bottom right corner so the cursor changes to a diagonal line with arrows on each end.

● Depending on the size of the clip art, click and drag the corner in or out, releasing the mouse when the clip art is about the same height as your first paragraph.

● Move your cursor to the middle of the clip art so the cursor now has four black arrows.

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● Click and drag the clip art along the left margin so it is in front of the first letter of the first line of the first paragraph: I would like to introduce…

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Step 11

Add columns.

● If needed, scroll down the document to view the main text of the document.● Select only the main text of the document. Do not select the two titles

❍ Hold and drag cursor across entire text of first line (I would like to introduce myself…), then down to the last line so all lines are highlighted in black.

● Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window

● Click the Columns button, and then click More Columns located at the bottom of the menu

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● In the Presets area of the Columns dialog box which opened, click on Three

● Click the box in front of Line between to place a line between the columns

● If needed, click the box in front of Equal column width

● In the Apply to: area at the bottom of the Columns window, maintain Selected text

● Click the OK button

Justify text along both margins.

● If needed, highlight all text in the columns.● Click on the Justify button in the Paragraph group in the Home tab

The text will align along both column margins, resembling newspaper formatting.

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● Click on a blank area of the document to deselect the column text

Add more text and review skills.

● Click cursor in the first line available after the 3 columns of text and press the Enter key

This line should not be formatted for Columns. Look in the Ruler above the document to ensure that there are no columns set up for this section of the document. If columns are still set, review skills and set Columns to 1.

● Change the font to Arial, if needed● Change the font size to 12, if needed● Change the justification to Left Align, if needed● Change the font style to Bold● Type Supplies needed for class:● Press the Enter key on the keyboard● Change the font style back to Regular

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Step 12

Insert bulleted list.

● Click the Bullets button in the Paragraph group in the Home tab

● Type Tablet of Paper and press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type Pencils and press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type Scissors and press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type Crayons and press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type Markers and press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type Glue Sticks and press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type Ruler and press the Enter key on the keyboard● Press the Enter key repeatedly on the keyboard until a second page is visible.

This should remove the extra bullet and move the cursor down to a second page and back to the left margin.

Change bullets to checkmarks.

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● Select the entire bulleted list of supplies

Do not select title of bullets: Supplies needed for class.

❍ Hold and drag cursor across entire text of first bullet, then down to the last bullet so all bullets are highlighted in black.

● Click the down arrow to the immediate right of Bullets button in the Paragraph group in the Home tab

● Click the check mark symbol located in the Bullet Library

Remove extra line.

● If there is an extra line in the bulleted list, between Supplies needed for class and the very first bullet (see example on previous page)…

● Press the Delete key on the keyboard ❍ Click cursor in the blank line before the first bullet: Tablet of paper.

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Step 13

View the Shapes menu.

Microsoft® Word has several drawing options available on the Shapes menu available in the Insert tab. These include lines, boxes, circles, arcs, freeform, and other preset shapes.

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Step 14

Draw scroll shape.

● In the Insert tab, click on the Shapes button

● Locate Stars and Banners located at the bottom of the menu

● Click on Vertical Scroll

● Return to the document, and click the cursor in the blank space underneath the second and third columns, about the same distance as the title for the bulleted list from the first column

● A scroll shape will appear in the document under the bulleted list

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Move and resize the shape.

● Hold the cursor over the middle of the shape to change cursor to black arrows.● Click and drag the scroll shape so the right line of the scroll is aligned with the

column line of the second and third columns and the top is aligned with the top of the bulleted list.

● Click and drag the bottom right blue circle (the cursor will change to a diagonal line with arrows on each end) to resize the scroll so it extends the same length of the bulleted list on the left side.

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Change color of the shape.

● Click on the scroll shape to select it and to open the Drawing Tools Format tab

● Click the Format tab now available in the Ribbon under Drawing Tools

● Click on the down arrow to the immediate right of the Shape Fill

button ● Click on the

Yellow square

● Click on blank area of the document to deselect the scroll

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Step 15

Insert text box.

● Click the cursor in blank area to the left or right of the scroll shape

● Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon ● Click the Text Box button ● Select Simple Text Box from the list of

text box options ● A text box like the one below should

appear on the documentnear the scroll shape with text already in it, which can be highlighted and typed over


Resize text box to fit inside scroll shape.

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● Click on the text box to select it if needed● Place the cursor over the lower right corner so the cursor changes to a diagonal line with arrows on each end ● Click and drag the lower corner into the middle of the box to decrease the size of the box or drag the corner out to increase the size of the box

By using the corner box, the text box will resize proportionally.

● Release the mouse when the text box is the same width and height of the main part of the scroll

Move the text box inside the scroll shape.

● Move the cursor to the top border of the text box so the cursor looks like 4 black arrows

● Click, hold, and drag the text box over on top of the main part of the scroll shape● There should now be a white box on top of the yellow scroll shape, similar to the example below


You will change this text box to blend in with the scroll in the next step.

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Step 16

Remove fill color and lines from text box.

● Click on the text box to select it and to open the Text Box Tools Format tab

● Click the Format tab now available in the Ribbon under Text Box Tools

● Click on the Shape Fill button

● Click on the Yellow square

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● With the text box still selected, click the Shape Outline button

● Click on No Outline

● Click on blank area of the document to deselect the text box

Add and format text in text box.

● Click inside the text box now located over the scroll shape. The cursor should flash on the left hand side of the box.

● Type Contact Information

These words should not fit well in the box yet.

● Select the entire text in box● Change the font size to 10

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● Change the font style to Bold

Change text direction.

● Highlight the entire text in Contact Information text box

● Click the Format tab now available in the Ribbon under Text Box Tools

● Click the Text Direction button located in the Text group two times, so that Contact Information is facing up the scroll like the example below.


● Click on blank area of the document to deselect the text box

Group objects.

● Click on the scroll shape● Hold down the Shift key and click on the text box in the scroll shape

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● Click the Format tab now available directly under Text Box Tools

● Click the Group button located in the Arrange group

● If all the text (Contact Information) is not shown on two lines, click on the bottom right circle of the shape and drag the shape out until all the text is seen in its entirety on two lines.

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Step 17

Review skills: Add another textbox.

● Insert another text box to the immediate right of the scroll shape● Change the height of the text box so it is the height of the main part of the scroll● Move the text box so the left border touches the right border of the scroll● Extend the width of the right edge of the text box so it extends the right justification of the

column above it● Click in the text box.

❍ Type Your first name and Your last name on the first line of the text box and press the Enter key

❍ Type Email: Your email address on the second line of the text box and press the Enter key

❍ Type School Phone: on the third line of the text box and press the Enter key❍ Type (309) 555-0000 on the fourth line of the text box and press the Enter key❍ Type Webpage: on the fifth line of the text box and press the Enter key❍ Type on the sixth line of the text box❍ Click on a blank area of the document to deselect the textbox

It is very important that you do not press the Enter key.

● Highlight the text and change the text justification to Center Align


Insert Hyperlink.

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● Highlight the text in the textbox containing your name and email address

● Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon, and then click the Hyperlink button

● In the Insert Hyperlink window, click Existing File or Web Page on the left hand side of the window.

● In the Address: field, type● Click the OK button● Click in an empty area of the slide to deselect the text box

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Step 18

Review skills: Add fill to textbox.

● Click on the top line of the text box containing your name, email, and phone number to select it

● Click the Format tab under Text Box Tools that is now available

● Click the Shape Fill button

● Click on the Yellow box


Add Watermark.

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● Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window

● Click the Watermark button● Click the Custom Watermark

button at the bottom of the Watermark menu

● In the Printed Watermark window, click the radio button in front of Text watermark

● Click the down arrow for the Text: field and select SAMPLE

● Click the down arrow for the Font: field and select Arial

● Uncheck the box in front of Semitransparent if it is checked

● Click the Apply button then click the Close button

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You can use a digital image as a watermark as well by selecting Picture Watermark and then the Select Picture button.

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Step 19

Change page orientation.

● Click cursor on first line of the second page

● Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window

● Click the Margins button

● Click the Custom Margins button at the bottom of the Margins menu

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● In the Page Setup window, click the Margins tab if needed

● In the Orientation area, click on the Landscape option

● In the Preview area at the bottom of window, click the down arrow for the Apply to: field

● Click This point forward

This is a very important step.

● Click the OK button

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Step 20

Add WordArt for title of second page.

● With the cursor flashing on the first line of the second page, change the justification to Center

● Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window● Click the WordArt button ● In the WordArt Gallery that appears, click on light blue WordArt style 22

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● In the Edit WordArt Text, type Daily Schedule over the highlighted Your Text Here located in the Text field.

● Maintain the font and size that is set in those fields for the style you chose

● Click the OK button

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● Click the cursor to the right of the WordArt of Daily Schedule

● Press the Enter key twice on keyboard● Change the justification to Align Left

Review Skills: Add clip art with square text wrap to top of second page.

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● Insert clip art of students in the blank area left of the title● Apply Square text wrap to clip art using the Text Wrapping button in the Picture Tools Format tab

This is a very important step.

● Resize clip art to no more than 1 inch in width and 1 inch in length using the rulers at the top and left hand side of the document as a guide. Try to keep the image proportional to the width of the WordArt Title (hint: use corner circles).

● Move clip art so left border of clip art is lined up with left margin of second page and the top border of the clip art is aligned with the top margin.

The title should shift to the right a little.

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Step 21

Review Skills: Draw and fill star shape.

● Draw a 5 Point Star to the right of the clip art

❍ Click the Shapes button in the Insert tab

❍ Click the 5 Point Star located in the Stars and Banners area

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● Click the cursor to the right of the clip art on page 2 of the newsletter● The star shape should appear at the top of the page to the right of the clip art● Apply fill color Yellow to star shape using the Format tab under Drawing Tools

Move and resize the star shape.

● Hold cursor over middle of the Star shape to change cursor to black arrows● Click and drag the Star shape over the center of the clip art of classroom● Use the corner circles to resize the shape to fit over the clip art but do not

completely cover the clip art

Move clip art in front of star shape.

● Click on clip art underneath the star shape

● In the Format tab under Picture Tools, click the Bring to Front button

● Click the Bring to Front option from the menu

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Step 22

Insert Table.

● Click the cursor on the line available under the Word Art title and clip art on the second page.

Press the Enter key on keyboard if needed to place cursor at this place in the document.

● Change the justification to Align Left, if needed, so that the cursor is directly under the clip art.

● Click the Table button located in the Insert tab

● Click the Insert Table button in the menu

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● In the Insert Table window, click the up arrow to change the Number of columns to 6

● Click the up arrow to change the Number of rows to 10

● Click the OK button

Place a 3-point border around table.

● Click on the first cell of the table to activate the table

● Click the Design tab now available under Table Tools in the Ribbon at the top of the window

● Click the Borders button

● Click the Borders and Shading button at the bottom of the menu

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● In the Borders and Shading window, click the Borders tab

● In the Width: area, click the down arrow next to pt

● Click 2 ¼ pt

● Click the OK button

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● Click the cursor in any blank area of the document to deselect the table

Add text.

● Click on the first cell of the table and type Time● Press the Tab key● Type Monday● Press the Tab key● Type Tuesday● Press the Tab key● Type Wednesday● Press the Tab key● Type Thursday● Press the Tab key● Type Friday

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Format entire table.

● Click on the first cell of the table to activate the table● Click the square at the top left corner of the table; the square should contain two lines with blue

arrows on each end

The cells within the entire table should now be highlighted.

● Click Left Align button in the Paragraph group in the Home tab ● Change the font type to Arial● Change the font size to 11● Change the font format to regular● Click cursor in any blank area of document to deselect the table.

Delete word from table.

● Click in the first cell of the table● Highlight the word Time● Press the Delete key on the keyboard

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Step 23

Format column headings.

● Click in the cell containing the word Monday (second column, first row)

● Hold mouse and drag the cursor across the first row● Release mouse when the five cells for Monday -

Friday have been highlighted● Click the Center Align button in the Home Tab ● Click the Bold button in the Home Tab ● Click the cursor in any blank area of the document

to deselect the cells

Add content to table.

● Click the cursor in the first column, second row cell

There should be nothing in the first column, first row cell.

● Type 8:20 - 8:30 am● Click the cursor in the first column, third row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 8:30 - 9:30 am

● Click the cursor in the first column, fourth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 9:30 – 10:00 am● Click the cursor in the first column, fifth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 10:00 – 10:30 am● Click the cursor in the first column, sixth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 10:30 – 11:30 am● Click the cursor in the first column, seventh row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 12:15 – 1:00 pm

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● Click the cursor in the first column, eighth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 1:00 – 1:30 pm● Click the cursor in the first column, ninth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 1:30 – 2:00 pm● Click the cursor in the first column, tenth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type 2:00 – 3:00 pm

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Step 24

Insert row in table.

● Click the cursor in the first column, seventh row containing 12:15 – 1:00 pm

● Click the Layout Tab available under Table Tools in the Ribbon

● Click the Insert Above button in the Rows & Columns group

Add content to new row.

● Click the cursor in the new row (first column, seventh row)● Type 11:30 am – 12:15 pm

The table may add an extra line to this cell to adjust for the content.

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Add more content to table for Monday.

● Click the cursor in the second column, second row (under Monday)● Type Homeroom● Click the cursor in the second column, third row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Reading● Click the cursor in the second column, fourth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Spelling● Click the cursor in the second column, fifth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Recess● Click the cursor in the second column, sixth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Math● Click the cursor in the second column, seventh row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Lunch and Recess● Click the cursor in the second column, eighth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Social Studies● Click the cursor in the second column, ninth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Computers● Click the cursor in the second column, tenth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Art● Click the cursor in the second column, eleventh row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Science

Add more content to table for Tuesday.

● Click the cursor in the third column, second row (under Tuesday)● Type Homeroom● Click the cursor in the second column, third row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Reading● Click the cursor in the second column, fourth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Language● Click the cursor in the second column, fifth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type P.E.● Click the cursor in the second column, sixth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Math● Click the cursor in the second column, seventh row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Lunch and Recess● Click the cursor in the second column, eighth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Social Studies● Click the cursor in the second column, ninth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Library● Click the cursor in the second column, tenth row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Music● Click the cursor in the second column, eleventh row or press the Down Arrow key● Type Science

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Step 25

Copy contents of Monday and insert text from clipboard (paste) to Wednesday and Friday.

● Click on the second column, second cell (under Monday)● Hold and drag the mouse down the column until all subjects, Homeroom

through Science, are highlighted● Click Edit (in the Menu bar) > Copy or click the Copy button in the Home tab

or use Ctrl C● Click on the fourth column, second cell (under Wednesday)● Click Edit (in the Menu bar) > Paste or click the Paste button in the Home

tab or use Ctrl V● Click on the sixth column, second cell (under Friday)● Click Edit (in the Menu bar) > Paste or click the Paste button in the Home

tab or use Ctrl V

Copy contents of Tuesday and insert text from clipboard (paste) to Thursday.

● Click on the third column, second cell (under Tuesday)● Hold and drag the mouse down the column until all subjects, Homeroom

through Science, are highlighted.● Click Edit (in the Menu bar) > Copy or click the Copy button in the Home tab

or use Ctrl C● Click on the fifth column, second cell (under Thursday)● Click Edit (in the Menu bar) > Paste or click the Paste button in the Home

tab or use Ctrl V

Distribute columns evenly.

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● Click the cursor in the first column, first row cell (blank cell)

● Click the Layout tab under Table Tools in the Ribbon

● Click the AutoFit button, then AutoFit Window

Columns should shift if they are not the same width. These columns may not shift.

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Step 26

Edit cell.

● Click on the first column, seventh row cell (11:30 am – 12:15 pm)● Click the cursor before the first 1 in 12:15● Press the Enter key on the keyboard

Add subtitle.

● Click the cursor on the first line below the table● Press the Enter key on the keyboard● Type the subtitle Vocabulary Review for Science and Social Studies● Change the font size to 12● Change the subtitle format to Bold● Change the justification of subtitle to Center Align

Insert page break.

● Click the cursor at the first letter of the subtitle, the V in Vocabulary

● Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window

● Click the Breaks button ● Click Page in the Page Breaks section of

the menu

● The flashing cursor and the subtitle should be on the first line on the third page

Adjust Row Height.

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● Click on the first cell of the Daily Schedule table on page 2 to activate the table● Click the square at the top left corner of the table; the square should contain two lines with blue arrows

on each end

The cells within the entire table should now be highlighted.

● Click the Layout tab under Table Tools in the Ribbon● Click the Properties button

● Click the Row tab at the top of the Table Properties window

● In the Rows size area, click the box in front of Specify height: then click the up arrow to select 0.4”

● Click the OK button

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The table should now fit completely on the page. If the table goes over onto the third page or does not fill the page, please repeat the steps and adjust the row height to the appropriate number.

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Step 27

Review Skills: Change page orientation.

You will now format the third page to portrait orientation rather than the landscape orientation of the second page

● Click the cursor at the first letter of the subtitle, the V in Vocabulary on page 3

● Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window

● Click the Margins button

● Click the Custom Margins button at the bottom of the margins menu

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● In the Orientation area of the Page Setup window, click on the Portrait option

● In the Preview area at the bottom of window, click the down arrow for the Apply to: field

● Click This point forward

It is very important to take this step.

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● Click the OK button

Delete page.

If an extra page with landscape orientation is inserted between page 2 containing the Daily Schedule and page 3 with the Vocabulary words, you need to:

● Click the cursor at the first letter of the subtitle, the V in Vocabulary

● Press the Backspace key twice

● Center Align the subtitle again if needed

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Step 28

Clear all tabs

● Click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon● Click the diagonal arrow located in the lower right corner of the Paragraph group

● In the Paragraph window, click the Tabs button in the lower left corner of the window

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● In the Tabs window, click the Clear All button

● Keep the window open; do not click the OK button

Set tabs.

● If you closed the Tabs window, follow the previous steps on this page to return to this window

● In the Tabs window, type .5 in the Tab stop position field

● In the Alignment area, select Left● Click the Set button at the bottom

of Tabs window● Return to the Tab stop position

field, type 2.5● In the Alignment area, select Left● Click the Set button at the bottom

of Tabs window● Return to the Tab stop position

field again, type 4.5● In the Alignment area, select Left● Click the Set button at the bottom

of Tabs window● Click the OK button

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Add content using tabs.

● Click the cursor after the last character in the subtitle (after the last s in Studies)

● Press the Enter key twice on the keyboard

● Click the Left Align button in the Home tab

● Change the formatting to Regular (if still Bold from subtitle)

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Contanet

This is purposely misspelled. There should be a red line underneath the word. It will be corrected in a later section.

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Resources

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

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● Type Habitat

● Press the Enter key on the keyboard to move cursor to the next line

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Condensation

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Frontier

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Citizenship

● Press the Enter key on the keyboard to move cursor to the next line

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Nutrient

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Molecule

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Physical Map

● Press the Enter key on the keyboard to move cursor to the next line

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Equal Rights

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Hydroponics

● Press the Tab key on the keyboard

● Type Evaporation

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Step 29

Review Skills: Add AutoShape.

● Click the Shapes button in the Insert tab in the Ribbon

● Click the Rectangle shape

● Click the cursor in the blank space about halfway between the end of the vocabulary list for science and social and the page border, approximately 4 ½ from the top, and centered from the left and right margins.

● A rectangle shape will appear in the document under the vocabulary list.

Move and resize the rectangle Shape.

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● Hold the cursor over the middle of the shape to change cursor to black arrows

● Click and drag the right line of the rectangle shape so it extends to the 5 ½ inch mark on the ruler at the top of the document

● Click and drag the left line of the rectangle shape so it extends to the 1 inch mark on the ruler at the top of the document

● Click and drag the top line of the rectangle shape so it extends to the 4 ½ inch mark on the ruler on the left hand side of the document

● Click and drag the bottom line of the rectangle shape so it extends to the 6 ½ inch mark on the ruler on the left hand side of the document

Add text to the text box.

● Right-click inside the rectangle to bring up a menu● Select Add Text

● At the flashing cursor, type Parent Volunteers Needed● Press the Enter key twice on the keyboard● Type the following sentences:

Throughout the year, I will be asking parents to help with many of the projects the students will be completing. We would like to reach a new class goal by having all parents help at least once, more if possible. I will be sending home a sign-up sheet for this month in the next newsletter.

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● Press the Enter key twice on the keyboard● Type Thank you very much!

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Step 30

Review Skills.

● Select all text in text box for Parent Volunteers Needed ❍ Change the font style to Comic Sans MS❍ Change the font size to 12

● Select only the title in text box for Parent Volunteers Needed

❍ Change the font color to Red

❍ Increase the font size to 14

❍ Change the font format to Bold

❍ Center Align the title

● Select last sentence in text box: Thank you very much!

❍ Center Align the sentence


● Increase or decrease the Rectangle Shape length so all text is viewable and any extra white space is eliminated

Add shadow to Shape.

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● Click once on the rectangle Shape containing Parent Volunteers Needed information to select it

● In the Format tab that is now available under Drawing Tools

● Click the Shadow Effects button

● In the Drop Shadow menu, select Shadow Style 4

● In the document, click off the shape to deselect it

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Step 31

Insert page numbers in footer.

● Scroll up until you see the bottom half of page 1 and click on any blank part of the page.

● Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon

● Click the Page Number button

● Select Bottom of Page, then click Plain Number 2 from the list of options

Automatically correct spelling error.

● On page 3, right-click on the vocabulary word Contanet

It should have a red line underneath it signaling a misspelled word.

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● Click Continent from the list of options contained in the menu● The word Continent should have replaced Contanet in the list of vocabulary words within the document

Check for spelling in entire document.

● Click the Review tab in the Ribbon at the top of the window

● Click the Spelling and Grammar button

● If there are incorrect spellings of words in the document, a window will open highlighting the words, one at a time.

Microsoft Word may not recognize proper names or email addresses.

❍ Click the Ignore All button if the highlighted word does not need changed.❍ Click the Change if the highlighted word needs changed to the correct spelling.

The F7 key at the top of your keyboard will bring up the same dialog window.

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Step 32

Display help document “Print a document”.

● Click the Help button located in the top right corner of the window

● In the Search window, type Print a Document

● Click the Search button ● In the Results window, click the Print


● Click the Close button (x button) in top right corner of the Help Document

Display print preview of document.

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● Click the Office Button in the top left corner of the window

● Select Print, then click the Print Preview button

● In the Print Preview toolbar that appears, click the Two Pages button

● In the Print Preview toolbar, click the One Page button● In the Print Preview toolbar, click the Close button

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Step 33

Print multiple copies of a specific page in document.

● Click the Office Button

in the top left corner of the window

● Select Print, then click the Print button from the list of options

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● In the Copies area of the Print window, click the up arrow or type the number 6

● In the Print range area, click the radio button in front of Pages● In the Pages: field, type 2● Click the Cancel button

You will not be printing this part out.

Print newsletter on specific printer.

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● Click the Office Button in the top left corner of the window● Select Print, then click the Print button from the list of options ● In the Printer area at the top of the Print window, click the down arrow next to

printer listed in window

Make note of the printer listed in the window.

● View all printers available● Click back on the original printer listed in the window● In the Copies area, click the up arrow or type the number 2

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● Click the OK button

Save the document.

● Click the Office Button

in the top left corner of the window

● Click Save

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Exit Word.

● Click the Office Button in the top left corner of the window ● Click the Exit Word button with bottom right hand corner

You are finished with the Word module.

Please submit the Word 2007 document through the Application of Skills Submission assignment page in the Files area at the bottom of the Course Menu. Remember, keep your digital copy and printed copy of this document for your records.

You can now proceed to the Integration portion of the course where you will use what you learned with your students in the classroom.

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