Application of mathematics in daily life

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Application of mathematics in daily life

Application Of

Mathematics In

Daily Life

AdvisorMr. Md. Mohiuddin

MAT 111

Presented By:

Md. Fazle Rabbi Ador

ID: 151-15-5482

Section: P


Mathematics In Daily Life 2



Geometry in-Nature

Cars-Math in Medicine



Number theory



In our daily life, we use

mathematics in various

fields. This paper portraits

the role of mathematics in

all aspects of our daily

life. We know that

mathematics is applied

directly or indirectly in

our everyday life. Let us

see some of their

applications below:


A honeycomb is an array of

hexagonal (six sided) cells,

made of wax produced by

worker bees. Hexagons fit

together to fill all the available

space, giving a strong structure

with no gaps. Squares would

also fill the space, but would

not give a rigid structure.

Triangles would fill the space

and be rigid, but it would be

difficult to get honey out of

their corners.



The wheels and lights are

circles, the doors are

rectangular prisms, the

main area for a person to

drive and sit in it a half a

sphere with the sides

chopped off which makes it

¼ of a sphere. If a person

would look very closely he

would see a lot more shapes

in the car. Too many to list.



Much of the function of a

protein is determined by its

shape and how the pieces

move. Mad cow disease is

caused by the introduction of a

“shape” into the brain (a shape

carried by a protein).Many

drugs are designed to change

the shape or motions of a

protein something that we are

just now working to model,

even approximately, in

computers, using geometry and

related areas.


If it is rainy and cold outside, you will be happy to stay at a home while longer and have a nice hot cup of tea. But someone has built the house you are in, made sure it keeps the cold out and the warmth in, and provided you with running water for the tea. This someone is most likely an engineer.

Engineers are responsible for just about everything we take for granted in the world around us, from tall buildings, tunnels and football stadiums, to access to clean drinking water. They also design and build vehicles, aircraft, boats and ships. What’s more, engineers help to develop things which are important for the future, such as generating energy from the sun, wind or waves. Mathematics is involved in everything an engineer does, whether it is working out how much concrete is needed to build a bridge, or determining the amount of solar energy to power a car.



Mathematics is applied to clarity the blurred image to clear image.

This is done by using differential and integral calculus.


At the nut shell, we came

to know about some of the

applications of the

mathematics. These are just

few in our daily life.