Apples to Apples - history - USAID EIA€¦ · The Apples to Apples chart was designed by staff to...

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The PUCO Apples to Apples

offer comparison charts

Barb Bossart and Holly KargPublic Utilities Commission of Ohio

Feb. 22, 2017

Where did the PUCO Apples to Apples charts


A comprehensive survey completed during the natural gas

choice pilot program in the late 1990s determine that

customers were confused about “Pricing options or Price

comparisons” and where to find “List of possible suppliers with

contact numbers” (Case No. 98-593-GA-COI has the staff report

including survey question (5/15/1998, Volume II. (pt. 1 of 3)).

Information from that study and through an electric working group

composed of representatives from staff, utilities, supplier groups

and consumer groups also provided feedback on what information

would be needed to make an informed decision.


Why Apples to Apples charts was needed


Customers wanted one place to compare prices and find available suppliers.

The Apples to Apples chart was designed by staff to assist customers in making an informed decision about their electric supply choice.

To assist staff, the Commission required that suppliers provide staff with pricing information prior to marketing in Ohio.

The term apples to apples is a common term used in the Unites States referencing a comparison regarded as valid because it concerns two things that are fundamentally the same.

We chose to refer to the PUCO comparisons charts using this term to signify the offers were for basic generation service, even though some specifics of the offers differed.


What does apples to apples mean?

Apples to Apples comparison charts from June 2001


Apples to Apples comparison charts from

June 2001, cont’d


Driving traffic to charts

Utilities were required to develop an education program about electric choice and include information about the Apples to Apples comparison charts.

Utilities were given funding for the educational program and were required to file the program with the PUCO for approval.

PUCO rules required that the utility’s “Customer Bill of Rights” reference the Apples to Apple comparison charts and the customer’s right to alternative supply choices.









92,993 92,170 92,094



119,555 117,193




89,143 88,632 88,087


9,204 7,733 6,4964,826 3,627 3,452 3,925 3,332 3,853




5,109 3,494 1,600 776 127 0 0 0

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Call Stats 1999-2009

Real Calls




2 per. Mov. Avg. (Real Calls)

Due to increased education efforts, by the PUCO and electric utilities, call center activity increased.

Handling incoming inquiries

Early Campaign

Large electric choice campaign in the early 2000s:

• Kick off news conference: Oct. 19, 2000• Chairman held news conferences throughout the state• Toll free call center for consumers to call with questions about

electric choice• Website:• Frequently Asked Questions page• 12-page consumer guide• Television advertisements• Newspaper ads• Billboards• Posters distributed to businesses and organizations


There was funding for this campaign. Just over half of the budget went to advertising, TV, radio, print and some outdoor advertisement buys and production. Roughly a quarter of the budget went to the call center and research. Another nearly quarter of the budget went to agency and account management fees.

The educational and outreach campaign was short lived, and by mid-2000s the website was no longer active.

Early Campaign, cont’d



November 2006



July 2009


February 201015

Working with suppliers to create useful

comparison charts

Subject: December 15 Electric Apples to Apples chart

December 12, 2000

Dear CRES Provider,

As you are aware, any CRES provider soliciting residential customers must list a standard offer(s) on the Ohio’s Electric

Choice Apples to Apples charts. The responsibility to populate and keep fresh residential offers falls upon the CRES

provider. To simplify the process, you will be able to electronically post offer(s) on to the Apples to Apples charts

through a form on PUCO’s web page. It is anticipated that the form will be available for your use on or before January 1,

2001. In the interim, please e-mail your offer in the format shown on the attached Word document by Wednesday,

December 13 at 1:00 p.m. in order to be included in the chart to be published Friday, December 15th. If you are not

offering residential service at this time, please indicate such by return e-mail.

Please e-mail your Electric Apples to Apples offer to: (614) 995-7090

And (614) 728-5049


Instructions for suppliers

Electric Apples to Apples Marketer Information

An Electric Apples to Apples chart is published for each electric distribution company territory. The PUCO will currently accept two offers from each Marketer per EDC. The Form:Enter the appropriate information for each heading

Electric SupplierYour company DBA nameThe toll free number you want customers to contactYour company web address (if applicable)

Suppliers’ Price Offerings (per kWh)Price information in cents per kWh. If your offer is a variable rate, list the current rate, and then fully explain the offer in “Offer Details”.If your offer is “percent off “, rather than a specific price per kWh, enter “See offer details” in the Suppliers’ price offering box and fully describe the offer in the Offer Details section.

Offer DetailsThis field is limited to 200 characters. Provide a concise description of the offer(s) details. Details must include pricing aspects (seasonal, fixed, variable), any contingencies, availability limits, and an offer expiration date. Note: All percent off offers must refer to a discount off the “price to compare”.

Contract TermLength of contract







(per kWh)




(888) XXX-XXX


3.xx ¢/kWh


This offer is contingent upon the availability of

MSG* supplies. Call company for details

about these and other product offers. Offer

expires December 31, 2000.

1 year

Instructions for suppliers, cont’d

Enter your data into the table below, make copies as needed.


The charts kept the format for more than a decade.

Charts from September 2012 (nine offers were actually listed):



Lesson learned


As the industry develops be sure to have the flexibility to add new products and services.

Seek customer and supplier feedback, especially regarding how to best introduce product offerings.

Clear graphic presentation and location on website.

Consistent messaging and terminology.

Have frequently asked questions and other information in close proximity of the charts on the website for easy access.

Have in-house information technology resources.

2012 survey: what we learned

“… respondents aware of electric choice on Ohio stated they primarily heard about electric choice through mailings, TV

news and advertisements, newspaper stories and newspaper advertisements and through bill inserts.”

“… respondents who have made a decision to not switch or not make a choice yet indicated the primary reason was “need for more information” …”




“Just 10.5% of residents surveyed indicated they have visited the electric competition web

pages on the PUCO website.”

”According to residents surveyed, the best source for neutral, unbiased information on electric choice is the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio …”

“… 75% of residents surveyed suggested they would be very or somewhat likely to visit a new website solely dedicated to electric choice.”

2012 survey: what we learned


2012 survey: what we did

• Determined that an educational hub was needed – where consumers can seek offers available, but also get their questions regarding energy choice answered.

• Developed a dedicated website to provide information on energy choice in Ohio, which includes offer comparison charts for both natural gas and electric.

• Determined more “boots on the ground” education and outreach was needed.







Working with suppliers: introducing the new

website and Apples to Apples comparison charts(Complete user guide is

provided as a separate document)

A user guide was created to walk supplier representatives through registering to use the Apples to Apples comparison charts and as a guide to posting, removing and retiring offers.


Working with suppliers, cont’d

Additionally, the PUCO prepared and provided training videos to help guide supplier representatives and proactively address questions.






Energy Choice Ohio launch efforts

• Media launch event• News release• Announcement on PUCO social media channels• Paid for social media advertisements• Letter to general assembly members• Public information officer outreach efforts• Brochures and factsheets were created• YouTube video preview of the website

Planned an entire communications strategy to launch the new website, some action items included:



As part of our launch of the website and new Apples to Apples comparison charts we put together a video walking viewers through the website.

Introductory video


Within the first 22 months of the creation of the Office of Retail Competition, our four public information officers visited all of Ohio’s 88 counties, many visited multiple times.

Public information officers logged more than 100,000 miles traveling all across Ohio educating consumers on electric and natural gas choice.

More than 750 presentations were conducted educating consumers on energy choice and the Apples to Apples comparison charts.

These efforts are ongoing and continue today, with two public information officers dedicated to educational outreach regarding energy choice.

Office of Retail Competition


Library Workshops

Chambers of Commerce

Jobs and Family Services Groups

Senior Citizen Groups

Farm Bureaus/Agencies

Community Action Agencies


City & County Leaders

Public Access Television

Veterans Groups


Best practices regarding media relations and

consumer outreach

Office of Public Affairs is consistently working to foster positive relationships with media sources. A few examples of items produced that focus on building positive media relationships include:

News releases – all news releases are written and distributed by the Office of Public Affairs and are subject to approval by commissioners, chief analyst, director of Public Affairs, legal director and appropriate program staff experts.

Media inquiries – the Office of Public Affairs receives about 400-500 media calls per year. The goal of the Office of Public Affairs is to respond to a media inquiry within four business hours and close out the inquiry within in one business day. 36

Proactive media outreach – often the Office of Public Affairs proactively reaches out to various media reporters when we know an issue they have been following is coming before the Commission soon.

Awareness calendar – a calendar of scheduled news and factsheet releases that are pertinent to utility related current issues, identified awareness weeks or months and PUCO related information.

Social Media – the PUCO has a presence on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. These tools are regularly updated with information on upcoming events, news releases and factsheets, Commission rulings, consumer protection and safety tips, as well as links to timely news stories.

Media relations and consumer outreach, cont’d


Website – the PUCO website provides information in an immediate and cost effective manner. Each industry regulated by the PUCO is represented on the website, providing consumers with information, tips and tools to aide in answering their utility related concerns.

The Monitor – the PUCO’s periodical online newsletter offers timely information regarding PUCO regulated industries, upcoming events, informational announcements and new commissioner introductions.

Brochures and factsheets –brochures and factsheets covering the various industries regulated by the PUCO, consumer protections, safety and conservation tips, and information pertaining to Commission opinions and orders are regularly updated.

Media relations and consumer outreach, cont’d


Thank You.

Public Utilities Commission of