APPENDIX ‘D’ - London, and...

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Transcript of APPENDIX ‘D’ - London, and...


APPENDIX ‘D’ Transportation Related Principles and Goals

1. Provide safe, affordable, efficient transportation for everyone

not own their own vehicle - ore provided sofe, offordoble, reliable, convenient, ond efficient tronsportotion options.

2. Make London’s neighbourhoods pedestrian and bicycle friendly

London, which in return will reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips.

3. Integrate land use and transportation planning to encourage more sustainable lifestyles * Creote neighbourhoods thot contoin the full range of development densities and lond uses, including those thot ore compact, mixed-use ond pedestrion-friendly, while ensuring the heolth, sofety, and well- being of individuols ond fomilies

Ensure 011 residents -including those with low incomes, disobled, elderly ond others who connot or do

Recognizing the importonce of good heolth to its citizens, enhonce opportunities to wolk ond bike in

4. Preserve and enhance environmental resources


5. Promote reliable, convenient and seamless transit Encouroge London Jronsit Commission (L JC) ond other transit operotors to provide seomless public

transit service within the City ond between the City ond outlying towns and communities.

6. Promote economic vitality * Ensure economic competitiveness by providing o sofe, relioble ond efficient tronsportotion system.

7. Support diverse transportation system funding


Avoid impacts to the noturol environment to the extent possible in exponding its tronsportotion

Seek innovotive funding sources ond strotegies to ensure o more bolonced, sustoinoble tronsportotion

8. Minimize use of fossil fuels * Jronsportotion needs must be met without generating emissions thot threoten public health, global

climote, biologicol diversity or the integrity of essential ecologicol processes.

9. Optimize the existing transportation system Make the most of whot currently exists by preserving and maximizing the use of focilities and services -

support new technologies, occess monogement and tronsportotion system monogement initiatives. Avoid or defer the need for new infrostructure thot does not support this set of gools.

10. Minimize growth in travel demand * Encouroge initiotives ondprogroms thot reduce demands on the tronsportotion system, especially ot peak hours, or reduce the number of vehicles on the roods while accommodating the some number of people.

11. Encourage the efficient movement of freight and support the greater use of freight by rail Support strotegies thot improve freight movement within London’s boundories ond minimize the flow

of heovy trucks through or odjocent to residentiol communities.

12. Develop parking strategies that reduce single-occupant vehicle travel * Develop strotegies thot reduce the demond for porking in the downtown ond ot existing ond future employment centres ond other octivity nodes.

13. Foster awareness of sustainable transportation * Develop programs ond octivities thot enhonce residents’ oworeness ond understanding of the benefits of sustoinoble tronsportotion.



Scenario 1, Sustaining Existing Service Levels - represents a continuation of current trends in the provision of transportation infrastructure and services, land use approaches and policy directions (similar fo Capacity Enhancement Strategy contained in the 200 TMP).

Scenario 2, Balanced Approach - involves a moderate policy shiff relative to current trends aiming at less dependence on the automobile (similar to the Transpodation Strategy contained in the 2004 TMP); and

Scenario 3, Transit Focus - represents a significant policy shiff aimed at substantially less dependence on the automobile (goes beyond the 2004 TMP Transportation Strategy).


The London 2030 Transportation Master Plan

I We want to know 'What Moves You'!! I Can?

Transit? Bicycles?

Shoe leather? I And want your help to plan the next move.

smarf '# move kr?W


,, , Get Engaged !

+Household Survey PWebsite Dialogue &WI3rkshops &Newsletters ZCReports

&'*Sustainable Transportation Roundtable"


i ' , I ,, G ,

W&en we came knockinq .,..":;",

, I r a j .. *

Your Guidance Pleasel

In the Meantime .. Fact Sheets Discussion Papers

a n t e r i m Report - Ph. I User Group Sustainable Transportation Roundtable Public Meeting No. 2 - May 19, 2010

Time to Pay the PiDer

- Principles * Council Direction

SmartMoves Interim Report -"Sustaining Existing Service" -'Balanced Approach" -"Transit Focus" Council Feedback on Vision Now

Council Validation - Early 201 1 Sm * Workshop ?W - Public Validation (Nov, 2010)



1. Safe, affordable, emcient. for everyone 2. .PeWstrian and bike friendly neighbourhoods 3. Land use planning linked to Transportation 4. Environmentally responsible 5. Reliable, convenient, seamless Transit 6; Promote economic vitality 7. Diverse Transportation Funding

d fossil fuel use d existing transportation d travel demand growth

ies to reduce SOVs sustainable transportation

,%e T r a n s p o r t a t 3 Master Plan

, , ,

,Ahducm"Caoacitv Enhancement" needs by:

- Carpooling. Telecommuting, Time Shifting

-_ __p""su LP?W


Council Direction

... " Bus Rapid Transit" service strategy BE APPROVED, as set out in London Transit's "Long Term Growth Strategy", for inclusion as the transit service strategy in the City's Transportation Master Plan ...

Council Direction

... " Transportation Strategy" as currently refarenced in the 2004 Transportation Plan BE APPROVED as the principal

4fransportation strategy for the City of London; noting same would be amended to reflect the Bus Rapid Transit strategy.. .

smar Lack?

Official Plan Amen ail

Council DireHIon In Summary ....'

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unci1 Direction clal Plan Amendment

,, I

u.ncil,shall support the long term

it Corridors (are seen) as . . . for growth, redevelopment and

reduced automobile use transit through enhanced service

transit through supportive land use intensification)

1. Promote Active Transportation and ' Transportation Demand Man

What the Public has said Workshop #I

* StaR by Ipproving fhe-e.x& transportation srjlem. Make the case for expan&?d~s i t service. take a pmgressive approach (0 managinglransportation. . Plan communities that enable bener transportation. . Be Innovative: look ahead and think outside lhe box. MaAw /f maland posdble to do; commit to hplsmentat;on. Promote Active Transp'n. but make It safe and appealing. - Try to CaDNm the full is and beneRh if investing In m"SP-

Issues to be Resolved ' . 1. Rapid Transit i$':L

'21Parking PoWy Wthe , ._. Downtown

3. Challengesl$hakin~gh chaoge.

4. Servicing the autodbile momentum

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,. , . , ,. \ -.. .', .' .,,.

1. Rapid Transit Choices

Rapid Transit: 'salve' or 'elixir'? > (BRT vs LRT) > Fitting it in > Affordability

Transit Supportive '% Influence in the Parking


3,,;1fiteisification Nbdes & Corridors , . .,,.'">,', . ,

es to making a change:

,b 1% Growth Rate b 10 years of programmed sprawl b Where to focus intensification

wing Congestion ptimizing what we have

b Holding it together

1 I

5. Credibility

Show immediate evidence of change bTransit Priority

>Active Transportation I

SmartMoves Interim Report Draft 'Vlsion' Scenarios

A. "Sustaining Existing Service"

B. "Balanced Approach

C. "Transit Focus"


Smarthoves Interim Report ,'Scenario Conslderatlons

. . k.', Land Use Intensification ., ~~

B., Transit Modal Share .. ,,:.,,

C. Downtown Focus D,. Active Transportation.,.Support Level E. Transportation Demand 'Management F. Road Expansion ProgGm G. Overall Financing

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A.-Land Use intensification

... , 1. Maintain 23%

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2. lncrease to 40%

3. Increase beyond 40%

Noting mat intensification should be focused on "nodes 8 mrridors", Transit suppordve

, .. tB. Transit Modal Share

1. Maintain 7%

2. Increase to lo%, with limited RT

3. Increase to 15%, with full RT

Noting that even maintaining modal share means increased Trandt investment for papulation gmwlh


I . P V ' W , , " 1, .,,:,' 1. Balance Long B Short term Parking', availabilitv and Dricina to complement . . ,..

2. Limit Long term Parkingllncrease

'iE pricing & Expand Short term Parking. I I

I 3. As above plus Pay-Parking at satellite nodes

D, Active TransDortation

I 1. Maintain existing 74% mode share

2. Expand year-round pedesttian and cycling infrastructure

kL 3. Expand year-round pedestrian and cycling infrastructure

E. TransD’n. Demand Mamt.

1 . Maintain existing promotional levels

2. Escalate promotion

3. Aggressive community and employer based promotion;


individualized targets; incentive I

F. Road Expansion

1. Maintain existin expansion capacity B G M I ~

2. Maintain existing expansion at 130% capacity and add transit features and priorities

3. Maintain existing expansion at 130% capacity but focus on Transit supportive routes, oods movement, and non- compettive to Transit

,-I” -m””I1.“ WP?

; . :G. Overall Financing



More $to hold mode share with hcreased population growth

Signifwntly more for Transit to acquire and operate additional services and more for Roads to provide Transit supportive roadway

Substantial increase

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, ' , 2009 Draft Net Operating Budeet $48.9 Million

ZOOS Net Capital Budget $38.2 Million

What the Public has said Workshop #2

I .. ImprovUMnt. ... mom Choke. nllablllly and

What the Public has said

v m m g l a m D m dWSWuWn

What the Public has said Workshop #2

Vision Time

from here?

, ~. . , , ,

Directi \u





How soon do you cut off creative juices financial reality?

Do we draw a line in the sand and work - towards that?

Do we visualize an ultimate desirable state and for as long as it might take?

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. Approve "Principles" Heighten Downtown role in Parking Mgmt. by holding long term parking capacity and increasing short term. Adopt Scenario 3, "Transit Focus", as an ultimate goal with Scenarios A and Bas milestones on the continuum. Reconcile 'BRT vs LRT question through further financial analysis during P

*-sW*Y. %e"




Seek final public input on the Vision at Workshop #3 in November, 2010. Seek Council's final approval on the "Vision" in early 201 1,

Transportation I madhoon Project Manager

Environmental Programs Adive Transportation



Urban Strategies Nicole Swerhun

VerilFact Research


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London Team - Resources . .

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.,,..+he AECOM Team . ,

Paradigm Watson & Associates