Appendix 1 Offer Document - Promises Tracking …...Promise No. Nature of Work To be commenced In...

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Transcript of Appendix 1 Offer Document - Promises Tracking …...Promise No. Nature of Work To be commenced In...

Offer Document Promises Tracking Document


Complete In progress To be commenced

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Part A The Council’s housing transfer proposal


Establish structures to support links between NPT Homes and NPTCBC.

Regular meetings between senior officers at the Council and NPT Homes are held. NPT Homes' Chief Executive attends scrutiny to provide updates on delivery of the Offer Document promises. Officers from NPT Homes meet with Officers from the Council's Housing Options Service to ensure the operational working arrangements of - The delivery of the Temporary Housing Agreement; - The Supported Accommodation Agreement, and - The Shared Lettings Policy.

Part B The rent and other charges you would pay


Estimated average rent £p.w. Year NPT Homes Council 11/12 £59.64 £63.35 12/13 £61.40 £66.35 13/14 £63.52 £69.35 14/15 £66.02 £72.20 15/16 £68.61 £74.73 16/17 £71.32 £77.35 17/18 £74.13 £80.05 18/19 £77.06 £82.85 19/20 £80.10 £85.75

Annual rent increase for 2013/14 issued in line with the guideline rent increase determination from the Welsh Government.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

B2 Maintenance of the rent free weeks - NPT Homes would plan to continue the Council's current policy to collect rent over 48 weeks, (or 49 weeks in 53 week year).

Tenants received their rent schedules from NPT Homes at the end of March 2013. The four 'rent free weeks' for 2013/14 are weeks commencing 1st April 2013, 8th April 2012, 23rd December 2012 and 30th December 2012.


No hidden service charges and no hidden increases.

Tenants who paid service charges with the Council, e.g. those in sheltered accommodation, who paid the cost of communal lighting and heating as service charges and tenants in some sheltered schemes who paid water meter charges, are still charged these costs by NPT Homes. Service charges were introduced from the 1st April 2012 to new tenancies created in sheltered accommodation and flats. These charges were introduced to cover the cost of providing communal services such as hall/stairway lighting and cleaning and maintaining of communal grounds/gardens the costs of which are not covered by the rent charged for the accommodation. New tenants are made aware of these charges prior to signing for the tenancy.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

B4 NPT Homes plans to continue with all current methods available for paying rent after transfer. These currently include payment: - To rent collectors; - At Council's cash offices; - By Direct Debit; - By post (i.e. cheques only).

All payments methods available to tenants pre transfer continue to be available, although payment at the Council’s cash offices ceased from 1st April 2013 when we moved to our new Headquarters. We have opened new town centre offices where tenants and leaseholders are able to make payments. We have introduced additional dates for direct debit payments, so that Tenants can now pay on 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd of the month.


NPT Homes would also look at other ways in which tenants can pay their rent, for instance, payment: - By phone; - By debit card; - Via internet; - At PayPoint.

All tenants are issued with Allpay and PayPoint cards for use in all Post Offices and many local shops across the Borough. Internet and phone payments with debit cards were made available from the first day of transfer. We are also looking at introducing other payment methods such as text payments using secure SMS and Ping-It payments which enable payments via a mobile.

B6 NPT Homes, like Council, would provide a quarterly rent statement on request.

Rent statements are available on request. The new style rent statements are available for tenants who visit us at our town centre offices. We are planning to send out quarterly rent statements commencing this Summer.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Part C Delivering local services and tackling anti-social behaviour – NPT Homes would plan to:


Ensure that communal areas around homes are maintained to a high standard.

The Neighbourhood Service has a schedule of works to ensure communal and other open spaces around NPT Homes are maintained to a high standard, this work is held in high regard by tenants, for example a recent comment received is as follows: Cllr Evans wished to say thank you for the winter work undertaken at Lodge where he is also a tenant. A gentleman living in Seven Sisters said he felt the lads had done a terrific job and that several of the other residents in the blocks felt the same. He said they took time and effort over the work and that he could not remember the block outside areas looking so good. He also said the borough council never used to undertake such works. Physical improvements to communal areas will be undertaken as part of the WHQS programme; maintenance of these areas will form part of the existing cyclical maintenance programme.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C2 Inspect communal areas during regular estate walkabouts to help identify problem areas.

Estate Walkabouts are carried out as part of the revised Estate Rangers Service (ERS) working practices. Communal areas are formally inspected on a monthly basis to help identify problem areas. Where an issue is identified this is rectified and a partnership working approach is taken to prevent, where possible a re-occurrence of the issue. For example, in areas where fly tipping has been prevalent letters have been sent to residents in the surrounding areas asking for help in identifying culprits. In addition to this and to prevent further tipping CCTV has successfully been used as a deterrent and as a means of capturing those responsible.

C3 Consult tenants on setting up a new annual estate improvements fund after the transfer, whereby priorities for spending money could be set locally in consultation with tenants.

Tenants have been consulted on the spend within priority areas. This has provided NPT Homes with a model which will be rolled out within the environmental programme commencing in Spring 2015. The Community Development Fund was launched in Summer 2014 with priorities decided by tenants.


NPT Homes would plan to provide services through existing offices, ensuring that tenants have advice on:

We have moved into Ty Gwyn, our new central office which provides a service centre for all services to tenants and leaseholders.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C4 Cont.

- Rents - Day to day repairs and improvements to the homes - Sheltered housing and community alarm service - Tenancy management and tenancy conditions including anti-social behaviour.

NPT Homes continues to deliver its services to tenants and leaseholders via three new town centre offices and in tenants’ homes and local communities. The new town centres offices have enabled us to deliver a considerably improved face to face interaction with tenants. This will be provided through mobile Housing and Building Services Officers with local service centres provided where necessary.

Service Improvements:


Estate walkabouts - Housing staff would aim to undertake regular advertised walkabouts on estates. These would help to ensure that staff develop a good understanding of local issues. They would give tenants the opportunity to identify any local concerns such as dumped rubbish or repairs and improvements needed to paths or lighting.

Both ERS & Community Housing Officers (CHO) have allocated patches. This approach has allowed staff to develop positive working relationships with tenants on an individual basis. For example by knocking the doors of tenants in their area or walking their patch. This has enabled them to identify issues in the communities in which they work. Weekly meetings are held between the ERS & CHO to establish a response to issues that have been identified. Where necessary other professional bodies are invited to contribute to this process, thus ensuring a coordinated approach. Annual meetings are held between NPT Homes and the local members;

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C5 Cont.

these meetings aim to, raise awareness of the work of NPT Homes and allow for an exchange of information in relation to the local area. These meetings have been supplemented by estate walkabouts between neighbourhood services and the local members. The local knowledge of the area gathered through the above process is fed into the community regeneration research into the 15 LIP Area


Housing Maintenance Handyperson scheme - NPT Homes would plan to introduce a mobile handyperson service to carry out small jobs for elderly or vulnerable tenants who are unable to carry out those jobs themselves. This new service would not be compulsory for all tenants - tenants would have the choice on whether to take up this service. It would be subject to the availability of funding and might involve a charge payable by individual tenants who choose to have the service.

NPT Homes has been successful in discussions with Care & Repair enabling tenants to access its handyperson service with jobs charged in accordance with a schedule of rates. In order to sign off this promise this information will be promoted to tenants & staff of the organisation, For example through e-bulletins, the Insider & the Grapevine. The service was publicised in the June edition of the Grapevine and an evaluation of the expressions of interest shows there is high demand for this service. NPT Homes has been successful in discussions with Care & Repair enabling tenants to access their handyperson service with jobs charged in accordance with a schedule of rates.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C6 Cont.

In addition, a handy person position is in the process of being advertised internally for an initial pilot period of 6 months. The handy person scheme will be reviewed at the end of the 6 month period when the possibility of developing it into a social enterprise will be considered.


Specialised tenant empowerment team - NPT Homes would plan to set up a tenant empowerment team to work with tenants to achieve the aspirations of the community housing mutual in developing proposals for community ownership.

The tenant empowerment team is in place. The team has so far established 7 groups, all of which are based on mutual principals and have meaningful input into the strategic direction of NPT Homes. An update of this work is provided in section F. As part of the pilot project in LIP 12, we have focused action on establishing a formal tenant group, in partnership with the local member, in Seven Sisters along with informal networks in Crynant and Onllwyn. The Tenant Empowerment team have also received requests for support in enhancing active citizenship from local members, individuals or semi-organised groups. There are plans underway to develop community links in areas such as Pontardawe, Briton Ferry and Croeserw.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Annual courtesy visit - Housing staff would plan to offer all tenants an annual courtesy visit with the aim of achieving the following: - Promoting opportunities for becoming involved in the housing service - Obtaining tenants' views on the services they receive - Identifying any concerns tenants may have - Giving advice on any issues relating to the tenancy.

This promise has been superseded by positive developments in working practices aimed at:

• Understanding our tenants • Getting to know our areas • Understanding what matters to

tenants • Targeted work to tenants • Understanding & meeting the individual

needs of our tenants This has been achieved and can be demonstrated through the following examples:

Understanding our tenants:

1. A tenant profiling exercise has been undertaken which returned a 30% response. This information has been used to gain an understanding of our tenant’s circumstances as well as updating our records and accurately targeting services to those that need them.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C8 Cont.

Getting to know our areas:

2. Both ERS & CHO have allocated patches. This approach has allowed staff to develop positive working relationships with tenants on an individual basis. For example by knocking the doors of tenants in their area or walking their patch. This has enabled them to identify issues in the communities in which they work.

Understanding what matters:

3. NPT Homes has adopted the principle of asking tenants ‘what matters’ this is achieved through service reviews of specified areas of work

For example, the sheltered housing service was one of the first areas to go through such a review which saw tenants being asked ‘what matters’ in relation to the service they received and the homes that they lived in. Changes were made to the service in accordance with the findings of this exercise.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C8 Cont.

Other service reviews undertaken which have adopted the same principles include Building services and the application process.

Targeted work:

4. An extensive exercise has been undertaken aimed at raising awareness of and helping tenants to plan and where possible mitigate the impact that the welfare reform changes will have on them. For example, the 2000 tenants affected by the bedroom tax were visited prior to its implementation.

The next change to be introduced will be Universal Credit similar targeted work will be undertaken with tenants who are likely to be affected by this and may face difficulty in sustaining their tenancy.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Anti-social behaviour and breach of tenancy


NPT Homes would aim to develop a skilled and dedicated service and would provide appropriate training to its staff on witness support and anti-social behaviour issues. NPT Homes would tackle the problems caused by anti-social behaviour and would plan to take the following action as appropriate:

Following the review of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy and procedures and training for staff we now operate a new approach to tackling and preventing ASB. Officers work with a team of ASB Specialist solicitors to take appropriate legal action when ASB occurs, implementing a more structured, joined up working relationship between Landlord Services, Specialist Services and other partners. Estate Rangers now work in allocated patches, side by side with the CHO’s, which mean the team are more community based, improving our understanding of ASB issues in our communities. All staff tasked with preventing & dealing with ASB have received an extensive programme of training, for example: • Hugh James – legal remedies; • Revised working practices; • Recording systems. To ensure a coordinated response to ASB this training has been offered to the Police. A range of leaflets have been produced to help tenants understand what to do when encountering ASB.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C10 Introduce a new specialist team to deal with cases of anti-social behaviour and harassment particularly by supporting victims;

A new team has been set up from the date of transfer; this includes additional Estate Rangers and an ASB Case Worker.


Give clear information and advice on what tenants can do to help deal with anti-social behaviour, focussing on practical ways of resolving problems;

NPT Homes has adopted an ASB Policy and Procedure which was developed following extensive consultation with tenants. The Policy and Procedure clearly sets out how NPT Homes works with tenants to help tackle ASB. A review of the ASB policy and procedures is currently being undertaken. Staff training will take place in May. As part of the review, consultation with tenants has taken place through telephone and face to face questionnaires and a small ASB focus group made up of tenants and staff from both Landlord Services and Specialist Services has been arranged will be undertaken to ascertain customer expectation and satisfaction levels. Best practise has been researched and visits made to organisations who are meeting accreditation standards to ensure the revised policy and procedures are developed to a standard capable of achieving ASB accreditation.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C11 Cont. As part of the review of the ASB policy and procedures, tenants will be consulted with to agree appropriate action to be taken in particular types of ASB. Information will also be produced giving advice to tenants on practical ways to resolve ASB as well as what action NPT Homes are able to take to help resolve ASB.


Enforce the terms of tenancy agreements as appropriate.

NPT Homes instruct a team of specialist solicitors to advise and guide us on the appropriate legal action to take. Enforcement actions to date: 5 Anti-social behaviour injunctions; 1 Demotion; 3 Possession orders. We will continue to make sure we use the range of tools available to us to tackle and prevent ASB.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Provide appropriate support to tenants reporting anti-social behaviour and assist them if they are asked to give evidence in court.

A review of the ASB Policy & procedure was undertaken in 2013. This took into account feedback from tenants on how they wish to report ASB. A range of leaflets have been produced to help tenants understand what to do when encountering ASB. Witness Support has been a key feature of all training provided. The introduction of risk assessments will formalise the level of support NPT Homes will provide The patch based working practices of the ERS & CHO are such that they can support tenants throughout the reporting, investigation and enforcement stages of the ASB complaint. For example: A risk assessment is completed with all complainants to identify vulnerability, repeat victims status and the level of support required from NPT Homes throughout the case. This will include support to enable witnesses to attend Court where this is required. Where appropriate referrals are made to the tenancy support scheme and to agencies that can provide support needed.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C14 Enhance Estate Ranger service which could help to tackle anti-social behaviour;

Additional Estate Rangers have been recruited and their vehicles now state that they are Estate Rangers, providing a higher visibility within communities.


Assess the support needs of tenants and where appropriate, making a referral to a supporting agency so that the tenancy can be successfully maintained.

The Tenancy Support Service has been in operation from the date of transfer. NPT Homes applied for and was successful in being awarded "Accredited Support Provider" status for the Tenancy Support Service (TSS) by the Welsh Government. NPT Homes has established an in-house support team which enables the provision of more flexible support. In 2013 /14 we supported 166 clients. NPT Homes will receive £234,642 in Supporting People Grant monies to support a minimum of 50 clients at any one time during 2014/15 As part of the investigation into ASB complaints a risk assessment will be completed highlighting any support needs of victims and alleged perpetrators and referrals to the appropriate support agency, including the in-house TSS and the Police will be made.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Develop expertise and best practice in dealing with anti-social behaviour problems and gather evidence to help ensure successful court action.

The Director of Housing is a member of the Safer Neath Port Talbot Partnership Board. An NPT Homes case review group has been established with clear terms of reference. Relevant cases which are identified through this process are reviewed by officers with our specialist lawyers. Staff involved in ASB cases attended both the review group and the joint meetings with our specialist lawyers allowing them to benefit from the best practice being implemented elsewhere and contribute to their training & development in this area. A suite of KPIs have been established in relation to ASB; these are reported quarterly.



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Promise C16

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C16 Cont. An ASB internal audit (June 2015) reported a ‘substantial’ level of assurance regarding the way in which NPT Homes seeks to address/prevent ASB. NPT Homes has embarked on a co-design review of the anti-social behaviour policy and procedure. Tenant input into the process is considered a more appropriate validation/accreditation of our procedure and will result in 100% completion of this promise. 3 of the planned 4 co-design session have been undertaken to date and officers are due to attend the pre-board session scheduled for the 24th November 2016.


Share information with the Police and other agencies to tackle problems and the perpetrators of anti-social behaviour (ASB).

Suitable information sharing arrangements are in place to ensure we are able to work with partner agencies to effectively prevent and tackle ASB. These include: • Partners of the recently introduced

Information Sharing Targeted Area Meetings (ISTAMs) group

• Protocols developed for servicing of injunctions

• Written consent allowing exchange of risk assessment information

• Ad-hoc specific case planning meetings.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C17 Cont. In addition NPT Homes is now signed up to the Wales Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (WASPI). In accordance with this framework we are developing an Information Sharing Protocol (ISP) between ourselves, the Local Authority, South Wales Police and other RSL’s operating in the Neath Port Talbot area to allow us to share information appropriately. NPT Homes drafted the initial ISP and circulated to all parties. South Wales Police have proposed that this draft ISP is piloted with relevant partners and that it is reviewed as necessary. We have held joint training sessions, hold regular meetings and work with the Police to gather information and agree the course of action in tackling ASB. Where necessary Estate Rangers are attending ‘cuppa with a copper’ sessions and Partnerships and Communities Together (PACT) meetings.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Work with tenants, local residents, the Council, the police and other agencies to identify local solutions for local problems.

A number of multi-agency community events have taken place where officers from NPT Homes have attended. Through the schools intervention programme, the Estate Rangers have worked with young people to map issues of ASB on our estates i.e. trouble hot spots, areas where lighting is poor etc. We have identified hot spot areas and are working with partner agencies in terms of addressing the issues raised. The practice of all Estate Rangers being allocated a ‘patch’ has now been rolled out; they will adopt the practices that were trialled by Zoe Rees as part of a pilot project. For example, where appropriate they will attend weekly Police surgeries, PACT meetings, estate walkabouts with the Local Authority and Police Community Support Officer’s to identify and tackle ASB. NPT Homes have staff based in the Community Safety Unit of the Police Station who work closely with NPT Homes' staff and the Police.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C19 NPT Homes would plan to use the full range of remedies available against offenders of anti-social behaviour including where appropriate: - Taking early and firm action to enforce the tenancy; - Independent mediation; - Injunctions; - Acceptable behaviour contracts; - Anti-social behaviour orders; - Possession action and evictions when necessary as a last resort.

As above. Since providing training to staff on ASB remedies we have utilised the options available to us under the existing legislation to ensure we respond effectively to complaints of ASB.

C20 NPT Homes would adopt appropriate measures to help prevent ASB from occurring. These could include:

See below.

C21 Using starter tenancies (assured short-hold tenancies for the first 12 months of a new tenancy);

Eligible tenants who transferred to NPT Homes have been issued new "Protected Rights" Tenancies. New tenants are issued with starter tenancies (assured short-hold tenancies for the first 12 months of a new tenancy).

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C22 Clearly explaining obligations under the new tenancy to all new tenants and highlighting potential consequences of breaching the tenancy agreement;

All new tenants meet with their local Community Housing Officer prior to sign up when they are taken through their tenancy agreement obligations. Tenants receive a "New Tenancy" pack which provides additional tenancy information. As part of the remodelled/in-house tenancy support service referred to above, a pre-tenancy officer has been recruited. Research and investigation took place in order to develop a pre-tenancy service, with an aim to enable sustainably tenancies. A pilot has been launched and an ‘Introduction to NPT Homes’ event will be held to provide tenancy information to new tenants, including opportunities and support services available to tenants.

C23 Visiting new tenants during the first six weeks of their tenancy to check they have settled in and there are no unresolved issues;

All new tenants receive a "new let" visit during the first six weeks of their tenancy when any issues can be addressed. All new tenants are able to benefit from an appointment with a member of the Financial Inclusion Team.


Working to find the causes of anti-social behaviour and dealing with them.

We have taken an innovative approach to finding the causes of ASB and addressing them, for example:

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C24 Cont.

In cases of household noise we have reached agreements for door stoppers to be used, speakers to be moved and worked with social services to provide suitable headphones for a tenant with hearing difficulties. Working with tenants of Farm Road we identified that the location of the shrubbery and poor lighting contributed to an increase in fly tipping. In consultation with the tenants we removed a number of trees / bushes at the end of the street where general rubbish was being dumped. We also installed CCTV to aid in the prevention and deter further incidents of fly tipping.

C25 Carrying out regular estate walkabouts to make contact with local residents to understand where and why problems occur.

Included in C5 going


As C5 above


Sending a clear message to those who cause nuisance and annoyance to others that it will not be tolerated.

NPT Homes takes its landlord responsibilities very seriously and this includes ensuring that all our tenants abide by the terms of their tenancy which includes ensuring that they do not act inappropriately and this specifically includes being abusive, or otherwise interfering with the peace and comfort of other occupiers or visitors or neighbours.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

C26 Cont.

Where required we have taken firm legal action within 48 hours of an incident occurring to ensure the safety of our tenants. We have promoted the actions we have taken to date through the Grapevine and in through local press.

Part D Improving and repairing your home

Planned Maintenance and Improvements

PVC door and window renewal programme is ahead of target to meet WHQS by 2016/17. As at 22/07/2016 2,167 properties are compliant. 88% of current target; 88% including 0 acceptable fails. (% compliance now includes acceptable fails). The figures noted above indicate a lower compliance figure than previously reported.

Windows and external doors -


There would be double glazed window installations to approximately 2,500 homes which would where possible have: - High quality double glazed uPVC windows - Secure locking handles to ground floor windows and doors. It is planned that, wherever possible, all homes would have double glazed windows within six years of transfer. New double glazed uPVC front and rear external doors would be provided where not already in place within six years of transfer. They would be of high quality and where possible contain: - Multi point locking system complying with, Secure by Design Standard; - Security chain.



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Promise D1

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

D1 Cont.

This amendment has been done intentionally to ensure the WHQS verification process is thorough and accurate. The change in compliance is the result of the removal of ‘door only installations’ which require further verification. The delivery programme remains on target to be complete by March 2017. This programme is still on target and is in line to be complete by March 2017.

D2 It is planned that, wherever possible, all homes would have double glazed windows within six years of transfer.

Included in D1 going


As D1 above.

D3 New double glazed uPVC front and rear external doors would be provided where not already in place within six years of transfer. They would be of high quality and where possible contain: - Multi point locking system complying with, Secure by Design Standard; - Security chain.

Included in D1 going


As D1 above.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Kitchens –


Kitchens would be modernised and tenants would where possible be given a choice of worktops, doors and tiles. It is planned that all kitchens would meet WHQS within six years of transfer. Around 3,700 new high quality kitchens would be fitted in the first 6 years following transfer. Around 4,800 kitchens would be upgraded. Further survey work since transfer has led to a revised target of 8,740 new or upgraded kitchens and the percentage completion is reviewed against this figure which may be further revised as the programme is completed.

The kitchen replacement programme has made excellent progress since it commenced 4 years ago. A delivery strategy has been developed which will achieve our deadline of 2016/17. As of 22/07/2016, 6,942 properties had received new kitchens. 81% of current target; 92% including 967 acceptable fails. (% compliance now includes acceptable).

D5 Around 3,700 new high quality kitchens would be fitted in the first 6 years following transfer.

Included in D4 going


Included in D4.



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Promise D4

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

D6 Around 4,800 kitchens would be upgraded. Included in D4 going


Included in D4.

D7 New kitchens where possible would provide: - greater choice of non-slip flooring and wall tiling; - greater choice of finishes to unit doors and handles; - greater choice of kitchen design including worktops; - more wall and base units than the Council has previously provided where applicable, extractor fan.

Tenants now have the choice of all these elements available to them when selecting their new kitchens; extractor fans are being installed where required.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Heating –

D8 It is planned that all homes where heating systems fail the WHQS would be offered a new full central heating system with boilers and radiators, with approximately 6,000 central heating boilers being replaced in the first 6 years following transfer. All new systems would where possible include: - separate radiator thermostats; - energy efficient boilers; - programmable heating timers. Further survey work since transfer has led to a revised target of 5,900 new or upgraded heating systems and the percentage completion is reviewed against this figure which may be further revised as the programme is completed.

The main programme commenced in October 2011. As at 22/07/2016, 5,270 new heating systems have been installed and the programme is on target to complete during 2016/17. 87% of current target; 95% including 476 acceptable fails. (% compliance now includes acceptable).

D9 All new systems would where possible include: - separate radiator thermostats; - energy efficient boilers; - programmable heating timers.

Included in D8 going


Part of D8 above.



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Promise D8

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Bathrooms -


Around 2,400 homes would be fitted with new bathrooms within six years of transfer allowing for where possible: - over bath electric showers (or separate shower cubicles where space and budget permit); - extractor fans; - non-slip flooring; - a choice of tiles. Around 6,000 bathrooms would be upgraded. It is planned that all bathrooms would meet the WHQS within six years of transfer. Further survey work since transfer has led to a revised target of 8,339 new or upgraded bathrooms and the percentage completion is reviewed against this figure which may be further revised as the programme is completed.

The bathroom replacement programme has made excellent progress since it commenced 4 years ago. As of 22/07/2016, 6,413 properties had received new bathrooms and the programme is on target to complete during 2016/17. 80% of current target; 91% including 820 acceptable fails. (% compliance now includes acceptable fails).

D11 Around 6,000 bathrooms would be upgraded.

Included in D10 going


As D10 above.



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Promise D10

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

D12 It is planned that all bathrooms would meet the WHQS within six years of transfer.

Included in D10 going


As D10 above.

Roofs –


NPT Homes would have a budget of around £2.8 million for a programme of roof repairs and renewal in the first six years after transfer including on-going replacement of roof coverings as necessary throughout the 30 years of the business plan. Further survey work since transfer has led to a revised target of 2,319 new or upgraded roofs and the percentage completion is reviewed against this figure which may be further revised as the programme is completed.

The roof repair programme has continued since transfer and is programmed to be compliant within 6 years. As at 22/07/2016, 1,898 roofs have been replaced since transfer and the programme is on target to complete during 2016/17. 84% of current target; 84% including 0 acceptable fails. (% compliance now includes acceptable fails).



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Promise D13

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Electrical Systems –

D14 Around 860 homes would be re-wired within the first 6 years following transfer. All new rewiring would include where possible: - 2 hard wired smoke detectors in houses (or 1 in flat); - security lighting; - additional electrical sockets.

As of 31/03/14, 2362 properties have been rewired.

Security –


Tenants would be offered (where appropriate): - (i) front and rear external entrance lights; - (ii) NPT Homes would have a budget for improvements to fences and gates.



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Promise D15



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Promise D15 (i)

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

D15 Cont.

Security lights form part of D14 rewiring works which has previously been signed off as complete. The provision of gates and fences is being assessed (globally) as part of the land appraisal process with works anticipated to start 2016. The data regarding fences and gates is currently being collected.

Disabled Adaptations –


A budget of £26.75 million within the investment programme over 30 years on disabled adaptations, including approximately £6 million in the first 6 years after transfer.

NPT Homes has spent in excess of the promised £6M on disabled adaptations since transfer and has set up a dedicated team to manage adaptation works going forward to meet the promise within the offer document.



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Promise D15 (ii)

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Environmental and Security Improvements


NPT Homes would have a budget of £13.5 million within its investment programme for environmental and security improvements in the first six years alone - over £10m on estate and environmental improvements and over £3.5m on security. Examples of improvements that could be provided for each estate include: - improved estate car parking; - fencing, walls and railings around communal blocks; - improved external lighting and security lighting; - repairs to walkways, pathways and other hard landscaping; - enhancing the landscaping features around the homes; - reviewing the use of and improving communal drying areas; - reviewing the use of underused garage sites and rationalising their provision; and - play areas.

The Regeneration Team has an on-going programme of community consultation following Welsh Government best practice (100% compliant as at 31st December 2015) which will establish a resident led approach to define estate based priorities and neighbourhood enhancements. Interpreting the environmental standard will be different for each area as it will have to meet the needs of each local neighbourhood. A co-design approach to the works that will be completed in an area is being piloted in the lower Brynamman area. This will ensure that community based priorities are captured accurately and effectively leading to a delivery plan of environmental improvements commencing early 2016.



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Promise D17

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Examples of improvements that could be provided for each estate include: - improved estate car parking; - fencing, walls and railings around communal blocks; - improved external lighting and security lighting; - repairs to walkways, pathways and other hard landscaping; - enhancing the landscaping features around the homes; - reviewing the use of and improving communal drying areas; - reviewing the use of underused garage sites and rationalising their provision; and - play areas.

Included in D17 going


Interpreting the environmental standard will be different for each area as it will have to meet the needs of each local neighbourhood. The Regeneration Team will ensure that community based priorities are captured accurately and effectively leading to a delivery plan of environmental improvements commencing spring 2015.

D19 NPT Homes would aim to consult all tenants individually on improvement works to their homes including where there are special needs or cultural requirements.

The Tenant Liaison Officer Team is working with tenants to establish individual requirements. Tenants are fully informed prior to, during and after works are undertaken to their homes.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Repairs Service –

NPT Homes would plan to:

D20 Introduce a new Housing Maintenance Handyperson's scheme to undertake small jobs for a charge.

Included in C6 going


Included in C6.

D21 Introduce a free phone repairs reporting helpline and more ways for you to report repairs directly, for example, through the internet or by e-mail;

After an assessment of the means by which tenants contacted the call centre it was determined that the introduction of a 0300 number would be more beneficial to tenants than a free phone number since the majority of these are charged for from mobiles. Repairs can also be reported via email or the website. In April 2013 a new telephone system for repairs was implemented which will reduce waiting times during busy periods for tenants calls to be answered.

D22 Offer timed appointments through a new appointments system for all non-emergency repairs.

Morning and afternoon Appointments system now in operation.

Promise No.

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22nd September 2016


Extend the times during which day-to-day repairs are carried out, such as early evenings on weekdays and on Saturday mornings so as to be able to offer more convenient appointments for working tenants.

Tenants who are unable to accept a normal working hours appointment for non-urgent works inside their home due to their own work commitments are offered an early evening (up to 6.00 pm) or Saturday morning between 8.00 am and 12.00 midday appointment for non-urgent internal works.

D24 Continue to provide a 24 hour emergency service 365 days a year;

24 hour emergency cover in place.

D25 Be committed to ensuring that the in-house workforce maintains a central role in providing the day-to-day repairs service and planned maintenance service.

In-house workforce being maintained and review undertaken to ensure work allocated to external contractors is minimised and retained in-house.

Planned Maintenance Programmes –

D26 Programmes of planned maintenance works would be carried out to help ensure the homes are well maintained through a commitment to:

Planned maintenance programmes in place and being implemented.



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Promise D23

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

D27 Service all gas appliances each year through an appointment system.

Existing contract extended for further 3 years with agreed dates to review service provision and identify areas for improvement.


Decorate internal communal areas in sheltered schemes and blocks of flats.

A review is currently underway of all communal areas in blocks of flats to identify the full extent of the works required to upgrade the communal areas. A pilot refurbishment scheme has been completed in Gwent House, Sandfields. The communal corridors in Sheltered/Haven housing buildings are being upgraded and painted as part of the wider WHQS works that are being undertaken at the schemes. With regard to the communal lounge areas a pilot refurbishment programme is in progress, commencing at Llys Nant Fer which is due for completion August 2016.



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Promise D28

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

D28 Cont.

This will see the lounge area overhauled and will include the provision of new furniture for which a service charge will be applied. The scheme will be used to show tenants in other scheme what can be achieved; if successful it will be rolled out across all of the schemes.


Maintain communal lifts, fire and smoke alarms, fire safety equipment and emergency lighting, inspect water storage vessels with respect to legionella bacteria and carry out fire safety inspections to communal buildings.

On-going delivery through planned inspection and works programmes.

Property log books developed for each Sheltered Housing scheme giving instructions on:

• Legionella testing; • Weekly Fire alarm tests; • Emergency lighting test.

We currently service passenger lifts quarterly and stair lifts annually. We also provide a responsive repair service.

Emergency lighting is serviced annually in communal flats and bi-annually in sheltered complexes.


Maintain appropriate 'open spaces' on estates and ensure that trees and shrubs are trimmed as necessary.

A Neighbourhood Service Team undertakes all grounds maintenance on transferred land. Since transfer we have improved the cycle of cuts from around 6 weekly to 3.9 weekly

during the period March to late October.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

D30 Cont.

Through the winter months additional work is undertaken in communal areas of blocks/schemes (hard pruning of shrubs, path edging, moss removal, weeding, power washing etc.)

Part E Service for older people and sheltered housing services

Existing Service:

NPT Homes' business plan would include a budget to continue the existing sheltered housing service, including:


Named Scheme Managers for all of the sheltered schemes, so that daily contact with tenants is maintained;

All sheltered schemes currently have designated named Scheme Managers. In consultation with tenants NPT Homes is piloting the introduction of ‘clustering’ arrangements between its sheltered housing schemes. The tenants in the schemes have been able to benefit from the skills and experience of a wider group of staff as well as access to a variety of activities. The Dulais Valley Clustering arrangements are now fully established and have proven to be a success. We are now concluding a consultation exercise with tenants living in the 4 schemes in the Port Talbot area with a view to piloting a further cluster arrangement within these schemes.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

E1 Cont.

A designated Tenant Empowerment officer is currently developing the social activities available to sheltered tenants in conjunction with a number of self-nominated tenants from across the sheltered schemes. This will ensure that tenants are better able to access social gatherings which enhance physical health and well-being


Provision of sheltered accommodation allocated for occupation by older and/or disabled persons.

Applicants requiring sheltered housing have been identified and assessed for suitable vacancies outside of the Homes By Choice bidding process. This has meant those applicants with the greatest need are able to access the service and receive the support they require within shorter timescales.

There are a number of void properties within sheltered housing schemes; a scheme manager has been tasked with contacting all residents currently registered for sheltered housing with a view to understanding their current circumstances and whether these can be met through existing voids.

E3 24 hour community alarm service for all sheltered housing tenants;

Community alarm service maintained.

E4 Provision of amenities such as laundries and communal lounges, including cleaning of communal areas and windows and grounds maintenance;

Amenities maintained. Neighbourhood Services Team provides cleaning and grounds maintenance service.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

E5 Provision of disabled aids and adaptations; Via Service Level Agreement with the Council. As part of the sheltered housing review pilot an Occupational Therapist carried out an assessment on tenants, many benefited from additional aids.

E6 Provision of concessionary TV licences for as long as regulations permit;

All sheltered housing schemes have a concessionary TV Licence and those tenants who are eligible are able to benefit from this.

E7 Working with the Council's Social Services and health professionals to help ensure the provision of care to those tenants who need it;

All tenants living in sheltered housing have an outcomes focused support plan which includes how we will work in partnership with professionals to ensure tenants receive the support and care they require.

In partnership with a range of agencies, “Case reviews” are undertaken whereby the level of support and care is assessed and where appropriate amended to suit the changing need.

E8 Work with the Council to try to provide newly developed extra care sheltered housing schemes.

Ty Maes Marchog in Banwen is the first example of NPT Homes and the Council working in partnership to deliver a new scheme for older people fit for the 21st century. The works are now completed and tenants have moved into their new homes.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016



NPT Homes would plan to review and develop these existing services over time in consultation with sheltered housing tenants, so that other new services and ways of delivering the service could be introduced with a view to improving the service provided currently.

A sheltered housing scheme manager’s handbook was developed to ensure a consistent service was delivered across all schemes. This will be subject to regular review so as to ensure it remains up to date.

Following the successful implementation of the clustering arrangements in the Dulais Valley these working practices were rolled out to sheltered schemes in the Port Talbot area. We have also undertaken assessments with older people living in the community to identify the support needs they may have. We have set up a sheltered social group which includes volunteers from sheltered housing. The group has consulted with tenants to see what additional social activities they would like. This has resulted in a high attendance rate at the events to date.

Improvements to Sheltered Schemes:

NPT Homes would plan the following improvements to sheltered schemes:

E10 Introduce a system of assessments to ensure that tenants' needs are properly understood and the necessary services are put in place;

All tenants living in sheltered housing have an outcomes focused support plan.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Where appropriate, and subject to resources being available, give a choice of a replacement of bath with shower or a walk-in shower to tenants with mobility problems when bathroom replacement programmes are carried out.

8 of the 13 schemes that require WHQS upgrades are compliant or are in progress. Where appropriate tenants receive an assessment from a qualified Occupational Therapist so that their needs can be accommodated, wherever possible, in the upgrade works. Shower/wet room upgrades are completed as standard and, where feasible, an assisted bathing/communal bathing facility is made available.


Subject to resources being available, undertake home improvements to or practical adaptations for disabled tenants' homes, such as ramped access and hand rails, to help tenants remain in their homes for longer.

Minor adaptations being undertaken. See E5. An SLA is being drawn up with regard to accessing the NPTCBC OT service.



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Promise E11

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016


Ensure accommodation is more accessible where possible by automotive doors to communal areas.

This is being considered/delivered as part of the sheltered housing WHQS programme; this commenced in Summer 2014 and will be completed during 2017. 8 of the 13 schemes that require WHQS upgrades are compliant or are in progress. New doors to individual dwellings have been provided in Riverside Court; they have been fitted with assisted door openers which means they can be opened with the minimum of effort. These will be fitted at all other schemes where it is identified that a standard door will prove problematic for a tenant. Where replacement doors are required to communal areas the feasibility of these being fully automated will be considered.



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Promise E13

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

E13 Cont. Notwithstanding the work that will take place as part of WHQS, progress has been made towards the achievement of this promise through the following actions:

1) An automated door and access ramp have been installed at Ty Llansawel sheltered housing complex.

2) An automated door is already in place at Michaelstone Court and Gwyn Court.

3) The ramp and entrance door to the rear of Cysgodfa have been reconfigured to allow ease of access.

A vertical lift has been installed at Cysgodfa, Ty Maes Marchog, Mozart Court and Maesydarren.

Scheme Managers

NPT Homes would also aim to improve services provided by the scheme managers in order to meet the needs of older people. It would consult with tenants on a range of possible improvements which, for example, could include:

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016


Introducing a tenants' handbook specifically for tenants of sheltered housing.

A draft handbook has been produced. The handbook’s content was produced by a working group made up of tenant volunteers, scheme managers and the tenant empowerment officer with responsibility for ‘older persons’. The working group was split into small task and finish groups, looking at individual subjects/sections of the handbook in more detail.

As well as hard copies it is envisaged that the content of the handbook will also be presented in the form of a DVD which will be shown in the communal lounge of each sheltered housing scheme. We have recently undertaken a review of the sheltered housing service which has seen the introduction of brand names



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Promise E14

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

E14 Cont. ‘Haven Housing’ and ‘Bridge’. The handbook will be updated to reflect this and new service criteria. This promise will be considered to have been achieved once the amendments have been made and the handbook published. It is anticipated that this promise will be complete by December 2016


Working with other service providers to ensure that older tenants have the best possible service. This could include use of assistive technology which would allow earlier discharge from hospital.

Scheme Managers work with other organisations, such as Local Authority Social Services and RNIB to make sure tenants receive the services they require.

Case conferences are arranged where there is a need to discuss and agree the actions that are required.

As part of the sheltered housing review we have explored the use of assistive technology. The warden call system will be upgraded as part of the WHQS programme which will accommodate the use of assistive technology.


Improving the out-of-hours service.

An out of hours service is provided to all sheltered housing tenants via the pull-cord system; if activated the call will go through to a monitoring centre who will make contact with the necessary individuals/agencies.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

E16 Cont.

At the point of transfer NPT Homes inherited a long-standing service level agreement with the City and County of Swansea to provide this service; Swansea subsequently contracted out the monitoring to Carmarthenshire Council. This made for a very costly service not suited to the needs of our tenants or NPT Homes. The Service Level Agreement with Swansea was therefore brought to an end and a direct agreement made with Carmarthenshire to provide the service. NPT Homes will continue to review the out of hours service to ensure it remains fit for purpose.


Developing communities around sheltered schemes.

A ‘Haven Housing’ social group has been established; this was initially run in



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Promise E17

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

E17 Cont.

conjunction with Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service (NPTCVS). The group aims to empower tenants to set up social activities for other tenants. A co-design approach has been taken to the re-design of the role of the scheme managers and the support service, which is now branded as ‘Bridge’. This has seen tenant volunteers/ambassadors working together to design the future service utilising the assets available within schemes and the community that surrounds them. Operating the service in this way will be fundamental to meeting the needs of tenants at a time when the Supporting People budget is reducing. The launch of the new co-designed service on the 4th April now sees tenants in the community supported and links made to sheltered housing schemes which have been re-branded as ‘Haven Housing’. As such this promise is now considered to be 100% complete.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

Other improvements:

Additional improvements could include:

E18 A menu of options for support and care which would be developed in consultation with tenants so that appropriate care and support can be provided at the appropriate cost.

All tenants living in sheltered housing have an outcomes focused support plan which includes how we will work in partnership with professionals to ensure tenants receive the support and care they require.

In partnership with a range of agencies, “Case reviews” are undertaken whereby the level of support and care is assessed and where appropriate amended to suit the changing need.


Where feasible, offer support and care to older people living outside sheltered schemes.

The Tenancy Support Scheme is available to all tenants of NPT Homes who require support to maintain their tenancy.

In May 2013 we commenced a pilot to look at the support needs of older tenants living in the community. Very few tenants living in the community felt that they had support needs that we could assist with.

The overall review of our sheltered service will include developing a support service to tenants living both in & out of sheltered schemes.

E20 Providing support and care appropriate to schemes, recognising that some schemes require different levels of support;

Every tenant living in a sheltered housing scheme has an outcomes focused support plan which enables us to tailor the support they need to remain living independently in their own home.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016


Considering the needs of the scheme when allocating empty flats so that there is a mix of support needs and in order to try to develop vibrant communities.

The “Choice” based Shared Letting Policy is the basis for allocating empty properties. Support needs of new tenants are assessed and appropriate. Allocations are made in line with the Shared Lettings Policy between NPT Homes and NPTCBC. This policy forms part of the Transfer Agreement. Promise E21 would not be in line with the Transfer Agreement and therefore cannot be achieved.


Developing a good neighbour scheme for sheltered accommodation so that additional on-site support would be available for emergencies outside office hours.

See E9 also. In consultation with tenants NPT Homes is piloting the introduction of ‘clustering’ arrangements between its sheltered housing schemes. The tenants in the schemes have been able to benefit from the skills and experience of a wider group of staff as well as access to a variety of activities.

The Dulais Valley Clustering arrangements are now fully established. Following the successful implementation of the clustering arrangements in the Dulais Valley these working practices were rolled out to sheltered schemes in the Port Talbot area. We have also undertaken

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

E22 Cont.

assessments with older people living in the community to identify the support needs they may have.

We are also working with a variety of agencies e.g. C.V.S., Communities 2.0 and “Get Connected” (R.N.I.B.) to offer a wide variety of activities and skills training that can be offered to tenants. A member of the Tenant Empowerment team has met with all scheme managers to identify where support is needed in providing engagement and social activities. Tenants have been consulted with in relation to their IT needs and have been sign posted to organisations providing IT courses. One of our schemes has recently been successful in obtaining funding for IT equipment.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Developing a good neighbour scheme for sheltered accommodation so that additional on-site support would be available for emergencies outside office hours.

A number of informal arrangements are in place at each scheme; these have been set up/developed by the tenants themselves. The establishment of a good neighbour scheme was re-visited as part of the co-design of the revised scheme manager/support service. The Tenant Empowerment Team have since visited each scheme to discuss the idea with tenants and although there are a number of ‘natural’ good neighbours, there was reluctance to formalise it with people being happier to carry on doing things for each other as normal and stay away from feeling they had a ‘responsibility’.



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Promise E23

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

E23 Cont.

Previous Offer Document updates have reported that this promise will be considered to be 100% complete once the feasibility of a good neighbour scheme has been explored further; on this basis the promise is considered achieved. In order to recognise those tenants who are giving up their time on an informal basis to help their neighbours we are planning to undertake the following tasks: • Put a poster up at all schemes and ask

for people to share with us who is a good neighbour to them and why

• Send each of these tenants a ‘Good neighbour’ certificate and automatically put them into the running for a tenant award at the AGM

• Seek permission from these tenants to feature them in the tenant newsletter.


Within its investment programme, NPT Homes would have a budget of up to £5.5 million in the first six years after transfer for improvements and re-modelling work in sheltered schemes. This work would be undertaken in consultation with tenants to provide self-contained flats with their own bathrooms and to upgrade bedsit flats to provide separate bedrooms and living rooms.



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Promise E24

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

E24 Cont.

The Sheltered Housing WHQS programme commenced in the summer 2014 and due to finish 2017. 8 of the 13 schemes that require WHQS upgrades are compliant or are in progress.

Based on the costs of the works completed to date and that planned at the other schemes the budget will increase from £5.5 million to circa £11m.

Optional Services:

In consultation with tenants, NPT Homes would also look at introducing optional services suggested during the consultation on the proposed transfer such as:

E25 An enhanced decorating scheme for older and disabled tenants; see promise C6.

Included in

Promise C6 going forward

Refer to promise C6.


An enhanced gardening service for older and disabled tenants.

Eligible tenants who benefitted from the garden maintenance service which existed under NPTCBC still benefit from this service. More recently we have received requests to carry out one-off garden clearance works which we have been able to complete at cost to the tenant.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

E26 Cont.

The NPT Homes Tenant Scrutiny Panel conducted a review into the Garden Maintenance scheme which included the panel of tenants speaking to tenants and staff to gather their views on what improvements could be made. The plans outlined above and in promises C6 & D20 will also mean there is opportunity to provide a more enhanced service.

E27 A Housing Maintenance Handyperson service for people who are unable to carry out small jobs around their home.

Included in

Promise C6 going forward

Refer to Promise C6.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

Part F Involving you in the running of NPT Homes

There will be a number of ways that tenants and the wider community can get involved in the running of NPT Homes:

Dedicated Tenant Empowerment team established at transfer that works with tenants, leaseholders and communities to maximise opportunities for them to become involved in shaping the services they receive and encouraging them to become part of the decision making process.

The Board has approved a Tenant Empowerment Plan which sets out how NPT Homes will empower tenants, leaseholders and communities. It sets out how NPT Homes will develop ways to ensure that sustainable and innovative tenant empowerment is achieved throughout Neath Port Talbot.

The Tenant Empowerment Plan sets out a timetable for implementation for each of the different ways tenants and other stakeholders may get involved which are outlined below. The Tenant Empowerment Team continues to develop ways in which tenants can get involved in the running of NPT Homes. The organisation is currently undertaking its first Self-Assessment exercise and the process has involved tenants from the very start with regards to training and setting local outcomes.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016


Shareholder Membership - all tenants of NPT Homes would be eligible to apply for full membership. Other local persons and organisations interested in NPT Homes can be admitted as associate members.

As at 26th Feb 2014 there were 216 tenant members, 16 leaseholders, 20 associate members, 3 Independent Members and 1 council member. Community based engagement activities have seen a positive return on Membership in recent weeks. Additionally, both the Tenant Empowerment team and the Corporate Governance team will be looking to raise awareness of Membership to tenants, staff and stakeholders in the coming months, aimed at enhancing the succession planning arrangements for the Board and other engagement opportunities such as Membership Committee.

F2 NPT Homes Board - comprising 5 tenants, 5 Council nominees and 5 independent members;

As stated in the Rules. The Board is currently made up of 4 independents, 4 tenants and 5 council nominees. We will look to fill the vacancies in Spring 2013.

F3 Scrutiny Committee - shall be nominated by shareholding members;

Following an extensive training programme the Scrutiny Panel are currently undertaking their first Scrutiny exercise into the garden maintenance service of NPT Homes scheduled for completion in Summer 2013. This will involve speaking to tenants, staff and gathering best practice aimed at enhancing the service.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016


Membership Committee - shall be nominated by shareholding members;

A democratically elected Membership Committee was established in January 2013. This group of 12 tenants and leaseholders will provide added structure to the governance arrangements of NPT Homes and will commence development of the Local Tenant Participation Strategy in June 2013.

F5 Tenant and Leaseholders Forum - all nominated representatives of tenants, leaseholders, sheltered and other community groups together with individuals who wish to represent themselves.

A consultation exercise was conducted on 10th July 2013 with all leaseholders, regarding the establishment of a ‘single point of contact’ allowing all repairs, finance and other housing related queries to be dealt with by one member of staff , subject to approval from all leaseholders. Following the overwhelming decision by leaseholders NOT to establish this post, arrangements are now underway for an annual leaseholder’s forum – scheduled for July 2014.


Forum Committee - nominated Forum members.

A number of groups have been established which would fall under the banner of a Forum inc. POWER (Programme Of Works And Economic Regeneration), Communication, TALIG (Tenant And Leaseholders Innovation Group).

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016


Sheltered Tenants' Forum - open to all sheltered tenants of NPT Homes.

A Tenant Empowerment Officer has been working with Sheltered Tenants at an individual scheme level from Autumn 2012. The Tenant Empowerment officer has already provided support to various sheltered tenant groups and a ‘social group’ to enhance the social activities available to sheltered tenants. Following this, efforts will be taken to integrate sheltered tenants with on-going activities within their communities and then examine along with Sheltered Tenants, the feasibility of a representative Sheltered Tenants forum.


Leaseholder Groups – open to all leaseholders of NPT Homes.

A consultation exercise was conducted on 10th July 2013, regarding the establishment of a ‘single point of contact’ allowing all repairs, finance and other housing related queries to be dealt with by one member of staff, subject to approval from all leaseholders. Following the overwhelming decision NOT to establish this post, arrangements are now underway for an annual leaseholders' forum – scheduled for July 2014.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

F9 Tenants Groups - open to all tenants of NPT Homes.

The Tenant Empowerment team are currently structured to ensure that officers have responsibility for establishing community groups and networks in all geographical areas across the county borough. This will be delivered in partnership with other agencies to establish community groups, and where groups already exist, to provide any support needed.


Continuous Improvement Teams - open to all tenants and leaseholders.

A Continuous Improvement Team (POWER group) was established prior to transfer. This group of tenants are in the process of developing a monitoring framework for the major programme of work which includes examination of tenant’s satisfaction levels in relation to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard. The group meets regularly and is continually updated with progress.


Special Interest Groups - open to all tenants of NPT Homes.

A youth committee was established in April 2012. This group were successful in obtaining over £6k Gwirvol funding in September 2012, and continue to promote youth engagement opportunities across NPT Homes.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

F11 Cont. The lowering of the restriction age for Membership to 11 at the 2012 AGM allows for increased engagement with secondary schools across NPT. A communication group was established in April 2012. This group continues to approve tenant literature from across the organisation along with content for the Grapevine magazine. The Tenant Empowerment Team will continue to facilitate relevant Special Interest Groups on an ongoing basis.


TRAs and Community Estate Forums.

Interested tenants and residents are identified in the research process for the Local Investment Planning areas. These interested individuals or groups are referred to the Tenant Empowerment Team. Both the Community Regeneration Team and Tenant Empowerment Team work in partnership with tenant and resident groups to deliver regeneration projects to communities. In addition to this, the Tenant Empowerment Team act upon requests that are received to establish community groups on an ad hoc basis. Several requests of this nature have been forthcoming to date and support has been provided accordingly.

Promise No.

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22nd September 2016

F12 Cont.

In addition to this, the Tenant Empowerment Team act upon requests that are received to establish community groups on an ad hoc basis. Several requests of this nature have been forthcoming to date and support has been provided accordingly.

Part G Your rights – protecting key rights and entitlements:

G1 New assured tenancy agreement, the conditions of which (except for increases in rent and other charges) can only be changed with the tenant's written consent;

Eligible tenants who transferred to NPT Homes have been issued new "Protected Rights" assured tenancy agreements, the conditions of which (except for increases in rent and other charges) could only be changed with tenants’ written consent.

G2 Ability to pass on your home - any previous successions with the Council are disregarded and NPT Homes' tenants can pass on their tenancy twice;

"Protected Rights" Tenancy agreement confirms that NPT Homes will not take into account successions before the date of transfer.

G3 Entitlement to buy your own home;

Tenancy agreements set out the Preserved Right to Buy.

G4 Right To Buy discount transfers and continues to grow to the maximum allowed. Still able to pass on your home and transfer or exchange your home;

Covered under the Preserved Right to Buy.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016

G5 Local management or ownership of homes. The Rules of NPT Homes allow tenants of communities, subject to certain conditions and time constraints, to take over some or all of the management of the homes. They also allow for the setting up by the community of a new organisation to take over ownership of homes in specific areas, subject to approval of the Welsh Government.

Part H About NPT Homes

H1 The current Board members would be able to serve until the second annual general meeting (AGM) of NPT Homes.

Rule 58 of the adopted Rules of NPT Homes confirms this.

Part I Community and economic regeneration


Using the major planned repairs work to provide local employment opportunities.

All of the major works programme contracts contain, or will contain, contractual obligations. For every £1.00 spent on the major improvement programme we have created a further £1.99 in the local economy. Job creation by the contractors stands at 83 with a further 21 apprentices. Additional training and work placements opportunities have also been created.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

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22nd September 2016


Working with local labour market intervention programmes to assist the long-term unemployed and economically inactive back into work.

All of the major works programme contracts contain or will contain contractual obligations. We continue to work with Communities First, Workways and new initiatives such as the Lift programme to actively assist those furthest from the workplace. Work continues with contractors and local agencies to create training and job opportunities. Currently contractors have established 82 new jobs, over 80% from the local area. 50% of those recruited were long term unemployed. Partnerships have been created with Career Wales and NPT College to provide apprenticeship opportunities.

I3 Using apprentice schemes across the repair service.

NPT Homes, working in partnership with NPT College to identifies local people who have shown a commitment to following a career in building maintenance by attending college and studying for a qualification in a construction related trade.

4 Apprentices recruited in September 2014 utilising the Cyfle Building, South West Wales Shared Apprenticeship scheme.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016


Providing training with recognised qualifications to promote a multi-skilled workforce.

Pilot undertaken with a small number of employees undertaking NVQ Level 2 in maintenance operations.

NPT Homes working nationally with Construction Skills and other organisations to further develop and enhance multi skilled NVQ. Additional multi-skilled training to recognised NVQ will be offered to existing trade employees during 2014.


Promoting training and career opportunities by working in partnership with schools, educational establishments and existing local training providers.

NPT Homes continues to work in partnership with NPT College and, in particular, the Pathways To Apprenticeships Programme which is aimed at learners aged between 16 and 24. The learners study full time for one year with a Further Education Institution working toward achieving a level 2 vocational qualification in their chosen vocation. NPT Homes provides these youngsters with work experience and on-site training. A number of admin work placements have been offered within the Specialist Services Team; this has been pursued in conjunction with the NPTCBC Skills and Training Unit and the Job Centre.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

I6 Developing local supply chains and providing introduction to major contractors to develop longer-term working relationships and contract opportunities for local businesses.

NPT Homes continues to work in partnership with NPTCBC Economic Development Section. New contracts commenced with local suppliers for provision of maintenance materials to NPT Homes’ workforce.

I7 Helping businesses promote themselves and win contracts, i.e. how to tender workshops, Meet the Buyer events.

A number of workshops were held in partnership with NPTCBC delivered in summer/autumn 2013 to encourage local contractors/supply chains to build capacity in order to tender for various aspects of our future work.


Including community and social benefit clauses in contracts that encourage, as far as possible, local employment and training and sourcing of goods and services locally.

All of the major works programme contracts contain or will contain contractual obligations. Contractors have successfully begun to discharge social clauses and will continue to do so throughout the contract. The recent external wall insulation contract to the value of £20 million over 3 years has social benefit clauses as a core requirement to the contract.


Supporting the development of community owned social enterprises to supply goods and services.

Following the creation of two local social enterprises to a sustainable level, NPT Homes continues to explore opportunities to support and develop more local social enterprises.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

I9 Cont. NPT Homes has supported local businesses such as the Dove Workshop, Neath YMCA and Glynneath Training Centre to provide training and support to its tenants. It also has close links with NPTCVS.

Support of social enterprises is embedded in the organisation.

As part of its Business Development, NPT Homes is currently exploring the utilisation of its environmental programme to support the creation of more sustainable social enterprises.


Work closely with residents and public bodies to help local communities tackle problems and improve the quality of life.

A review of the ASB policy & procedure was undertaken in 2013. This took into account feedback from tenants on how they wish to report ASB. A range of leaflets have been produced to help tenants understand what to do when encountering ASB.

Witness Support has been a key feature of all training provided. The introduction of risk assessments will formalise the level of support NPT Homes will provide The patch based working practices of the ERS & CHO are such that they can support tenants throughout the reporting, investigation and enforcement stages of the ASB complaint.

Promise No.

Nature of Work To be commenced

In Progress Complete Comments

22nd September 2016

I10 Cont.

We work with our communities to identify & understand the issues affecting their particular areas and encourage them to work with us to tackle those issues & therefore improve quality of life. Examples of this can be seen the Farm Rd project.

In addition the Regeneration Team’s work on the Local Investment Plans identifies issues within the local communities and opportunities to improve quality of life. There will be 15 Local Investment Plans which cover the entire Borough.

A programme which outlines the completion of these plans will be finalised in Summer 2014. Detailed consultation is carried out in the regeneration priority areas to ensure that the regeneration interventions address the issues that are important to tenants. The planned Estate Improvement Fund will encourage communities to work directly with NPT Homes to deliver sustainable enhancements to the participating areas.