Appendicitis modi

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Appendicitis modi


Clinical Surgery DepartmentDr. Benjamin Robles Madrigal

Dr. Héctor Manuel Virgen AyalaAlumno Javier Cosío Cardenas

Anatomy and fisiology

the appendix is a diverticulo ovni in the iota of the blind approximately 2.5 cm below the ileocecal valve

Appendix acute

fibrous bands, Lymphoid Hyperplasia, fecalitos, calculations y parasites

the main cause is infectious


Inflammatory edematous (invasion of the wall) suppurative (exudate and filtration) gangrenous (necrosis)Drilling (release 48Hrs in 80%)

Dx and Dx differential

ClinicLab (protein C. leucocitosis)USG

pelvica inflammatory disease and other ailments ginecologicos

Cx clinic

trouble half abdominal anorexia Nausea 50 -60 % mild colicos localized pain

Phisical exploration

sensitivity to palpation pain on the drums peristalsis normal or slightly reduced

temperature 37.8

AaronMc burneyPsoas Talopercusionrobsin

Appendicitis chronic

pain for three weeks fibrotico appendix,USG laparoscopy of preference, Rx with barium

Appendicitis and pregnancy

fever less common, typical Leukocytosis, most early the drilling, diffuse peritonitis in less time

apendicectomia, pneumoperitoneum, death has been reduced in women .5% and foetus 10%

common errors in the diagnostic

digital rectal appendix retrocecal appendix in upper right quadrant discard an appendicitis situs inversus


Pain more severe fever 38.3 generalized peritonitis or abscess


sensivility, stiffness, abdominal distension, paralizad ileus


• discectomy ultrasound guided aspiration antibiotic and apendicectomia 6 weeks afteror apendicectomia immediate


is a festering thrombophlebitis of the venous system portal

TAC thrombosis gas in the vein of portal


levels of air-liquid density +++ air free ---


further definition of the wall thickening enlarged less reliable findings


differentiation of abscess and phlegm pericecal




Apendicectomia: laparoscopy or cut open. antibiotic abdominal drain


index of death of. 1%, reduction of 5% replacement of liquids and a postoperative infection in 30% of cases