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Appendix 1: Voucher Specimens of Palms Collected in Peru

Local name Scientific name Voucher

Aguajillo Mauritiella armata IHC 7898

Chontilla Bactris riparia IHC 7567

Nejilla Bactris bifida NS 016, IHC 7890

Nejilla Bactris brongniartii IHC 7799, 7850, 7742

Nejilla Bactris concinna var. sigmoidea NS 004, 026, IHC 7839

Nejilla Bactris maraja NS 002, IHC 7885

Nejilla Bactris martiana IHC 7630, 7822


Voucher specimens were collected in 2005 and 2006 with the collaboration of Rodolfo Vasquez

and his assistant Isau Huamantupa and deposited with the Herbario Nacional in Lima and herbaria

of the Missouri Botanical Garden in Oxapampa, Peru, and in St. Louis, USA

Appendix 2: Some Indigenous Groups in Amazonia that UsePalms

Name Location

Achuar Pastaza, Morona and Corrientes River in southern Ecuador

Amahuaca Headwaters of Purus and Jurua Rives and headwaters of right bank

affluents of the Ucayali in Peru and contiguous areas of Brazil

Apinaje Interfluve between the Tocantins and Araguaia near the confluence of the


Arawete Ipixuna River, a right bank affluent of the middle Xingu

Asurinı Forest inland from the right bank of lower Xingu near its confluence with

the Bacaja

Baciarı Upper Xingu

Baniwa Icana River, affluent of the Upper Negro, Amazonas, Brazil


# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

N. Smith, Palms and People in the Amazon, Geobotany Studies,

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05509-1


Name Location

Barasana Pira-parana River, Colombia

Bora Left bank affluents of the Amazon River between the Napo and Putumayo

Rivers in Colombia and Peru

Bororo Mato Grosso

Candoshi Pastaza River, Peru

Cashinawa Curanja and Upper Purus Rivers, Peru, and contiguous areas in Brazil

Canela Eastern fringes of Amazonia in headwaters of Santo Estevao and Ourives

Rivers, Maranhao

Chacobo Beni Department, Bolivia

Chayahuita Peruvian Amazon in an area bordered by the Maranon River to the north,

the Huallaga River to the east, and the Cahuapanas River to the west

Cubeo Upper Uaupes, Colombia

Desana Upper Uaupes and Tiquie Rivers in Brazil and Colombia

Deni Interfluvial forest between the Jurua and Purus Rivers

Erigpactsa Upper Juruena, a tributary of the Xingu

Ese Eja Southeastern part of the Peruvian Amazon

Galibı Oiapoque River, border between Amapa, Brazil, and French Guiana

Gavioes Affluents of the right bank of the middle Tocantins River, Para

Gorotire Kayapo Fresco River, a tributary of the Xingu

Guaja (Awa) Turiacu River, Maranhao

Guajajara Western Maranhao

Ikpeng Upper Xingu, Mato Grosso

Jamandı Purus River, Amazonas, Brazil

Juruna Upper Xingu

Ka’apor Western Maranhao

Kaiabı Juruena River, Mato Grosso

Kamayura Mato Grosso

Kanamari Jutaı and middle Jurua Rivers, southeastern Amazonas, Brazil

Karaja Araguaia River

Karapana Panure River, a tributary of the Uaupes

Karipuna Upper Madeira River

Katukina Bia River, an affluent of the Jutaı in Amazonas, Brazil

Kaxinawa Acre River, Acre, Brazil and contiguous Peru

Kayabı Upper Xingu

Kayapo Widely scattered villages in the interfluvial forest between the Xingu and


Kichwa Andean foothills, Ecuador

Kraho Upper Tocantins, Goias

Kuikuro Upper Xingu

Kuruaya Curua River, affluent of the Iriri, Xingu Basin

Lama (Lamisto) Lamas and Huallaga Rivers, Peru

Machiguenga Urubamba and Upper Manu Rivers, Peru

Maijuna (Orejon,


Putumayo watershed (Colombia and Peru) and lower Napo and Algodon,

affluents of the Amazon in Peru

Maku (Yuhupde) Right bank affluents of the Upper Rio Negro in Brazil and Colombia


472 Appendices

Name Location

Makuna Apaporis River, Colombia

Makuxi Rupununi savannas in Roraima and neighboring Guyana

Matis Javari River, border between Brazil and Peru



Galvez and Javari watersheds in Peru and Brazil

Mehinaku Upper Xingu

Mekranoti Interfluvial forest between the Xingu, Iriri and Curua Rivers, Para

Mirana Middle Caqueta River, Colombia

Mura Madeira River, Amazonas, Brazil

Nambicuara Mato Grosso

Nocaman Headwaters of the Inuya, affluent of the lower Urubamba, Peru

Nukak (Maku) Interfluvial forest between Guaviare and Inirida Rivers, affluents of the

Upper Orinoco, Colombia

Palikur Coast of Amapa and adjacent French Guiana

Pareci Northwestern Mato Grosso

Parintintin Middle Madeira River, Amazonas, Brazil

Peba Lower Putumayo and Napo Rivers

Pemon Northern Amazon and contiguous areas of the Guianas

Piapoco Guaviare watershed, Colombia

Piaroa Middle Orinoco

Piraha Maici River, a tributary of the Marmelos which in turn flows into the

Madeira, Amazonas, Brazil

Sapara Napo and Alto Pastaza Rivers, Ecuador

Satere-Maue Maue River Basin, Amazonas, Brazil

Shipibo Ucayali River

Shuar Zamora-Chinchipe Province, Ecuador

Siona-Secoya Upper Putumayo, Colombia and Ecuador

Siriono Interfluvial areas between the Mamore and San Martin Rivers, eastern


Suruı Ji-Parana River, Rondonia, Brazil

Tanimuka Miritı-Parana River, an affluent of the Caqueta, Colombia

Tapirape Tapirape River, left bank affluent of the Araguaia

Tacana Madidi River, affluent of the Beni, Bolivia

Tembe Border area between Para and Maranhao

Tenetehara Pinare and nearby rivers in western Maranhao

Ticuna Solimoes River, Brazil, Amazon River in Colombia and Peru

Trinitario Beni Department, Bolivia

Tsimane’ Beni Department, Bolivia

Tukano Tiquie River, affluent of the Uaupes, Amazonas, Brazil

Tuyuka Upper Tiquie River, affluent of the Uaupes, Amazonas, Brazil

Urubu (Ka’apor) Western Maranhao

Waimiri-Atroari Amazonas/Roraima border area, Brazil

Waorani Southern tributaries of the middle Napo River, Ecuador

Wapishana Rupununi savannas in Roraima and neighboring Guyana


Appendices 473

Name Location

Waura Upper Xingu

Wayana Northern Amapa and Para, Brazil, and contiguous French Guiana

Witoto Caqueta and Putumayo Rivers, Colombia

Xavante Rio das Mortes, affluent of the Upper Araguaia in Tocantins State

Xerente Upper Tocantins River, Tocantins, Brazil

Xinguano Upper Xingu

Yagua Amazon River and lower courses of some affluents in Peru and Colombia

Yanomama Border area between Amazonas, Brazil, and southern Venezuela

Yawanawa Upper Gregorio and Acre Rivers in Acre, Brazil

Yukuna Miritiparana River, affluent of the Caqueta, Colombia

Yuracare Cochabamba and Beni Departments, Bolivia

474 Appendices


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