App vs Web: Jon Marks Customer Day Presentation 2015

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Transcript of App vs Web: Jon Marks Customer Day Presentation 2015


Are Apps All They're Cracked Up to Be?

(Or Should We Just Embrace Mobile Web Instead?)

Jon Marks@McBoof


PrologueHello, I’m Jon.


Spent half my life in Africa. And the other half up North.

1970-something42 years ago


4 kids. Boy. Girl. Pugpig. Boy.

2008 - 2015Recently


The best digital publishing platform on

the planet


Aging left wing, tree hugging, open standard obsessed hippy.


This is the year I used to confidently predict would be the death of the app.

20172 years in the future


But now I’m not so sure ….


Part IThings happen. Fast.


Research Program at DARPA starts talking about the Internet

196253 years ago




20 Bond movies5 Bond actors44 years of progress

1962 - 2006A lifetime




You probably had a BlackBerry when you watched Casino Royale.


SymbianWindows Mobile 6 RIMLinux

20078 years ago


iPhone 1, iPhone OS 120078 years ago




Android 1.020087 years ago


Android 1.5 (Cupcake)20096 years ago


iTab iSlate iPad 120105 years ago


Windows Phone 7 (7% US)20105 years ago




New kids on the block:Uber, AirBnB, SnapChat

2011- 20123 years ago


Apple CarPlayAndroid Auto

20141 year ago


Apple Watch20156 months ago


iOS 9 (Force 3D Touch)Android Marshmallow

20153 months ago




> 1 Billion iOS Devices> 1.5 Billion Android Devices



Snapchat > $15 billionAirBnB > $25 billionUber > $50 billion



Smartphone set to become the biggest consumer product in history

2016 - 2020The short term


The obligatory chart


So compare apps and webwith an eye to the future.


Part IISmartphones are



“We need to provide a lean, fast, cut down experience for mobile users.”

20132 years ago


Um, no we don’t.


Your phone is more powerful than your previous laptop.


It is always with you, it knows where you are, and can pay for things.


The average person unlocks his or her smartphone 110 times each day.


Touch UIs are for everyone. Ages 2 - 120.


For most people, keyboards will become optional extras.


So compare apps and webin a world where mobile and touch dominate mouse and keyboard.


Pause for ThoughtTweet on #madebypugpig


Part IIIThe OS Wars are



BlackBerry Priv launchesNovember 20153 weeks ago


WTF!!?! They’re still around?


Windows 10 Mobile launches

December 20152 weeks time


iOS and the two AndroidsVery Different Philosophies


Operating systems are becoming platforms.


So compare apps and webin the context of two dominant but different mobile platforms.


Part IVActually, what’s an



Apps are written in native code. Mobile web in

HTML/CSS/JavaScript.Unless you’re using something like

Cordova. Or web views.


Apps are distributed through stores or

ecosystems. Mobile web is just there.

Unless you’re in the Firefox Marketplace or Chrome Web Store. Or an Enterprise App. Or Streamed.


Apps are silos. Mobile web is searchable and

shareable.Until both Google and Apple index app content, and provide canonical

URL deep links


Mobile web is accessed via URLs. Apps aren’t?

And how long will we care about URLs for? Remember when

browsers had a separate box for them?


Apps are explicitly installed. Mobile web is

just there.

Unless they’re streamed.


3 weeks agoNovember 2015

Google App Streaming. iOS will follow.


Apps run in different runtimes - not a browser.


So compare apps and webbut note that the consumer facing difference is blurring.


Part VWhat about standards?


Remember Flash vs HTML?


The W3C is slow. Features talk, standards follow.


Google AMP. Apple News.


And are the standards even the right standards

for the future?


The Big Reverse?


Many devices won’t have browsers at all ...


So compare apps and webremembering that consumers don’t give a monkeys about standards, and they decide what wins.


Part VITech Head to Head.


Unless you’re pushing the boundaries, it’s almost always more cost effective to build a mobile website.


Performance is better with native code.


The App Dev environment lends itself to a Touch First approach.


A Web App looks the same on all operating systems (because you only have to write one)


Offline is still harder with web technology - appcache and local storage still flakey


Apps have full access to device features.

The Web APIs are getting better at this


Apps can push. A web app does not exist unless you have an open tab looking after it. But watch Chrome service workers and push notifications.


People pay more seamlessly through ecosystems.

Is Paypal closest to solving this for the web?


Advertising … is a massive topic for another day.


Someone else is moderating, approving,

censoring your app in their ecosystem.


You can throw any old shite on a web site.


With apps and webthe technical capabilities are merging. It’s the Ecosystems and UI that differ more.


EpilogueClosing Thoughts


Question: Is your “morning phone routine” more web based or app based?


Question: Name a web app that’s more engaging than your top 5 apps?


Question: Should I do an app or mobile website?


Answer: A mobile website.


Answer: And maybe also an app …


Answer: And maybe also an app … if you have a strong brand people relate to.


Answer: And maybe also an app … if you can create regular usage habits.


Answer: And maybe also an app … if offline is important.


Answer: And maybe also an app … if you want a curated experience.


Consumer technology is a lot more fickle than your API.


And don’t underestimate the importance of

designing for touch


The EndAny questions?

All images copyright Eon Productions