Apartment Hunting Tips

Post on 30-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Apartment Hunting Tips


Finding an apartment can be a difficult and time consuming task. Presently in the Syracuse area there is a shortage of decent affordable rental housing so finding an apartment can be a challenge. If you are not careful, pressures and poor planning can lead to renting decisions you might later regret. We’ll tell you how to be organized: how to rate the apartments you are considering; and things to look for in your lease. So take your time and make a thorough search. You’ll increase your chances of finding the best place to live.

Try to start looking at least two months before the move. Last minute hunts can be a disaster. Be aware that most subsidized housing and many apartment complexes have a waiting list of at least 6 months to 5 years.

Check local websites/craigslist/ newspapers and begin reading through the apartment ads.Highlight the ads which look promising-corresponding to your desired location and type of apartment.

Keep in mind the triple goals: location, size and cost.

Some apartments are not advertized. These can be found by cruising the desired area and looking for for rent signs taped to the front window or door of the building. These signs usually give the landlord’s phone number. You will want an apartment available about the same time you are ready to move, so you may dismiss many of those available next week if it will be six weeks before you’re considering, however with larger apartment complexes they may have apartments available at a later date as well. Check those out.

If an apartment is not satisfactory when you view it do not pay a security deposit!!! An apartment needs to be in move-in condition before putting your money down. Security deposits put down to secure an apartment are not refundable. Before paying a security deposit in the City of Syracuse you can check the Code enforcement history of the property by calling 448-8695 or by looking online at http://ipsweb.ci.syracuse.ny.us.

When you begin your search for an apartment, try to keep housing costs on a reasonable scale. You’ll be in good shape if you can keep the rent, utilities and insurance at around 40% of your monthly income. If you call, National Grid should disclose the budget payment amount for an apartment.

Try to visit apartments during evenings or weekends to check the activity level. Quality of life is important to your peace of mind that is worth the effort to find the right place to call home.

Here is a checklist to help you remember some details to consider in choosing an apartment.

Now you’ve done your homework and have your checklist in hand…you’re ready to go. Remember- it takes time to make the best decisions. Happy hunting.