Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce

Apache HadoopDFS and Map Reduce

Víctor Sánchez AnguixUniversitat Politècnica de València

MSc. In Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, and Digital Image

Course 2014/2015

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Who has not heard about Hadoop?

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Who knows exactly what is Hadoop?

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Being simplistic:

What is Apache Hadoop?

DFS MapReduce

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Google publishes paper about GFS (2003). http://research.google.com/archive/gfs.html

➢ Distributed data among cluster of computers

➢ Fault tolerant

➢ Highly scalable with commodity hardware

A bit of history: Distributed File System (DFS)

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Google publishes paper about MR (2004). http://research.google.com/archive/mapreduce.html

➢ Algorithm for processing distributed data in parallel

➢ Simple in concept, extremely useful in practice

A bit of history: Map Reduce (MR)

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Doug Cutting and Mike Caffarella → Apache Nutch

➢ Doug Cutting goes to Yahoo

➢ Yahoo implements Apache Hadoop

A bit of history: Hadoop is born

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Framework for distributed computing

➢ Still based on DFS and MR

➢ It is the main actor in Big Data

➢ Last major release: Apache Hadoop 2.6.0 (Nov 2014)http://hadoop.apache.org/

Apache Hadoop now

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

DFS architecture

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Interacting with Hadoop DFS: creating dirs

➢ Examples:

hdfs dfs -mkdir data

hdfs dfs -mkdir results

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Interacting with Hadoop DFS: uploading files

➢ Examples:

hdfs dfs -put datasets/students.tsv data/students.tsv

hdfs dfs -put datasets/grades.tsv data/grades.tsv

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Interacting with Hadoop DFS: listing

➢ Examples:

hdfs dfs -ls data

Found 2 items

-rw-r--r-- 3 sanguix supergroup 450 2015-02-09 10:50 data/grades.tsv

-rw-r--r-- 3 sanguix supergroup 194 2015-02-09 10:45 data/students.tsv

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Interacting with Hadoop DFS: get a file

➢ Examples:

hdfs dfs -get data/students.tsv

hdfs dfs -get data/grades.tsv

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Interacting with Hadoop DFS: deleting files

➢ Examples:

hdfs dfs -rm data/students.tsv

hdfs dfs -rm data/grades.tsv

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Interacting with Hadoop DFS: space use info

➢ Examples:

hdfs dfs -df -h

Filesystem Size Used Available Use%

hdfs://localhost 1.5 T 12 K 491.6 G 0%

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map Reduce: Overview

Input data

Input data

Input data

Map task

Map task

Map task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Output data

Output data

Output data

chunk of data (key,value) value’

chunk of data (key,value) value’

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map: Transform data to (key, value)

Input data

Input data

Input data

Map task

Map task

Map task

chunk of data

chunk of data

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Shuffle: Send (key, values)

Reduce task

Reduce task

Reduce task



Map task

Map task

Map task

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Reduce: Aggregating (key,values)

Reduce task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Output data

Output data

Output data



Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map Reduce

Input data

Input data

Input data

Map task

Map task

Map task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Output data

Output data

Output data

chunk of data (key,value) value’

chunk of data (key,value) value’

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map Reduce example: word count

CHUNK 1this class is about big data and artificial intelligence

CHUNK 2there is nothing big about this example

CHUNK 3I am a big artificial intelligence enthusiast

➢ The file is divided in chunks to be processed in parallel

➢ Data is sent untransformed to map nodes

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map Reduce example: word count

this class is about big data and artificial intelligence

[this, class, is, about, big, data, and, artificial, intelligence]


(this,1), (class,1), (is,1), (about,1), (big,1), (class, 1), (is, 1), (about 1), (big, 1), (data, 1), (and, 1), (artificial,1), (intelligence, 1)

Prepare (key,value) pairs


Raw chunk

Ready to shuffle

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map Reduce example: word countMap Reduce example: word count




Fromshuffle Output

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Exercise: Matrix power

row column value1 1 3.2

2 3 4.3

3 3 5.1

1 3 0.1

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map Reduce variants: No reduce

Input data

Input data

Input data

Map task

Map task

Map task

Output data

Output data

Output data

chunk of data (key,value)

chunk of data (key,value)

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Map Reduce variants: chaining

Input data

Input data

Input data

Map task

Map task

Map task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Output data

Output data

Output data

Map task

Map task

Map task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Reduce task

Output data

Output data

Output data

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Maps are executed in parallel➢ Reducers do not start until all maps are

finished➢ Output is not finished until all reducers are

finished➢ Bottleneck: Unbalanced map/reduce taks

○ Change key distribution

○ Increase reduces for increasing parallelism

Map Reduce: bottlenecks

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Hadoop is implemented in Java

➢ It is possible to program jobs formed by maps and reduces in Java

➢ We won’t go deep in these matters (bear with me!)

Map Reduce in Hadoop

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image http://hadoop.apache.org/

Hadoop architecture

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

public class WordCount {

public static class TokenizerMapper extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, IntWritable>{

private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); private Text word = new Text();

public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(value.toString()); while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(itr.nextToken()); context.write(word, one); } } }

Map Reduce job in Hadoop

public static class IntSumReducer extends Reducer<Text,IntWritable,Text,IntWritable> { private IntWritable result = new IntWritable();

public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int sum = 0; for (IntWritable val : values) { sum += val.get(); } result.set(sum); context.write(key, result); } }


Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, "word count"); job.setJarByClass(WordCount.class); job.setMapperClass(TokenizerMapper.class); job.setCombinerClass(IntSumReducer.class); job.setReducerClass(IntSumReducer.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1])); System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1); }}

Map Reduce job in Hadoop

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ Compilingjavac -cp opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-2.6.0.jar:opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.6.0.jar -d WordCount source/hadoop/WordCount.java

jar -cvf WordCount.jar -C WordCount/ .

➢ Submitting

hadoop jar WordCount.jar es.upv.dsic.iarfid.haia.WordCount

/user/your_username/data/students.tsv /user/your_username/wc

Compiling and submitting a MR job

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

Hadoop ecosystem

Apache Hadoop: DFS and Map Reduce. MSc. in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image

➢ http://hadoop.apache.org

➢ Hadoop in Practice. Alex Holmes. Ed. Manning Publications

➢ Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. Tom White. Ed. O’Reilly.

➢ StackOverflow

Extra information

Apache HadoopDFS and Map Reduce

Víctor Sánchez AnguixUniversitat Politècnica de València

MSc. In Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, and Digital Image

Course 2014/2015