Ap notecards slideshare

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ap notecards slideshare

Note cards

Today‟s Plan

Brief demo of how to create Notecards

Feedback on NoodleTools from Mrs. Levy

Questions or observations

Components is your

“home base” for parts of

the research process.

Notecards can be

started in a few


Notecards may also be started in the Bibliography

from the source you are working with. Click on „New‟

to start a notecard from this source.

If you begin your notecard from Bibliography, it will

automatically select the Source for you.

Remember, anywhere there is a drop-down

arrow, there is a field to change options.

Notecards should ALWAYS be 1

thought, quote, idea or bit of

information per notecard.

Your notecards will be longer than

you may have experienced in the

past. However, make sure you

are selective in what goes on

each notecard.

Each Notecard MUST be backed to a Source in


HINT: If you haven‟t completed a Works Cited entry or

citation, you will not be able to create a Notecard

using that Source.

Create a Title (Main Idea) for each notecard. The title

should be a mix of general and specific. Too general, it

gets lost in other information. Too specific, you‟re writing

another notecard. REMEMBER: There will be a many

notecards so a Title will be helpful in sorting through

information for the Outline.

For every Notecard there are 3 options:

Direct Quotation: Word for word

Paraphrase or Summary: Restating in your own wordsMy Ideas: What You Think About The Information

The easiest thing to do is open

side-by-side windows.

Copy/paste your information in to

Direct Quotation. Be selective

and make you are not adding too

much information to one

notecard. If you are working from

a print source, you will need to

manually enter the quote.

Stay honest in your paraphrase. This is

most often where mistakes are made

and accidental plagiarism occurs.

If you are working from a source that has Pages, it

MUST be added in!

NOTE: Pages are not a span: 35-55

Pages are NEVER more than 1-2 page

spread: 30, 31-32

My Ideas1. Great Place to Put Thoughts About How You

Might Use This Information

2. Don’t Understand Something? Put Questions Here or Connections to Help You

Save Your



If you started your notecard from Bibliography, it will bring you

back to this screen. Here you will see how many notecards you

have created for each source. If you have a notecard that is not

„piled‟ under a source, you have not attached that card to a


Completed Notecards

will appear here.

Click & drag the

Notecard to your


The “Tabletop” is where

you can sort & pile your


Creating “Piles” is a great way to sort and organize your

Notecards in preparation for Outlines.

Add, remove or change “Piles” for any Notecards.

HINT: Only works with more than 1 Notecard.

Plan ahead to

possible sections in

your Outline when you

create piles.

Drag your cards to the „tabletop‟.

It is SO important to organize

your Notecards. Creating an

Outline will be very easy if you

work NOW to keep your

Notecards by major topics. It will

change constantly as you

continue to add Notecards but

the work will be worth it!

BOTTOM LINE: Find out what

works best for you,


If you allow your

mouse to „hover‟ over

the piled notecards, it

will offer you an

option to Edit or View

your cards.

I can look at my piled notecards “at a glance” and see if I am

strong or weak in a section.

Anything in NoodleTools can be

printed. Printing all Notecards or

select Notecards. Export to


Need help?

Having difficulty tracking sources?

Need help with citations?

Please ask. I am here to help!