AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY MS. ROTI The Five Themes of Geography.

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY MS. ROTI The Five Themes of Geography.


The Five Themes of Geography

The Five Themes of Geography

1. Location2. Place3. Human-Environment

Interaction4. Movement5. Region

1. Location – two types

Absolute LocationA specific place on the

Earth’s surfaceUses a grid systemLatitude and longitudeA global address

Examples:Chicago is 41.8369 North Latitude, 87.6847 West LongitudeWashington is located at 3535 East 114th street, Chicago, IL

Relative LocationWhere a place is in

relation to another place

Uses directional words to describe

Examples:Illinois is one of the Midwestern statesGo 1 mile south on Avenue O and turn left

Place – two types of characteristics

Physical CharacteristicsLand featuresMountains, plains,

and plateausClimateBodies of water

Human CharacteristicsPeople CultureLanguageReligionBuildings and

landmarks Cities

Human-Environment Interaction

People…Adapt to their environment

We adapt to the environment by wearing clothing suitable for summer (shorts) and winter (coats), rain and shine

Modify their environment We modify our environment by heating and cooling

buildings for comfortDepend on their environment

We depend on the Chicago River/Lake Michigan for water and transportation


Human MovementTrucks, trains, planes

Information MovementPhones, computer (email/social media), mail

Idea movementHow do fads move from place to place? TV,

Radio, Magazines


Formal RegionsRegions defined by governmental or administrative

boundaries (i.e. states, countries, cities)Regions defined by similar characteristics (i.e. Midwest

region, Corn Belt, Rocky Mountain Region, Chinatown)

Functional RegionsRegions defined by a function (i.e. newspaper service

area, cell phone coverage area)

Vernacular/Perceptual RegionsRegions defined by people’s perception (i.e. middle east,

the south)

If you can’t remembering what they are just ask MR. HELP!!! M – Movement R – Regions HE – Human Environment interaction L – Location P - Place