“Love Your Food, Love Your Life” - Amazon S3...It would be very easy for me to launch into a...

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© R


l Col



Programme Guide

The Happy Mummy Cleanse

“Love Your Food, Love Your Life”

Rachel Collins


It would be very easy for me to launch into a science lesson here. I’m so passionate about the elimination diet, gut health and your hormones that I could write forever. But I won’t. I know that what you want to know is how to feel better. And why, what I’m about the teach you to do is going to help you get rid of your symptoms. So that’s what I will focus on.

The Happy Mummy Cleanse is a clean eating plan with a detox / elimination phase and a transition or ‘challenge’ phase.

This cleanse can help with a wide range of symptoms. Including but not limited to:

• Digestive distress such as IBS, acid reflux, constipation, indigestion,

• Tummy bloat or excess weight

• Headaches

• Skin problems

• Poor sleep and fatigue

• Mood swings, anxiety, or depression

• Emotional eating

• cravings

• low immune system

But how? It does this through getting to the root cause of the dis-ease. Most of these symptoms are caused by food intolerance, or an imbalance in your hormones, your gut or both! More confusingly, all of these causes can be connected. Poor gut health can lead to food intolerances for example.

A quick note on food intolerances: An intolerance and an allergy are two different things. You most likely already know if you have an allergy to something. Maybe peanuts send you into anaphylaxis, or plasters bring you out in a rash. It’s often very easy to spot what you are allergic to because the reaction happens very fast.

Intolerances on the other hand are far more sneaky. And they are often transient. We can create and heal intolerances, purely through our diet and lifestyle choices. An intolerance will put a strain our immune system, cause hidden inflammation and can make us feel exhausted.

© Rachel Collins 2016

Rachel Collins

The Purpose of Each Phase

Phase 1 is simply a preparation phase. This is where you will slowly reduce certain foods and drinks to help you manage withdrawal symptoms (You don’t want to suddenly drop from 5 cups of coffee to 0 in a day!!) and get your shopping in and meals plans sorted.

Phase 2 is the elimination/detox phase. The first time you go through this cleanse you will continue this phase until your symptoms have either gone completely or reduced dramatically. Many people find their symptoms go within just 7 days, others need to continue for 3 weeks or more. You can do The Happy Mummy Cleanse again for a little tune up whenever you like and I highly recommend you do it once per season.

In the elimination phase we are cutting out all the possible ‘trigger’ foods for you. If you have an intolerance to one of these foods you will start to feel better fairly quickly. However, there is also the possibility that your symptoms are not being caused by an intolerance, but by an imbalance of gut or hormonal health. This phase not only eliminates trigger foods, but it eliminates foods that are feeding the ‘bad’ gut bacteria, thus starting to alter your gut health. It also supports your body’s natural detoxification pathways. This is super important for hormonal health. Hormones are our body’s way of communicating. Hormones trigger the start and finish of your monthly cycle, they trigger stress responses, and help us wake up in the morning. But once they have sent the message, we are meant to eliminate them from our body. If our detoxification pathways are clogged up and ineffective we end up with an overload of hormones causing us all sorts of grief!

Phase 3 is the food challenge phase, also known as Transition. This is where we test out each food group and see how your body reacts. You will uncover any intolerances you may have and slowly ease back into ‘normal’ eating patterns. I’m sure you will find that there are certain foods you are quite happy to continue to leave out of your every day meals.

© Rachel Collins 2016

Foods You Will Be Eliminating

In the preparation phase you will be reducing these foods. In phase 2 (elimination/detox) you will not be consuming ANY of the foods listed below. Those with ** will be reintroduced during phase 3 as part of the food challenge.

Soft Drinks Sweeteners – white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup or cane juice

Eggs** Sugar alcohols (often found in chewing gum)

Soy milk Yeast

Nuts ** (because they are difficult to digest; however, you can have almond milk


Dairy products Cheese

Gluten Grains ** (Optional, see the bonus section on Grains)

Soy (except miso) Processed foods

Beans (except for lentils, mung and aduki) Nitrates

Artificial sweeteners Potatoes (except for sweet potatoes or yams)

© Rachel Collins 2016

Foods You Will Be Eating

• Non-dairy milks – almond, coconut, flax, hemp, and sunflower

• All fruits and vegetables (if you want to lose weight, favour low-glycemic fruits such as berries, green apples, and grapefruit)

• Healthy fats – coconut oil, flaxseed oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, sesame oil, and olive oil

• Seeds – pumpkin, sunflower, sesame (black and white), pine nuts, hemp, and chia

• Drinks – organic coffee in phases 1 and 3. Phase 2 should ideally be caffeine-free, but if you really can’t live without it, keep it down to half a cup.

• Green tea or herbal tea, filtered or distilled water, mineral water, coconut water, lemon water elixir, cranberry flush, and, of course, fresh juices (see your recipe guide)

• Sweeteners – honey, xylitol, and stevia


MEATS (pasture-raised is best, choose organic when possible)• Chicken • Turkey• Grass-fed beef

FISH, SEAFOOD• Canned fish (sardines, anchovies, wild salmon) – look for BPA-free cans if possible• Fresh or frozen fish, such as Pacific salmon or non-fatty white meat fish, such as Pacific cod,

trout, sea bass, mackerel and Dover sole. Make sure the fish you are eating is low in mercury.• Shellfish, such as prawns or scallops


• 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds, 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds or pine nuts• 1/2 of an avocado• Nutritional yeast, if tolerated• 1 scoop of plant-based protein powder can be added to your smoothies, soups, or

even mixed into a dip. I like hemp protein or pea protein, but feel free to use your favourite. Avoid whey or soy based protein powders for this programme.

BEANSYou can also add 1/2 cup mung beans, lentils, or aduki beans to your meals. These beans have been selected because they are easy to digest.

NOTE: Soak beans for 6-24 hours in water with the juice of 1 lemon or 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar, then drain and rinse well with water.

© Rachel Collins 2016


In your recipe guide, you will find fabulous juice recipes to renew your cells and give your digestion a break. Even having just one fresh juice a day will give you a boost of energy. If you do not have a juicer, then you can buy the juice at your local health food store or juice bar.


Here you will find details of exactly how to do The Happy Mummy Cleanse in terms of what to eat, and when.

You are embarking on a journey that is not just physical but emotional, too. The Happy Mummy Cleanse is about releasing that which does not serve you on all levels. Just like going to the gym builds muscle and core strength, you need to do exercises that will build your emotional strength.

Included in each phase are some tools that have worked for me and for my clients. This isn’t meant to create work or add to your stress. Quite the contrary – as you step closer to your deepest desires and learn to respond rather than react to what comes up, life will flow more easily.

If you choose not to journal or follow these Happy Mummy steps, feel free to find your own way to stay inspired. Print out some pictures or jot inspiring quotes on Post-it notes and stick them somewhere you’ll see them often.

© Rachel Collins 2016


Four days before your elimination phase - You will be preparing your home, body and mind for your cleanse. You will prepare your body by reducing foods on the avoid list, including sugar, coffee, and refined foods.

I strongly recommend you take this time to gradually reduce your caffeine intake rather than going cold turkey, as caffeine withdrawal headaches are the most commonly reported detox symptoms. You can reduce any caffeine, including soft drinks or coffee, by 1/4 cup a day to ease into Phase 2 without discomfort.

Simple ways to start prepping for your success during this phase:

• Commit to your success! Don’t underestimate the power of intention.• Toss out foods that may be tempting during phase 2. Put some music on, and make

this cupboard clearing fun.• Read through the materials and recipes, and make any modifications you need to your

shopping list.• Find a Happy Mummy Cleanse buddy if you can. Prepping and food shopping with a

loved one or friend takes the bore out of the chore, and having someone along for the ride can provide support and motivation. (This cleanse isn’t just for Mummies, Daddy will benefit too!)

• Try to buy organic produce (look for frozen if price is a concern).• Set a goal to eliminate one habit a day that does not serve you.• Begin to do deep breathing, and relax.• Think of non-food-related ways to treat yourself.


Step 1 – Set your intention for The Happy Mummy Cleanse. Write it down here and come and share it in The Happy Mummy Cleanse Facebook Group.

Do you want to lose weight? Feel more energy? Have clearer skin?

© Rachel Collins 2016

Step 2 – Get clear on why you want to change and feel more alive in your life. What is the deeper meaning behind your intention?

Do you want to feel comfortable in your body? Do you want to feel sexy and vibrant for your partner? Do you want the energy to expand your social life or run around more with your kids?

Write a few simple lines here and if you feel brave enough, share in the Facebook Group.

Step 3 – What do you think is holding you back? What negative beliefs are you ready to let go?

As you find negative thoughts popping up throughout The Happy Mummy Cleanse, replace them with the opposite. For example, if you find yourself thinking, “I don’t have willpower”, replace that thought with “I’m someone who makes healthy choices”. With repetition, the positive thoughts can become new beliefs.

Step 4 – To support your physical detox, look at the self-care tools below. Commit to doing at least one of them per day through the cleanse (and beyond!). I use them regularly in my own life to maximise my immunity and support my body on an ongoing basis.

© Rachel Collins 2016


You will be eliminating foods on the avoid list altogether and going deeper into your elimination diet to clear out your physical and emotional system.

For a successful cleanse:

• Have fun exploring the new foods you are eating.

• On the go, look for fresh vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, healthy soups (both raw and cooked), and clean sources of protein.

• The key to success is planning ahead and prepping. Determine which recipes you know you can cook. Make extra servings, and freeze them.

• Chop veggies and salad greens to have ready to go in the refrigerator. Make salad dressing in a jar and keep in the fridge.

• Keep healthy snacks on hand so you don’t fall off the wagon by reaching for junk when you get hungry

• Don’t stress yourself out by insisting on following The Happy Mummy Cleanse to the letter – it’s ok to deviate from your meal plan and keep it simple.

• Drink lots of clean filtered water with lemon.

• If you find yourself feeling cold, add warming spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cayenne, garlic, cumin, paprika or turmeric), or have a cup of herbal tea prior to your meal.

• Honour your body by using the self-care activities to release the emotional and physical blockages. Incorporate one or more of the self-care activities in to your day to ward off or reduce any detox symptoms.

• Write in your food diary daily, and track how you feel both physically and emotionally after each meal.

© Rachel Collins 2016


Step 1 – Deep Breathing

Often we do not breathe properly, depriving ourselves of oxygen, a free form of medicine for the body. Breathing well not only relaxes the nervous system, but good oxygen flowing through the body improves circulation and detoxification.

Something as simple as breathing deeply for 5 minutes upon waking and before sleep can make profound changes in your life.

1. Find a quiet space2. Sit with your legs crossed on the floor or in a chair. Keep your back straight, as good

posture supports healthy circulation and allows your diaphragm to expand 3. Close your eyes4. Take slow, deep breaths in and out of the nose

a. Envision the energy of the breath going into every cell in your body b. If you wish, accompany the breathing with a mantra (such as OM) or

affirmationsc. For increased energy, make the inhalations longer than the exhalations; for

increased relaxation, make the exhalations longer than the inhalationsd. After 5 minutes, open your eyes and notice how relaxed / energised your body


Another deep breathing exercise is called the Stimulating Breath (or the Bellows Breath). Adapted from a yogic breathing technique, its aim is to raise vital energy and increase alertness. Here is by Dr. Weil’s explanation of how to do the Stimulating Breath:

1. Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your inhalations and exhalations should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. This is a noisy breathing exercise.

2. Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per second. This produces a quick movement of the diaphragm, similar to a bellows. Breathe normally after each cycle.

3. Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the stimulating breath, you can increase your time by five seconds or so, until you reach a full minute.

For a video of Dr. Weil demonstrating this breathing technique, see: http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART00521/three-breathing-exercises.html

© Rachel Collins 2016

Step 2 – The Mini Check Out

Most of us can’t ditch our lives to move to a mountaintop or an ashram, but we can all strive to be present to our everyday lives and our impact on other people. We have the opportunity each day, blessed with 86,400 seconds, to be present to our deeper selves. In as little as one minute, a mini check out can help quiet exterior distractions and allow us to access this deeper sense of presence.

1. Set your calendar or your iPhone for your mini check out reminder. 2. For the first 30 seconds, breathe through your nose. Take a deep inhale, hold it for 5

seconds, and then slowly exhale through your nose. Repeat until half a minute has passed.

3. For the next 30 seconds, just be still. Set your intention for the day, and visualise a life filled with joy and abundance.


You will slowly be reintroducing foods back into your diet, one per day. The reason for adding in one food at a time during phase 3 is to determine whether you have food sensitivities. Foods are not good or bad per se; what matters is how your unique body responds to various ingredients. If you know you are prone to food reactions, feel free to extend the transition phase, and slowly reintroduce a food every three days.

Food reactions can come up as quickly as 10 minutes to as long as 72 hours after ingestion, which is why keeping a detailed food diary throughout this programme is so important. If you notice a reaction, such as bloating, a rash, a headache, a bad taste in your mouth, a racing heartbeat, poor sleep, or a drop in energy, make sure to note it in your food diary. If a food gives you a reaction, remove it from your diet for seven more days, then reintroduce it again and watch for any symptoms.

Many people are affected by food allergies. Common allergens include:Dairy products (lactose and casein)*Wheat (and other gluten-containing foods)* Eggs (whites, particularly) Corn (and sweetcorn)PeanutsShellfishSoy Artificial sweeteners Yeast

* Dairy and gluten are two of the biggest culprits.

© Rachel Collins 2016


In our busy lives, we often end up eating on the go. How often do you find yourself eating at the kitchen counter, while you are running around after the kids or in the car?

I want to support you to slow down and give you tools you can use to eat more consciously for a lifetime. Eating with intention and being present with the food we consume is essential for maintaining health and happiness.

Simple ways to be present to what you are eating:1. Put your fork down after every bite, or use chopsticks to slow down eating2. Chew each bite 30 times and breathe deeply into your tummy to enhance digestion3. Pay attention to the taste, the look, the smell and the texture of your food. Allow

yourself time to enjoy it. Try to avoid distractions when you eat - make eating a social event not something you do in front of the TV. (This is a great opportunity to explore food with babies, toddlers and children)

4. Ask yourself if you are truly hungry or eating because you are bored or upset. Be mindful of why you are eating by checking in with your body and asking yourself, “Do I need fuel, or am I actually heart hungry?”

All of this will become easier as you practice keeping your food diary and listening to how your body responds to food.

© Rachel Collins 2016


“Self-care isn’t selfish. It is not a luxury. Self-care is non-negotiable.”

Self care is about knowing you cannot pour from an empty cup. We hear it every time we get on a plane, fit your own oxygen mask before helping others. Here are some simple ways you can practice self care. I encourage you to incorporate at least one into your daily routine during The Happy Mummy Cleanse. They have helped me look slimmer, sleep better, and keep my immune system up despite my busy schedule. These tools will accelerate the detoxification process in your body and also help with any withdrawal symptoms you might be feeling.

DRY SKIN BRUSHING: I dry skin brush every morning. As the largest detox organ, sometimes referred to as the third kidney, the skin is vital for healthy detoxification. You can buy a skin brush or simply use a dry towel.

How to skin brush:• Skin brush with a dry brush before you shower or bath.• Always brush towards your heart, with the flow of the lymphatic fluid.• Begin at the soles of your feet, then move up your legs, brushing in circular motions.• Brush your chest and shoulders towards your heart in long strokes, then start at the

fingertips and brush towards your body. Use small, circular strokes in your armpits.• It is suggested you move in a circular motion anticlockwise on your stomach to respect

the direction of digestion and encourage detoxification.• Follow with a shower or bath using an all-natural and organic soap.

TONGUE SCRAPING: By tongue scraping every morning, you remove bacteria that can lead to poor digestion and liver stagnation.

I suggest tongue scraping before brushing your teeth. Use a tongue scraper or a spoon to reach as far back as possible, and pull forward, scraping off the white film, which is candida and streptococcus mutans.

Bonus tip! I always tongue scrape after drinking red wine or eating garlic and other smelly foods - my mouth feels SO much cleaner afterwards! Not that I drink wine very often… ;-)

© Rachel Collins 2016

EPSOM SALT BATHS: Soaking for 20 minutes in an Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to detoxify the body and relax the soul. It is also a great support when you are having caffeine withdrawal headaches. Add 1/4 cup Epsom salt, 1/2 cup bicarbonate of soda, 1/2 cup sea salt, 1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar (optional), and a few drops of lavender to a warm bath. Enjoy a nice cup of herbal tea, such as nettle, during or after your bath.

OIL PULLING: Oil pulling has been a common detoxification practice for centuries. You can use coconut oil or sesame oil.

• Put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in your mouth• Swish the oil for 5-20 minutes• Spit the oil in the bin (to avoid it hardening and clogging up your sink)• Rinse your mouth with water and sea salt• Brush your teeth

Oil pulling should be done on an empty stomach to ensure maximum benefits. The best times are upon rising and before bed.

If you are doing both oil pulling and tongue scraping, I suggest you start with the oil pulling.

REBOUNDING: Rebounding has been proven to be effective for lymphatic drainage. A rebounder is a mini trampoline for grown ups! Rather than propelling you up into the air, they absorb the shock as you land and provide a good, low impact workout. I suggest rebounding for 15 minutes per day. You can find great rebounders on eBay and a wide range on Amazon.

SWEATING: Commit at least 15 minutes a day to exercising to the point of breaking a sweat. Sweating releases toxins from the body, and regular exercise gets the blood moving and is essential for a healthy metabolism. You can try brisk walking, jogging, rebounding, cycling, a cross trainer or even dancing.

You can also work up a sweat in a sauna, a steam room, or a hot bath. I suggest taking a bath with Epsom salts and drinking a hot cup of herbal tea.

Make sure to hydrate after sweating.

If you do not normally exercise or break a sweat, start slowly. Do not throw yourself into a new exercise routine without guidance.

© Rachel Collins 2016


Yes! I slipped in a sneaky extra phase! The Happy Mummy Cleanse isn’t just something you do once and forget about. We all slip back into bad habits from time to time, and our body’s needs change with the seasons too. What was working for our energy levels in the Spring, might not be so successful through the Winter.

You have lifelong access to these materials and I encourage you to follow the elimination phase for at least 7 days, 4 times a year. You have delicious recipes for every season, so why not ease your way into each new season with The Happy Mummy Cleanse? In the Winter it will boost your immune system to help keep all those nasty bugs and viruses at bay, and in the Spring and Summer it’ll help you fight seasonal allergies and of course, make you feel tons more confident in getting your bikini out.


You might find it helpful to print each of these out and stick them to your fridge or somewhere visible as a reminder of what to do and when.

PHASE 1 Cheat Sheet

UPON WAKING Drink your morning lemon water elixirTake a probiotic 45 minutes after the elixirSuggested activities:Setting your intention + writing down your goals; tongue scraping, dry skin brushing

BREAKFAST If you drink coffee, drink organic and slowly reduce the quantity over the four days.

MID-MORNING Snack if you are hungry


AFTERNOON Snack if you are hungry


BEDTIME Write in your food diaryEpsom Salt bath or dry skin brush

© Rachel Collins 2016


PHASE 2 Cheat Sheet

UPON WAKING Drink your morning lemon water elixirTake a probiotic 45 minutes after the elixirSuggested activities: deep breathing, oil pulling, then tongue scrap-ing and dry skin brushing while you are waiting for the shower to warm up

BREAKFAST Drink 1 cup of your favorite alternative to coffee or 1/2 cup organic coffee if you really can’t give it up (optional)Breakfast

MID-MORNING Snack if you are hungryConsume Chaga Chai tea (optional)


AFTERNOON Practice the Mini Check Out, snack if you are hungry*30 minutes after your snack, drink the cranberry flush


BEDTIME Drink a cup of nettle tea with stevia or honeyWrite in your food diary Suggested Activities: Choice of Epsom salt bath and consume 1 Tbsp. of honey or a low glycemic option such as coconut oil

© Rachel Collins 2016


PHASE 3 Cheat Sheet

UPON WAKING Drink your morning lemon water elixirTake a probiotic 45 minutes after the elixirRetreat activities: deep breathing, tongue scraping,dry skin brushing, and oil pulling

BREAKFAST Drink organic coffee (maximum 1/2 cup), or stick to your coffee alternative if you prefer (optional)Breakfast

MID-MORNING Snack if you are hungryDrink Chaga Chai tea (optional)

LUNCH Practice conscious eating during lunch

AFTERNOON Practice the Mini Check Out, snack if you are hungry*30 minutes later, drink the cranberry flush

DINNER Practice conscious eating during dinner

BEDTIME Drink a cup of nettle tea with stevia or honeyWrite in your food diary. Take note of any reactions that come up as you reintroduce foods. Suggested Activities: Epsom salt bath and consume 1 tablespoon of honey or a low- glycemic option such as coconut oil

© Rachel Collins 2016


I am not a medical doctor, dietician, or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics, or nutrition. I make no claim to any specialised medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctor or wellness team if you have questions regarding this whole foods elimination programme, and then make your own well-informed decisions based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life.

Please keep in mind that, when including new products and foods in your life, you should consult your doctor, especially if you are currently taking prescription medications.

All materials are copyrighted and remain the property of their respective owners. Materials made available to the private group forum, by email, or any other means, may not be distributed in any fashion, print or electronic, without the expressed, written permission of the respective owner. Copyright © 2016 Rachel Collins. All rights reserved.

PLEASE NOTE: All contents are based on my personal knowledge, opinions, and experience as a health coach. Please consult a medical advisor regarding medications or medical advice.

© Rachel Collins 2016

Rachel Collins

The Programme Guide

The Happy Mummy Cleanse

© Rachel Collins 2016