“Il fouling: le prime fasi di colonizzazione del microfoulingG. Lupini , L. Proia, M. Di Maio, S....

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Transcript of “Il fouling: le prime fasi di colonizzazione del microfoulingG. Lupini , L. Proia, M. Di Maio, S....

“Il fouling: le prime fasi di colonizzazione del microfouling"

Stefano Fazi Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque (IRSA-CNR)

“Il rischio ecologico per l’ecosistema marino costiero derivante dall’utilizzo delle pitture antivegetative”

13 dicembre 2012

ENEA - Roma

National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Water Research Institute (IRSA)


tto d

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o di



Biofilm naturali misti

Biofilm in reattori ed impianti

Caratteristiche strutturali e funzionali di


Isolamento e coltivazione di microrganismi

Diversità ed attività di alghe

e batteri

Ecologia microbica Microbiologia ambientale

Competenze presenti all’IRSA per l’analisi dei biofilm microbici

Biofilm in impianti di trattamento delle acque ed in bioreattori

Christenson and Sims, 2012. Rotating algal biofilm reactor and spool harvester for wastewater treatment with biofuels by-products. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, in press

Biofilm in impianti sperimentali: Rotating Photobioreactor (RPB)

Ruolo dei microrganismi nei sistemi fluviali e costieri

Romanı, Amalfitano, Artigas, Fazi, Sabater, Timoner, Ylla, Zoppini, 2012. Microbial biofilm structure and organic matter use i mediterranean streams. Hydrobiologia (on line first)


Studio della struttura comunità microbica associata ai biofilm in un ambiente fluviale a diverso impatto antropico: Llobregat (Spagna)



Studio della struttura comunità microbica nell’alto Adriatico lungo transetti costa largo

Il microfouling

Molecolare: Adesione di particelle organiche (es. proteine)

Microbico primario: Batteri eterotrofi, cianobatteri e microalghe

Microbico secondario: Protozoi, spore/larve

Macro: Colonizzazione di macrorganismi

Il processo di formazione del fouling può essere schematicamente diviso in quattro fasi

La disponibilità dei nutrienti in acqua e’ uno dei fattori principali che regola lo sviluppo di batteri su superfici inerti. Biofilm che crescono su substrati ricchi di sostanza organica (legno, foglie) risentono meno dei nutrienti presenti in acqua

Fazi et al., 2005. Environmental Microbiology 7(10): 1633-1640

Nutrienti Bottom-up

Fazi et al., 2008. Environmental Microbiology 10(10): 2760–2772

Predazione Top-down

Fasi dello sviluppo di biofilm acquatici

Extracellular Matrix: Highly hydrated system that typically features a hydrogel-like structure, which embeds the biofilm cells and determines the physico-chemical and biological properties of the whole biofilm

Network of polymeric chains stabilized by intra- and intermolecular linkages

a c





Electrostatic attractive forces



Ionic attractive


Repulsive forces

b prevent




forces Ca2+

collapsing CH2

COO– + + + + +

Hydrogen OH bonding van der Waals

- - - - -


Protein OH


interactions + + + +

- - - - -

d Polysaccharide

Polymeric Substances (EPS) are mainly comprise by polysaccharides (up to 90%), along with a wide variety of proteins, glycoproteins, glycolipids and nucleic acids.

Flemming and Wingender, 2010

Key factor for the overall functionality of biofilms. The matrix network provides mechanical stability to the community

Major advantage of the biofilm mode of life for microorganisms

Function relevance for biofilms EPS components involved

Adhesion Allows the initial steps in the colonization of abiotic and biotic surfaces by planktonic cells, and the long-term attachment of whole biofilms to surfaces

Aggregation of bacterial cells Enables bridging between cells, the temporary immobilization of bacterial populations, the development of high cell densities and cell–cell recognition

Cohesion of biofilms Forms a hydrated polymer network (the biofilm matrix), mediating the mechanical stability of biofilms (often in conjunction with multivalent cations) and, through the EPS structure (capsule, slime or sheath), determining biofilm architecture, as well as allowing cell–cell communication

Retention of water Maintains a highly hydrated microenvironment around biofilm organisms, leading to their tolerance of dessication in water-deficient environments

Protective barrier Confers resistance to nonspecific and specific host defences during infection, and confers tolerance to various antimicrobial agents (for example, disinfectants and antibiotics), as well as protecting cyanobacterial nitrogenase from the harmful effects of oxygen and protecting against some grazing protoza

Polysaccharides, proteins, DNA and amphiphilic molecules Polysaccharides, proteins and DNA Neutral and charged polysaccharides, proteins (such as amyloids and lectins), and DNA Hydrophilic polysaccharides and, possibly, proteins Polysaccharides and proteins

Sorption of organic compounds

Allows the accumulation of nutrients from the environment and the sorption of xenobiotics (thus contributing to environmental detoxification)

Charged or hydrophobic polysaccharides and proteins

Sorption of inorganic ions Promotes polysaccharide gel formation, ion exchange, mineral formation and the accumulation of toxic metal ions (thus contributing to environmental detoxification)

Enzymatic activity Enables the digestion of exogenous macromolecules for nutrient acquisition and the degradation of structural EPS, allowing the release of cells from biofilms

Nutrient source Provides a source of carbon-, nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing compounds for utilization by the biofilm community

Charged polysaccharides and proteins, including inorganic substituents such as phosphate and sulphate

Proteins Potentially all EPS components

Exchange of genetic information

Faciliates horizontal gene transfer between biofilm cells DNA

Electron donor or acceptor Permits redox activity in the biofilm matrix Proteins (for example, those forming pili and nanowires) and, possibly, humic substances

Export of cell components Releases cellular material as a result of metabolic turnover Membrane vesicles containing nucleic acids, enzymes, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids

Sink for excess energy Stores excess carbon under unbalanced carbon to nitrogen ratios Polysaccharides

Binding of enzymes Results in the accumulation, retention and stabilization of enzymes through their interaction with polysaccharides

Polysaccharides and enzymes Flemming and Wingender 2010

Funzioni degli EPS nei biofilm batterici

Influence of Substrate Composition on Marine Microfouling Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1979, 38(5):987. D.S. Marszalek, S.M. Gerchakov and L.R. Udey Microscopia SEM o ad epifluorescenza (colorazione generica) Cross-Ocean Distribution of Rhodobacterales Bacteria as Primary Surface Colonizers in Temperate Coastal Marine Waters Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2008, 74(1):52. H. Dang, T. Li, M. Chen and G. Huang Sequenziamento 16S-rDNA e costruzioni di librerie di cloni

Metodi di studio

Differenti possibilità di caratterizzare campioni ambientali mediante analisi comparative delle sequenze di rRNA.

Schema che mostra le principali fasi dei

metodi basati sull’rRNA per il sequenziamento di basi e per creare sonde

(da Amann et al., 1995).

Ottimizzazione della tecnica (FISH) per lo studio della composizione delle comunità microbiche nei biofilm senza modificarne l’architettura 3D

Alpha-proteobacteria Beta-proteobacteria Gamma-proteobacteriaD

ay 5



























Ricostruzione 3D

G. Lupini , L. Proia, M. Di Maio, S. Amalfitano, S. Fazi, 2011. CARD–FISH and confocal laser scanner microscopy to assess successional changes of the bacterial community in freshwater biofilms. Journal of Microbiological Methods 86, 248–251

Grazie per l’attenzione Grazie per l’attenzione
