“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not ... - Rafiki · - Our Rafiki garden...

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Transcript of “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not ... - Rafiki · - Our Rafiki garden...


October 2019

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the

Lord our God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

Dear Rafiki Prayer Groups,

I read this article about prayer recently and wanted to share it with you to encourage you as you pray for God’s working in Africa through Rafiki’s ministry. It expresses the truths from Scripture about prayer, so may this stimulate you to pray all the more!

1) The Lord God Almighty can do all things; there is nothing impossible for Him (Luke 1:37).

2) The Lord God Almighty invites His people to pray to Him. Prayer to God should be made persistently (Luke 18:1), with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6), in faith (James 1:5), within the will of God (Matthew 6:10), for the glory of God (John 14:13-14), and from a heart right with God (James 5:16).

3) The Lord God Almighty hears the prayers of His children. He commands us to pray, and He promises to listen when we do. “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his

temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears” (Psalm 18:6).

4) The Lord God Almighty answers prayer. “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me” (Psalm 17:6). “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17).

Another popular idea is that the amount of faith we have determines whether or not God will answer our prayers. However, sometimes the Lord answers our prayers in spite of our own lack of faith. In Acts 12, the church prays for Peter’s release from prison (v. 5), and God answers their prayer (vv. 7-11). Peter goes to the door of the prayer meeting and knocks, but those who are praying refuse at first to believe that it is really Peter. They prayed he would be released, but they failed to expect an answer to their prayers.

The power of prayer does not flow from us; it is not special words we say or the special way we say them or even how often we say them. The power of prayer is not based on a certain direction we face or a certain position of our bodies. The power of prayer does not come from the use of artifacts or icons or candles or beads. The power of prayer comes from the omnipotent One who hears our prayers and answers them. Prayer places us in contact with Almighty God, and we should expect almighty results, whether or not He chooses to grant our petitions or deny our requests. Whatever the answer to our prayers, the God to whom we pray is the source of the power of prayer, and He can and will answer us, according to His perfect will and timing. From: https://www.gotquestions.org/power-of-prayer.html

I am so grateful to God for each prayer group that faithfully meets and prays through the concerns within each Rafiki Village and for the Home Office. Nothing is more important! As you pray for the Home Office this month please pray for:

- A fruitful Home Office Trip to Rafiki Villages in Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, and Zambia—October 1-17.


- A successful classical Christian conference in Nairobi, Kenya November 6-7 that Rafiki is organizing—refer to this website for more information: https://www.thenewoldway.org/

- God to provide long-term missionaries for these countries: Malawi, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, and Liberia. We are asking for seasoned mature couples who have experience in education, Bible teaching, facilities management, administration, and music and art.

- A strong financial finish to the year—please ask God to raise up 400 additional orphan sponsors and also 300 more day student scholarships.

- More Rafiki Bible Study groups throughout the U.S.

To God be all the glory for His faithfulness, love, and perfect reign over the affairs of His people.


Karen Elliott Executive Director




- The country of Ethiopia just ushered in their New Year—2012, according to the Julian calendar which they use.

- The situation remains peaceful in our area, but the country is gearing up for national elections in the next ten months, so please continue to pray for stability and peace.

Praises: - The writing of the new project agreement is coming along; please pray for Amy as she tries to finish

it soon.

- Nobody was injured when the big, beautiful acacia tree outside our dining hall split in half! Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- the new project agreement to be approved in a timely manner; being able to purchase a new vehicle is dependent on the agreement being approved.

- wisdom for Tekle as he liaises with numerous government offices and officials as well as juggles the plant/facilities management.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates:

- School has started and the Rafiki Mothers and children are excited!

- The Sunday before the start of school, the older children attended a special program at the Meserete Kristos Church in Modjo to honor the founders of the church, many of whom suffered persecution and imprisonment during the communist Dergue Regime. The children were encouraged, intrigued, and impressed by the powerful testimonies of faith.

Praises: - The Rafiki Mothers are working well in unity, despite being short-staffed one mother and one

substitute mother.

- Our Rafiki garden has yielded a good crop of beets, cabbages, carrots, and lettuce; the corn and tomatoes are on their way.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - good health for Biruk who’s now taking an increased dosage of anti-seizure medications due to two

seizure episodes.

- God to provide two new Rafiki Mothers who are spiritually mature, fluent in English, and called to serve here.

Rafiki Education Program Updates:

- Teachers enjoyed a productive and fun nine days of in-service training that helped them prepare well for the start of the new school year.


- We have admitted twelve new day students and eight employee’s children in the preprimary levels. The selection process went smoothly despite having 200 applicants for twelve spots.

- Unfortunately our school curriculum was not printed in a timely manner by the print shop we ordered it from, so please pray that gets done quickly.

Praises: - New teachers and new students are doing well.

- Teachers are committed to high standards in teaching methods and classroom culture. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- wisdom, stamina, and patience for Amy as she trains teachers as well as teaches several classes a day.

- teachers who are attempting to teach new subjects (i.e. art, history, and PE) to be excited and inspired to do so.


RAFIKI VILLAGE GHANA Rafiki Village Updates:

- Life is very busy at the Village for missionaries, staff, and resident children.

- A container arrived from the Home Office in the middle of September with curriculum and helpful supplies.

- The Home Office arrives for a visit on October 2 and will depart for other Villages on October 5. Praises:

- We are thankful for the Home Office team ordering, packing, and shipping the container that we just received.

- Our internet service has been rather slow at times especially in the evenings. We are giving thanks that we found a new internet provider that offers much faster service and at a reasonable price.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - vehicles. Two of our vehicles are having the engines overhauled. We were quite surprised to have

two failed engines within two weeks. Please pray for work to be done with excellence and for it to be completed soon.

- wisdom in carrying out various plant management projects around the Village.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates:

- Three of our former residents have completed their university studies and started one year of compulsory national service. Two are teaching assistants at their alma maters, and one is utilizing what she learned in her agribusiness studies at a large juice and fruit manufacturer. Our university students are back at their studies for the year.

- Our Rafiki School seniors have completed their national exams, and are in the midst of their last term at the Rafiki School. A few of the students have begun vocational studies outside the Rafiki Village.

Praises: - Our Rafiki School seniors have been safe as they traveled to and from the Rafiki Village to their

testing centers over the course of a month. They feel good about their performance.

- We see glimpses of maturity growing little by little in our youth. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- Our Rafiki Mothers and Father to be vigilant, caring, and wise as they guide the hearts of many young people in the midst of adolescence.

- Our resident children and graduates to have a living faith, and be lights of the gospel wherever they are.


Rafiki Education Program Updates: The last term of 2019 begins Monday, October 7, 2019.

Praises: - We have hired more teachers and are looking forward to their contributions.

- Our seniors have completed their national exams.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - the new teachers to joyfully receive and implement the training.

- the graduation day plans.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Praises: Paperwork for the accreditation is in process.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: Our Lord to provide students for RICE once it is accredited.

Rafiki Widows Program Updates: The Program is on hold as the widows have fulfilled their orders and we await more full-time missionary help.

Praises: We thank God for the help this program has been for women over the years.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - current Ghana products to sell through the Rafiki stores (brick and mortar as well as online).

- more full-time missionaries so we can continue and strengthen our Rafiki Widows Program in Ghana.


RAFIKI VILLAGE KENYA Rafiki Village Updates:

- We are anticipating the arrival our new teammate, Amber Jackson! She will be our new athletics manager and provide other much needed assistance.

- We are grateful for three short-term missionaries who will be here in October-November. Praises:

- The seven teachers, parents, and church leaders who represented Rafiki at the September 18 meeting with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) spoke winsomely and persuasively regarding the value of a classical Christian education for our partner church schools. Two church education directors verbalized their full support for the Rafiki Education System.

- Registrations are coming in for the November Classical Christian Conference! Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- us to have 400+ people registered for the November conference by the first week in October and continued progress on logistical issues between Nairobi and the Home Office.

- wisdom to know the next steps in the accreditation process with KICD and for them to agree to proceed with its approval as a “curriculum” and not as a “program”.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates: We are turning our gaze toward the end of the year which means buying seniors’ graduation clothes and thinking about Christmas!

Praises: - Thank God that Rachel King continues to grow instrumental opportunities for more students. She

started band instruments with grade seven and is working with violinists.

- Our students enjoyed playing some friendly basketball matches recently and played well. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- our children to internalize the blessings of obedience right away, all the way, every day, and cheerfully.

- our current seniors to prayerfully look toward life after high school.

Rafiki Education Program Updates:

- Curtis Wasila, was one of our first day student graduates in 2013 and just completed his degree in Community Health. While he waits to take his Boards he has joined us as a secondary level academic assistant. He loves Rafiki and is proving to be a great motivator.

- After reviewing the grades, it turns out that they have improved since last term! The average secondary grade point average was thirty points better this term and the number of failing grades have decreased by around 25%! (This was mentioned in last month’s prayer requests.)


- In a new government program, this month all grade three learners in Kenya will be assessed in mathematics, English, and various other subjects to see how they are progressing along the country’s education goals.

Praises: - Our teaching faculty has been very stable and morale seems good. They are committed to teaching

our students from a biblical perspective using tried-and-true classical Christian education techniques.

- We had a nice visit from the Home Office. They were encouraging and had some good advice on improving some things in the schools.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - our grade eight students and seniors to prepare well for their national exams at the end of October

and all of November.

- our teachers to implement classical methodology more and more, day by day.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Updates: Because the government has yet to write a new teacher training curriculum, they closed registration of students in any teacher training program until January 2020.

Praises: - RICE received approval as an exam center for government teacher certification.

- We successfully registered twenty-four of our former and current students to sit for the certificate exam in April 2020. Passing this exam will gain them the needed government certification.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - successful registration of eleven more students for graduation from Presbyterian University of East

Africa (PUEA) in December.

- the PUEA Senate to approve our diploma course by the end of this year.

Rafiki Widows Program Updates: We haven’t had much interaction with the widows’ groups lately.

Praises: We should be able to send product with short-term missionaries soon, including some Christmas products.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - guidance for new product possibilities; fresh ideas, and unique products for each group.

- guidance for how to improve interaction with the various widows’ groups.


RAFIKI VILLAGE LIBERIA Rafiki Village Updates: Our schools now have 220 students and we have sixty-seven residents. We missionaries are all very busy doing our parts to sustain this ministry. There is education for children and future teachers, supervising and training staff to parent and teach, maintaining the structures and the Village, and making continued improvements. Ours is a busy life and we find joy in the small successes along the way.

Praises: - Praise God for our missionary team and our key national staff leaders.

- We are thankful for the love our workers have for studying the Word of God.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - God to strengthen our missionary staff to stand strong against adversity. When God is working the

enemy sends challenges.

- the RICE Program to be effective in preparing many teachers for Liberia.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates:

- We have had a lot of wonderful conversations with our Rafiki children and are seeing growth in their faith. We have been teaching them about godly discernment. The Rafiki Mothers have been having regular conversations with their cottages about the culture and the truth of God’s Word.

- We will be having our GAMES program for the remaining children at the Village who do not participate in home stay.

Praises: - We have had several wonderful families step up from the local church to agree to be an auntie or

uncle to our children who have absolutely no family members. It is wonderful to see them take in the children and establish a wonderful relationship that will last for years. It is good for these children to finally have someone to call their family.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - our children leaving to spend time with their relatives on their home stay. This is a wonderful

experience to discover and relate to their relatives and discover a part of their identities, but it is also a time that tests their faith. Pray for our children to be leaders and examples of Christ.

Rafiki Education Program Preprimary and Primary School Update

- We are coming to the end of our third term and we have seen great progress in our students’ learning. It is a joy to listen to our lower primary students reading so fluently each day.

- We are near the end of rainy season and are hopeful this will be the end of the cold and flu season.

Praises: - We thank God for continued protection.


- We thank Him for the positive attitude of teachers as they work with the precious little ones. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- a successful closing term of our year and for there to be joy in learning and obeying.

- wisdom to lead and eyes to see areas that we can grow in. Junior Secondary School Update

- We rejoice to see our junior secondary students grow in character and maturity.

- As we look ahead to opening our senor secondary school in January we pray God will provide all we need.

Praises: - We praise God for the spiritual growth and academic focus of many of our students.

- We are thankful for a new female teacher to join our teaching staff. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- God to work in the lives of these children.

- our few new students who are working to catch up to their classmates.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Praises:

- The key attributes of our students and graduates are punctuality, dependability, desire to study God’s Word, and thankful attitudes.

- We are thankful for God’s faithfulness to bring us through the last nine weeks of the term to the start of our exams.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - the United Methodist Church and our other church partners to hire our teachers as they graduate

from the program.

- mastery of content so that students become excellent teachers.

- the economy of Liberia to improve. Students struggle for transportation to come each day. This also makes it difficult to find new students for the program.


RAFIKI VILLAGE MALAWI Rafiki Village Updates:

- The Village is buzzing with lots of capital improvement projects. These call for skilled manpower and financial resources. God is returning to the Village a number of seasoned short-term missionaries (the Reads, the Nassons, the Cosbys, Karen Aufderhaar, Kevin French) as well as new worker (Jerri Lotze).

- The resident youths and children are thriving and were privileged to help plan and organize many activities for the Home Office team visit this past August. They were especially thankful to help our Home Office team plant seven new trees at the Village. One youth commented, “Hey, we got the Home Office to work for us!” Great spirits—schemer, planner, planter! They now have the responsibility to take good care of the saplings until they are rooted to provide shade in time to come.

Praises: - Staff and students (resident and day) enjoyed and were much encouraged by the Home Office team

of seven visitors who commended favorably on the improvements they saw at the Village in the past nine months.

- The Home Office team was blessed by the meetings with our partner church denomination, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian and the University of Livingstonia. We were particularly grateful to God for allowing the Home Office team to visit with the Ministry of Education to present the Rafiki Christian Education system.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - God’s provision of skilled people and funds to take care of the capital improvement projects. We

like to use these projects to build capacity and train the nationals successfully.

- patience as we wait for full-time missionaries to fill the spots for headmaster and RICE dean.

- the national staff to be more and more equipped as they receive training in different areas and to take ownership of their responsibilities.

- the lives of our national staff to be significantly impacted by the daily Rafiki Bible Study.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates:

- The Rafiki Mothers have been stretched to cover the residence hall and cottages. Ronnie retired at the end of August to take care of her own grandchildren who have returned from South Africa. Martha together with Bettie and Sara are valiantly holding together the boys’ residence hall.

- The residents have worked on their third quarter sponsor reports and are able to identify many areas of personal growth. They are maturing!

Praises: - The youths and children are in generally good health and grateful for all that God is providing for



- Several youths have been promoted to young adulthood as they celebrated their 18th birthdays. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- a godly Malawian woman and another mature couple to be hired and trained as caregivers for the youths. We are very short-handed in the caregiving department at this time.

- wisdom from above to work with the youths who reject Rafiki’s care and instruction to their own detriment.

Rafiki Education Program Updates:

- Term three ended on September 20 with a recitation by grade levels one to three students. The student population has grown to 294—from PreK to GL 12. The PreK classes are in double stream and there is a waitlist of more children who want to come to school at Rafiki.

Praises: - Happy Wisdom Chirwa who holds a Bachelor of Science (Education) from Mzuzu University joined

the Rafiki School to teach physics and mathematics.

- Eleven grade levels four, five, and six students presented an excellent recitation to the Home Office team and guests on Psalm 133, logic, and how to draw fruits in a bowl. They were confident and enthusiastic.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - a full-time missionary with education experience to be called to be the headmaster for the school.

- the school academic calendar to be finalized to the glory of God.

- encouragement for the school administrative team as they work together to raise the school standards.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Updates:

- The Lord in his providential grace enabled a smooth transition of Interim RICE deans from Mr. Bill Wood to Ms. Linda Lim. Mr. Wood provided invaluable and effective transfer of skill sets to prepare Ms. Linda Lim. The fifteen RICE students have matured and joyfully blessed by the training and support of the RICE deans.

- The University of Livingstonia Senate on August 22 approved the RICE-UNILIA Diploma in Christian Classical Education in Early Childhood Development and Primary curriculum for onward transmission to the National Council for Higher Education.

Praises: - Thanks be to the Lord for watching over our final year student, Queen Mhone who graduated on

September 20 after three years at RICE. She is off to commence her God given role as a trained Christian classical teacher with New Life Kindergarten in Lilongwe. Queen shares that she is humbled by her training at RICE. She acknowledges that God has given her the strength to persevere in this long journey as a RICE student. Going forward, she is filled with his courage to


step into the local community to teach with God’s fervor as she strives to “integrate every subject with a biblical worldview”.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - the RICE students to complete term three victoriously, full of God’s peace and assurance, and to

have a good rest during the three-week break.

- several RICE students’ family members who are ill and need God’s healing and restoration.

- favor from the NCHE and Ministry of Education in final approval for accreditation of RICE within UNILIA.

Rafiki Widows Program Updates:

- Three ladies from the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Synod of Livingstonia, were delighted to visit with Karen Gobert, Home Office Director for the Widows Program, to explore suggestions for fabric and paper to make new marketable products. They appreciated the unwavering support from the Home Office to help them succeed.

Praises: - Bertha Ng’oma is being trained to provide the local leadership for the widows who will not only

make products but get to study the Rafiki Bible Study.

- The three ladies have set off to Taifa Market to source for the raw materials to get samples started. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- the momentum for this new effort to be sustained and for the samples to be excellent to provide a firm product order.

- the ladies to be hungry for the Rafiki Bible Study.


RAFIKI VILLAGE NIGERIA Rafiki Village Updates:

- It is nearing the end of the third term here with children ready to go for home visits.

- Evidence of the end of rainy season is seen as many of the plants are showing the coming change of season.

Praises: - Abundant rains are refilling the water tables.

- Praise God for the new borehole and pump producing more than adequate water for the Village. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- safe return of students after the short two-week break.

- rest and restoration for all who have worked hard this term.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Praises:

- Joseph, Josiah, and Kefas have been accepted into Bukuru Government Technical College for vocational studies.

- We thank God for blessing us with three short-term missionaries who arrived just in time to help in ChildCare and at school.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - our children who will soon leave for home visits with family during the school break.

- the children to share Jesus as Savior and Lord with their families.

Rafiki Education Program Praises:

- Our two short-term missionary teachers have shared many good ideas and teaching helps with the Rafiki teachers while they have been here.

- Our recent Bingham graduates, Joy, Joanna, and Lydia, are working in the Rafiki School, teaching classes, while waiting to start a mandatory year of government youth service.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - our junior secondary two class as they have lost several students due to transfers out to boarding


- how to best implement more tutoring time for students who are struggling, especially in English and math.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Updates:

- Students continue to say that they are having an increasingly hard time with the courses.

- We are accepting applications for the 2020 school year and will soon do a pre-entrance exam.


Praises: - Most students who were doing student teaching report good experiences.

- Sharing at Bible study is becoming more honest and real.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - God’s choices for the students who enroll for January.

- wise use of time over the two-week break for the students.

Rafiki Widows Program Updates: The last Home Office order is nearing completion and has allowed work for the women.

Praises: - Beautiful products are being produced.

- We are thankful for the joy of the women to have work. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- more orders to supplement Rafiki’s order to sustain the women.

- new sources for the women to market their products here in Nigeria.


RAFIKI VILLAGE RWANDA Rafiki Village Updates: We just recently received an inspection by the Rwanda Governance Board as part of our annual licensing. They were very pleased with what God has been doing and helpful with details regarding our application.

Praises: - The Rwanda Governance Board is very supportive of our work here in Rwanda.

- God has continued to provide abundant amounts of water during the dry season.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - continued excellent and speedy work on the construction of our new senior secondary school and

laboratory buildings.

- the paperwork on our container of goods to be quickly completed so we can receive and put everything away during the break.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates: One of our Rafiki Mothers has had to take a leave of absence to deal with a legal issue in her family. We have been very blessed to have substitutes filling in while she is away.

Praises: - Auntie Gema and two of our teachers have been willingly filling in during the absence of one of our

Rafiki Mothers.

- Our eleven boys earned enough from their gardens to pay for a swimming outing. It was great to hear them discussing and deciding to combine the earnings from the two cottages so there would be enough money for all the boys.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - the resolution of the court case with Rafiki Mother Sandrine’s family which has required her


- God’s safety for our children as they are away for three weeks visiting their families.

Rafiki Education Program Updates:

- Our ninth grade class has begun work on their chicken coop as part of their animal husbandry class. Their goal is to supply all the eggs needed by the Village.

Praises: - Our first science fair raised great enthusiasm for science among our students and many were quite

inventive in their projects!

- We praise God for our teaching staff who daily shows their love for our students as they guide and teach them.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for:


- our students who need just a bit more effort to succeed in their studies.

- all of our students to recognize the great gift which God has given them in providing their education.

Rafiki Widows Program Praises:

- The Anglican widows have completed their order of embroidered items.

- We have a new order for the Presbyterian widows to make baskets. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- completion of the details which will allow us a means of easily shipping baskets and embroidery work to the Home Office.



- Our Bible study in 2 Timothy is providing us with a new way to think about suffering. While struggles are never desirable in themselves, the Apostle Paul’s illustrations of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer give clear examples of people who willingly endure difficulty for the sake of something greater in the future. Great teaching for all of us at the Village as we experience ups and downs in our ministry and lives.

- Our shipping container from the Home Office has arrived safely in Dar es Salam and we are working to have it cleared and shipped to us in Moshi.

Praises: - We thank God for providing for us with his Word and the chance to study it together through the

Rafiki Bible Study.

- We thank God for the maize we’ve been able to harvest from our small field here at the Village. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- our shipment from the Home Office to arrive at the Village without delay.

- approval of our property rezoning and the registration of our secondary school.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates: All sixty children are home at the Village after a school break full of extended family visits, athletic competitions, and (for some) national exams.

Praises: - Praise God that the children have many opportunities for enrichment during the four times a year

school holidays.

- Praise God for the dedication of the Rafiki Mothers, many of whom have cared for these children from preschool ages up to young adulthood.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - God to bless the perseverance of our Rafiki Mothers as they continue to love, guide, and train this

group of bright young people.

- God to use the Rafiki Bible Study and cottage devotions to solidify and energize the personal faith of all sixty children.

Rafiki Education Program Updates:

- We had a nice ending to the third term of the school year with a recitation that impressed parents and guardians with the way the students could recite scriptures and poems they have memorized with confidence.


- The Journalism Club now brings us a live news broadcast every Friday morning, which has been a delight to staff and students.

- Our young scientists were thrilled to do a dissection that allowed them to see how God has intricately designed even mice. We look forward to all that the final term of the school year will hold.

Praises: - God kept our primary school girls’ soccer team safe and healthy as they participated in the East

African School Games where they achieved second place.

- The administration of the standard seven national exams went smoothly, and the test invigilator gave an impressive positive report of how our students behaved throughout the testing days.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - God to equip and inspire each teacher to teach with excellence all the way to the end of the school

year so that students will continue to engage in interesting discoveries of truth, beauty, and goodness.

- God to teach each student and teacher how to love and serve Him with all of their heart, soul, and mind and be examples of godliness in their families and communities.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Updates:

- The RICE students finished their term well, with each one passing his or her courses and giving thanks for a fruitful ten-week session.

Praises: - We thank God for both spiritual and academic growth in our students this year.

- The end of term art exhibition was a celebration of all our students have learned in drawing and painting skills.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - wisdom and guidance as we tailor the RICE program to the specific needs of three of our current

RICE 1 students.

- God to use the RICE program to equip vibrant Christian teachers who will pass on what they’ve been given to thousands of students in the coming years.

Rafiki Widows Program Updates: The women were very happy this month as they met with Karen Gobert from the Home Office and showed her examples of their handiwork.

Praises: - The khanga coffee bags were completed and sent via traveling missionaries to the Rafiki Exchange.

- The women are thankful for the opportunity to earn money through the Rafiki Widows Program. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- clear communication among all participants as we communicate product details across several languages.

- new orders for beaded items.


RAFIKI VILLAGE UGANDA Rafiki Village Updates: Missionary Patti Lafage is away for an extended period of time undergoing wrist surgery. While she is away, RICE Dean, David Kumpe, is taking on her role as finance manager. Praises:

- There is a beautiful comradery and love between the older and younger students. - Renewed and deeper interest has been expressed in the RICE Program from the Church of Uganda.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - peace for Patti as she undergoes wrist surgery and the recovery process.

- strength, wisdom, and stretched time for David Kumpe as he takes on the extra role of Village finance manager.

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates: We are thankful that our residents are invited to share in cultural experiences with their church-host families and relatives. The youth leader at one of our partner churches invited the Nehemiah Hall youth to his wedding, the ceremony at the church and the reception. This was a great opportunity to see how these special occasions are celebrated here in Uganda. Some of our residents have also been able to be a part of their host family celebrations for family weddings and introductions (engagement celebrations). Participating and witnessing these occasions help them understand about dowries and cultural ceremonies that are integral parts of Ugandan culture.

Praises: - We are thankful for the cultural experiences our students are brought into through their

relationships with church-host families and relatives.

- Opportunities abound for our music students! Our student orchestra, the Bivuga Sinfonia, treated the Home Office to a short concert while they were with us in late August. The Sinfonia members are also in rehearsal for an upcoming concert and the ABRSM music exams.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - our residents during homestay: for their travels to be safe, for them to have special times with their

relatives/families and hosts, and for them to return to the Village safely and in good health.

- our students who are preparing for national exams coming up (October for grade eleven and November for grade seven) to do well. We are holding revision and study sessions to help prepare them to do well.

Rafiki Education Program Updates: Registration was finalized for the A-Level portion (grade levels twelve and thirteen) of our senior secondary school. This is largely thanks to our senior secondary school head teacher who filled out countless forms and made numerous visits to government offices. Well done, Teacher Jessicah!


Praises: - We are thankful for the registration of senior secondary A-Level, and Teacher Jessicah's

perseverance through the process.

- Praise God for the safe and enjoyable execution of field trips this past term to a meteorological center, an animal husbandry research center, and a wildlife center.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - the grade level eleven students to have great success on their national exams, which start mid-

October and run to the end of November.

- a full-time PE teacher to be hired in term four so the school's sports program can grow.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Updates: The RICE Program has finished its third term this year and is gearing up for the fourth, starting October 14. We anticipate the return of sixteen students with the loss of one, the graduation of one, and the acceptance by one of a teaching position at the Rafiki Christian School.

Praises: - We received a shipping container from the Home Office with our RICE curriculum for this next

year along with a number of books for the library, supplies, and equipment.

- We are thankful for teaching positions obtained by two of our students who recently graduated. Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

- protection from accidents and illness for all students for the remainder of term break and during term four and especially for one of our former students who is struggling with a very serious illness.

- one of our deans, Patti Lafage, who had surgery for an injury. Pray for her quick and successful recovery and return to Uganda .

Rafiki Widows Program Updates: Five of our Uganda Widows Program groups are feeling blessed to have received new orders from the Home Office. For most of these ladies, Christmas is a very special family time involving traditional meals and traveling "upcountry". The children they care for are at home on school break for three months, so extra food and expenses are needed. Therefore, they are especially grateful for the opportunity to earn extra money through their crafts at this time of the year.

Praises: Our widows groups have put aside some money to purchase new materials for the new orders.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: God to bless the work of our ladies' hands and help them deliver quality products on time for Christmas.


RAFIKI VILLAGE ZAMBIA Rafiki Village Updates:

- Hot weather has arrived and we are thankful for a continued good supply of water. The generator is working and keeping the Village powered on a schedule during the eight hours of load-shedding every day.

- All school programs closed for two weeks beginning September 23. Praises:

- The repair on the generator was successful!

- God’s purposes and plans are not thwarted by our weaknesses and any obstacles the enemy puts before us.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - strength and health for all staff during the hot, dry season.

- continued improvements and beautification of the Village for God’s glory

Rafiki ChildCare Program Updates: Children are looking forward to a two-week break from the routine of school, but will be staying in the Village for this break.

Praises: - We thank God for His provision of wisdom and perseverance to train in godliness.

- Praise God for the support from the Home Office in discipline issues with some boys and girls.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - those in grades seven and nine to have productive study time during their first week of break to be

prepared for their national exams in November.

- our creativity to make the two weeks of break meaningful and productive in the lives of the resident children.

Rafiki Education Program Praises:

- We thank God for the Rafiki Bible Study in 1 and 2 Timothy which is teaching the gospel and encouraging godly living.

- We are thankful for generally good health amongst students and teachers.

- We thank God for the commitment of teachers to help students, especially the students taking national exams this year.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - a restful break for teachers and students.

- the students taking exams to remain committed and for God to enable each to have much success.


- the teachers to return for term four eager and excited to help all students develop a greater love for learning.

Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute Program Updates: We are starting our final exams week for the third term at RICE. All is going well with our students. NO one seems to be in jeopardy of failing and even the four 3D students appear to be making it well this term. Almost all students in all five cohorts are doing quite well in coursework and comprehensive exams.

Praises: - We thank God for watching over all our RICE students--their health, their ability to continue well

in the program, and graduation.

- We thank God for the opportunity we have had to present RICE to quite a few possible church school employers including all CCAP pastors plus the two largest Baptist schools in Lusaka. We are very encouraged by their response. One CCAP pastor in Ndola is wanting four RICE grads to interview for two teaching positions in 2020.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - our health—there does seem to be a flu bug going around the Rafiki campus and many students have

lost their voice.

Rafiki Widows Program Updates: Our group of five sewing trainees are working to fill an order for products. They are planning another visit to the Mahlerbe village to do a training session with the ladies group.

Praises: The first consignment of hand sewn Christmas ornaments has been sent to the U.S.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for: - the present order of products to be completed correctly as designed.

- the outreach to the Mahlerbe group to be completed successfully.

- wisdom for the trainers in encouraging and training the ladies from Mahlerbe.