“God Rescues Ishmael and Hagar and promises to make a great … · 1 day ago · strength to be...

Post on 22-Jun-2020

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Transcript of “God Rescues Ishmael and Hagar and promises to make a great … · 1 day ago · strength to be...

“God Rescues Ishmael and Hagar and promises to make a great

nation out of Ishmael’s descendants.”

June 21, 2020 10:30 am

Sunday Worship Service (Virtual) Worship Leaders: Anthony Bailey, Alcris Limongi

Pianist: Debbie McGregor

PARKDALE UNITED CHURCH 429 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 1H3

Tel: 613-728-8656 Fax: 613-728-9686

Welcome to Parkdale! We hope that this service will be a blessing to you wherever you are. We welcome all to join us in worship! We are glad you’ve joined us to celebrate the mystery and gift of God’s love for the world in the gift of Jesus Christ, a rich Christian tradition, and a loving community of faith. We hope that in this time of worship you will experience at least a moment when God, who is Love, encourages you in faith, and breaks through the realities of everyday life surrounding you with the assurance of peace and joy which God so wants us to experience.


Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey Coordinating Minister abailey@trytel.com (off on Fridays)

Norman Reid Caretaker & Custodian

(off on Tuesdays)

Rev. Alcris Limongi Minister of Pastoral Care alcris@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca (off on Mondays)

Carol Diamond Jono Hamer-Wilson

Music Leaders

Camille Beaufort Interim Youth and Children Coordinator ce@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca

Don Mockett Office Manager


www.parkdaleunitedchurch.ca Our Vision Statement:

“To form followers of Jesus in such a way as to transform our community and our world.”

Are You New To Parkdale? To be added to our email list, please send your

email address to Don Mockett at pdale@trytel.com. To sign up for our monthly eNewsletter, visit our website.

June 21, 2020 Indigenous Day of Prayer

Order of Worship


Stewardship Thought: “Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:39)

Lighting our Worship Candle Dr. Bailey

Prelude Debbie McGregor

Welcome and Gathering Words Dr. Bailey


Call to Worship Dr. Bailey

One: In this wearying time, more than ever we need to ground ourselves in the worship of God. Many: For there is no one like God who has a listening heart. One: Let all draw near who live in fear, for God fills us all with hope and assurance. Many: There is no one like you, God of steadfast love. One: Our worship is meant to honour God, but also to spur us to share Gospel news, to serve the vulnerable, to speak up and enact justice. Many: There is no one like you, God of all people. One: Let us worship God. Gathering Prayer Prayer of St. Francis (recorded) Joan Scott

Hymn O Day of God Draw Nigh VU#688

O day of God, draw nigh

in beauty and in power,

come with your timeless judgement now

to match our present hour.

Bring to our troubled minds,

uncertain and afraid,

the quiet of a steadfast faith,

calm of a call obeyed.

Bring justice to our land,

that all may dwell secure,

and finely build for days to come

foundations that endure.

Bring to our world of strife

your sovereign word of peace,

that war may haunt the earth no more

and desolation cease.

O day of God, draw nigh

as at creation's birth;

let there be light again, and set

your judgements in the earth. Words: R.B.Y. Scott 1937 © Emmanuel College, c/o Office of the Principal, 75 Queen’s Park Cr. E., Toronto, ON M5K 1K7. Music: Genevan Psalter. Words: R.B.Y. Scott c/o Emmanuel College. Music. Public Domain

Call to Reconciliation Rev. Limongi

Who among us does not at times struggle with that human tendency to do wrong, say hurtful things, turn our back to others, forget about God’s grace and God’s summons to love mercy and do justice? Come let us acknowledge some of the ways we moved away from God’s way and will.

Confessing Together In baptism, you promise new life, God of grace, yet at times we continue to slip back into those old ways which are so comfortable and seductive. We are so good at fooling others, and maybe even ourselves, that we are convinced we can trick you as well. We have been invited over and over to draw near to you; to walk with you, and to turn away from those paths that are paved with hatred, envy, foolishness and fears. All of this

shows again how much we need you. Forgive us, God of patience and grace. For you have claimed us to be set free from sin and rebellion against you. Be pleased to grant us the strength to be willing to take up whatever task you give us, and the faith to be willing to lose our lives for others, so we might find life forever with you, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, we pray. Amen


Words of Forgiveness Rev. Limongi Choral Response: Halle, halle, halle (sing twice)

Hymn: You Formed Us in Your Image, Lord

GREENSLEEVES with Refrain ("What Child Is This?")

You formed us in your image, Lord; You call us your own children.

In you, each one is loved, adored — Unique among the millions.

Bless, Lord, the families Who know the joy: Christ claims and frees!

Bless, too, the ones who weep, Forgetting that you love them.

You made our homes to honor you

With love the strong foundation. In serving God and neighbor too,

We find our life's vocation. Bless families large and small

Who love and serve you when you call. Bless, too, the ones who fear —

Whose trust and love are shattered.

Christ loved and honored family, Yet showed us what is greater.

He taught a higher loyalty To God our good Creator.

Bless, Lord, the ones who long To build up homes where faith is strong.

Bless children, women, men Who risk to serve your kingdom.

In home and church our faith is formed; We learn your love and caring.

From here we're called to face the storm, Your love and justice bearing.

Each day your Spirit sends! We go to strangers, neighbors, friends.

Peace, justice, joy we bring To all your human family.

Tune: Traditional English melody ("What Child Is This?") (MIDI) Text: Copyright © 2004 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved. Copied from Songs of Grace: New Hymns for God and Neighbor by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (Upper Room Books, 2009). Used with Permission


First Scripture Lesson: Genesis 21:8-21 Joanna Hamley

Responsive Reading: Psalm 86:1-12 Rev. Limongi One: Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. Many: Preserve my life, for I am devoted to you; save your servant who trusts in you. One: You are my God; be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all day long. Many: Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. One: For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call on you. Many: Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; listen to my cry of supplication. One: In the day of my trouble I call on you, for you will answer me. Many: There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours. One: All the nations you have made shall come and bow down before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. Many: For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. One: Teach me your way, O Lord that I may walk in your truth;

give me an undivided heart to revere your name. Many: I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever. Gloria, Gloria in Excelsis Deo VU#37 Gloria, Gloria, Alleluia, Alleluia (2x) Gospel Lesson: Matthew 10:24-39 Dr. Bailey

Anthem: “Trust His Heart” (recorded) Terri-Ann Wint

Message: “Disruptive Grace, Provocative Peace” Dr. Bailey



The Presentation of Tithes and Offering Dr. Bailey

(We are grateful for the prayers and financial support of Parkdale’s ongoing ministry. Please continue. You are invited to take some time at home to write a cheque, or make a promise to go to the Parkdale Website: Parkdaleunitedchurch.ca. You will see on the home page a button/link that says “Donate Now through CanadaHelps.org”. Click on that and make your offering)

Musical Reflection Debbie McGregor

Dedication of the Offering Dr. Bailey

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Rev. Limongi

Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and let us not fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen


Hymn: We Are Pilgrims on a Journey VU#595

We are pilgrims on a journey, fellow travellers on the road;

we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load.

Sister, let me be your servant,

let me be as Christ to you; pray that I may have the grace to

let you be my servant too.

I will hold the Christ-light for you in the night-time of your fear;

I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear.

I will weep when you are weeping, when you laugh I'll laugh with you;

I will share your joy and sorrow, till we've seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven,

we shall find such harmony, born of all we've known together

of Christ's love and agony.

Brother, let me be your servant, let me be as Christ to you;

pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too.

Words, Music, Arrangement: Richard Gillard © 1977 Scripture inSong, Administered by Maranatha! Music, c/o The Copyright Company - obo, P.O. Box 128139, Nashville, TN 37212-8139, tel.:615-321-1096, fax: 615-321-1099. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission. Words, Music, Arrangement: © 1977 Maranatha Music. Administered by Maranatha! Music c/o The Copyright Company. CCLI License#3140600

Sending Blessing Dr. Bailey and Rev. Limongi

As we leave this virtual space of worship, remember that we may be the only grace someone will meet this week. We go, to share God's graciousness with all. We also may be the only love someone will encounter this week. We go, to be the love of Jesus for all. And we may be the only peace someone will find this week. And so we go, to share the Spirit of peace, hope and reconciliation with all. Choral Blessing Go Now in Peace (Rob Hilkes, Alexandra Stockwell)

Go now in peace. Never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of every day. Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.

Know He will guide you in all you do. Go now in love, and show you believe.

Reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Words, Music: Natalie Sleeth © 1976 Hinshaw Music, Inc.

Reprinted by permission Words, One License# A-733294

ANNOUNCEMENTS Confidential Phone Counselling – by Dr. Bailey. Contact information: abailey@trytel.com; 613 728-8656 x 222 Hello Parkdalers,

We hope you are well and supported.

Our Vision/Mission statement says: “To form followers of Jesus in such a way as to transform our community and our world.” In this present moment, Rev. Alcris and Rev. Bailey believe that one of the ways we as a congregation can contribute to the transformation of our community and our world, is to better understand and challenge systemic racism. We believe that through courageous, respectful and faithful

conversations, as well as prayer and discernment, God can help us to grow in faith, and to make informed contributions to the furtherance of justice and well-being in the world that God so loves. To this end, we are inviting you to a conversation on zoom this Wednesday, June 24 at 7:00 p.m. We hope you will join us. Please see the link below.

Rev. Bailey and Rev. Limongi Topic: Conversation on the topic of Systemic Racism Time: Jun 24, 2020 07:00 PM America/Toronto Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89478444930?pwd=WVM0anBNY2RUVzJxTkdEazNRajVXZz09 Meeting ID: 894 7844 4930 Password: 957842 One tap mobile +12532158782,,89478444930#,,,,0#,,957842# US (Tacoma) +13017158592,,89478444930#,,,,0#,,957842# US (Germantown) Dial by your location ... Meeting ID: 894 7844 4930 Password: 957842 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbipVhoOQJ

Continuing in Prayer and Support: In these times, as in all times, we are trusting God to grant us wisdom, mercy and faith. As a community of faith and followers of Jesus we are reminded of the numerous times the Bible counsels us not to ‘be afraid’. Normally, this exhortation is accompanied by God’s promise to be with us. God being with us inspires and empowers us to be ‘with’ each other. We do this by praying for one another and reaching out by phone, facetime, Facebook, email, WhatsApp…you name it. Let’s just stay connected. We send love and wish everyone comfort and good health, and look forward to hearing from you. May God bless us all.

Children, youth, young adults and IGNITE

Contact: Camille at ce@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca

Summer Scavenger Hunt 2020 Clues, items and riddles for some summer fun. The app is almost ready to roll. Starts July 1!

If you would like to join us for weekly children's services, youth groups, and resources, please provide us with the best email address to send our invitations. The following groups are meeting online until the end of June. The summer schedule will be out shortly.

- Sunday school (Sundays @ 10am) - Junior Youth (Wednesdays @ 8pm) - Senior Youth Group (Sundays @ 9pm) - IGNITE – Next gathering is June 29@ 7pm

Changes to our schedule Following the guidelines of the United Church of Canada and the decision of our Council there will be no services at the church until at least the beginning of September. We are streaming the Sunday morning services over the internet. These can be accessed on the church web site www.parkdaleunitedchurch.ca. We are sending out a worship bulletin by email that you may use at home on Sunday mornings. Offering As we continue with our ministries, and indeed as requests for help are increasing, we depend on donations from our congregation. We hope that you will continue to provide your offerings, even though we are not in church. We can suggest three ways of doing that:

1. A donation through Canada Helps, indicating that the donation

is to go to Parkdale United Church - Ottawa

-Go to our website: Parkdaleunitedchurch.ca.

-on the home page is a button/link that says “Donate Now

through CanadaHelps.org”

-click on this button and it will take you directly to the form to

donate to our church

2. Sending a cheque in the mail (429 Parkdale Ave., Ottawa, K1Y


3. Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) Givings can also be made directly through your bank account or credit card using Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). Givings are deducted automatically from your bank account or charged to your credit card once a month. Using PAR ensures steady, predictable revenue to support the church Ministries. PAR forms and information can be printed from the church website (parkdaleunitedchurch.ca)

We thank all of you who have donated already via any of these methods and welcome your continuing support. Your numerous responses via CanadaHelps and PAR, and mailed in envelopes in the past week have been very encouraging.

PRAYER REQUESTS INBOX Please feel free to send your

prayer requests to alcris@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca.


Please be advised that the September Rummage Sale has been

cancelled due to the ongoing public safety concerns surrounding the

ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Donations for future sales will not

be accepted at the church as there is no storage space, so please do

not bring Rummage Sale donations to the church. Thank you for

your consideration of this request. We look forward to resuming

Rummage Sales, which play such an important role in

community outreach, at some future date, so please stay tuned.



prayer suggestions for this Week:

“… the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as

we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for

words.” (Romans 8: 6)

- For systemic and structural changes in our society regarding

racial justice; for new awareness and willingness towards personal

transformations that may lead to deep changes in our society and

communities. We pray for courage, grace, healing, peace.

- For our congregation, so we may stand and walk -individually

and collectively- in solidarity and compassion with our brothers and

sisters of the world and around us who day to day face anti-black

racism in structural and personal ways.

- For all infected with COVID19, for their families and for those

most vulnerable and exposed to the virus. For all suffering from

other conditions and illnesses; especially for cancer patients in our

midst, past and present.

- For renewed strength, courage and protection for frontline

workers and volunteers in the medical field and their families: for the

daily emotional and physical strain on them, for health and safety; for

faith and strength. Let us keep in our hearts and prayers those from

our congregation who are serving in this area (Wendy, Allison and

her children, Carolyn, Paul, Christine, Ellen, William and Kathleen-

please let us know of others to be included in this list). We appreciate your

ministry in the world.

- Let our prayers be with and for those who are grieving their

loved ones.

- For those in long-term care homes (residents and their families,

staff). For openings for family visits.

- For our congregation, and especially for our elder saints; and for

those who have parents, grandparents, friends or relatives in senior

residences and nursing homes.

- We give thanks for the joys of celebrating Father’s Day and pray

for healing on those grieving or broken hearted by wounds on this

day. We pray for all those in this role, and for those who cannot or

have chosen not to.

- We say thanks for frontline workers doing essential work in

service areas and volunteers helping others to go through this

difficult time. We pray for them and their families.

- Times of fear, anxiety, depression, and uncertainty for many, let

us pray for all who are experiencing those.

- For all those in the most vulnerable situation in societies: no

housing, even more limited resources, no access to services, no

spaces for community, mental conditions. For those, children and

adults, living under conditions of domestic abuse. Let us continue to

remember our IFTC community at this time.

- We pray for wisdom for governments of the world to make wise

decisions on behalf of their people and the global community.

- For our Province in stage 2, for wisdom for our governments as

they make daily decisions that affect us all.

- We give thanks for Parkdale United children and youth, for all

those involved in this ministry with them. We pray for them and their

families, for their teachers and friends.


- Lord hear our prayer, and in your love answer us.





If you know of people who cannot watch the

services online, please let them know that they can

call 343 882 1920 and enter 343 882 4663# on Sundays at 10:30 am

to listen to the service. If you need more info, ask Alcris

PRAYER GROUPS. Our regular praying groups continue (Prayer

Group and Cancer Focus Prayer Group).

PRAYER TIME. Thursdays at 11:00 am. Dial 343 882 1920 and

then enter 343 882 6443#. This is an open time for prayer, if you are

in need of prayer for you or someone else, you are invited to call in

and join Alcris.

PRAYER BUDDY. If you would like to join someone to pray with

on a regular basis, we would be delighted to find a prayer buddy for

you. You two will decide how and when to pray.

PARKDALE BUDDY. In this time of social isolation it is so

important to have someone to check with on a regular basis. If you

would like to have a buddy, let us know.

EARS ARE OPEN. We are more than two months in already. For

many this is starting to impact their mental/emotional health; it is

normal and ok. If you are feeling troubled, need to talk with

someone, or in need of prayers, we are here for you. Please send

Anthony or Alcris an email or call the office for us to call you right

back. We can meet on Skype, Zoom, phone or have an email chat.

You are not alone, we are all together in this!

PARKDALE’S COFFEE KLATCH Tuesdays at 3:00 pm.

This is an informal time to see and have a chat with other Parkdalers

over coffee/tea. Check it out this week. This is the link:


If you want to join us but don’t know how to use Zoom, let me

know in advance and we will practice before. Or if you are having

problems connecting please contact Alcris

For questions alcris@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca

Instructions about using Zoom for our groups:

1.Go to the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5637388533

2. If you follow the link you may get a question: Do you

want to allow this page to open “zoom.us”? say ALLOW

3. Then you may get another question:

Join with video? press JOIN WITH VIDEO

4. And then another box titled: Choose one of the

following options. press Join with Computer Audio

5. To check audio and sound go to the bottom left corner

of your screen click on the microphone icon and the

audio to check your selections.


programs in the Summer. However, in this in-between time, our use

of time is different. Before further preparation, we are tasting if there

is an appetite for the following Zoom groups:

1. Caring for the Caregivers. Compassion fatigue can take new

heights in this Pandemic. A Zoom support group, including

speakers and prayer. Please email Alcris

alcris@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca if you may be willing to


2. End of Life -Advance Care Planning. Before the lock-down

we had scheduled a workshop. Please let Alcris know if you are

still interested in a Zoom workshop. Also a comprehensive

package, prepared by Norman Tape is available upon request if

you let me know at alcris@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca

3. Writers Group. Some of you are interested in an interest group

to share experiences in informal writing; to encourage, share

skills and ideas, and/or to listen the product. It is not a

professional group, but aimed to those who want to explore

journaling, writing poetry, autobiography, short stories, prayers,

etc. Please let Alcris know alcris@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca

4. Conversations about Whiteness. A small group to reflect on

different resources (videos, articles, exercises) and explore and

share experiences.


There is still time to join the THURSDAY


am. We will continue Chapter 3 this week exploring

issues related to our physical body, self-image, self-

care and how the incarnation, resurrection impact

our may impact our worship and walk of faith. The

book is available on Audible and Kindle (Amazon

books) (under $10). If you are interested in joining us please contact

alcris@parkdaleunitedchurch.ca. Let Alcris know if you want to join



For a comprehensive list of denominational global, national and

local anti-racism initiatives, denominational statement of beliefs,

recommended resources and, in case you missed it, a link to

watch the video from June 14 United Against Racism, hosted by

the Black Clergy Network, go to https://www.united-


Also the special issue The United Church of Canada E-ssentials

Special Issue - June 16, 2020 featuring Indigenous Day of

Prayer, Prayer Vigil for Korea and Anti-racism tools. Go to:



A daily devotional from the Center for Contemplation and

Action, the daily devotional from Richard Rohr.




To reduce the spread of germs including the flu and the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) we recommend that you:

Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth unless you have just washed your hands with soap

Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue or into your arm, not your hand

If you are a return traveler (including travel to the United States of America) OR have MILD symptoms – you MUST self-isolate. Most people with MILD symptoms will recover at home with no issues. You are helping limit the spread of the virus by staying at home.

Social distancing refers to creating physical distance between ourselves so that we can limit the spread of the virus. Social distancing by all is IMPERATIVE to limit transmission in the community, to protect vulnerable populations and outbreaks in institutions. We must ‘flatten the curve’ so we don’t see spikes in cases. By this, I mean that we want to slow down transmission of the virus and lessen the number of cases in the community that happen at the same time, so that our health system continues to work properly. Having a sharp increase of cases in a small timeframe will overload our healthcare resources and have more severe impacts on our community. Social distancing is important for everyone at this time, but especially important for our older adult community (55+). Do NOT gather in groups of more than 10 people.

. Practice social distancing.

Social distancing does not mean emotional distancing. Check in with others by phone or other technology. Check in with yourself. It’s ok not to be ok. Please know that help is available, and we encourage you to reach out to Distress Centre of Ottawa to connect with someone at 613-238-3311 if needed.

Case Management and Privacy

We have received many questions from people who feel they are at risk, including many people expressing concern about being in the same location as someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who may have symptoms of COVID-19.

I would like to clarify a few points:

Given the transmission of COVID-19, we are all at risk. Social distancing, proper hand hygiene, not touching your face and self-isolation (when directed) are the best ways to reduce your personal risk at this time.

A close contact of a case of COVID-19, is someone who has lived with, provided care for, or spent longer periods of time with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Case and contact management is a role of public health to help identify who may have been in close contact with a confirmed case. Ottawa Public Health will contact you directly if you have been identified as a close contact.

OPH works closely with each confirmed case of COVID-19 to create a list of close contacts that require follow-up. If you have been contacted by Ottawa Public Health, follow the advice provided to you by the nurse.

Fraud concerns

I have been made aware that certain residents have received a phone call asking for credit card information from Ottawa Public Health (OPH). OPH (or any health unit) will not ask you for credit card information. Do not give your credit card information out if you receive a call or message similar to this. Fraudulent activity during a situation like this is deplorable. I encourage you to report it to Ottawa Police Services.


Thank you to all residents of the City of Ottawa for your ongoing patience and cooperation. We are all in this together, and we need everyone to do their part- whether providing an essential service or staying inside – to be able to slow the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in our community and protect our health system and loved ones who depend on it.

Dr. Vera Etches, Medical Officer of Health, Ottawa Public Health