“Go and make Disciples of all Nations”...“Go and make Disciples of all Nations” Matt 28:19...

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Transcript of “Go and make Disciples of all Nations”...“Go and make Disciples of all Nations” Matt 28:19...


National Association of Deacons Biennial Conference Kambah Canberra ACT

St Thomas the Apostle 19 to 22 September 2013

“Go and make Disciples of all Nations” Matt 28:19

The biannual Deacons Canberra conference was a packed house from the get go. Those of us who were fortunate to be registered filed into the conference centre. We numbered some 75, unfortunately another 20 missed out due to the size of the facility. Lesson here get your registrations in early.

The theme of this conference drove us to reflect on the call by Pope Francis' call for a new

evangelisation, the National Association of Deacons then invited a range of guest speakers to stimulate discussion on how we can better contribute to building the Kingdom of God in Australian society.

The conference was formally opened by Dr Brendan Nelson, former Defense Minister and former head of the Australian Medical Association , who is now the Director of the Australian War Memorial. Introducing himself as a practicing Catholic, Dr Nelson reflected how we as church can make a significant contribution to the development of character and values in our national identity by engaging in wider societal dialogue. He made the point that the Deacon active and vocal in the marketplace of society, has a unique opportunity by their presence and their words and actions of modeling the values virtues of Jesus Christ. The outcome of this engagement is to increase the number of people who can come to fully appreciate the gospel message.

The Australian Nuncio His Excellency Archbishop Paul Gallagher discussed his new appointment to Australia and positive reaction he had received and his reflections and experience of the Deaconate in his work.


The real work started the next day with input sessions covering the next two days from our guest speakers.

The first of these was Rev Dr. Deacon Bill Ditewig Director of Faith Formation, Diaconate, and Pastoral Planning in Diocese of

Monterey, USA. He is the Dean’s Executive Professor of Theology Santa Clara University his educational background includes two MAs (one in Education and the other in Theology) and the Ph.D. in Theology from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He has worked for the USCCB and has served in prison ministry, diocesan ministry. If that's not enough Bill is married for forty plus years, has four grown children and eleven grand children. With that impressive background Bill was equipped to tackle the first presentation "The future as Pope Francis calls for a new evangelisation the possibilities for Deacons of the church". Copies of his presentation are found at the bottom of this Article.

Our second presenter Rev Fr Elio Capra SDB celebrated the opening Mass. He then continued after lunch with the second presentation. As we all know after lunch sessions are

very difficult however Fr Elio then discussed as only Fr Elio can with great merriment the topic “Preach with the powerful breath of the Holy Spirit and with Courage”.

Rev. Dr Elio Capra is a member of the Department of Systematic Theology and Department of Pastoral and General Studies at the Catholic Theological College, Melbourne. It is here that he lectures in Liturgy and

Sacramental Theology. He is a priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco (sdb)

In the following sessions Deacon Bill continued with an insightful recollection of the history of the diaconate. He outlined the specific intentions of the bishops of Vatican II, who desired a new engagement with the world specifically by having ordained ministers sent out into the world as agents of transformation. He also outlined a comprehensive and extensive use of Deacons in many countries of the world, as well as giving insight into formation programs and support arrangements for deacons and their wives. For example, the final assessment for Deacons in training in Germany is to locate a pastoral need in their local society that is not being met, and to initiate steps to meet it, by mobilising their Catholic parishioners!

The follow up presentation made by Fr Elio Capra SDB, covered areas on understanding how we might preach the good news today to those not engaged in church. He also provided a theological understanding of the role that deacons could play in encouraging the laity to be evangelisers themselves. He quoted Pope Benedict's call for all Christians to not just be collaborators in the church, but to accept co-responsibility for building up and making present the Kingdom of God in society


Three deacons gave testimonies about the work they are engaged in from ministry in prisons, Educational institutions and in Stella Maris working with seafarers. The testimonies gave us a insight into the diversity of diaconal ministries being undertaken. This insight backed up the call by Deacon Bill to find the need and get out there and minister.

Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, who participated in the Conference at various events for which we were most grateful, celebrated the final and “missioning” mass. His encouragement of us was deeply appreciated by the Diaconal community .

A wonderful sense of camaraderie from this and previous gatherings has been a further developed with Deacons and their wives from across Australia, sharing in this unique ministry that combines the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders. Whilst the diaconate is relatively young and still maturing in its Australian zone, the coming together and sharing by deacons themselves of how the Holy Spirit has worked in their life has provided much inspiration, and professional development for all involved. The conference emphasises how important these gatherings are to the enrichment of our individual ministries.

Special thanks must go to Deacon Roger O'Donnell and deacons and wives of the Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn who organised and facilitated this conference. Thanks also must go to the wonderful parishioners and Parish Priest of St Thomas the Apostle Kambah the welcome and billeting of conference attendees was so warm and self giving we owe them a huge great debt of gratitude.

The next conference is to be hosted by the deacons of the Melbourne Archdiocese in Melbourne in 2015 so when details are formulated we will inform you. So register early!

Thanks also to Deacon Gary Stone, of the Archdiocese of Brisbane for his assistance in this report.