“Better logistics will make companies in Skaraborg more ... · Falköpings kommun Leif Bigsten,...

Post on 17-Aug-2020

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Transcript of “Better logistics will make companies in Skaraborg more ... · Falköpings kommun Leif Bigsten,...

“Better logistics will make companiesin Skaraborg more competitive

and help create jobs”

Environmental considerations and the need for fast,

efficient transport links were key factors behind

the creation of Skaraborg Logistic Center and its

combined transport terminal in Falköping, Sweden.

Together, they form the link between businesses in

Skaraborg and the outside world.

The combined transport terminal handle goods,

timber and container traffic. Operated by companies

in the private sector, the terminal will provide an interface

between different modes of transport. This initiative

will also foster the setting-up of many secondary

logistics businesses, such as related service industries,

storage, handling and terminal services and the

provision of training services. The second stage of the

initiative will bring further development and expansion

of Skaraborg Logistic Center. A new combined

transport and timber terminal is to be built, with full

potential for ongoing expansion. The vision is ultimately

to serve as a “Dryport”/”Railport” for the seaport

in Gothenburg. As its name suggests, a Dryport is an

inland facility offering the same functions and same

level of security as a seaport terminal.

This second stage will also open up new space

provision for service industries such as container

repair and storage, and a range of terminal storage

and handling services based alongside the combined

transport terminal.

This will mean even more investment opportunities

in the logistics field, further enhancing the Skaraborg

Logistic Center concept.

• WorkondevelopingSkaraborgLogisticCenterhas extendedoveraten-yearperiodandhasbeenfunded inpartbytheEuropeanUnion.

• Ithasbeenabroad-basedproject,involvingRegion VästraGötaland,theSwedishNationalRailAdministra- tionandtheNationalRoadAdministration,thePort ofGothenburg,ChalmersUniversityandtheSchoolof

Economics,BusinessandLawinGothenburg,plusa numberofcompaniesinSkaraborg.

• ThecompaniesdirectlyinvolvedinoperatingSkaraborg LogisticCenteranditscombinedtransportterminal (spring2010)includeStoraEnso/Sydved(timber handling)andISSTraffiCareAB(Intermodalterminal).

more facts about skaraborg logistic center:

Our link with the world


Falköpings kommun

Leif Bigsten,

Manager, Strategic Development

+ 46 515-88 51 14

+ 46 70-593 03 63


Göteborgs Hamn

Stig-Göran Thorén, General Manager

Business Area Rail

+ 46 31-731 22 80

+ 46 70-779 35 00


Stora Enso Skog AB

Håkan Alexandersson

+ 46 1046-77 197

+ 46 70-595 19 93


Sydved AB

Gert Adolfson

+ 46 36-301 783

+ 46 70-245 51 81


ISS TraffiCare AB

Johan Lindström

+ 46 20-155 155

+ 46 734-36 51 64


Tågfrakt Produktion Sverige AB

Peter Ström

+ 46 515-199 50

+ 46 70-814 52 15
