ANZ TrANsAcTive compArisoN

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Transcript of ANZ TrANsAcTive compArisoN

ANZ TrANsAcTive compArisoN05.2012


ANZ TrANsAcTive compArisoN

This comparison explains the new features you will see following the upgrade.


New Welcome screen 3

PaymentsNew Consolidated Payments Screen 4

Creating Payments 7

- Single Payments 10

- Domestic Payments 12

View or Modify Payments 13

Approve, Unapprove, Reject or Delete Payments 15

Release Payments 18

templatesNew Consolidated Templates Screen 20

Creating Template 23

Modify, View or Schedule Templates 25

Approve, Unapprove, Reject or Delete Templates 26

Administration 28

Reporting 30

Filtering 31

General 32


ANZ TrANsAcTive compArisoN


new welCome SCReen in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

one Payments tab

From the Payments tab you will have access to all types of Single and Domestic payments for Australia and New Zealand.

You selected the Single or Domestic payment tab and then viewed Australia and New Zealand payments separately.

welcome message

You will see a welcome message with:

> Your User ID and

> The current time in your time zone .

Not Available.

AnZ transactive online Help

Online Help has been completely updated and will provide you with comprehensive help with all aspects of ANZ Transactive. Online Help is context-specific, which means that you are directed to helpful information related to the function you are currently performing.

You can access Online Help via the:

1. Help button on the top right corner of your screen

2. Ppop up windows, simply click the ‘?’ icon.


Basic online help was available in ANZ Transactive.

new welCome SCReen


All Payments functions are under one tab which directs you to the new consolidated Payments screen. A new welcome message will also display your name and location.

Previously, there were separate Domestic and Single Payments tabs.



new ConSoliDAteD PAymentS SCReen in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Payment types

The consolidated Payments screen shows all payment types, including:

> Single (AU & NZ)

> Domestic (AU & NZ).

Note: Only the payment types you are entitled to will be listed.

Previously, you selected the payment method tab (Domestic or Single), then the action.

There was no consolidated view of all payments for your User Group.

Creation options

From the consolidated screen, you can:

> Create new payments from scratch

> Make Quick Entry Payments

> Create new templates from scratch (or from a payment or existing template)

> Import files (including detailed import).

You navigated through various tabs to select creation options, and created a payment prior to performing a detailed import.

new ConSoliDAteD PAymentS SCReen


All payment types and actions are available from the new consolidated Payments Screen. Both Domestic and Single payments can be viewed on the same screen.

Previously, you selected the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), then selected an action.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Payment Actions

From the consolidated screen, you can perform these actions for one or more payments:

> Approve or reject payments

> Release payments

> initiate the Get Rate function for a payment (for cross currency payments only)

> Accept a rate using the Trade action

> Unapprove or Delete payments.

For example, you could approve five Single and Domestic payments at the same time.

You navigated through Single Payment and Domestic Payment tabs and their respective menus to perform the actions.

individual Payment drop down actions

Drop-down context menus allow you to complete payment actions.

Action options:

> Approve

> Reject

> Modify

> View

> Release

> Delete

> Other actions such as ‘Get Rate’ or ‘Copy as a Payment’ will appear when applicable.

Note: In the context menu you will see the actions which you are entitled to only.

You navigated through Single Payment and Domestic Payment tabs and their respective menus to perform the actions.

Column options

You can select and save customised views of the Payments screen.

New column option

Click to view column options and the click to save the new view. Your saved views will appear in the view drop down list.

Only default columns appeared and could not be modified.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Adjust column order and width

You can choose the order and width of each column.

Drag the column heading and drop in the order you want it to appear.

To change the width, click and drag the column border to the desired width.

The column order and width were fixed.

Quick filter

You can filter directly from the Payments screens.

Filtering was available by navigating to the Filter screen.



CReAtinG PAymentS


You can create any payment method and type from the new consolidated Payments Screen. Once you select ‘Create Payment’ you will be navigated to choose a payment method and type.

Previously, you selected the payment method tab (Domestic or Single), then selected Create.

CReAtinG PAymentS in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Creating a payment

Navigate directly to the create payment screen.

Previously, you had to select the payment method tab (Domestic or Single), then select Create.

Createing payment from existing Payment or template

When creating a payment, there are radio buttons and a search function on the top right hand side of the Payments screen. These allow you to create a payment from an existing payment or template.

The search field has type predictive text, so as you type in the payment name you will see options suggested names appear.

If a template name is entered incorrectly, an error pop up will appear stating the payment does not exist on the list.

Search by magnify glass

Or alternatively start to type in ID

You navigated through various tabs to select creation options, and created a payment prior to performing a detailed import.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Select the Payment method and type

Select the method of payment, either Domestic or Single. Then choose the appropriate payment type.

Note: Domestic and Single Payments were referred to as Products previously, but now these options are referred to as Payment Methods.

You navigated through various tabs and menus to select the type method and type.


Once you have selected the payment method and type this information will appear above the fields which you need to complete.

Header information and individual payee information will all be editable directly from a Payment Detail screen.

Not available

Header information

Header information and individual payee information will all be editable directly from a Payment Detail screen. You no longer need to navigate away from this screen to complete the payment.

Only default columns appeared and could not be modified.

Value Date

Payment Date has been renamed Value Date. Value Date means the date the payment is submitted for processing.

Note: For some payments (e.g. International Payments) the value date may not always be the date that the payment will reach the beneficiary’s account.

Previously named Payment Date

expandable and collapsible sections

To avoid scrolling down the screen you can collapse the sections which you have completed or don’t need to fill in. Simply click on the ‘>’ to enter a particular section.

In this example Payee information is expanded, but Transactive Information is hidden, to view click the ‘>’ button.

Not available



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Creation confirmation

When a payment is submitted, the confirmation message provides summary of the payment details. Includes:

> Payment ID

> To

> From

> Amount

> Value Date

> Payment Method.

The confirmation message also has two buttons the user can select.

> A Print Details button so you can print the Payment Detail Report for the selected payment

> A Create Payment option which allows you to to create another payment.

Pop up window only advised that the payment was successfully submitted.

Consistent Payment identifiers

The following payment identifiers are now referred to as “ID”:

> Payment ID

> Batch ID

> Tnum

> Tran Num.

Note: “ID” is now used in all ANZ Transactive screens and reports.

All the following referred to the same payment identifier:

> Payment ID

> Batch ID

> Tnum

> Tran Num.

existing Payment identifiers

Following the upgrade existing payment IDs will display as follows:

Single Payments - Payment Tnums (IDs) will appear as Tnum + 5000000 E.g. 5789143


- Payment Tnums (IDs) will appear as Tnum + 7000000 E.g. 7789143

Domestic Payments - Payment TNums (IDs) will remain

unchanged (E.g. 2479422)

Existing payment identifiers appeared as follows:

Single Payments - Payment Tnums appeared as


Domestic Payments- Payment Tnums (IDs) were the




CReAtinG PAymentS in DetAil – SinGle PAymentS

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

File import processing icon

When a file is importing, a processing icon will appear in the platform header until the file import has completed. This means you no longer need to refresh the import status.

Click on this icon to view the File Import Status report.

When processing

When complete

Click on completed icon to view the File Import Status Report

The File Status Import Report would come up automatically and you were not able to perform any other actions while this was processing.

Beneficiary name and Beneficiary Bank Details

RTGS, Multibank and International payment beneficiary details are split into four sections; Beneficiary, Beneficiary Bank, Beneficiary Address and Beneficiary Bank Address

Note: Only asterisk fields are mandatory.

RTGS, Multibank and International Payment beneficiary details were contained in a single section.

international Payments – Get Rate process

For International payments, the ‘Get Rate’ function occurs after you release a payment. Once a payment has been released it will be put into a ‘Needs Rate’ status.

Note: The payment will not be processed by ANZ until you accept the rate. You can cancel this payment after release if you do not want to accept the rate.

New cross currency payment workflow The ‘Get Rate’ function was prior to releasing payments.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Predictive text

Country, currency and some other fields are now free-form field with predictive text.

Drop down menu or search function were used to select a country.

multiBank - optional Regulatory Reporting and Bank to Bank instructions

Regulatory reporting and Bank to Bank instruction fields now available. The regulatory reporting information maybe used by authorities in the country of the Receiver or the Sender/Payment Originator.

These were not available.

Quick entry

Navigate directly to the Quick Entry screen.

You navigated through various tabs and menus to make a Quick Entry payment.



CReAtinG PAymentS in DetAil – DomeStiC PAymentS

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

File import specify payment type

There is one consolidated import screen where you can select the type of import you want to do.

You navigated through various tabs and menus to select the type of file import you wanted to do.

AU and nZ Detail import screens have been merged

The Detail Import screens for AU and NZ Domestic Payments have been merged. The file options applicable to the payment type will appear.

The Detail Import screen for AU and NZ Domestic Payments had two separate screens with different file types available for selection.

E.g. AU Domestic Payments file type:


> CSV.

NZ Domestic Payments file type:

> With Control Record (ANZ)

> Without Control Record (NBNZ).

Cut off times now displayed

Cut off times will be displayed in the Payment Information section when submitting Domestic payments.

Cut off times were not displayed.



View oR moDiFy PAymentS


You can view or modify any payment from the new consolidated Payments Screen using the context menu.

Previously, you had to select the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), then select view or modify.

moDiFyinG oR View PAymentS in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

modify individual payments

There are two ways to modify payments from the Payments screen:

1) To modify a payment of any type, select modify via the context menu. To view the context menu, click on the downward arrow next to the ID field.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitle to.

2) Click on the payment to view payment and then select the modify button at the bottom of the detail screen.


To modify a Payment, you had to navigate through various tabs and menu to find the payment you wanted to modify.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

View payments

To view payments click on the payment you wish to view or select view via the context menu on the consolidated Payments screen.

You had to navigate through various tabs and menus to find the payment you wanted to view.

View Audit information

To view audit information, click on the payment you want to view and then on the detail screen scroll down until you see the Audit header.

Expand details using the ‘>’ icon next to the Audit header.

Alternatively you can hover over the payment status on the payment screen to view basic audit information

Hover option

Audit information displayed on a separate page.



APPRoVe, UnAPPRoVe, RejeCt AnD Delete PAymentS


You can select any payment action any from the new consolidated Payments Screen.

Previously, you had to select the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), then select an action.



APPRoVe, UnAPPRoVe, RejeCt oR Delete PAymentS in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Approve individual payments

There are three ways to approve payments from the Payments screen:

1) To approve a payment of any type, select approve via the context menu on the Payments screen. To view context menu options, click on the downward arrow next to the ID.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitle to.

2) Check the box next to the ID field of the payment/s you wish to approve and then select the approve action at the bottom of the Payments screen.

3) Click on the payment to view the detail and click approve at the bottom of the detail screen.

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

You had to navigate through various tabs and menu to approve a payment.

Approve multiple payments

Check the boxes of the payments awaiting approval that you want to approve and then click the approve button.

You could not approve multiple single and domestic payments.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Unapprove payments

There are three ways to unapprove payments from the Payments screen:

1) To unapprove a payment of any type, select unapprove via the context menu on the Payments screen. To view context menu options, click on the downward arrow next to the ID.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitle to.

2) Check the box next to the ID field of the payment/s you wish to unapprove and then select the unapprove action at the bottom of the Payments screen.

3) Click on the payment to view the detail and click unapprove at the bottom of the detail screen.

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

To unapprove a payment, you had to navigate through various tabs and menus.

Delete or Reject individual payments

There are three ways to delete or reject payments from the Payments screen:

1) To delete or reject a payment of any type, select Delete or Reject via the context menu on the Payments screen. To view context menu options, click on the downward arrow next to the ID.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitled to.

2) Check the box next to the ID field of the payment/s you wish to delete or reject and then select the Delete or Reject action at the bottom of the Payments screen.

3) Click on the payment to view the detail and click Unapprove at the bottom of the detail screen.

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

To delete or reject a payment, you had to navigate through various tabs and menus

Delete or Reject multiple payments

Check the boxes of the payments you wish to delete or reject and then click the applicable action button.

You could delete or reject multiple Single and Domestic Payments together.



ReleASe PAymentS


Previously, you had to select the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), then select Release

You can release any payment from the new consolidated Payments screen.



ReleASe PAymentS in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Release individual Payments

There are three ways to release payments from the Payments screen:

1) To release a payment of any type, select Release via the context menu on the Payments screen. To view context menu options, click on the downward arrow next to the ID.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitled to.

2) Check the box next to the ID field of the payment/s you wish to release and then select the Approve action at the bottom of the Payments screen.

3) Click on the payment to view the detail and click Release at the bottom of the detail screen.

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

You had to navigate through various tabs and menus to find the payment you wanted to release.

Release multiple payments

Check the boxes of the payments you wish to release and then click the applicable action button.

You could not release multiple Single and Domestic Payments together.

e-signer window displays

You can now release multiple payments of any type together. This means the e-signer window will display the same information for all payments.

e-signer window will display:

> ID

> Value Date/Time

> Funding Account

> Credit Amount/Currency

> Debit Amount/Currency

> Batch/Beneficiary name

> Number of Items

> Payment Type

> Transaction Details Checksum.

The e-signer window displayed either Single Payment or Domestic Payment information. It did not display both.

e-signer window displayed the applicable information below:

> Batch ID

> Pay Date Time

> Funds BSB Account

> Credit Amount

> Debit Amount

> Number of Items

> DEID/ DD Code

> Beneficiary Bank

> Beneficiary Account

> Payment Type

> Transaction Details Checksum.



new ConSoliDAteD temPlAteS SCReen


Select the Payments tab and then select the Templates sub tab to view the new consolidated Templates Screen. You can select any template action from this screen.

Previously, you had to select the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), navigate to Templates and select the action you wish to perform.

ConSoliDAteD temPlAteS SCReen in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Payment types

The consolidated Templates screen shows all payment types, including:

> Single (AU & NZ)

> Domestic (AU & NZ).

There was no view that consolidated all payments for your User Group.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Creation options

From the consolidated screen, you can:

> Create new Payments

> Quick Entry

> Create new Templates

> Import files.

You had to navigate through various tabs and menus to find creation options.

template Actions

From the consolidated screen, you can perform these actions for multiple single and domestic templates:

> View and Modify templates

> Approve templates

> Delete templates.

For example, you could approve ten Single and Domestic templates at the same time.

You had to navigate through various tabs and menus and action templates.

individual template drop down actions

Drop-down context menus allow you to complete template actions.

Action options:

> Approve

> Reject

> View

> Modify

> Delete

> Schedule.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitled to.

You had to navigate through various tabs and menus to find actions.

Column options

You can select and save customised views of your templates.

Other column options

Select to view column options and the click to save the new view. Your saved views will appear in the view drop down list.

Only default columns appeared and could not be modified.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Adjust column order and width

You can also choose the order and width of each column. Drag the column heading and drop in the order you want it to appear.

Column headings and width could not be customised.

Quick filter

You can Filter directly from the Templates screens.

Filtering was available by navigating to the Filter screen.



CReAtinG temPlAteS


Select the Payment tab and then select the Templates sub tab to view the new consolidated Templates screen. From this screen you can create templates.

Previously, you had to select the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), navigate to Templates sub tab and then select create template.

CReAtinG temPlAteS in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Create template from consolidated screen

You can create any type of template from the Templates screen.

You navigated to various tabs to select the type create a template.

Create from existing Payment or template

When creating a template, there are radio buttons and a search function on the top right hand side of the Templates screen. These allow you to create template from an existing payment or template.

The search field has type predictive text, so as you type in the payment name you will see options suggested names appear.

If a template name is entered incorrectly, an error pop up will appear stating the template does not exist on the list.

Search by magnify glass

Or alternatively start to type in ID

Went through various tabs and menu options to create a Domestic or Single payment from a template.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Select the Payment method and type

Choose whether you want to create either a Domestic or Single Payment and then the appropriate payment types will appear in the drop down

Note: Previously Domestic and Single Payments were referred to as Products. These are now referred to as Payment Methods.

You navigated to various tabs to select the payment method and type.



moDiFy, View oR SCHeDUle A temPlAte


All templates are available from the new consolidated Templates Screen. From here, you can Modify, View and Schedule templates.

Previously, you had to select the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), navigate to templates and select the action you wanted to perform.

moDiFy, View oR SCHeDUle A temPlAte

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

modify individual template

There are two ways to modify templates from the Templates screen:

1) Select Modify via the context menu on the Templates screen. To view the context menu option click on the downward arrow next to the Template Name field

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitled to.

2) Click on the template to view the detail and then select the Modify button at the bottom of the detail screen.

Method 1:

Method 2:

You had to navigate through various tabs and menu to find the template you wanted to modify.

View template

You can click on the template to view the detail or select View via the context menu on consolidated Templates screen.

You had to navigate through various tabs and menu to find the template you wanted to view.

Create a recurring Payment using a template

The process of creating a recurring payment is unchanged, however this option is now available via the context menu on the consolidated Templates screen.

You navigated to various tabs to select the Schedule menu option.



APPRoVe, UnAPPRoVe, RejeCt AnD Delete A temPlAte


All templates are available from the new consolidated Templates Screen. From here, you can Approve, Unapprove, Reject and Delete templates.

Previously, you had to select the payment type tab (Domestic or Single), navigate to Templates and select the action you wanted to perform.

APPRoVe, UnAPPRoVe, RejeCt AnD Delete A temPlAte in DetAil

new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Approve individual template

There are three ways to approve template from the Templates screen:

1) To approve a template, select Approve via the context menu on the Templates screen. To view context menu options, click on the downward arrow next to the Template Name.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitled to.

2) Check the box next to the Template Name field of the template/s you wish to approve and then select the Approve action at the bottom of the Templates screen.

3) Click on the template to view the detail and click Approve at the bottom of the detail screen.

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

You had to navigate through various tabs and menu to find the template you wanted to approve.

Approve multiple templates

Check the boxes of the templates awaiting approval that you want to approve and then click the Approve button.

You could not approve multiple Single and Domestic templates together.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Unapprove templates

There are three ways to unapprove templates from the Templates screen:

1) To approve a template, select Unapprove via the context menu on the Templates screen. To view context menu options, click on the downward arrow next to the Template Name.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitle to.

2) Check the box next to the Template Name field of the template/s you wish to unapprove and then select the Unapprove action at the bottom of the Templates screen.

3) Click on the template to view the detail and click Unapprove at the bottom of the detail screen.

You had to navigate through various tabs and menu to find the template you wanted to unapprove.

Delete or Reject individual templates

There are three ways to delete or reject templates from the Templates screen:

1) To approve a template, select Delete or Reject via the context menu on the Templates screen. To view context menu options, click on the downward arrow next to the Template Name.

Note: In the context menu you will only see the actions which you are entitle to.

2) Check the box next to the Template Name field of the template/s you wish to delete or reject and then select the delete or reject action at the bottom of the Templates screen.

3) Click on the template to view the detail and click Delete or Reject at the bottom of the detail screen.

You had to navigate through various tabs and menu to find the template you wanted to delete or reject.

Delete or Reject multiple templates

Check the box of the templates you wish to delete or reject and then click the applicable action button.

You could not delete or reject multiple Single and Domestic Payments together.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Data Roles assigned for all Users

All existing role entitlements will be preserved. However all Users now require a Data Role.

If Administrators have not assigned a Data Role, this will be automatically assigned and Users will continue to have access to all accounts and restricted templates.

When Administrators delete a Data Role, ANZ Transactive will check to confirm if the Data Role is assigned to a User. If it is, a notification will prompt you to unassign it before you can delete it.

Not all Users had a Data Role. Those Users without a Data Role had access to all accounts and restricted templates.

Administrators could delete a Data Role without second Administrator approval.

operational Contact details

If you are an administrator, you can now nominate an Operational Contact for ANZ Transactive information.

Select Admin > Setup > Maintain Preferences > Client Settings > Modify.

Contact information was not recorded in ANZ Transactive.

Set default Payment Currency

The Payments Setting section contains a check box titled “Set Default Payment Currency”, this allows you to set the currency to default to the currency of the beneficiary bank for single payments.

Select Admin > Setup > Maintain Preferences > Client Settings > Modify

Note: Please note that the actual payment currency is subject to in-country and Correspondent Bank requirements and is outside ANZs control. It may be different from the preference setting.

Not available.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

View Role entitlement changes directly after approval

You can view the changes that have been made to a role at the time of approval by selecting the ‘View Changes’ button.

You had to approve changes to role profiles without having an immediate view of the changes made.

Disable a User

You can now disable a User’s via the User Maintenance screen.

Note: User won’t be able to see they have been disabled in ANZ Transactive. They simply wont be able to log in.

Not available



new FeAtURe – SinGle PAymentS BeFoRe UPGRADe

transaction Date and Bank name appear in Single Payment Reports

Transaction Date and Bank Name fields appear in all Single Payment reports expect discretion and Import reports.

Not available.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Quick Filter

You can filter directly from the Payments and Templates screens.

Filtering was available by navigating to the Filter screen.

Advanced Filter

In the advance filter screen (available from the Payments or Templates screens) the filter criteria appears in expandable headers and there is more criteria for you to choose from.

You had to navigate through multiple screens and there was limited search criteria.



new FeAtURe BeFoRe UPGRADe

Colour coded pop up windows

Pop up messages change based on the context of the message. For example a pop up message with a red header signifies an error, an orange header signifies a decision and a green header is confirmation.

Pop up messages were in a standard format regardless of the message type.

time Zones

You can adjust the time zone for your Users.

What this time zone is used for:

> Welcome screen time/date information

> alert subscriptions

> Expiration of dynamic rate quotes countdown mechanism (e.g. Expires in 0:30)

> Displayed on reports and audit information.

Time zone settings can be reported via the Customer Hierarchy Report.

Time zone settings were not visible in ANZ Transactive.

Australia and n

ew Zealand Banking G

roup limited (A

nZ) A

Bn 11 005 357 522. A

NZ’s colour blue is a trade m

ark of AN

Z. Item N

o. 88054 05.2012 W272088