Ants Knowing When A Nest Mate Dies

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Ants Knowing When A Nest Mate Dies

  1. 1. JJ RUGG Ants knowing when a nest mate dies.
  2. 2. *The Smells*
    • Ants have two different types of chemical smells
    • -Dead chemical smell
    • -This chemical is smelt when the ant is both alive and dead.
    • -Alive chemical smell
    • -Like the dead chemical smell it isgiven off while the ants is living, but when the ant dies it stops giving off this chemical.
  3. 3. *Chemical Makeup*
    • The chemicals are made up of different kinds ofbody parts/fluids.
    • These include
    • -Fatty Acids
    • -Guts
    • -Muscle Tissue
    • The fluids and parts give off the odor because the body is decomposing.
  4. 4. *Why ants get rid of the deceased*
    • The ants get rid of the deceased ants is because the ants decomposition gases can poison the colony
    • Also if the ant was infected with something it could spread.
    • The flaw in bringing the dead body away is that if it was killed by an insecticide, the insecticide is now on the healthy ant.
    • This process will continue until the insecticide wears off or the colony dies.
  5. 5.
    • The End
  6. 6. Work Cited