Anti-Social Behaviour Service Standard

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Anti-Social Behaviour Service Standard

Our commitment to delivering a safe and peaceful community

◆ Showing consideration for your neighbours and not causing a nuisance to them, their visitors or Trust sta� .

◆ Being tolerant of your neighbours and being aware that their lifestyles may di� er from yours.

◆ Being responsible for the behaviour of your children and pets, and visitors to your home.

◆ Keeping your house in a reasonable state of cleanliness and decoration, and your garden tidy.

◆ Ensuring all vehicles (including those of your visitors) are parked with consideration and courtesy to your neighbours.

◆ Feeding back to us when you have a problem or are unhappy with the service you have received, so we can put it right.

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You can

Local Service Standards Bournville Village Trust, Estate Office, Oak Tree Lane,

Bournville, Birmingham B30 1UB.




7 01



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◆ Make it easy to make a complaint of ASB by telephone, letter, email, online, in person or through an advocate.

◆ Following an acknowledgement of a complaint, respond to urgent cases within one working day and non-urgent cases within � ve working days.

◆ Give you a named colleague who will be dealing with the complaint and to whom you should report any subsequent concerns.

◆ Provide a tailored service for those who are vulnerable or have speci� c needs.

◆ Provide support to victims of ASB when required, either through a member of sta� or by working with outside agencies.

◆ Resolve the issue as quickly as possible; we will keep you informed of progress at intervals agreed with you.

◆ Take the most appropriate action against those responsible for the ASB.

◆ Where a resident attends Court, we will pay all reasonable travel costs and expenses and support you through the process.

◆ Clearly communicate what action we have taken, and advise you of what you can do if you are unhappy with the decision we have made.

◆ If the problem you are having is not the responsibility of BVT, we will provide you with details of other organisations that may be able to assist or support you.

◆ Give you the opportunity to provide feedback on the service you received.

We believe you have the right to enjoy your home and the area you live in and that you should be able to live peacefully alongside your neighbours and within your communities. Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) can adversely a� ect your ability to live safely and peacefully in your home and we are, therefore, committed to responding to ASB quickly and dealing with it robustly in order to resolve your issues.

promiseto you


promisewe will

To meet this

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