Anti Radioactivity Protocol

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Anti Radioactivity Protocol

Microvita Applied Research© Copyright 2011 onwards. All Rights Reserved.

Version 1.5


Table of Contents

1 Is low radiation = no radiation? .........................................................................4

2 Emergency response to radioactivity ..................................................................6

3 Your one-stop protocol to surmount or

minimize the damages from radioactivity.........................................................19

4 Phase I : Diet that maximizes life-supportive microvita while minimizing the

unsupportive ones ..................................................................................................22

5 Phase II : Personal environment that maximizes positive microvita while

minimizing the negative ones....................................................................................29

6 Phase III : Body, freed the chemicals & shrouded pathogens which undermine

your organs everyday................................................................................................32

7 Phase IV : Fitness routine that imparts you energy, oxygenation, hormones,

circulation,... necessary to fight radioactivity..............................................................38

8 Phase V : Psyche, wary of the slippery pitfalls & blind-spots..............................41

9 Your magnificent microvita mosaic.....................................................................44

10 Appendix : 3 types of radioactivity & the units used to measure them ............49

11 References.......................................................................................................52

12 Standard Disclaimer.........................................................................................53


1 Is low radiation = no radiation?

As against the staged media dis-info campaign, extensive amount of research done so far on “miniscule” amounts of radiation [19] indicates that even low doses can produce ugly bio-effects in the mid-to-long term.

For e.g. some of their bio-effects include [20] -• mis-coordinated inter-cellular signaling, • bad sight, • protein oxidation, • mitochondrial damage, • accumulation of multiple genetic abnormalities like

• over-expression of certain genes, • deletion of certain genes or • gene mutations,

• birth defects & • heritable mutations.

Radiation-induced human cancers show up after a very long time [22, 23, 24]:

• 10 years for leukaemia and • over 30 years for solid tumours.

“There is no dose of ionizing radiation that can be considered completely safe” [21]

“Low doses of radiation (2 cGy and 5 cGy) can act as a mitogen [28], and even lower doses (about 1 mGy) do not activate double-strand DNA break repair mech-anisms [29].

This lack of repair can lead to accumulation of mutations. It has been reported that γ-radiation at a dose as little as 1.5 cGy [30], and space radiation doses of 5 cGy


or less enhanced the levels of oxidative stress in human cell lines and rats in vivo” [31]

Cesium-137, Iodine-131 & Xenon-133 are known to be the main radioactive byproducts of the fission of uranium fuel rods in the Fukushima nuclear reactors. Other radioactive isotopes to consider are those of Strontium, Uranium & Plutoni-um.

The radioactive Iodine-131 will be picked up by your thyroid glands, where it may trigger tumors – especially in children because it more easily damages growing tis-sues.

Radioactive Cesium-137, with a half-life of 30 years, is more dangerous. It will continue to contaminate agricultural & urban lands; thereby infiltrating public supplies of food, water and milk, for the next 8 to 20 years.

This was the main reason why large tracts of land had to be abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

After invading your body, Cesium-137 behaves like a salt, similar to potassium, which reaches everywhere within. Plutonium also lingers for years in your bone marrow or liver.

Cesium-137, Xenon-313, Iodine-131, Uranium oxide, etc. diffuse into the atmo-sphere. They are all inhalable & extremely caustic, leading to cancer, diabetes & other ever-surmounting health problems in your body & psyche.


2 Emergency response to radioactivity

Strontium-90 concentrates in your bones and liverCesium 137 accumulates in your fatty tissues, liver, spleen and musclesPlutonium-244 is absorbed by your liverIodide-131 goes into your glands - thyroids, breast and ovaries, prostate.Uranium 235 destroys in your bones, liver & kidneys.

All of them damage your blood, colon, skin & other organs [48].

Before going into the protocol per se, let's start with the urgent measures one needs to take if you suspect any radioactive fallout in your neighborhood.


To quickly get rid of radioactive components, heavy metals & other accumulated poisons select some of the following so that you can reach the different organ-systems & clean them as much as you can :

For Your BLOOD :


EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid) chelates heavy metals & radioactive elements; for e.g. mercury, aluminum, lead, arsenic etc. It also strips away arterial calcification. Like most synthetic substances, it's poisonous in large doses so use as per direction. Typically 1 gram everyday, in an empty stomach for a few weeks. Don't eat anything for atleast 1 hour, therafter. It's good to take malic acid (Apples, Berries) alongwith.


Consume MicroVita SuperDiet based meals after the detox because EDTA / DMSA also chelate useful metals & other nutrients. [3, 4]

DiethyleneTriamine PentaAcetic acid (DTPA) & Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) also perform similar functions. They can be bought as a supplement or from chemical suppliers.

For Your Whole Body :

B. Indole 3 carbinol -

For 1 day eat only lots of Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage & other Brassicas – both vegetables & sprouts. They should be raw. No juicing.

The sulfur compounds trigger increased production of glutathione, which results in good metal detoxification besides targetted free radical neutralization. [9]

Indole 3 carbinol also chelates Dioxin TCDD and pseudoestrogens. [15]

C. Chlorella and spirulina -

Chlorella & spirulina have been used after nuclear disasters as they carry off radioactive ions. They also chelate heavy metals.

D. MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane) -

MSM chelates toxic chemicals out of your cells [15] -

1 day only eat lots of fresh green leafy vegetables grown LOCALLY in rain water i.e. during the rainy season.

But ofcourse the rainwater itself shouldn't be contaminated with radioactive fallout as is the case in the immediate aftermath of the Fukushma blasts right across the northern hemishphere – from the USA, to Europe, China & elsewhere, as reported [42, 43, 44].


If yo do get unpolluted veggies with large leaves – don't juice them - as usually advised – because MSM disappears faster that way. You may combine this veggie-fest with the coriander routine above.

They should be raw. In lack of rain water irrigation go for commercially sold MSM powder.

E. Lipoic acid -

Alpha lipoic acid chelates heavy metals & radioactive components besides being a super-antioxidant. 1 day, only eat raw Spinach, Broccoli & Pea. No juicing.

F. Prussian blue

It's a dye that binds to particles of radioactive cesium besides nonradioactive thallium. But don't use the ones sold for painting. Buy medical grade [50].

G. Iodine-

Stable (non-radioactive) Iodine chelates radioactive minerals besides other unwanted ones like Bromine/ bromide, Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, Cadmium, Fluoride, parasites & pathogens, even some cancerous cells [48].

Iodine will also compete with the radioactive iodine to get absorbed; for e.g. In your thyroids. And that's how radioacive iodine compounds the risk breast cancer in women. Your options to source Iodine are -


As a reliable source of organic iodine, load up on any & all seaweeds that are cultivated in sea water. E.g. include Kelp, Nori, Brown seaweed, etc.

Refer to detailed instruction on the 'Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals' battle-book to really make sea weeds work for you.



This homeopathic remedy is not like the other uber-diluted formulations. It has an alcoholic base. If you can't tolerate alcohol then squeeze the dosage into some boiling water to vapourize it.


Medical Potassium Iodide (KI) are typically sold as 130 mg tablets, of which 100 mg is iodide.

As per WHO the dosage during radiation emergencies, i.e., if exposure level is 5 centigrays (cGy) or more, are:

• Adults - One 130mg tablet once a day• Children -

◦ Upto 1 month old : 16 mg i.e., 1/8th of the tablet◦ 1 month - 3 years : 32 mg i.e., 1/4th of the tablet◦ 3 - 12 years : 65 mg i.e., 1/2 of the tablet◦ 12 -18 years : 65 to130 mg depending on body size. i.e., ½ to 1 tablet

You may take this for ~10 days. Therafter, if need be, the adults may come down to 16 mg i.e., 1/8th of the tablet every day for several weeks.

Side effects of KI, especially due to over-dosage, are:

1. Skin rashes, hives2. Swelling of the salivary glands, 3. Iodism - metallic taste, burning mouth and throat, sore teeth and gums,

head cold; stomach upset, diarrhea.4. black, tarry stools,5. confusion,

More severe allergic reactions are also possible. These could be -

1. fever 2. numbness or tingling of the hands or feet,3. joint pains, 4. mouth sores5. swelling of parts of the face (mouth, lips, tongue) and body (neck,

throat)6. severe difficulty in breath requiring immediate medical attention.


7. tightness in the chest,8. irregular heartbeat,9. unusual tiredness, weakness.10. overactivity of the thyroid gland / hyperthyroidism (Jod-Basedow effect), 11. underactivity of the thyroid gland / hypothyroidism, 12. autonomous, "hot" thyroid nodules,13. enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter) by inhibiting the release of

thyroid hormone. This is called the Wolff-Chaikoff effect.14. parotid gland swelling

If the side effects are severe or if you have an, stop taking potassium iodide. People allergic to shellfish & those with thyroid problems are more at risk.

4. LUGOL'S IODINE SOLUTION (as it is called in Europe & USA) :

This is a mixture of Potassium Iodide and element Iodine. The concentration levels typically are - 2, 3 or 7 %. Calculate the no. of drops you need as per the guidelines in point 3 above for KI.


This is the tablet form of Lugol's solution.


Generally branded as nascent iodine, this is the atomic form of iodine, supposedly gentler & easier to absorb, although most expensive of all.

A typical 2% solution contains approximately 400 mcg of iodine per drop. Thus 10 drops will give you 4 mg and 100 drops would be 40 mg.


A U.S.P. generic Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide" (SSKI) contains 1000 mg of KI per mL. Each drop of SSKI is assumed to contain about 50 mg iodine as iodide,

Which means 1 drop in a cup of distilled water taken over 1 - 4 days will deliver 50 mg to 12.5 mg.



Ammonium Iodide, Potassium Iodate (KIO3), Colloidal Iodine [12], are some other sources of Iodine. Then there are some pharma drugs as well (Iodozyme HP, Thyrosafe..).


If you can't get any of these then as a last recourse you may buy iodine based antiseptic solutions (e.g. Betadine) & apply them on your skin.

They are deliberately adulterated to make them unsuitable for internal consumption but by a leaving them on you skin for some time, a small portion will get absorbed through the skin pores although lot of it may just vaporize away.

Best place to apply would ocourse be directly above & around your thyroids in the neck area. But if that is a bit too conspicuous for you then almost any other area will do – sole, stomach, etc.


While supplementing inorganic forms of Iodine, start at low doses, if you have the luxury of time i.e. if the radation isn't already strong.

Lookout for any detoxification reactions. They may reduce if you also follow the 2nd part of this report titled - “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals”. Sodium bicarbonate, suggested below, may also help.

But only MicroVita SuperDiet will maximally minimize detox reactions while accelerating your recovery.

KI “does not protect any other radiosensitive organ against γ-radiation that is produced by radioactive iodine” [41]

Iodine supplementation alone can't protect you against all kinds radioactive infiltrants as much as possible, not even against radioactive iodine, as reasoned in the “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals” compendium.

There are quite a few finer points about iodine usage, which are better covered separately in a more nutritional context.



H. Baking soda / Sodium Bicarbonate [8] -

If you expect to come across radioactive uranium, buy Sodium Bicarbonate or aluminum-free baking soda in bulk from a pharmacy or health shop. It forms uranium carbonate which is less toxic & easier to discard by your body.

It also chelates many other free radicals of metals. Sodium bicarbonate can safely remove paint, grease, oil and smoke residue, some other harsh chemicals, hazardous waste associated with other cleaners. Dosage :

1. Take ½ - 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in ½ cup of water on empty stomach, once in the morning and once before bedtime in the evening.Women can do well with just 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate

2. Eat MicroVita SuperDiet or atleast the ones listed in “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals” during the day to best support the purging.

If you expect sustained exposure, stock up 10 – 20 kgs (22 – 50 lbs) of Sodium Bicarbonate from a wholesaler.

1. Make a slurry of Sodium Bicarbonate with water & apply it all over your skin so as to soak it in.

2. Alternatively you may add it you bath & soak in for 15 minutes. 3. You can also soak in a water bath after applying the slurry as in step one

“Normally I recommend someone start with using one pound of bicarbonatein a bath but that could easily be two or three pounds in an emergencysituation.” - Dr. Mark Sircus [9]

You may add sea salt along with the Sodium Bicarbonate, say half a cup of each to one tub of water. Repeat several times depending on exposure level.



I. Magnesium baths -

Do the slurry-application &/ or bath-soaking with Magnesium salts like Magnesium Chloride / MgCl, Epsom salts / Magnesium Sulphate / MgSO4.

J. Multani mitti / Fuller's earth -

Multani mitti / Fuller's earth is an excellent absorbent & hence it can efficiently draw away several harmful substances from the epithelial regions of your body.

Make a paste with water (better still, use rose water) & apply it onto your skin for 10 to 20 mins.

K. French Green Clay / Sea Clay

It has several active compounds & hence a wider range of action than other clays.


L. Food-grade bentonite clay -(main component of Multani mitti / Fuller's earth)

Radioactive materials are positively charged while gypsum / calcium rich bentonite clay is negatively charged.

It absorbs up to 40 times its weight in intestinal fecal matter and bugs. Go for pharmaceutical grade / food grade clay.

M. Zeolite -

Zeolites are microporous mineral composites which can adsorb & remove toxicants from your stomach & intestines.


If you havent done a bowel cleanse before then, after 1st usage, bowel movements may produce a foul odor due to the trash matter that had been decaying inside your colon.

N. Diatomite -

Food grade diatomaceous earth has a very large surface area & hence can help to get rid of any radioactive & other poisons from the intestines.

O. Activated charcoal -

Used comonly for anti-flatulence pills, activated charcoal can also absorb every toxin and poison known!

P. Fruit pectin -

Eat only carrots, sunflower seeds & apples for a meal or two to cast away harmful substances out of your digestive tract - heavy metals & radioactive components included [40].

Pectin significantly removes radioactive Strontium 90, heavy metals and Cesium137.


Q. Fresh cilantro & coriander leaves with stems -

Eat them raw - on empty stomach to chelate radioactive material, besides Mercury. Coriander also helps to dissolve kidney stones.

The food-based general detox agents mentioned above are naturally supplied by MicroVita SuperDiet. But if you want a stronger dose during an emergency, you may go for nutrient-focussed fasting or concentrates.


A judicous combination of the interventions listed in this chapter will do a more thorough job of getting rid of the radioactive junk from different parts of your bio-system asap.



While following a well-selected set these modalities a delicate balance has to be struck between overloading your body or suffering more of consequences of radioactive infiltrants.

Symptoms of toxin elimination are nausea, headaches, light-headedness, a pulling sensation from parts of the body like the stomach and fatigue.


Don’t use water that comes from lakes or rivers or open aquaducts. Water from wells or that comes out of the ground is better.

Water filters using activated charcoal will extract radioactive ingredients from the municipality input.

For Your BEVERAGES (including MILK & water) :

1. To decontaminate fruit juices, milk & unfiltered water, immerse some zeolites in the glass & they will quickly adsorb any radioactive elements suspended there in.

2. Perry A~ Arledge, author of 'Living Clay, Nature's Own Miracle Cure', suggests mixing Calcium Bentonite Clay with the beverage in the ratio of 1 part of clay to 8parts of beverage in a non-metallic bowl. .

You may let the clay settle to the bottom of the liquid and then discard thatportion. Even if you drink a bit of the clay it's fine as the clay is mostly indigestible so it will carry the adsorbed contaminants away [51].


For Your LUNGS:

Airborne radioactive particles from the radioactive plumes spreading all over the northern hemisphere will lodge upon the inner linings of your lungs if you happen to breath them in.

Forced breathing exercises, e.g. aerobics; especially yogic pranayam like bhastrika, sudarshan kriya etc. can help to dislodge them best. Ofcourse these must be leant under the live supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner.

For Your Immediate ENVIRONMENT::

1. Homa is a vedic fire-ritual that has been proven to reduce ambient radioactivity.

After the Chernobyl catastrophe a group of scientists in Yugoslavia experimented with homa and found that radioactivity plummetted in the immediate vicinity, following the combustion of the required ingredients in the inverted copper pyramid.

Somebody versed in vedic rituals (e.g. Hindu priests) can do this for you. [7, 41] You may search online for DIY instructions. A short version can be done every day in 5 minutes or so.

You may adapt it to suit your understanding although making the exact invocations as specified, has it's own special power, because you are elicitng the services of certain elementals.

Having said that, the “logical” explaination of it's efficacy lies in permeating organic matter in the air around you.

That's what happens when smoke arises from the burning of organic substances – thus absorbing radioactive emanations & also neutralizing some other forms of pollution. So please stick to the excact offering to be made as far as possible.

For e.g. The ghee (refined butter) made from cow's milk has been measured t have a much higher “energy” than the milk from some other animal.

2. In some of the areas bordering Soviet Union, people threatened by radioactive fallout plastered the walls of their huts & house with cow-dung and were


thus able to better protect themselves from radiation [41, 7].

It has been reported that NASA space capsules are coated with a thin layer of cow dung to protect them against radiation.

3. A paste gram / lentil flour mixed with mustard seed oil, when applied on the skin minimises the effects of radiation [41].

As you may have noted, the common “active ingredients” in these 3 modalities were well-chosen organic materials which are more efficient in absorbing radiation thus protecting you immensely.


The radiation levels have risen above normal in many places. A few pointers:1. Discard over-exposed cloths2. Leave the footwear outside your house if you suspect radioactive

contamination3. Wash your cloths more frequently.4. Shower / bath more frequently if the water supplies are themselves not

irradiated.5. Cover more of you body with cloths spun from natural fiber.6. Wood tends to absorb radionuclides – if you are in the radioactive fallout

zone then your wooden furniture becomes a liability. So is any new furniture made from woods harvested from radioactively polluted areas.

7. Avoid getting drenched in rain water if radioactive plumes are looming over your area.

8. Don’t apply ointments to radiation burns – These will hold in radioactive particles. Soap and water are best to remove them.


Not exactly an emergency measure but Hemp, Sunflowers & Rapeseeds were planted all around Chernobyl as they are better at soaking up ionizing radiations [52].

Mushrooms & leafy vegetables are also good absorbents of Cesium-137 & Iodine -131 respectively.

So why not pot them around to salvage both the garden soil & it's gardener; farm-soil & it's farmer? Towards the end of these plant's life, parcel them off to some atomic energy jockey's adddress.


In face of any eventuality, this retinue of urgent interventions will definitely put you back in charge of your situation as much as possible.

Simultaneously, the 5 phases of this anti-radioactivity protocol will keep your foundations strong forever. Towards that end, the next 7 chapters highlight the most critical pieces missing from the your mind-body framework.


3 Your one-stop protocol to surmount or minimize the damages from radioactivity

"The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health." - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Here are the half lives of some of the radioactive elements -

ISOTOPE : HALF-LIFECesium-137 : 30 yearsCesium-134 : 2.1 yearsUranium-232 : 68.9 yearsUranium-233 : 159.2 yearsUranium-235 : 703.8 yearsUranium-236 : 23.42 yearsUranium-238 : 4.4 yearsPlutonium-239 : 24,110 yearsPlutonium-244 : 80 million yearsIodine-125 : 59 daysIodine-129 : 15.7 million years

Iodine-131 : 8 days Strontium-90 : 28.9 years Xenon-133 : 5.4 days

Half-life is the time in which the amount of the radioactivity reduces by half. This doesn't mean that all of the radioactive Iodine-131 will disappear in 16 days. It will come down to 25% of it's starting srength, in that time.

Perhaps you noticed that the spent fuel will still be radioactive after 1000 years!

Some of their emanations may be reaching you directly or indirectly over the next few months or years via many different means like air, water, foods & drinks, other products made of material infected with radioactive radiation, etc.


This was, & is, part of the legacy of the Chernobyl explosion. Profits versus ethics.

Specially given the fact that, after a few weeks after the tsunami hit, when the Fukushima reactors are no longer making the headlines,

• safety inspectors enforcing restrictions may go lax• businessmen whose products & services are impacted by such regulations will

◦ lobby to loosen the restrictions, prematurely ◦ find ways to bypass the restrictions; for e.g. re-exporting food-items from a

different port not within the restrictive zone.◦ Some other ingenious way

Unknown to you, there are a many elements in your current life-style which may not cause severe consequences in the short-to-mid term because of the overall resiliency of our body-mind microvita...

..but when exposed to any unprecedented health-threat like radioactivity, everything matters.

As per official figures, only 31 people died after the Chernobyl mishap eventhough the radation fallout was esitmated to be 300 times stronger [13].

As per Mr. Vladimir Chernousenko, Scientific Director of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences’ Task Force for the Rectification of the Consequences of the Accident, 7000 to 10,000 people died withn 5 years.

And several hundered thousand to ~1 million people in the 25 years since then. [14]

It doesn't matter what other steps you take, if your lifestyle continues to subject your mind-body to all kinds of untoward onslaughts, your vulnerability to succumb increases dramatically in face of a grave danger.

The safest, most economical way to keep you safe & to expedite your recovery in case of accidental exposures, is this 5-phase protocol :

1. Meals that maximizes the microvita that support your life while minimizing the unsupportive ones.

2. Personal environs that do the same as mentioned above.3. Body freed from other chemicals which undermine your organs.


4. Fitness routine that delivers the energy, oxygenation, hormones, circulation, etc. necessary to accelerate your recuperation.

5. Psyche, wary of pitfalls & blind-spots along the way.

These 5 phases encapsulate a complete neo-scientific framework to methodically optimize all of your biological processes, cell-by-cell.

Official emergency response measures do NOT take this into consideration. And so their interventions are like taking 1 step forward while your diet & lifestyle is taking you several steps backward.

Your psycho-physical routine presently has many harmful facets, though they may not be adequately recognized by you as such. You actually consider some of them to be healthy or harmless, at most.

As soon as you switchover to this basic protocol, you body-mind will be on solid grounds for most eventualities.

The 4 sets of root-causes impairing your biological processes are:

multiple toxicities (persistent lifestyle encumbrances)

+ multigrade malnutrition (excess, deficient, fake, lifeless, unsuitable nutrients)

+ physical unfitness (impacts the functioning of all organs.)

+ psychological fallibility (aggravating factor)

One ignores this generalization to their own peril. You may try many other things but still make limited progress unless all or most of degrading factors are eliminated. These 5 phases target them comprehensively & they can run in parallel.

Take this as an opportunity for upstating your diet and lifestyle; thus refurbishing your entire bio-logic infrastructure. The bigger the problem, the more drastic a shift required.

So with the 4 target areas now locked into your radar, are you all set to shoot?


4 Phase I : Diet that maximizes life-supportive microvita while minimizing the unsupportive ones

Since there's much more to your meals than -

• downing a bunch of random nutrients, • chewing each morsel till it's liquified, • washing off the pesticides from the surfaces of non-organic vegetables, etc

...we'll start with a preliminary list of don'ts (what not to eat):

You must have read about large leaved vegetables like spinach, salads, cabbage etc. being are particularly sensitive to iodine-131 contamination, if they are cultivated outside and are exposed to rainwater.

Washing vegetables does not help, as iodine-131 is quickly metabolised by the plants, CRIIRAD notes. Absorption is faster and greater through leaf surfaces than via roots.

Words of wisdom from a succesful Chernobyl Survivor [49]:

1. Buy fruits and vegetables from outside the contaminated zones or canned ones packed prior to the incident - 12th March 2011 in this case.

2. When the cattle feed & water supplies of goats, sheep, cows & buffaloes are contaminated, so will be their milk & consequently dairy products made from them.

Buy milk powder or canned milk dated before the radio plumes reached your place.

3. Same hold true for other packaged beverages as well.

4. Store all foods in your fridge or airtight containers.

5. If you want to eat fresh fruits then wash them under running water, dry them with paper towels and then peel them.

6. Don't eat anything outdoors.


7. If you have a garden then build yourself a greenhouse to keep the rain of your produce.

8. Don’t eat the plant stem from the vegetables. That acts like a natural filter and would have more contamination.

Now lets get on with the not-so-obvious ones :

Eliminate -

1. All non-vegitarian foods including non-vegetarian seafoods e.g. Oysters. There are many reasons to be elaborated later. One of them being the phenomenon of bio-magnification :

Whatever radioactivity (& other toxins) seeps into your food-chain from contaminated air, water & soil, their accumulation is most in higher forms of life i.e., their concentration is much more in animals than plants.

2. No un saturated vegetable oils (unless you are a seior citizen).3. Foods fried in unsaturated vegetable oils.4. Margarine and other hydrogenated fats.

5. Coffee, “A low dose of radiation (2 cGy) does not produce detectable levels of mutations as measured by chromosomal damage; however, in the presence of caffeine (which inhibits repair of DNA damage), mutations become detectable [27]”

6. Choclate,

7. Alcohol,8. Smoking / tobacco,

“Ionizing radiation in combination with tobacco smoking increases the risk of lung cancer by about 50%” [23]

9. Refined sugar (use molasses, stevia, jaggery powder, unrefined palm sugar etc.),

10. Corn syrup, HFC

11. Refined salt (use unrefined sea salt)


12. Refined flour

13. No artificial sweeteners, e.g. Aspartame, Nutra Sweet, Equal, Saccharin, Sucralose, Acesulfame potassium, Splenda, etc.

14. Processed canned foods,

15. Soda / pop / carbonated / energy / diet drinks,

16. Foods with artificial additives, e.g • Tartrazines found as preservatives in food dyes such as

FD&C yellow *5

• Azo colors and azo compounds (common colorings in some processed foods). Studies linked some artificial colourants tocancer and behavioural problems in children.

• Sodium / potassium / other benzoates are carcinogenic

• Silicone and silica dust (it's added as a 'natural' additive to make food-powders 'flow' e.g. salad dressings etc.)

23. Enriched grains and cereals, including breakfast cereals (artificial vitamins are harmful)

24. Most baking powders have aluminum. Use sodium bicarbonate instead. Available in pharmacies.

25. Genetically modified so-called-foods.

26. Multivitamin supplements & superfoods (pills, capsules, softgels, powders, juices) unless unavoidable. Reasons espousing them are pilloried in

27. One additive that deserves special attention is MSG :

Mono Sodium Glutamate is hidden in most packaged fastfoods / snacks, processed / canned foods; & chinese foods.

"MSG has been found to be more toxic than all other food toxins, poisons and allergens.!!! Patients have stronger reactions to MSG than arsenic or mercury."


As per it is slipped in under many different identities like:

Glutamic acid (E 620), Glutamate (E 620)Monosodium glutamate (E 621)Monopotassium glutamate (E 622)Calcium glutamate (E 623)Monoammonium glutamate (E 624)Magnesium glutamate (E 625)Natrium glutamateYeast extractAnything “hydrolyzed”Any “hydrolyzed protein”Calcium caseinate, Sodium caseinate,Yeast food, Yeast nutrient,Autolyzed yeastGelatinTextured proteinVetsinAjinomotoDisodium inosinate Disodium guanylate

You may want to check the updated list of products with hydrolyzed vegetable protein which were recalled:

PLEASE GO THROUGH THIS LIST - Names of ingredients that often contain or produce processed free glutamic acid:

Carrageenan (E 407)Bouillon and brothStockWhey protein, Whey protein concentrateWhey protein isolateAny “flavors” or “flavoring”MaltodextrinCitric acid (E 330)Anything “ultra-pasteurized”Barley maltPectin (E 440)ProteaseAnything “enzyme modified”Anything containing “enzymes”


Malt extractSoy sauceSoy sauce extractSoy protein, Soy protein concentrate, Soy protein isolateAnything “protein fortified”Anything “fermented”Seasonings.


Minimize -

1. Yeast based foods (baked breads & cakes); try yeast-free breads (eg. millet bread).

2. Pasteurized non-organic milk (organic milk are also pasteurized),

Do all these “don'ts” inspite of all the logical reasons you know in favour of some of them. Some of the dietary myths are debunked in the “What's your NQ” video.

Beware the 'labeling syndrome' -

Learning how to read the nutrition labels on the foods you buy is getting trickier because most of the times we need to investigate further what is behind all the surface information we are deceivingly given.

Manufacturers are getting smarter & some of their unethical tactics include -

• legal mus-labelling (e.g. natural, herbal, organic) • skipping altogether (under generalized terms like 'natural flavors & additives') • using vague terms for controversial items (see 'MSG' below)• using small-font footnotes etc. (to move the ugly ingredients away from the

main list)• misleading by emphasizing selective features (e.g. advertise as “No artificial

flavor, No artificial color” but use artificial preservatives alongwith.)

Adopting the above 'dont's' list is a decent starting point towards designing a more delightful pro-life diet.

What about the list of do's (i.e. what to eat)?

The foods & nutrients that make-up your vital defence against radioactivity are the topic of the subsequent report “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinal s ”.


They are the most important part of the protocol ongoingly; before, during & after being hit by radioactive substances.

This is so because the un-acknowledged epidemic of malnutrition is the biggest radiosensitizer - it makes you more vulnerable to ionizing radiation, from radioactivity & other sources like X-rays, frequent flying, CT Scans, nuclear medicines, etc.

The last chapter of this road-map does give a taste of what else is sadly missing from your food-space today.

For e.g., a diet based on individual's blood type has worked only for about 50% of the people. If your blood type matters then, extending that logic further may convince you that the rest of your body also matters; actually much more.

As a matter of fact your mental & emotional personality also plays an integral part in determining your diet. That's what neo-scientific profiling is about. The 2nd leverage of the book “7 Leverages of Nutritional Alchemy” does that for you, amongst other things.

It's an essential step in your effort to build up sturdy organs because only when the microvita profile of you foods tallies with that of your microvita constitution – they will serve you the most.

Once you take up MicroVita SuperDiet, you'll start by building your own master-list of foods based on all the 7 leverages including your psycho-physical microvita profile.

Besides unwanted chemicals, non-organic foods (vegetables, fruits, etc.) may also be contaminated with hormones. Perhaps you know that these days even “organic” foods may not be that safe.

MicroVita SuperDiet furnishes organic foods at a cost that is less than what one pays for non-organic foods. As a therapeutic measure or otherwise, whichever way you look at it, M----V---- S----D--- turns out to be your best foot forward.


5 Phase II : Personal environment that maximizes positive microvita while minimizing the negative ones

Every bit counts. The following items don't need to be in your life-space anymore; expunge them asap:

1. All mainstream toiletries i. e.g. fluoride toothpaste in aluminum tube, hand sanitizers, mouth-washes

etc.ii. if you spot chemicals listed in the list of ingredients, shun that product.iii. This includes formulations deceptively marketed as 'natural', 'herbal' etc.iv. Go for traditional soaps, shampoos, tooth-powders etc.

2. Some examples of chemicals to watch out for :i. Carboxymethylcellulose (cellulose gum),ii. Formaldehyde (sometimes listed as formalin),iii. TEA (triethanolamine)iv. DEA (diethanolamine) v. Lauramide DEAvi. Sodium lauryl sulfate / sodium laureth sulfate / sodium acetyl sulfatevii. Triclosan (antibacterial products)

3. All mass-produced cosmetics including i. brands self-advertised as "natural"ii. fruit & plant based hair and skin products iii. sun-block creams etc.

Use natural alternatives e.g. virgin coconut oil as moisturizer & sun screen. Add your favorite essential oils for desired scent.

4. All artificial perfumes (they dump phthalates in your body, lot of which never comes out!)


5. Artificial hair dyes (hazardous chemicals diffuse through the scalp into your brain)

6. Costume jewelry & other metallic items that are in constant contact with your skin – they may be casting away heavy-metals e.g. nickle, included in sterling silver (they permeate through your skin)

7. Unfiltered urban water supplies (fluoridated & chlorinated water, the pipes that carry them). Use quality filters like aquasana; most aren't.

8. Heavy metals from faulty showers, old faucets, old metal water filters

9. Drinking liquids stored in plastic containers (they have BPA / BiPhenyl-A)

10. Cooking in microwave ovens (they are not mucho foods any more)

11. Cooking / storing foods in non-stick (Teflon, Tefal etc), aluminium, chromium cookware (they are known to be carcinogens / toxins)

12. Electro-magnetic radiations : Minimize them e.g by keeping mobile phones away from the body (including, when you sleep), avoid using wifi, use analog cordless phones instead of digital ones, etc.

13. Mammography, X-rays, CAT scans, etc. as long as avoidable. They induce cancer!

14. Common washing powders & cleaning agents (they emanate artificial aromatic amines besides leaving behind unwanted stuff on your cloths & utensils). Fragrance-free detergents are available in health-food / organic stores.

15. Glossy printed magazines – Toxic ink residues fell off their pages (minimize breathing in by holding away from nose, wash hands etc.)

16. Coatings of furniture & upholstery float off into the air your breathe i. For e.g. Bromine-containing fire retardants are in our carpets, adult & children

clothes; formaldehyed in panelsii. Tough choice here for you : recoat your furnitures with natural varnishes.


17. Neighborhood pollution (toilet de-odorizers, room air fresheners in workplace, aircons recirculating stale air, etc.) Maintain fresh air flow continuously in your living area by leaving windows open.

18. Birth control pills / oral contraceptives

19. HRT, Estrogen replacement therapy, HGH, etc. (they impair the functioning of your endocrine system),

20. Allopathic medicines : gradually wean away. They increase the amount of negative microvita inside you; for e.g. overuse of antibiotics may cause candida / yeast / fungal infections because that's what they are made from.

21. OTC Antacid & constipation pills (has aluminium)

22. Anti-flatulence pills (charcoal; interferes with nutrient absorption) etc.

Take the time to get rid of all these poisons. They cause many serious troubles for e.g. : disrupted functioning of your glands thus impairing -

• melatonin synthesis (sleep problems), • defective thyroids (lethargy, fat-gain), • adrenal exhaustion (low immunity), etc.

It takes a long time, if ever, to undo these damages. Start today.


6 Phase III : Body, freed the chemicals & shrouded pathogens which undermine your organs everyday

Saddled with all the crap spotlighted in the last few pages, how do you plan to restore your biological purity when the radiactive particles also start entering your already adulterated body?

Ofcourse you need to get rid of this adulteration as much as you can, BEFORE radioactivity adds more fuel to fire.

A one-off exhaustive purification exercise would neither be practical nor advisable for anyone.

So a better approach would entail starting with a few of the following & keep on adding more of them until you discard enough of the self-annihilating junk from your bio-system.

Alongwith the rest of the phases, these will reestablish your health & well-being:


For Headache, Skin rashes, Digestive problems, Joint & other pains, Women's issues, Hair-fall, Dental ills, Allergy, etc [1, 2]

Buy some sunflower or sesame oil (say 500 ml / 16 ounces), preferably unrefined.

• In the morning without brushing teeth take one to two tablespoon (two tea spoons=10ml) of sesame oil in the mouth on empty stomach. Close the mouth. Do not swallow.

• Chin up, rinse mouth to ensure oil sweeps over the entire oral cavity - between all the teeth, on palate including soft palate near throat, and both ear end corners of oral cavity.

• Do it mindfully non-stop (alongwith your morning routine).• Spit when the mouth gets full or between 15 to 20 minutes.• Wash your mouth and teeth thoroughly. You may scrub your teeth & gums

with fingers ideally; after washing your hands. Toothbrushes tend to peel the


enamel & hurt the gums. Do scrape your tongue with a metallic tongue scraper and then wash the mouth thoroughly.

• Drink two or three glasses of water.

Your mouth is infested with pathogens which come non-stop from your foods & sinuses. Modern methods are not good enough to get rid of them besides being unhealthy.

From the mouth these germs reach your blood, joints & brain. They subclinically complicate many a health conditions, while going undetected.

The 'oil pulling' process traps them in the oil. Thus it will detoxify your blood & consequently many other organs. Oil pulling also tones up your entire physiology via tongue acupressure.

“...up to three times a day on an empty stomach," says Dr Karsch, Ukraine – who revived oil-pulling in our times.

“The tongue is an indicator of what is going on in the body. A fiery red tongue depicts an irritated digestion; a pale shade, low digestion; and a purple tongue, a liver burdened with toxics" - Dr R. Ballantyne, who has studied Ayurveda and Chinese medicine.

Image courtesy

The tongue maps all our organs – different sections of the tongue are connected to the kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver, heart, pancreas, small intestines, stomach, colon, and spine.


Keep the body hydrated to further facilitate the ongoing detoxification of all your organs and tissues. Scrubbing the skin with a dried vegetable fibrous brush - loofa / loofah / luffa sponge [5] also contributes towards this.

The 3 phases delineated so far would do away with a lot of the biologically-dead or dying areas in your body. Otherwise if pests or radioactivity reach these dead islands inside you – it would be difficult to get rid of them.


Ayurvedic regimens like pancha karma & homa had produced the most noticeable improvements in the radiation victims & the irradiated environs post-Chernobyl [7] :

'Pancha karma' means five acts - 1. preparatory phase2. emesis3. cause loose stools4. medications given through enema5. medication through the nose

Visit a trained Ayurvedic practitioner for details.


In the emergency response chapter we saw that detoxification and chelation of radioactive stuff follows the same pathway as some of the heavy metals.

The following additional aids will move other nonsense out of your physique, thus indirectly but very positively thursting out more of the heavy metals and radioactive material out of your cells into the detoxification pathways:

A. Borax chelates fluoride [15] -


The pineal gland of most people is calcified with fluoride. Yes, this fluoride was accumulated from fluoride-based toothpastes, mouth-washes & fluoride-laced “drinking” water supplies in some western nations.

This calcification drastically curtails your master glands performance – for e.g. to produce adequate amounts of melatonin, which is needed for many reasons other than sleep.

Pineal gland controls all the other glands and are all critical to maximize your body's radioprotective efficiency.

Borax / sodium borate is the precursor for sodium perborate monohydrate, which is available as a cleaning agent in some countries (e.g. under Persil brand). It is poisonous in large quantities (same level of toxicity as that of common salt).

Recommended dosage : 1/8 teaspoon of borax diluted in 1 liter / quart / 32 ounces of water taken in divided dose throughout the day (say 2 - 4 portions).Take it for 4 or 5 days in a week. For a few weeks to several months atmost, depending on your level of tolerance.

The 2nd reason why your endocrine's inefficiency is presented in the next phase of this protocol. And the 3rd very important reason will be highlighted in the 2nd part of this report “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals”. The Russians used boron carbide during the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown. It is routinely used at nuclear power plants to reduce pipe corrosion and as a safety element because it stays intact even under radioactive carnage [48].

B. Creatine Monohydrate chelates formaldehyde [15]

Formaldehyde comes from some of the sources highlighted in the 2nd phase of this protocol. The most common being artificial sugar aspartame which is short-changed to authority diabetics, weight-loss & dental-care smarties.

It is a well-known carcinogen [18] but I have seen it in many health products, besides processed foods, diet soda, etc.


C. Full body cleanse; in the right order

You must also detox your, pancreas, liver, etc because it's the quality & strength of their teamwork that will make or break your life :

If you detox the blood but suffer from a clogged liver, like almost everybody else, where do the toxins go?

You must detoxify the liver before you detoxify the blood and the rest of your body. Next, if you detoxify the liver, but forget about your toxic colon, it will just get dirty again.

1. Colon cleanup : avoid coffee enema, if you go for enema. I rather prefer a full intestinal wash-up just by :-

i. drinking lot of warm water – lightly salted.

ii. Fast for atleast 1st half of the day.

iii. Start the day by drinking as much of salted warm water as you comfortably can, in the morning.

iv. then do a set of stomach wrenching, twist & turn excercises. For e.g• Stretch your hands up & then bend down to both sides - 30

times. • Twist your torso towards left & right as far as you can – 30

times.• Raise 1 leg & twist the waist to the opposite side. Vice versa

with the other leg – 30 times.v. Keep on repeating for upto 4 sets unless you get the urge to After passing the motions, drink more water & repeat the process

until what comes out is clear water.vii. You will be very tired for the rest of the day & won't feel hungry until

evening.viii. Have may a light meal with an extra serving of butter or ghee to re-

lubricate your intestinal lining.

ix. Follow other pertinent instruction on the correct way to break a fast

systematically. I share them at some point with my clients.


2. Dental rework : if you have any mercury / amalgams or other poisonous dental fillings, get them replaced. [16]

3. Kidney sweep : 1 day only eat raw watermelons. No juicing. Say about 100 kgs of whole fruits.

4. Liver and Gallbladder flush [17]

Your radioactive accumulations will be thrown out via the standard detoxification paths of kidneys, liver & skin – bringing them directly in the line of fire.

5. Foot soaks, foot baths


7 Phase IV : Fitness routine that imparts you energy, oxygenation, hormones, circulation,... necessary to fight radioactivity

Start with a self-massage today if you haven't been exercising for some time. But don't use massage as an excuse for not working out 5 times a week.

Regular exercise tones up your organs, including those directly involved in detoxification. Other benefits range from regular bowels to release of endorphins making you feel good. [16]

Atleast 30 - 45 minutes of low-impact physical activities every single day are a must. Bootstrap yourself out of the “too-tired-to-exercise loop”.

You should sweat sufficiently several times a week. To aid sweating, you may do your fitness regimen -

• a while after drinking a cup of warm water• with more clothes on• in a warm room • go for a sauna

Do ensure proper ventilation – airconditioned gyms are not ideal. Oxygenation kills germs. Lower oxygen levels in cells leads to parasite attacks.

Without adequate exercise you risk organ deterioration, degenerated glands, weak bones & joints, weight gain, muscle loss, low self-worth, etc.

Physical workouts also facilitate full recharge via restful sleep. Sleep deprivation is detrimental to self-detox, rejuvenation, immune function, etc. [15]

Obesity & infections comes in your way as well. “X-irradiation also enhances the level of... viral-induced [26] transformation in cell culture.”


Unnatural radioactivity also damages your lymphoids. The lymphatic system is a frequently overlooked detoxification pathway. It also plays a significant role in defending you against germs like viruses, bacteria and fungi.


Opportunistic germs attack you the moment your body is down – as is the case during a nuclear fallout.

Those germs are filtered out in the lymph nodes, which are small masses of tissue located along the network of lymph vessels.

The nodes house lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Some of those lymphocytes make antibodies, which are special proteins that fight off germs and


stop infections from spreading. Antibodies help in trapping disease-causing germs and destroying them.

The spleen (as a lymphatic node) plays an important part in fighting infections. It contains lymphocytes and another kind of white blood cell called macrophages, which engulf and destroy bacteria, dead tissue and foreign matter.

The spleen also filters them from the blood passing through it.

The major parts of the lymph tissue are located in the bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland & other lymph nodes, especially the tonsils. The heart, lungs, intestines, liver and skin also contain lymphatic tissues.

Germinal centres (GC) are sites within lymph nodes or nodules in peripheral lymph tissues where mature B lymphocytes, rapidly proliferate, differentiate, mutate through somatic hypermutation and class-switch during antibody responses.

The thymus is composed of two identical lobes and is located anatomically in the anterior superior mediastinum, in front of the heart and behind the sternum. It's functions are :

• production of T-lymphocytes (T cells), which are critical cells of the adaptive immune system,

• production and secretion of thymosins, hormones which control T-lymphocyte activities and various other aspects of the immune system.

Vagus nerve acts upon the lymphatic system.

Since the lymphatic system doesn't has a central pump like a heart to keep it going, it depends on our physical motions for the same.

Hence a lymphatic massage i.e a quick kneading of your joints especially while bathing, will keep you lymphatic immunity primed up.

Places to be rigorously self-massaged to prime up your lymphatic pathways:

Forehead, face, left & side of the neck, armpits, arms, both sides of the elbows (inner & outer), abdominal area (stomach, chest), back, pelvic joints / groin area, thighs, both sides of the knees (inner & outer), ankles, upper feet.


8 Phase V : Psyche, wary of the slippery pitfalls & blind-spots

Anxiety about whether you continue to be affected by the radioactive exposure in indirect ways, uncertainty about future health-effects and the implications for younger generations, may by themselves lead to more problems [39].

In the case of Chernobyl, as in other radiological incidents, psychological effects - substance abuse, depression, suicidal thinking - predominate [7]. Rumors erupt, fears breed, anger festers.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) studies point to a marked increase in stress-related illnesses and social dysfunction as a result of Chernobyl.

In the contaminated zones in Chenobyl the divorce rate is higher, there are more problems in relationships between parent and child, and there is more alcoholism compared with the levels in a control group from non-contaminated areas. [7]

Children from the contaminated territories have higher anxiety levels, they are concerned about their health and the health of their family, and are more introverted than their peers in non-contaminated areas. [7]

1. Your foods play a tremendous role in your ongoing psychological welfare.

To better apprize yourself of that, see the NQ video, “7 Leverages of Nutritional Alchemy” book & “The 8 Esoteric Secrets to Solarian Morphogenesis” book along with related content, being shared for free in the MicroVita SuperHealth newsletter.

2. If you happen to be an active member of any radiation-sickness focussed group or mailing list, you may want to reevaluate your participation there, because they are NOT your future.

Hence their supportive bonhomie & incidental info aside, they need not be in your present either.

How many sheeple from that group will take the opportunity to review & overhaul their supposedly-healthy food preferences & puppetty lifestyle even in face of a health ultimatum?


3. Speaking about mental attitudes … “Surmounting radioactive damages” is not entirely a positive stance to take.

“Pursuing your next goal in life, in which your health is a contributive resource” is perhaps a tad more inspiring. Reignite your passions & let the health difficulties get dispersed along the way.

4. Yogic breathing techniques which help regain more calmness.

5. Aromatherapy sooths emotions. Lavender, Rose, et al.

6. Practice mindfulness & sharpen your emotional state management in order to channelize strong feelings judiciously. Act & behave like you are healthy this very moment.

Expect life to unfold in that direction – continually self-correcting it's course, by virtue of your inner wisdom, hour-by-hour.

“A human being is a thinking substance, permeating a visible body, and the processes of his body are controlled by his thought.

When a person thinks only thoughts of perfect health, the internal processes of his body will be those of perfect health.

A person's first step toward perfect health must be to form a conception of himself as perfectly healthy and as doing all things in the way and manner of a perfectly healthy person.

Having formed this conception, he must relate himself to it in all his thoughts, and sever all thought relations with disease and weakness.

If he does this, and thinks his thoughts of health with positive FAITH, aperson will cause the Principle of Health within him to become constructivelyactive, and to take away all his diseases”

- The Science of Being Well, by Wallace D. Wattles.

7. Everyday read / watch something that makes you laugh - comedy videos, etc.


8. EFT (emotional freedom technique) tapping may help. If you are not depessed then an authentic spiritual ideatation system will be a huge asset.

So much for restoring & maintaining mental & emotional hygiene & sabctity.


9 Your magnificent microvita mosaic

Dr. Sarah Mayhill, speaking about uranium oxide says, “It taken up by cells of the immune systems and gets into lymph glands, bone, brain, hormone producing glands, ovaries and testes. It stays in these organs for many decades and is only very slowly excreted in urine.” [6]

Inspite of everything you do, the enemy remains grave. Nothing short of a full preparedness will do, if you are to maximize your chances of survival if exposed to a nuclear fallout, even in trace amounts, over a stretched out period of time.

Understated lingering malnutrition & mis-nutrition are most probably, almost certainly, one your weakest links.

After all is said & done, only a steady unadulterated input of appropriate microvita constructs – known & unknown nutrients, to start with, sourced as per valid neo-scientific criterion – will empower your body to do what it is supposed to do & the way it is supposed to be done.

For e.g. A resilient self-detox system; in lack of which, junks are pushed away into hair, nails, skin, etc. – one of the reasons behind hairfall, brittle nails, & skin moles.

By stopping the entry of disruptive microvita constructs & augmenting the supply of helpful microvita you will revert back to more bouncy healthy state, during the course of time it takes to reverse the balance in favor of helper microvita.

How do we do that?

By starting with the major inlet of all microvita entering your mind-body syndicate. The food, that went past your gullet today, has various types of quantum microvita interwoven within their molecular structure. Some of these microvita are pro-life while others are counter-life.

Unbeknownst to even health-nuts & otherwise-competent nutritionists, many of your so-called healthy foods are actually infested with hostile microvita, over & above any short-term good results they may have stimulated in you.

Inspite of the selectively advertised benefits, they are against your overall best interest - if not physically, then atleast emotionally & mentally. Our body-mind


partnership is tightly knit together.

Only with a neo-scientific 'life-scope', can we diligently classify foods based on the type & density of these microvita. The destructive microvita eventually tend to cause sicknesses while the constructive types readily support our inner psycho-biology.

In view of that, MicroVita SuperDiet birthed out of my own strenuous efforts under the close guidance of my life-mentors. It gets me -

• the entire range of over 120 known nutrients mandatorily required to properly run the second-to-second operations of my body

• in optimum quantities required by my body – which is about 7 time more than your current intake.

• in synergistic proportions to each other – otherwise they wont assimilate in your body

• in harmony with my neo-scientific mind-body profile - to better synchronize my thoughts, emotions & physique

• while disallowing the antagonistic factors which obstruct the assimilation of any of these nutrients.

It also allows me to make the most of my genetics – for e.g. the radiation response genes involved in anti-radioactivity. Refer to page nos. 19 & 24 of the “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals” guide-book to see how.

Along the way, I experienced many amazing breakthroughs just via my dinners & lunch. Not to forget the meta-foods imbibed during the Solarian Morphogenesis process. Having hit this goldmine - and because of the way things happened, it was incumbent upon me to generalize it for anybody interested to create their own breakthroughs as per their special conditions & aspirations.

I also found that it's not just about the range, quantity & proportion of nutrients, but also concerns -

• their multidimensional quality• best way(s) of consuming them


• there would still be some inevitable shortfalls, mis-matches & other inadequacies; 'meta-nutrition' preempts & compensates for them besides detoxing & strengthening the non-physical pasrt of your existence

• my secret bag of tips & tricks to get you out of the dark woods haunted by treacherous infections. For e.g. how to awaken & deploy the latent power of your DNA into your immediate service, etc.

These accomplishments will live with you long after you are out of the precincts of the radioactive war-zone; i.e. for the rest of your breaths.

In the meantime a free compendium titled “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals” is being mailed to you, to follow this conversation through; as in -

1. You may be usurping all the iodine you can but what about the 5 synergistic nutrients you need to assimilate all that supplemented iodine? Without them, only your urine is getting iodized (page no. 8).

2. Even if you get the synergists, how much of that iodine will get past the 12 antagonistic nutritive elements &/or foods that come in the way of it's metabolism? (page no. 9)

3. The 11 vitamins & 2 special proteins directly needed to fortify you against radioactivity (page no. 10)

4. 2 crucial minerals & 2 other miscellaneous nutrients required to better stand radionuclides (page no. 11)

5. 10 must have phyto-chemicals & 2 important contributive factors (page no. 11)

6. Over 41 synergists essentially needed by your body in order to fully metabolize the nutrients mentioned above (page nos. 26 to 36)

7. Over 83 Antagonists that hinder proper absorption of the above nutrients in your body (page nos. 26 to 36 )

8. 17 must-eat food items to build your preliminary shield against ionizing irradiations (page no. 13 - 14)

9. 14 key natural medicinals proven to work against radioactive contamination (page no. 14 -15)

To have any level of surity in salvaging yourself as much as possible, you 1st need to know :


1. What is the most extensive form of damage from ionizing radiations? (page no. 16)

2. The biggest & most sensitive target of all nuclear emissions (page no. 16)

3. The 2 most cytotoxic (cell-killing) miscreants released upon you immediately after gamma radiation (page no. 16)

4. When radioactive rays impinge upon you, what exactly must happen with surgical precision to save you from it's ravages. (page no. 16)

5. How to get the right category & sub-type of this famous tribe of bio-molecules to decisively stop radioactive self-destruction? You are running low in all of them. (page no. 17)

6. What is the most critical damage from radionuclides to your biology (page no. 19)

7. The most important radioprotective hormone & the 3 ways in which you are compromisig it's production (page no. 19)

8. What exactly mutates your genes & how can you protect your DNA from their vicious attack (page no. 19)

9. The precise no. of components you need to safeguad your• eyesight• virility / fertility• brain & nerves• kidneys• liver • energy levels, etc. (page no. 20)

10. You may eat everything good but without these special catalytic molecules they are useless (page no. 21)

11. The least repairable damage that you could suffer from radioactivity & how to block that off (page no. 21)

12. The exact bio-processes & life-factors that play a critical role once you are bombarded with any amount of nuclear rays (page no. 23)

13. What really constitutes a sturdy bio-shield to stave off radioactive damages (page no. 40)

14. The “3 class acts” your body must be equipped to perform - before, during & after being hit by radioactive particles (page no. 38)


15. How to avoid the perils of allopathic interventions which foolishly try to out-smart the biological chain-reaction triggered by radioactivity amongst your organelles (page no. 39)

16. All other key-insights you need for effective & immediate radioprotection

All these will be duly covered within the 47-pages of “Your Anti-radioactive bio-dynamics: 71 Essential Nutritives + 31 most effective Foods & medicinals” on your way soon.

The combined content of these 2 report is also applicable to • defend cancer patients from radio- or cheotherapy, • frequent flyers, • flight attendants, • pilots, • astronauts,• populations under threat of a low intensity "dirty bomb" set-off by nuclear ter-

rorists, etc.

The Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation report on “Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation” by National Academies of Science reconfirms the previous knowledge that even very low doses can cause cancer.

Risks from low dose radiation are equal or greater than previously thought.

To surmount them before they do, the Vedic Secret to Longevity & Youthfulness book has has 10 practical tips which boost your cellular provisions of a certain meta-bolic factor, especially needed in all your bio-actions, moment to moment.

Your worst-case scenario : Domino's effect -

Since all our organs are interdependent, an extended period of underperformance by many of them followed by a dysfunctionality in any one organ will cascade further down the chain producing a difficult-to-undo domino effect.

This inter-dependency between various organs, makes it imperative that all organ systems be nurtured together.


And that's what this neo-scientific protocol will do for you, if observed in it's entirety.Preserving it's integrity entails pushing ahead, week-after-week, with all the 5 phases - your joint-front against anti-radioactivity. Be the protocol.

10 Appendix : 3 types of radioactive radiation & the units used to measure them


Alpha particles are basically hydrogen nuclei. They are the least penetrating form of radiation, can be stopped with a piece of paper or a few inches of air.

Beta rays are high speed electrons. They are smaller & hence more penetrating than alpha rays. A few millimeters thick aluminum or other metal sheet can block them.

Gamma rays are high frequency electromagnetic waves. Being the smallest sized of all 3 types of radiations, they are the most penetrative. Depending on their energy, they can travel through up to several inches of steel, and hundreds of feet of air.


The risk to you from radiological exposure is measured in several units. Here are some scales FYI [37, 38]:

Sieverts / Sv :

• 500,000 microsieverts (µSv) can lead to nausea and fatigue within hours. • 750,000 µSv causes hair loss within two or three weeks, • 1 million µSv will cause hemorrhage. • 4 million µSv will kill.

200 µSv is the maximum permissible dose (MPD) for the general population. This MPD value is never considered a safe radiation dose [41], although some may presume it to be the case.

According to the safety standards issued by the European Commission's Radiation Protection Division [47], the annual accumulated dosage of radiation should not


exceed 10 mSv per year [45].

CRIIRAD [46], a French NGO on radioactivity, notes that the amount of radioactive pollutant capable of delivering a dose of 10 mSv varies greatly depending on the age of consumers.

Children up to two years old are the most vulnerable; ingestion of 50 becquerel (Bq) of Iodine 131, for e.g., is enough to deliver to the body a dose of 10 mSv, according to them.

Even a single 1 mSv dose will increase the risk of of cancer [23, 29, 27, 32, 33], especially in combination with other chemical [34,35] and biological [26] carcinogens besides other tumour promoters [36]

Outer space radiation is a mere 1 mSv per year. Natural background radiation is roughly 1 to 2.4 mSv per year. One chest x-ray yields about 0.2 mSv.

Conversion of metrics:

1 Sv = 100 rem1 mSv = 100 mrem = 0.1 rem1 µSv = 0.1 mrem1 rem = 0.01 Sv = 10 mSv1 mrem = 0.00001 Sv = 0.01 mSv = 10 µSv

1 centigray / cGy = 0.01 Gy 1 centigray / cGy = 1 rad

Grays / Gy or Radians / rads:

0 -1 cGy / rads - No obvious short-term effects

2 – 79 cGy / rads - No obvious short-term effects but many mid to long term effects.

80-120 cGy / rads - You have a 10% chance of vomiting and experiencing nausea fora few days + many other mid to long term effects.

130 -170 cGy / rads - You have a 25% chance of vomiting and contracting othersymptoms + many other mid to long term effects.

180-220 cGy / rads - You have a 50% chance of vomiting and having other severe


physical effects + many other mid to long term effects.

270-330 cGy / rads - 20% chance of death in 6 weeks, or you will recover in a fewmonths but with many other mid to long term effects.

400-500 cGy / rads - 50% chance of death + many other mid to long term effects if you survive.

550-750 cGy / rads - Nausea within a few hours; no survivors.

Becquerel is another unit for the amount of radioactive material present, measured in terms of atomic disintegrations per second (DPS). Unlike Sievert, It’s not a measure of dosage received.

1 Bq = 1 atom undergoing radioactive decay every second.


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12 Standard Disclaimer

Any medical & health claims herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other governmental health authority. The recommendations in this book are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. You follow them at your own risk. As always, please consult with a licensed health professional before undertaking any self-health program.