Anti Anxiety Drugs

Post on 23-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Anti Anxiety Drugs

Anti anxiety drugs


1.Deffinition of anti anxiety drugs 2. Mechansim of action anti anxiety drugs 3.Classification of anti anxiety drugs 4. Side effect of medication 5. Nursing roles 6.Summary 7.Referance

Anti anxiety drug:- is a drugs are also called anxiolytics and minor tranquilizers. These are used for the treatment of anxiety disorders, anxiety symptoms, acute alcohol withdrawal, skeletal muscle spasms, convulsive disorders and preoperative disorders.

Anti anxiety drug affects your nervous system causing your nerve to relax ,act by enhancing the effect of GABA(gamma amino butyric acid ) , a chemical that nerve cells use to communicate with each other , that inhibits brain activity .

Mechanism of action cont. :-

1. Benzodiazepines 2. Buspirone 3. SSRIs4. Barbiturate 5. Hydroxyzine 6. Pregabline

Benzodiazepines are fast acting typically relief within thirty to hour , because work quickly ‹Increases neurotransmitter GABA‹Preference for limbic system‹Depresses CNS‹Produces skeletal muscle relaxationRapidly absorbed from GI tract„ Crosses blood-brain barrier„ Crosses placenta and enters breast milk„ Metabolized by liver

Indications for Use :-Benzodiazepines„ Short term treatment of anxiety„ Treatment of seizure disorders„ May be useful in acute stage of panic

Benzodiazepines (BZDs):-„ Alprazolam Xanax„ Clonazepam Klonopin„ Diazepam Valium„ Lorazepam Ativan„ Oxazepam Serax

„ 1.Central Nervous System Depressant„ 2.Cardiovascular Side Effects:--Bradycardia and tachycardia3. Gastrointestinal :-Constipation and diarrhea

•„ 4.Dependence•„ 5.Tolerance•„ 6.Physical addiction•„ 7.Psychological addiction•„ 8.Withdrawal syndrome•„ Signs and symptoms of withdrawal:-•‹Anxiety, tremors, insomnia•‹Grand mal seizures, delirium•‹Respiratory depression and death

„ Avoid alcohol„ Avoid caffeine„ Contraindicated in pregnancy„ Contraindicated in lactationDo not stop drug abruptly„ Report sleep pattern changes

Relive anxiety by increasing serotonin in the brain Non addicting„ Less sedating„ No physical or psychological dependence„ Can be used for long periods of time„ Useful in generalized anxiety disorder

•Buspirone is contraindicated in client with renal OR liver impairment and in lactating woman •Takes 2-3 weeks at least to take effect

•Dizziness•Headache•Nervousness •Insomnia •Gastrointestinal disorder •Lightheadedness•Nausea and dry mouth

are a class of compounds typically used as anti depressants in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, and some personality disorders

•indications For Use:-•„ First line drug for all depression except •severe inpatient depression•„ Can be used much more safely with patients •„ Useful in treatment of depression that is •accompanied by anxiety•„ Also useful in many anxiety disorders

Common SSRI’s:-• Fluoxetine Prozac�• Paroxetine Paxil�• Sertraline Zoloft�• Fluvoxamine Luvox�

Barbiturates exert an anxiolytic effect linked to the sedation they cause. The risk of abuse and addiction is high. Many experts consider these drugs obsolete for treating anxiety but valuable for the short-term treatment of severe insomnia


general roles r\t psychotropic medication:ensure the patient receives his medication, instruct the patient to continue to take medication, reassure the patient that side effects will be temporary and subside.

nurses' role toward compliance to medication:assist client in acquiring knowledge about medications, explain natures of and time span for onset of therapeutic results, provid written and verbal instructions to reinforce compliance, including family members in education process

nurses' role toward side effect:important part of psychiatric nurse's role is to

minimize, identify and intervene in side effect experienced by patient as a result of their medication.

nurses' role toward complications:report occurrence of any of the side effect &

complications to physician immediately.

Note :- the nurse should tell the pt family about the medication side effect and complication and to know that the medication will take about month to take a therapeutic effect therefor it’s important to observe the pt from souside behavior

The anti anxiety drugs the group that treatment general anxiety and personility disorder Mechansim of action of anti anxiety drugs its inhibitor CNSNursing roles important in treatment planing for psychatric patient .

^ "antianxiety agent" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary^ "anxiolytic (tranquilizer)". Memidex (WordNet) Dictionary/Thesaurus. Retrieved 2010-12-02.^ Gelder, M, Mayou, R. and Geddes, J. 2005. Psychiatry. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford. pp236. 

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