Answer Key For The NY State Lab Test: Making...

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Answer Key For The NY State Lab Test: Making Connections


Version W

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Version X

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Version Y

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Version Z Q No. Answer 1. 3

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Questions with Explanations For The Entire Test:


Teacher Answer Key


4 1. Base your answer on the information below and accompanying graph and on your

knowledge of biology.

Students were asked to design a lab that investigated the relationship between exercise

and heart rate. Heart rate was determined by recording the pulse rate in beats per minute.

The students hypothesized that increased exercise results in an increased heart rate. The

class results for the experiment are shown in the graph shown.

Students in a different science class carried out the same experiment. The data they

obtained did notsupport the hypothesis that increased exercise results in increased heart

rate. The most scientifically sound way to deal with this situation is to

1. write a new hypothesis 3. have the students in both classes vote to

decide which hypothesis is correct

2. read about pulse rate in a biology


4. ask students in a third class to do the

experiment and see if their results support

the hypothesis

4 The most scientifically sound way to deal with this situation is to ask students in a third

class to do the experiment and see if their results support the hypothesis. Repeatability of

experimental results is an essential component of sound science. If an experiment cannot

be repeated multiple times with the same results by independent researchers, it is likely

that the original experiment was flawed in some way and its results invalid.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1), (3) It is not true that the most scientifically sound way to deal with this situation is

to write a new hypothesis or have the students in both classes vote to decide which

hypothesis is correct. Either of these actions would introduce bias into the experiment

and invalidate its results.

(2) It is not true that the most scientifically sound way to deal with this situation is

to read about pulse rate in a biology textbook. This is an action that should be taken by

the researcher as an initial part of the experimental method, not as an action to validate

experimental results.

4 2. Base your answer on the information below, on the accompanying data table, and on

your knowledge of biology.

A group of students obtained the following data while trying to determine the effect of

exercise on pulse rate.

Which statement is an example of an observation the students could have made?

1. Pulse rates in beats per minute decrease

for all people after exercise.

3. The pulse rate of student C was

dangerously low.

2. Student A most likely exercises regularly. 4. The pulse rate of student F increased by

30 beats per minute.

4 The pulse rate of student F increased by 30 beats per minute is the statement that is an

example of an observation the students could have made. This direct observation can be

made by examining the data from the table that indicate that the pulse rate of

person F before exercise was 68 beats per minute and after exercise was 98 beats per

minute, a difference of 30 beats per minute.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) Pulse rates in beats per minute decrease for all people after exercise is not the

statement that is an example of an observation the students could have made. No data are

provided in the table that indicate what happens to students' pulse rates after the

completion of exercise. So this observation cannot be made based on the data provided.

(2) Student A most likely exercises regularly is not the statement that is an example of an

observation the students could have made. No data are provided in the table that indicate

what exercise habits each subject maintains. So this observation cannot be made based on

the data provided.

(3) The pulse rate of student C was dangerously low is not the statement that is an

example of an observation the students could have made. No data are provided in the

table concerning the normal range of human pulse rate. So this observation cannot be

made based on the data provided.

1 3. A student hypothesized that watching sports on television would cause viewers' pulse

rates to increase. She designed an experiment to determine the effect of watching sports

on pulse rate. A group of 200 volunteers took their pulse rates and then watched their

favorite sports on television. After the games, they immediately took their pulse rates

again. The data collected showed that the pulse rates of some people increased, but the

pulse rates of an equal number of people did not change. Although the hypothesis was

not supported by the data, the hypothesis is still valuable because it

1. may lead to further investigation 3. is the opinion of the experimenter

2. can be changed to fit the data 4. is based on beliefs of the volunteers

1 Although the hypothesis was not supported by the data, the hypothesis is still valuable

because itmay lead to further investigation. Sound science uses situations such as

unsupported hypotheses as opportunities to conduct deeper or redirected research. Such

opportunities often result in information that can lead to the development of new

scientific theories.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (2), (3), (4) It is not true that although the hypothesis was not supported by the data, the

hypothesis is still valuable because it can be changed to fit the data, because it is the

opinion of the experimenter, or because it is based on beliefs of the volunteers. Any of

these actions would introduce bias into the experiment and invalidate its results. Sound

science requires that experimental hypotheses be tested against collected data and

analyzed objectively for accuracy. Hypotheses must not be manipulated to fit the data or

to support any particular opinion or belief.

3 4. Students were asked to determine if they could squeeze a clothespin more times in a

minute after resting than after exercising. An experiment that accurately tests this

question should include all of the following except

1. a hypothesis on which to base the design

of the experiment

3. two sets of clothespins, one that is easy to

open and one that is more difficult to open

2. a large number of students

4. a control group and an experimental

group with equal numbers of students of

approximately the same age

3 An experiment that accurately tests this question should include all of the following

except two sets of clothespins, one that is easy to open and one that is more difficult to

open. Using two sets of clothespins that differ in strength introduces an additional

variable to the experiment that will invalidate the results. Instead, all clothespins should

be the same strength in this experiment.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) An experiment that accurately tests this question should include a hypothesis on

which to base the design of the experiment. A good experiment always begins with a

hypothesis (an "educated guess") as to the researcher's prediction about its results.

(2) An experiment that accurately tests this question should include a large number of

students. A good experiment includes a significant number of experimental subjects as a

means of avoiding statistical bias in the experiment.

(4) An experiment that accurately tests this question should include a control group and

an experimental group with equal numbers of students of approximately the same age. A

good experiment always includes a control group that mirrors the experimental group in

all respects except the independent variable (controlled by the experimenter).

3 5. Base your answer on the information given and on your knowledge of biology.

In an investigation, 28 students in a class determined their pulse rates after performing

each of three different activities. Each activity was performed three times during equal

time intervals. The average results are shown in the accompanying graph.

Before constructing the graph it would have been most helpful to organize the results of

the investigation in

1. a research plan 3. a data table

2. an equation 4. a generalization

3 Before constructing the graph it would have been most helpful to organize the results

of the investigation in a data table. Data tables assist the researcher by providing a means

of organizing data during the course of an experiment. Properly designed, a data table

facilitates efficient analysis of experimental results.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) Before constructing the graph it would not have been most helpful to organize the

results of the investigation in a research plan. A research plan is an outline of the steps

that must be taken to run an experiment, collect and analyze data, and draw inferences

and conclusions. A research plan is drawn up well before data is collected and organized

into a data table.

(2) Before constructing the graph it would not have been most helpful to organize the

results of the investigation in an equation. An equation is a mathematical model that

assists scientists in describing a natural phenomenon and in better understanding it. An

equation is developed as an aspect of data analysis after data is collected.

(4) Before constructing the graph it would not have been most helpful to organize the

results of the investigation in a generalization. A generalization is a statement of

inference or conclusion that is developed as a result of considerable data collection,

analysis, and modeling. Generalizations are the last component of a research plan to be



6. Although the digestive system is primarily responsible for the breakdown of food, this

process can be disrupted if the circulatory system malfunctions because the nutrients

cannot be delivered to the cells that need them. The best explanation for this disruption is


1. Human body systems interact with each

other to perform life functions

3. the digestive system and the circulatory

system the same organs

2. the circulatory system is the control

center of the body

4. the circulatory system is responsible for

the the breakdown of food

1 The best explanation for this disruption is that human body systems interact with each

other to perform life functions. In humans, these systems are cooperative in their

operation and allow for coordination and homeostatic balance of the body.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (2), (4) The best explanation for this disruption is not that the circulatory system is the

control center of the body or that the circulatory system is responsible for the

coordination of life functions, including the breakdown of food. In humans, control and

coordination are functions provided by the nervous system, not the circulatory system.

(3) The best explanation for this disruption is not that the digestive system and the

circulatory system have many organs in common. In humans, these systems are separate

and distinct. They are cooperative in their operation and allow for coordination and

homeostatic balance of the body.

2 7. Base your answer on the accompanying information and on your knowledge of


An experiment was designed to test whether students could squeeze a clothespin more

times in one minute after resting or after exercise.

The dependent variable for this experiment is the

1. time the student was squeezing the

clothespin 3. strength of the student

2. number of times the student was able to

squeeze the clothespin 4. length of the clothespin

2 The dependent variable for this experiment is the number of times the student was able

to squeeze the clothespin. The dependent variable in an experiment is the factor that is

being measured and that changes in response to the experimental conditions controlled

by the researcher. In this case, the researcher is measuring the number of times the

students could squeeze a clothespin within a given time period (one minute) under two

different conditions (after rest or after exercise). In this experiment, the number of times

the clothespin is squeezed is the dependent variable.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED: (1), (4) The dependent variable for this experiment is not the time the student was

squeezing the clothespin or the length of the clothespin. These factors represent constant,

not variable, conditions of the experiment. They are established by the researcher as a

part of the experimental method.

(3) The dependent variable for this experiment is not the strength of the student. Because

the student subjects tested in this experiment are individuals whose strength may vary

greatly, a large number of students should be tested to ensure that the experimental

results are not biased. This variable is neither dependent nor independent. It is an

experimental subject variable that should be factored into the experimental design.

3 8. In an experiment to test the effect of exercise on the number of times a clothespin can

be squeezed in 1 minute, the dependent variable would be the

1. test subject 3. number of squeezes

2. amount of exercise 4. clothespin

3 In an experiment to test the effect of exercise on the number of times a clothespin can

be squeezed in 1 minute, the dependent variable would be the number of squeezes. The

dependent variable in any experiment is the factor being tested, a factor that varies in

response to researcher-manipulated changes in the independent variable. In this case, the

number of squeezes in 1 minute is the variable dependent on the researcher-manipulated

variable, which is the amount of exercise done by the test subjects prior to the


WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) In an experiment to test the effect of exercise on the number of times a clothespin can

be squeezed in 1 minute, the dependent variable would not be the test subject. The test

subject is the student whose responses to the independent variable are being tested and


(2) In an experiment to test the effect of exercise on the number of times a clothespin can

be squeezed in 1 minute, the dependent variable would not be the amount of exercise.

The amount of exercise is the independent variable manipulated by the researcher.

(4) In an experiment to test the effect of exercise on the number of times a clothespin can

be squeezed in 1 minute, the dependent variable would not be the clothespin. The

clothespin is the equipment used to measure the dependent variable, not the variable


3 9. Base your answer on the accompanying diagram illustrating one type of cellular

communication and on your knowledge of biology.

If a stimulus is received by the cells at A, the cells at E will most likely use energy

obtained from a reaction between

1. DNA and RNA 3. glucose and oxygen

2. ecosystems and biospheres 4. populations and communities

3 The cells at E will most likely use energy obtained from a reaction between glucose

and oxygen if a stimulus is received by the cells at A. The diagram illustrates a reflex arc

involving a receptor organ (represented by the skin cells labeled A), a nerve connection

(represented by the nerve cells labeled B, C, and D), and an effector organ (represented

by the muscle cells labeled E). When a stimulus is received at A, the appropriate motor

response at E is typically muscle contraction. This motor response requires ATP energy

released during aerobic respiration involving a chemical reaction between oxygen and


WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) The cells at E will not use energy obtained directly from a reaction between fats and

enzymes. Fats are complex foods that must be broken down (digested) into simpler

substances (fatty acids and glycerol) before they can be oxidized to release energy for

cell processes. Enzymes are organic catalysts that can speed up or slow down reactions,

including fat digestion, but do not react with other substances in these reactions.

(2) The cells at E will not use energy obtained directly from a reaction between ATP and

pathogens. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a chemical that temporarily stores energy for

cell processes. A pathogen is a disease-causing organism such as a virus or bacterium.

There is no known reaction that occurs between ATP and pathogens.

(4) The cells at E will not use energy obtained directly from a reaction between water

and carbon dioxide. Water and carbon dioxide are reactants in the biochemical process of

photosynthesis. Photosynthesis reactions store light energy in the chemical bonds of

glucose molecules. Although this reaction may ultimately result in the energy used at E,

it is not the most direct source of this energy.

4 10. Which organ system in humans is most directly involved in the transport of oxygen to

different tissues and cells in the body?

1. digestive 3. excretory

2. nervous 4. circulatory

4 The circulatory system in humans is most directly involved in the transport of oxygen.

Molecular oxygen is absorbed from the air into the moist lung tissues, where it diffuses

through capillary walls and into red blood cells. Red blood cells contain the protein

hemoglobin that links chemically with oxygen molecules. The absorbed oxygen is then

carried throughout the body within the circulatory system until it is released to tissues for

use in the process of cellular respiration.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) The digestive system in humans is not most directly involved in the transport of

oxygen. The digestive system is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of food

materials, not for carrying oxygen.

(2) The nervous system in humans is not most directly involved in the transport of

oxygen. The nervous system is responsible for regulating the body's activities by

receiving and interpreting environmental stimuli and by carrying nerve impulses from the

central nervous system to effectors such as muscles and glands.

(3) The excretory system in humans is not most directly involved in the transport of

oxygen. The excretory system is responsible for eliminating waste materials (e.g., carbon

dioxide, urea) from the body, not for carrying oxygen.

4 11. An experiment was designed to test whether students could squeeze a clothespin

more times in 1 minute after resting or after exercising. What would be a hypothesis for

the experiment?

1. Do students squeeze clothespins more

often in 1 minute after exercising?

3. Ten students who exercise before

squeezing a clothespin squeezed it more

times in 1 minute than ten students who

rested first.

2. Can most students squeeze a clothespin

more times after they rest?

4. Students who rest before squeezing a

clothespin will squeeze it fewer times in 1

minute than students who exercise


4 An hypothesis for this experiment would be students who rest before squeezing a

clothespin will squeeze it fewer times in 1 minute than students who exercise beforehand.

The hypothesis in an experiment is the researcher's best guess about the outcome of the

experiment. In this case, the researcher is measuring the number of times the students

could squeeze a clothespin within a given time period (1 minute) under two different

conditions (after rest or after exercise). This hypothesis projects that students who

exercise beforehand will be able to squeeze the clothespin more often than students who

do not.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1), (2) A hypothesis for this experiment would not be do students squeeze clothespins

more often in 1 minute after exercising? or can most students squeeze a clothespin more

times after they rest?These are possible experimental questions that might be posed by

the researcher in preparation for setting up an experiment, not hypotheses.

(3) A hypothesis for this experiment would not be Ten students who exercised before

squeezing a clothespin squeezed it more times in 1 minute than ten students who rested

first. This is a possible observation that might be made by the researcher in analyzing and

representing the data collected during this experiment, not a hypothesis.

1 12. Which statement best describes a change that usually takes place in the human body

when the heart rate increases as a result of exercise?

1. More oxygen is delivered to muscle cells. 3. The rate of digestion increases.

2. Blood cells are excreted at a faster rate. 4. No hormones are produced.

1 More oxygen is delivered to muscle cells is the statement that best describes a change

that usually takes place in the human body when the heart rate increases as a result of

exercise. When the body exercises, muscle cells use oxygen in the process of cellular

respiration to release energy from glucose. In order to sustain activity, muscle tissue must

receive more oxygen and glucose, which is delivered to it by the bloodstream.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (2) Blood cells are excreted at a faster rate is not the statement that best describes a

change that usually takes place in the human body when the heart rate increases as a

result of exercise. The process of excretion is one in which toxic wastes such as carbon

dioxide and urea are removed from tissues. Blood cells are not excreted from the body

unless they are first broken down into nitrogenous wastes in the liver.

(3) The rate of digestion increases is not the statement that best describes a change that

usually takes place in the human body when the heart rate increases as a result of

exercise. During vigorous exercise, the body normally suspends all nonessential life

activities in order to ensure that sufficient resources are delivered to muscle cells. In this

case, the rate of digestion would decrease, not increase, during exercise.

(4) No hormones are produced is not the statement that best describes a change that

usually takes place in the human body when the heart rate increases as a result of

exercise. Hormones are produced as needed to meet the body's demands for the control

of metabolic activities in its tissues.

1 13. In the cells of the human body, oxygen and glucose molecules are used directly in a

process that

1. releases energy 3. builds red blood cells

2. digests foods 4. alters the DNA of the cell

1 In the cells of the human body, oxygen molecules are used directly in a process

that releases energy. The life process described is known as aerobic respiration. In this

process, molecules of glucose are broken down into molecules of carbon dioxide and

water, with the resulting production of ATP molecules. ATP stores the chemical bond

energy released in aerobic respiration.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (2) It is not true that in the cells of the human body, oxygen molecules are used directly

in a process that digests fats. Fats are digested by a cellular chemical process, known as

hydrolysis, that breaks up larger organic molecules into smaller subunit molecules. The

process of fat digestion begins in the small intestine, where bile from the gallbladder

enters and emulsifies complex fat into globules for easier digestion in the small intestine.

(3) It is not true that in the cells of the human body, oxygen molecules are used directly

in a process that synthesizes carbohydrate molecules. The synthesis of carbohydrate

molecules (i.e., glycogen) occurs in the liver and does not require the presence of


(4) It is not true that in the cells of the human body, oxygen molecules are used directly

in a process that alters the genetic traits of the cell. Alterations of the genetic traits of a

cell are known as mutations. Mutations do not require the presence of oxygen in order to


2 14. What is an advantage of a change in pulse rate after exercising?

1. The heart needs to produce more energy

to supply the active muscle cells and

maintain homeostasis.

3. The blood is removing oxygen from

muscle cells that were not active and

carrying it to muscle cells that are active.

2. An increased blood flow carries excess

waste products (like lactic acid) away from

the active muscle cells.

4. The blood is supplying the active muscle

cells with carbon dioxide to neutralize

wastes in those cells.

2 An increased blood flow carries excess waste products away from the active muscle

cells is an advantage of a change in pulse rate after exercising. As the blood passes

through capillaries in muscle tissues, it absorbs carbon dioxide and other wastes from

these cells for excretion via the lungs, kidneys, and skin to the outside environment.

Increasing blood flow through muscle tissues accelerates the removal of these wastes.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) The heart needs to produce more energy to supply the active muscle cells and

maintain homeostasis is not an advantage of a change in pulse rate after exercising. The

heart does not produce energy. Rather, the heart circulates dissolved glucose and

hemoglobin-bound oxygen to active muscle cells. The mitochondria in muscle cells can

then convert the chemical bond energy of glucose into ATP energy, thereby maintaining


(3) The blood is removing oxygen from muscle cells that were not active and carrying it

to muscle cells that are active is not an advantage of a change in pulse rate after

exercising. Once oxygen is released to muscle cells from the blood, the oxygen is not

then removed from those cells for transport elsewhere. Instead, the oxygen is used in the

cells to which it was first delivered.

(4) The blood is supplying the active muscle cells with carbon dioxide to neutralize

wastes in those cells is not an advantage of a change in pulse rate after exercising.

Carbon dioxide is a by-product (waste) of the respiratory reactions. Carbon dioxide is

removed from, not supplied to, muscle cells by the blood.

3 15. A student lifted weights after school and found that his muscles started to burn. He

couldn't continue to lift the weights after prolonged exercising. This muscle fatigue is

most likely due to

1. the heart beating too fast and tiring out 3. lack of oxygen in the muscles and build

up of lactic acid waste

2. the lungs accumulating oxygen 4. lack of carbon dioxide in the muscles

3 This muscle fatigue is most likely due to lack of oxygen and build up of waste in the

muscles. During periods of strenuous exercise, muscle cells quickly use up available

dissolved oxygen required for aerobic respiration. As a result, the cells resort instead to a

less-efficient form of anaerobic respiration known as lactic acid fermentation or

glycolysis. This process results in the production of a small amount of ATP energy and

the metabolic waste lactic acid. Lactic acid stimulates a pain response in the muscles

where it forms. This combination of factors is what we describe as muscle fatigue.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) This muscle fatigue is not most likely due to the heart beating too fast and tiring out.

Although an increased heart rate is typical during exercise, it is not the cause of muscle


(2) This muscle fatigue is not most likely due to the lungs accumulating oxygen. The

lungs function to absorb oxygen from the air and transfer the oxygen to the blood. This

activity is not the cause of muscle fatigue.

(4) This muscle fatigue is not most likely due to lack of carbon dioxide in the muscles.

Carbon dioxide is a waste product of aerobic respiration but not of lactic acid

fermentation. Carbon dioxide is not the cause of muscle fatigue.

1 16. A marathon runner frequently experiences muscle cramps and burning while running.

If he stops running and rests, the cramps eventually go away. The cramping and burning

in the muscles most likely results from

1. lack of adequate oxygen supply to the

muscle 3. the runner stretching before running

2. the runner running too slowly 4. breathing too much

1 The cramping of the muscles most likely results from lack of adequate oxygen supply

to the muscle. During periods of oxygen deprivation, muscle cells revert to an anaerobic

respiratory process known as lactic acid fermentation. During this process, lactic acid

builds up in the muscle cells, causing them to cramp. The lactic acid is also detected by

nerves in the muscle, sending a sensation of pain to the brain and thus alerting it to the

need to reestablish a proper oxygen level in the muscles.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (2) The cramping of the muscles does not most likely result from the runner running too

slowly. Usually running too fast for the body's capabilities, not too slowly, results in

muscle cramping.

(3) The cramping of the muscles does not most likely result from the runner warming up

before running. Warm-up techniques, in which the muscles are stretched and blood flow

increased, generally reduce the incidence of muscle cramping.

(4) The cramping of the muscles does not most likely result from increased glucose

production in the muscle. Glucose is produced in the muscles from the breakdown of

glycogen stored in the muscle cells and in the liver. Its increased production would have

little or no effect on the incidence of muscle cramping.

3 17. Base your answer on the information below and accompanying graph and on your

knowledge of biology.

Students were asked to design a lab that investigated the relationship between exercise

and heart rate. Heart rate was determined by recording the pulse rate in beats per minute.

The students hypothesized that increased exercise results in an increased heart rate. The

class results for the experiment are shown in the graph shown.

Which statement is best supported by the graph?

1. Before exercising, the average pulse rate

was 65; four minutes after exercising, the

average pulse rate was 65.

3. While exercising, the highest average

pulse rate was 150; before exercising, the

average pulse rate was 65.

2. After four minutes of exercising, the

average pulse rate was 120; two minutes

after exercising, the average pulse rate was


4. Two minutes before exercising, the

average pulse rate was 80; after two minutes

of exercise, the average pulse rate was 140.

3 While exercising, the highest average pulse rate was 150; before exercising, the

average pulse rate was 65 is the statement best supported by the graph. An examination

of the graph shows that for the five minutes prior to the start of the exercise period, the

average pulse rate was uniformly at 65 beats per minute. During the first three minutes of

the exercise period, the average pulse rate rose quickly to 120. Then it more gradually

rose to 150 over the next seven minutes. Finally, the graph shows that the average pulse

rate began to decline as soon as the exercise period ended and reached 80 beats per

minute by five minutes past this period.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) Before exercising, the average pulse rate was 65; four minutes after exercising, the

average pulse rate was 65 is not the statement best supported by the graph. The graph

indicates that four minutes after exercising, the average pulse rate was approximately 85

beats per minute, not 65.

(2) After four minutes of exercising, the average pulse rate was 120; two minutes after

exercising, the average pulse rate was 120 is not the statement best supported by the

graph. The graph indicates that after four minutes of exercising, the average pulse rate

was approximately 135 beats per minute, not 120.

(4) Two minutes before exercising, the average pulse rate was 80; after two minutes of

exercise, the average pulse rate was 140 is not the statement best supported by the graph.

The graph indicates that two minutes before exercising, the average pulse rate was

approximately 65 beats per minute, not 85. After two minutes of exercise, the average

pulse rate was approximately 90 beats per minute, not 140.

3 18. Which statement accurately compares cells in the human circulatory system to cells

in the human nervous system?

1. Cells in the circulatory system carry out

the same exact function as cells in the

nervous system.

3. Cells in the nervous system are different

in structure from cells in the circulatory

system, and they carry out different

specialized functions.

2. Cells in the circulatory system are

identical in structure to cells in the nervous


4. Cells in the nervous system carry out the

same exact function as cells in the

circulatory system.

3 Cells in the nervous system are different in structure from cells in the circulatory

system, and they carry out different specialized functions is the statement that accurately

compares cells that make up the circulatory and nervous systems of humans. Neurons, a

specific cell type found in the human nervous system, have a branched structure and are

specialized to conduct nerve impulses. By contrast, red blood cells and white blood cells

typically found in the human circulatory system are small cells whose principal functions

are to carry respiratory oxygen to body tissues and to destroy foreign antigens,


WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) Cells in the circulatory system carry out the same life function for the organism as

cells in the nervous system is not a statement that accurately compares cells that make up

the circulatory and nervous systems of humans. The primary function of the red blood

cells of the human circulatory system is the transport of materials such as oxygen and

dissolved food around the body; that of white blood cells is the immune response. By

contrast, the primary function of the neuron is the regulation of bodily functions by

means of nerve impulse transmission.

(2) Cells in the circulatory system are identical in structure to cells in the nervous

system is not a statement that accurately compares cells that make up the circulatory and

nervous systems of humans. Cells of the human circulatory system are of several

different types (including red blood cells, white blood cells, lymphocytes, and platelets);

these cells tend to be small, discrete units. Human neurons also are of several types

(including sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons) but differ from blood

tissues in that they are generally long and/or highly branched cells that cluster together in


(4) Cells in the nervous system act independently, but cells in the circulatory system

function together is not a statement that accurately compares cells that make up the

circulatory and nervous systems of humans. Scientific research increasingly indicates

that the cells of all body systems act together in a coordinated fashion even though they

may not be physically connected.

3 19. Base your answer on the information below, on the accompanying data table, and on

your knowledge of biology.

A group of students obtained the following data while trying to determine the effect of

exercise on pulse rate.

Which two body systems were most actively involved in this experiment?

1. respiratory and immune 3. respiratory and circulatory

2. digestive and endocrine 4. immune and circulatory

3 Respiratory and circulatory are the two body systems that were most actively involved

in this experiment. Data provided in the table give information about pulse rate, which

directly involves the circulatory system. The student's general knowledge of biology is

needed to understand that the respiratory system functions to provide oxygen needed for

cellular respiration as well as to remove carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes from

muscles involved in the exercise regimen.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1), (4) Respiratory and immune and immune and circulatory are not the two body

systems that were most actively involved in this experiment. The immune system

provides the body with protection from foreign invaders and potentially dangerous

antigens. This system was not directly involved with this experiment.

(2) Digestive and endocrine are not the two body systems that were most actively

involved in this experiment. The digestive system functions to break down complex

foods into soluble molecules. The endocrine system manufactures hormones that

function to direct the activities of specific target tissues. These systems were not directly

involved with this experiment.

1 20. Base your answer on the accompanying information and on your knowledge of


An experiment was designed to test whether students could squeeze a clothespin more

times in one minute after resting or after exercise.

The experimental results could be made more valid by

1. increasing the number of students 3. using safety precautions

2. using a plastic clothespin 4. making a bar graph of the data

1 The experimental results could be made more valid by increasing the number of

students. Because the student subjects tested in this experiment are individuals whose

strength may vary greatly, a large number should be tested to ensure that the

experimental results are not based on too small a number of subjects. Instead, the results

should be based on an average representing the strengths and abilities of a large, typical

group of students. Using a large number of experimental subjects makes the experimental

results more valid by helping the researcher to avoid statistical error introduced when a

too-small subject group is used.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED: (2) The experimental results could not be made more valid by using a plastic clothespin.

This factor should represent a constant condition of the experiment established by the

researcher as a part of the experimental method. Using a plastic clothespin does not make

the experimental results more valid.

(3) The experimental results could not be made more valid by using safety precautions.

Safety precautions should always be considered when conducting scientific research.

This factor should represent a constant condition of the experiment established by the

researcher as a part of the experimental method. However, using safety precautions does

not make the experimental results more valid.

(4) The experimental results could not be made more valid by making a bar graph of the

data. Graphical representations of raw data help the researcher to analyze the results of

the experiment, but they do not make the experimental results more valid.

3 21. An experiment was carried out to determine whether drinking caffeinated soda

increases pulse rate. The pulse rates of two groups of people at rest were measured.

Group A was then given caffeinated soda and group B was given caffeine-free soda. One

hour after drinking the soda, the pulse rates were measured. The participants in the

experiment were all the same age, and they were all given the same amount of soda.

The dependent variable in this experiment is the

1. type of soda given to each group 3. pulse rate of each group

2. amount of soda given to each group 4. age of participants in each group

3 The dependent variable in this experiment is the pulse rate of each group. A dependent

variable is what is measured in an experiment and what is affected by other conditions

present in the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable.

It is called dependent because it depends on the independent variable. This researcher is

testing the effect of caffeinated/caffeine-free soda (independent variable) on pulse rate

(dependent variable).

[Note: This experimental design is flawed in that it does not contain a true control group,

which might be a third group who drink only water.]

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) The dependent variable in this experiment is not the type of soda given each group.

The type of soda given each group is the independent variable of this experiment. An

independent variable is the condition in the experiment manipulated by the researcher.

(2), (4) The dependent variable in this experiment is not the amount of soda given to each

group or the age of participants in each group. These conditions of the experiment are

constants that are consciously controlled by the researcher so they do not vary from

group to group. The use of constants in an experiment helps to ensure that the

independent variable (type of soda), and not some other condition, affects the dependent

variable (pulse rate).

3 22. A student conducted an experiment to determine if listening to different types of

music would affect pulse rate. She thought that pulse rate would change with different

types of music. Each person participating in her experiment listened to seven different

selections of music for 30 seconds each. The pulse rates were taken after each 30-second

interval of music. Based on her experiment, the student concluded that a person's pulse

rate changed when listening to different types of music.

The component missing from this experiment is a

1. prediction 3. control group

2. hypothesis 4. research plan

3 The component missing from this experiment is a control group. A control group is a

second group that is subjected to all of the conditions of the experiment with the

exception of the independent variable being studied (music). The control group helps the

researcher to determine the validity of the experiment by eliminating the possibility that

the dependent variable (pulse rate) is being affected by unrecognized stimuli. This

student's control group might have been a second group of people who sat next to

members of the experimental group and who experienced all the same stimuli except the

music selections heard by the experimental group.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1), (2) The component missing from this experiment is not a prediction or a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a scientific term referring to a researcher's educated guess about the

results of an experiment. In this case, the hypothesis is about the effect of an independent

variable (music) on a dependent variable (pulse rate). The term prediction has essentially

the same meaning in general language. The student's hypothesis/prediction is captured in

the sentence "she thought that pulse rate would change with different types of music."

(4) The component missing from this experiment is not a research plan. A research plan

is a set of tasks needed to test the effect of an independent variable (music) on a

dependent variable (pulse rate). The student's research plan is captured in the following

sentences, "Each person participating in her experiment listened to seven different

selections of music for 30 seconds each. The pulse rates were taken after each 30-second

interval of music."

2 23. A student squeezes a clothespin as rapidly as possible for one minute. Without

stopping to rest, the student continues to squeeze the clothespin for a second minute. At

the end of the second minute, the student's fingers and hand feel very cramped and tired.

The physical tiredness and cramping in the muscles in the student's hand were most

likely due to the increased production of

1. energy (ATP) 3. oxygen

2. waste products (lactic acid) 4. glucose (sugar)

2 The physical tiredness and cramping in the muscles in the student's hand were most

likely due to the increased production of waste products. When muscles are exercised

strenuously, muscle tissues quickly use up available oxygen needed for the process of

aerobic respiration. At this point the cells begin to carry on a type of anaerobic

respiration known as lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid is the waste product of this

process that builds up in muscle cells and causes the feelings of cramping and tiredness

in the muscle.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) The physical tiredness and cramping in the muscles in the student's hand

were not most likely due to the increased production of ATP. ATP (adenosine

triphosphate) is an energy-rich compound that is produced as a result of the respiratory

reactions. The presence of ATP in the muscles would decrease, not increase, feelings of

cramping and tiredness in the muscles.

(3) The physical tiredness and cramping in the muscles in the student's hand

were not most likely due to the increased production of oxygen. Oxygen is used, not

produced, in muscle cells.

(4) The physical tiredness and cramping in the muscles in the student's hand

were not most likely due to the increased production of glucose. Glucose is used, not

produced, in muscle cells.

3 24. Base your answer on information below and accompanying graph and on your

knowledge of biology.

Students were asked to design a lab that investigated the relationship between exercise

and heart rate. Heart rate was determined by recording the pulse rate in beats per minute.

The students hypothesized that increased exercise results in an increased heart rate. The

class results for the experiment are shown in the graph shown.

The change in heart rate that occurs between 1 and 5 minutes of exercise is an adaptation


1. reduces the rate at which oxygen is

carried to the muscle cells

3. results in the production of more energy

(ATP) in muscle cells

2. increases the rate at which carbon dioxide 4. slows the destruction of bacon involved

is carried to the muscle cells in breathing of muscle cells

3 The change in heart rate that occurs between 1 and 5 minutes of exercise is an

adaptation thatresults in the production of more ATP in muscle cells. Red blood cells in

the bloodstream absorb and carry oxygen for use by cells throughout the body. During

exercise, an elevated heart rate increases blood flow to the muscles. Oxygen is released

into muscle cells from the blood and transported in the cytoplasm to the mitochondria.

Respiratory enzymes in the mitochondria use this oxygen to release energy from the

chemical bonds of glucose and to store that energy temporarily in molecules of ATP.

Finally, ATP supplies the muscle cell with the energy needed for continued exercise.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) It is not true that the change in heart rate that occurs between 1 and 5 minutes of

exercise is an adaptation that reduces the rate at which oxygen is carried to the muscle

cells. The rate at which oxygen is carried to the muscle cells is increased by this change

in heart rate, not reduced.

(2) It is not true that the change in heart rate that occurs between 1 and 5 minutes of

exercise is an adaptation that increases the rate at which carbon dioxide is carried to the

muscle cells. Carbon dioxide, a waste product of respiration, is removed from muscle

cells, not carried to them, by the blood.

(4) It is not true that the change in heart rate that occurs between 1 and 5 minutes of

exercise is an adaptation that slows the destruction of enzymes involved in respiration of

muscle cells. Enzymes have a finite number of reactions they can catalyze before they are

recycled. Elevated heart rate neither speeds up nor slows down their destruction.

3 25. In an experiment to determine the effect of exercise on pulse rate, a student checks

his pulse rate before and after exercising for several minutes. The purpose of checking

his pulse rate before exercising is that it

1. serves as the conclusion for the

experiment 3. serves as a control for the experiment

2. is needed to justify the sample size 4. is needed to formulate a hypothesis

3 The purpose of checking his pulse rate before exercising is that it serves as a control

for the experiment. A control is an element of an experiment. A control is identical to the

experimental group in all respects except for the independent variable, which is the

variable controlled by the experimenter. If the student seeks to test the effect of exercise

on his pulse rate (dependent variable), then measuring his resting pulse rate establishes a

baseline. Then the student can compare his resting pulse rate (control) with his pulse rate

after exercising for several minutes.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) The purpose of checking his pulse rate before exercising is not that it serves as the

conclusion for the experiment. A conclusion is a statement by the experimenter

concerning the knowledge gained after conducting a scientific experiment. Checking the

student's resting pulse rate does not constitute an experimental conclusion.

(2) The purpose of checking his pulse rate before exercising is not that it is needed to

justify the sample size. The sample size for this experiment is one subject, the

experimenter himself, and cannot be justified by this means. This is a nonsense distracter.

(4) The purpose of checking his pulse rate before exercising is not that it is needed to

formulate a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a statement of the probable outcome of a

scientific experiment. Hypotheses are typically developed from the experimenter's prior

research into an area of inquiry. Checking the student's resting pulse rate does not

constitute an experimental hypothesis.

4 26. The list below includes three organ systems that are DIRECTLY used when a human


circulatory system

muscular system

skeletal system

Which one of the following systems should also be included in the list?

1. immune system 3. digestive system

2. reproductive system 4. nervous system

4 The nervous system is the system that should also be included in the list. When a

person engages in a physical activity such as running, the nervous system is fully

involved in such neural activities as conscious decision making, motor coordination,

reflex, and autonomic control of the rates of breathing and heartbeat. This neural control

allows the body to maintain homeostasis even while under the stress of the physical


WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1) The immune system is not the system that should also be included in the list.

Although the immune system is constantly at work protecting the body from infectious

disease, this action is not directly related to the physical activity of running.

(2) The reproductive system is not the system that should also be included in the list.

Although the reproductive system is constantly at work preparing the body for the

production of offspring, this action is not directly related to the physical activity of


(3) The digestive system is not the system that should also be included in the list.

Although the digestive system is constantly at work processing foods that provide the

body with materials and energy, this action is not directly related to the physical activity

of running.

1 27. A student measures his pulse rate while he is watching television and records it. Next,

he walks to a friend's house nearby and when he arrives, measures and records his pulse

rate again. He and his friend then decide to run to the mall a few blocks away. On

arriving at the mall, the student measures and records his pulse rate once again. Finally,

after sitting and talking for a half hour, the student measures and records his pulse rate

for the last time.

Which graph best illustrates the expected changes in his pulse rate according to the

activities described above?

1 Graph 1 is the graph that best illustrates the expected changes in pulse rate as described

in the passage. While watching television, the student starts with a low resting pulse rate.

A vigorous walk increases his pulse rate to a moderate level. Running a distance

increases his pulse to a high rate as his body demands increased transport of oxygen to

the muscles. Finally, after a rest period, the pulse rate drops to a rate just above the

original resting pulse.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (2), (3), (4) Graphs 2, 3, and 4 are not the graphs that best illustrate the expected changes

in pulse rate as described in the passage. High pulse rates are normally associated with

periods of exercise, while low pulse rates are normally associated with periods of rest.

See explanation above.

4 28. Students in a science class took their pulse rates before and after they ran in place for

one minute. The class data showed that pulse rates increased with exercise. A graph of

the data would look most like (see accompanying graphs)

4 A graph of this data would look most like graph 4. If measurements of pulse rate are

taken at only two points (before exercise and after exercise), the first value will be lower

than the second value. The line connecting these two data points will be an ascending

straight line as shown in graph 4.

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1), (2), (3) A graph of this data would not look most like graphs 1, 2, or 3. The shapes of

these graphs do not match the predicted shape based on the data description provided in

the question.

3 29. As part of an experiment, the heart rate of a person at rest was measured every hour

for 7 hours. The data are shown in the accompanying table.

Which graphed line best represents this data? (HINT: Draw your own graph on the side)

3 Graph 3 has the graphed line that best represents these data. The graphed line, like the

data in the table, gradually decreases, then increases nearly to the starting point. To

properly graph this data set, the horizontal (x) axis should be labeled "Hour" and

numbered 1 through 7; the vertical (y) axis should be labeled "Heart Rate" and numbered

10 through 80 (increments of 10).

WRONG CHOICES EXPLAINED (1), (4) Graphs 1 and 4 do not have the graphed lines that best represent these data.

Neither of these graphs has points that have been placed on the grid correctly.

(2) Graph 2 does not have the graphed line that best represents these data. In this graph,

the labels and numbering of the axes have been reversed from the method described

above. By convention, time is always marked on the horizontal (x) axis of a line graph.