Ansel Adams Research.

Post on 14-May-2015

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Transcript of Ansel Adams Research.

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work

Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams.Ansel Adams was born February 20th 1902 and died on the 22nd of April 1984. He was born in San Francisco, California, United States. He’s best known for his black and white photographs. Adams used large-format cameras despite their size , set up time and film cost. He did this as he wanted the sharpest possible images and the high resolution ensured this. He developed the images himself. Adams photographs went on to be reproduced on calendars, in books and on posters which made his photographs even more known.

• This image was made in 1962 and published in 1963.

His work.

• This picture is called Golden Gate Before The Bridge.

Yosemite Valley, Thunderstorm.

• This image was made in 1945 and is one of Ansel Adams most famous picture.

Ansel Adams most famous pictures.

Influences. • Alfred Stieglitz

Ansel Adams was strongly influenced by Alfred Stieglitz who he met in 1933. As you can see in the image above you can see where Adams has took his inspiration from. Both Ansel Adams and Alfred Stieglitz pictures are both quite gloomy looking. I like the gloominess of the above picture as it adds a nice effect.


• After to moving to Carmel, California in 1960, Ansel Adams helped to found the Friends of Photography. The third exhibition shown pictures by Robert Dawson. As you can see his picture above is quite similar to the type of pictures Ansel Adams took.

Robert Dawson.


• Ansel Adams himself didn’t believe there was a wrong or right composition. A direct quote he said "The so-called rules of photographic composition are, in my opinion, invalid, irrelevant and immaterial“, states this. He didn’t like to follow rules when it came to his photography.

Strengths & Weaknesses

• I really like Ansel Adams work as he makes them extremely interesting as I found his photographs never really focus on just one object, there are always lots of little interesting things surrounding.

This is my favourite images of his because of all the little details included in the photograph. I also really like the shadow on it.