Annual lists of contractors [2004-2014] - European Food ... · Annual list of Contractors 2014 ......

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Transcript of Annual lists of contractors [2004-2014] - European Food ... · Annual list of Contractors 2014 ......


European Food Safety Authority • Via Carlo Magno 1A • 43126 Parma • ITALY

Tel. +39 0521 036 111 • Fax +39 0521 036 110 •

Annual list of Contractors 2014

Contract values € 15,000 till € 60,000

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

University of Wageningen

Extensive literature search and review and extraction of data to be used for the analysis of the relationship between vitamin D intake and status as preparatory work for the

setting of DRVs for vitamin D

23,000 €

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

Data Collection in view of preparatory to support pan European pesk risk assessment for mandate on Xylella fastidiosa

60,000 €

ANSVSA Harmonisation of the domain specific reporting requirement delivered in the context of SSD2 pilot

55,000 €

ANSES (EURL for honey bee health)

Statistical analyses of data from EPILOBEE 40,000 €

Kapellmann Legal Assistance in Court case 20,500 €

Kapellmann Legal Assistance in Court case 18,000 €

Informa Annual subscription to EU Food Law 22,000 €

Carrie Ruxton Lexicon 23,660 €

The House of Brands Brand management services 44,500 €


Value of specific contracts exceeding Directive thresholds art 170(1) RAP Resulting from framework contracts awarded in 2014

Name of


Subject Specific Contracts

value in Euro AGTEL Multimedia services for online and offline

communications 140,810 €


Software for Innovation, Diversity and Evolution (SIDE)

443,647 €

Pomilio Blumm

Events Congress Organization 439,027 €


Provision of clerical/secretarial services and operational services

252,444 €

AMNE Shuttles Services Italy and Europe 538,584 €

Telindus Network Storage Acquisition 315,691 €

Dimension Data Network and Telecom Acquisition Channel 229,837€


Informatics and Telecommunication Services 563,122 €

[DI/6690 - LOT 1] ABC II

Pre-implementation review and project

Business Continuity Strategy and Plan


265,446 €

Becthle Mobile Equipment 323,431 €


IVRI Surveillance Guards for EFSA 476,673 €


Cleaning Services 252,985 €


Maintenance Oracle DB Enterprise

Renewal maintenance from 01/07/14 to


Proof of Concept

220,137 €

CCC Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni

Building, civil engineering, fitting and

mechanical work for the construction,

restructuring and maintenance of public and

industrial buildings and related infrastructure

266,608 €

A.I.erre Engineering Facilities Management Consultancy 143,580 €


IT consultancy - Reporting Tools 141,780 €


Events and exhibition organisation services 440,514 €


IT consultancy - Infrastructure 951,025 €

AMNE Shuttles Services Italy and Europe 473,415 €

Centro Computer

Network and Telecom Acquisition Channel 404,957 €


IT consultancy - Scientific Tools 186,410 €


IT consultancy - Application Development 1,810,635 €


IT consultancy - Functional 443,852 €


EFSA maintenance 319,692 €

DELOITTE Consultancy services for those dealing with human


220,419 €


FM Servizi Operational Services for EFSA 689,612 €

COMPAREX Software Acquisition Channel 1,030,643 €

ADECCO Provision of temporary staff for EFSA 605,395 €

AGES Collection of data and information with ELS approach for the EU-28 regarding EU pests and pathogens of apple fruit

271,281 €

AVIA-GIS Data-collection on the geographic distribution of arthropod vectors and the pathogens they transmit to humans and/or animals

984,689 €


Annual list of Contractors 2013

The EFSA is required by the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation1, (article 124) to publish on its website a list of those contracts concluded during 2013 not covered by the Public Procurement Directives as well as the building contracts and specific contracts.

Contract values € 15,000 till € 60,000

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro


Preparatory work to support the risk assessment of isolated isoflavones in food supplements by post-menopausal women

48,500 €

REPRINTS DESCK INC. LIBRARY - Document Delivery Services' purchase 60,000 €


Extensive literature search and preparatory work in: 1) cropping practices of some fruit shrubs and trees; 2) presence, prevalence and direct impact (yield and quality losses) of pests and diseases (and vectors) of fruit shrubs and trees, listed in current mandate.

58,500 €

AINIA Preparatory work in relation to growing up milk 27,900 €


Trasporto a custodia di nastri magnetici 30,000 €

STARHOTEL DU PARC EFSA 18th Scientific Colloquium (15 & 16 may 2013) 27,936 €

GORKANA Media contacts database 48,000 €

MINDCLICK Purchase of hosting services for a Learning management System for EFSA

50,000 €


Provision of training on the usage of Microstrategy Software

60,000 €

Value of specific contracts exceeding Directive 2004/18/EC thresholds Resulting from framework contracts awarded in 2013

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

ICF GHK [OC/SANCO/2012/02/011-LOT 3 Food Chain ICF] Provision of evaluation, impact assessment and related services on programmes and other activities in the policy area Food Chain under the responsibility of the Directorate General Health and Consumers.

249,100 €

LASER EUROPE LTD [OC/EFSA/SAS/2012/01-LOT 3 FWC 1] LOT 3: Systematic Reviews or part(s) of Systematic Reviews in chemical Risk Assessment

480,354 €

MEDIA CONSULTA Events exhibitions 379,729 €

FACTIVA Media monitoring 190,185 €

DEMOS Development and production of publications 155,069 €

MANUTENCOOP Manutenzione di fabbricati ed infrastrutture dell`EFSA 174,327 €

IVRI Surveillance Guards for EFSA 509,829 €

MULTISERVICE Pulizia 259,770 €

AMNE Servizio navetta in Italia ed Europa 919,369 €

ADECCO Somministrazione di lavoratori interinali per l'EFSA

516,480 €

COMPAREX Netherlands B.V. [DI/6820 - SACHA II] Software Acquisition Channel 1,192,104 €

FM SERVIZI SCARL Operational Services for EFSA 769,293 €


Fixed Telephony and Data Services 214,307 €

COMPAREX Netherlands B.V.

[CT/EFSA/IT/2008/12] SACHA - Software Acquisition Channel

1,094,974 €

POLYMEDIA [CT/EFSA/ITOP/2011/30 - LOT 5] IT consultancy - Infrastructure

1,159,145 €

SELEX - ELSAG [CT/EFSA/ITOP/2011/24 - LOT 4] IT Consultancy Assistance - Functional

1,529,487 €

SELEX - ELSAG [CT/EFSA/ITOP/2011/24 - LOT 1] IT consultancy - Application Development

3,170,195 €

ORACLE [DI/7150] ORACLE 137,854 €



1 Official Journal of the European Communities, L.357, 31/12/2002, pp. 1-70

Parma, 30 April 2013

Annual list of Contractors 2012

The EFSA is required by the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation1, (article 124) to publish on its website a list of those contracts concluded during 2012 not covered by the Public Procurement Directives as well as the building contracts and specific contracts.

Contract values € 15,000 till € 60,000

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

AVIA-GIS Update and upgrade of AHAW database on RVF / Mosquitos

36,000 €

AIT Food of plant origin - Production methods and microbiological hazards linked to foodborne disease Lo1

58,000 €

AIT Food of plant origin - Production methods and microbiological hazards linked to foodborne disease Lo2

58,000 €

INSA Pilot projects on implementation of Food Ex2 (Monopoly)

35,000 €


Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

34,704.25 €

STATE GENERAL LABORATORY Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

34,900 €

University Dunarea de Jos Galati (RO) Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

32,000 €

Food and Veterinary Service (LV) Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

35,000 €

ANSES (FR) Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

35,000 €

Food Research Institute (SK) Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

35,000 €

National Food Chain Safety Office (HU) Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

35,000 €

DTU (DK) Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

35,000 €

AESAN (ES) Support to National Dietary Surveys in compliance with EFSA Guidance on general principles for the collection of national food consumption data in the view of a pan-European dietary survey - "Second Support"

60,000 €

National Institute of Health and Welfare (FI)

Updating the comprehensive food consumption database by incorporating recently collected data in adults and children

45,000 €

BVL Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA

34,973.30 €

Food Standards Agency (UK) Updating the comprehensive food consumption database by incorporating recently collected data in adults and children

50,000 €

EVIRA Pilot Projects on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonized chemical occurrence data on EFSA (6 NP 126B OF 35K EACH°

35,000 €

John Gilbert Screening of scientific literature on human exposure to Bisphenol A via dietary and non dietary sources

48,000 €

Pallas Preparatory work related to dietary reference values for micronutrients

50,000 €

Stichting Dienst Landbouwkunding Onderzoek

Extensive literature search on crop production of host plants of some harmful organisms listed in Annex II A II of Directive 2000/29/EC”-Your offer dated 10/05/2012

53,964 €

ANSES Toxicological data analysis to support grouping of pesticide active substances for cumulative risk assessment of effects on the nervous system, liver, reproduction and development (lot3)

60,000 €

ANSES Toxicological data analysis to support grouping of pesticide active substances for cumulative risk assessment of effects on the nervous system, liver, reproduction and development (lot2)

50,000 €

ANSES Toxicological data analysis to support grouping of pesticide active substances for cumulative risk assessment of effects on the nervous system, liver, reproduction and development (lot1)

50,000 €

Prima Rent Prima January to February 2012 26,746.59 €

Neil Martinson Provision of external relations consultancy and related services

44,752.99 €

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Provision of Training courses on Oracle Document Management System to support its implementation in EFSA

40,000 €

CIPD Enterprise Ltd Recruitment Certification (lot 2) 30,000 €

PIU Rent PIU January to February 2012 26,652.76 €

INTRATEAM Intrateam event Copenhagen 22,000 €

Branton Literature review on Aspartame 17,975 €

ORC International Ltd EFSA Employee Feedback Survey 25,000 €

Cranfield University Training induction programme on risk assessment competency development

25,000 €

CIPD Enterprise Ltd Learning Management Certification (lot 1) 25,000 €

Value of specific contracts exceeding Directive 2004/18/EC thresholds

Resulting from framework contracts awarded in 2012

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

Chemservice S-IN soluzioni informatiche

Assistance to EFSA scientific units on toxicology and ecotoxicology

208,705 €

Hasselt University Center for statistic

Statistical 222,400 €

DTU Miscellaneous food additives 327,000 €

Media Consulta Events and exhibition organisation services 646,472.27 €

CAST Development and production of publications 399,430.15 €

TWOFOUR Group LTD Webcasting and related services 149,148.40€

Manutencoop Facility Managment

Manutenzione di fabbricati ed infrastrutture dell`EFSA 263,682.07

IVRI Surveillance Guards for EFSA 653,472.00

Multiservice Scarl Pulizia 275,124.05

ESIET WORKS 479,787.28 €

AMNE Servizio navetta in Italia ed Europa 980,176.35 €

ADECCO Somministrazione di lavoratori interinali per l'EFSA

852,500 €

COMPAREX Netherlands B.V. [DI/6820 - SACHA II] Software Acquisition Channel 1,171,265.98 €

FM SERVIZI SCARL Operational Services for EFSA 1,216,368.25 €


Fixed Telephony and Data Services 204,848.61 €

COMPAREX Netherlands B.V.

[CT/EFSA/IT/2008/12] SACHA - Software Acquisition Channel

1,094,974.98 €

POLYMEDIA [CT/EFSA/ITOP/2011/30 - LOT 5] IT consultancy - Infrastructure


SELEX - ELSAG [CT/EFSA/ITOP/2011/24 - LOT 4] IT Consultancy Assistance - Application Development



[CT/EFSA/ITOP/2011/48 - LOT 2] IT consultancy - Reporting Tools


SELEX - ELSAG [CT/EFSA/ITOP/2011/24 - LOT 1] IT consultancy - Application Development


ORACLE [DI/6410] ORACLE 264,793.51€

COMLIN [DI/6730 - NESTOR II] NESTOR II - Storage Equipment 198,599.73€

COMPAREX EFSA.IT.2008.12 – Software acquisition Channel 399,520.48€



1 Official Journal of the European Communities, L.357, 31/12/2002, pp. 1-70

Parma, 02 April 2012

Annual list of Contractors 2011

The EFSA is required by the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation1, (article 119) to publish on its website a list of those contracts concluded during 2011 not covered by the Public Procurement Directives as well as the building contracts and specific contracts.

Contract values € 25,000 till € 60,000

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

Logistic Service srl Outsourcing Archives (Stock- transport-destruction) 55,000 €

Rossi Photo Services 45,000 €

Autori Multimediali Production of video clips 48,000 €

Stewardship Solutions Ltd, Manchester UK

“Self assessment of EFSA’s existing Quality Management System for its scientific activities against

an ISO 9001:2008 benchmark and development of required SOPs” Lot 2 - Delivery of a package of SOPs

covering the EFSA scientific activities

47,625 €

Collegio Europeo Advance Studies on European Subjects 50,000 €

EDICOLA PI.ME Fornitura di quotidiani 32,000 €

Fiere di Parma 1700 - CONCERTO DI NATALE 2005 - FIERA DI

PARMA 25,000 €

DHL Express Express Mail Courier Services 35,000 €

Studio Miserocchi-Cavallotti Legal assistance for the provision of notarial services 25,000 €

RIVM User friendly interface version for QMRA Salmonella

pigs 58,100 €

National Food Institute, Danish Technical University

Development of a flexible user-friendly interface version of the Salmonella source-attribution model developed under CFT/EFSA/BIOHAZ/2010/02 for

evaluating targets in turkey meat production (EFSA-Q-2010-00899) and use in future source-attribution


58,000 €

AusVet Animal Health Services Pty Ltd

Assistance in Modeling and Data Analyses to Meat Inspection Mandate related to poultry meat (EFSA

Animal Health and Welfare and Biological Monitoring Units)

50,000 €

Danish Technical University Collection, preparation and updating of data on

flavourings and flavouring substances 50,000 €

University of Parma Screening of literature on bisphen

ol A

58,800 €

Dr Lesley Stanley Preparatory work for the re-evaluation of aspartame 54,214 €

Value of specific contracts exceeding Directive 2004/18/EC thresholds Resulting from framework contracts awarded in 2011

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

ORACLE Maintenance of Oracle Licenses and Technical Consultancy 182,147 €

Aierre Engineering Deliverables for Final Seat and release of current buildings 153,800 €

PCWare/COMPAREX Software acquisition channel 1,144,394 €

ESIET S.p.A. Lavori edili,impiantistica e meccanica 1,187,035 €

Multiservice scarl Cleaning services 351,731 €

PC-WARE Information Technologies BV

Software Acquisition Channel 766,482 €

Fujitsu Siemens Web licences 1,028,325 €

BEA Systems Limited Lot 1 - Specialized assistance on BEA Aqualogicc User Interaction

245,000 €

Elsag Datamat IT consultancy assistance 3,995,702 €

AIM congress srl Professional conference organiser to assist EFSA in the organisation of meetings and events

1,860,837 €

De Visu Digital Document Design SPRL

External Support services to EFSA information and publication activities - Lot 3: Graphic design, layout, printing, binding, photocopyng services and production of customised paper-based promotiona materials and stationary

430,225 €

FlyOn The Ltd., London

Webcasting services for EFSAs Management Board meetings 257,386 €

Lionbridge International External Support services to EFSA information and publication activities - Lot 2: Translation and proofreading

168,566 €

Lyreco Belgium/ Lyreco Italia Office supply 170,908 €

Multiservice Scrl Cleaning service 162,269 €

WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.

Fixed telefony and data services 182,328 €

FM Servizi scarl Operational Services for EFSA 570,993 €

POLYMEDIA IT Consultancy Assistance - Infrastructure - Times & Means 345,120 €

SELEX - ELSAG IT Consultancy Assistance - Application Development – Lot1 4,382,055 €

SELEX - ELSAG IT Consultancy Assistance - Application Development – Lot4 1,449,148 €

COMLIN Purchase of hardware and maintenance 617,184 €

CENTRO COMPUTER Network and Telecom Acquisition Channel 463,469 €

IVRI Provision of surveillance 735,591 €

VISE Srl Security Systems 182,930 €

CITTERIO Project & Furniture 1,448,001 €

Lyreco Office supply 135,201 €

FM Servizi scarl Servizi di trasloco e trasporto 339,873 €

AMNE Servizio navetta in Italia ed Europa-revision of prices 1,020,500 €

Deloitte Consulting CVBA organisation and methods and tools for monitoring and improving efficiency

392,058 €

Factiva Limited Media monitoring analysis 238,060 €

Media Consulta International Holding AG

Organisation of events and exhibitions 886,093 €

Adecco Italia Spa Somministrazione di lavoratori interinali 1,061,118 €

Dr. Luca Buzio NEW EFSA Medical Adviser 147,810 €

CAST Services for information and communication activities - Development and production of publications

266,468 €

Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)

Preparation of EU summary report on antimicrobial resistance (ZOONOSES)*, ongoing from previous years

185,348 €

DTU SC under 2011 FWC on miscellaneous food additives 162,800 €

S-IN soluzioni informatiche s. r. l.,Forschung und Beratungsinstitut Gefahrstoffe GmbH

Reports on toxicokinetic, toxicity and allergenicity data of substances to be evaluated as acceptable previous cargoes for edible fats and oils

283,170 €

OJ/S S6603/04/201098344-2010-EN

Agency - Service contract - Contract award - Not applicable 1/2

03/04/2010 S66

Agency - Service contract - Contract award - Not applicableSupplement to the Official Journal of the European Union


This notice in TED website:

I-Parma: annual list of contractors 2009

2010/S 66-098344

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Finance Unit, largo Natale Palli 5/A, 43100Parma PR, ITALY. Tel. +390521036838. Fax +39 05210360838. E-mail: Internet: http://www.efsa.europa.euThe EFSA is required by the implementing rules of the Financial Regulation ('Official Journal of the European Union',L 357, 31.12.2002, pp. 1–70) (Article 119) to publish on its website a list of those contracts concluded during 2009 notcovered by the Public Procurement Directives as well as the building contracts and specific contracts.Contract values 25 000 EUR till 60 000 EURName of contractor; subject; contract value in euros:

Chemical Regulation Directorate; proposal for revision of the guidance document on dermal absorption; 28 500 EUR.

Euromonitor International; food market intelligence; 50 000 EUR.

Technical University of Denmark; professional services; 60 000 EUR.

Technical University of Denmark; analyses of data on antimicrobial resistance in certain zoonotic agents and indicatororganisms derived from human cases, animals and food in the European Union from year 2008; 59 950 EUR.

Food and Environment Agency; preparation of a report on terminology in risk assessments performed by the scientificpanels and scientific committee of EFSA; 39 851,37 EUR.

Creme Software Ltd; computational service for exposure assessment; 37 200 EUR.

FERA; request for scientific information for revision of the guidance document on persistence in soil under CouncilDirective 91/414/EEC; 36 888 EUR.

Joao Pedro Rodrigues; assistance in data management; 40 000 EUR.

National Food Institute; preparation on pre-evaluation documents; 58 000 EUR.

Institut de Ricerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentarias; inventory of data sources relevant for the identification of emergingdiseases in the European aquaculture population; 55 350 EUR.

Semenda S.r.L.; specialised assistance in the ArcGIS specific support and development; 48 000 EUR.

Microstrategy; business intelligence reports; 47 396 EUR.

Cosepuri Soc. Coop; shuttle service for Italy and Europe; 60 000 EUR.

FPA Market and Management Advice; target audience research; 43 420 EUR.

Towers Perrin UK Limited; EFSA employee satisfaction survey; 50 000 EUR.

Value of specific contracts exceeding Directive 2004/18/EC thresholds resulting from framework contractsawarded in 2009Name of contractor; subject; contract value in euros:

DHI; assistance to the EFSA scientific units on toxicology and ecotoxicology; 238 200 EUR.

Adecco Italia SpA; provision of internal services; 360 000 EUR.

FM Servizi; IT operation assistance; 358 670 EUR.

OJ/S S6603/04/201098344-2010-EN

Agency - Service contract - Contract award - Not applicable 2/2

03/04/2010 S66

Agency - Service contract - Contract award - Not applicableSupplement to the Official Journal of the European Union


S-IN Soluzioni Informatiche; toxicology and ecotoxicology — lot 1; 146 970 EUR.

ChemService- Controlli e ricerche; data entry of pesticide ecotoxicology Tier 1 study endpoints in an XML schema-database lot 2; 82 880 EUR.

PC-WARE Information Technologies BV; software acquisition channel; 766 482 EUR.

Fujitsu Siemens; web licences; 1 028 325 EUR.

BEA Systems Limited; lot 1 — specialised assistance on BEA AquaLogic user interaction; 245 000 EUR.

Elsag Datamat; IT consultancy assistance; 3 995 702 EUR.

AIM Congress srl; professional conference organiser to assist EFSA in the organisation of meetings and events; 1 860837 EUR.

De Visu Digital Document Design SPRL; external support services to EFSA information and publication activities — lot 3:graphic design, layout, printing, binding, photocopying services and production of customised paper-based promotionalmaterials and stationery; 430 225 EUR. Ltd, London; webcasting services for EFSA's Management Board meetings; 257 386 EUR.

Lionbridge International; external support services to EFSA information and publication activities — lot 2: translation andproof-reading; 168 566 EUR.

Lyreco Belgium/Lyreco Italia; office supply; 170 908 EUR.

Multiservice Scrl; cleaning service; 162 269 EUR.


1 Official Journal of the European Communities, L.357, 31/12/2002, pp. 1-70

Parma, 20 March 2009

Annual list of Contractors 2008

The EFSA is required by the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation1, (article 119) to publish on its website a list of those contracts concluded during 2008 not covered by the Public Procurement Directives as well as the building contracts and specific contracts.

Contract values € 25,000 till € 60,000

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

Maison des enfants de la côte d'Avoire Rimozione, ritiro ed utilizzo a scopi benefici di materiale informatico obsoleto 40.000,00

Vose Software BVBA Animal agriculture and food safety risk analysis training courses 45.000,00

RAMBOLL Management Brussels sa EFSA Expert Survey 47.050,00

Central Science Laboratory Pre-assessment of environmental impact of zinc and copper used in animal nutrition 48.208,00

Economisti Associati S.R.L. Examination of Authorisation Dossiers 57.900,00

IMPACT - International Health Impact Assessment Consortium

Assessment of EFSA impact including recommendations on key impact indicators 59.355,00

Zanichelli Roberto Fornitura di quotidiani 60.000,00

Building contracts

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

Piacentina Immobili Urbani S.p.A. Renting of buildings 180.000,00

Value of specific contracts exceeding Directive 2004/18/EC thresholds Resulting from framework contracts awarded in 2008

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

Cogedim S.r.l. Lavori 230.353,91

Esiet S.r.l. Lavori 249.646,09

Vise Gruppo Impex Italia S.r.l Manutenzione e potenziamento dei sistemi di sicurezza dell'EFSA 175.637,00

Center for Statistics - Hasselt University

Analysis of the EU-wide baseline surveys on Campylobacter spp. In broiler flocks and on Campylobacter spp. And Salmonella spp. In

broiler carcasses


Center for Statistics - Hasselt University Development of SAS macro to import, analyse and visualise data from the DG SANCO


National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM)

Analysis of the EU-wide baseline surveys on Salmonella spp. And MRSA in holdings with

breeding pigs 74.130,00

European Food Safety Authority

1 Official Journal of the European Communities, L.357, 31/12/2002, pp. 1-70

Parma, 23 March 2007

Annual list of Contractors 2006

The EFSA is required by the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation1, (article 119) to publish on its website a list of those contracts concluded during 2006 not covered by the Public Procurement Directives as well as the building contracts.

Contract values € 25,000 till € 60,000

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

Abax Arti Grafiche S.r.l. Zoonoses Summary report 2005 28,750.00

Albacom.AMPS Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.

Supply of LCD screens, installation and maintenance


Bar Caffelatte Snc Servizi di fornitura caffe' bibite per le riunioni all'EFSA


Centro Computer S.p.A Supply of Proxy cache 49,500.00

De Visu Publishing and printing of 2 issues of the EFSA scientific Colloquium Series Summary Reposrts


Dimension Data Belgium Supply of VPN card and associated software and support services


Dott. Graziano Frigeri Consulente medico 49,500.00

Il Colle Movimento Merci a r.l. Servizi di trasloco e facchinaggio


Lielens & Partners Publishing and printing 7 issues EFSAnews 2006


SL Design Producion of EFSA AR 2005 and AR 2005 summary


The King's Centre for Risk Management

Annual review on risk communication issues


Building contracts

Name of Contractor Subject Contract value in Euro

Bonatti S.p.A. Lavori - edifici 16,156.00

Bonatti S.p.A. Immobiliare Mentana S.p.A. Unieco Societa' Coop

Locazione di posti auto 15,780.00

C.M. S.r.l. Lavori: impianti elettrici, meccanici, allarme sicurezza etc.
