'Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in … · 2008-07-15 ·...

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Transcript of 'Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in … · 2008-07-15 ·...

2005 27th Annual International

Conference of the IEEE

Engineering in Medicine and

Biology Society

Shanghai, China

31 August - 03 September 2005

Volume 6 of 7

^ICCC IEEE Catalog Number: 05CH37M1

ISBN: 0-7803-8740-6

UB/TIB Hannover

Table of Contents

Physiological and Behavioral Evaluation of Mental Load in Shared Attention Tasks 5526Melanie Morel, Claire Petit, Marie Pierre Bruyas, Andre Chapan, Andre Dittmar, Georges De/homme, Christian Collet

The Influence of Stochastic Organ Conductivity in 2D ECG Forward Modeling: A Stochastic Finite Element Study 5528Sarah Elizabeth Geneser, Senngkeol Choe, Robert M, Kirby, Robert MacLeod

Using Independent Component Analysis to Research Heart Rate Variability 5532

ZhangyongLi, Shengrong Liu, ZhengxiangXie, Wei Wang

Adaptive PI Regulation of Blood Pressure ofHypertension Patients 5536K. Y. Zhn, Hang Zheng, J Lavanya

Correlation Changes of Ecg and Ecg after Fast Cable Car Ascents 5540G. Edlinger, Christoph Guger

Influence ofExposure to Diesel Emissions in Rats and Distribution Profile for R-R Interval 5544

MasakiKyoso, Masahito Narisawa, Eijilto, Masayuki hhijima, Kctzuo Yana, Aiswmka Kato, 'Isuyoshi ho. Yoko Ishihara

Dynamic Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Based on Orthogonal Wavelet Transform 5548Shan Lu, Hao Yang, Wenyu Ye, Dongping Xiao, Xiaoyu Wu

Dynamic Analysis for Blood Flow Parameters of Cardiovascular System on Work Load . 5551Kui-xing Zhang, Yan Wang, Song Zhang, Yi-min Yang, Zhi-chang Lito, Yan-jun Zeng

Fetal Heart Rate Deceleration Detection from the Discrete Cosine Transform Spectrum 5555

PhilipA, Warrick, Doina Precup, Emily Hamilton, Robert Edward Kearney

Assessing Cardiovascular Function Status with Non-Linear Indexes from HRV of Exercise Testing 5559Xia Li, Jing Bai

Effect of Novel Nanoscale Energy Patches on Spectral and Nonlinear Dynamic Features ofHeart Rate VariabilitySignals in Healthy Individuals During Rest and Exercise 5563Homayoun Nazeran, Surya Mala Chatlapalli, Rohit Krishnam

Extraction of Photoplethysmographic Waveform Variability by Lowpass Filtering 5568Gregoiy S H Chan, Paul M Middleton, Nigel H Lovell, Branko G Celler

Evaluation of the Effect of Visual Stimulation on Humans by Simultaneous Experiment with Multiple Subjects 5572Norihiro Sugita, Makoto Yoshizawa, Akira Tanaka, Ken-ichiAbe, Shigeru Chiba, Tomoyuki Yamhe, Shm-ichi iXitta

The Effects of Exercises on the Relationship between Pulse Transit Time and Arterial Blood Pressure 5576Yee Man Wong, Yuan-Ting Zhang

Beat to Beat Classification ofLong Electrocardiograms Using Entropies and Hierarchical Clustering 5579Mohammad Reza Bahmanyar, Wamadeva Balachandran

Cardiac Beat Classification Using a Fuzzy Inference System , ., 5582Jorge E, Monzon, Maria hies PisareUo

Combined Fetal Ultrasonography and Magnctocardiography , 5585Ronald Wakai, Hni Zhao, Jamile Stj-ashurgerECG Beat Classification Using Mirrored Gauss Model 5587Qunyi Zhou, Xing Liu, Huilong Duan

Improvement ofVentricular Mechanical Properties by Puerarin Involves Mitochondrial Permeability Transition inIsolated Rat Heart During Ischemia and Reperfusion

, 5591Qin Gao, Hong-yang Pan, Iain C Bruce, QiangXia

Rutin-Induced Endothclium-Dependent Vasorelaxation in Rat Aortic Rings and the Underlying Mechanism 5595Man-UXia, Xin-meiZhou, Hui Yao, Ihti-diJiang, Iain CBruce, Er-qing Wei. QiangXiaEffects of4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal on Cultured Human Aortic Endothelial Cells and Myocardial Cell 5598JianXu, Jilin Zhou, Ningfii Wang, IlaiyingXuA Model for Intracranial Hydrodynamics

, 5603Marian Walter, Steffen Leonhardt, Stejanic Jetzki

Numerical Simulation of Air Flow in the Human Nasal Cavity 5607Kezhou Wang, Thomas Denney Jr., Edward Morrison, VItaly I'odyanoyIdentification ofApparently Acausai Stiffness Models 5611David Westv'ick, Eric Perreaull

Identification of Quadratic Nonlinear Models Oriented to Genetic Network Analysis .5615Francesco Amato, Mukesh Bansal, Carlo Cosentino. Walter Cwatola. Diego di Bernardo

Efficacy ofUsing Mean Arterial Blood Pressure Sequence for Linear Modeling of Cerebral Autoregulation 5619Piyush Geha/ot, Aby Mathew, Rang Zhang. Kltosraw Behk'hani

Weighted Fuzzy Classification with Integrated Learning Method for Medical Diagnosis 5623Tomohant Kakashima, Gerald Schaejer, Yaxuyuki Yokota, Shan YingZhu, Hixao hlubuchi


Table of Contents

Noise Removal of ECG Signals Using Legendre Moments 5627

Ban Hoe Kwan, Kok Meng Ong, Rm-eendran Paramesran

Estimation ofHidden State Variables of the Intracranial System Using Constrained Nonlinear Kalman Filters 5631Xiao Hu, I'aleriy Nenov, Matvin Bergsneider, Paul Vespa

On the Optimal Extraction of Neural Correlates of Binaural Interaction for Bilateral Cochlear Implant Adjustments 5635Daniel J. Strauss, Wolfgang Delb

Filtering Electrocardiogram Signals Using the Extended Kalman Filter 5639Reza Sameni, Mohammad Bagher Shamsollahi, Christian Jutten

An Improved Mean Frequency Estimator for Ultrasonic Color Flow Imaging Using Second-Order AutoregressiveModel 5643

Peidong Wang, Yi Shen, Xiaotao Wang

Comparison ofTime-Variant Coherence Algorithms in Single-Trial: A Dynamic Analysis 5647

Daniel Perez, Marko Helbig. Mehmet Eylem Kirlangic, Galina Ivanovo

Noninvasive Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Based on Instantaneous Frequency of Diastolic Murmurs and SVM 5651

Zhidong Zhao

Multiple Cardiac Arrhythmia Recognition Using Adaptive Wavelet Network 5655

Chia-HungLin, Pei-Jarn Chen, Yung-Fu Chen, You-Yun Lee, Tainsong Chen

Unsupervised Classification in Uterine Electromyography Signal: Toward the Detection ofPreterm Birth 5660

Mohamad Diab, Mohamad KhaliI, Catherine Marque

Hybrid Feature Vector Extraction in Unsupervised Learning Neural Classifier 5664

Pawel Stanislaw Kostka, Ewaryst Janusz Tkacz, Dariusz Komorowski

Implications for Healthcare Knowledge Management Systems: a case study 5668

A.N. Dwivedi, R.K. Bali, R.N.G. Naguib

Management ofMedical Technology - Implementation Issues 5672

Ian Brown, Andrew Smale, Matthew Wong

A Quantitative System for Pulse Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine 5676

Huiyan Wang, Yiyu Cheng

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Video Summarization and Browsing 5680

Jacob Scharcanski, Wilson Gaviao, Sabino Cunha FilhoJoao

Building Hospital EPR with DIE Technical Framework 5684

Chenghao Zhang, Jie Feng, Guozhen Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Yongqiang Tan

Cost-Effectiveness Index Modeling for a Hospital Unit 5687

Emileen Chia, Poh Wah Khong, Dhanjoo Gltista

A Viral Envelope As a Vehicle for Tracer, Drug, and Gene Delivery: Initial Biodistribution Study Using PET Imaging 5691

Jennifer A. Flexman, Satoshi Minoshima, Yongmin Kim, Sosuke Miyoshi, Barbara L. Lewellen, Donna J. Cross

Non-Invasive Imaging of Small-Animal Tumors: High-Frequency Ultrasound vs. MicroPET 5695

Ai-Ho Liao, Chen-Hart Li, Weng-Fang Cheng, Pai-Chi Li

Diffraction Enhanced X-Ray Imaging for Observing Guinea Pig Cochlea 5699

Hongxia Yin, Bo Liu, Xin Gao, Hang Shu, Xiulai Gao, Peiping Zhu, Shuqian Luo

Liposomal ContrastAgent for CT Imaging of the Liver......... 5702

Xiaohui Wei, Fang Geng, Dandan He, Jian Qiu, YuhongXu

Imaging on the Binding of FITC-Insulin with Insulin Receptors in Cortical Neurons ofRat 5706

Yong Luo, HuibiXu, Kaixun Huang, Zhlhong Zhang, Oingming Luo, QiongLiu

Identification of a New Protein from Silkworm Pupas by Biological Mass Spectrometry 5709

LiangJiang, Qiong Liu, Jinhong Zeng, HuibiXu, Decong Hu, Hongxia Wang

Equivalent Contractility Indexes for the Assessment of Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Post-AMI Human Hearts 5712

Jia-Jung Wang, Pin-Wane Wang, Tsiar Kao, Wei-Chih Hu, Chun-Peng Liu

Cardiac Force and Muscle Shortening in Regional Ischemia: Asynchronization and Possible Uncoupling 5716

John K-J. Li, YingZ.hu, Xiaoming Guan, Gaty Drzewiecki, Joseph Kedem

Determination of the Left Ventricular Myofiber Angle Analytically and Its Significance 5719

Li Liu, Liang Zhong, Dhanjoo Ghisla, Leok Poh Chua, Sankaranarayanan Meena, Yong Seng Tan, Ru San Tan

Nitric Oxide Participates in the Negative Inotropic Effect of Interferon-Alpha in Rat Cardiac Muscle 5723

Tlui Yao, Xiao-hong He. lain C Bruce, QiangXia

Relationship between the Left Ventricular Elastance and the Effective Arterial Elastance in AMI Patients after

Thrombolysis »


Jia-Jung Wang, Pin-Wane Wang, Wei-Chih Hu, Tsiar Kao, Chun-Peng Liu


Table of Contents

A Simultaneous Framework for Recovering Three Dimensional Shape and Nonrigid Motion from Cardiac Image

Sequences ' 5731

LingZhuang, Huafeng Liu, Xiao Liang, Hujun Bao, Hongjie Hu, Pengcheng Shi

Identification ofVigilance Lapses Using EEG/EOG by Expert Human Raters 5735

Malik Tivanka Rajiv Peiris, Richard D. Jones, Paul Robert Davidson, G. J. Carroll, T. L. Signal, P. J. Parkin, M van dun Berg,

P. J. Bones

Monitoring Driver's Alertness Based on the Driving Performance Estimation and the EEG Power Spectrum Analysis 5730

Sheng-Fu Liang. Chin-Teng Lin, Ruei-ChengWu, Yu-Clneh Chen, Teng-Yi Huang, Tzyy-1'ingJtmg

Fractal Dimension of the EEG for Detection ofBehavioural Microsleeps 5742

Mahk Tivanka Rajiv Peiris, Richard D. Jones, Paul Robert Davidson, P. J. Bones. D. J Mvall

A Neuro-Behavioral Test and Algorithms for Quantification of Sleepiness and Characterization of Wake-Sleep

Transitions • 5746

Mohammad Modarres-Zadeh

Analyzing Event-Related Brain Dynamics in Continuous Compensatory Tracking Tasks 5750

Ruey-Song Huang, Tzyy-Ping Jung, Scott Makeig

Detecting Behavioral Microsleeps Using EEG and LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks 5754

Paul Robert Davidson, RichardD. Jones, Malik Tivanka Rajiv Peiris

Wide FOV Wedge Prism Endoscope 5758

KeriKim, Daeyoimg Kim, Kiyoshi Malsumiya, Etsuko Kobayashi, Takeyashi Dohi

Robotic System for Microsurgical Keratoplasty 5762

Yida Hu, Dazhai Li, Guanghua Zong, Xuguang Sun

Effects of Velocity Modulation During Surgical Needle Insertion 5766

Tanm Podder, Douglas Clark, Dave Fuller, Jason Sherman, Deborah Rubens, ll'an-Sing S'g, Lydia l.iao. John Strang. Edward

Messing, Yongde Zhang, Yan Yu

A Miniature Cable-Driven Robot for Crawling on the Heart 5771

Nicholas A Patronik. Marco A Zenati, Cameron N Riviere

Inverse Kinematic Model of Flexure-Based Microsurgical Manipulator 5775

Juan Garcia-Avedillo, David Y Choi, Cameron N Riviere

Ktiot-Tying with Visual and Force Feedback for VR Laparoscopic Training , 5778

Tei Wang, Etieime Burdet, Ronald Hendrik \'uillemin, Hannes Bleuler

sequential Acquisition and Processing ofPerfusion and Diffusion MRI Data for a Porcine Stroke Model 5782

Matthew Neimark, Andrew Laine, Stephen Dashnaw, Envin Lin, John Pile-Spellman

White Matter Fiber Tracking Method by Vector Interpolation with Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data in Human Brain 5786

XinZhao, Mingshi Wang, Wei Gao, Halving Liu

Intravascular Effect in Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling 5790

Wen-Chau Wu, Eric Wong

Evaluation of Hemodynamic MR Images .„ , ,....5794

OnurAgus, Mehmed Ozkan, Kubilay Aydin, Muge Sahinbas, Sena Sencer

Characterizing Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data with Directional Entropy .,5798

Tuomas Neuvonen, Eero Salli

Spatial Frequency Dependence ofthe Human Visual Cortical Response to Temporal Frequency Modulation Studied byfMRI

,, 5802

Mohammad AH Oghabian. AH Mirzajani, Nader Riyahi-Alam. //. Saberi. K. Firuznia

Linear and Non-Linear Features of Surface EMG During Fatigue and Recovery Period 5804Hong-chun Yang, Du-ming Wang, Jiun Wang

Muscle Force Augmentation by Low-Intensity Electrical Stimulation,

5808Eran Langzam, Eli Isakov, Yael Nemirovsky, Joseph Mizruhi

Robust and Preceding Speech Detection Using EMG 5812

HiroyuU Manabe, Musaaki Fukumoto

Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Motor Unit Location for the Precise Estimalion of Muscle Force wl(hSurface Electromyograms


Jim Akazawct, Tetsuo Sato, Kotaro Minato, Masaki Ytishida

Prediction ofFour Degrees of Freedom Arm Movement Using EMG Signal 5820Kyuwan Choi, llidcaki Ilirose, Toshio. lijima, Yasuharu Koike

Evaluation of Muscle Activity and Fatigue in Extensor Forearm Muscles During Isometric Contractions 5824

Miquel Angel Marianas. M. Rojas, Francesco Mandrils. Joaquim Chuler


Table of Contents

Ventilatory Instability During Sleep: New Insights from the Computational Model 5828Zbigniew L. Topor, Konstantinon Vasilakos, John E. Remmers

"Optimal" Application of Ventilatory Assist in Cheyne-Stokes Respiration: A Simulation Study 5832Michael Khoo, Michael Benser

Modelling the Respiratory Chemoreflex Control ofAcid-Base Balance 5836James Duffln

A Simple Model of Dynamic Interactions between Respiratory Centers 5840Ian Joseph, Robert Butera

Nonassociative Learning in Expiratory Inhibition of Inspiratory Motor Output: An Experimental and Modeling Study 5843Gidmin Wang, Gang Song. Chung Tin, Chi-Sang Poon

Neural Plasticity of Respiratory Control System: Modeling Perspectives 5847Chi-Sang Poon

Nanoelectropulse Intracellular Perturbation and Electropermeabilization Technology: Phospholipid Translocation,Calcium Bursts, Chromatin Rearrangement, Cardiomyocyte Activation, and Tumor Cell Sensitivity 5850P. Thomas Vernier, Yinghua Sun, Jingjing Wang, Mya Mya Tint, Edward Garon, Miguel Valderrabano, Laura Marcu, H. PhillipKoejfler, Martin A. Gundersen

Nanofunctionalisation for the Treatment of Peripheral Nervous System Injuries 5854Laura Pastorino, Federico CanevaSoumetz, Carmelina Ruggiero

Electrospun Blends ofNatural and Synthetic Polymers As Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering 5858Mengyan Li, Mark Mondrinos, Xuesi Chen, Peter Lelkes

Investigating Testing Elasticity of Equivalent Material for Human Skin 5862Xie Chi, LiuNian, Gao Zhongyou, LinDaquan, GuoZuoda

Wireless Head Cap for EOG and Facial EMG Measurements 5865Antti Vehkaoja, Jarmo Verho, Merja Puurtinen, NiinaNojd, Jukka Lekkala, Jari Hyttinen

Accurate Determination ofRespiration Rhythm and Pulse Rate Using an Under-Pillow Sensor Based on WaveletTransformation 5869Xin Zhu, Wenxi Chen, Tetsu Nemoto, Yumi Kanemitsu, Kei-ichiro Kitamura, Ken-ichi Yamakoshi

A Non-Invasive Detection ofLung Cancer Combined Virtual Gas Sensors Array with Imaging Recognition Technique 5873Xing Chen, Mingfu Cao, Yan Hao, Yi Li, Ping Wang

Cuff-Less and Noninvasive Measurements ofArterial Blood Pressure by Pulse Transit Time 5877Carmen CYPoon, Yuan-Ting Zhang

Common Mode Noise Cancellation for Electrically Non-Contact ECG Measurement System on a Chair 5881Ko Keun Kim, Yong Kyu Lim, Kwang S. Park

Estimation ofRespiratory Rate and Heart Rate During Treadmill Tests Using Acoustic Sensor , 5884Boris Popov, Gilberto Sierra, Valeiy Telfort, Rajeev Agarwal, Victor Lanzo

Improved Estimation ofHuman Cortical Activity and Connectivity with the Multimodal Integration ofNeuroelectricand Hemodynamic Data 5888

Fabio Babiloni, Laura Astolfi, A. Basilisco, L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, L. Ding, K. Christine, J. Sweeney, J. C. Edgar, G.A. Miller, B.


A Spectral Clustering Approach to fMRIActivation Detection, 5892

Lin Shi, Pheng Ann Heng, Tien-Tsin Wong

Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis of fMRI Signals Using HDR Models 5896

Defeng Wang, Lin Shi, Daniel S. Yenng. Eric C.C. Tsang

Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Measuring ofAttractiveness of Opposite-Sex Faces 5900

Takashi Mitsuda, Ryo Yoshida

CRLS-PCA Based Independent Component Analysis for fMRI Study 5904

Ze Wang, Jiongjiong Wang, AnnaRose Childress, Hengyi Rao, John A. Dene

Model-Based Receptor Quantization Analysis for PET Parametric Imaging 5908

Z. Jane Wang, Peng Oiu, K. J. Ray Liu, Zsoh Szabo

The Decomposition of Surface EMG Signals Based on Blind Source Separation of Convolved Mixtures 5912

Qiang Li, Jihai Yang, Xiang Chen, Zheng Liang, Yan-xuan Ren

Improved Method for Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring 5916

Mihaela Ungureanu, Johannes Wilhelmus Maria Bergmans, Massimo Mischi, S. Guid Oei, Rodica Strungaru

Double Spectral Theorem and Two Type Magnitude-Squared Coherence Functions 5920

ZhengxiangXie, HongLi, DanmeiXie, ZhangyongLi. Xue FeiZhong. ZhiFang Wang, YuhongLiu

A Method Based on Wavelet Transform to Reduce 1/f Noise 5924

Guiheng Zhou, Shiqin Jiang, Fan Yang, Xiaoping Yu


Table of Contents

Analysis of Time-Varying Coherence ofEEG During Face Recognition Based on Harmonic Transform S92)

WeilingXu, Minfen Shen, Shuwang Wang, Heyan Chan

EMG Signal Classification for Myoelectric Teleoperating a Dexterous Robot Hand 5931

Jingzhang Wang, Rencheng Wang, Fang Li, Mingwen Jiang, Dewen Jin

The Investigation on sEMG of Lower Extremity When a Slip Occurs in Level Walking 5934Jiankun Yang, Dewen Jin, Rencheng Wang, Jichuan Zhang. Xin Fang. LinHongJi, Da Wei Zhou

Extracting ERP by Combination of Subspace Method and Lift Wavelet Transform 5938

Xinbing Xiong, Yaguang Chen

Study on the Spatial Variability and the Sampling Scheme of Soil Nutrients in the Field Based on GPS and GIS 5942

Yong He, Haiyan Song, Shujuan Zhang, Hui Fang

De-Noising ofECG Signal Using Translation-Invariant Wavelet De-Noising Method with Improved Thresholding 5945

Li Su, Guoliang Zhao

Incorporating BSS to Epileptic Seizure Predictability Measure from Scalp EEG 5950

MinJing, SaeidSanei, Javier Corsini, Gonzalo Alarcon

Estimation ofPropagation Velocity ofGastric Electrical Activity Using LMSTDE 5954

Wenhong Liu, Tianshuang Qiu, Zhiyue Lin, Richard W. McCallum

Study on EEG source localization in frequency domain 5958

Xuyuan Zheng, Baikun Wan

Phoneme Classification for Speech Synthesiser Using Differential EMG Signals between Muscles 5962

Nan Bu, Toshio Tsuji, Jun Arita, Makoto Ohga

Electrical Stimulation ofIsolated Rabbit Retina 5967

Gye Hwan Jin, Jang-hee Ye, Tae Soo Lee, Yong Sook Goo

Development of the EEG Measurement Technique under Exercising 5971

Junya Tanaka, Mitsuhiro Kimura, Naoya Hosaka, Hiroyuki Sawaji, Kenichi Sakakura, Kazushige Magalani

Feature Attraction and Classification of Mental EEG Using Approximate Entropy 5975

Weidong Zhou, Linglmi Zhong, Hao Zhao

Study of the Surface Laplacian SNR 5979

Gang Li, Yite Wang, Ling Lin, Wei Jiang, Lili Wang, Stephen C-Y. Lit, W. G. Besio

Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Filtration of Bioelectrical Signals 5983Nils Osthtnd, Urban Wiklund, Jun Yu, Stefan Karlsson

Real-Time Access of Magnetoencephalographic/ Cardiographic Data: Technical Realization and Application to Online

Fetal Heart Rate Recording 5987

Stephan Waldert, David Gutierrez, Atye Nehorai. Doug McKenzie, Curtis Lower}', Pamela Murphy. llari Ewaran, Hubert


Robustness ofMutual Information to Inter-Subject Variability for Automatic Artefact Removal from I£EG 5991Nicolelta Nicolaou, Slawomir Nasuto

Study of Change Blindness EEG Synchronisation Using Wavelet Coherence Analysis ,5995

Seyedehmina Ayoubian Markazi, Saad Qazi, Lampros Stergioulas

Computerized Classification of Normal and Abnormal Lung Sounds by Multivariate Linear Autoregresslvc Model 5999

H.G. Martinez-Hernandez, C.T. Aljama-Corrales. R. Gonzalez-Camarena, V.S. Charleston-l'illulobos, G Cht-Lcm

Analysis for Brain Activities During Operations Using Measured EEG 6003Yoshio Kaji, Masatake Ahttagawa, Fumio Shichijo, llirofumi Nagashino, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Sliinji Kagahtra

Comparison of Five Different Classifiers for Classification of Mental Tasks 6007Siamak Rezaei. Kouhyar Tavakolian, Kiarash NaziripaurExtraction ofArterial Blood Pressure Signal from Intraluminal Impedance Signals 6011Awad Al-Zaben

Automatic Detection ofSleep Stages in Neonatal EEG Using the Structural Time Profiles 6014Vladimir Krajca. Svqjmil Petranek, Karel Paul, Milos Matousck. l.enka l.lwtska. J Muhylova

Removing Eye Movement and Power Line Artifacts from the EEG Based on ICA 6017

Weidong Zhou. Jin Zhou. Hao Zhao. Liu.Jit

Different Plantar Interface Effects on Dynamics of the Lower Limb 6021Jibin Zhou../. B. Zhou. I). W. Jin. IX W. Zhou. X. D. Li

New Method for Estimation of Mobile Location Based on Signal Attenuation and Hata Model Signal Prediction 6025Mahdi Orooji, Bahman Aholhassani

Web-Based Integrated Alarm Monitoring System in the ICU 6029Akitsugu Murakami. Yohsuke Kinouchi. Masatake Akutagawa. Yosluaki Olnushi. ) usuluro Kwoda


Table of Contents

The Development and Evaluation of New Neck Coil for GE MR System 6033

Bin Li, Jie Wang

The Practice ofNew Framework of Medical Equipment Service Managment 6037

Bin Li, Dehua He, Lijun Wang

Digital Geometry Processing Applied in Customized Medical Implant Design 6041

Xiaofeng Zhu. Chengtao Wang

Development and Transformation of Working Mode in Clinical Engineering Department 6045

Dan Zhou

An Apparatus and Method to Characterize Causes ofPositional Plagiocephaly 6049

Preston Manwaring, Anna Packard, Jotham Manwaring, Kim Manwaring, Stephen Beals, Tim Littlefield, Mark Manwaring

Research on Linguistic Concept Creation Method Applied to Environmental Comfort Sensors in Health Smart Home 6052

Xin Li, Wenxue Hong, Jialin Song, Jiannan Kang

The Study on Brain Paralysis Ultrasonic Therapy Instrument Simulating Dolphin 6056

Chengwei Li, Xiaoming Hu, Limei Zhang

Development of an Imageless Navigation System for Total Knee Arthroplasty 6060

Yingying Su, Chengtao Wang, Yuanshuai Qi, Shijv Yan, Lixu Gu

Development ofa Grid-Based Statistical Potential for Protein Structure Prediction 6064

Guijun Zhao, Hui Lu

A Novel Neuron Data Model with Domain Specific Query Language 6068

Hao Tian, Yanchao Wang, Hong Yang, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Paul Katz, YingZhu

A Novel Method for Missing Value Estimation in Gene Expression Profile Based on Support Vector Regression 6072

Xian Wang, Ao Li, Zhaohui Jiang, Huanqing Feng

Phosphorylation Site Prediction with a Modified K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm and BLOSUM62 Matrix 6075

Ao Li, Wang Lirong, Yunzhou Shi, Minghui Wang, Zhaohui Jiang, Huanqing Feng

Open Source Software Infrastructure for Computational Biology and Visualization 6079

Shane Allan Blackett, David Bullivant, Carey Stevens, Peter Hunter

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using HPLC Metabonomics Fingerprints Coupled with Computational Methods 6081

Xiaohui Fan, Jingqing Bai, Peng Shen

Spatiotemporal Neuronal Signaling by Nitric Oxide: Diffusion-Reaction Modeling and Analysis* 6085

Ning Feng, Yong Yang, Xiaoxiang Zheng

Hidden Markov Model Analysis ofMotifs in Interleukins and Haematopoietic Growth Factor Family 6089

Chunjuan Du, Yanjun Zeng

Assemble Worldwide Biologists in a Network - Construct a Web Services Based Architecture for Bioinformatics 6092

Yuan Tao, Juan Liu

Using CellML in Computational Models of Multiscale Physiology 6096

David Phillip Nickerson, Peter Hunter

Glioblastoma Multiforme Treated by the Chemotherapeutic Agent Temozolomide in Vivo: A 4D Simulation Model of

the Tumor Response 6100

1'assilis Antipas, Georgios Stamatakos, Nikolaos Uzunoglu

The Development of a VR-Based Treatment Planning System for Oncology 6104

Tai-Sin Su, Wen-Hsu Sung, Ching-Fen Jiang, Shuh-Ping Sun, Ching-Jung Wu

N-Phosphorylamino Acids and Penta-Coordinate Phosphorous Compounds in the Chemical Process of Life 6108

Ru-Gang Zhong, LiJiao Zhao, Yu Fen Zhao

2-D Mathematical Models ofTumor-Induced Angiogenesis 6112

Hao Gao, Ying Cai, ShiXiongXu, Collins M. W.

Visual Modeling and Simulation ofAdaptive Immune System 6116

Tao Gong, Zixing Cai

An Ontology for Protein Data Models 6120

Amandeep Sidhu, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang

Sleep Apnea Detection Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Screening System 6124

Ahmed Mors)', KhaledAl-Ashmouny

Simulation of Pulmonary Pathophysiology During Spontaneous Breathing 6128

Yichun Zhao, Stephen Rees, Steen Andreassen, S. Kjcergaard

Sleep Apnea Detection and Classification Using Fuzzy Logic: Clinical Evaluation 6132

KhaledAl-Ashmounv. Ahmed Morsv. Shahira Loza


Table of Contents

Influences of Hypoxia on Auditory Evoked Potentials of Conscious Humans 6136

Zhiqian Ye, Jianfeng Weng, Fuying Tian

Evaluation of the Effect of Postural and Gravitational Variations on the Distribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow Via an

Image-Based Computational Model 6138

Kelly Suzanne Burrowes, Peter Hunter, Menyn Tawhai

Monitoring of Wheezes Duration During Spontaneous Respiration in Ashmatic Patients 614l

Sandra Cortes, RaimonJane, Jose Antonio Fiz Fernandez, Jose Morera Prat

Comparison of Respiratory Rate Estimation Based on Tracheal Sounds versus a Capnograph 614S

Gilberto Sierra, Victor Lanzo, Rajeev Agarwal, Boris Popov, Valery Teljbrt. Marc Pellet ter. Paul Despcutlt

Acoustic Feedback System with Digital Signal Processor to Alert the Subject and Quantitative Visualization of Arousal

Reaction Induced by the Sound Using Dynamic Characteristics of Saccadic Eye Movement: A Preliminary Study 6149

Akinori Ueno, Shinsuke Manabe, Yoshinori Uchikawa

Pulse transit time-derived respiratory parameters and their variability across sleep stages 6153

Chern Pin Chua, Conor Heneghan

Approximate Entropy from Overnight Pulse Oximetry for the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome 6157

Roberto Hornero, DanielAlvarez, Daniel Abasolo, Carlos Gomez, Felix del Campo, Carlos Zamarron

Determination ofPulmonary Gases (02 & C02) Metabolic-Rates and Lung Diffusion Coefficients Based on the

Inspired and Expired Air Compositions and Venous Blood and Gas Concentration 6161

Kah Kkng Loh, Dhanjoo Glnsta, Heiko Rudolph

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis ofC0-C1-C2 Complex under Physiologic Loads 6165

Hao Zhang, Jing Bai

Identification of Spinal Deformity Classification with Total Curvature Analysis and Artificial Neural Network 6168

Hong Lin

The Multi-Level Angular Deformity Determination in 3D Space with Total Curvature Analysis for Long Bones 6172

Hong Lin, Mikhail L. Samchukor, John G, Birch

A Microcontroller-Based Implantable Nerve Stimulator Used for Rats 6176

HongSha, Zheng Zheng, Yan Wang, Chaoshi Ren

The Influence ofChanges in Patellar and Femoral Prosthesis on Knee Extensor Mechanism after TKA, .„.,„ 6180

Yujue He, Chengtao Wang

Evaluation on Unilateral Repair ofMaxillary Based on Modularized Finite Element Model of Normal Human Skull 6184

Ying Tie, Dongmei Wang, Chengtao Wang, Yiqun Wu, Zhiyuan Zhang

Design and Biomechanical Evaluation of a Custom Lateral Mandible Titanium Prosthesis 6188

Dongmei Wang, Chengtao Wang, Xiujuan Zhang, Liqun Xu

Biomechanics ofLumbar Vertebrae As a Functionally Optimal Structure 6192Fan Sail Clieong, Dhanjoo Ghista, Ramakrislma Kotlanka

Experimental Research on the Biomechanical Properties ofthe Rabbit Iris 6196Xiaohua Liu, Kimya Zhang, Chen Chen. Yitxi Lei, HongfangSong. HaiyongCao. Ding Lin. Zhuhcng Liu

Measurement of Elastic Properties of Blood Vessels 6199

Dejan Ilic, Thomas Moix, Olivier Lambercy, LaurentSache, Hannes lileuler, Makata Ohta, l.ucu AiigshurgerEffects ofFunctional Electrical Stimulation Relating to Leg Movement 6203

Dingguo Zhang, K. Y. Zhu, Hang Zheng, K.II. Ew, C.L Wee

The Implementation of a Multi-Channel Interferential Current Electrical Stimulation System ,6207

Li Yan-Chay, Huang Ke-Nung, Jen Sun-Lon, Chen Chun-Jen

Application of Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for FES-Assisted Standing up in Paraplegia 6210Reza MahboohiEsfanjani, Farzad Towhidkhah

Influence of Time-Varying Magnetic Field on the Release of Neurotransmitters in Raphe Nuclei of Rats... 6*214Jie Zhang, Xueinin Wang, Mingshi Wang

Excitation Properties ofPeripheral Nerves Stimulated by an Induced Transverse Electric Field During MagneticStimulation 6211Hut Yu, ChongxitnZheng, )i Wang

The Optimal Design of Magnetic Coil in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 6221GuizluXit, Yong Chen, Shuo Yang, Mingshi Wang. Wcih )un

A Method for Identification of Electrically Stimulated Muscle 6225Waleed Farahat, Hugh Hen

Therapeutic Protein Production in vivo after Electroporation-Assistcd Intramuscular Gene Dclivcn 6229Weng Ka Pang, Yonggung Zhao, Jmliang Peng, liaow ei Peng. ) ulumg \u


Table of Contents

Preliminary Assessment of Remote Photoelectric Excitation of an Actuator for a Hearing Implant 6233

Zhigang Wang, Eric Abel, Robert Mills

Wireless Real-Time Head Movement System Using a Personal Digital Assistant for Control of a Power Wheelchair 6235

Daniel Ashley Craig, Hung Nguyen

Elastic Path Controller for Assistive Devices , 6239

Bo Long, Brice Rebsamen, Etienne Burdet, Haoyong Yu, Chee Leong Teo

Measurement and Analysis of Reflex Responses to Perturbation During Walking -Towards the Realization ofArtificial

Reflex 6243

Wenwei Yu, Kumagai Masaru, Sarawar Shahe, Tamotsu Katane, Hiroshi Yokoi, Masaki Sekine, Toshiyo Tamura, Osami Saito

Nodule Detection in 3D Chest CT Images Using 2nd Order Autocorrelation Features 6247

Takeshi Hara, Motonari Hirose, Xiangrong Zhou, Hiroshi Fujita, Takuji Kiiyu, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Hiroaki Hoshi

An Improved Correction Method for Reducing Off-Focal Artifacts in CT Imaging 6250

Haining Sun, Shaokun Qiu, Shanshan Lou, Changjun Li, Jinjun Liu, Shangxue Li, Gemniao Jiang

Ultrasonic Renal-Stone Detection and Identification for Extracorporeal Lithotripsy 6254

Jenho Tsao, Li-Hsin Chang, Chia-Hung Lin

A Noval Fragile Watermarking Method for Medical Images Using Quadtree Structure 6258

Lingjian Chen, Qianjin Feng, Feng Yang, Wufan Chen

Interactive Exhibition ofHuman Meridian Based on Cult3D 6262

Chen Liu, Zhihong Chen, GuotaiJiang, Hao Wang

Optimization Based Fingerprint Direction Field Estimation 6265

DongdongNie, LizhuangMa, XueZhong Xiao, Shuangjiu Xiao

A Segmentation Scheme Based on Rayleigh Distribution Model for Extracting Glottal Waveform from High-Speed

Laryngeal Images 6269

Xin Chen, Diane Bless, Yuling Yan

Automatic Detection of Region of Interest Based on Object Tracking in Neurosurgical Video 6273

Bing Liu, Mingui Sun, Qiang Liu, Amin Kassam, Ching-Chung Li, Robert J. Sclabassi

Analysis of the Correlation between the Facial Temperature and the Stenosis of Carotid Arteries , 6277

Pang-yu Teng, Ai-Hsien Li, Sheng-yuan Lin, Jenn-Lung Su, Ching-Sung Weng

The Identification and Clustering Analysis forAuditory Nuclei of Salicylate-Induced Rat Model 6281

Kuo-Sheng Cheng, Li-Hui Chen, Yi-Jung Wang

3D Semi-Automatic Segmentation of the Cochlea and Inner Ear 6285

Xianfen Diao, SipingChen, Changhong Liang, Yuamnei Wang

Segmentation ofNeuronal-Cell Images from Stained Fields and Monomodal Histograms 6289

Titan D. Pimm, Denis Crane

Multi-Modality Medical Image Registration Using SupportVector Machines 6293

Zhao Zhang, Su Zhang, ChenxiZhang, Yazhu Chen

Microcalcification Detection in 3-D Breast Ultrasound 6297

Ruey-Feng Chang, Sheng-Fang Huang, Lee-Ping Wang, Dar-Ren Chen, Woo Kyung Moon

An Adaptive Markov Model-Based Method to Cluster Validation in Image Segmentation 6301

Gang Yan, Wufan Chen

Reagent-Free Automatic Cell Viability Determination Using Neural Networks Based Machine Vision and Dark-Field

Microscopy in Saccharomyccs Cerevisiae6305

Ning Wei, Erwin Flaschel, Axel Saalbach, Thorsten Twellmann, Tim W. Nattkemper

3D Registration ofUltrasound Images Based on Morphology Skeleton 6309

Dandan Li, Yan Wang, Zhiyan Liu, Jin Jing

Automated Quantification ofLymph Node Size and Number in Surgical Specimens ofStage II Colorectal Cancer 6313

Ami Niemisto, Ilya Shmulevich, Olli Yli-PIarja, Lucian R. Chirieac, Stanley R. Hamilton

Liver Fibrosis Identification Based on Ultrasound Images6317

Guitao Cao, Pengfei Shi, Bing Hu

Proposal for Conceptual Designing of an Innovative C-Arm Calibration Target 6321

Shijv Yan, Yingying Su, Chengtao Wang, Lixu Gu

Symbolic Shape Descriptors for Classifying Craniosynostosis Deformations from Skull Imaging 6325

Hen-TzuJ. Lin, Salvador Ruiz-Cone a, Linda G. Shapiro, Anne V. Flings, Michael L. Cunningham, Matthew L. Speltz, Raymond

W. Sze

Research on Registration of Human Eye Tissue Images and Its Application 6332

Xiaoyang Huang. Bo/iangWung, YingJu, Shaohui Huang, Jiezhen Xie, Liwei Huang


Table of Contents

Medical Image Description in Content-Based Image Retrieval 6336

Hong Shao, Wen-cheng Cui, Li Tang

Novel Method for Correction ofX-Ray Fluoroscopic Image 6340

Wenqiang Zhang, Kerong Dai, Chengtao Wang

The Application of Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) on Study of Aging Effects of Achilles Tendons 6344

57 Chun Du, Yung Fit Chen, ChiJengLin, Yu Ching Lin, Tainsong Chen

A Level Set Method for Vessel Segmentation in Coronary Angiography 6348

Jorge Brieva, Ernesto Gonzalez, Fernando Gonzalez, Alexandre Pousse, Jean-Jacques Bellaiigcr

Medical Image Retrieval Using Salient Point Detector 6352

Wei Liu, Qin-Ye Tong

Ultrasonic Liver Characterization Using Phase Congruency 6356

Guitao Cao, Pengfei Shi, Bing Hu

Study on Scalable Coding Algorithm for Medical Image 6360

Hongxin Chen, Zhengguang Liu, liongw>ei Zhang

A Seepage Flow Model for Vertebra CT Image Segmentation 6364

Haiyun Li, Zheng Wang

Study ofImage Location for the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy System 6368

Tinglei Huang, Su Zhang, Changyan Xiao, Xiaohu lie, Yazhu Chen

Applications of Pelvic 3D Reconstruction and Dimension Measurement to Colorectal Cancer Surgery 6372

XueFengBo, ChunYang Xiong, Jing Fang, QiAn, Ming Li, Jin Gu

Fractal Feature Extraction ofMarrow Cell Images 6375

Wanrong Sun, Bianzhang Yu, Xiaojing Zhang, Zhenghui Zhong

Medical Image Registration by Maximization ofCombined Mutual Information and Edge Correlative Deviation 6379

Changchun Liu, Ke Li, Zhongguo Liu

Evaluating Harris Method in Camera Calibration 6383

Cheng Ouyang, Guangzhi Wang, Quart Zhang, Wei Kang, litti Ding

A Weighted Sum ofMulti-Scale Gaussians Generates New Near-Ideal Interpolation Functions 6387

Sandip Sarkar, Kuntal Ghosh, Kamales Bhaumik

Preliminary Application of Neural Network in Differentiating Benign from Malignant Solitary Pulmonary Nodule on

HRCT 6391

Hui Chen, Xiao II. Wang, Da Q. Ma

Automatic Labelling and BI-RADS Characterisation of Mammogram Densities 6394

Kostas Marias, Marius George Lingurant, Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester. SMiani I'ctroudi. Manolis Isibiakis. Michael


Features of Central Projection Average Dlfferencefunction for Skull Recognition. 6399

Maoyong Cao. Xiaobo Che. Nongliang Sun. Jing Li

A Hierarchical Elastic Registration Scheme Based on Deformable Segmentation 6403Xin Ran, Feilnt Qi

Analysis of Retinal Images Associated with Hypertension and Diabetes 6407Xnemin Wang, Jie Zhang, liongbao, Cao

Extraction ofBrain Tumor from MR Images Using One-Class Support Vector Machine 6411

Jiayin Zhou, Kap Luk Chan, Vincent Chang, Shankar Muthu Krislman

Research on Features of Retinal Images Associated with Hypertension and Diabetes 6415

Peng Zhou, Mingshi Wang, Hongbao Cao

A Statistical Comparison of Digital X-Ray Images for MTB Patients 6418Norliza Mohd Noor, Omar Mohd Rijal, 1lamidah Shaban, Lee Teng Slice

Computer Assisted Solitary Pulmonary Nodules Morphological Enhancement Characteristics - a Preliminary Study 6422

Yongqiang Tan, Mingpeng Wang, Gttozlien Zhang. Jianying )ang. Jianguo Zhang, Cttcngltau /hangAutomated Matching of Genomic Structures in Microscopic Images of Living Cells Using an Information TheoreticApproach „

,„„ „„„ , Mt(i> _ #>6425

Sambit Bhattacharya. Raj Achaiya, Artem Pliss, Kishore Malyavantham. Ronald liereznev

Ultrasound Speckle Suppression and Edge Enhancement Using Multiscale Nonlinear Wavelet Diffusion 6429

Yong )ue. Mihai M. Croitoru. Akhil Bidani. Joseph B /.wischenherger. John II'. Clark Jr

Measurement of Ocular Torsion Using Iterative Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow Method 6433InBum Lee, KwangS Park

Designing a Low-Cost Mattress Sensor for Automated Body Position Classification 6437Duncan R Lowne. Matthew Tarler


Table of Contents

Clinical Content Detection for Medical Image Retrieval ,6441Li Chen, H Tang, J Wells

Ultrasound Image Compounding Based on Motion Compensation 6445Cheng-Hsien Lin, Chwin-Min Weng, Yung-Nien Sun

Effect of CT Image-Based Voxel Size on Monte Carlo Dose Calculation 6449Aidong Wu, Yican Wit, ShengxiangTao, Jianghui ZhangPrediction of Scoliosis Progression in Time Series Using a Hybrid Learning Technique 6452Hongfa Wu, Janet L. Ronsky. Philippe Poncet. Farida Cheriet, Deyi Xue, James A. Harder, Ronald F. Zemicke

A New Algorithm for Watershed Segmentation ofCells in Marrow 6456XiaojingZhang, WanrongSun. ZhenghuiZhongPresentation and Validation of an Accurate and Effective Segmentation for Dynamic Heart Modeling 6460JianfengXu, LixuGu, Weinman Qi

Image Segmentation Based on Random Neural Network Model and Gabor Filter 6464Rang Lit, Yi Shen

CULEX - Completely User-Independent Layers Extraction: Ultrasonic Carotid Artery Images Segmentation 6468Silvia De/santo, Filippo Mo/inari, Pierangela Giustetlo, William Liboni, Sergio Badalamenti

Linear Models ofCumulative Distribution Function for Content Based Medical Image Retrieval 6472

Manjunath KN, Niranjan UC

White Blood Cell Image Segmentation Using On-Line Trained Neural Network 6476Yi Fang, Chongxun Zheng, Chen Pan, Li Liu

Improved Segmentation ofUltrasound Brain Tissue Incorporating ExpertEvaluation 6480Ewoul I 'ansteenkiste, Aleksandra Pizurica, Wilfried Philips

Adaptive Successive Erosion-Based Cell Image Segmentation for P53 Immunohistochemistry in Bladder Inverted

Papilloma 6484Hao Zhou, Kezhi Mao

A Knowledge-Based Fuzzy Clustering Method with Adaptation Penalty for Bone Segmentation ofCT images. 6488

Dongming Wang, Hongbing Lu, Junying Zhang, Jerome LiangMedical Images Edge Detection Based on Mathematical Morphology 6492

Yuqian Zhao, Weihua Gui, Zhencheng Chen, Jingtian Tang, Lingyun Li

Geometric Active Contour Model with Color and Intensity Priors for Medical Image Segmentation 6496Min Xiao, ShunrenXia, Sliiwei Wang

Segmentation of the Breast Region in Mammograms Using Watershed Transformation 6500

Wei Kang, Gnangzhi Wang, Hui Ding

A Novel Iris Location Method Based on the Gray Distributions of Eye Images 6504

Weiqi Yuan, LuXu, Zhonghua Lin

A Combining Method for Tumors Detection from Near-Infrared Breast Imaging 6508

Zhicheng Wang, Jian Liu, Jinwen Tian, ZepingXie

An Improved Electronic Colon Cleansing Method for Detection ofPolyps by Virtual Colonoscopy 6512

Zigang Wang, Xiang Li, Lihong Li, Bin Li, Daria Eremina, Hongbing Lu, Zhengrang Liang

Automated Detection of Optic Disk Boundary by a New Deformable Model Technique 6516

Juan Xu, Opas Chutatape

A Study of Observation System ofTime-Sequenced Images ofMulti-Sliced CT Based on a PC 6520

Yoshio Yanagihara, Komizu Mitsuni

Feature and Knowledge Based Analysis for Reduction of False Positives in the Computerized Detection of Masses in

Screening Mammography 6524

Georgina Tourassi, Nevine Eltonsy, James Graham, Carey Floyd, Adel Elmaghraby

Tumor Detection Using Airways Asymmetry 6528

Matei Mancas, Bernard Gosselin, Benoit Macq

A Comparison of Feature Selection Methods for the Detection of Breast Cancers in Mammograms: Adaptive SequentialFloating Search vs. Genetic Algorithms ...6532

Yajie Sun, Charles Babbs, Edward De/p

A Novel Eyelash Detection Method for Iris Recognition 6536

Weiqi Yuan, Wei He

Recognition Mechanism of a Neural Network for Character Recognition 6540

Hirohito Shintani, Masatake Akutagawa, Hirofumi Nagashino, Yohsuke Kinouchi

Mri Method to Distinguishing Electroporation from Thermal Injuries in Electrical Shock Trauma 6544

Raphael Lee, Florin Despa


Table of Contents

Synthesis of a Functional Information with Anatomical Landmarks by Multiresolution Fusion of Brain Images 6547

Julien Montagner, Vincent Barra, Jean-Yves Boire

Endoscopy Imaging Intelligent Contrast Improvement 6551

Semion Sheraizin, Vitali Sheraizin

An Adaptive Denoising Method Based on Local Mode Estimation 6555

Yuehong Wang, Xnsheng Sun, Jin Zhang, Gang Rong

Application of the Lagucrre Deconvolution Method for Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy to the

Characterization of Atherosclerotic Plaques6559

Javier Jo, Q. Fang, T. Papaioannou, J.H. Qiao, M.C. Fishbein, B. Beseth, A.M. Dorqfshar, T. Red. I). Baker,,/. l-ivtschlag, L.


Visible Korean Human. Improved Serially Sectioned Images of the Entire Body 6563

Min SukChung

A New Hybridized Rigid-Elastic Multiresolution Algorithm for Medical Image Registration 6567

Xingang Liu, Wufan Chen, Guangjie Chen

Color Compensation for Anomalous Trichromats Based on Error Score of FM-100 Hue Test 6571

Seungji Yang, Yong Man Ro, Edword K. Wong, Jin-Flak Lee

A Real-Time Display Method for Ultrasound Color Flow Velocity Estimation 6575

Jianqi Deng, Dong Chyuan Liu, Jiliu Zhou

Using Statistical Shape Model for Kernel Regularized Surface Reconstruction from Partial Data 6579

Guoyan Zheng, Kumar Rajamani, Xuan Zhang, Xiao Dong, Martin Styner, Lutz-Peter Nolle

Registration ofUltrasonic Cardiac Images. ,•


Tangwei Liu, Huiyu Zhou, YushengPang, FaquanLin, Ji Wu

Nonlinear Diffusion, Negentropy and Restoration of Mammographic Images 6587

Patricia Mayo, Francisco Rodenas, Damian Ginestar, Gumersindo Verdu

Application ofRegion Selective Embedded Zerotrce Wavelet Coder in CT Image Compression 6591

GuoliLi, Jian Zhang, CttngangHu, Qunjing Wang, Na Deng, Jianping Li

Multiscale Display Processing of Radiographic Images Acquired with a Protoype Flat Panel Detector , 6595

Zhhvei Tang, Hid Zhang, Guangshu Hu

Monitoring System of Cell's Viability and Function for Bioartificial Liver Support System 6598

HanfenLou, Ming Li, HongshengXiang, Jianj'eng Liu, Wei Yang

A Design of Bioimpedance Spectrometer for Early Detection of Pressure Ulcer ,6602

Yiodang Yang, Jue Wang

New Tetrapolar Method for Complex Bioimpedance Measurement: Theoretical Analysis and Circuit Realization 6605

Yuxiang Yang, Jue Wang

A Computer-Based Diagnosis System for Early Glaucoma Screening ....6608

Xiaoyang Song, Keou Song, YazhuChen

Quantitative Evaluation of Spasticity in Upper Limbs in Hemiplegic Subject Using a Mathmatical Model 6612

Takanori Vchiyama, Shintaro Obata, Ryoko Kato, Ryusei Uchida

A Change of Blood Flow During Strenuous Physical Exercises Using Cycle Ergometer 6615

Jun Yamaguchi, Azran Azhim, Y, Hirao, Y. Kinouchi, II. Yamaguchi, K. Yoshizaki

Minimum Diameter of the Velocity-Type Respiratory Air Flow Transducer 6619

KyungAh Kim, Tae Soo Lee, Eun Jong Cha

An Improved Peak Quantification Algorithm for Automatic Heart Rate Measurements 6623

Cheng-Chi Tai, Jia-Ren Chang Chien

Development of the System to Detect and Process Electromyogram Signals 6627

Chunting Liu, Xu Wang

Design of Two-Dimensional Coils for Wireless Power Transmission to in Vivo Robotic Capsule 6631

Seon-Woo Lee, Jong Due Kim, Ju Hyun Son, Ryu Munho. Kim Jongwon

Relative Location Estimation of Power-Receiver from Transmitter for in Vivo Robotic Capsules 6635

Hwang.li Su, Jong Dae Kim. Park Chan Young, Ryu Munho, Kim Jongwon

Spatial Resolution in the Electrical Impedance Tomography for the Local Tissue,


Arisa Morimato, Fimiko Yasuno, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Yuuken Ohmine, Akira Tangoku. ladaoki Monmom

Estimation ofVocal Tract Shape for VCV Syllables for a Speech Training Aid 6642

MilindS. Shah, Prom C. Pandey

Modular Measuring System for Assessment of the Thyroid Gland Funcional State 6646

Peter Kneppo, Milan Tysler, Vladimir Rosik. Jaroslav Zdinak

Table of Contents

A Fundamental Study on Parameter Estimation of Layerd Local Tissue Impedance for EIT 6650Emiko Yasuno. Hiromi Kato. Yohsuke Kinouchi. Tadaoki Morimoto

New Approaches to Physiological Study by Telemetry Technology 6654

Gangmin King, Yan Bai, Xiaoying Wang, Fangmin Yu, Xiaoxiang ZhengA Multi-Channel Device for Respiratory Sound Data Acquisition and Transient Detection 6658Jpek Sen, Yasemin P. Kahya

Monitoring Diabetic Wound Healing by NIR Spectroscopy 6662Elisebeth Papazoglou, Leonid Zitbkov, Linda (Chaoqun) Zhu, Micheal Weingarten, Som Tyagi, KambizPourrezaei

Spatial-Temporal Analysis ofUterine Smooth Muscle Activity Recorded During Pregnancy 6665Hari Eswaran, Hubert Preissl, Pamela Murphy, James Wilson, Curtis LoweiyHeartbeat Detection Using Energy Thresholding and Template Match 6668Hsiao-Lung Chan, Shih-Chin Fang, Mingan Lin, G. U. Chen

Analog Signal Processing for Heart Rate Extraction 6671

Mingqi Chen, Olga Boric-Lubecke, Victor Lubeeke, Xiaoyue Wang

Instrumentation for Fetal Cardiac Performance Analysis During the Antepartum Period 6675

Adam Matonia, Janusz Jezewski, Tomasz Kupka, Janusz Wrobel, KrzystafHoroba, Michal Widera

Study on the Error in the Dynamic Spectrum Method Relativewith the Pathlength Factor As a Function ofWavelength 6679Yan Wang, gang Li, Ling Lin, Yuliang Liu, Xiaoxia Li

Strategies to Identify Changes in SEMG Due to Muscle Fatigue During Cycling 6683Dinesh Kant Kumar, Vijay Pal Singh, Irena Cosic, Sonia Lo Guidice, John HawleyA Provocative Test to Determine Brain Compliance in the Management of Patients with Hydrocephalus 6687

Preston Manwaring, Jotham Manwaring, Kim Manwaring, Mark Manwaring

Preliminary Investigation of Breast Tumor Detection Using Cross-Vivaldi Antenna 6691

Jing/ing Zhang, Elise C. Fear, Ronald H. Johnston

Modeling of a Gas Concentration Measurement System 6695

Lu Wang, Steven Weidong Su, Branko George Celler, Audrey Savkin

Construction ofDevices in Bioartificial Liver Support System 6699

Jianfeng Liu, Ming Li, Wei Yang, Hanfen Lou

Minimizing Excessive Stimulus During Electric Pulp Testing 6703

Deok Won Kim, Ki Chang Nam, Seung Jong Lee, Soo Chan Kim

Assessing the Effectiveness of Increased FI02 for EnhancingDriver's Activation State Using Simulated Monotonous

Driving 6706

Takehiro Yantakoshi, Ken-ichi Yamakoshi, Shinobu Tanaka, Masamichi Nogawa, Yukihiro Sawada, Peter Rolfe, Masahiro


Changes in Electrical and Physiological Properties of Human Blood During Storage 6710

Mana Sezdi, Meral Sonmezoglu, Ozgur Tekeli, Yekta Ulgen, Kaya Emerk

Autoregressive Spectrum of Transient Evoked Otoacoustlc Emissions: Methods and Applications 6714

Xiang Qian, Oin Gong, Datian Ye

Local Activity Levels Guided Adaptive Scan Conversion Algorithm 6718

Liyong Ma, Jiachen Ma, Yi Shen

On Gravity Correction for Training and Rehabilitation Lower Limbs Machine 6721

S. Moughamir, Noureddine Manamanni, MohamedAmine Gasmi, Janan Zaytoon

Phototherapy of the Newborn: A Predictive Model for the Outcome 6725

Heilor Silverio Lopes, Nelson Ossamu Osaku

Designing a Signal Conditioning System with Software Calibration for Resistor-Feedback Patch Clamp Amplifier 6729

Gang Hu, QuanhuiZhu, Anlian On

A Diagnosis System for the Spinal Column Nerve Damaged Patients ...» 6733

Jae Hong Li in, Soo Hong Kim, Sung il Kim, Jongman Cho, Tae-Woo Nam

Development ofthe Portable Blood Glucose Meter for Self-Monitoring ofBlood Glucose 6735

Qi Li, Jingqi Yuan

Physiotrace: An Efficient Toolkit for Biomedical Signal Processing 6739

Julian Dejonckheere, Regis Logier, Alain Dassonneville, Guillaume Delmar, Christian Vasseur

Time-Frequency Analysis of Endogenous Calf Skeletal Muscle Vibromyograms 6742

Ayana Goddard, Guruprasad Madhavan, Jason Cole, Mark Fowler, Kenneth McLeod

FOR SAFE : Instrumented and Secured Obstetrical Forceps 6745

Claudine Gehin, Michael Schmitt, Carolina Ramon, Georges Delhomme, Andre Dittmar
