Annual Basildon Community Report Centre...

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Transcript of Annual Basildon Community Report Centre...

Annual Report 2014





31 Years - Serving Our Community (1983-2014)

Registered charity number 1082442


Annual Report 2014 2

A message from the Chair of the Trustee Board Reverend Colin Hopkinson I am very pleased to welcome you to our 2014 Annual Report. The demand for the Centre’s services continues to grow in these times of continuing hardship for many in our local community. In this general election year there will be much debate about the best way forward for our country. In the meantime many individuals and families find themselves sliding into crisis. Cutbacks and changes in benefits regulations have made it very difficult for many of our most vulnerable people. The demand for our food parcel scheme continues to see a substantial increase year on year. Even the “improvement” in the housing market has led to a shortage of rental accommodation making it increasingly difficult for homeless people to find housing. In these circumstances the demand for our housing services is greater than ever. As we reported last year the number of benefits cases continues to increase as does the amount of work required for each one. Applications that were once straightforward are frequently rejected and require further work on appeal. I am pleased to say that our appeals continue to have a high rate of success. This means that many genuinely needy people would not have received the help to which they are entitled but for the expert assistance of our staff. I pay tribute to Maggie, our Manager, and others who have worked very hard to raise funds to maintain our vital work. We remain grateful to all our current funders, and especially to Basildon Borough Council, for recognising the value of the work we do and for their continued support. I know that the work done by the Centre is greatly valued by many in our Borough. I can certainly speak for Churches together in Basildon and I know that this is also true for many in local government and the voluntary sector. Most of all it is true for our clients, many of whom would have nowhere to go if the Centre’s services were not available to them. Thanks are due to all who make the work of the Centre possible, especially to our team of staff and volunteers for their unstinting commitment and hard work. Thanks also to my fellow trustees and to all our supporters. I am sure you will enjoy reading this Report and seeing the evidence for all that the Centre achieves in the lives of local people. I hope that you will wish to support the continuation of this vital work in the future.


Annual Report 2014 3

81 682






Foot Fall


Drop In


2014 2013


Reg Homeless

Benefits Food Parcels







Borough Population 172,000 and rising

Our clients were Male 47% and Female 53% during 2014

Age Groups

16-24 26%

24-59 44%

60+ 30%

Seven different organisations hired rooms at the Centre during 2014


Annual Report 2014 4

Manager’s Report 2014 was a difficult year all round and was latterly tinged with sadness at the passing of Alf Dove MBE, a founder of the Centre and long serving Trustee. Alf had a massive influence concerning the setting up of the Centre initially and he was always amazed when we spoke on the phone during the last few years of his life that the Centre and its services are needed now more than ever in its 31 years of existence. Current Climate/Fundraising

Finding successful funding streams was an ongoing battle and one that I relished but worried about throughout the year. It is true to say 2014 could have had a much more dismal outcome if it was not for the generosity and kindness of donors and those philanthropic organisations that saw through the miasma of conflicting and horrendous media coverage regarding those in crisis. We believe that 2014 saw an increase in homelessness, deprevation and vulnerbility. Everyday crisis was in plain evidence each time the Centre

opened its doors to help. With the guidance and hard work supplied by Jeremy Hope our voluntary fundraiser, a sum of £33,200.00 was received as a result of the Annual Appeal.This not only was a significant achievement in this era of recession but was a significantly higher amount than received in 2013 - £24,400.00.

Who have we helped?

People who came through our doors seeking help and reassurance came from all walks of life but predominantly were from the following backgrounds: unemployed individuals, homeless individuals and families, disabled and/or mentally ill individuals, at risk groups, ethnic minorities, victims of abuse/domestic violence/crime, elderly citizens and one parent families. Many were disadvantaged by poverty, others socially isolated, poorly educated and an increasing number of people were extremely vulnerable.


Annual Report 2014 5

Whilst we have always promoted an ethos of encouraging folk to try and help themselves, many people have been frightened and remain wary of the changes in welfare reform.

Working hand in hand with many statutory and nonstatutory services within the borough, it has at times, been a struggle to deal and cope with the frustrations and aggression we experienced on occasion during 2014 from clients and visitors. Again last year, as in 2013, I have been very concerned about people who feel aggression and threatening behaviour is an acceptable way to behave when needing

help. Whilst my staff and volunteers will not tolerate being intimidated, it is nonetheless a harrowing and distressing experience when members of the public choose to vent their frustrations using unnecessary language and behaviour.

Area of operation and numbers needing assistance

In total we had a footfall of 7,604 during 2014. The majority of these visits were related to housing enquiries, benefit entitlement and unemployment issues. Clients came from all areas of the Basildon Borough including Billericay and Wickford. During 2014 the Centre had relevant insurance cover for Employers Liability, Public Liability. All staff remained professionally indemnified. Appropriate policies remained in place such as Equal Opportunities etc.

Our Services

We continued to offer a full service in ensuring we provide affordable housing to rent, accurate guidance and welfare rights advice, housing advocacy regarding eviction and repossession, general support and sign posting to other specialist agencies. During 2014 the Centre interviewed and registered 1,222 people needing housing or an alternative roof over their heads. Many of these individuals advised they were actually sleeping rough – on the streets, in parks, in skips, in vehicles, using tents, in doorways and under stairwells.

“New statistics show rough sleeping in England has gone up by a third in three years.” – Feb 2014


Annual Report 2014 6

Whilst some landlords remain reluctant to rent to people needing to claim LHA, we managed to successfully register 8 new landlords in 2014 and we created 81 new tenancies throughout the year. Our ancillary facilities offering help with form filling, help with appeals, mediation, library, photocopying, facsimile and print facility, were all regularly used. Our loan of smart clothes in particular assisted several individauls attend interviews appropriately attired and then go onto secure suitable employment.


2014 saw three ‘reconditioned’ computer stations being fitted in the Centre’s advisory drop in area for staff to use with clients. This has greatly assisted with online applications for benefit and queries and will no doubt be of essential service once Universal Credit arrives here in March 2015. Thanks to Perry Childs for the IT expertise and also to Lighthouse Furniture Project for providing two out of the three work station furniture.

Staff, Volunteers and Trustees

Staff remained on redundancy notice throughout the year.

All staff have undertaken various training concerning Welfare reforms, in particular in preparation for Universal Credit. Training is always on going to take account of local changes and new Government legislation. Staff numbers remain unaltered at 5; this being two full time and three part time.

Our volunteers – Nicola, Chrissie, Anita and Sue provided over 1,600 hours of service to the Centre between them and a massive thank you is extended to these members of the Centre’s team who remained committed, loyal and enthusiastic throughout some trying times in 2014. We are extremely


Annual Report 2014 7

fortunate to have such dedicated people willing to give their free time to our work. My sincere thanks goes to Jeremy Hope our voluntary fund raiser who gave of his time and expertise in helping me launch our 2014 appeal. I also wish to thank Perry Childs, one of our newer Board Trustees, who maintained our IT equipment, implemented our computerised payroll system required now by HMRC and maintained and updated our website throughout the year. Perry was also instrumental during 2014 in overseeing the modernisation of a number of the Centre’s publications including our new style Annual Report. My gratitude is extended to Perry not only for his guidance but also for his unfailing cheerfulness and kindness. Emergency Food Parcel Scheme – We are not a food bank! The need for this service escalated again during 2014 and the ongoing close

contact with the local churches and schools was crucial and continued to ensure we could provide bags of food and a toiletry pack to those in absolute crisis. Donations came in regularly in addition to the large amounts received following Harvest Festival. It is a fact that without the solid and ongoing support from local churches and schools, this now essential service could not have continued last year.

The Centre during 2014 we gave out 682 emergency relief ‘one-off’ parcels, an increase on on the 561 given out in 2013 and 324 in 2012 The escalating need for this service, thankfully was met head on through the continued generosity of the local churches and schools in the Borough. In addition many members of the general public regularly brought in supplies as did small companies and some of the families we have helped get back on their feet. Local Duke of Edinburgh Scheme participants and Brownie Packs collected on our behalf and donated goods also – thank you.


Annual Report 2014 8

At Harvest 2014 we received 67 deliveries of goods from local organisations (53 in 2013). Our thanks go to everyone and every organisation that donated goods throughout the year. In addition to food, we have over the last 5 years, provided toiletry and baby packs for those in crisis. 2014 saw this extend to household goods also such as cleaning fluids and loo roll. Folk in need appreciate being given soap, razor blades, combs, toothpaste and brushes, sanitary protection etc to help their lives become more dignified. The need is greater than ever before and our parcels are given out on production of a written referral from any agency working in the local borough. This ensures provisions are distributed to those in genuine need. Our food parcels last for 5 or more days. Unfortunately due to their change of direction in giving, we no longer received funds from St Martins in the Fields London to help supplement our parcel service. Instead, we bought items in short supply using donated funds via church collections. It should be remembered that our scheme remains as a one off gesture to help aid those in utter crisis. We are then, after our assistance and if need is still apparent, able to refer folk to local food banks for continued help. Thank you to ‘Helping Hands Food Bank in Lee Chapel North and Pitsea Food Bank for their continued partnership work with the Centre.

“There has been 37% increase of people in England sleeping rough since 2010”

TESCO Mayflower

A valued connection was made with a local Tesco store and through the auspices of Sheila, member of staff there, we have received many goods from the store. It is with great enthusiasm and gratitude that I thank Shirley and her colleagues for their brilliant support.

Lighthouse Furniture Project

This project once more made a contribution of £1000.00 in vouchers to the Centre in 2014. These vouchers are then given to families and individuals to


Annual Report 2014 9

use at Lighthouse warehouse in order to buy essential items such as cookers and beds.

Annual General Meeting

At our last Annual General Meeting (2014), officers were re-elected together with new Trustee members. A full list of Trustees and co-opted members is given at the end of this report and on our website. The Trustee Board membership increased by one (Perry Childs). I pledge my thanks to our Chairman Reverend Colin Hopkinson, who through a period of serious illness nonetheless, stayed firm and solid in his support for our work and the welfare of the team here during the past year. Basildon Borough Council retained a Councillor as their representative on our Trustee Board as a co-opted member. The Centre's Supporters Association has a membership standing at 89 in 2014. Renewal subscriptions are collected annually each April/May.

“Street homeless people are 13 times more likely to be a victim of violence”

Housing Lettings Agency

Our Housing Lettings Agency project was fully utilised and remained in great demand. The recession continued to see a number of landlords default and then lose their ‘buy to rent’ properties and very few landlords bought new properties for us to access due to interest rates and borrowing regulations in 2014. On top of this, we saw very many people homeless and quite destitute due to hardship, unemployment, breakdown of relationships, illness and debt. The retention of our landlords this past year has been essential. Our relationship with Basildon Borough Council Homelessness Section personnel continued as did our working partnerships with Environmental Health Services, the Department of Works and Pensions, Job Centre Plus Basildon and the Housing Benefits Department. Our working partnership with Council employees has


Annual Report 2014 10

been really positive and special thanks go to Mo Slade and team for guidance and support.

Photocopying, Online and Facsimile Facilities

Our photocopying service (10p a copy) saw a steady stream of customers Staff were able to process online claims for clients as a result of the recent IT upgrade. Clients also used our fax service.

Room Hire

Room hire was made available throughout the year to CAB and various training agencies and organisations. Hire rates remained very competitive and assisted in helping cover general core costs for the Centre. Other Services

The Centre Cafe offered drinks and snacks through out the year at competitive prices.

The Centre continued to offer books freely via its small library. A large selection of public service literature was regularly maintained and added to as the year went by. Visitors to the Centre were able to avail themselves of publications on many varied subjects, benefits and help available in our community locally and beyond.

“On average street homeless people die at just 47 years old”


Annual Report 2014 11

In Conculsion?

In 2014 money was tight, funding even more so. Need for help or a kind word was greater than ever. More individuals and families were destitute or in dire straits, more folk were homeless. Many clients were fed and received advice and housing. It was bleak picture from one angle BUT in another way it was superb and uplifting that a small charitable organisation such as ours with limited funds, and small numbers of staff and volunteers, helped so many in such diverse ways. I was, and remain, proud of this charity, its workforce and supporters and I hope that we manage to survive another year.

Maggie Viney Centre Manager February 2015

“The main cause of homelessness is relationship breakdown”


Annual Report 2014 12

Trustees and Officers – June 2014 – May 2015


Chair: Rev. Colin Hopkinson

Vice Chair: Alan Barber

Secretary: Malcolm Reid

Treasurer: Bill Archibald

Individual Trustees

Perry Childs

Felton Flavius

Lyn Headley

Danny Lovey

Cllr Phil Rackley

Naila Shand

Jenny Walter

Cllr Geoff Williams

Co-opted Members

Cllr Linda Allport-Hodge Basildon Borough Council

Mo Slade Basildon Borough Council

Trustees all have strong connections with the local area and come from all walks of life: Lawyer, Welfare Rights Specialists, housing manager, Local authority auditor, Business and IT consultant and retired brooker.


Annual Report 2014 13

Comments from the Trustee Management Board

Mo Slade - Housing Choice Manager Basildon Borough Council and BCRC Co-opted Trustee

Basildon Community Resource Centre have had another highly successful year seeing more clients referred from Basildon Council for support and assistance to find

accommodation in the private rented sector. With added pressure of finding affordable housing in the borough they have had to work even harder to secure good quality private housing for a challenging number of clients with limited resources.

Felton Flavius – International Lawyer and BCRC Trustee

Another year has passed and the Basildon Community Resource Centre has once again delivered an outstanding service to the people of our community, helping to combat homelessness and poverty and to contribute to the well-being of people in the Borough. The Centre remains a welcome help for individuals and families, making a positive difference to the lives of those who are going through difficult times. As a BCRC Trustee I am immensely proud of the work that the Centre is doing and I cannot stress enough my gratitude and appreciation for those staff and volunteers who selflessly sacrifice their time to help others. Equally, I express my gratitude to all those who open their hearts and contribute to the Resource Centre whether it is through funding or through donation of tangible goods and supplies. I am humble and proud to be serving on its Trustee Board.

Jenny Walter - Family Mosaic Manager and BCRC Trustee

Being an ex- member of staff and now a Trustee of several years, I know of the difficulties the Centre has to obtain funding and keep up the excellent service they provide to the larger community. As times change, so does the emphasis of the workload. The staff have been subjected to a drop in available properties, but still managed to house those most in need. If Basildon Borough didn’t have the Centre and all it offers, the town would miss it terribly. No-where else can some-one drop by to ask for help whether for housing, form filling, advice or just to have a cuppa. Well done to all the Staff.


Annual Report 2014 14

Danny Lovey – BCRC Trustee

Being a Trustee of Basildon Community Resource Centre is a privilege. Why is that? It is simply because there is a need for the services offered by the Centre be it accommodation and housing advice, Welfare Rights guidance, form filling, or the many other services offered. It is not just help for those on low incomes, problems arise from all walks of life and backgrounds. It can often be a very hard landing for those who experience hard times through a loss of employment, a marriage break up or other family problems and this often can bring about depression and desperation. I have seen first-hand how the staff and volunteers at the Centre work sympathetically and proactively to help those who are in need of help and advice, and I am proud of them. Cllr Geoff Williams - Borough Councillor and BCRC Trustee Basildon's Community Resource Centre continues to perform a vital function in the Borough, offering support to some of our most vulnerable residents. The Centre offers a wide range of services and I commend its work without reservation. The need has never been greater and the staff and volunteers are professional, compassionate and thorough in all their dealings with those in crisis.

Alan Barber - IMPACT Partner and BCRC Vice Chair

I have been closely associated with the Centre for many years and even though the role played and services on offer may have evolved, it is crystal clear the need for the ’wigwam’ is as strong as ever. You only have to pop into the place anytime to see for yourself the important work that goes on here day after day. It is always a warm, busy and professional yet informal place, where our dedicated staff go about their work in a way that is effective yet without fuss. Of course if you can’t spare the time to call in then all the facts and figures will be in this Report; but remember the statistics can only tell you a small part of the real story. Lyn Headley – CEO Basildon Women’s Aid and BCRC Trustee

Basildon Community Resource Centre offers a wonderful service for those who are desperate for help and the staff and volunteers work hard to provide support and practical assistance at that time of need. To keep the Centre open and staffed has, once again this year, been a continual struggle, however staff remain cheerful and resolute in these efforts. I am proud to be a Trustee of an organisation that supports the most vulnerable in our community.


Annual Report 2014 15

Malcolm Reid - BCRC Trustee (Secretary)

Last year I wrote that the Centre’s Management Committee would do ‘whatever it takes’ to keep the doors open. This we have done but only just and in no small measure by the efforts of Maggie our Manager, her staff and Jeremy Hope our Fundraiser. No effort is spared to find new sources of funding but it is still not enough and we are in danger of having to curtail some of our services at a time of greater need. The Trustees are ever vigilant of our responsibility not only to our dedicated staff but also to the ever increasing number of people in our Borough who need our help.

Naila Shand – Local Authority Auditor and BCRC Trustee

The Resource Centre is a vital life line for those needing to turn their lives around in a time of adversity. We are living in a new age of food banks and food parcels, where wages are unsustainable and a deluge of high interest payday loans fill the gaps for an increasing number of ordinary people unfamiliar with debt. I believe being a trustee; supporting fantastic staff and volunteers who help people in crisis every day, is as important now as it was when unemployment was really high. I know Maggie and her team will keep up the good work. John Bowgen - Wood and Disney Chartered Accountants

I am proud to be associated with the Centre and the team. The services that they provide are absolutely essential, and the demand for these services is constantly increasing. Continued support of the Centre is therefore vital.

Donations and Financial Information

Donations financial and in kind, from the general public, local businesses, churches and other organisations have been integral to the survival of BCRC. Thankyou. Thank you also to all our ‘monthly standing order’ donors, churches and individuals. Particular thanks to St Johns and St Mary’s Parish of Langdon Hills. A special thank you to all who have given to the Centre in the last 12 months. A full list of donors for 2014 is listed on our website:


Annual Report 2014 16

Our clients


Annual Report 2014 17

Partners and Referring Agencies

Meetings were held with statutory agencies and other charitable organisations to avoid service duplication and to strengthern partnership working. The Local Authority (Housing) audited our housing work quarterly in line with our service level agreement for grant aid (£39,800 in 2014)

Basildon Borough Council

Social Services


Youth Offending Teams

Probation Services




Women’s Aid



The Samaritans

Job Centre Plus


Age UK

Victim Support




Essex Youth Service

The Prince’s Trust


Educational Health & Welfare

Drug & Alcohol Services


Swan Housing

Family Mosaic


Health Care

Essex Education Welfare Offices

Basildon Hospital

Community Mental Health Team



Annual Report 2014 18

Client Comments

In late 2013 Maggie and Pat stopped me from committing suicide by talking to me and physically preventing me

stepping out into the road and going under a bus outside. Their kindness and common sense meant that I began with the Centre’s help and that of others, to put my life back in order and I want to say a big thank you as

yesterday I moved into my sheltered accommodation and life is good.

Russell. Age 64

Without the Centre being there for me I would be absolutely destitute. You helped me fill forms in and make telephone calls and you even fed me when I was in real despair.

Things aren’t brilliant even now but they are better and this is because you are all stars.

Thank you. Veronica

A few weeks ago I was really down and came into your building and I was really rude and horrid to the lady on the desk. She was nice though and she got someone to see me who gave me food and advice after

calming me down. This is to say a big sorry for being an a*** and that I think

you are all brilliant. Jamie. Age 19

We are sat in our warm new place to live and its fab. Our kids are happy and asleep upstairs.

Thank you for housing us and for giving us food and kitchen items. We hope you like the flowers.

Delia, Gordon, Shay and Tilly.

Whoever reads this – please don’t give up on supporting the Triangle and the ladies working there. They have helped me recently and they were great. I am feeling better and this is cos they helped me. There should be more angels like this.

Sue. Age 34


Annual Report 2014 19

Our Partners

I have worked in partnership with the Basildon Community Resource Centre team under our social justice agenda for over 6 months. As a charitable service they have been a port of call for me and my clients for advice regarding most aspects of things on offer and happening within the local community especially in relation to housing opportunities. This has proved invaluable to me to ensure I am delivering a sound service to our most vulnerable claimant group.

Dawn. Social Justice Coach, Universal Credit Ambassador, Department for Work and Pensions, Customer Services Directorate. Basildon Jobcentre

Basildon Community Resource Centre provides a critical support network for the homeless, vulnerable, at risk, poorly and unemployed. It helps those that are struggling and improves their lives. The Centre provides this help in the most practical of ways and with warmth and compassion. For all these reasons I have been, and will continue to be, a long term support of the Centre

Andy Leeser. Director. Corporate Development Partnership

I am writing to thank you for all your help at Basildon Resource Centre. I have been letting my properties through the Centre for a number of years and I find your professionalism extremely helpful. Your expertise on all housing matters is second to none. I want you to know that you are well appreciated and I will continue to do business with your Centre for a long time.

Shola Alalade. Landlord

We know Basildon Community Resource Centre provides a professional and friendly service. All the staff and volunteers are willing to go the extra mile to help clients who are often vulnerable and struggling with complex problems. Their emergency food bank supplies those who have literally nowhere else to go and nothing to eat.

Kathy Peach Chief Executive at Basildon Borough Citizens Advice Bureau

Lighthouse is delighted to work with BCRC as together we are able to help and make a real difference to some very vulnerable people. The Centre often refers clients and others struggling to Lighthouse and we provide essential furniture, appliances and starter bedding and kitchen packs. Some would qualify for Essex’s Essential Living Fund but others would not and together we do our best to assist them in the increasing difficult economic climate. The Centre provides us with invaluable advice about current benefits and housing entitlements, so it’s a great partnership.

Brian Darwood CEO at Lighthouse Furniture Project


Annual Report 2014 20

Opening Times

You can talk to us directly by phone Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm

01268 450040/1

Drop in Opening Times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10am - 2pm 10am - 2pm 10am - 2pm 10am - 2pm 10am - 2pm

Kindly note as our drop in service is a sit and wait to be seen facility, it is important you arrive by 1.00pm latest. On occasion you may be asked to return another day due to number of people waiting to be seen.

Appointments availaible for:

• Disability related matters (DLA/PIP/Attendance Allowance)

• Landlords and those interested in renting out their property

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See website for simple instructions or contact Maggie Viney for more information.