Announcements and Opening Prayer John Cornett · • Amy and Raymond Lutterloh: Prayers with church...

Post on 25-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Announcements and Opening Prayer John Cornett · • Amy and Raymond Lutterloh: Prayers with church...

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Announcements and Opening Prayer John Cornett Worship Leader John Cornett Praise and Worship

“Forever” On Screen/291

“Open The Eyes of My Heart” On Screen/207

The Lord’s Supper All believers are invited to the Lord’s Table.

You may partake as emblems are passed or you may choose to hold them and partake when you are ready.

Communion Hymn: “How Great Thou Art” On Screen

Communion Meditation and Prayer John Cornett

Offering Prayer Mike Phillips “Away in a Manger” On Screen

Praise Notes and Prayer Concerns Bruce Taylor

Junior Church and Nursery Dismissed to Your Classes.

Message Glenn Cornett

Closing Song: “We Will Glorify” On Screen/87

Closing Prayer Glenn Cornett




Today 10:30 am Worship and Praise Adult Bible Study

Junior Church and Nursery

Wednesday No Mid-Week Bible Study or Youth this week.

Thank you! Thank you to the One Way Women’s Ministry for organizing the gift bags for the ladies we were to visit at Christmas Caroling. Even though the weather cancelled the event, all bags were delivered throughout the week. Everyone was very grateful and sends their love. Thanks for being a blessing to others! Continue to shine God’s light!

New Date! A One Way Congregational Meeting and Vote has been rescheduled for Sunday, January 7, 2018 immediately following our worship time. We will ratify the bylaws for our young church body. PDF copies of the proposed bylaws have been emailed. See John Cornett for a printed version.

Celebrate the Savior!: The One Way Youth had a great Christmas party on Wednesday, December 13 including fellowship, food, service, caroling, games, and lots and lots of lights. Hope you had a great time at our birthday party for Jesus!

Worship Services for January 2018:

• Sunday Morning Worship will be held at 10:30am at the home of Mike and Melba Phillips in Burlington, NC.

• Wednesday Evening Adult and Youth Bible Studies will be held at 7:00pm at the home of John, Beth, and Ryan Cornett in Burlington, NC. Wednesday evenings will return on Wednesday, January 10, 2018.

Invite your friends and neighbors to join us each week!

Wednesday Evening Bible Study & One Way Youth for December will not be held. We will resume in January 2018.

Your Service Needed! New service schedules are being prepared for early 2018! Is it on your heart to serve in more ways? If you have interest or questions, please see John Cornett.

Leading Our Young People This Week (12/31) …

Nursery – Cathy Cornett Junior Church – Beth Cornett


• Lucille Baranello: Health concerns.

• Fay Chandler: Beth C’s grandmother. Completed cancer treatments. Stroke recovery.

• Ryan Cornett: Burst ear drum recovery.

• Tommy Horton: Recovery from recent heart procedure.

• Sue Johnston: Continued healing and strength. Recent sickness.

• Caitlin Little: Teenager with concussion, amnesia after fall.

• Cal Little: Sue Ann’s Sister in Law’s Brother; Massive Heart Attack; Vanderbilt Hospital.

• Linda Malone, Janice Martin, David Mitchell: Fighting Cancer; All with Good Reports.

• Melba and Mike Phillips: Walking and Mobility. Melba – Needs knee replacement.

• Emily and Troy: Mike’s daughter and son-in-law. Sobriety.

• Christy Stevens: Teacher, Mother of 3. Breast cancer diagnosis.

• Bruce Taylor: Anger management; God’s guidance. Health concerns. Travels for work.

• Whittington Family: Stomach bug. OTHER:

• Russ Briggs: Lost job. Pain. Diabetes.

• Hostetter Family & Friends: Comfort in this precious time with Nancy.

• Amy and Raymond Lutterloh: Prayers with church concerns and decisions.

• Our Church Body and Home. That we may reach the lost. May God open doors.

• Our Church Leaders. Pray for God’s guidance and direction.

• Our local churches: Us and others. Prayers that God will lead us and use us and that we will honor and glorify Him while sharing His love with everyone we meet!

• Pritchette Family & Friends: Comfort in loss of Jackie & knowledge that she knew God.

• Krista Stewart: Resolution of legal matter. Positive progression made.

• Kyle Stewart: Job situation. Interviews.

• Bruce and Susan Taylor: Unspoken request. God knows their needs.

• Megan Taylor: New Job at UNC.

• Tina, Mikaela, and Olivia Thompson: God knows their needs.

• Tillman Family & Friends: Comfort in loss of Frances & knowledge that she knew God.

• David Whittington: Job at the prison. Prayers for his safety. NEW PRAYER CONCERNS/PRAISE NOTES:

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Burlington, North Carolina

One Way Christian Church

Welcome 2018 ... Happy New Year!

New Year =

New Opportunities to Serve God!