Annie leibovitz Photograph Analysis

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Annie leibovitz Photograph Analysis

Annie LeibovitzKa-Leel Smith

The first thing in this photo that I notice is the eyes. This is because the photo

shows signs of using Direct address to draw the viewer in. The Model in the photo

has her face painted white with dark circles to emphasize the eyes. When the

photo is paired with an article the photo, the mask probably is used to

represent her adaptability to change rolls. Her peeling off the mask is symbolic

and means the article is about the real her. The shot is a close up used to

emphasize her face. There are various techniques used to draw attention to the

centre of the photo. They use a dark simplistic background as well as a plain

white shirt to make the model stand out more. The use of a broad depth of field

and soft lighting creates a warm feeling throughout the image. The photo is a

close up portrait.

The First thing I notice in this photo is the swan. Its immediately hops off the page

because of the contrast of its colour to the dark shirt and background. There is

obvious use of the rule of thirds in this photo as well as direct address which are

used to draw our attention to his face and eyes. The swans neck position and

the way he’s holding the swan compliment each other and really make them

stand out. The use of a simple background and narrow D.O.F help to focus on

the swan and Dicaprio. And the black and white brings more tones and

contrast. This photo is a portrait style photo because it focuses on the model

mostly it is also a close up.

The Facial expressions in these photos are the first things that stand out in this

image. The image uses close ups and follows the rule of thirds to make us focus

on the 2 models faces. There is a use of a simple background, simple clothing

and a broad depth of field to keep our focus on the model. The photo on the

left uses direct address and softer more centred lighting to create a happier

mood. Were the photo on the right uses a harsher angle. The black and white

adds more contrast and tones to the image giving It a different feel than if it

were in color. The 2 photos are done in the portrait style because they are close

ups of the models faces.

The photo leaves a lot for you to think about, ‘Who is this person?’ ‘How did she

get there?’ The way that she is kept faceless and anonymous, Is particularly

striking. There is signs of the use of the rule of thirds to draw focus to the upper

body of the model. The perspective of the photo helps keep the model as the

main focus. The background is relatively simplistic and does not distract from the

model. The green compliments the red dress and helps the model to further

standout. The broad D.O.F keeps everything in the image in focus. The light is

focused at the top left of the image creating a tonal gradient look from top left

to bottom right. The contrast further enhances this effect. The shot is a medium


This image caught my eye initially with the 3 owls. It’s really random for there to

be 3 owls with a girl on a couch. The way that the 2 owls at the side of the

centred one are looking up at something while the one in the middle looks at

the camera is just an eye catching little detail that adds a lot to the shot. The

Background is simplistic and keeps focus on the 4 objects on the couch. The

background contrasts with the 3 owls. The photo uses the rule of third to draw

attention to the models face. This photo has a broad DOF and keeps everything

in focus. The lighting in this image is soft and focused more from the top of the

image. Giving the light a very warm feeling.