ANN M. STALTER, PhD, RN · 2018-02-16 · Stalter, AM. Farra, S and Schnatz, J. $5000. (August...

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Transcript of ANN M. STALTER, PhD, RN · 2018-02-16 · Stalter, AM. Farra, S and Schnatz, J. $5000. (August...


ANN M. STALTER, PhD, RN Wright State University-Miami Valley

College of Nursing and Health 128 University Hall, 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway

Dayton, OH 45435-0001 Telephone: (937) 775-3947; Fax: (937) 775-4571


EDUCATION: Date Degree Major Institution 2016 M. Ed Technology- Health Professions Wright State University 2009 PhD Public Health Nursing Ohio State University 1993 MS Nursing Administration Wright State University 1983 BS Nursing Wright State University

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Date Position Institution/Agency 2011-current 2009- 2011 2000-2008 1998-2000

Associate Professor Assistant Professor Clinical Instructor Adjunct Clinical Instructor

Wright State University College of Nursing and Health

OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Date Position Institution/Agency 01/13-6/2013 01/00-2002 11/98-12/99 09/94-11/98 11/92-9/94 7/89-12/89 2/87-4/89 2/85-2/87

Consultant for Chief Nurse Project Consultant Interim Director of Nursing Quality Improvement Nurse Staff Nurse: Home Health Interim Director of Nursing Homecare Supervisor Staff Nurse: ECF & Home Health

American Red Cross-NHQ Academy Health Services, Inc.

11/92-9/94 Staff Nurse: Home Health Fidelity Nursing System, Inc. 2/90-11/92 Staff Nurse: OB Greene Memorial Hospital 2/87-2/87 12/83-2/84

Staff Nurse: MICU Graduate Nurse

Grandview Hospital

6/81-12/83 Nurse Aide: Orthopedics 6/79-6/81 Nurse Aide: Medical Clinic Wright Patterson Air Force Base

CURRENT LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION: Date Title Source 1984-present Registered Nurse Ohio Board of Nursing 2017 Assessing for College Credit- Faculty Assessor Council for Adult and Experiential Learning 2016 Quality Matters Reviewer Quality Matters 2016 Instructional Design for Digital Learning 1 Wright State University 2016 Instructional Design for Digital Learning 2 Wright State University

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 2


International Dates Association Status

2016-current International Quality and Safety Educating Nurses Task Force Leader 2011 American-Canadian Interprofessional Health Education and Dean (A)

Practice Collaborating Across Borders III 2004- 2009 Sigma Theta Tau International, Zeta Phi & Epsilon Faculty Counselor (E)

National Dates Association Status

2016-current Association of Community Health Educators, (ACHNE) Research Subcommittee Chair (E)

2010-Current Association of Community Health Educators Member 2014 ACHNE Small Grant Proposal Subcommittee Review Research, Chair 2015-2016 National Quality and Safety in Education of Nurses (QSEN) RN BSN Task Force Co-Leader 2016-Current National QSEN Practice Task Force Member 2014 RWJF/AARP National Campaign for Nurses Volunteer Mgmt Ohio Representative 2014 American Public Health Association, Public Health Section Member Interprofessional Disaster Services SubCommittee Member 2013 National Nurse Council, Red Cross Inactive as of June 2013 2009-2012 National Association of School Nurses Member

Regional Dates Association Status 2016 Midwest Nursing Research Symposium Member 2016-Current Ohio Action Committee Leadership Task Force Member 2014-current Ohio Action Coalition RNBSN Curriculum Committee Member 2010-2016 Visiting Nurse Association Board Board Member (E) 2015 Midwest Nursing Research Symposium Member, poster reviewer 2010-2015 Ohio Public Health Association Board Member 2013-2014 ACHNE Research Proposal Member 2010-2013 Ohio Public Health Association Section Chair (E) 2009-2013 Midwest Nursing Research Symposium Public Health Section Co- Chair (E) 2008-2011 Academic Nursing Coalition in Disaster Preparedness Member 2005-2010 Dayton & Montgomery County Medical Policies and Procedures Subcommittee Member

PROFESSIONAL AWARDS AND HONORS Date Title of Award Granting Association Recipient of CoNH Excellence in Teaching Award for RN Completion Program 2016 Nominated for Lillian Wald Award American Public Health Association 2013 Nominated for Lillian Wald Award American Public Health Association 2011 Recipient MNRS Public Health Section Research Award 2012 Recipient of Wright State University Presidential Excellence Award: Early Career Achievement Award 2010 Recipient of Ohio Public Health Association Distinguished Health Educator Service Award 2010 Recipient of CoNH Excellence in Teaching Award for RN Completion Program 2009 Nomination for Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award 1999-2001, 2005-2008, 2010

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 3


RESEARCH / GRANTS Non-funded, knowledge seeking Stalter, AM (2017). Systems Thinking Integration across Organizational Components of Magnet Facilities in the

Midwest: A Descriptive Study. IRB Approved. Dissemination Phase Brodhead, J., Stalter, AM, and Merriam, D. (2017). Virtual mentoring to promote systems thinking and civility

awareness within an international professional organization. IRB approved. Data Collection Phase. Stalter, AM (2013). Student Learning Outcomes from applying BSN Essentials. IRB approved. Dissemination

Phase Keister, KJ, Stalter, AM and Ulrich, D. (2013) Lunch-n-Learns. IRB approved. Poster presented at OLN. Funded Stalter, AM and Jauch, A. (2017). Systems Thinking Education in RN-BSN Programs: A Regional Study.

$1000.00 Sigma Theta Tau International, Zeta Phi Chapter. IRB Approved. Dissemination Phase. Center for Community Based Care $ 970.14. March 2012. “Are the Five Documents Nurse Educators Use to

Develop Professional Nurses Meeting the Needs of Home Care and Hospice Employers?” (Principal researcher, Ann M. Stalter; Co-PI Dr. Marybeth Kaylor).

Holland, C., Stalter, A., & Kaylor, MB. $4873.29. (December, 2011). Innovative Strategies for Student Success. (MAC TEST). Sigma Theta Tau International, Chapter Zeta Phi.

Recipient Bertram and Lovetta Research Incentive Award in Nursing $5000 August 2010 Assessing Facilitating factors and barriers among school nurses using the BMI-SS (Principal researcher, Ann M. Stalter; Co-PI Dr. Marybeth Kaylor).

Recipient College Seed Grant Award $3600 (August 2010) for School Nurse Assessment, Certification, Training, Instruction on Obesity Needs (ACTION) Study (Principal researcher, Dr. Marybeth Kaylor; Co-PI Dr. Ann M. Stalter).

Recipient Sigma Theta Tau, Zeta Phi Chapter Research Incentive Award $812.00 (April 2010). Recipient $12,200 (2003) Wellness Block Grant from Greene County Children’s First Council for Prevention of

Pregnancy in Fairborn Middle School. Recipient of $2000 Service Learning Award to educate Youth and Families in Fairborn, Ohio (2001). Recipient of $2500 Research Award from Sigma Theta Tau International, Zeta Phi chapter Assessing

Facilitating Factors and Barriers to Body Mass Index Screening Among School Nurses in Southwest Ohio (2004).

Submissions for funding that are pending: None Unfunded submissions: Dolansky, M. A., Phillips, J. M., Stalter, A. M., Goldschmidt, K., Wiggs, C., Merriam, D. (2017). Systems

thinking: A critical skill to improve safety and regulatory excellence in nursing. National Council State Boards of Nursing.

Dolansky, M. et al (October 2013). $10,000 AONE Seed Grant. Development and Psychometric Testing of the Systems Thinking Scale: Phase II.

Stalter, AM. Farra, S and Schnatz, J. $5000. (August 2013) Susan Hassmiller Award through American Red Cross. Leadership Development for RN BSN Students.

Stalter, AM and Pilder, M. The American Red Cross and Wright State's Calamityville: RNs Promoting Neighborhood Awareness. FEMA Challenge ($35,000).

Keyes, L., Stalter, AM & Gray, B. (2012). Partnering Approaches for Staff Success (PASS). ($30,000) Miami

Valley Hospital Foundation. (rejected November 1, 2013).

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 4

Fowler, B. and Stalter, A. (December, 2011). Study of Motivation, Trends, and Advantages of Nurses Pursuing

a PhD Degree with a Concentration in Public Health. ($117,550). Robert Wood Johnson Foundation –

Future of Nursing ~ Campaign for Action (rejected July 2012)

Gray, B., Stalter, AM., & Kaylor, MB. Wellness and Health Indicators of Nurse Educators Study ($100,000).

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation –Transformation of Nursing Education (rejected July 2012)

Kaylor, MB and Stalter, AM (2011). A Workforce Study: Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge Attributes of Public Health Nurses (ASK-A-PHN2). Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (Submitted in February 2011, rejected May 2011 due to erroneous entry on budget line)

Stalter, AM and Kaylor, MB (2010). Submitted ANF Grant Safety with Immunizations by Nurses Educated For Local Unexpected Situations (SWINE FLU) Study. (Submitted May 2010, Rejected October 2010).

PUBLICATIONS Most recent to past; (R) is for refereed publications

Articles [Include if refereed (R) or non-refereed (N) at end of citation]: Stalter, A.M. & Phillips, J.M. (2017). A Systems Perspective if the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in

Nursing: An Opportunity for Improving Global Health. In P. Yoder-Wise (Ed.), International Handbook for Nursing Education. London: Sage Publishing. (In press.).

Phillips, J.M., & Stalter, A.M. (2016, In press). Promotion learning: A multidimensional approach. In P. Yoder-Wise (Ed.), International Handbook for Nursing Education. London: Sage Publishing.

Phillips, JM., Stalter, AM., Winegardner, S., Wiggs, CM, & Jauch, A. (2017). Systems thinking and incivility in

nursing practice: An integrative review. Nursing Forum. (In press).

Stalter, AM. Phillips, JM., Ruggiero, JS., Wiggs, CM., Brodhead, J, Swanson, K., Winegardner, S., Jauch, A. and Goldschmidt, K. (2017, in review). Systems perspective for incivility in academia: An integrative review. Nursing Education Perspectives. NEP S-17-000396

Stalter, AM & Jauch, A. (2017, in review). Systems Thinking Education in RN-BSN Programs: A Regional

Study. Nurse Educator. NNE-2017-398

Stalter, AM. & Mota, A. (2017). Using systems thinking to envision quality and safety in healthcare. Nursing

Management. Lwwesubmission D-17-00299. Accepted 10/25/2017. In press.

Stalter, AM. & Mota, A. (2017). Recommendations for prompting quality and safety in the healthcare systems.

Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Administrative Angles. 48(7): 295. Available at:

50d0ef51fd6c%7D/recommendations-for-promoting-quality-and-safety-in-health-care-systems (N)

Farra, S. Keister, K. & Stalter, AM (2017, In review). A concept analysis of synergy in nursing education.

Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, RTNP-D-17-00086R1.

Stalter, AM, Phillips, JM, & Dolansky, MA. (2017). QSEN Institute RN-BSN Task Force White Paper on

Recommendation for Systems-based Practice Competency. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 32(4),

354-358 (R)

Stalter, A. & Arms, D. (2016) Serving on organizational boards: What nurses need to know. OJIN: The Online

Journal of Issues in Nursing. 21(2). DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol21No02PPT01. Available at

ents/Vol-21-2016/No2-May-2016/Articles-Previous-Topics/Serving-on-Organizational-Boards.html (R).

McCutcheon, K.A. & Stalter, A.M. (May, 2017). Discovering my nursing philosophy. Nursing2017, 47(5), 68-69.

Phillips, J.M. & Stalter, A.M. (2016) Integrating systems thinking into nursing education Journal of Continuing

Education in Nursing, 47(9): 395-397. DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20160817-05. (R).

Stalter, A.M. et al., (2016). Concept analysis of systems thinking. Nursing Forum. 52(1) DOI.1111/nuf.12192


Phillips, J.M., Stalter, A.M, Dolansky, M.A., & McKee-Lopez, G. (2016). Fostering future leadership in quality

and safety in health care through systems thinking. Journal of Professional Nursing. Jan-Feb; 32(1):15-

24. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2015.06.003. (R).

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 5

Stalter, A. M. (In Press) Vulnerable Populations in JJ. Fitzpatrick and Meredith Wallace (4th Eds). Encyclopedia

of Nursing Research. (R).

Stalter A.M. (2015). System base practice as a public health nursing workforce competency requirement.

Review Public Administration Management, 3:165. doi:10.4172/2315-7844.1000165.

Ulrich, D.L & Stalter, A.M. (2014). Securing your first clinical nursing position. Nursing2015, 45(8):60-63. (R).

Ulrich, D.L & Stalter, A.M. (2014). Launching your professional career. Nursing2015, 45(9):43(R).

Stalter, A.M., Keister, K., Ulrich, D. & Smith, S. (2014). Overcoming the barriers to achieving a BSN Part 1.

Nursing2014, 44(3). 50-53. (R).

Stalter, A. M., Keister, K., Ulrich, D. L., & Smith, S. (2014). Overcoming the barriers to achieving a BSN PART

2. Nursing2014, 44(4), 46-49. (R).

Stalter, AM., Chaudry, RV., & Polivka, BJ. (2011). Regional differences as barriers to Body Mass Index

screening described by Ohio school nurses. Journal of School Health. 81:8, 437-448. (R)

Stalter, AM., Kaylor, MB., Steineke,J., & Barker, R.(2011). Parental perceptions of the rural school’s role in

addressing childhood obesity. Journal of School Nursing. 27: 70-81 (R)

Stalter, AM., Chaudry, RV., & Polivka, BJ. (Aug 2010). Facilitating factors and barriers to BMI screening in

schools. Journal of School Nursing. 26:4, 320-330. (R)

Stalter, A. M. (2009). Assessing facilitating factors and barriers to body mass index screening among school

nurses. (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University) submitted to Ohiolinks 3/12/09. (R)

Kilanowski, J., Stalter, A. M. and Gottesman, M. (2006). Preventing peanut panic. Journal of Pediatric Health

Care, January February. 20:(1). 61-65. (R).

Kilanowski, J., Stalter, A. M. and Gottesman, M. (2005). Preventing peanut panic. Part One. Netwellness.

Kilanowski, J., Stalter, A. M. and Gottesman, M. (2005). Preventing peanut panic. Part Two. Netwellness.

Stalter, A. M. (2009) Vulnerable Populations in JJ. Fitzpatrick and Meredith Wallace (3rd Eds). Encyclopedia of

Nursing Research. New York: Springer. (copy not available for evidence)

Stalter, A. M. (2007) Vulnerable Populations in JJ. Fitzpatrick and Meredith Wallace (2nd Eds). Encyclopedia of

Nursing Research. New York: Springer.

Home Health Policy and Procedure Manual Parts I, II, & III, (1998) Academy Health Services, Inc., non-

published with reserved rights.

Clinical Pathways for Home Health Care (1997) Academy Health Services, Inc., non-published and reserved


Stalter, A. M. (1993). Career Orientations among Selected Groups of Nurses; Wright State University,

Master’s Thesis. (R).

Abstracts: Phillips, JM., Stalter, AM., Winegardner, S., Wiggs, CM, & Jauch, A. Systems Thinking for Workplace Civility:

Implications for Education and Practice. (2018). Nurse Education Today and Nurse Education in Practice (NETNEP) Conference. Banff, Canada.

Koffel, C., Bradley, K., Burke, K., Harmon, M., & Stalter, AM. (2017, In review). QSEN Based Behavioral Interview Questions for Nursing Practice. International QSEN Institute Forum 2018. Oceans of Opportunity: Evidence-based Practice to Improve Quality and Safety in Education and Practice. Bonita Springs, Florida May 30, 2018.

Stalter, AM and Wiggs, CM. (2017, in review). Use of an instructional design model in validating an online animated case-based systems thinking module. Sigma Theta Tau 29th International Nursing Research Congress. Melbourne, Australia.

Stalter, AM, Phillips, JM & Dolansky, M. (2017, In review). Origins of Fostering Nursing Leadership in Quality and Safety: Developing the Systems Awareness Model. New York League for Nursing. Spring into Quality and Safety Competencies: Interprofessional Education and Practice. Daemen College March 23, 2018. Amherst, New York.

Stalter, AM, Phillips, JM & Dolansky, M. (2017, In review). Theoretical Foundations of Developing the Systems Awareness Model. International QSEN Institute Forum 2018. Oceans of Opportunity: Evidence-based Practice to Improve Quality and Safety in Education and Practice. Bonita Springs, Florida May 30, 2018.

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 6

Stalter, AM, Eardley, DL; DeBlieck, CJ; Blanchette, L; Harrington, S; Whitten, L. (2017, in review). The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) Research Mentoring Group’s Crosswalk between OMAHA SYSTEM and Guiding Undergraduate Community/Public Health Education Documents. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana. Submission #2881348.

Stalter, AM, Phillips, and JM, Pope, T. (2017). Envision your future as a board member: Unmasking competence with systems thinking. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Pre-conference Workshop Annual Institute 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana. Submission #2847622.

Stalter, AM, McElroy, K., DeBlieck, C. and Smith, S. (2017). Envisioning the Association of Community Health Nurse Educator's Research and Scholarship Future with Evidence Based Practice. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute 2018, Podium presentation, New Orleans, Louisiana. Submission #2847912.

Brodhead, J., Stalter, AM, and Merriam, D. (2017). Virtual mentoring to promote systems thinking and civility awareness within an international professional organization. 2017 1st Annual Summit on Leadership and Quality Improvement: Accelerating Change Through Positive Forms of Leadership, October 19, 2017 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Stalter, AM and Wiggs, CM. (2017, in review). Determining use of an instructional design model in developing and testing an online animated case-based instruction module about systems thinking. NETNEP2018. 7th International Nurse Education Conference. Banff, Canada.

Stalter, AM., et al. (2017). Beyond boundaries-Leadership and systems change. National League for Nurses 2017 Summit.

Stalter, AM., and Phillips, JM. (2017). Systems thinking for innovation: Evidence-based teaching strategies for curricular enhancement and measurement in interprofessional education. QSEN National Forum 2017. Poster presentation. Chicago, Illinois. May 31, 2017.

Stalter, AM., et al. (2017). Can civility improve patient quality and safety? Evidence-based recommendations using systems thinking. QSEN National Forum 2017. Poster presentation. Chicago, Illinois. May 31, 2017.

Phillips, J., et al (2014). Translation to practice: Fostering leadership in quality and safety through EBP and interprofessional systems thinking. National League for Nurses 2014 Summit. Podium presentation.

Phillips, J. et al (2014). Fostering future QSEN leadership in health care through systems thinking. QSEN National Forum 2014. (Abstract submitted 2013) Podium presentation

Keister, K., Stalter, AM and Ulrich, DL. (2013). Lunch-n-Learn: A faculty development program for integrating QSEN concepts. Ohio League for Nurses Summit 2014. Columbus, Ohio. (Abstract submitted 2013) Poster presentation

Keister, K., Stalter, AM and Ulrich, DL. (2013). Using Lunch-n-Learns to Develop Faculty for Integration of QSEN Competencies into Nursing Curricula. QSEN National Forum 2014. (Abstract submitted 2013 poster presentation)

Citations of Work: Cited by: Plack, M., Goldman, E.F., Scott, A.R., Pintz., C., Kline, K., Thompson, T., Brundage, S.B. (2017).

Systems thinking and systems-based practice across the health professions: An inquiry into definitions, teaching practices, and assessment. Teaching and Learning in Medicine DOI 10.1080/10401334.2017.1398654. Abstract available at: (Phillips, J.M., Stalter, A.M, Dolansky, M.A., & McKee-Lopez, G. Fostering future leadership in quality and safety in health care through systems thinking in JPN; Stalter, Phillips & Dolansky White Paper; and Phillips & Stalter’s Integrating systems thinking into nursing education article in JCEN )

Cited by: Jain, M., & Gewertz, B. L. (2017). Leadership to Encourage and Sustain Performance. In Measurement and Analysis in Transforming Healthcare Delivery (pp. 113-121). Springer International Publishing. (Phillips, J.M., Stalter, A.M, Dolansky, M.A., & McKee-Lopez, G. Fostering future leadership in quality and safety in health care through systems thinking in JPN)

Cited by: Armstrong, G. E. (2016). Nurses’ Perceived Skills and Attitudes About Updated Safety Concepts (Doctoral dissertation, Vanderbilt University). (Phillips, J.M., Stalter, A.M, Dolansky, M.A., & McKee-Lopez, G. Fostering future leadership in quality and safety in health care through systems thinking in JPN)

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 7

Cited by: Železnik, D., Kokol, P., & Vošner, H. B. (2017). Adapting nurse competence to future patient needs using Checkland's Soft Systems Methodology. Nurse Education Today, 48, 106-110. (Phillips, J. M., & Stalter, A. M. Integrating systems thinking into nursing education article in JCEN)

Cited by: Phillips, JM., & Stalter, AM. (2016). Integrating systems thinking into nursing education. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 47(9), 395-397. (Stalter, A.M. Concept analysis of systems thinking article in Nursing Forum).

Cited by: Phillips, JM., & Stalter, AM. (2016). Integrating systems thinking into nursing education. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 47(9), 395-397. (Phillips, J.M., Stalter, A.M, Dolansky, M.A., & McKee-Lopez, G. Fostering future leadership in quality and safety in health care through systems thinking in JPN)

Cited by: Stalter, A.M., Phillips, J. M., Ruggiero, J. S., Scardaville, D. L., Merriam, D., Dolansky, M. A., ... & Winegardner, S. (2016, December). A concept analysis of systems thinking. In Nursing Forum. (Phillips, J.M., Stalter, A.M, Dolansky, M.A., & McKee-Lopez, G. Fostering future leadership in quality and safety in health care through systems thinking in JPN)

Cited by: Alrashidi, M. (2016). The prevalence, risk factors and perception of overweight and obesity in kuwaiti children: a mixed methods approach (Doctoral dissertation, RMIT University). (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN)

Cited by: McEwen, M. (2015). Promoting Differentiated Competencies Among RN-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Graduates. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(11), 615-623. (Stalter, A.M., Keister, K., Ulrich, D. & Smith, S. (2014). Overcoming the barriers to achieving a BSN Part 1.)

Cited by: McEwen, M. (2015). Promoting Differentiated Competencies Among RN-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Graduates. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(11), 615-623. (Stalter, A.M., Keister, K., Ulrich, D. & Smith, S. (2014). Overcoming the barriers to achieving a BSN Part 2)

Cited by: Lineberry, M. J. (2016). THE ROLE AND IMPACT OF SCHOOL NURSES AND INTENTIONS TO DELEGATE DIABETES-RELATED TASKS AMIDST BUDGET CUTS AND LEGISLATIVE CHANGES. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN)

Cited by: Herrera, J., Lockner, D., Kibbe, D., Marley, S. C., Trowbridge, F., & Bailey, A. (2013). Innovative

tools help counselors discuss childhood obesity with parents. Childhood Obesity, 9(2), 144-149.

(Stalter, AM., Kaylor, MB., Steineke,J., & Barker, R.(2011). Parental perceptions of the rural school’s

role article in JOSN)

Cited by: Henningsen, A., Boros, P., Ingvalson, K., Fontana, F. E., & Matvienko, O. (2015). Should Schools

Send BMI Report Cards to Parents? A Review of Literature. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation

& Dance, 86(9), 26-32 . (Stalter, AM., Kaylor, MB., Steineke,J., & Barker, R.(2011). Parental

perceptions of the rural school’s role article in JOSN)

Cited by: Brown, K. E. (2012). Beliefs and attitudes about disordered eating and the prevention of related

problems in high school females: perspectives of parents and staff in a private boarding school

setting (Doctoral dissertation, [Honolulu]:[University of Hawaii at Manoa],[May 2012]). (Stalter, AM.,

Kaylor, MB., Steineke,J., & Barker, R.(2011). Parental perceptions of the rural school’s role article in


Cited by: McDonald, S. W., Ginez, H. K., Vinturache, A. E., & Tough, S. C. (2016). Maternal perceptions of

underweight and overweight for 6–8 years olds from a Canadian cohort: reporting weights, concerns

and conversations with healthcare providers. BMJ open, 6(10), e012094. (Stalter, AM., Kaylor, MB.,

Steineke,J., & Barker, R.(2011). Parental perceptions of the rural school’s role article in JOSN)

Cited by: Ruggieri, D. G., & Bass, S. B. (2015). African-American Parents' Knowledge and Perceptions About BMI Measurements, School-Based BMI Screening Programs, and BMI Report Cards: Results from a Qualitative Investigation and Implications for School-to-Parent Communication. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-11. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Minges, K. E., Chao, A., Nam, S., Grey, M., & Whittemore, R. (2014). Weight status, gender, and race/ethnicity are there differences in meeting recommended health behavior guidelines for adolescents?. The Journal of School Nursing, 1059840514554089. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN) and (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Regional Barriers articles in JOSN).

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 8

Cited by: Quelly, S. B. (2015). Reliability and Validity of a Tool to Measure School Nurse Perceptions and Practices Associated With Childhood Obesity Prevention. Journal of nursing measurement, 23(2), 239-254. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Ruggieri, D. G., & Bass, S. B. (2015). A Comprehensive Review of School‐Based Body Mass Index Screening Programs and Their Implications for School Health: Do the Controversies Accurately Reflect the Research?.Journal of School Health, 85(1), 61-72. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: McEwen, M. (2015). Promoting Differentiated Competencies Among RN-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Graduates. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(11), 615-623. (Ulrich et al, Barriers to Achieving BSN, Parts 1 & 2)

Cited by: Lineberry, M. J., & Ickes, M. J. (2014). The Role and Impact of Nurses in American Elementary Schools A Systematic Review of the Research. The Journal of School Nursing, 1059840514540940.( Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Regional Barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Moreno, G., Johnson‐Shelton, D., & Boles, S. (2013). Prevalence and prediction of overweight and

obesity among elementary school students. Journal of School Health, 83(3), 157-163. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Cowell, J. M. (2011). Childhood obesity research directions for school health researchers and school nurses. The Journal of School Nursing, 27(1), 7-12. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Ruggieri, D. G., & Bass, S. B. (2015). A Comprehensive Review of School‐Based Body Mass Index

Screening Programs and Their Implications for School Health: Do the Controversies Accurately Reflect the Research? Journal of School Health, 85(1), 61-72. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN and Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Regional Barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Trudeau, F. (2010). Who is going to be diagnosed with musculoskeletal problem in adulthood? Take a look at high school grades in physical education. Pain,150(3), 379. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Quelly, S. B. (2014). Childhood obesity prevention: a review of school nurse perceptions and practices. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 19(3), 198-209. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN and Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Regional Barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Gentles, M. E. (2013). School Nursing Health Care Transition Policies and Practices for Serving Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs(Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University). (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Minges, K. E., Chao, A., Nam, S., Grey, M., & Whittemore, R. (2014). Weight Status, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity Are There Differences in Meeting Recommended Health Behavior Guidelines for Adolescents?. The Journal of School Nursing, 1059840514554089. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Chruzander, C. (2013). Feta barn far illa, skolsköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete.( Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Regional Barriers article in JOSN)

Cited by: Bailey-Davis, L., Horst, M., Hillemeier, M. M., & Lauter, A. (2012). Obesity disparities among elementary-aged children: data from school-based BMI surveillance. Pediatrics, 130(6), 1102-1109. (Stalter, Kaylor, Steinke, & Barker Parental perceptions article in JOSN)

Cited by: Herrera, J., Lockner, D., Kibbe, D., Marley, S. C., Trowbridge, F., & Bailey, A. (2013). Innovative tools help counselors discuss childhood obesity with parents. Childhood Obesity, 9(2), 144-149. (Stalter, Kaylor, Steinke, & Barker Parental perceptions article in JOSN)

Cited by: Quelly, S. B. (2013). Influence of Perceptions on School Nurse Practices to Prevent Childhood Obesity. The Journal of School Nursing, 1059840513508434. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Moreno, G., Johnson‐Shelton, D., & Boles, S. (2013). Prevalence and prediction of overweight and obesity among elementary school students. Journal of School Health, 83(3), 157-163. (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Moreno‐Black, G., & Stockard, J. (2013). Targeting childhood obesity in schools: an examination of the stability and utility of the Value Added Index. Pediatric obesity. . (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Morgan, E., Houser, R. Au, L., Sacheck, J. (2012) “Associations Between Three School-Based Measures of Health Is BMI Enough?.” The Journal of School Nursing. DOI: DOI:

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 9

10.1177/1059840512470142 . Available at: (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN).

Cited by: Waggoner, M. R. (2013). Parsing the Peanut Panic: The Social Life of a Contested Food Allergy Epidemic. Social Science & Medicine. (Stalter & Kilanowski’s Peanut Panic Article).

Cited by: Bailey-Davis, L., Horst, M., Hillemeier, M. M., & Lauter, A. (2012). Obesity Disparities Among Elementary-Aged Children: Data From School-Based BMI Surveillance. Pediatrics, 130(6), 1102-1109.(Stalter, Kalyor, Steinke & Barker, 2011).

Cited by: Herrera, J., Lockner, D., Kibbe, D., Marley, S. C., Trowbridge, F., & Bailey, A. (2013). Innovative Tools Help Counselors Discuss Childhood Obesity with Parents. Childhood Obesity, 9(2), 144-149. (Stalter, Kalyor, Steinke & Barker, 2011).

Cited by: Moyer, L. J., Carbone, E. T., Anliker, J. A., & Goff, S. L. (2013). The Massachusetts BMI letter: A qualitative study of responses from parents of obese children. Patient education and counseling. .(Stalter, Kalyor, Steinke & Barker, 2011).

Cited by: Wu YP and Steele, R. G. (2011). The development and evaluation of a measure assessing school nurses’ perceived barriers to addressing pediatric obesity. The Journal of School Nursing, DOI: 10.1177/1059840511413604. Available at: (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN)

Cited by: Pitchforth, E., Weaver, S., Willars, J., Wawrzkowicz, E., Luyt, D. and Dixon-Woods, M. (2011). A qualitative study of families with a nut allergy. Chronic Illness. DOI: 10.11771742395311411591. Available at: (Stalter & Kilanowski’s Peanut Panic Article)

Cited by: Symkiewicz, A. (2010). Chapter 11. Peanut (Arachis hypogeal) Allergens page 268. In Jedchowski, L. and Wichers, H. (2010). Chemical and biological properties of food allergens. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. (Stalter & Kilanowski’s Peanut Panic Article)

Cited by: Trudeau, F. “Who is going to be diagnosed with musculoskeletal problem in adulthood? Take a look at high school grades in physical education.” Pain, v. 150 issue 3, 2010, p. 379 (Stalter, Chaudry & Polivka’s Facilitating factors and barriers article in JOSN)

Cited by: McBride. “Parenting a child with medically diagnosed severe food allergies in New Zealand: The experience of being unsupported in keeping their children healthy and safe.” Contemporary Nurse,, 2010, p. 77. (Stalter & Kilanowski’s Peanut Panic Article).

Cited by: Jędrychowski, Lucjan, Barbara Wróblewska, and Agata Szymkiewicz. "State of the art on food allergens–a review." Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci 58 (2008): 165-175. . (Stalter & Kilanowski’s Peanut Panic Article).


Papers Given at Professional Conferences: (Include Author(s), date, title and sponsoring organization.) Workshop Presentations Phillips, J., Stalter, A. Ruggiero, J., Trent, P., Brodhead, J. … Dolansky, M. (2017). Seven steps to fostering

civility culture to promote healthy systems. NLN Education Summit September 14, 2017. San Diego California

Stalter, A. & Arms, D. (2017) Serving on a board: What every nurse needs to know. Ohio Organization of Nurse Executives (OONE) Fall 2017 Conference Pre-conference Workshop Nursing Leadership: A Force for Change. November 8, 2017. Chamberlain College. Columbus Ohio.

Stalter, A. & Arms, D. (2017) Serving on a board: What every nurse needs to know. Ohio Nurses Association, Ohio Action Coalition/Nurses on Boards Coalition: Nurses on Boards: Are you ready to serve. October 27, 2017. Chamberlain College. Columbus Ohio.

Stalter, A. & Arms, D. (2017) Serving on a board: What every nurse needs to know. Ohio Nurses Association, Ohio Action Coalition/Nurses on Boards Coalition: Nurses on Boards: Are you ready to serve. June 27, 2017. Chamberlain College. Columbus Ohio.

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 10

Paper / Podium Phillips, J., et al. (2017).Teaching innovations for systems thinking in graduate programs for nurse educators.

National League for Nurses 2017 Summit. Podium presentation. Phillips, J., et al. (2016). Beyond boundaries- System level thinking: A concept analysis linking diversity in

education and practice. National League for Nurses 2016 Summit. Podium presentation. Phillips, J., et al (2014). Translation to practice: Fostering leadership in quality and safety through EBP and

interprofessional systems thinking. National League for Nurses 2014 Summit. (Abstract submitted 2013) Podium presentation

Phillips, J. et al (2014). Fostering future QSEN leadership in health care through systems thinking. QSEN National Forum 2014. (Abstract submitted 2013) Podium presentation

Stalter, AM, Keister, KJ and Ulrich, DL (2013). The Wright Tool Kit for Integration of QSEN Competencies into Nursing Curricula. QSEN National Forum 2014. Podium presentation.

Stalter, AM and Stanley, S. (2013). Red Cross Nurse Network: Pairing Leaders to Grow Volunteer Capacity University of New Mexico Mentoring Institute. Podium presentation.

Stalter, AM., Kaylor, MB., Bochenek, JM, and Lukens, M. (2012) Assessing Facilitating factors and barriers among a national sample of school nurses using the BMI-SS. survey Midwest Nursing Research Symposium March 2012.Dearborn, Michigan. Podium presentation.

Ulrich, D. Stalter, AM., and Berry, D. (2012). Collaborating to Develop an Innovative RN-BSN Program to Meet the Needs of Today’s Health Care Environment" American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2012 Baccalaureate Education Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Podium presentation.

Stalter, AM., Kaylor, MB., Bochenek, JM, and Lukens, M. (2011)” Assessing Facilitating factors and barriers among a national sample of school nurses using the BMI-SS.” Abstract to Midwest Nursing Research Symposium (MNRS) (R).

Stalter, AM., Kaylor, MB., Bochenek, JM, and Lukens, M. (2011) Assessing Facilitating factors and barriers among a national sample of school nurses using the BMI-SS . 43rd Annual Conference National Association of School Nurses. Washington, D.C.

Abstract to Midwest Nursing Research Symposium (MNRS)- (2010). ID: 726228 accepted, “Establishing Baseline Validity and Reliability of a Body Mass Index Screening Survey” (R).

Stalter, A.M., Polivka, B.J. and Chaudry, R.V. (2009). Establishing baseline validity and reliability of a body mass index screening survey Midwest Nursing Research Symposium March 2010. Kansas City, Missouri.

Ohio State University College of Nursing 20th Anniversary Celebration of Doctoral Program 2006 Sigma Theta Tau, International 38th Biennial Convention, November 2005 Pilot Study using Focus Groups to Assess Facilitating Factors and Barriers to BMI Screening among Selected

Groups of Nurses in Southwest Ohio Honorable Mention Student Poster Award MNRS April 2005 Ohio Association of School Nurses Annual Conference April 2005 Autism: Recruitment, Education and Health Service Learning Outcomes: Forty Students, Ten Weeks, 3600

Hours STTI, 36th Biennial Convention 2003 Posters Phillips, J.M. & Stalter, A.M. (May 2017). Systems Thinking for Innovation: Evidence-based Teaching

Strategies for Curricular Enhancement and Measurement in Interprofessional Education. QSEN Institute 2017. National Forum. Poster presentation. Chicago, Ill.

Stalter, A.M. et al. (May 2016). Can civility improve patient quality and safety? Evidence-based recommendations using systems thinking. QSEN Institute 2017. National Forum. Poster presentation. Chicago, Ill.

Stalter, A.M. et al. (May 2016). Systems thinking: A concept analysis. QSEN Institute 2016. National Forum. Poster presentation. San Antonio, Texas.

Gray, B. A. & Stalter, A. M. (2016). Work-life health in nursing education: Impact on health, Student learning, organizational effectiveness, and intent to stay. (Poster Presentation), 40th Annual MNRS Conference, March 17-20, 2016 in Milwaukee, WI.

Keister, K., Stalter, AM and Ulrich, DL. (2013). Lunch-n-Learn: A faculty development program for integrating QSEN concepts. Ohio League for Nurses Summit 2014. Columbus, Ohio. (Abstract submitted 2013) Poster presentation

Keister, K., Stalter, AM and Ulrich, DL. (2013). Using Lunch-n-Learns to Develop Faculty for Integration of QSEN Competencies into Nursing Curricula. QSEN National Forum 2014. Poster presentation.

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 11

Stalter, AM and Stanley, S. (2013). Red Cross Nurse Network: Pairing Leaders to Grow Volunteer Capacity University of New Mexico Mentoring Institute.

Stalter, AM, and Kaylor, MB (2013). A Work Force Study: Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge Attributes of the Home Health and Hospice Nurse (ASK-A-HHN). Ohio Council of Home Care and Hospice Agencies Annual Conference. Columbus, Ohio.

NASN 43nd Annual Conference (2011). Bochenek, JM, Kaylor, MB, Stalter, AM and Lukens, M. Adolescent

Perceptions of School’s Role in BMI Screening.

Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (2010). Grogg, J.,

Giesige, A., Schubach, R., Stump, T. & Stalter, AM. Teddy Bear Wellness, abstract published.

Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (2010). Steinke, J. &

Barker, R. & Stalter, A. Parent Perceptions of rural school’s role in addressing child obesity, abstract


NASN 42nd Annual Conference (2010). Stalter, AM. Facilitating factors and barriers to BMI screening practice,

abstract published.

Recipient of Honorable Mention Award for poster submitted to Midwest Nursing Research Symposium for Assessing Facilitating Factors and Barriers to Body Mass Index Screening Among School Nurses in Southwest Ohio 2005

Round Table / Panel

Wright State University School of Public Health and College of Nursing and Health Grand Round panel discussion on Health Disparities and Vulnerable Populations (2012). Wright State University.

Academic Nursing Coalition for Disaster Preparedness (ANCDP): An Effective Collaboration for Emergency Preparedness. May 10, THE OHIO PUBLIC HEALTH COMBINED CONFERENCE. (R)


Website development and maintenance Quality and Safety in Education of Nurses Institute. RN-BSN Task Force (2016). The Resource Center to

Integrate QSEN and Systems Thinking into RN-BSN Curriculum Systems Thinking Review Professional Development Module (2016). Available at:

Quotes & interviews

Nurses’ degree path eased at Wright State. “We’ve stepped up, we’re reorganized, and, we’re ready.” May 2012, Megan Pant @ Dayton Daily News.

How’s the food in your school? In addition to cutting back on physical education and other outdoor activities, research shows schools may be contributing to the obesity epidemic in another way: Students who regularly eat at school are at higher risk of being overweight. “We need to quit letting kids run the school lunchroom,” said Ann Stalter, a nursing professor at Wright State University. “Kids who brown bag are leaner kids.” Front page Sunday paper, December 6, 2010, Chris Mangan @Dayton Daily News

WSU Sinclair SHARE Program highlight. “Our Deans have been doing their jobs.” May 2010, Dayton Daily News

How can Santa help? Wright State expert weighs in on how to combat obesity during holiday season. Wright State University WebSite News and Fairborn Daily Herald, December 18, 2009, Contact Stephanie Ely @ Wright State University Department of Communications and Marketing.

Gilland, J. (2009). Nursing looks promising despite economic woe. Guardian. (January 13, 2009). Wright State University.

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 12

Judge, C. (2009). What do you most enjoy about being a nurse educator? Health Care Today. March, 2009.

Newspaper articles Stalter, A. M. Are you monitoring neighborhood kids as you were monitored? Fairborn Daily Herald, August

21, 2000 Stalter, A.M., et al. WSU Students Serve Others through Handwashing! Fairborn Daily Herald, October 3,


Stalter, A.M. Networking in a Community: Creating Partners and Service Learning Opportunities,@ Greene

County, Ohio Children First Newsletter. October 2000. Stalter, A.M. Faculty and Student Recognition with Service Learning, Student Affairs Quarterly. Volume 29,

Wright State University-Miami Valley College of Nursing and Health. Fall 2000.

SERVICE AND ACADEMIC OUTREACH: (Include name of committee, role and dates of service; mark E if


Professional National May 2016 QSEN Think Tank Invitation of National QSEN Director


Dec 2014-2015 Senate Ad Hoc Taskforce on Distance Learning Invitation of Faculty President Dec 2012-2013 Senate Ad Hoc Group on University Smoking Policy Lead by invitation of Faculty President Dec 2012- 2013 Smoking Policy Taskforce Member June -August 2012 Wellness Committee Member by invitation of Admin Team 2010-2013 Dining Services Committee Member 2012-2013 Public Health Advisory Board Member 2009-2011 Building and Grounds Committee Member 2008-2010 Faculty Senator (E) 2010 AdHoc Committee for Master Planning Member





Technology Committee

Annual Appointment and Review

Annual Appointment and Review

Co-Chair Member



2012-current Promotion and Tenure Committee Member

2009-current Faculty Organization Member

2009-current Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member

2011-2012 Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair

2010-2016 Annual Appointment and Review Member

2009-current Faculty Organization Member

2009-current Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member

2009-2016 Graduate Curriculum Committee Member

2009-2015 RN Completion Program Director Director (Dean Appointed)

2009 Quarter to Semester Conversion Taskforce

Subcommittees include: Health Assessment Team Convener, RN BSN Transition Team member, Public Health and Policy Team member, BEACON Transition Team member


2000-2010 Teddy Bear Wellness Summer Camp Director

Faculty name: Stalter, Ann M. Page 13

2001-2010 Adventures in Health Summer Camp Director


2005-current Beavercreek Township Zoning Board Member

2007-2012 St. Luke Parish Nurse Blood Pressure Screening and Health Ministry Team Leader


2009-2012 St. Luke Parish Health Ministry Leader

2010-2012 Holly Rock Riders 4-H group Member

1999-2003 Miami-Valley Families Effected by Autism Treatment Member

1996-1999 Buckeye Trails Girl Scout Leader