Animal Behavior Why do animals move? To stalk for food Climb for food Fighting for territory mating...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Animal Behavior Why do animals move? To stalk for food Climb for food Fighting for territory mating...

Animal Behavior

Why do animals move?

To stalk for food

Climb for food

Fighting for territory



Catch Food

Owl swooping on a mouse

Catch Food

Bees fly to get nectar from a flower

Catch Food

Koala bears climb trees to get to eucalyptus leaves.

Catch Food

Jellyfish harpoon and lasso prey.

Catch food

Chimpanzee uses tools.

How to avoid being eaten?

•At any given moment, an animal diner can become another animals dinner!

•What does that mean?

Animals looking for food often have to think about other things besides which food looks or tastes the best.

They have to pass on a good meal if getting it is too dangerous.

Some animals hide out.Rabbit freezes

Some Mimic

Caterpillar camouflaged as a twig!

Mimics a rock

Mimic the environment

Mimics the leaves

Some are in your face with warnings

Horns of a bull

Spines of a porcupine

These signal trouble to a potential predator!

Some use chemicals


Bombardier beetle

Bees, ants, & wasps inject a powerful acid into their attackers.

Some have deadly toxins

Poison dart frogs

Black-headed Pitohui bird

The pitohui is one of the few poisonous birds. This is not the only unusual thing about this colorful, foul-smelling bird, however. The poison that the bird emits—homobatrachotoxin—is the same poison made by the New World strawberry dart-poison frog. How can two species that are so different produce the same poison? Scienctists are now exploring the mystery!!

Warning Colors

Many times poisonous animals use color to WARN predators of their poison.

Warning colorsPredators will avoid animals with colors and patterns that they associate with pain, illness or an unpleasant experience.Most common warning colors are vivid red, yellow, orange, and black with white.


Poison frog

Innate BehaviorDoesn’t depend on learning.Doesn’t depend on experiences.They are influenced by our genes.

Puppies chew

Our ability to walk

Fly is born to fly.

Baby whales have the ability to swim.

Innate behavior can be modified by learning. Birds are born with the ability to sing, but it takes time for the skill to develop

Animal school•Learning can modify an innate behavior

•We inherit the ability to speak, but the language we speak is learned.

Many animals learn by watching their parents.