Anglo American(1)

Post on 06-Nov-2015

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transcultural nursing

Transcript of Anglo American(1)

PowerPoint Presentation

Anglo-American Culture

The United States is the world's fourth largest country, with an area of 3,679,192 square miles (9,529,107 square kilometers). It includes fifty states and one federal district, where the capital, Washington, D.C., is located.

GeographyEnglish their official language or given it exceptional status. More than 90 percent of the U.S. population speaks and understands at least some English, and most official business is conducted inEnglish.Language and CommunicationAmericans identify themselves as Christians. About half are Protestant, about one-quarter are Catholic, and a small percentage are Mormon.Religion

American cuisine has been influenced by Europeans and Native Americans in its early history.

Southern-style cooking is often called American comfort food and includes dishes such as fried chicken, collard greens, black-eyed peas and corn bread.American FoodThere are a number of foods that are commonly identified as American, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, potato chips, macaroni and cheese and meat loaf.

Heart diseaseStrokeCancerDiabetesObesityArthritisCommon diseasesInfant Care.Infant care varies by class. It is common to see women of Dominican and West Indian descent caring for white children. Wealthy people often employ nannies to care for infants.

Health Practices and BeliefsChild Rearing and Education.Child rearing practices are diverse, but some common challenges apply to all families. It is common to put children in day care programs at an early age. For wealthy families, this entails finding the most elite day care centers; for less wealthy families, it may involve finding scarce places in federally-funded programs.

Death and the Afterlife. Death is considered a sad and solemn occasion. At funerals, it is customary to wear black and to speak in hushed tones. Graveyards are solemn and quiet places. Some people believe in anafterlifeor in reincarnation or other form of continuity of energy or spirit.

Medicine. The dominant approach to medicine is biomedical, or Western. Biomedicine is characterized by the frequent use of invasive surgeries such as cesarean sections and high doses of psychotropic drugs.

Many Americans use traditional healers and religious leaders to guide their medical care

Clinicians need to coordinate care with those healers to increase compliance

In NYC, when caring for Orthodox Jewish patients Call Rabbi to get permission for C-section Call Rabbi to get permission for hysterectomyRabbi will refer whole congregations to you Rabbi arranges genetic testing (for matchmaking)use of alternative or traditional practices, medicines, or healers. Families may use these options prior to, in combination with, or after seeking medical care from the pediatrician.

Physicians understandably expect patients to comply with a predictable and scheduled appointment format.

Establish rapportHonor cultural practicesRespect patients and familys beliefs, practices and decisionsEducate patient and family regarding healthEncourage patient to do the nursing measures to promote health

Nursing Care
