ANGLER THE Magazine - Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church...Magazine In photo: 2017 Palm Sunday...

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Transcript of ANGLER THE Magazine - Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church...Magazine In photo: 2017 Palm Sunday...


ANGLER Fall 2018 THE

Being One Body in Christ

In this Issue: Living as Members of the Body of Christ First Wednesday Dinner and Programs

Reflect the Light | Children and Youth | The Way of Love


In photo: 2017 Palm Sunday Procession

Easter Day 2018

Photo by Travis McCartney


Living as Members of the Body of Christ The Rev. Daryl T. Hay, Rector

Message From the Rector

“For just as the body is one and has many mem-bers, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all bap-tized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit” (1 Co-rinthians 12:12-13). A few years ago I at-

tended a retreat at which we were asked to con-sider the times in our lives when we felt most con-nected to God and the times when we felt discon-nected from God. What I heard at the table was that people often felt most connected to God when they are connected to other people through a Christian congregation. It’s like we experience God through a community of people. Perhaps this is what the Apostle Paul was getting at in his first letter to the Corinthians when he says that “we have all been made members of one another and are one body in Christ. “

Our Fall Angler describes how we as Saint An-drew’s Episcopal Church live as members of the Body of Christ. Saint Andrew’s has a goal of being an inviting, healthy, and growing church family in which all people feel that they belong, are wel-comed and are connected. There are a variety of ministries inside and outside of the congregation which reflect this goal and cultivate welcoming, connection, and belonging. Within the congrega-tion we nurture relationships with one another through foyer dinner groups, Wednesday night parish dinners, and through our children and youth program. In the community we work with other Christians through Habitat for Humanity. Even further we join with our brothers and sister in Christ at the Good Shepherd Mission in the Navajo-land. These are just a few of the many ways we can connect with one another and nurture a sense of belonging. I encourage everyone to read the maga-zine to get a sense of how we live out Paul’s vision. Even more, I encourage everyone to find a ministry in which they connect with other people; and by connecting with other people -- connect with God.

Come and Join us for Worship this Fall

Sunday services: 7:30 a.m. The Holy Eucharist: Rite One

9:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two

11:15 a.m. Choral Eucharist: Rite One

Weekday Prayer Morning Prayer: 8:00 a.m., Monday-Friday

Evening Prayer: First Wednesdays, 5:15 p.m.


Parishioner Profile

Drawn to our Beloved Community, Nathan and Fran Bracher make Saint Andrew’s their home Born in Nebraska, Nathan grew up in rural central Texas, the son of a Lu-theran (ALC) minister serving congrega-tions in Shive and Pottsville (Hamilton County), Bartlett, and Welcome (10 mi. south of Brenham), Texas. Françoise was born in Madagascar, the eldest of 4 chil-dren, and moved to Cameroon at the age of five, as her father was employed by the French government to look for water and supervise the building of wells. The family returned to France and settled in Normandy when she was 9, and then moved to the Nice area when Fran was in college in Caen. She transferred to the University of Nice which had an exchange program with UT Austin. After one fabulous year in laid-back Austin, she decided to enter the Ph.D. program and then met Nathan, who was just coming back from Montpellier. Having graduated from Texas Lutheran in 1976, Nathan had picked up French while teaching English to middle and high school students in Tunisia with the Peace Corps from 1976 until 1978. Their first “gig” was a double appointment teaching French at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Penn-sylvania from 1984 to 1986. Nathan accepted a position at A&M in 1986. Having seen the light, Fran just retired after 31 years of teaching French at A&M. Nathan is still plodding away full time as a professor in the International Studies Department. They have three children: Christoph, 30; Benjamin, 28; and An-drew, 23. Raised a Catholic, Fran did not find Catholic churches to be a good fit here. She was drawn to Saint Andrew’s by the various articles of the “Vision Statement” listed in the bulletins: “Building the Beloved Community” was particularly compelling. This coincided with Fran’s desire to grow both roots and “branches” in my community, and her new awareness of communion with the Di-vine, thanks to Tai Chi. Fran enjoys teaching English to immigrants ; and working on the Habitat build projects, because the “doing” translates so fast into something palpable. Nathan was drawn to Saint Andrews by the beauty of the liturgy; “worshipping in the beauty of holiness” resonated immediately and durably. He greatly appreciates the qualities of our clergy, the warm welcome, the beauty of the sanctuary, fellowship with Saint Andrew’s diverse community, and the strong commitment to our neighbors. Fran enjoys reading fantasy and science-fiction, such as the Broken Earth series by N.K. Jemisin. She is also active in a French club, gardening (for beginners), and looks forward to discovering other activities such as beading, and recording family stories. Nathan enjoys listening to classical music and hits from the ‘60s and early ‘70s. He reads about current events in the French press, and studies why and how the French tell the story of their family and national histories. He is currently reading a book(Une Histoire de France by a French sociologist, Nathalie Heinich, who describes how her Jewish and Prot-estant ancestors’ experienced the upheavals of the 19th and 20th centuries in the Ukraine, the south of France, and the Alsace region.


God’s presence through the Body of Christ The Rev. Matt Stone, Curate

Curate’s Corner

First Wednesdays Fall 2018: Food, Fellowship, Programs Evening Prayer begins at 5:15 p.m.

First Wednesday Dinners, 5:30 p.m. Dates: September 5, October 10, November 7 Dinner Programs (for adults) begin at 6:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall

Children and Youth Programs begin at 6:15 p.m. in the Upper Room

First Wednesday Dinner Programs: Wednesday, September 5 “How Going to Israel Changed How I Read the Bible” featuring Deacon Mary Lenn Dixon Wednesday, October 10 (please note the change to the second Wednesday for October) “The Moment of Creion” featuring Pastor Eleanor Colvin, First United Methodist Church, College Station Wednesday, November 7 “A Night with Jonah” featuring Father Matt

As we reflect on the many ways that Saint Andrew’s is one body in Christ, I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s com-parison of the church to a body. There is one body with many different

members, each having different gifts and roles. Near the end of the analogy, Paul writes, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it” (I Corinthians 12.26, NRSV). During our year here, Heather and I have seen how you rejoiced with us at ordination and when we announced our pregnancy. We have also been deeply comforted as you have suffered with us following the loss of our unborn son Nathan.

“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it” (I Corinthians 12.26, NRSV).

Your prayers have given us strength to endure and helped us feel God’s presence surrounding us. Thank you for all of the kindness, grace and love you have shown to us during this difficult time.

Peace & Goodness, Matt +


Being One Body in Christ: Children & Youth

Youth 7th-12th

Come See the Upper Room!

September 5, 2018

5:30-7:30 p.m. Church Supper at 5:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Presentation by Deacon Mary Lenn Dixon

September 12, 2018

6:00-7:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. (Upper

Room (UR) 6:45 p.m. Modern Mass in the


September 19, 2018 6-7:30 p.m. Purple Turtle Art

and Pizza Party ( meet at church at 6 p.m.)

September 26, 2018

6-7:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Spiritual Leader


Welcome Back! DeSha Thomas, Director of Faith Formation for Children & Youth

A lot of changes took place over the summer! The “Youth Hall” has been remodeled and renamed the “Upper Room.” While it is a multi-purpose space, it is still used primarily for Youth functions and remains a place to call their own. We’ll have an Upper Room open house on Sunday, September 2 at 10:15 a.m. Join us for punch, coffee, cupcakes, and a special blessing

over our space. All parish members welcome! Sunday School for Middlers and Jr/Sr High and Godly Play for children ages 4 - 2nd grade will begin the following week on September 9, at 10:15. Christian Education, Wednesday Nights and Diocesan Events are right around the corner for the children and youth of Saint An-drew’s. Please take a look at our Christian formation informational sheet with all of our classes and programs in the Parish Hall. Our EYC/Wednesday nights will begin around 6:45 p.m. We are still in need of a few Dinner Donors to help provide meals on Wednesday nights. Contact me for more information and available dates. We have a lot of fun activities planned for fall – watch for the e-news, bulletins, Remind texts, your snail mailboxes and voice mails to stay connected. Saint Andrew’s will host Godly Play Training on Fri 9/14/18 3-9 p.m., Sat 9/15/18 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and Sun 9/16/18 12-5:30 p.m..Saint Andrew’s parishioners can attend free of charge and some meals are provided. RSVP to right away, as space is limited. Finally, Please check out all of the Camp Allen Events coming up: Y.E.S. (“Youth Encountering Spirit” for 6th - 8th graders) from November 16-18 at Camp Allen. Register: “ “Happening” (9th - 12th graders) will take place at Camp Allen from September 7-9 and again from November 16-18. Register: Winter Retreat (high school students) will be held from December 27 - 29 and Jr. High and Intermediate students from March 1-3, 2019. For more information and registration for these retreats, visit: Please contact me at if you have any questions or would like more information. We hope to see you and your children and youth this fall!


Being One Body in Christ: Navajoland Mission

Welcome Home… Ben Smith, Navajoland Mission Coordinator

"Welcome Home" were the words that greeted us as we reunited with our friends at Good Shep-

herd Mission. This was our seventh trip to Good Shepherd Mission in the Navajoland and while we are always greeted warmly, ”Welcome Home," seemed different. 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 leaves no doubt that God has provided each individual with unique gifts to do His work. “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, sec-ond prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.” Saint Andrew's Navajoland Mission is a living example of the combined talents of many people coming together as members of the Body of Christ. To fully understand the

breadth of impact that these combined talents have one must also read 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” So as we work side-by-side with the community of Good Shepherd Mission, we do so with love. Our construction team doesn't just build, they build with love. Our Vacation Bible School teachers don't just teach, they teach with love. Our group that helps with Shima doesn't just help, they help with love. Our kitchen team doesn't just cook, they cook with love. Our veterinary group doesn't just heal, they heal with love. Our gardeners don't just cultivate, they cultivate with love. And when we are "welcomed home," we are wel-comed with love.

Saint Andrew's Navajoland Mission is a living example of the combined talents of many people coming together as members of the Body of Christ.


Being One Body in Christ: Outreach

Sunday, October 14, 3:00 p.m., Veterans Park – American Pavilion Our CROP Hunger Walk helps to fight hun-ger worldwide through Church World Service relief and development programs and locally where 25% of funds raised go to the Brazos Church Pantry Sign up beginning in early September to join Team St. Andrew’s as a walker or a sponsor. Carolyn Jaros and Lewis Ford, CROP Hunger Walk Recruiters


Faith in Action– Ready for Fall! Faith in Action Committee coordinates parish outreach to our neighborhood and community in support of our mission statement to “Build the Beloved Community” by “Seeking the Welfare of the City”. Please take a look at our Fall initiatives! Mentors/Reading Buddies – Saint Andrew’s Mentors and Reading Buddies meet for an hour a week with two students who have been identified as being at special risk of dropping out down the line. De-pending on the children and the Mentor/Buddy, they may help develop a love of reading, work on so-cial skills, play games or puzzles, and generally let the children know they are valued and supported. English for Parents – serve as a tutor/conversation partner for parents wanting to improve English skills. Parent Academy - roles for this new program will be developed in the next couple of months. Stay tuned for news! Faith in Action Fall Pumpkin Patch—Faith in Action is gearing up to host an-other pumpkin patch, as part of the effort to raise funds to sponsor and build Habitat homes for families in our community. The pumpkin patches are staffed by volunteers. Look for volunteer sign up information this fall. Faith in Action Pumpkin Patch is located next to Hillier Funeral Home at 2301 E 29th St. The pumpkin patch is open October 1 to October 31. This year’s carnival will be on October 20. Make sure to attend! Contact: Kathy Ritter,, or Dan Beto,


They rise in the darkness as a light for the up-right. They are gracious, merciful, and righteous. It is well with those who deal generously and lend, who con-duct their affairs with justice. For the righteous will never be moved; they will be remembered forever."— Psalm 112:4-6

Generous Living This portion of Psalm 112 speaks to living generously. It defines such generous living as being gra-cious, merciful and righteous. Generous living is much more than what we do with our money. We are called to be kind to one another and to all living things. We are called to deal with each other honestly, to be humble. As followers of Jesus we are called to live a generous life. He showed us the way to live gen-erously: by welcoming the outcasts, by overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple, by dining with the poor and healing the sick, by teaching, forgiving, and ultimately giving his life, so that we might have abundant life. We are called to live wildly generous lives. Such generous lives can trans-form us, our families, and our faith communities.

As each of us begins to consider what our pledge might be for 2019, here are some ideas for how and where you might start.

1. Pray. This vital step is often overlooked in giving. Take some to time to ask for God’s help to guide you in this decision. Hold this question and consider including it in your daily or weekly prayers as you think about your financial commitment for the coming year. 2. Consider the many blessings in your life. Giving should come from our gratitude and with a sense of joy, not out of guilt or obligation. Our culture teaches us to focus on what we don’t have, but Jesus teaches us to love and serve others with what we have already been blessed with. Begin each day by thanking God for all the blessings in your life, and ask yourself if your giving reflects your gratitude. 3. Ask why Saint Andrew’s is special to you. Each of us has come to call Saint Andrew’s our spiritual home for different reasons. For many, it is our liturgy, history, and tradition; for some of us, it’s music, our hospitality, and for others it is our commitment to outreach. As you consider your giving for 2019, remember that your pledge enables Saint Andrew’s to make God's intention a reality. 4. Challenge yourself! Ask if your pledge reflects your values and priorities. God is calling us to connect more deeply in our relationship with God and one another. Does your pledge move you closer to God? Many have noted the life-changing impact that a simple pledge can have – and how little they missed the money – as they received so much more in return. At the end of the day, giving is about letting go of our agenda, so that we can say yes to God’s. This year, why not try “shocking yourself” with your gener-osity and then see how this connects you to God's kingdom?

Reflect the Light: Stewardship 2018

“We feel that Saint Andrew’s is our home, and just like every home we want to make it better, improve

it, and take care of it. Because of this, we have a strong desire to give back to Saint Andrew’s, with our

time and money. — Kathy and Jeff Waskom, Saint Andrew’s members

since 1995


Message from the Senior Warden Anne Orrell

Greetings to the Saint Andrew’s family, First I would like to take the opportunity to say what an honor it has been to serve on your Vestry. It is my hope that some of you will step forward to be a part of this team. The Vestry is responsibility for taking care of the busi-ness of the parish. It is a three-year term. Each year we elect four new members and four members rotate off. We have given time to looking at our vision of Building the Beloved Community in hopes that it guides us as we go forward. There will be a discernment process for those of you who feel the call to be a part of this important ministry. The first requirement is a love of God. It is also important to be active and knowledgeable about the congregation and its pro-grams. Your current vestry is committed to our stewardship goals. Our budget

only covers the day to day running of the Church. That would cover salaries, utilities, maintenance, di-ocesan assessments and materials for worship and education. I think most people are aware of the out-standing efforts that Saint Andrew’s makes in outreach which show our Faith in Action. We take great joy to be able to accomplish projects at Neal Elementary, the Church Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, Na-vajo Mission, and other projects. The big surprise is that funds for outreach are donations that parishion-ers make in addition to their pledge; they are not part of our general fund budget which is dependent on our pledge. I recently saw a statement which I have known, but somehow it really resonated. The fact that “GIVING IS PART OF OUR WORSHIP” speaks to my heart. This past year we have been blessed to have a curate, and would like to continue our curacy program so that we may be a ray of light in our community. An additional clergy staff member enables our rector to do his job even more effectively , and expand his vocation. For our parish, it is a bonus to watch a new clergy person grow into his or her potential as they take on some of the responsibilities of ministering to Saint Andrew’s. Half of the curate salary is paid by the Diocese. We committed to covering the remaining $75,000 for the two-year term. A generous parish member made a donation to partially cover our share, and the vestry voted in favor to use funds from our surplus to cover the rest. The surplus is just about depleted; to continue to have a curate on staff we need to increase our an-nual budget by around $45,000 each year. Each of the vestry team has committed to an increase in their pledge, and we count on each of you to help us meet this goal. Please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge, or if you have not pledged in the past, please consider making this important commitment. Your pledge will allow our treasurer to prepare a budget, and us to plan for 2019.

Reflect the Light

Pledge Commitment Sunday is October 7th! Pledge Cards will be arriving by mail in September, and will be available at church

Please keep your pledge card and bring it to church on the 7th


Being One Body in Christ: Habitat

Habitat Build– A Parish and Community Partnership Nathan Bracher, Habitat Project Leader

For some time now, Father Daryl and the Vestry have encouraged us to “Build the Beloved Community.” It is within this context that I have found it most rewarding to participate in the Habi-tat build. It proved to be a great opportunity to expand and strengthen ties to other members of Saint Andrews and to create relations with people in the wider Bryan-College Station community. As a “leader” with zero expertise in con-struction, I was grateful for the support from the members of Saint Andrew’s, including several with considerable experience, who came to get the job done on that hot, humid Saturday morning, as we nailed the particle board siding to the outside of the house. Beyond our diversity of ages, life experiences, and backgrounds, it was gratifying to all join to-gether to construct something that we can see take shape concretely and that will, after our efforts are completed, continue to make a difference for people for years to come. I look forward to pursuing simi-lar projects in the community with Saint Andrew’s in the future.


Alvarado Home

September 8, 2018 | 8:30 a.m.

Blessing and Breakfast

1007 Henderson, Bryan


Being One Body in Christ through Ministry

Episcopal Church Women________________________________________________________________

ECW’s main fundraising project is just around the corner... Celebrate with Relish (CWR) which will be-gin with a luncheon and sale on Saturday, December 1st. Tickets will go on sale in November. Every lady at Saint Andrew’s is a member of the organization so please begin now to plan a project for the CWR fundraiser. These projects may be canned items, crafts, baked goods, all contributions are appreci-ated! We will also need many volunteers to assist with the planning and preparation, so please consider helping with this fun and important fundraiser! CWR coordinators: Joyce Perkins, Erin Kracht (Luncheon Chair), Adrienne Frieda, Linda Catalena, Judy Turbiville, Alice Jones. Contact Joyce Perkins, to volunteer or to be added to our ECW email list.

Foyer Groups____________________________________________________________________________

Do you like fellowship and food? Consider joining a Foyer Group this Fall! Saint Andrew's Foyer groups consist of adult members who dine together, giving parishioners an opportunity to get to know other members that may attend a different service or to get to know those who attend the same service better. Sign up now through mid-September (in the parish hall.)

Angel Tree Saint Andrew’s_______________________________________________________________

It’s almost time for our annual Angel Tree project! For many years our parish has generously purchased Christmas gifts for children whose parents are incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. We usually serve about 15 children, by purchasing gifts and donating money towards gifts. The Angel Tree will be coming soon and will be displayed in the parish hall! It is a simple and easy way to bring joy to a child during the holidays. Contact Leonora Owre,

Daughters of the King____________________________________________________________________

Daughters of the King will meet Saturday, September 8, 9am, in the Parish Hall. Contact Lynn Stutts,

Men and Womens Breakfast_______________________________________________________________

Mens Breakfast: Thursdays, 7:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall Womens Breakfast: Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. at Cracker Barrel Angel Tree Salvation Army___________________________________________________________________

The Angel Tree sponsored by the Salvation Army and Post Oak Mall will need volunteers again this Christmas. It is an annual event to raise money and to supply Christmas gifts to children and teens in the community. Dates to volunteer are set from Friday, November 9 to Saturday, December 8. This is an ideal way for Saint Andrew’s members to contribute to Building the Beloved Community. Further infor-mation will be provided in early October. Contact Sandy Petty, for more infor-mation.

These are just some of our ministry opportunities at church and in the community. View our church calendar on our home page, to view by week or month.


“Those Who Sing Pray Twice” Dr. Alan Strong, Director of Music

Many are familiar with the phrase, “Those who sing pray twice,” attributed to the 5th century Bishop of Hippo, St. Augustine. While there’s some question as to the actual, authentic origin of the phrase, it’s still apropos, and something to consider as a parishioner at Saint Andrew’s.

At Saint Andrew’s there are ways for one and all to be involved in the sing-ing in praise of God, both through making music and as a listener. Those opportu-nities include the Chancel Choir for those who like to sing, the Bell Choir for those who like to ring and, for everyone else, the hymns and service music throughout each of the services.

Chancel Choir: Anyone who has heard our Chancel Choir knows that they truly do know how to sing well, producing music of both quality and quantity matching choirs of considerably greater size. The Chancel Choir provides an an-

them for each 11:15 service from September through May, as well as special services throughout the year, and a group of anthems for a Service of Lessons and Carols during Advent. The choir meets on Wednesdays from 7:15 to 8:30. Singers in any part are welcome – consider joining so that you may have the privilege of not only hearing but being surrounded by the choir’s beautiful sound.

Bell Choir: The Bell Choir has also developed a repu-tation for making music well, enhancing each service in which they are involved. As with the Chancel Choir there is a wide range of musical experience and ability within the Bell Choir, brought to its high level of musical quality through the group’s effort and dedication.

The Bell Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:15 – you’re welcome to come to pick up a pair of bells and play, or just to observe a rehearsal – you may find yourself drawn into this music- making experience, just as others have and now enjoy as one of their ways of making music in praise to God.

Those who do not join one of our choirs still have a very important role to play, no matter how you in-terpret the words of St. Augustine. The hymns, psalms, and service music all are equally important to the complete worship experience and even listening attentively to the music made by others, whether the or-gan, bell choir, or a choir anthem involves you in the uplifting of musical praise to God. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have about any of these opportunities, so that the musical portion of your in-volvement and experience at Saint Andrew’s can be as full and complete as we can make it, and you would like it to be.

Being one Body in Christ: Music Ministry


Being one Body in Christ: First Fridays

About our September Featured Artist: Valerie Moody

Valerie Moody is a television Bible teacher and public speaker for national and regional confer-ences, community groups, and To-rah study groups. She is the author of five books, The Feasts of Adonis, a best-selling book on the biblical festivals; Seven Voices of the End Times; My Big Fat Greek Mind-set; Secrets of the Menorah; and The Jonah Mystery. She is also

the co-founder the Hebrew Roots Discovery Center in Lubbock, Texas, which raises money for needy families in Israel. Valerie leads the Covenant Foot-steps Israel Tours, producing full-color teaching manuals for her travelers. Her tours have been la-beled, “the most organized and the most spiritual tours to Israel.” Her life-changing tours help travelers to form a personal relationship with the land of Israel, the place where prophecy unfolds and divine ap-pointments begin. She is also a former journalist for the Austin American Statesman and the U.S. Army. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Northwest Missouri State Univer-sity, with graduate studies in Pub-lic Relations and Business Law at the University of Texas and St. Ed-ward’s University. She is the win-ner of numerous first- and second-place art awards, with paintings and prints appearing in collections

Friday, September 7th 6:00 p.m. in the

Parish Hall Opening Reception

Volunteer for First Fridays! Look for sign up informa-

tion at church (and now online!)


Being One Body in Christ: Ministry

Building the Beloved Community through Mission | Outreach | Worship

Saint Andrew’s Endowment Updates

The Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church Endowment met over the summer to review its holdings, investment performance and review requests for distribution. The Endowment exists to support the missionary work, outreach and worship at Saint Andrew’s. The Endowment board reviewed four requests and made grants for the following items: Habitat for Humanity $2,400.00 for building lot acquisition (from Tom Ritter memorials); Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church $5,302.00 for new cassocks, surplices and acolyte robes; $450.00 to Voices for Children- CASA of the Brazos Valley for a summit of local church leaders to estab-

lish a faith based effort in support of foster children in the Brazos Valley; $2,500.00 to FIND (training for clergy/lay persons). Please contact a Trustee to learn more about the Endowment, to make a 2018 request for funding or to learn how to support its efforts. Check out the church website for ways in which you can support the Endowment with a contribution today or a future gift from your estate. Term expiring 12/31/2018- John Vilas Terms expiring 12/31/2019- Angela Van Eman, Mark Browning Terms expiring 12/31/2020- Jim Kracht, Elizabeth Crouch Rev. Daryl Hay, ex officio

Invitation to Join Adult Forum Fall 2018 “The Way of Love”

At General Convention, Presiding Bishop Curry intro-duced "The Way of Love," seven practices for a Jesus-centered life. Join us at adult forum starting on Sunday, September 9 to explore these practices and experiment with them in your own life.

Holy Eucharist in the Community, with Fr. Matt and Fr. Daryl

September 13 Watercrest, 10:30 a.m. September 25 Arbor Oaks, 3:00 p.m. October 11 Watercrest, 10:30 a.m. October 23 Arbor Oaks, 3:00 p.m.


Parish Family Album


Parish Contact Information: 217 W. 26th Street, Bryan, 77803 | Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Phone: (979) 822-5176 | E-mail: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @StAndrewsBCS Instagram: @StAndrewsBCS For comments or questions on the Angler, contact Alison Sawyer, Director of Communications, is a text-based system that is designed to send important messages from Saint Andrew’s such as reminders for

special worship services, weather & traffic news affecting our church, and event/program

updates or schedule changes. How do you sign up?

Simply text “@standrews2” to the number 81010.