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This chapter presents the overview of the current state of technology, general and

specific objectives, scope and limitations of the research, significance of the research and

research methodology to be used on this research.

Overview of the Current State of Technology

Nowadays, information technology has influenced almost every aspect of our daily

lives, including the field of education. The use of computers and gadgets has contributed

great to make the process of teaching and learning easy and interesting. Projector, digital

screens, laptops are being utilized inside the classroom to facilitate better delivery of

lessons inside the classroom.

Infusing the concept of game in teaching inside the classroom can be a good

technique to engage the students to listen and pay attention to the lesson at hand. This can

be a very effective strategy to entice young learners to participate and engage in a learning

session. Furthermore, this will make teaching a lot easier on the part of the teacher and it

will be more fun and exciting on the part of the students.

Learning Philippine History and Culture is quite boring because it involves lots of

terminologies, events, names, dates, and other important things about our country.

Therefore, teaching it to students can be difficult and challenging.

A former history teacher from Cabanatuan City Science High School has developed

an original and engaging board game called Bultong: Ang Laro Ng Lahi. This board game

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will test the knowledge of the players about Philippine History and Culture. The games

board has 100 blocks that the players must pass through until the 100th block is reached to

determine the winner. The player has must select an avatar or character that will identify

him on the board. There are two pieces of dice that the player has to roll during his turn.

The first die contains numbers 1 to 6 on each side; this dice represents the number of steps

that the player has to move on the board game block. The player must be able to answer

the question correctly in order to advance. The second dice will be the basis of the question

to be answered by the player, 2 sides of the dice contain color red, the other two sides

contain yellow and the last two sides contain green. The color represent the three question

box with which the arbiter of the game will randomly pick the question to be answered by

the player

This is the reason why the Researchers In this study, the researchers are going to

make a computer application based on the “Ang Bultong” Board game. The game was

invented to promote the learning of History and Culture of the Philippines. It was created

by one of the faculty of Cabanatuan City Science High School, Mr. Cesar G. Legaspi, History

and Culture teacher.

The main goal of the game is to make History and Culture easier to be learned and to

be enjoyed by the students. Ang Bultong is based on the famous board game, Snake and

Ladders, but it has many twists because of the added features such as level ups and the

questions. It is a board game, played by minimum of two players and maximum of seven

players with one game master.

The game will be created on Visual Basic and Adobe Flash and is proposed to be

played on PCs and laptops. All of its original contents will be modified, if needed, while

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retaining its original theme. Multimedia improvements will be seen on the program such as

moving icons, sounds and some videos. Trivia and manuals will also be included in the


Research Objectives

General Objectives

The main objective of the capstone project is to develop an innovative software

equivalent of the original Ang Bultong board game that will promote Philippine History and


Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the capstone project are as follows:

1. To make Ang Bultong a more interesting board game that can be played on

personal computers.

2. To promote learning of Philippine History and Culture even during modern

times through a computer game.

3. To make Ang Bultong as a possible tool for Quiz Bee in Philippine History and

Culture as suggested by Mr. Cesar Legaspi, the inventor of the boardgame.

4. To make Ang Bultong an even more interesting board game through the use of

multimedia components.

5. To make Ang Bultong innovative and versatile through an updatable question

databank that will prevent memorization of questions and answers on the part

of the players.

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Scope and Limitations of the Research

The scope of the study will focus on the conversion of the Ang Bultong board game

in to game software while maintaining all of its original contents as much as possible

including game rules, images, and questions among others. The major features of the

software will include game overview, description, rules, trivia, demos and the main Game.

To bring about innovation into the game, the question bank of the board game will

be made updatable in order to the board even more interesting because it will avoid

familiarization and memorization of the answers to the question. By making the question

bank updatable, it will make Ang Bultong suitable for Quiz Bee Game in Philippine History

and Culture because new sets of question can be stored into the question bank by those

who will use for that purpose. The updatable question bank is actually part of the request

of Mr. Cesar Legaspi, the inventor of the board game.

The game will be implemented on personal computers such as desktop, lap top and

notebooks. At the moment, the game cannot be implemented on tablet devices. Few game

rules in the use of power may be implemented.

Significance of the Research

The proposed software when implemented and developed is expected to benefit the


Students / Bultong Players. They can play the game in their most convenient time

and place, without the burden of bringing the traditional game paraphernalia. They’ll just

need PC or laptop and their playmates to play the game.

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Teachers of Philippine History and Culture.They can use the game as an

alternative way of delivering quiz game inside the classroom. Because of the updatable

question bank, the teachers can simply create questions for specific chapters and so on

before using the game.

Philippine History Quiz Bee Game Organizer. This game can be used as a great

tool for Philippine History and Culture Quiz Bee because it runs on a personal computer, it

can be perfectly displayed using an LCD projector. This will make the audience, the players

and everybody else engaged in the game which is not possible using the traditional board

game that can only be participated by very small groups.

Research Methodology

Method of Research

This study will utilize describe method of research. Descriptive method is defined as

collection of data in order to gather information from participants. Using this methods of

research, the researchers will identify the major problems occur in the current system, the

advantages and disadvantages of the current system and so that the researchers will

identify what would be the solution for the problems that the current system has.

Descriptive method of research will be employed in different phases of the project.

Specifically, the proponents will be using descriptive research in identifying and defining

the nature, scope and conduct of the existing system so that the project will have a full

grasp of how they are going to translate the traditional board game into a game software

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project. Additionally, it will allow them to infuse innovation into the project to make it even

more useful and accessible to its target users and beneficiaries.

Also, upon completing the project, the output game software will be subjected to

testing and evaluation using instruments that will be devised by the project team in order

to gauge the technical performance and usefulness of the game as well as to determine its

readiness for deployment.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study will utilize the following data gathering tools in the pre-development and

post-development phase of the project:

Interview. According to, the qualitative research interview seeks to

describe and the meanings of central themes in the life world of the subjects. The main task

in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees say.

This method will be used to get the problems and possible flaws the traditional

board game from the players and inventor point of view in order to bring improvement into

the system.

Observation. Observation will be done in order to see and observe how the actual

game is played in order to know the total picture of the process of playing Bultong. The

purpose of which is to determine the necessary things to be included in the game to make it


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Questionnaire. According to, questionnaire is a research instrument

consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering

information from respondents.

Questionnaires will be used to gather additional data that might be helpful to the

study by taking some respondents to answer some simple questions regarding the system.

Furthermore, questionnaire will be utilized during testing and evaluation of the software so

as to determine its readiness for deployment upon completion.

Sources of Data

This project will be deriving its data from various sources starting from the pre-

development phase up to the evaluation phase of the proposed software.

The proponents will interview Mr. Cesar G. Legaspi, the original creator of the board

game, in order to know more details about the game and to solicit other things he would

like to improve in the software version of the board game.

The proponents will thoroughly read the rule book of the traditional board game

and play it as well to know the details of the game to have a full grasp of what must be done.

The proponents will also watch other players of the board game to observe how it is being

played by them. The purpose of which is to capture the actual game play and integrate it to

the software project.

The proponents will field questionnaires to students / players and IT experts upon

completion of the software project so that the deployment readiness of the software will be

assessed accordingly.

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Statistical Treatment of Data

The responses of the student / players and IT experts on the software evaluation

questionnaire will be interpreted and analyzed using the following statistical tools:

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Percentage is number or ratio as a fraction of 100.


Percentage = n/100

Where: n = number

Weighted Mean - the most common type average.

WM = T/N

Where: WM = weighted mean

T = total set of numbers

N = number in a set of values

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Requirements Gathering and Analysis Phase

Implementation Phase

Design Phase

Testing and Debugging


Installation Phase

Maintenance Phase

Software Development Model

As shown in Figure 1.1, the Waterfall Model will be used as the software

development model to be used in the Ang Bultong software project.

Figure 1.1 Waterfall Model

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Requirement Analysis Phase

All possible requirements of the system to be developed are gathered in this phase.

Requirements are a set of functions and constraints that the end user expects from the

system. The requirements are gathered from the end user at the start of the software

development phase. These requirements are analyzed for their validity, and the possibility

of incorporating the requirements in the system to be developed is also studied. Finally, a

requirement specification document is created which serves the purpose of guideline for

the next phase of the model.

Design Phase

Before starting the actual coding phase, it is highly important to understand the

requirements of the end user and also have an idea of how should the end product looks

like. The requirement specifications from the first phase are studied in this phase and a

system design is prepared. System design helps in specifying hardware and system

requirements and also helps in defining the overall system architecture. The system design

specifications serve as an input for the next phase of the model.

Implementation Phase

On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and

actual coding is started. The system is first developed in small programs called units, which

are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality; this

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is referred to as unit testing. Unit testing mainly verifies if the modules/units meet their


Testing and Debugging Phase

As specified above, the system is first divided into units which are developed and

tested for their functions. These units are integrated into a complete system during

integration phase and tested to check if all modules/units coordinate with each other and

the system as a whole behaves as per the specifications. After successfully testing the

software, it is delivered to the customer.

Installation Phase

This step occurs once the product has been tested and certified as fit for use, and

involves preparing the system or product for installation and use at the customer site.

Delivery may take place via the Internet or physical media, and the deliverable is typically

tagged with a formal revision number to facilitate updates at a later date.

Maintenance Phase

This phase of the model is virtually a never-ending phase. Generally, problems with

the system development come up after its practical use starts, so the issues related to the

system are solved after deployment of the system.

Analysis and Design Tools

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This section presents the analysis and design tool that will be used in the software

project including Data Flow Diagram, Flow Chart, Visual Table of Contents and Entity

Relationship Diagram.

Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram is a formal way of representing how a business system operates.

It illustrates the processes or activities that are performed and how data move among them.

We used Data Flow Diagram to identify and illustrate the processes and the context

of the project. DFD will be used by the project team in order to full understand the

processes of the software project and how the data move from one process of the game to

the next and what are the general data involve in the game.

Flow Chart

A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the

process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process

step. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow


This graphical tool will be used in order to define the detailed and specific process

and logic of the game.

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Visual Table of Contents

Visual Table of Contents is a diagram that consists of all the visual menus that the

user will see while using the system.

This tool will be used by the project team in order to illustrated and identify the

menu structure of the software project.

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a picture which shows the information that is

created, stored, and used by a business system.

This tool will be used to exhaustively identify the data that will be used by the

software project as well to identify and define the relationship among the data in order to

arrive a good database design that will be used by the game.

Software Development Tools

This is the list of the software to be used in developing the system during the entire

development process. All software to be used is defined below for further reference.

Visio. Visio is a 2D-object drawing application and is part of the Microsoft Office

suite. It creates professional diagrams to simplify complex information with updates

shapes, collaboration tools and data-linked diagrams.

Microsoft Access 2007. Microsoft Office Access is a database management system

from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with graphical

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user interface software-development tools it is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of

applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately.

Visual Basic 6.0. Visual Basic 6.0 is a third-generation event-driven programming

language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM

programming model first released in 1991. Microsoft intends Visual Basic to be relatively

easy to learn and use.

Adobe Flash CS3 Professional. Adobe® Flash® Professional CS3 software is a

powerful authoring environment for creating animation and multimedia content. Design

immersive interactive experiences that present consistently across desktops and multiple

devices, including tablets, smartphones, and televisions.

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Register Player


Roll virtual dice


Answers question D2 Powers

D1 Questions


Advancing player’s avatar



Determine Winner

Level 0 Data Flow Diagram of the Capstone Project

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Start playing

Getting ready for the question

System Declares Winner

Answer QuestionSends random


Sends random powers

Assigns player order

Roll dice

Takes back power

Result Details

Player’s Answer

Advancing avatar

Ask question

Figure 1.2 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed Project Entitled “Ang Bultong”

Computer Board Game

The figure shows the whole process of the system. The players must first register

into the game. The player has to roll the virtual dice to determine the steps that the player

has to move on the board and question to be answered correctly by the player in order to

advance on the board. All players will be given turn to play and the order of their turns is

automatically determined by the game as the game is started. Upon reaching the 100th block

on the game board, a winner will be declared.

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This chapter presents the review of related studies of the current system and the

proposed system relevant to the software project. This will tackle about the “Ang Bultong”

board game, traditional teaching method and computer games.


Derived from the way of wrestling of the Ifugaos. This is done with a common goal,

to defeat the opponent (Legaspi, 2008). Aims to teach the player how to play fair and have

the moral values while playing.

Board Game

Board games are an important tool to provide hands-on and heads-on skill and

knowledge development for people of all ages on all subjects. Not only do well-designed

games create an engaging atmosphere, they also provide a non-threatening, playful, yet

competitive environment in which to focus on content and reinforce and apply learning.

Mistakes are useful and point out what we need to learn. The board itself provides a visual

metaphor to help connect information. Game elements, discussions, and problem solving

with fellow team members about the content are vehicles for learning. Subtle redundancy

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to reinforce learning and insure retention should be incorporated into the game design.

Good questions, problems to solve, and situations to consider allow players to think

through and apply what they learn. (Treher, 2011)

Ang Bultong- PinoyBoardgame

The game is “Ang Bultong” because it is a game between players. It aims to enlighten

the mind of players how supreme and great his ancestors was and give life to the major

moral values while playing. (Legaspi, 2008)

Traditional Teaching Method

Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration,

recitation, memorization, or combinations of these. The choice of `teaching method or

methods to be used depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught, and it

may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students.

Computer Game

Games designed for mobile devices, such as smart phones, feature phones, pocket

PCs, personal digital assistants (PDA), tablet PCs and portable media players. Mobile games

range from basic (like Snake on older Nokia phones) to sophisticated (3D and augmented

reality games). Today’s mobile phones - particularly smartphones - have a wide range of

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connectivity features, including infrared, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and 3G. These technologies

facilitate wireless multiplayer games with two or more players. (C. Jansen, 2010)



This chapter will present the theoretical and conceptual framework of the capstone

project which will serve as the blueprint of the software to be developed by the researchers.

According to Treher (2011), Board games are an important tool to provide hands-on

and heads-on skill and knowledge development for people of all ages on all subjects. Not

only do well-designed games create an engaging atmosphere, they also provide a non-

threatening, playful, yet competitive environment in which to focus on content and

reinforce and apply learning. Mistakes are useful and point out what we need to learn. The

board itself provides a visual metaphor to help connect information. Game elements,

discussions, and problem solving with fellow team members about the content are vehicles

for learning. Subtle redundancy to reinforce learning and insure retention should be

incorporated into the game design. Good questions, problems to solve, and situations to

consider allow players to think through and apply what they learn.

According to Legazpi (2008), the game is Bultong because it is a game between

players. It aims to enlighten the mind of players how supreme and great his ancestors was

and give life to the major moral values while playing.

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INPUTPlayer Name

Click Dice Icon

Question Category



Player’s Position

Questions and Answers

Search term

PROCESS1.1 Register Player

1.2 Determine Players’ Order

2. Generate random values (Numbers 1- 6 and

Category) 3. Picks Random Question

or Power/Twist from the database, by category

4. Player answers the question

5. Player use the power

6. Determine if a player reached 100th block

7. Adds questions and answers to the database by

administrator7.1 Updates items from the

database7.2 Delete items from the

database8. Search the

questions/answers database

OUTPUT1.1 Display players name 1.2 Display player order

2. Step Value and Question Category

3. Displays Question or Gives Power to the Player

4. Answer from the player

5. Players change positions depending on the power

applied by the player6. Declares winner

7. New item is added to the database

7.1 Items updated

7.3 Items deleted

8. Displays search result

Paradigm of the Capstone Project

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This chapter presents the overview, objectives, functions, scopes and limitations and

physical environment and specifications of the software project.

System Overview

Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game is the software version of the original

educational game about Philippine History and Culture. Originally, Ang Bultong™ is a

board game using traditional materials like board, color and number dice, question slips

and rule book. The software project will be made for the same purpose that is to test the

knowledge of its players regarding Philippine History and Culture and also to promote

the same. The software project will feature an updatable question bank in order to

avoid memorization of answers and more importantly to make the game more exciting

to everyone. Since it will be played on personal computer, it will be very ideal to be used

as a tool for a Quiz Bee / Game in Philippine History and Culture. Other than that, the

software can be used as a teaching tool inside the classroom.

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System Objectives

The objectives of the system are to make use of the existing technology and its

benefits and are listed as follows:

1. To be able to play the game without an arbiter. The computer will serve

as the virtual arbiter.

2. To make it more portable and efficient to play. It can be played on

desktop, laptops and notebooks.

3. To implement an updatable question bank.

4. To integrate multimedia elements to make the game more interesting

5. To use the software as a great tool for Quiz Bee in Philippine History and


6. To create a teaching tool for Philippine History and Culture teachers.

7. To widely promote Philippine History and Culture.

System Functions

These are the functions of the software:

Create and Load Game. Players will choose whether to create a new game or

load a saved game. Creating a new game, the system prompts the user to choose game

difficulty, how many players will play the game and what avatars will be used.

Player Registration. Players are required to register before playing so that the

score will be saved and recorded into their account. Player has to choose an animated

avatar to represent and identify him on the board.

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Virtual Dice Rolling. The system will randomly generate dice value when the

player click the button designated to roll the dice. Two virtual dice will be visible on the

screen and will show the value and its corresponding category.

Animated Avatars. Animated avatars represent the players on the board game

during the game.

Player Status. This will show the current player’s location on the game board

blocks (the blocks are numbered from 1 to 100). This will give the players and the

possibly the audience the overview of who’s leading in the game.

Virtual Arbiter. The software replaced the human arbiter. The computer served as

the virtual arbiter whose main function is to give question, twist and to determine if the

answer of the player is right or wrong. The virtual arbiter also announces the winner.

Ranking Database. This will show the records of the game plays and ranks the

players depending on their performance.

Administrative Panel. This is a function that only the administrator can use. Its

function is to add, update, and search entries such as How to Play, Icons, Picks, Powers,

Power Configuration, Number of Players, Questions, Question Configuration, Question

Category, Question Mode, Question Type and User Type.

Adding of Entry.This function will be used to add entries to the database.

Entry Updater. This function will be used for updating the entries existing on the


Deleting of Entry. This function will be used for deleting entries on the database.

Item Searcher. This function will be used to search for items subject for


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System Scope and Limitation

The software has create and load game function so that the user can play a saved

game or create a new game. It will have a player registration page, which will only require

the input of first name of the player and avatar for record purposes. The virtual dice when

rolled by the player will generate a number from 1 to 6 to determine how many blocks that

the player will advance if he will be able to answer correctly the categorized question to be

generated by the second dice based on its color output whether red (Heograpiya - HE),

yellow (Kasaysayan - KA) or green (Sibika - SI).

Six animated avatars are available for the players to choose, these avatars will

visually represent their current place at the game board blocks. Players’ statuses and

current powers held are displayed beside the game board to show the current game play

status and to see who’s leading in the game.

Virtual arbiter or the AI is the one who will evaluate the answers and twists and will

decide if the player advances. The virtual arbiter is not capable of playing the game because

it only serves as the game master of the play.

The system has its own ranking database which generates and summarizes scores,

rankings and statistical reports.

Administrator panel will be added for adding, updating, deleting and searching of

questions and items. The sub-functions of the Administrator Panel are the following,

Question and Answer Adder, Question and Answer Updater and Item Searcher. Question

and Answer Adder will be used for adding questions and answers, with its category. It

cannot add twists/powers on the game. Question and Answer Updater will be used for

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updating of items if changes are needed. Item Searcher will be used for searching items

subject for modification and updates.

Physical Environment and Specifications

Ang Bultong™ Computer Game requires a minimum hardware specification:

Intel or AMD 2.0GHz Processor

1GB RAM Memory

512MB Video Memory

Software Specifications

Windows XP/Vista/7 operating machine

Latest version of Flash Player (Macromedia or Adobe)

Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft C++ Runtime Development Kit

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Data Structure


ColorID AutoNumber Reference field for other tables.

TBNo Number Index of the color

ColorDesc Text Hexadecimal value of the color

This table was used in the colors used in the system.


NOPID AutoNumber Reference field for other tables

NOPDesc Text Number of player description

This table was used as reference for the number of players that will participate in

the game.


QCategoryID AutoNumber Reference field for other tables

QCategory Text Category Name Description

This table was used as reference for the question category.

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QModeID AutoNumber Reference field for other tables

QMode Text Question Mode Description

This table was used as reference for the question modes: Easy, Medium and Hard.


QTypeID AutoNumber Reference field for other tables

QType Text Question Type Description

This table was used as reference for the question types: Heograpiya, Kasaysayan and



HTPID AutoNumber Unique ID for ‘How To Play’ entry

HTPNo Number Index number for ‘How To Play’ entry

HTPDesc Memo ‘How To Play’ entry description

This table was used for ‘How to Play’ entries that is shown on the How to Play option on the


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ModuleID AutoNumber ID for Module entry

ModuleDesc Text General description of Module

SubDesc Text Module subdescription

This table was used for storing modules used on the system.


UserID AutoNumber Unique ID for the user

UserTypeID Number User type ID, reference on other table

UserName Text Viewable username of the user

This table was used in storing the User Information and the User Type

(Administrator or Player)


USID AutoNumber Unique ID for the user setting entry

ModuleID Number Module ID from _sys_Module table

UserID Number User ID from _sys_User

This table was used to set the Modules or Functions the user can access.

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UserTypeID AutoNumber Unique ID for Usertype entry

UserType Text Usertype description

This table was used as reference for the User Type.


GameID AutoNumber Unique ID for game sessions created

QModeID Number Question Mode ID from table _ref_QMode

NOPID Number Number of Player ID from table _ref_NOPlayers

DateCreated Date/Time Date and Time the game was created

GStatus Number Determines if the game was finished or not.

This table was used is storing the Game Information: the Question Mode, the

Number of Players and the date the game was created.

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GPID AutoNumber Unique ID for Game Player entry

GameID Number Foreign key, GameID from table Game

PickID Number Foreign key, PickID from table Pick

PNo Number Player’s turn number

PName Text Player’s name

PColor Text Player’s pick color used for identifying their current place

PDScore Number Player’s score

PCScore Number Player’s current score

PTurn Number Determine if player’s turn

This table was used to contain the information about the Game Player. The Player’s

Pick, Turn Number, Name and Color. It also saves the player’s current position and turn

status so that it can be restored when the game is closed and reloaded.

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GPMID AutoNumber Unique ID for a Player’s move on a game

GPID Number Foreign key, GPID from table GamePlayer

QCategoryID Number Foreign Key, QCategoryID from table _ref_QCategory

DValue Number Dice Value generated, how many blocks will the player advance when the answer is correct

PTriggered Number Power Triggered, if player picks one

This table was used to store every Player’s move. It saves the information such as the

Player’s ID, Question Category, Dice Value generated and if there is Power Triggered.

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GPowerID AutoNumber Unique ID for a power or twist

GPID Number Game Player ID from table GamePlayer

GPCID Number Game Power Configuration ID from table GamePowerConfig

Use Number How many Power is present on the game

This table was used to store Power information on the current game. It stores the

Player’s ID who used the power, the power’s configuration and if it was already used or not.


GPCID AutoNumber Unique ID for Game Power Configuration

GameID Number Foreign key, GameID from table Game

PowerID Number Foreign Key, PowerID from table Power

Finish Number Determines if the Power has been used or not

This table was used to store Game Power Configuration, the GameID, PowerID and if

the game was finished or not.

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GQID AutoNumber Unique ID for Game Question

GPID Number Foreign Key, GPID from table GamePower

GQCID Number Foreign Key, Game Question Configurattion ID from table GameQuestionConfig

Answer Text Answer to the question

This table was used in displaying the question on the game and used in the module

for determining if the player’s answer is correct or wrong.


GQCID AutoNumber Unique ID for Game Question Configuration

GameID Number Foreign Key, GameID from table Game

QID Number Foreign Key, QID from table Question

Finish Number Determine if the question is already finished/answered

This table was used storing Game Question Configuration with the information such

as the GameID, QuestionID and Status if the Question has been used or not.

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IconID AutoNumber Unique id for the Icon

INo Number Icon Number on board

IName Text Icon Name

IDesc Memo Icon Description

IANo Number

Picture Text Icon Picture on the board

PictureDB Text Icon Picture stored in database

This table was used in storing the Icons’ information and used in module in loading

the Icon Pictures and Icon Name to the board game.


PickID AutoNumber Unique ID for Pick

PickDesc Text Pick Description

Picture Text Picture for the Pick

This table was used in storing the Pick’s Information. It is also used in loading the

Pick’s Picture and Description that is displayed in the board game.

Wesleyan University-Philippines


PowerID AutoNumber Unique ID for Power

PowerDesc Text Power Description

PowerInfo Memo Power’s Use

POperator Text Defines the behavior of the Power

PValue Number Power Value

PPowerID Number PowerID of the Partner Power

This table was used by Power Module to give the player different power and twist in

the game; to make another player back to first block, to make himself advance, to freeze an

specific player for one turn, etc.


PCID AutoNumber Unique ID for Power Configuration

PowerID Number ID of the configured power

NOPID Number Foreign Key, from table _ref_NOPlayers

GPSValue Number Game Power Dice Value

Wesleyan University-Philippines

This table was used in storing Power Configurations depending on how many

players will play the game.


QTypeID Number Contains the Question Type

QCategoryID Number Contains the Question Category

QModeID Number Contains the Question Mode

QDesc Memo Question Description

Answer Text Answer to the question

QID AutoNumber Generated Question ID

This table was used in storing question information such as Category, Type and

Mode. It also used in a module for loading the Question to the board game.


QCID AutoNumber Question Configuration ID

QTypeID Number Foreign Key, from _ref_QType

QAnswer Text Answer to the question

This table was used in storing Question Configuration generated on the Game.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Algorithm Used

New Game and Load Game

If there is no pre-created game, the user must create a new game and choose the

difficulty, number of players and their respective picks to represent them in the board

game. If the game is not finished, the system will save every player’s current position and if

there is a power in the game.

If there is a pre-created game, the user can load a saved game to continue the game.

The system will reload the players’ current position and if there is a power in the game.

Roll Dice

The user will click on the “Roll Dice” and it will generate a random number for two

instances: for determining the play order, and for the game proper, from 1 to 6, and a

category value from “Heograpiya”, “Kasaysayan” and “Sibika”.

Random Question Generator

After rolling the virtual dice and generating random dice value, the system will

generate a question from the database depending on the Question Category. Choices will be

Wesleyan University-Philippines

displayed if the question is Multiple Choice, “Tama” or “Mali” if the question is True or False

type and blank textbox if the question is identification.


Game twists are present in the system such as the power to move four (4) blocks

forward, to move other players several blocks backwards, to hold other players current

position for a whole turn and to send back other player to the first block.

Administrative Panel

This is where the game administrator adds, updates and deletes game entries such

as How to Play, Icons, Picks, Powers, Power Configuration, Number of Players, Questions,

Question Configuration, Question Category, Question Mode, Question Type and User Type.

Problems Encountered and Solutions


The proponents encountered a problem with the design because Visual Basic has

limited designing tools.


Using Adobe Flash CS3 helped the proponent to make visual animations easy. Flash

components were installed on the computer to make the system run.

Moving of Picks/Avatar

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Due to lack of animation tools of Visual Basic, the proponents have problem with the

moving of picks on different blocks.


Moving of picks was done by using Rectangular Shape Tool. The Shape has color that

represents the avatar at the left side. The shape will blink to represent the motion of the



The sophisticated rules of the board game make it hard for the proponents to

implement it on the system. Twists such as sending back another player to the first block,

increasing and decreasing the player’s position and holding one’s position.


System modules were created to implement the powers/twists in the system. Some

of the powers/twists were not implemented due to the proponents’ limited knowledge.

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Analysis of Data

The proponents gathered data through an evaluation questionnaire to measure the

accuracy, maintainability, responsiveness, usability, reliability and efficiency of the system

of “Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game”. The researchers used Likert scale, percentage

and weighted mean in the interpretation and analysis of data concerning the evaluation of

the technical performance and usefulness of the system.

Wesleyan University-Philippines


4.21 – 5.00 5 Excellent

3.41 – 4.20 4 Very Good

2.61 – 3.40 3 Good

1.81 – 2.60 2 Fair

1.00 – 1.80 1 Poor

IT Experts Evaluation of the Usefulness and Technical Performance of “Ang Bultong™

Computer Board Game”.

Table 6.1. Evaluation of IT Experts on the Functionality of the Game’sAccuracy


The outputs of the system is free from error 3.20 Good

The computations and calculations are precise and correct

4.20 Very Good

All components of the system execute their intended function correctly

4.00 Very Good

The data are always up-to-date 4.60 Excellent

All buttons, menus, links and commands are functioning properly and correctly

4.60 Excellent

The objective of the system is addressed and achieved 4.00 Very Good

The system ensures correct and accurate input of data 4.20 Very Good

The system deletes data only when it is permitted and appropriate

4.20 Very Good

The content of the reports generated by the system is correct

4.40 Excellent

The system checks the validity of verifiable data 4.20 Very Good

The system provides selectable values for data that has definite values to avoid data entry errors

4.00 Very Good

User access settings is working correctly as defined 4.40 Excellent

Overall Weighted Mean 4.17 Very Good

As shown in Table 6.1, IT Experts evaluated the accuracy of the newly developed

game entitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, accuracy of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.17 which

is verbally interpreted as Very Good.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Since everything was systematically programmed, all the output of the gameonly

depends on how the user interacts and input data and only produce results based on the


Table 6.2. Evaluation of IT Experts on the Functionality of the Game’sReliability


The program is running free from bugs 3.40 Good

The system did not crash or hang while it is running 3.40 Good

Procedures that gather data saved it correctly into the database

4.00 Very Good

Procedures that retrieve data retrieved it correctly from the database

3.80 Very Good

The system filters data inputted by the user whenever necessary and possible

3.80 Very Good

The system does not accept invalid data 4.20 Very Good

The system notifies the user whenever there is an incomplete data entry

4.60 Excellent

Data entry not completed due to electrical power loss can be retrieved by the system

4.20 Very Good

The system saves the game if not finished. 4.60 Excellent

The system loads game if game has been previously created.

4.80 Excellent

Overall Weighted Mean 4.08 Very Good

As shown in Table 6.2, IT Experts evaluated the reliability of the newly developed

gameentitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, accuracy of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.08 which

is verbally interpreted as Very Good.

In spite of being not free from bugs, the system still performed well.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Table 6.3. Evaluation of IT Experts on the Functionality of the Game’sEfficiency


The system minimizes if not totally eliminates the errors in data entry.

4.40 Excellent

Less amount of time is used in data input 4.00 Very Good

The system performs computation fast and efficient 4.60 Excellent

Retrieving of data is fast and efficient 4.00 Very Good

Searching of data is fast and efficient 4.00 Very Good

Saving of data is fast and efficient 3.80 Very Good

System can be used by multiple users 4.20 Very Good

The system can improve the service of the unit that will use it

3.80 Very Good

The system achieves the objectives of the study 4.00 Very Good

The reports are complete and printable 4.00 Very Good

The content of printed reports is correct 3.00 Good

The scope of the reports can be specified 3.20 Good

The system uses less paraphernalia in order to play compared to the existing system

3.20 Good

The system requires less manpower to accomplish tasks as compared to the existing system

3.40 Good

Overall Weighted Mean 3.85 Very Good

As shown in Table 6.3, IT Experts evaluated the efficiency of the newly developed

gameentitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, accuracy of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 3.85 which

is verbally interpreted as Very Good.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

The gamewas efficient because it uses fewer resources and requires less manpower

to play the game.

Table 6.4, Evaluation of IT Experts on the Functionality of the Game’sSecurity


Log-in is required before user can gain access to the system

4.20 Very Good

Access settings of each user account can be change 4.00 Very Good

Access settings for each user is functional 4.20 Very Good

User can change password settings 4.40 Excellent

User access level can be defined for each users 4.60 Excellent

User account management is present and functional 4.00 Very Good

Recovery of forgotten password is functional 3.40 Good

The system maintains data of users logged in to the system

3.20 Good

Overall Weighted Mean 4.00 Very Good

As shown in Table 6.4, IT Experts evaluated the security of the newly developed

gameentitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, security of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.0 which is

verbally interpreted as Very Good.

The gamescored 4.0 in security because it requires an administrator password when

adding, modifying and deleting data.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Table 6.5, Evaluation of IT Experts on the Functionality of the Game’sMaintainability


Back up facility successfully backed-up the database 4.00 Very Good

Data restore facility successfully restored database 3.40 Good

Adding, updating and deleting of data entries are efficient.

3.60 Very Good

Overall Weighted Mean 3.67 Very Good

As shown in Table 6.5, IT Experts evaluated the security of the newly developed

gameentitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, security of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 3.67 which

is verbally interpreted as Very Good.

The gamescored 3.67 in maintainability because there is add, edit and update


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Wesleyan University-Philippines

Table 6.5, Evaluation of IT Experts on the Functionality of the Game’sUsability

As shown in Table 6.5, IT Experts evaluated the usability of the newly developed

gameentitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, usability of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.06 which

is verbally interpreted as Very Good.

The gamescored 4.06 in the usability criteria because the gameprovides a graphical user interface that is easy to use and understand.

Table 6.6, Evaluation of IT Experts on the Functionality of the Game’sResponsiveness

Wesleyan University-Philippines


The user interface is easy to understand 4.20 Very Good

The screen layout is easy to understand and interpret. 4.20 Very Good

It is easy to navigate through the program. 4.40 Excellent

The icons/buttons that are used to assist navigation are clear and intelligible

4.40 Excellent

It is always clear to the user at which point he has reached in the program.

3.60 Very Good

Menus and other features make the program user-friendly

4.20 Very Good

Graphics and media elements make the program more appealing

3.80 Very Good

Animations are related to the existing system. 4.00 Very Good

Software is usable without reference manual or user help guide

4.00 Very Good

Instructions are available on screen and are clearly written

4.40 Excellent

Shortcut keys are available to execute commands faster 3.20 Good

The system provides selectable values for data that has definite values

4.00 Very Good

User guide is helpful 4.40 Excellent

Overall Weighted Mean 4.06 Very Good

As shown in Table 6.6, IT Experts evaluated the responsiveness of the newly

developed game entitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, responsiveness of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.06

which is verbally interpreted as Very Good.

The gamescored 3.94 in the responsiveness criteria because the system has a real-time updates.

Wesleyan University-Philippines


The system provides feedback during login and log out 3.20 Good

The system provides feedback when data is successfully saved

4.00 Very Good

The system provides feedback when data is successfully deleted

3.80 Very Good

The system provides feedback during invalid entry 4.20 Very Good

The system displays progress bar when there is a big chunk of data to process

4.00 Very Good

The system provides feedback when the user is closing the system

4.20 Very Good

The system provides fast animation to represent the process in the game (dice rolling, question presentation, etc.)

4.20 Very Good

Overall Weighted Mean 3.94 Very Good

System Users Evaluation of the Usefulness and Technical Performance of “Ang Bultong™

Computer Board Game”.

Table 6.7. Evaluation of Users on the Functionality of the Game’sAccuracy


The outputs of the system is free from error 3.77 Very Good

The computations and calculations are precise and correct

4.13 Very Good

All components of the system execute their intended function correctly

4.13 Very Good

The data are always up-to-date 4.33 Excellent

All buttons, menus, links and commands are functioning properly and correctly

4.53 Excellent

The answers to the questions are correct just like the existing system.

4.37 Excellent

The descriptions of the tile icons are correct. 4.47 Excellent

The dice values are randomly generated like it is being thrown by the player.

4.47 Excellent

Overall Weighted Mean 4.28 Excellent

As shown in Table 6.7, Users evaluated the accuracy of the newly developed game

entitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, accuracy of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.28 which

is verbally interpreted as Excellent.

Since everything was systematically programmed, all the output of the gameonly

depends on how the user interacts and input data and only produces results based on the


Wesleyan University-Philippines

Table 6.8, Evaluation of Users on the Functionality of the Game’sReliability


The program is running free from bugs. 3.80 Very Good

The system did not crash or hang while it is running 4.03 Very Good

Procedures that gather data saved it correctly into the database

4.27 Excellent

Procedures that retrieve data retrieved it correctly from the database

4.20 Very Good

The system saves the game if not finished. 4.40 Excellent

The system loads game if game has been previously created.

4.33 Excellent

Overall Weighted Mean 4.17 Very Good

As shown in Table 6.8, Users evaluated the reliability of the newly developed

gameentitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, accuracy of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.17 which

is verbally interpreted as Very Good.

In spite of being not free from bugs, the system still performed well.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Table 6.9. Evaluation of Users on the Functionality of the Game’sEfficiency


The system minimizes if not totally eliminates the errors in data entry.

3.90 Very Good

Less amount of time is used in data input 4.00 Very Good

The system performs computation fast and efficient 4.13 Very Good

Retrieving of data is fast and efficient 4.20 Very Good

Searching of data is fast and efficient 4.43 Excellent

Saving of data is fast and efficient 4.47 Excellent

System can be used by multiple users 4.43 Excellent

The system uses less paraphernalia in order to play compared to the existing system

4.13 Very Good

The system requires less manpower to accomplish tasks as compared to the existing system

4.20 Very Good

Overall Weighted Mean 4.21 Excellent

As shown in Table 6.9, Users evaluated the efficiency of the newly developed system

entitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, efficiency of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.21 which

is verbally interpreted as Excellent.

The gamewas efficient because it uses fewer resources and requires less manpower

to play the game.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Table 6.10, Evaluation of Users on the Functionality of the Game’sUsability


The user interface is easy to understand 4.33 Excellent

The screen layout is easy to understand and interpret. 4.27 Excellent

It is easy to navigate through the program. 4.27 Excellent

The icons/buttons that are used to assist navigation are clear and intelligible

4.50 Excellent

Menus and other features make the program user-friendly

4.50 Excellent

Graphics and media elements make the program more appealing

4.17 Very Good

Animations are related to the existing system. 4.27 Excellent

Software is usable without reference manual or user help guide

3.93 Very Good

Instructions are available on screen and are clearly written

4.10 Very Good

Overall Weighted Mean 4.26 Excellent

As shown in Table 6.10, Users evaluated the usability of the newly developed

gameentitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, usability of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.26 which

is verbally interpreted as Excellent.

The gamescored 4.26 in the usability criteria because the system provides a graphical user interface that is easy to use and understand.

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Table 6.11, Evaluation of Users on the Functionality of the Game’sResponsiveness

As shown in Table 6.11, Users evaluated the responsiveness of the newly developed

game entitled Ang Bultong™ Computer Board Game.

In summary, responsiveness of the gamegarnered an overall weighted mean of 4.22

which is verbally interpreted as Excellent.

The gamescored 4.22 in the responsiveness criteria because the system has a real-time updates.

Wesleyan University-Philippines


The system provides feedback when data is successfully saved

4.33 Excellent

The system provides feedback when data is successfully deleted

4.23 Excellent

The system provides feedback when the user is closing the system

4.07 Very Good

The system provides fast animation to represent the process in the game (dice rolling, question presentation, etc.)

4.23 Excellent

Overall Weighted Mean 4.22 Excellent




Based on the findings of the study, the researchers made the following conclusions:

1. The new system is an innovative version of the traditional board game because it

featured updatable question bank to make the game always exciting and challenging

to those who will play it.

2. The newly developed game can be used as an additional instructional inside the class

room by teachers of Philippine History and Culture.

3. The newly developed system provides a convenient, easy-to-use, and more accessible

game that will allow them to play wherever and whenever by using personal



The project team recommends the implementation of the game in every public or

private schools in Cabanatuan and or other areas where Philippine History and Culture is

being taught that student will enjoy while learning about history.

In the future study, the proponents suggest the following for the improvement of the

newly develop system:

1. The project team suggests to reconstruct the program using 3D Gaming IDE to

make the game even more interesting..

Wesleyan University-Philippines

2. The development of Android or iOS version of the game for tablets.

3. The creation of module for uploading multiple questions in CSV format.


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AngBultong Computer Board Game

Context Diagram – Ang Bultong Computer game

Level 0 Diagram – Ang Bultong Computer game

Wesleyan University-Philippines

Player Registration Admin Registration

Play Game Updates Questions and Answers

PLAYER Administrator

Game Result



Advancing player’s avatar


Determine Winner


Answers question

D1 Questions

D2 Powers


Roll virtual dice


Register Player D4 Players

Level 1 Diagram – Ang Bultong Computer game


Wesleyan University-Philippines


Start playing

Getting ready for the question

System Declares Winner

Answer Question

Sends random questions

Sends random powers

Assigns player order

Roll dice

Takes back power

Result Details

Player’s Answer

Advancing avatar

Ask question

Registration details



Assign player order


Roll virtual dice


Register PlayerD4 Players

D1 Questions3.1Waiting for Turn to pick random question or powers

D2 Powers


Answer Question or use power

Rolling Dice

Answer or Use power

Answer or Use power

Wesleyan University-Philippines


Registration Registration details

PlayerRoll dice

Dice value

Announce player order


Ask question or give power

Sends random questions

Sends random powers

Takes back Power

Decide whether to use power or answer question

Answer question or use power


Advances avatar

D2 Powers

D5 Answers


Advancing player’s avatar


Check answer Or

Implement Power

D3 Winners5.1

Announcing winners


Dice Dice Value



Declaring the Winner

Entity Relationship Diagram – Ang Bultong Computer game

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Sends correct answer


Advances avatar

Power effect

Listing winnersSystem declares winners


Flow Chart – Ang Bultong Computer game

Flow Chart - Player Registration

Wesleyan University-PhilippinesSTART

Flow Chart - Game Mode & No. of Players

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Flow Chart - Gameplay of Bultong

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Flow Chart – Admin Panel

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Visual Table of Contents

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